Ejemplo n.º 1
    def write_to_volume(vdisk=None, vpool=None, location=None, count=1024, bs='1M', input_type='random',
        Write some data to a file
        :param vdisk: Virtual disk to write on
        :param vpool: vPool which hosts the Virtual Disk
        :param location: Absolute path to file
        :param count: amount of blocks to write
        :param bs: Size of the blocks to write
        :param input_type: Type of input (null, zero, random)
        :param root_client: SSHClient object
        :return: None
        if location is None and (vdisk is None or vpool is None):
            raise ValueError('vDisk and vPool must be provided if no location has been provided')

        if location is None:
            location = GeneralVDisk.get_filesystem_location(vpool=vpool,
        if root_client is None:
            root_client = SSHClient('', username='******')

        if input_type not in ('null', 'zero', 'random'):
            raise ValueError('Invalid input type provided')
        if General.check_file_is_link(location, root_client.ip, root_client.username, root_client.password):
            print "Writing to {0}".format(root_client.file_read_link(location))
            if not root_client.file_exists(location):
                raise ValueError('File {0} does not exist on Storage Router {1}'.format(location, root_client.ip))
        if not isinstance(count, int) or count < 1:
            raise ValueError('Count must be an integer > 0')
        root_client.run('dd conv=notrunc if=/dev/{0} of={1} bs={2} count={3}'.format(input_type, location, bs, count))