Ejemplo n.º 1
    def run(self):
        global datastream
        global detected_chord
        block = True  # The first read from the queue is blocking ...
        data = q.get(block=block)
        shift = len(data)
        datastream = np.roll(datastream, -shift, axis=0)
        datastream[-shift:, :] = data
        #datastream = data

        # framing audio
        nfft = 8192
        hop_size = 4096
        nFrames = int(np.round(len(datastream) / (nfft - hop_size)))
        x = np.append(datastream, np.zeros(nfft))
        xFrame = np.empty((nfft, nFrames))
        start = 0
        chroma = np.empty((12, nFrames))
        timestamp = np.zeros(nFrames)

        # compute PCP
        for n in range(nFrames):
            xFrame[:, n] = x[start:start + nfft]
            start = start + nfft - hop_size
            chroma[:, n] = compute_chroma(xFrame[:, n], int(args.samplerate/args.downsample))
            if np.all(chroma[:, n] == 0):
                chroma[:, n] = np.finfo(float).eps
                chroma[:, n] /= np.max(np.absolute(chroma[:, n]))
            timestamp[n] = n * (nfft - hop_size) / int(args.samplerate/args.downsample)

        # get max probability path from Viterbi algorithm
        (PI, A, B) = initialize(chroma, templates, nested_cof)
        (path, states) = viterbi(PI, A, B)

        # normalize path
        for i in range(nFrames):
            path[:, i] /= sum(path[:, i])

        # choose most likely chord - with max value in 'path'
        final_chords = []
        indices = np.argmax(path, axis=0)
        final_states = np.zeros(nFrames)

        # find no chord zone
        set_zero = np.where(np.max(path, axis=0) < 0.3 * np.max(path))[0]
        if np.size(set_zero) is not 0:
            indices[set_zero] = -1

        # identify chords
        for i in range(nFrames):
            if indices[i] == -1:
                final_states[i] = states[indices[i], i]

        detected_chord = Counter(final_chords).most_common()
        detected_chord = detected_chord[0][0]
        print('Chord: ' + str(detected_chord))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def compute_chord_for_frame(frame, frame_rate):
    frame = frame[::4]
    frame_rate = int(frame_rate / 4)

    chroma = compute_chroma(frame, frame_rate)
    if np.all(chroma == 0):
        chroma = np.finfo(float).eps
        chroma /= np.max(np.absolute(chroma))

    #get max probability path from Viterbi algorithm
    (PI,A,B) = initialize(chroma, templates, nested_cof)
    (path, states) = viterbi(PI,A,B)

    #normalize path
    # for i in range(nFrames):
    path /= sum(path)

    #choose most likely chord - with max value in 'path'
    indicator = np.argmax(path,axis=0)

    #find no chord zone
    set_zero = np.where(np.max(path,axis=0) < 0.3*np.max(path))
    if np.size(set_zero) is not 0:
        return 'NC'

    #identify chords
    final_state = states[indicator]
    final_chord = chords[int(final_state)]
    return final_chord
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_chords(fs,s,chord):
	x = s[::4]
	x = x[:,1]
	fs = int(fs/4)

	#framing audio, window length = 8192, hop size = 1024 and computing PCP
	nfft = 8192
	hop_size = 1024
	nFrames = int(np.round(len(x)/(nfft-hop_size)))
	#zero padding to make signal length long enough to have nFrames
	x = np.append(x, np.zeros(nfft))
	xFrame = np.empty((nfft, nFrames))
	start = 0   
	chroma = np.empty((12,nFrames)) 
	id_chord = np.zeros(nFrames, dtype='int32')
	timestamp = np.zeros(nFrames)
	max_cor = np.zeros(nFrames)
	#print(f'Chord: {chord}')
	#print('Time (s)', 'Chord')

	for n in range(nFrames):
		xFrame[:,n] = x[start:start+nfft] 
		start = start + nfft - hop_size 
		timestamp[n] = n*(nfft-hop_size)/fs
		chroma[:,n] = compute_chroma(xFrame[:,n],fs)

		"""Correlate 12D chroma vector with each of 24 major and minor chords"""
		cor_vec = np.zeros(24)
		for ni in range(24):
			cor_vec[ni] = np.correlate(chroma[:,n], np.array(templates[ni])) 
		max_cor[n] = np.max(cor_vec)
		id_chord[n] =  np.argmax(cor_vec) + 1

	#if max_cor[n] < threshold, then no chord is played
	#might need to change threshold value
	id_chord[np.where(max_cor < 0.7*np.max(max_cor))] = 0
	ident_chords = []
	for n in range(nFrames):
	return ident_chords
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def frameByFrame(self, jName='chord_templates.json'):
        tempJSON = readJSONChords(jName)
        templates = createChordTemplate(tempJSON)
        start = 0
        chroma = np.empty((12, self.nFrames))
        xFrame = np.empty((self.nfft, self.nFrames))
        max_cor = np.zeros(self.nFrames)
        print('Time(s)', 'Chord')
        for n in range(self.nFrames):
            xFrame[:, n] = self.MONO[start:start + self.nfft]
            start = start + self.nfft - self.hopSize
            self.timestamp[n] = n * (self.nfft - self.hopSize) / self.fs
            chroma[:, n] = compute_chroma(xFrame[:, n], self.fs)

            self.TIME.append(chroma[:, n])

            """Correlate 12D chroma vector with each of 24 major and minor chords"""
            # +1 7th
            cor_vec = np.zeros(24)
            for ni in range(24):
                cor_vec[ni] = np.correlate(chroma[:, n], np.array(templates[ni]))
                # print("CHORD", chords[ni + 1], "  Cor:", cor_vec[ni])
            # print("CHROMA")
            # print(chroma[:, n])
            # print(" ")
            max_cor[n] = np.max(cor_vec)
            iMax = np.argmax(cor_vec) + 1
            self.id_chord[n] = iMax
            # print(max_cor[n], "    ", chords[id_chord[n]])

