Ejemplo n.º 1
def SecondFundamentalForm(v, f):
    from chumpy import hstack, vstack
    from chumpy.linalg import Pinv
    nbrs = MatVecMult(FirstEdgesMtx(v, f, want_big=True), v.ravel()).reshape(
        (-1, 3))

    b0 = VertNormals(f=f, v=v)
    b1 = NormalizedNx3(CrossProduct(b0, nbrs - v)).reshape((-1, 3))
    b2 = NormalizedNx3(CrossProduct(b0, b1)).reshape((-1, 3))

    cnct = get_vert_connectivity(np.asarray(v), f)
    ffs = []
    for i in range(v.size / 3):
        nbrs = v[np.nonzero(np.asarray(cnct[i].todense()).ravel())[0]] - row(
        us = nbrs.dot(b2[i])
        vs = nbrs.dot(b1[i])
        hs = nbrs.dot(b0[i])
        coeffs = Pinv(
            hstack((col((us * .5)**2), col(us * vs), col(
                (vs * .5)**2)))).dot(hs)
        # if i == 3586:
        #     import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    ffs = vstack(ffs)
    return ffs
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_earthmesh(trans, rotation):
    from .serialization import load_mesh

    from copy import deepcopy
    if not hasattr(get_earthmesh, 'm'):

        def wg(url):
            dest = join('/tmp', split(url)[1])
            if not exists(dest):
                wget(url, dest)

        fname = join('/tmp', 'nasa_earth.obj')
        mesh = load_mesh(fname)

        mesh.v = np.asarray(mesh.v, order='C')
        mesh.vc = mesh.v*0 + 1
        mesh.v -= row(np.mean(mesh.v, axis=0))
        mesh.v /= np.max(mesh.v)
        mesh.v *= 2.0
        get_earthmesh.mesh = mesh

    mesh = deepcopy(get_earthmesh.mesh)
    mesh.v = mesh.v.dot(cv2.Rodrigues(np.asarray(np.array(rotation), np.float64))[0])
    mesh.v = mesh.v + row(np.asarray(trans))
    return mesh
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_earthmesh(trans, rotation):
    from opendr.serialization import load_mesh

    from copy import deepcopy
    if not hasattr(get_earthmesh, 'm'):

        def wg(url):
            dest = join('/tmp', split(url)[1])
            if not exists(dest):
                wget(url, dest)


        fname = join('/tmp', 'nasa_earth.obj')
        mesh = load_mesh(fname)

        mesh.v = np.asarray(mesh.v, order='C')
        mesh.vc = mesh.v * 0 + 1
        mesh.v -= row(np.mean(mesh.v, axis=0))
        mesh.v /= np.max(mesh.v)
        mesh.v *= 2.0
        get_earthmesh.mesh = mesh

    mesh = deepcopy(get_earthmesh.mesh)
    mesh.v = mesh.v.dot(
        cv2.Rodrigues(np.asarray(np.array(rotation), np.float64))[0])
    mesh.v = mesh.v + row(np.asarray(trans))
    return mesh
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def compute_dr_wrt(self, obj):
     if obj is self.a:
         if not hasattr(self, '_dr_cached'):
             IS = np.arange(len(self.idxs))
             JS = self.idxs.ravel()
             ij = np.vstack((row(IS), row(JS)))
             data = np.ones(len(self.idxs))
             self._dr_cached = sp.csc_matrix(
                 (data, ij), shape=(len(self.idxs), np.prod(self.a.shape)))
         return self._dr_cached
Ejemplo n.º 5
def read_and_process_mesh(fname, trans, rotation):
    mesh = load_mesh(fname)
    mesh.v = np.asarray(mesh.v, order='C')
    mesh.vc = np.ones_like(mesh.v)
    mesh.v -= row(np.mean(mesh.v, axis=0))
    mesh.v /= np.max(mesh.v)
    mesh.v *= 2.0
    mesh.v = mesh.v.dot(
        cv2.Rodrigues(np.asarray(np.array(rotation), np.float64))[0])
    if hasattr(mesh, "vn"):
        mesh.vn = mesh.vn.dot(
            cv2.Rodrigues(np.asarray(np.array(rotation), np.float64))[0])
    mesh.v = mesh.v + row(np.asarray(trans))
    return mesh
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def compute_dr_wrt(self, wrt):
        if wrt is not self.v:
            return None
        cplus = self.cplus
        cminus = self.cminus
        vplus  = self.f[:,cplus]
        vminus = self.f[:,cminus]
        vplus3 = row(np.hstack([col(vplus*3), col(vplus*3+1), col(vplus*3+2)]))
        vminus3 = row(np.hstack([col(vminus*3), col(vminus*3+1), col(vminus*3+2)]))

        IS = row(np.arange(0,vplus3.size))
        ones = np.ones(vplus3.size)
        shape = (self.f.size, self.v.r.size)
        return sp.csc_matrix((ones, np.vstack([IS, vplus3])), shape=shape) - sp.csc_matrix((ones, np.vstack([IS, vminus3])), shape=shape)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def compute_dr_wrt(self, wrt):
        result = super(TexturedRenderer, self).compute_dr_wrt(wrt)

        if wrt is self.vc:
            cim = self.draw_color_image(with_vertex_colors=False).ravel()
            cim = sp.spdiags(row(cim), [0], cim.size, cim.size)
            result = cim.dot(result)
        elif wrt is self.texture_image:
            IS = np.nonzero(self.visibility_image.ravel() != 4294967295)[0]
            JS = self.texcoord_image_quantized.ravel()[IS]

            clr_im = self.draw_color_image(with_vertex_colors=True,

            if False:
                cv2.imshow('clr_im', clr_im)
                cv2.imshow('texmap', self.texture_image.r)

            r = clr_im[:, :, 0].ravel()[IS]
            g = clr_im[:, :, 1].ravel()[IS]
            b = clr_im[:, :, 2].ravel()[IS]
            data = np.concatenate((r, g, b))

            IS = np.concatenate((IS * 3, IS * 3 + 1, IS * 3 + 2))
            JS = np.concatenate((JS * 3, JS * 3 + 1, JS * 3 + 2))

            return sp.csc_matrix((data, (IS, JS)),
                                 shape=(self.r.size, wrt.r.size))

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def compute_dr_wrt(self, wrt):
        result = super(TexturedRenderer, self).compute_dr_wrt(wrt)
        if wrt is self.vc:
            cim = self.draw_color_image(with_vertex_colors=False).ravel()
            cim = sp.spdiags(row(cim), [0], cim.size, cim.size)
            result = cim.dot(result)
        elif wrt is self.texture_image:
            IS = np.nonzero(self.visibility_image.ravel() != 4294967295)[0]
            JS = self.texcoord_image_quantized.ravel()[IS]

            clr_im = self.draw_color_image(with_vertex_colors=True, with_texture_on=False)

            if False:
                cv2.imshow('clr_im', clr_im)
                cv2.imshow('texmap', self.texture_image.r)

            r = clr_im[:,:,0].ravel()[IS]
            g = clr_im[:,:,1].ravel()[IS]
            b = clr_im[:,:,2].ravel()[IS]
            data = np.concatenate((r,g,b))

            IS = np.concatenate((IS*3, IS*3+1, IS*3+2))
            JS = np.concatenate((JS*3, JS*3+1, JS*3+2))

            return sp.csc_matrix((data, (IS, JS)), shape=(self.r.size, wrt.r.size))

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 9
def draw_boundary_images(glf, glb, v, f, vpe, fpe, camera):
    """Assumes camera is set up correctly, and that glf has any texmapping on necessary."""

