Ejemplo n.º 1
    def deprecated(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
        """Call this method when a deprecated feature is used.

        If the system is configured for fatal deprecations then the message
        is logged at the 'critical' level and :class:`DeprecatedConfig` will
        be raised.

        Otherwise, the message will be logged (once) at the 'warn' level.

        :raises: :class:`DeprecatedConfig` if the system is configured for
                 fatal deprecations.

        stdmsg = _("Deprecated: %s") % msg
        if CONF.fatal_deprecations:
            self.critical(stdmsg, *args, **kwargs)
            raise DeprecatedConfig(msg=stdmsg)

        # Using a list because a tuple with dict can't be stored in a set.
        sent_args = self._deprecated_messages_sent.setdefault(msg, list())

        if args in sent_args:
            # Already logged this message, so don't log it again.

        self.warn(stdmsg, *args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def report_deprecated_feature(logger, msg, *args, **kwargs):
    """Call this function when a deprecated feature is used.

    If the system is configured for fatal deprecations then the message
    is logged at the 'critical' level and :class:`DeprecatedConfig` will
    be raised.

    Otherwise, the message will be logged (once) at the 'warn' level.

    :raises: :class:`DeprecatedConfig` if the system is configured for
             fatal deprecations.
    stdmsg = _("Deprecated: %s") % msg
    if CONF.fatal_deprecations:
        logger.critical(stdmsg, *args, **kwargs)
        raise DeprecatedConfig(msg=stdmsg)

    # Using a list because a tuple with dict can't be stored in a set.
    sent_args = _deprecated_messages_sent.setdefault(msg, list())

    if args in sent_args:
        # Already logged this message, so don't log it again.

    logger.warn(stdmsg, *args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class LogConfigError(Exception):

    message = _('Error loading logging config %(log_config)s: %(err_msg)s')

    def __init__(self, log_config, err_msg):
        self.log_config = log_config
        self.err_msg = err_msg

    def __str__(self):
        return self.message % dict(log_config=self.log_config,
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _extract_bytes(self, details):
     # Replace it with the byte amount
     real_size = self.SIZE_RE.search(details)
     if not real_size:
         raise ValueError(_('Invalid input value "%s".') % details)
     magnitude = real_size.group(1)
     unit_of_measure = real_size.group(2)
     bytes_info = real_size.group(3)
     if bytes_info:
         return int(real_size.group(4))
     elif not unit_of_measure:
         return int(magnitude)
     return strutils.string_to_bytes('%s%sB' % (magnitude, unit_of_measure),
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _extract_details(self, root_cmd, root_details, lines_after):
     real_details = root_details
     if root_cmd == 'backing_file':
         # Replace it with the real backing file
         backing_match = self.BACKING_FILE_RE.match(root_details)
         if backing_match:
             real_details = backing_match.group(2).strip()
     elif root_cmd in ['virtual_size', 'cluster_size', 'disk_size']:
         # Replace it with the byte amount (if we can convert it)
         if root_details == 'None':
             real_details = 0
             real_details = self._extract_bytes(root_details)
     elif root_cmd == 'file_format':
         real_details = real_details.strip().lower()
     elif root_cmd == 'snapshot_list':
         # Next line should be a header, starting with 'ID'
         if not lines_after or not lines_after.pop(0).startswith("ID"):
             msg = _("Snapshot list encountered but no header found!")
             raise ValueError(msg)
         real_details = []
         # This is the sprintf pattern we will try to match
         # "%-10s%-20s%7s%20s%15s"
         # ID TAG VM SIZE DATE VM CLOCK (current header)
         while lines_after:
             line = lines_after[0]
             line_pieces = line.split()
             if len(line_pieces) != 6:
             # Check against this pattern in the final position
             # "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d"
             date_pieces = line_pieces[5].split(":")
             if len(date_pieces) != 3:
                 line_pieces[4] + " " + line_pieces[5],
     return real_details
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def set_rules(self, rules, overwrite=True, use_conf=False):
        """Create a new Rules object based on the provided dict of rules.

        :param rules: New rules to use. It should be an instance of dict.
        :param overwrite: Whether to overwrite current rules or update them
                          with the new rules.
        :param use_conf: Whether to reload rules from cache or config file.

        if not isinstance(rules, dict):
            raise TypeError(_("Rules must be an instance of dict or Rules, "
                            "got %s instead") % type(rules))
        self.use_conf = use_conf
        if overwrite:
            self.rules = Rules(rules, self.default_rule)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def set_rules(self, rules, overwrite=True, use_conf=False):
        """Create a new Rules object based on the provided dict of rules.

