Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _create_coord_list(self, filenames):
        from cis.time_util import cis_standard_time_unit
        # list of coordinate variables we are interested in
        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'TAI_start', 'Profile_time', 'Height']

        # reading the various files
            logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))
            sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variables)

            # altitude coordinate
            height = sdata['Height']
            height_data = hdf.read_data(height, "SD")
            height_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(height, "SD")
            height_coord = Coord(height_data, height_metadata, "Y")

        except InvalidVariableError:
            # This means we are reading a Cloudsat file without height, so remove height from the variables list
            logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))
            sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variables)

            height_data = None
            height_coord = None

        # latitude
        lat = vdata['Latitude']
        lat_data = hdf.read_data(lat, "VD")
        if height_data is not None:
            lat_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(lat_data, len(height_data[0]), axis=1)
        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lat, "VD")
        lat_metadata.shape = lat_data.shape
        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata)

        # longitude
        lon = vdata['Longitude']
        lon_data = hdf.read_data(lon, "VD")
        if height_data is not None:
            lon_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(lon_data, len(height_data[0]), axis=1)
        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lon, "VD")
        lon_metadata.shape = lon_data.shape
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata)

        # time coordinate
        time_data = self._generate_time_array(vdata)
        if height_data is not None:
            time_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(time_data, len(height_data[0]), axis=1)
        time_coord = Coord(time_data, Metadata(name='Profile_time', standard_name='time', shape=time_data.shape,
                                               calendar=cis_standard_time_unit.calendar), "X")

        # create object containing list of coordinates
        coords = CoordList()
        if height_coord is not None:

        return coords
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable):

        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        # reading coordinates
        coords = self._create_coord_list(filenames)

        # reading of variables
        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variable)

        # missing values
        missing_values = [0, -9999, -4444, -3333]

        # retrieve data + its metadata
        if variable in vdata:
            # vdata should be expanded in the same way as the coordinates are expanded
                height_length = coords.get_coord('Height').shape[1]
                var = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(hdf.read_data(vdata[variable], "VD", missing_values),
                                                  height_length, axis=1)
            except CoordinateNotFoundError:
                var = hdf.read_data(vdata[variable], "VD", missing_values)
            metadata = hdf.read_metadata(vdata[variable], "VD")
        elif variable in sdata:
            var = hdf.read_data(sdata[variable], "SD", missing_values)
            metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata[variable], "SD")
            raise ValueError("variable not found")

        return UngriddedData(var, metadata, coords)
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: MODIS.py Proyecto: cpaulik/cis
    def _create_coord_list(self, filenames, variable=None):
        import datetime as dt

        variables = ["Latitude", "Longitude", "Scan_Start_Time"]
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))

        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variables)

        apply_interpolation = False
        if variable is not None:
            scale = self.__get_data_scale(filenames[0], variable)
            apply_interpolation = True if scale is "1km" else False

        lat = sdata["Latitude"]
        sd_lat = hdf.read_data(lat, "SD")
        lat_data = self.__field_interpolate(sd_lat) if apply_interpolation else sd_lat
        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lat, "SD")
        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata, "Y")

        lon = sdata["Longitude"]
        lon_data = (
            self.__field_interpolate(hdf.read_data(lon, "SD")) if apply_interpolation else hdf.read_data(lon, "SD")
        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lon, "SD")
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata, "X")

        time = sdata["Scan_Start_Time"]
        time_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(time, "SD")
        # Ensure the standard name is set
        time_metadata.standard_name = "time"
        time_coord = Coord(time, time_metadata, "T")
        time_coord.convert_TAI_time_to_std_time(dt.datetime(1993, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))

        return CoordList([lat_coord, lon_coord, time_coord])
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: MODIS.py Proyecto: cpaulik/cis
    def _create_coord_list(self, filenames):
        import numpy as np
        from cis.time_util import calculate_mid_time, cis_standard_time_unit

        variables = ["XDim", "YDim"]
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))

        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variables)

        lat = sdata["YDim"]
        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lat, "SD")

        lon = sdata["XDim"]
        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lon, "SD")

        # expand lat and lon data array so that they have the same shape
        lat_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(
            hdf.read_data(lat, "SD"), lon_metadata.shape, axis=1
        )  # expand latitude column wise
        lon_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(
            hdf.read_data(lon, "SD"), lat_metadata.shape, axis=0
        )  # expand longitude row wise

        lat_metadata.shape = lat_data.shape
        lon_metadata.shape = lon_data.shape

        # to make sure "Latitude" and "Longitude", i.e. the standard_name is displayed instead of "YDim"and "XDim"
        lat_metadata.standard_name = "latitude"
        lat_metadata._name = ""
        lon_metadata.standard_name = "longitude"
        lon_metadata._name = ""