    # Figure out which edges are on pairs of differently visible triangles
    from opendr.geometry import TriNormals
    tn = TriNormals(v, f).r.reshape((-1,3))
    campos = -cv2.Rodrigues(camera.rt.r)[0].T.dot(camera.t.r)
    rays_to_verts = v.reshape((-1,3)) - row(campos)
    rays_to_faces = rays_to_verts[f[:,0]] + rays_to_verts[f[:,1]] + rays_to_verts[f[:,2]]
    dps = np.sum(rays_to_faces * tn, axis=1)
    dps = dps[fpe[:,0]] * dps[fpe[:,1]]
    silhouette_edges = np.asarray(np.nonzero(dps<=0)[0], np.uint32)
    non_silhouette_edges = np.nonzero(dps>0)[0]
    lines_e = vpe[silhouette_edges]
    lines_v = v

    visibility = draw_edge_visibility(glb, lines_v, lines_e, f, hidden_wireframe=True)
    shape = visibility.shape
    visibility = visibility.ravel()
    visible = np.nonzero(visibility.ravel() != 4294967295)[0]
    visibility[visible] = silhouette_edges[visibility[visible]]
    result = visibility.reshape(shape)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def unproject_points(self, uvd, camera_space=False):
        cam = ProjectPoints3D(
            **{k: getattr(self, k)
               for k in self.dterms if hasattr(self, k)})

            xy_undistorted_camspace = cv2.undistortPoints(
                np.asarray(uvd[:, :2].reshape((1, -1, 2)).copy()),
                np.asarray(cam.camera_mtx), cam.k.r)
            xyz_camera_space = np.hstack(
                (xy_undistorted_camspace.squeeze(), col(uvd[:, 2])))
            xyz_camera_space[:, :2] *= col(
                xyz_camera_space[:, 2])  # scale x,y by z
            if camera_space:
                return xyz_camera_space
            other_answer = xyz_camera_space - row(cam.view_mtx[:,
                                                               3])  # translate
            result = other_answer.dot(cam.view_mtx[:, :3])  # rotate
        except:  # slow way, probably not so good. But doesn't require cv2.undistortPoints.
            cam.v = np.ones_like(uvd)
            ch.minimize(cam - uvd,
                        options={'disp': 0})
            result = cam.v.r
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def compute_dr_wrt(self, wrt):

        if wrt is not self.camera and wrt is not self.v:
            return None

        visibility = self.visibility_image
        visible = np.nonzero(visibility.ravel() != 4294967295)[0]
        barycentric = self.barycentric_image
        if wrt is self.camera:
            shape = visibility.shape
            depth = self.depth_image

            if self.overdraw:
                result1 = common.dImage_wrt_2dVerts_bnd(
                    depth, visible, visibility, barycentric,
                    self.frustum['width'], self.frustum['height'],
                    self.v.r.size / 3, self.f,
                    self.boundaryid_image != 4294967295)
                result1 = common.dImage_wrt_2dVerts(depth, visible, visibility,
                                                    self.v.r.size / 3, self.f)

            # result1 = common.dImage_wrt_2dVerts(depth, visible, visibility, barycentric, self.frustum['width'], self.frustum['height'], self.v.r.size/3, self.f)

            return result1

        elif wrt is self.v:

            IS = np.tile(col(visible), (1, 9)).ravel()
            JS = col(self.f[visibility.ravel()[visible]].ravel())
            JS = np.hstack((JS * 3, JS * 3 + 1, JS * 3 + 2)).ravel()

            # FIXME: there should be a faster way to get the camera axis.
            # But it should be carefully tested with distortion present!
            pts = np.array([[self.camera.c.r[0], self.camera.c.r[1], 2],
                            [self.camera.c.r[0], self.camera.c.r[1], 1]])
            pts = self.camera.unproject_points(pts)
            cam_axis = pts[0, :] - pts[1, :]

            if True:  # use barycentric coordinates (correct way)
                w = visibility.shape[1]
                pxs = np.asarray(visible % w, np.int32)
                pys = np.asarray(np.floor(np.floor(visible) / w), np.int32)
                bc0 = col(barycentric[pys, pxs, 0])
                bc1 = col(barycentric[pys, pxs, 1])
                bc2 = col(barycentric[pys, pxs, 2])
                bc = np.hstack(
                    (bc0, bc0, bc0, bc1, bc1, bc1, bc2, bc2, bc2)).ravel()
            else:  # each vert contributes equally (an approximation)
                bc = 1. / 3.

            data = np.tile(row(cam_axis), (IS.size / 3, 1)).ravel() * bc
            result2 = sp.csc_matrix(
                (data, (IS, JS)),
                shape=(self.frustum['height'] * self.frustum['width'],
            return result2
Ejemplo n.º 12
def draw_boundary_images(glf, glb, v, f, vpe, fpe, camera):
    """Assumes camera is set up correctly, and that glf has any texmapping on necessary."""

    # Figure out which edges are on pairs of differently visible triangles
    from opendr.geometry import TriNormals
    tn = TriNormals(v, f).r.reshape((-1, 3))
    campos = -cv2.Rodrigues(camera.rt.r)[0].T.dot(camera.t.r)
    rays_to_verts = v.reshape((-1, 3)) - row(campos)
    rays_to_faces = rays_to_verts[f[:, 0]] + rays_to_verts[
        f[:, 1]] + rays_to_verts[f[:, 2]]
    dps = np.sum(rays_to_faces * tn, axis=1)
    dps = dps[fpe[:, 0]] * dps[fpe[:, 1]]
    silhouette_edges = np.asarray(np.nonzero(dps <= 0)[0], np.uint32)
    non_silhouette_edges = np.nonzero(dps > 0)[0]
    lines_e = vpe[silhouette_edges]
    lines_v = v

    visibility = draw_edge_visibility(glb,
    shape = visibility.shape
    visibility = visibility.ravel()
    visible = np.nonzero(visibility.ravel() != 4294967295)[0]
    visibility[visible] = silhouette_edges[visibility[visible]]
    result = visibility.reshape(shape)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_earthmesh(trans, rotation):
    fname = "example_data/nasa_earth.obj"
    mesh = load_mesh(fname)

    if not hasattr(get_earthmesh, "mesh"):
        mesh.v = np.asarray(mesh.v, order='C')
        mesh.vc = mesh.v * 0 + 1
        mesh.v -= row(np.mean(mesh.v, axis=0))
        mesh.v /= np.max(mesh.v)
        mesh.v *= 2.0
        get_earthmesh.mesh = mesh

    mesh = deepcopy(get_earthmesh.mesh)
    mesh.v = mesh.v.dot(
        cv2.Rodrigues(np.asarray(np.array(rotation), np.float64))[0])
    mesh.v = mesh.v + row(np.asarray(trans))
    return mesh
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def compute_d1(self):
        # To stay consistent with numpy, we must upgrade 1D arrays to 2D
        ar = row(self.a.r) if len(self.a.r.shape)<2 else self.a.r.reshape((-1, self.a.r.shape[-1]))
        br = col(self.b.r) if len(self.b.r.shape)<2 else self.b.r.reshape((self.b.r.shape[0], -1))

        if ar.ndim <= 2:
            return sp.kron(sp.eye(ar.shape[0], ar.shape[0]),br.T)
            raise NotImplementedError
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_vert_connectivity(mesh_v, mesh_f):
    """Returns a sparse matrix (of size #verts x #verts) where each nonzero
    element indicates a neighborhood relation. For example, if there is a
    nonzero element in position (15,12), that means vertex 15 is connected
    by an edge to vertex 12."""

    vpv = sp.csc_matrix((len(mesh_v),len(mesh_v)))

    # for each column in the faces...
    for i in range(3):
        IS = mesh_f[:,i]
        JS = mesh_f[:,(i+1)%3]
        data = np.ones(len(IS))
        ij = np.vstack((row(IS.flatten()), row(JS.flatten())))
        mtx = sp.csc_matrix((data, ij), shape=vpv.shape)
        vpv = vpv + mtx + mtx.T

    return vpv
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_vert_connectivity(mesh_v, mesh_f):
    """Returns a sparse matrix (of size #verts x #verts) where each nonzero
    element indicates a neighborhood relation. For example, if there is a
    nonzero element in position (15,12), that means vertex 15 is connected
    by an edge to vertex 12."""

