Ejemplo n.º 1
	def create(self, listemail, listadmin, password):
		"""create a new mailing list.
		newlist -u webdomain -e emaildomain listname listadmin-addr admin-password"""
		email, domain = listemail.split('@')
		if email not in self.list():
			log.info('adding mailman list: %s' % (email))
			cmd = "newlist -q -u %s -e %s %s %s '%s'" % (domain, domain, email, listadmin, password)
 def psql(self, cmd):
     """run cmd against psql"""
     ret, out = run("psql %s" % cmd)
     if ret:
         log.error('psql error: %s' % out)
         return False
         return out
 def runAdmin(self, arg):
     """run mysqladmin util with cmd as ''"""
     cmd = "mysqladmin %s " % (arg)
     if self.rootpw:
         cmd += "--password=%s" % (self.rootpw)
     ret, out = run(cmd)
     if ret:
         log.error('problem with mysqladmin:%s' % arg)
         return out
 def dumpAll(self, filename):
     """dump all databases to given filename"""
     cmd = "mysqldump"
     if self.rootpw:
         cmd += " --password=%s" % (self.rootpw)
     cmd += " --all-databases > %s" % getFilename(filename)
     ret, out = run(cmd)
     if ret:
         log.error('problem with dumpAll:%s' % out)
         return out
    def genSSHKey(self, user):
        """generate a user SSH key, assuming it's not already created.
		returns full path to public key file.
        homedir = pwd.getpwnam(user)[5]
        sshdir = os.path.join(homedir, '.ssh')
        keyfile = self.findSSHKeyFile(user)
        if keyfile:
            return keyfile
        #otherwise, we need to generate it.
        if not os.path.exists(sshdir):
        run('sudo -u %s ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -N "" -f %sid_rsa' %
            (user, sshdir + os.sep))
        keyfile = self.findSSHKeyFile(user)
        if keyfile:
            return keyfile
            raise 'error creating sshKeyFile for user: %s'
            return False
    def list(self, refresh=False):
        """list mailing lists.
		2 matching mailing lists found:
		    Africa-list - [no description available]
		        Mailman - [no description available]"""
        lists = {}
        ret, out = run('list_lists')
        for l in out[1:]:
            name, desc = l.split(' - ')
            lists[name.strip()] = desc.strip()
        return lists
 def query(self, query, DB=None):
     """given a SQL query, execute and return results as []"""
     if DB:
         query = "USE %s;\"%s\"" % (DB, query)
         query = "\"%s;\"" % query
     cmd = "echo %s | mysql -s mysql " % (query)
     if self.rootpw:
         cmd += "--password=%s" % (self.rootpw)
     ret, out = run(cmd)
     if not ret:
         return out
         log.error('problem executing query: %s' % query)
 def runFile(self, sqlfile, db, username=None, password=None):
     """run file against mysql"""
     if not username:
         username = '******'
     if not password:
         password = self.rootpw
     cmd = "mysql --user=%s" % (username)
     if password:
         cmd += " --password=%s" % (password)
     cmd += " %s < %s" % (db, sqlfile)
     log.debug('running runFile:%s' % (sqlfile))
     ret, out = run(cmd)
     if not ret:
         return out
         log.error('problem loading mysql file: %s' % (sqlfile))
         return False
 def run(self, action):
     if self.enabled:
         host = self.options.setdefault('host', 'localhost')
         cmd = "%s" % (self.check_postgres)
         if self.options.setdefault('host'):
             cmd += " -H %s" % self.options['host']
         if self.options.setdefault('user'):
             cmd += " -u %s" % self.options['user']
         if self.options.setdefault('pass'):
             cmd += " --dbpass=%s" % (self.options['pass'])
         cmd += " --action=%s" % action
         ret, output = run(cmd)
         if ret:
             #check_postgres returns
             log.critical('PGMonitor:%s %s' % (action, output))
             ret = None
         ret = False
     return ret