Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_repr():
    gate = ccb.BayesianNetworkGate([('q0', 0.0), ('q1', None)], [('q1', ('q0',), [0.0, 0.0])])

    assert repr(gate) == (
        "cirq.BayesianNetworkGate(init_probs=[('q0', 0.0), ('q1', None)],"
        + " arc_probs=[('q1', ('q0',), [0.0, 0.0])])"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_incorrect_constructor():
    # Success building.
    ccb.BayesianNetworkGate([('q0', 0.0), ('q1', None)], [('q1', ('q0',), [0.0, 0.0])])

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Initial prob should be between 0 and 1.'):
        ccb.BayesianNetworkGate([('q0', 2016.0913), ('q1', None)], [('q1', ('q0',), [0.0, 0.0])])

    # This is an easy mistake where the tuple for q0 doesn't have the comma at the end.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Conditional prob params must be a tuple.'):
        ccb.BayesianNetworkGate([('q0', 0.0), ('q1', None)], [('q1', ('q0'), [0.0, 0.0])])

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Incorrect number of conditional probs.'):
        ccb.BayesianNetworkGate([('q0', 0.0), ('q1', None)], [('q1', ('q0',), [0.0])])

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Conditional prob should be between 0 and 1.'):
        ccb.BayesianNetworkGate([('q0', 0.0), ('q1', None)], [('q1', ('q0',), [2016.0913, 0.0])])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_repro_figure_10_of_paper():
    # We try to create the network of figure 10 and check that the probabilities are the same as
    # the ones in table 10 of https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.14803.
    ir = cirq.NamedQubit('q4_IR')
    oi = cirq.NamedQubit('q3_OI')
    sm = cirq.NamedQubit('q2_SM')
    sp = cirq.NamedQubit('q0_SP')

    gate = ccb.BayesianNetworkGate(
        [('ir', 0.25), ('oi', 0.4), ('sm', None), ('sp', None)],
        [('sm', ('ir',), [0.7, 0.2]), ('sp', ('sm', 'oi'), [0.1, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8])],

    qubits = [sp, sm, oi, ir]
    circuit = cirq.Circuit(cirq.decompose_once(gate.on(*qubits)))
    result = cirq.Simulator().simulate(circuit, qubit_order=qubits, initial_state=0)
    probs = np.asarray([abs(x) ** 2 for x in result.state_vector(copy=True)]).reshape(2, 2, 2, 2)

    # p(IR = 0) = 0.7500
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(probs[0, :, :, :]), 0.7500, decimal=6)

    # p(SM = 0) = 0.4250
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(probs[:, :, 0, :]), 0.4250, decimal=6)

    # p(OI = 0) = 0.6000
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(probs[:, 0, :, :]), 0.6000, decimal=6)

    # p(SP = 0) = 0.4985
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(probs[:, :, :, 0]), 0.4985, decimal=6)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_prob_encoding(input_prob):
    q = cirq.NamedQubit('q')
    gate = ccb.BayesianNetworkGate([('q', input_prob)], [])
    circuit = cirq.Circuit(gate.on(q))
    phi = (
        cirq.Simulator().simulate(circuit, qubit_order=[q], initial_state=0).state_vector(copy=True)
    actual_probs = [abs(x) ** 2 for x in phi]

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual_probs[1], input_prob, decimal=4)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_initial_probs(p0, p1, p2, expected_probs, decompose):
    q0, q1, q2 = cirq.LineQubit.range(3)
    gate = ccb.BayesianNetworkGate([('q0', p0), ('q1', p1), ('q2', p2)], [])
    if decompose:
        circuit = cirq.Circuit(cirq.decompose(gate.on(q0, q1, q2)))
        circuit = cirq.Circuit(gate.on(q0, q1, q2))

    result = cirq.Simulator().simulate(circuit, qubit_order=[q0, q1, q2], initial_state=0)

    actual_probs = [abs(x) ** 2 for x in result.state_vector(copy=True)]

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_probs, expected_probs, atol=1e-6)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_arc_probs(input_prob_q0, input_prob_q1, expected_prob_q2, decompose):
    q0, q1, q2 = cirq.LineQubit.range(3)
    gate = ccb.BayesianNetworkGate(
        [('q0', input_prob_q0), ('q1', input_prob_q1), ('q2', None)],
        [('q2', ('q0', 'q1'), [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])],
    if decompose:
        circuit = cirq.Circuit(cirq.decompose(gate.on(q0, q1, q2)))
        circuit = cirq.Circuit(gate.on(q0, q1, q2))

    result = cirq.Simulator().simulate(circuit, qubit_order=[q0, q1, q2], initial_state=0)

    probs = [abs(x) ** 2 for x in result.state_vector(copy=True)]

    actual_prob_q2_is_one = sum(probs[1::2])

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual_prob_q2_is_one, expected_prob_q2, decimal=4)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_basic_properties():
    gate = ccb.BayesianNetworkGate([('q0', None), ('q1', None), ('q2', None)], [])

    assert gate._has_unitary_()
    assert gate._qid_shape_() == (2, 2, 2)