    vpv = sp.csc_matrix((len(mesh_v),len(mesh_v)))

    # for each column in the faces...
    for i in range(3):
        IS = mesh_f[:,i]
        JS = mesh_f[:,(i+1)%3]
        data = np.ones(len(IS))
        ij = np.vstack((row(IS.flatten()), row(JS.flatten())))
        mtx = sp.csc_matrix((data, ij), shape=vpv.shape)
        vpv = vpv + mtx + mtx.T

    return vpv
Ejemplo n.º 17
def flow_to(self, v_next, cam_next):
    from chumpy.ch import MatVecMult

    color_image = self.r
    visibility = self.visibility_image
    pxpos = np.zeros_like(self.color_image)
    pxpos[:, :, 0] = np.tile(row(np.arange(self.color_image.shape[1])),
                             (self.color_image.shape[0], 1))
    pxpos[:, :, 2] = np.tile(col(np.arange(self.color_image.shape[0])),
                             (1, self.color_image.shape[1]))

    visible = np.nonzero(visibility.ravel() != 4294967295)[0]
    num_visible = len(visible)

    barycentric = self.barycentric_image

    # map 3d to 3d
    JS = col(self.f[visibility.ravel()[visible]]).ravel()
    IS = np.tile(col(np.arange(JS.size / 3)), (1, 3)).ravel()
    data = barycentric.reshape((-1, 3))[visible].ravel()

    # replicate to xyz
    IS = np.concatenate((IS * 3, IS * 3 + 1, IS * 3 + 2))
    JS = np.concatenate((JS * 3, JS * 3 + 1, JS * 3 + 2))
    data = np.concatenate((data, data, data))

    verts_to_visible = sp.csc_matrix((data, (IS, JS)),
                                     shape=(np.max(IS) + 1, self.v.r.size))

    v_old = self.camera.v
    cam_old = self.camera

    if cam_next is None:
        cam_next = self.camera

    self.camera.v = MatVecMult(verts_to_visible, self.v.r)
    r1 = self.camera.r.copy()

    self.camera = cam_next
    self.camera.v = MatVecMult(verts_to_visible, v_next)
    r2 = self.camera.r.copy()

    n_channels = self.camera.shape[1]
    flow = r2 - r1
    flow_im = np.zeros(
        (self.frustum['height'], self.frustum['width'], n_channels)).reshape(
            (-1, n_channels))

    flow_im[visible] = flow
    flow_im = flow_im.reshape(
        (self.frustum['height'], self.frustum['width'], n_channels))

    self.camera = cam_old
    self.camera.v = v_old
    return flow_im
Ejemplo n.º 18
def get_body_mesh(obj_path, trans, rotation):
    from opendr.serialization import load_mesh

    from copy import deepcopy

    fname = obj_path
    mesh = load_mesh(fname)

    mesh.v = np.asarray(mesh.v, order='C')
    mesh.vc = mesh.v * 0 + 1
    mesh.v -= row(np.mean(mesh.v, axis=0))
    mesh.v /= np.max(mesh.v)
    mesh.v *= 2.0
    get_body_mesh.mesh = mesh

    mesh = deepcopy(get_body_mesh.mesh)
    mesh.v = mesh.v.dot(
        cv2.Rodrigues(np.asarray(np.array(rotation), np.float64))[0])
    mesh.v = mesh.v + row(np.asarray(trans))
    return mesh
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def compute_d1(self):
        # To stay consistent with numpy, we must upgrade 1D arrays to 2D
        mtx1r = row(self.mtx1.r) if len(self.mtx1.r.shape)<2 else self.mtx1.r
        mtx2r = col(self.mtx2.r) if len(self.mtx2.r.shape)<2 else self.mtx2.r

        if mtx1r.ndim <= 2:
            return sp.kron(sp.eye(mtx1r.shape[0], mtx1r.shape[0]),mtx2r.T)
            mtx2f = mtx2r.reshape((-1, mtx2r.shape[-2], mtx2r.shape[-1]))
            mtx2f = np.rollaxis(mtx2f, -1, -2) #transpose basically            
            result = sp.block_diag([np.kron(np.eye(mtx1r.shape[-2], mtx1r.shape[-2]),m2) for m2 in mtx2f])
            assert(result.shape[0] == self.r.size)
            return result
Ejemplo n.º 20
def flow_to(self, v_next, cam_next):
    from chumpy.ch import MatVecMult

    color_image = self.r
    visibility = self.visibility_image
    pxpos = np.zeros_like(self.color_image)
    pxpos[:,:,0] = np.tile(row(np.arange(self.color_image.shape[1])), (self.color_image.shape[0], 1))
    pxpos[:,:,2] = np.tile(col(np.arange(self.color_image.shape[0])), (1, self.color_image.shape[1]))

    visible = np.nonzero(visibility.ravel() != 4294967295)[0]
    num_visible = len(visible)

    barycentric = self.barycentric_image

    # map 3d to 3d
    JS = col(self.f[visibility.ravel()[visible]]).ravel()
    IS = np.tile(col(np.arange(JS.size/3)), (1, 3)).ravel()
    data = barycentric.reshape((-1,3))[visible].ravel()

    # replicate to xyz
    IS = np.concatenate((IS*3, IS*3+1, IS*3+2))
    JS = np.concatenate((JS*3, JS*3+1, JS*3+2))
    data = np.concatenate((data, data, data))

    verts_to_visible = sp.csc_matrix((data, (IS, JS)), shape=(np.max(IS)+1, self.v.r.size))

    v_old = self.camera.v
    cam_old = self.camera

    if cam_next is None:
        cam_next = self.camera

    self.camera.v = MatVecMult(verts_to_visible, self.v.r)
    r1 = self.camera.r.copy()

    self.camera = cam_next
    self.camera.v = MatVecMult(verts_to_visible, v_next)
    r2 = self.camera.r.copy()

    n_channels = self.camera.shape[1]
    flow = r2 - r1
    flow_im = np.zeros((self.frustum['height'], self.frustum['width'], n_channels)).reshape((-1,n_channels))

    flow_im[visible] = flow
    flow_im = flow_im.reshape((self.frustum['height'], self.frustum['width'], n_channels))

    self.camera = cam_old
    self.camera.v = v_old
    return flow_im
Ejemplo n.º 21
def compute_vpe_boundary_idxs(v, f, camera, fpe):
    # Figure out which edges are on pairs of differently visible triangles

    from geometry import TriNormals
    tn = TriNormals(v, f).r.reshape((-1,3))

    #ray = cv2.Rodrigues(camera.rt.r)[0].T[:,2]
    campos = -cv2.Rodrigues(camera.rt.r)[0].T.dot(camera.t.r)
    rays_to_verts = v.reshape((-1,3)) - row(campos)
    rays_to_faces = rays_to_verts[f[:,0]] + rays_to_verts[f[:,1]] + rays_to_verts[f[:,2]]
    faces_invisible = np.sum(rays_to_faces * tn, axis=1)
    dps = faces_invisible[fpe[:,0]] * faces_invisible[fpe[:,1]]
    silhouette_edges = np.asarray(np.nonzero(dps<=0)[0], np.uint32)
    return silhouette_edges, faces_invisible < 0
Ejemplo n.º 22
def dImage_wrt_2dVerts(observed, visible, visibility, barycentric, image_width, image_height, num_verts, f):
    """Construct a sparse jacobian that relates 2D projected vertex positions
    (in the columns) to pixel values (in the rows). This can be done
    in two steps."""
    num_verts = np.int32(num_verts)
    n_channels = np.atleast_3d(observed).shape[2]
    shape = visibility.shape