    # if max_cor[n] < threshold, then no chord is played
    # might need to change threshold value
    # id_chord[np.where(max_cor[n] < 0.80 * np.max(max_cor))] = 0
        for n in range(self.nFrames):
            if max_cor[n] > 0.80 * np.max(max_cor):
                self.id_chord[n] = 0  #This maps to N == NO CHORD
            #    ++self.id_chord[n]
        for n in range(self.nFrames):
            print(self.timestamp[n], chords[self.id_chord[n]])
Ejemplo n.º 5
#zero padding to make signal length long enough to have nFrames
x = np.append(x, np.zeros(nfft))
xFrame = np.empty((nfft, nFrames))
start = 0
chroma = np.empty((12, nFrames))
id_chord = np.zeros(nFrames, dtype='int32')
timestamp = np.zeros(nFrames)
max_cor = np.zeros(nFrames)

print('Time (s)', 'Chord')

for n in range(nFrames):
    xFrame[:, n] = x[start:start + nfft]
    start = start + nfft - hop_size
    timestamp[n] = n * (nfft - hop_size) / fs
    chroma[:, n] = compute_chroma(xFrame[:, n], fs)
    """Correlate 12D chroma vector with each of 24 major and minor chords"""
    cor_vec = np.zeros(24)
    for ni in range(24):
        cor_vec[ni] = np.correlate(chroma[:, n], np.array(templates[ni]))
    max_cor[n] = np.max(cor_vec)
    id_chord[n] = np.argmax(cor_vec) + 1

plt.specgram(x, Fs=fs)

#if max_cor[n] < threshold, then no chord is played
#might need to change threshold value
id_chord[np.where(max_cor < 0.8 * np.max(max_cor))] = 0
for n in range(nFrames):
    print(timestamp[n], chords[id_chord[n]])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_chord_progress(path, win_sec, shift_sec):
    with open('chord_templates.json', 'r') as fp:
        templates_json = json.load(fp)

    for chord in chords:
    """read audio and compute chromagram"""
    (fs, s) = read(path)

    #reduce sample rate and convert to mono
    x = s[::4]
    x = x[:, 1]
    fs = int(fs / 4)

    #framing audio
    # nfft = 8192
    # hop_size = 1024
    nfft = int(win_sec * fs)
    hop_size = int(shift_sec * fs)
    nFrames = int(np.round(len(x) / (nfft - hop_size)))

    #zero padding to make signal length long enough to have nFrames
    x = np.append(x, np.zeros(nfft))
    xFrame = np.empty((nfft, nFrames))
    start = 0
    chroma = np.empty((12, nFrames))
    timestamp = np.zeros(nFrames)

    #compute PCP
    for n in range(nFrames):
        xFrame[:, n] = x[start:start + nfft]
        start = start + nfft - hop_size
        chroma[:, n] = compute_chroma(xFrame[:, n], fs)
        if np.all(chroma[:, n] == 0):
            chroma[:, n] = np.finfo(float).eps
            chroma[:, n] /= np.max(np.absolute(chroma[:, n]))
        timestamp[n] = n * (nfft - hop_size) / fs

    #get max probability path from Viterbi algorithm
    (PI, A, B) = initialize(chroma, templates, nested_cof)
    (path, states) = viterbi(PI, A, B)

    #normalize path
    for i in range(nFrames):
        path[:, i] /= sum(path[:, i])

    #choose most likely chord - with max value in 'path'
    final_chords = []
    indices = np.argmax(path, axis=0)
    final_states = np.zeros(nFrames)

    #find no chord zone
    set_zero = np.where(np.max(path, axis=0) < 0.3 * np.max(path))[0]
    if np.size(set_zero) is not 0:
        indices[set_zero] = -1

    #identify chords
    for i in range(nFrames):
        if indices[i] == -1:
            final_states[i] = states[indices[i], i]

    # print('Time(s)','Chords')
    # for i in range(nFrames):
    # 	print(timestamp[i], final_chords[i])

    return final_chords[1:-1]

# if __name__ == '__main__':
# 	get_chord_progress('./score/Disney_Themes_-_Fantasmic.wav',0.5, 0.25)
Ejemplo n.º 7
nFrames = int(np.round(len(x)/(nfft-hop_size)))
#zero padding to make signal length long enough to have nFrames
x = np.append(x, np.zeros(nfft))
xFrame = np.empty((nfft, nFrames))
start = 0   
chroma = np.empty((12,nFrames)) 
id_chord = np.zeros(nFrames, dtype='int32')
timestamp = np.zeros(nFrames)
max_cor = np.zeros(nFrames)
print 'Time (s)', 'Chord'

for n in range(nFrames):
	xFrame[:,n] = x[start:start+nfft] 
	start = start + nfft - hop_size 
	timestamp[n] = n*(nfft-hop_size)/fs
	chroma[:,n] = compute_chroma(xFrame[:,n],fs)

	"""Correlate 12D chroma vector with each of 24 major and minor chords"""
	cor_vec = np.zeros(24)
	for ni in range(24):
		cor_vec[ni] = np.correlate(chroma[:,n], np.array(templates[ni])) 
	max_cor[n] = np.max(cor_vec)
	id_chord[n] =  np.argmax(cor_vec) + 1

#if max_cor[n] < threshold, then no chord is played
#might need to change threshold value
id_chord[np.where(max_cor < 0.8*np.max(max_cor))] = 0
for n in range(nFrames):