        :param rules: New rules to use. It should be an instance of dict.
        :param overwrite: Whether to overwrite current rules or update them
                          with the new rules.
        :param use_conf: Whether to reload rules from cache or config file.

        if not isinstance(rules, dict):
            raise TypeError(
                _("Rules must be an instance of dict or Rules, "
                  "got %s instead") % type(rules))
        self.use_conf = use_conf
        if overwrite:
            self.rules = Rules(rules, self.default_rule)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def _extract_details(self, root_cmd, root_details, lines_after):
     real_details = root_details
     if root_cmd == 'backing_file':
         # Replace it with the real backing file
         backing_match = self.BACKING_FILE_RE.match(root_details)
         if backing_match:
             real_details = backing_match.group(2).strip()
     elif root_cmd in ['virtual_size', 'cluster_size', 'disk_size']:
         # Replace it with the byte amount (if we can convert it)
         if root_details in ('None', 'unavailable'):
             real_details = 0
             real_details = self._extract_bytes(root_details)
     elif root_cmd == 'file_format':
         real_details = real_details.strip().lower()
     elif root_cmd == 'snapshot_list':
         # Next line should be a header, starting with 'ID'
         if not lines_after or not lines_after.pop(0).startswith("ID"):
             msg = _("Snapshot list encountered but no header found!")
             raise ValueError(msg)
         real_details = []
         # This is the sprintf pattern we will try to match
         # "%-10s%-20s%7s%20s%15s"
         # ID TAG VM SIZE DATE VM CLOCK (current header)
         while lines_after:
             line = lines_after[0]
             line_pieces = line.split()
             if len(line_pieces) != 6:
             # Check against this pattern in the final position
             # "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d"
             date_pieces = line_pieces[5].split(":")
             if len(date_pieces) != 3:
                 'id': line_pieces[0],
                 'tag': line_pieces[1],
                 'vm_size': line_pieces[2],
                 'date': line_pieces[3],
                 'vm_clock': line_pieces[4] + " " + line_pieces[5],
     return real_details
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _find_facility_from_conf():
    facility_names = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.facility_names
    facility = getattr(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler,

    if facility is None and CONF.syslog_log_facility in facility_names:
        facility = facility_names.get(CONF.syslog_log_facility)

    if facility is None:
        valid_facilities = facility_names.keys()
        consts = ['LOG_AUTH', 'LOG_AUTHPRIV', 'LOG_CRON', 'LOG_DAEMON',
                  'LOG_FTP', 'LOG_KERN', 'LOG_LPR', 'LOG_MAIL', 'LOG_NEWS',
                  'LOG_AUTH', 'LOG_SYSLOG', 'LOG_USER', 'LOG_UUCP',
                  'LOG_LOCAL0', 'LOG_LOCAL1', 'LOG_LOCAL2', 'LOG_LOCAL3',
                  'LOG_LOCAL4', 'LOG_LOCAL5', 'LOG_LOCAL6', 'LOG_LOCAL7']
        raise TypeError(_('syslog facility must be one of: %s') %
                        ', '.join("'%s'" % fac
                                  for fac in valid_facilities))

    return facility
Ejemplo n.º 10
class deprecated(object):
    """A decorator to mark callables as deprecated.

    This decorator logs a deprecation message when the callable it decorates is
    used. The message will include the release where the callable was
    deprecated, the release where it may be removed and possibly an optional


    1. Specifying the required deprecated release

    >>> @deprecated(as_of=deprecated.ICEHOUSE)
    ... def a(): pass

    2. Specifying a replacement:

    >>> @deprecated(as_of=deprecated.ICEHOUSE, in_favor_of='f()')
    ... def b(): pass

    3. Specifying the release where the functionality may be removed:

    >>> @deprecated(as_of=deprecated.ICEHOUSE, remove_in=+1)
    ... def c(): pass

    4. Specifying the deprecated functionality will not be removed:
    >>> @deprecated(as_of=deprecated.ICEHOUSE, remove_in=0)
    ... def d(): pass

    5. Specifying a replacement, deprecated functionality will not be removed:
    >>> @deprecated(as_of=deprecated.ICEHOUSE, in_favor_of='f()', remove_in=0)
    ... def e(): pass


    # NOTE(morganfainberg): Bexar is used for unit test purposes, it is
    # expected we maintain a gap between Bexar and Folsom in this list.
    BEXAR = 'B'
    FOLSOM = 'F'
    GRIZZLY = 'G'
    HAVANA = 'H'
    ICEHOUSE = 'I'
    JUNO = 'J'
    KILO = 'K'

    _RELEASES = {
        # NOTE(morganfainberg): Bexar is used for unit test purposes, it is
        # expected we maintain a gap between Bexar and Folsom in this list.
        'B': 'Bexar',
        'F': 'Folsom',
        'G': 'Grizzly',
        'H': 'Havana',
        'I': 'Icehouse',
        'J': 'Juno',
        'K': 'Kilo',

    _deprecated_msg_with_alternative = _(
        '%(what)s is deprecated as of %(as_of)s in favor of '
        '%(in_favor_of)s and may be removed in %(remove_in)s.')