    # Step 1: get the structure ready, ie the IS and the JS
    IS = np.tile(col(visible), (1, 2*f.shape[1])).ravel()

    JS = f[visibility.ravel()[visible]].reshape((-1,1))
    JS = np.hstack((JS*2, JS*2+1)).ravel()

    pxs = np.asarray(visible % shape[1], np.int32)
    pys = np.asarray(np.floor(np.floor(visible) / shape[1]), np.int32)

    if n_channels > 1:
        IS = np.concatenate([IS*n_channels+i for i in range(n_channels)])
        JS = np.concatenate([JS for i in range(n_channels)])

    # Step 2: get the data ready, ie the actual values of the derivatives
    sobel_normalizer = cv2.Sobel(np.asarray(np.tile(row(np.arange(10)), (10, 1)), np.float64), cv2.CV_64F, dx=1, dy=0, ksize=ksize)[5,5]
    xdiff = -cv2.Sobel(observed, cv2.CV_64F, dx=1, dy=0, ksize=ksize) / sobel_normalizer
    ydiff = cv2.Sobel(observed, cv2.CV_64F, dx=0, dy=1, ksize=ksize) / sobel_normalizer

    xdiff = np.atleast_3d(xdiff)
    ydiff = np.atleast_3d(ydiff)

    datas = []

    # The data is weighted according to barycentric coordinates
    bc0 = barycentric[pys, pxs, 0].reshape((-1,1))
    bc1 = barycentric[pys, pxs, 1].reshape((-1,1))
    bc2 = barycentric[pys, pxs, 2].reshape((-1,1))
    for k in range(n_channels):
        dxs = xdiff[pys, pxs, k]
        dys = ydiff[pys, pxs, k]
        if f.shape[1] == 3:

    data = np.concatenate(datas)

    ij = np.vstack((IS.ravel(), JS.ravel())).astype(np.int32)
    result = sp.csc_matrix((data, ij), shape=(image_width*image_height*n_channels, num_verts*2))

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_derivatives(self):
        import chumpy as ch
        from chumpy.utils import row
        import numpy as np
        from .renderer import DepthRenderer

        rn = DepthRenderer()

        # Assign attributes to renderer
        from .util_tests import get_earthmesh
        m = get_earthmesh(trans=ch.array([0, 0, 4]), rotation=ch.zeros(3))
        w, h = (320, 240)
        from .camera import ProjectPoints
        rn.camera = ProjectPoints(v=m.v,
                                  f=ch.array([w, w]) / 2.,
                                  c=ch.array([w, h]) / 2.,
        rn.frustum = {'near': 1., 'far': 10., 'width': w, 'height': h}
        rn.set(v=m.v, f=m.f, bgcolor=ch.zeros(3))

        if visualize:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        for which in range(3):
            r1 = rn.r

            adder = np.zeros(3)
            adder[which] = .01
            change = rn.v.r * 0 + row(adder)
            dr_pred = rn.dr_wrt(rn.v).dot(change.ravel()).reshape(rn.shape)
            rn.v = rn.v.r + change

            r2 = rn.r
            dr_emp = r2 - r1

            # print np.mean(np.abs(dr_pred-dr_emp))

            self.assertLess(np.mean(np.abs(dr_pred - dr_emp)), .031)

            if visualize:
                plt.subplot(2, 3, which + 1)
                plt.clim(-.01, .01)
                plt.subplot(2, 3, which + 4)
                plt.clim(-.01, .01)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def compute_vpe_boundary_idxs(v, f, camera, fpe):
    # Figure out which edges are on pairs of differently visible triangles

    from geometry import TriNormals
    tn = TriNormals(v, f).r.reshape((-1,3))

    #ray = cv2.Rodrigues(camera.rt.r)[0].T[:,2]
    campos = -cv2.Rodrigues(camera.rt.r)[0].T.dot(camera.t.r)
    rays_to_verts = v.reshape((-1,3)) - row(campos)
    rays_to_faces = rays_to_verts[f[:,0]] + rays_to_verts[f[:,1]] + rays_to_verts[f[:,2]]
    faces_invisible = np.sum(rays_to_faces * tn, axis=1)
    dps = faces_invisible[fpe[:,0]] * faces_invisible[fpe[:,1]]
    silhouette_edges = np.asarray(np.nonzero(dps<=0)[0], np.uint32)
    return silhouette_edges, faces_invisible < 0
Ejemplo n.º 25
def SecondFundamentalForm(v, f):    
    from chumpy import hstack, vstack
    from chumpy.linalg import Pinv
    nbrs = MatVecMult(FirstEdgesMtx(v, f, want_big=True), v.ravel()).reshape((-1,3))
    b0 = NormalizedNx3(VertNormalsScaled(f=f, v=v)).reshape((-1,3))
    b1 = NormalizedNx3(CrossProduct(b0, nbrs-v)).reshape((-1,3))
    b2 = NormalizedNx3(CrossProduct(b0, b1)).reshape((-1,3))
    cnct = get_vert_connectivity(v.r, f)
    ffs = []
    for i in range(v.size/3):
        nbrs = v[np.nonzero(np.asarray(cnct[i].todense()).ravel())[0]] - row(v[i])
        us = nbrs.dot(b2[i])
        vs = nbrs.dot(b1[i])
        hs = nbrs.dot(b0[i])
        coeffs = Pinv(hstack((col((us*.5)**2), col(us*vs), col((vs*.5)**2)))).dot(hs)
        # if i == 3586:
        #     import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    ffs = vstack(ffs)
    return ffs
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def compute_dr_wrt(self, wrt):
        if wrt is not self.camera and wrt is not self.v:
            return None
        visibility = self.visibility_image
        visible = np.nonzero(visibility.ravel() != 4294967295)[0]
        barycentric = self.barycentric_image
        if wrt is self.camera:
            shape = visibility.shape
            depth = self.depth_image

            if self.overdraw:
                result1 = common.dImage_wrt_2dVerts_bnd(depth, visible, visibility, barycentric, self.frustum['width'], self.frustum['height'], self.v.r.size/3, self.f, self.boundaryid_image != 4294967295)
                result1 = common.dImage_wrt_2dVerts(depth, visible, visibility, barycentric, self.frustum['width'], self.frustum['height'], self.v.r.size/3, self.f)

            # result1 = common.dImage_wrt_2dVerts(depth, visible, visibility, barycentric, self.frustum['width'], self.frustum['height'], self.v.r.size/3, self.f)

            return result1

        elif wrt is self.v:

            IS = np.tile(col(visible), (1, 9)).ravel()
            JS = col(self.f[visibility.ravel()[visible]].ravel())
            JS = np.hstack((JS*3, JS*3+1, JS*3+2)).ravel()

            # FIXME: there should be a faster way to get the camera axis.
            # But it should be carefully tested with distortion present!
            pts = np.array([
                [self.camera.c.r[0], self.camera.c.r[1], 2],
                [self.camera.c.r[0], self.camera.c.r[1], 1]
            pts = self.camera.unproject_points(pts)
            cam_axis = pts[0,:] - pts[1,:]

            if True: # use barycentric coordinates (correct way)
                w = visibility.shape[1]
                pxs = np.asarray(visible % w, np.int32)
                pys = np.asarray(np.floor(np.floor(visible) / w), np.int32)
                bc0 = col(barycentric[pys, pxs, 0])
                bc1 = col(barycentric[pys, pxs, 1])
                bc2 = col(barycentric[pys, pxs, 2])
                bc = np.hstack((bc0,bc0,bc0,bc1,bc1,bc1,bc2,bc2,bc2)).ravel()
            else: # each vert contributes equally (an approximation)
                bc = 1. / 3.

            data = np.tile(row(cam_axis), (IS.size/3,1)).ravel() * bc
            result2 = sp.csc_matrix((data, (IS, JS)), shape=(self.frustum['height']*self.frustum['width'], self.v.r.size))
            return result2
Ejemplo n.º 27
def dImage_wrt_2dVerts(observed, visible, visibility, barycentric, image_width, image_height, num_verts, f):
    """Construct a sparse jacobian that relates 2D projected vertex positions
    (in the columns) to pixel values (in the rows). This can be done
    in two steps."""

