Ejemplo n.º 1
def popcount(w):
    Create a population count circuit.

    w: the width of the adder.

    a `CircuitGraph` addder.
    c = Circuit(name="popcount")
    ps = [[c.add(f"in_{i}", "input")] for i in range(w)]

    i = 0
    while len(ps) > 1:
        # get values
        ns = ps.pop(0)
        ms = ps.pop(0)

        # pad
        aw = max(len(ns), len(ms))
        while len(ms) < aw:
            ms += ["null"]
        while len(ns) < aw:
            ns += ["null"]

        # instantiate and connect adder
        a = adder(aw).strip_io()
        c.extend(a.relabel({n: f"add_{i}_{n}" for n in a.nodes()}))
        for j, (n, m) in enumerate(zip(ns, ms)):
            c.connect(n, f"add_{i}_a_{j}")
            c.connect(m, f"add_{i}_b_{j}")

        # add adder outputs
        ps.append([f"add_{i}_out_{j}" for j in range(aw + 1)])
        i += 1

    # connect outputs
    for i, o in enumerate(ps[0]):
        c.add(f"out_{i}", "buf", fanin=o, output=True)

    if "null" in c:
        c.set_type("null", "0")
        c.set_output("null", False)

    return c
Ejemplo n.º 2
def comb_ff():
    lm = Circuit(name="ff")

    # mux
    m = mux(2).strip_io()
    lm.extend(m.relabel({n: f"mux_{n}" for n in m.nodes()}))

    # inputs
    lm.add("si", "input", fanout="mux_in_0")
    lm.add("d", "input", fanout="mux_in_1")
    lm.add("clk", "input", fanout="mux_sel_0")
    lm.add("r", "input")
    lm.add("s", "input")

    # logic
    lm.add("r_b", "not", fanin="r")
    lm.add("qr", "and", fanin=["mux_out", "r_b"])
    lm.add("q", "or", fanin=["qr", "s"], output=True)
    lm.add("so", "buf", fanin="q", output=True)

    return lm