    _deprecated_msg_no_alternative = _(
        '%(what)s is deprecated as of %(as_of)s and may be '
        'removed in %(remove_in)s. It will not be superseded.')

    _deprecated_msg_with_alternative_no_removal = _(
        '%(what)s is deprecated as of %(as_of)s in favor of %(in_favor_of)s.')

    _deprecated_msg_with_no_alternative_no_removal = _(
        '%(what)s is deprecated as of %(as_of)s. It will not be superseded.')

    def __init__(self, as_of, in_favor_of=None, remove_in=2, what=None):
        """Initialize decorator

        :param as_of: the release deprecating the callable. Constants
            are define in this class for convenience.
        :param in_favor_of: the replacement for the callable (optional)
        :param remove_in: an integer specifying how many releases to wait
            before removing (default: 2)
        :param what: name of the thing being deprecated (default: the
            callable's name)

        self.as_of = as_of
        self.in_favor_of = in_favor_of
        self.remove_in = remove_in
        self.what = what

    def __call__(self, func_or_cls):
        if not self.what:
            self.what = func_or_cls.__name__ + '()'
        msg, details = self._build_message()

        if inspect.isfunction(func_or_cls):

            def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
                LOG.deprecated(msg, details)
                return func_or_cls(*args, **kwargs)

            return wrapped
        elif inspect.isclass(func_or_cls):
            orig_init = func_or_cls.__init__

            # TODO(tsufiev): change `functools` module to `six` as
            # soon as six 1.7.4 (with fix for passing `assigned`
            # argument to underlying `functools.wraps`) is released
            # and added to the cinder-incubator requrements
            @functools.wraps(orig_init, assigned=('__name__', '__doc__'))
            def new_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
                LOG.deprecated(msg, details)
                orig_init(self, *args, **kwargs)

            func_or_cls.__init__ = new_init
            return func_or_cls
            raise TypeError('deprecated can be used only with functions or '

    def _get_safe_to_remove_release(self, release):
        # TODO(dstanek): this method will have to be reimplemented once
        #    when we get to the X release because once we get to the Y
        #    release, what is Y+2?
        new_release = chr(ord(release) + self.remove_in)
        if new_release in self._RELEASES:
            return self._RELEASES[new_release]
            return new_release

    def _build_message(self):
        details = dict(what=self.what,

        if self.in_favor_of:
            details['in_favor_of'] = self.in_favor_of
            if self.remove_in > 0:
                msg = self._deprecated_msg_with_alternative
                # There are no plans to remove this function, but it is
                # now deprecated.
                msg = self._deprecated_msg_with_alternative_no_removal
            if self.remove_in > 0:
                msg = self._deprecated_msg_no_alternative
                # There are no plans to remove this function, but it is
                # now deprecated.
                msg = self._deprecated_msg_with_no_alternative_no_removal
        return msg, details
Ejemplo n.º 11
class InvalidPeriodicTaskArg(Exception):
    message = _("Unexpected argument for periodic task creation: %(arg)s.")
Ejemplo n.º 12
import os
import re

from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
import six
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
import six.moves.urllib.request as urlrequest

from cinder.openstack.common import fileutils
from cinder.openstack.common._i18n import _, _LE

policy_opts = [
               help=_('The JSON file that defines policies.')),
               help=_('Default rule. Enforced when a requested rule is not '
                    help=_('Directories where policy configuration files are '
                           'stored. They can be relative to any directory '
                           'in the search path defined by the config_dir '
                           'option, or absolute paths. The file defined by '
                           'policy_file must exist for these directories to '
                           'be searched.  Missing or empty directories are '
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self, rule):
     msg = _("Policy doesn't allow %s to be performed.") % rule
     super(PolicyNotAuthorized, self).__init__(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def link_request_ids(context, source_id, target_id=None, stage=None,
                     target_name=None, notifier=None):
    """Links the Request ID from the Source service to the Request ID returned
    from the Target service.