    n_channels = np.atleast_3d(observed).shape[2]
    shape = visibility.shape

    # Step 1: get the structure ready, ie the IS and the JS
    IS = np.tile(col(visible), (1, 2*f.shape[1])).ravel()
    JS = col(f[visibility.ravel()[visible]].ravel())
    JS = np.hstack((JS*2, JS*2+1)).ravel()

    pxs = np.asarray(visible % shape[1], np.int32)
    pys = np.asarray(np.floor(np.floor(visible) / shape[1]), np.int32)

    if n_channels > 1:
        IS = np.concatenate([IS*n_channels+i for i in range(n_channels)])
        JS = np.concatenate([JS for i in range(n_channels)])

    # Step 2: get the data ready, ie the actual values of the derivatives
    sobel_normalizer = cv2.Sobel(np.asarray(np.tile(row(np.arange(10)), (10, 1)), np.float64), cv2.CV_64F, dx=1, dy=0, ksize=ksize)[5,5]
    xdiff = -cv2.Sobel(observed, cv2.CV_64F, dx=1, dy=0, ksize=ksize) / sobel_normalizer
    ydiff = -cv2.Sobel(observed, cv2.CV_64F, dx=0, dy=1, ksize=ksize) / sobel_normalizer

    xdiff = np.atleast_3d(xdiff)
    ydiff = np.atleast_3d(ydiff)

    datas = []

    # The data is weighted according to barycentric coordinates
    bc0 = col(barycentric[pys, pxs, 0])
    bc1 = col(barycentric[pys, pxs, 1])
    bc2 = col(barycentric[pys, pxs, 2])
    for k in range(n_channels):
        dxs = xdiff[pys, pxs, k]
        dys = ydiff[pys, pxs, k]
        if f.shape[1] == 3:

    data = np.concatenate(datas)

    ij = np.vstack((IS.ravel(), JS.ravel()))
    result = sp.csc_matrix((data, ij), shape=(image_width*image_height*n_channels, num_verts*2))

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def compute_d2(self):
        # To stay consistent with numpy, we must upgrade 1D arrays to 2D
        mtx1r = row(self.mtx1.r) if len(self.mtx1.r.shape)<2 else self.mtx1.r
        mtx2r = col(self.mtx2.r) if len(self.mtx2.r.shape)<2 else self.mtx2.r

        if mtx2r.ndim <= 1:
            return self.mtx1r
        elif mtx2r.ndim <= 2:
            return sp.kron(mtx1r, sp.eye(mtx2r.shape[1],mtx2r.shape[1]))
            mtx1f = mtx1r.reshape((-1, mtx1r.shape[-2], mtx1r.shape[-1]))            
            result = sp.block_diag([np.kron(m1, np.eye(mtx2r.shape[-1],mtx2r.shape[-1])) for m1 in mtx1f])
            assert(result.shape[0] == self.r.size)
            return result
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def unproject_points(self, uvd, camera_space=False):
        cam = ProjectPoints3D(**{k: getattr(self, k)  for k in self.dterms if hasattr(self, k)})

            xy_undistorted_camspace = cv2.undistortPoints(np.asarray(uvd[:,:2].reshape((1,-1,2)).copy()), np.asarray(cam.camera_mtx), cam.k.r)
            xyz_camera_space = np.hstack((xy_undistorted_camspace.squeeze(), col(uvd[:,2])))
            xyz_camera_space[:,:2] *= col(xyz_camera_space[:,2]) # scale x,y by z
            if camera_space:
                return xyz_camera_space
            other_answer = xyz_camera_space - row(cam.view_mtx[:,3]) # translate
            result = other_answer.dot(cam.view_mtx[:,:3]) # rotate
        except: # slow way, probably not so good. But doesn't require cv2.undistortPoints.
            cam.v = np.ones_like(uvd)
            ch.minimize(cam - uvd, x0=[cam.v], method='dogleg', options={'disp': 0})
            result = cam.v.r
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def compute_dr_wrt(self, wrt):
        if wrt is not self.a:
            return None

        if self.axis is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError

        IS = np.tile(row(np.arange(self.a.size)), (self.a.size, 1))
        JS = IS.T
        IS = IS.ravel()
        JS = JS.ravel()
        which = IS >= JS
        IS = IS[which]
        JS = JS[which]
        data = np.ones_like(IS)
        result = sp.csc_matrix((data, (IS, JS)), shape=(self.a.size, self.a.size))
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def test_derivatives(self):
        import chumpy as ch
        from chumpy.utils import row
        import numpy as np
        from renderer import DepthRenderer

        rn = DepthRenderer()

        # Assign attributes to renderer
        from util_tests import get_earthmesh
        m = get_earthmesh(trans=ch.array([0,0,4]), rotation=ch.zeros(3))
        w, h = (320, 240)
        from camera import ProjectPoints
        rn.camera = ProjectPoints(v=m.v, rt=ch.zeros(3), t=ch.zeros(3), f=ch.array([w,w])/2., c=ch.array([w,h])/2., k=ch.zeros(5))
        rn.frustum = {'near': 1., 'far': 10., 'width': w, 'height': h}
        rn.set(v=m.v, f=m.f, bgcolor=ch.zeros(3))

        if visualize:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        for which in range(3):
            r1 = rn.r

            adder = np.zeros(3)
            adder[which] = .01
            change = rn.v.r * 0 + row(adder)
            dr_pred = rn.dr_wrt(rn.v).dot(change.ravel()).reshape(rn.shape)
            rn.v = rn.v.r + change

            r2 = rn.r
            dr_emp = r2 - r1

            # print np.mean(np.abs(dr_pred-dr_emp))

            self.assertLess(np.mean(np.abs(dr_pred-dr_emp)), .031)

            if visualize:
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def on_changed(self, which):
        if 'vn' in which:
            vn = self.vn.r.reshape((-1,3))
            # Conversion from normals to spherical harmonics found in...
            # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_coordinate_system#Cartesian_coordinates
            self.theta = np.arccos(vn[:,2])
            self.phi = np.arctan2(vn[:,1], vn[:,0])
            # vnswapped = np.swapaxes(vn, 0,1)
            self.sh_coeffs = real_sh_coeff(vn)
            self.num_verts = self.sh_coeffs.shape[0]

        if 'light_color' in which or self.mtx.shape[1] != self.num_verts:
            nc = self.num_channels
            IS = np.arange(self.num_verts*nc)
            JS = np.repeat(np.arange(self.num_verts), nc)
            data = (row(self.light_color)*np.ones((self.num_verts, nc))).ravel()
            self.mtx = sp.csc_matrix((data, (IS,JS)), shape=(self.num_verts*nc, self.num_verts))
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def on_changed(self, which):
        if 'vn' in which:
            vn = self.vn.r.reshape((-1,3))
            # Conversion from normals to spherical harmonics found in...
            # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_coordinate_system#Cartesian_coordinates
            self.theta = np.arccos(vn[:,2])
            self.phi = np.arctan2(vn[:,1], vn[:,0])
            self.sh_coeffs = real_sh_coeff(vn)            
            self.num_verts = self.sh_coeffs.shape[0]

