def authenticate(username, password, domain=None): try: #: TODO: Add support to domain userNode = CaliopeUser.index.get(username=username) if userNode.password == password: session_uuid = str(uuid4()).decode('utf-8') g.connection_thread_pool_id[ g.connection_thread_id] = session_uuid current_app.storekv.put(prefix_session_manager + session_uuid, username) PubSub().subscribe_uuid(userNode.uuid) PubSub().register_uuid_and_thread_id(userNode.uuid) PubSub().publish_command(userNode.uuid, userNode.uuid, 'message', { 'msg': 'Bienvenido', 'type': 'success' }, loopback=True) return { 'login': True, 'session_uuid': { 'value': session_uuid }, 'user_uuid': { 'value': userNode.uuid }, 'user': { 'value': username }, "first_name": { 'value': userNode.first_name }, "last_name": { 'value': userNode.last_name }, "image": get_thumbnail( os.path.join(current_app.config['STATIC_PATH'], userNode.avatar)) } else: return {'login': False} except DoesNotExist: return {'login': False} except Exception as e: raise JSONRPCInternalError(e)
def authenticate_with_uuid(session_uuid, domain=None): if session_uuid is not None: if current_app.storekv.__contains__(prefix_session_manager + session_uuid): try: username = current_app.storekv.get(prefix_session_manager + session_uuid) g.connection_thread_pool_id[ g.connection_thread_id] = session_uuid userNode = CaliopeUser.index.get(username=username) PubSub().subscribe_uuid(userNode.uuid) PubSub().register_uuid_and_thread_id(userNode.uuid) PubSub().publish_command(userNode.uuid, userNode.uuid, 'message', { 'msg': 'Bienvenido', 'type': 'success' }, loopback=True) return { 'login': True, 'session_uuid': { 'value': session_uuid }, 'user_uuid': { 'value': userNode.uuid }, 'user': { 'value': username }, "first_name": { 'value': userNode.first_name }, "last_name": { 'value': userNode.last_name }, "image": get_thumbnail( os.path.join(current_app.config['STATIC_PATH'], userNode.avatar)) } except Exception as e: raise JSONRPCInternalError(e) #: if not returned is not a valid session return {'login': False}
def commit(cls, uuid, loopback_notification=False): hkey_name = uuid hkey_name_rels = uuid + "_rels" #Create form if is associated to a form if cls.r.hexists(hkey_name, "formtask") and not cls.r.hexists( hkey_name_rels, "target"): from import FormManager form_name = cls.r.hget(hkey_name, "formtask") form = FormManager.create_form_from_id(form_name, {}) cls.update_relationship(uuid, "target", form["uuid"]) #notify the other users of the change holders_to_add = [] holders_to_remove = [] if cls.r.hexists(hkey_name_rels, "holders"): holders_to_add = [ h for h, v in json.loads( cls.r.hget(hkey_name_rels, "holders"), object_hook=DatetimeDecoder.json_date_parser).items() if "__changed__" in v ] holders_to_remove = [ h for h, v in json.loads( cls.r.hget(hkey_name_rels, "holders"), object_hook=DatetimeDecoder.json_date_parser).items() if "__delete__" in v ] rv = super(TaskServices, cls).commit(uuid) for holder in holders_to_add: PubSub().publish_command("", holder, "createTask", VersionedNode.pull(uuid).serialize(), loopback=loopback_notification) PubSub().subscribe_uuid_with_user_uuid(holder, uuid) for holder in holders_to_remove: PubSub().publish_command("", holder, "removeTask", VersionedNode.pull(uuid).serialize(), loopback=loopback_notification) return rv
def get_data(cls, uuid, entity_class=None): try: PubSub().subscribe_uuid(uuid) if entity_class is None: entity_class = VersionedNode.pull(uuid, only_class=True) vnode = entity_class.pull(uuid) if vnode is None: #get a vnode with the class and uuid vnode = cls._get_vnode_with_data(uuid, entity_class) #: Append related uuids to the list. for rel_name, rel_repr in vnode._serialize_relationships() \ .items(): for target_uuid in rel_repr.keys(): direction = getattr(vnode, rel_name).direction cls._set_related(uuid, target_uuid, direction=direction) return cls._get_data_with_draft(vnode) except AssertionError: return RuntimeError("The give uuid {0} is not a valid object of " "class {1}".format(uuid, cls.__name__))
def commit(cls, uuid, loopback_notification=False): rv = dict() related = cls._get_related(uuid) if related > 0: for target_uuid in related.keys(): #Avoid related locks if theres is a back-relationship: if cls._is_related(target_uuid, uuid): continue #: This is to save nodes when no data added but there are # in a relationships, we're saving "blank" connected nodes. if VersionedNode.pull(target_uuid) is None: cls.update_field(target_uuid, "uuid", target_uuid) rv.update(cls.commit(target_uuid, loopback_notification)) rv.update(super(FormManager, cls).commit(uuid, loopback_notification)) PubSub().publish_command("", uuid, 'message', {'msg': 'Formulario actualizado.', 'type': 'success'}, loopback=True) return rv
def _publish_update_field(cls, uuid, field_name, value, subfield_id=None, pos=None, delete=False, metadata=None, loopback_notification=False): rv = { 'uuid': uuid, 'field': field_name, 'value': value, 'subfield_id': subfield_id, 'pos': pos, 'delete': delete, 'metadata': metadata } PubSub().publish_command('from_unused', uuid, 'updateField', rv, loopback=loopback_notification)
def unsubscribe_uuid(cls, uuid): PubSub().unsubscribe_uuid(uuid)
def subscribe_uuid(cls, uuid): PubSub().subscribe_uuid(uuid)