    Linkages are logged and emitted as INFO notifications.

    :params context: context object
    :params source_id: the Request ID of the source
    :params target_id: the Request ID of the target
    :params stage: optional event name extension to indicate which part of the
      linkage this is.
    :params target_name: human readable name of the target system you are
      talking to.
    :params notifier: notifier object

    A typical use case is: System A asking System B to perform some action. The
    linkages might look like this:

    .. code-block:: python

       link_request_ids(sys_A.request_ID, stage="start")
       # send request to System B and get request ID
       link_request_ids(sys_A.request_ID, target_id=sys_B.request.ID)
       # optionally wait for System B to complete
       link_request_ids(sys_A.request_ID, target_id=sys_B.request.ID,

    But, it could be as simple as:

    .. code-block:: python

       link_request_ids(sys_A.request_ID, target_id=sys_B.request.ID)

    event_name = "request.link"
    if stage:
        event_name += ".%s" % stage

    rtarget_id = ""
    if target_id:
        rtarget_id = _("TargetId=%(id)s ") % {'id': target_id}

    rtarget_name = ""
    if target_name:
        rtarget_name = _("Target='%(name)s' ") % {'name': target_name}

    arrow = ""
    if target_name or target_id:
        arrow = " -> "

    LOG.info(_LI("Request ID Link: %(event_name)s "
                 "%(target_name)s%(target_id)s") % {
                     "event_name": event_name,
                     "source_id": source_id,
                     "target_name": rtarget_name,
                     "arrow": arrow,
                     "target_id": rtarget_id})

    if notifier:
        payload = {"source_request_id": source_id,
                   "target_request_id": target_id,
                   "target_name": target_name,
                   "stage": stage}
        notifier.info(context, event_name, payload)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def link_request_ids(context,
    """Links the Request ID from the Source service to the Request ID returned
    from the Target service.

    Linkages are logged and emitted as INFO notifications.

    :params context: context object
    :params source_id: the Request ID of the source
    :params target_id: the Request ID of the target
    :params stage: optional event name extension to indicate which part of the
      linkage this is.
    :params target_name: human readable name of the target system you are
      talking to.
    :params notifier: notifier object

    A typical use case is: System A asking System B to perform some action. The
    linkages might look like this:

    .. code-block:: python

       link_request_ids(sys_A.request_ID, stage="start")
       # send request to System B and get request ID
       link_request_ids(sys_A.request_ID, target_id=sys_B.request.ID)
       # optionally wait for System B to complete
       link_request_ids(sys_A.request_ID, target_id=sys_B.request.ID,

    But, it could be as simple as:

    .. code-block:: python

       link_request_ids(sys_A.request_ID, target_id=sys_B.request.ID)

    event_name = "request.link"
    if stage:
        event_name += ".%s" % stage

    rtarget_id = ""
    if target_id:
        rtarget_id = _("TargetId=%(id)s ") % {'id': target_id}

    rtarget_name = ""
    if target_name:
        rtarget_name = _("Target='%(name)s' ") % {'name': target_name}

    arrow = ""
    if target_name or target_id:
        arrow = " -> "

        _LI("Request ID Link: %(event_name)s "
            "%(target_name)s%(target_id)s") % {
                "event_name": event_name,
                "source_id": source_id,
                "target_name": rtarget_name,
                "arrow": arrow,
                "target_id": rtarget_id

    if notifier:
        payload = {
            "source_request_id": source_id,
            "target_request_id": target_id,
            "target_name": target_name,
            "stage": stage
        notifier.info(context, event_name, payload)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self, rule):
     msg = _("Policy doesn't allow %s to be performed.") % rule
     super(PolicyNotAuthorized, self).__init__(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 17
class DeprecatedConfig(Exception):
    message = _("Fatal call to deprecated config: %(msg)s")

    def __init__(self, msg):
        super(Exception, self).__init__(self.message % dict(msg=msg))
Ejemplo n.º 18
import re

from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
import six
from six.moves import urllib
import six.moves.urllib.request as urlrequest

from cinder.openstack.common import fileutils
from cinder.openstack.common._i18n import _, _LE

policy_opts = [
               help=_('The JSON file that defines policies.')),
               help=_('Default rule. Enforced when a requested rule is not '
                    help=_('Directories where policy configuration files are '
                           'stored. They can be relative to any directory '
                           'in the search path defined by the config_dir '
                           'option, or absolute paths. The file defined by '
                           'policy_file must exist for these directories to '
                           'be searched.  Missing or empty directories are '