        if 'light_color' in which or self.mtx.shape[1] != self.num_verts:
            nc = self.num_channels
            IS = np.arange(self.num_verts*nc)
            JS = np.repeat(np.arange(self.num_verts), nc)
            data = (row(self.light_color)*np.ones((self.num_verts, nc))).ravel()
            self.mtx = sp.csc_matrix((data, (IS,JS)), shape=(self.num_verts*nc, self.num_verts))
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def compute_dr_wrt(self, wrt):
     if wrt is not self.x:
     if self.axis == None:
         return row(np.ones((1, len(self.x.r))))/len(self.x.r)
         uid = tuple(list(self.x.shape) + [self.axis])
         if uid not in self.dr_cache:
             idxs_presum = np.arange(self.x.size).reshape(self.x.shape)
             idxs_presum = np.rollaxis(idxs_presum, self.axis, 0)
             idxs_postsum = np.arange(self.r.size).reshape(self.r.shape)
             tp = np.ones(idxs_presum.ndim, dtype=np.uint32)
             tp[0] = idxs_presum.shape[0]
             idxs_postsum = np.tile(idxs_postsum, tp)
             data = np.ones(idxs_postsum.size) / self.x.shape[self.axis]
             result = sp.csc_matrix((data, (idxs_postsum.ravel(), idxs_presum.ravel())), (self.r.size, wrt.size))
             self.dr_cache[uid] = result
         return self.dr_cache[uid]
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def compute_dr_wrt(self, wrt):
        if wrt is self.x:
            if visualize:
                import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                residuals = np.sum(self.r**2)
                print '------> RESIDUALS %.2e' % (residuals, )
                print '------> CURRENT GUESS %s' % (str(self.x.r), )

                if not hasattr(self, 'vs'):
                    self.vs = []
                    self.xs = []
                    self.ys = []
                plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
                plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
                plt.plot(self.xs, self.ys)

            return row(rosen_der(self.x.r))
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def test_spherical_harmonics(self):
        global visualize
        if visualize:
        # Get mesh
        v, f = get_sphere_mesh()

        from geometry import VertNormals
        vn = VertNormals(v=v, f=f)
        #vn =  Ch(mesh.estimate_vertex_normals())

        # Get camera
        cam, frustum = getcam()
        # Get renderer
        from renderer import ColoredRenderer
        cam.v = v
        cr = ColoredRenderer(f=f, camera=cam, frustum=frustum, v=v)
        sh_red = SphericalHarmonics(vn=vn, light_color=np.array([1,0,0]))
        sh_green = SphericalHarmonics(vn=vn, light_color=np.array([0,1,0]))
        cr.vc = sh_red + sh_green
        ims_baseline = []
        for comp_idx, subplot_idx in enumerate([3,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15]):
            sh_comps = np.zeros(9)
            sh_comps[comp_idx] = 1
            sh_red.components =  Ch(sh_comps)
            sh_green.components =  Ch(-sh_comps)
            newim = cr.r.reshape((frustum['height'], frustum['width'], 3))

            if visualize:
        offset = row(.4 * (np.random.rand(3)-.5))
        #offset = row(np.array([1.,1.,1.]))*.05
        vn_shifted = (vn.r + offset)
        vn_shifted = vn_shifted / col(np.sqrt(np.sum(vn_shifted**2, axis=1)))
        vn_shifted = vn_shifted.ravel()
        vn_shifted[vn_shifted>1.] = 1
        vn_shifted[vn_shifted<-1.] = -1
        vn_shifted = Ch(vn_shifted)
        cr.replace(sh_red.vn, vn_shifted)
        if True:
            for comp_idx in range(9):
                if visualize:
                sh_comps = np.zeros(9)
                sh_comps[comp_idx] = 1
                sh_red.components =  Ch(sh_comps)
                sh_green.components =  Ch(-sh_comps)
                pred = cr.dr_wrt(vn_shifted).dot(col(vn_shifted.r.reshape(vn.r.shape) - vn.r)).reshape((frustum['height'], frustum['width'], 3))
                if visualize:
                    plt.title('pred (comp %d)' % (comp_idx,))        
                newim = cr.r.reshape((frustum['height'], frustum['width'], 3))
                emp = newim - ims_baseline[comp_idx]
                if visualize:
                    plt.title('empirical (comp %d)' % (comp_idx,))
                pred_flat = pred.ravel()
                emp_flat = emp.ravel()
                nnz = np.unique(np.concatenate((np.nonzero(pred_flat)[0], np.nonzero(emp_flat)[0])))
                if comp_idx != 0:
                    med_diff = np.median(np.abs(pred_flat[nnz]-emp_flat[nnz]))
                    med_obs = np.median(np.abs(emp_flat[nnz]))
                    if comp_idx == 4 or comp_idx == 8:
                        self.assertTrue(med_diff / med_obs < .6)
                        self.assertTrue(med_diff / med_obs < .3)
                if visualize:
Ejemplo n.º 37
def loop_subdivider(mesh_v, mesh_f):

    IS = []
    JS = []
    data = []

    vc = get_vert_connectivity(mesh_v, mesh_f)
    ve = get_vertices_per_edge(mesh_v, mesh_f)
    vo = get_vert_opposites_per_edge(mesh_v, mesh_f)

    if True:
        # New values for each vertex
        for idx in xrange(len(mesh_v)):

            # find neighboring vertices
            nbrs = np.nonzero(vc[:,idx])[0]

            nn = len(nbrs)

            if nn < 3:
                wt = 0.
            elif nn == 3:
                wt = 3./16.
            elif nn > 3:
                wt = 3. / (8. * nn)
                raise Exception('nn should be 3 or more')
            if wt > 0.:
                for nbr in nbrs:

            data.append(1. - (wt * nn))

    start = len(mesh_v)
    edge_to_midpoint = {}

    if True:
        # New values for each edge:
        # new edge verts depend on the verts they span
        for idx, vs in enumerate(ve):

            vsl = list(vs)
            IS.append(start + idx)
            IS.append(start + idx)

            opposites = vo[(vsl[0], vsl[1])]
            for opp in opposites:
                IS.append(start + idx)

            edge_to_midpoint[(vsl[0], vsl[1])] = start + idx
            edge_to_midpoint[(vsl[1], vsl[0])] = start + idx

    f = []

    for f_i, old_f in enumerate(mesh_f):
        ff = np.concatenate((old_f, old_f))

        for i in range(3):
            v0 = edge_to_midpoint[(ff[i], ff[i+1])]
            v1 = ff[i+1]
            v2 = edge_to_midpoint[(ff[i+1], ff[i+2])]

        v0 = edge_to_midpoint[(ff[0], ff[1])]
        v1 = edge_to_midpoint[(ff[1], ff[2])]
        v2 = edge_to_midpoint[(ff[2], ff[3])]

    f = np.vstack(f)

    IS = np.array(IS, dtype=np.uint32)
    JS = np.array(JS, dtype=np.uint32)

    if True: # for x,y,z coords
        IS = np.concatenate((IS*3, IS*3+1, IS*3+2))
        JS = np.concatenate((JS*3, JS*3+1, JS*3+2))
        data = np.concatenate ((data,data,data))

    ij = np.vstack((IS.flatten(), JS.flatten()))
    mtx = sp.csc_matrix((data, ij))

    return mtx, f
Ejemplo n.º 38
def loop_subdivider(mesh_v, mesh_f):

    IS = []
    JS = []
    data = []

    vc = get_vert_connectivity(mesh_v, mesh_f)
    ve = get_vertices_per_edge(mesh_v, mesh_f)
    vo = get_vert_opposites_per_edge(mesh_v, mesh_f)

    if True:
        # New values for each vertex
        for idx in xrange(len(mesh_v)):

            # find neighboring vertices
            nbrs = np.nonzero(vc[:,idx])[0]

            nn = len(nbrs)

            if nn < 3:
                wt = 0.
            elif nn == 3:
                wt = 3./16.
            elif nn > 3:
                wt = 3. / (8. * nn)
                raise Exception('nn should be 3 or more')
            if wt > 0.:
                for nbr in nbrs:

            data.append(1. - (wt * nn))

    start = len(mesh_v)
    edge_to_midpoint = {}

    if True:
        # New values for each edge:
        # new edge verts depend on the verts they span
        for idx, vs in enumerate(ve):

            vsl = list(vs)
            IS.append(start + idx)
            IS.append(start + idx)

            opposites = vo[(vsl[0], vsl[1])]
            for opp in opposites:
                IS.append(start + idx)

            edge_to_midpoint[(vsl[0], vsl[1])] = start + idx
            edge_to_midpoint[(vsl[1], vsl[0])] = start + idx

    f = []

    for f_i, old_f in enumerate(mesh_f):
        ff = np.concatenate((old_f, old_f))

        for i in range(3):
            v0 = edge_to_midpoint[(ff[i], ff[i+1])]
            v1 = ff[i+1]
            v2 = edge_to_midpoint[(ff[i+1], ff[i+2])]

        v0 = edge_to_midpoint[(ff[0], ff[1])]
        v1 = edge_to_midpoint[(ff[1], ff[2])]
        v2 = edge_to_midpoint[(ff[2], ff[3])]

    f = np.vstack(f)

    IS = np.array(IS, dtype=np.uint32)
    JS = np.array(JS, dtype=np.uint32)

    if True: # for x,y,z coords
        IS = np.concatenate((IS*3, IS*3+1, IS*3+2))
        JS = np.concatenate((JS*3, JS*3+1, JS*3+2))
        data = np.concatenate ((data,data,data))

    ij = np.vstack((IS.flatten(), JS.flatten()))
    mtx = sp.csc_matrix((data, ij))

    return mtx, f
Ejemplo n.º 39
def dImage_wrt_2dVerts_bnd(observed, visible, visibility, barycentric, image_width, image_height, num_verts, f, bnd_bool):
    """Construct a sparse jacobian that relates 2D projected vertex positions
    (in the columns) to pixel values (in the rows). This can be done
    in two steps."""

    n_channels = np.atleast_3d(observed).shape[2]
    shape = visibility.shape

    # Step 1: get the structure ready, ie the IS and the JS
    IS = np.tile(col(visible), (1, 2*f.shape[1])).ravel()
    JS = col(f[visibility.ravel()[visible]].ravel())
    JS = np.hstack((JS*2, JS*2+1)).ravel()

    pxs = np.asarray(visible % shape[1], np.int32)
    pys = np.asarray(np.floor(np.floor(visible) / shape[1]), np.int32)

    if n_channels > 1:
        IS = np.concatenate([IS*n_channels+i for i in range(n_channels)])
        JS = np.concatenate([JS for i in range(n_channels)])

    # Step 2: get the data ready, ie the actual values of the derivatives
    ksize = 1
    bndf = bnd_bool.astype(np.float64)
    nbndf = np.logical_not(bnd_bool).astype(np.float64)
    sobel_normalizer = cv2.Sobel(np.asarray(np.tile(row(np.arange(10)), (10, 1)), np.float64), cv2.CV_64F, dx=1, dy=0, ksize=ksize)[5,5]

    bnd_nan = bndf.reshape((observed.shape[0], observed.shape[1], -1)).copy()
    bnd_nan.ravel()[bnd_nan.ravel()>0] = np.nan
    bnd_nan += 1
    obs_nonbnd = np.atleast_3d(observed) * bnd_nan

    ydiffnb, xdiffnb = nangradients(obs_nonbnd)

    observed = np.atleast_3d(observed)

    if observed.shape[2] > 1:
        ydiffbnd, xdiffbnd, _ = np.gradient(observed)
        ydiffbnd, xdiffbnd = np.gradient(observed.squeeze())
        ydiffbnd = np.atleast_3d(ydiffbnd)
        xdiffbnd = np.atleast_3d(xdiffbnd)

    # This corrects for a bias imposed boundary differences begin spread over two pixels
    # (by np.gradients or similar) but only counted once (since OpenGL's line
    # drawing spans 1 pixel)
    xdiffbnd *= 2.0
    ydiffbnd *= 2.0

    xdiffnb = -xdiffnb
    ydiffnb = -ydiffnb
    xdiffbnd = -xdiffbnd
    ydiffbnd = -ydiffbnd
    # ydiffnb *= 0
    # xdiffnb *= 0

    if False:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    idxs = np.isnan(xdiffnb.ravel())
    xdiffnb.ravel()[idxs] = xdiffbnd.ravel()[idxs]

    idxs = np.isnan(ydiffnb.ravel())
    ydiffnb.ravel()[idxs] = ydiffbnd.ravel()[idxs]

    if True: # should be right thing
        xdiff = xdiffnb
        ydiff = ydiffnb
    else:  #should be old way
        xdiff = xdiffbnd
        ydiff = ydiffbnd

    # xdiffnb = -cv2.Sobel(obs_nonbnd, cv2.CV_64F, dx=1, dy=0, ksize=ksize) / np.atleast_3d(cv2.Sobel(row(np.arange(obs_nonbnd.shape[1])).astype(np.float64), cv2.CV_64F, dx=1, dy=0, ksize=ksize))
    # ydiffnb = -cv2.Sobel(obs_nonbnd, cv2.CV_64F, dx=0, dy=1, ksize=ksize) / np.atleast_3d(cv2.Sobel(col(np.arange(obs_nonbnd.shape[0])).astype(np.float64), cv2.CV_64F, dx=0, dy=1, ksize=ksize))
    # xdiffnb.ravel()[np.isnan(xdiffnb.ravel())] = 0.
    # ydiffnb.ravel()[np.isnan(ydiffnb.ravel())] = 0.
    # xdiffnb.ravel()[np.isinf(xdiffnb.ravel())] = 0.
    # ydiffnb.ravel()[np.isinf(ydiffnb.ravel())] = 0.

    # xdiffnb = np.atleast_3d(xdiffnb)
    # ydiffnb = np.atleast_3d(ydiffnb)
    # xdiffbnd = -cv2.Sobel(observed, cv2.CV_64F, dx=1, dy=0, ksize=ksize) / sobel_normalizer
    # ydiffbnd = -cv2.Sobel(observed, cv2.CV_64F, dx=0, dy=1, ksize=ksize) / sobel_normalizer
    # xdiff = xdiffnb * np.atleast_3d(nbndf)
    # xdiff.ravel()[np.isnan(xdiff.ravel())] = 0
    # xdiff += xdiffbnd*np.atleast_3d(bndf)
    # ydiff = ydiffnb * np.atleast_3d(nbndf)
    # ydiff.ravel()[np.isnan(ydiff.ravel())] = 0
    # ydiff += ydiffbnd*np.atleast_3d(bndf)

    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    #xdiff = xdiffnb
    #ydiff = ydiffnb

    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    datas = []

    # The data is weighted according to barycentric coordinates
    bc0 = col(barycentric[pys, pxs, 0])
    bc1 = col(barycentric[pys, pxs, 1])
    bc2 = col(barycentric[pys, pxs, 2])
    for k in range(n_channels):
        dxs = xdiff[pys, pxs, k]
        dys = ydiff[pys, pxs, k]
        if f.shape[1] == 3:

    data = np.concatenate(datas)

    ij = np.vstack((IS.ravel(), JS.ravel()))
    result = sp.csc_matrix((data, ij), shape=(image_width*image_height*n_channels, num_verts*2))

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def test_spherical_harmonics(self):
        global visualize
        if visualize:
        # Get mesh
        v, f = get_sphere_mesh()

        from geometry import VertNormals
        vn = VertNormals(v=v, f=f)
        #vn =  Ch(mesh.estimate_vertex_normals())

        # Get camera
        cam, frustum = getcam()
        # Get renderer
        from renderer import ColoredRenderer
        cam.v = v
        cr = ColoredRenderer(f=f, camera=cam, frustum=frustum, v=v)
        sh_red = SphericalHarmonics(vn=vn, light_color=np.array([1,0,0]))
        sh_green = SphericalHarmonics(vn=vn, light_color=np.array([0,1,0]))
        cr.vc = sh_red + sh_green
        ims_baseline = []
        for comp_idx, subplot_idx in enumerate([3,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15]):
            sh_comps = np.zeros(9)
            sh_comps[comp_idx] = 1
            sh_red.components =  Ch(sh_comps)
            sh_green.components =  Ch(-sh_comps)
            newim = cr.r.reshape((frustum['height'], frustum['width'], 3))

            if visualize:
        offset = row(.4 * (np.random.rand(3)-.5))
        #offset = row(np.array([1.,1.,1.]))*.05
        vn_shifted = (vn.r + offset)
        vn_shifted = vn_shifted / col(np.sqrt(np.sum(vn_shifted**2, axis=1)))
        vn_shifted = vn_shifted.ravel()
        vn_shifted[vn_shifted>1.] = 1
        vn_shifted[vn_shifted<-1.] = -1
        vn_shifted = Ch(vn_shifted)
        cr.replace(sh_red.vn, vn_shifted)
        if True:
            for comp_idx in range(9):
                if visualize:
                sh_comps = np.zeros(9)
                sh_comps[comp_idx] = 1
                sh_red.components =  Ch(sh_comps)
                sh_green.components =  Ch(-sh_comps)
                pred = cr.dr_wrt(vn_shifted).dot(col(vn_shifted.r.reshape(vn.r.shape) - vn.r)).reshape((frustum['height'], frustum['width'], 3))
                if visualize:
                    plt.title('pred (comp %d)' % (comp_idx,))        
                newim = cr.r.reshape((frustum['height'], frustum['width'], 3))
                emp = newim - ims_baseline[comp_idx]
                if visualize:
                    plt.title('empirical (comp %d)' % (comp_idx,))
                pred_flat = pred.ravel()
                emp_flat = emp.ravel()
                nnz = np.unique(np.concatenate((np.nonzero(pred_flat)[0], np.nonzero(emp_flat)[0])))
                if comp_idx != 0:
                    med_diff = np.median(np.abs(pred_flat[nnz]-emp_flat[nnz]))
                    med_obs = np.median(np.abs(emp_flat[nnz]))
                    if comp_idx == 4 or comp_idx == 8:
                        self.assertTrue(med_diff / med_obs < .6)
                        self.assertTrue(med_diff / med_obs < .3)
                if visualize:
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def compute_dr_wrt(self, wrt):
     if wrt is self.x:
         return row(self.r * np.linalg.inv(self.x.r).T)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def dImage_wrt_2dVerts_bnd(observed, visible, visibility, barycentric, image_width, image_height, num_verts, f, bnd_bool):
    """Construct a sparse jacobian that relates 2D projected vertex positions
    (in the columns) to pixel values (in the rows). This can be done
    in two steps."""

    n_channels = np.atleast_3d(observed).shape[2]
    shape = visibility.shape

    # Step 1: get the structure ready, ie the IS and the JS
    IS = np.tile(col(visible), (1, 2*f.shape[1])).ravel()
    JS = col(f[visibility.ravel()[visible]].ravel())
    JS = np.hstack((JS*2, JS*2+1)).ravel()

    pxs = np.asarray(visible % shape[1], np.int32)
    pys = np.asarray(np.floor(np.floor(visible) / shape[1]), np.int32)

    if n_channels > 1:
        IS = np.concatenate([IS*n_channels+i for i in range(n_channels)])
        JS = np.concatenate([JS for i in range(n_channels)])

    # Step 2: get the data ready, ie the actual values of the derivatives
    ksize = 1
    bndf = bnd_bool.astype(np.float64)
    nbndf = np.logical_not(bnd_bool).astype(np.float64)
    sobel_normalizer = cv2.Sobel(np.asarray(np.tile(row(np.arange(10)), (10, 1)), np.float64), cv2.CV_64F, dx=1, dy=0, ksize=ksize)[5,5]

    bnd_nan = bndf.reshape((observed.shape[0], observed.shape[1], -1)).copy()
    bnd_nan.ravel()[bnd_nan.ravel()>0] = np.nan
    bnd_nan += 1
    obs_nonbnd = np.atleast_3d(observed) * bnd_nan

    ydiffnb, xdiffnb = nangradients(obs_nonbnd)

    observed = np.atleast_3d(observed)
    if observed.shape[2] > 1:
        ydiffbnd, xdiffbnd, _ = np.gradient(observed)        
        ydiffbnd, xdiffbnd = np.gradient(observed.squeeze())
        ydiffbnd = np.atleast_3d(ydiffbnd)
        xdiffbnd = np.atleast_3d(xdiffbnd)

    # This corrects for a bias imposed boundary differences begin spread over two pixels
    # (by np.gradients or similar) but only counted once (since OpenGL's line
    # drawing spans 1 pixel)
    xdiffbnd *= 2.0
    ydiffbnd *= 2.0

    xdiffnb = -xdiffnb
    ydiffnb = -ydiffnb
    xdiffbnd = -xdiffbnd
    ydiffbnd = -ydiffbnd
    # ydiffnb *= 0
    # xdiffnb *= 0

    if False:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    idxs = np.isnan(xdiffnb.ravel())
    xdiffnb.ravel()[idxs] = xdiffbnd.ravel()[idxs]

    idxs = np.isnan(ydiffnb.ravel())
    ydiffnb.ravel()[idxs] = ydiffbnd.ravel()[idxs]

    if True: # should be right thing
        xdiff = xdiffnb
        ydiff = ydiffnb
    else:  #should be old way
        xdiff = xdiffbnd
        ydiff = ydiffbnd

    # xdiffnb = -cv2.Sobel(obs_nonbnd, cv2.CV_64F, dx=1, dy=0, ksize=ksize) / np.atleast_3d(cv2.Sobel(row(np.arange(obs_nonbnd.shape[1])).astype(np.float64), cv2.CV_64F, dx=1, dy=0, ksize=ksize))
    # ydiffnb = -cv2.Sobel(obs_nonbnd, cv2.CV_64F, dx=0, dy=1, ksize=ksize) / np.atleast_3d(cv2.Sobel(col(np.arange(obs_nonbnd.shape[0])).astype(np.float64), cv2.CV_64F, dx=0, dy=1, ksize=ksize))
    # xdiffnb.ravel()[np.isnan(xdiffnb.ravel())] = 0.
    # ydiffnb.ravel()[np.isnan(ydiffnb.ravel())] = 0.
    # xdiffnb.ravel()[np.isinf(xdiffnb.ravel())] = 0.
    # ydiffnb.ravel()[np.isinf(ydiffnb.ravel())] = 0.

    # xdiffnb = np.atleast_3d(xdiffnb)
    # ydiffnb = np.atleast_3d(ydiffnb)
    # xdiffbnd = -cv2.Sobel(observed, cv2.CV_64F, dx=1, dy=0, ksize=ksize) / sobel_normalizer
    # ydiffbnd = -cv2.Sobel(observed, cv2.CV_64F, dx=0, dy=1, ksize=ksize) / sobel_normalizer
    # xdiff = xdiffnb * np.atleast_3d(nbndf)
    # xdiff.ravel()[np.isnan(xdiff.ravel())] = 0
    # xdiff += xdiffbnd*np.atleast_3d(bndf)
    # ydiff = ydiffnb * np.atleast_3d(nbndf)
    # ydiff.ravel()[np.isnan(ydiff.ravel())] = 0
    # ydiff += ydiffbnd*np.atleast_3d(bndf)

    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    #xdiff = xdiffnb
    #ydiff = ydiffnb

    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    datas = []

    # The data is weighted according to barycentric coordinates
    bc0 = col(barycentric[pys, pxs, 0])
    bc1 = col(barycentric[pys, pxs, 1])
    bc2 = col(barycentric[pys, pxs, 2])
    for k in range(n_channels):
        dxs = xdiff[pys, pxs, k]
        dys = ydiff[pys, pxs, k]
        if f.shape[1] == 3:

    data = np.concatenate(datas)

    ij = np.vstack((IS.ravel(), JS.ravel()))
    result = sp.csc_matrix((data, ij), shape=(image_width*image_height*n_channels, num_verts*2))

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def compute_dr_wrt(self, wrt):
     if wrt is self.x:
         return row(self.x.r.ravel() * 2.)