        # create arrays for time coordinate using the midpoint of the time delta between the start date and the end date
        time_data_array = []
        for filename in filenames:
            mid_datetime = calculate_mid_time(self._get_start_date(filename), self._get_end_date(filename))
            logging.debug("Using " + str(mid_datetime) + " as datetime for file " + str(filename))
            # Only use part of the full lat shape as it has already been concatenated
            time_data = np.empty((lat_metadata.shape[0] / len(filenames), lat_metadata.shape[1]), dtype="float64")
        time_data = utils.concatenate(time_data_array)
        time_metadata = Metadata(

        coords = CoordList()
        coords.append(Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata, "X"))
        coords.append(Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata, "Y"))
        coords.append(Coord(time_data, time_metadata, "T"))

        return coords
Ejemplo n.º 5
def hdf_read(filenames, variable, start=None, count=None, stride=None):
    """Returns variable, concatenated over a sequence of files."""
    from cis.data_io.hdf import read
    from cis.data_io.hdf_sd import get_metadata
    from cis.utils import concatenate

    sdata, _ = read(filenames, variable)
    var = sdata[variable]
    data = concatenate(
        [_get_MODIS_SDS_data(i, start, count, stride) for i in var])
    metadata = get_metadata(var[0])

    return data, metadata
Ejemplo n.º 6
def ncdf_read(filenames, variable, start=None, count=None, stride=None):
    """Returns variable, concatenated over a sequence of files."""
    from cis.data_io.netcdf import read, get_metadata
    from cis.utils import concatenate, listify

    data = []
    for f in listify(filenames):
        sdata = read(f, variable)
        var = sdata[variable]
        data.append(_tidy_ncdf_data(var, start, count, stride))

    metadata = get_metadata(var)

    return concatenate(data), metadata
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable):
        from pywork.CALIOP_utils import mask_data

        logging.debug("Creating *QC'd* data object for variable " + variable)
        # reading of variables
        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, [variable, "Pressure", "Extinction_QC_Flag_532", "CAD_Score"])

        # retrieve data + its metadata
        var = sdata[variable]
        metadata = hdf.read_metadata(var, "SD")

        # reading coordinates
        # See if the variable is one dimensional (check the length of shape, neglecting length 1 dimensions)
        if len([l for l in metadata.shape if l > 1]) == 1:
            coords = self._create_one_dimensional_coord_list(filenames, index_offset=1)
            coords = self._create_coord_list(filenames, index_offset=1)

        if variable in MIXED_RESOLUTION_VARIABLES:
            logging.warning("Using Level 2 resolution profile for mixed resolution variable {}. See CALIPSO "
                            "documentation for more details".format(variable))
            callback = self._get_mixed_resolution_calipso_data
            callback = self._get_calipso_data

        var_data = hdf.read_data(sdata[variable], callback)

        extinction_qc = hdf.read_data(sdata["Extinction_QC_Flag_532"], self._get_mixed_resolution_calipso_data)
        cad_score = hdf.read_data(sdata["CAD_Score"], self._get_mixed_resolution_calipso_data)

        qcd_var_data, = mask_data(var_data, cad_score, extinction_qc)

        # reading coordinates
        if variable.startswith('Column'):
            coords = self._create_one_dimensional_coord_list(filenames, index_offset=1)
            coords = self._create_coord_list(filenames, index_offset=1)

            pres_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Pressure'], self._get_calipso_data)
            pres_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata['Pressure'], "SD")
            # Fix badly formatted units which aren't CF compliant and will break if they are aggregated
            if str(pres_metadata.units) == "hPA":
                pres_metadata.units = "hPa"

            qcd_pres_data = mask_data(pres_data, cad_score, extinction_qc)
            pres_coord = Coord(qcd_pres_data, pres_metadata, 'P')

        return UngriddedData(qcd_var_data, metadata, coords)
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: MODIS.py Proyecto: cpaulik/cis
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable):
        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        # reading coordinates
        # the variable here is needed to work out whether to apply interpolation to the lat/lon data or not
        coords = self._create_coord_list(filenames, variable)

        # reading of variables
        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variable)

        # retrieve data + its metadata
        var = sdata[variable]
        metadata = hdf.read_metadata(var, "SD")

        return UngriddedData(var, metadata, coords)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable):
        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        # reading coordinates
        # the variable here is needed to work out whether to apply interpolation to the lat/lon data or not
        coords = self._create_coord_list(filenames, variable)

        # reading of variables
        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variable)

        # retrieve data + its metadata
        var = sdata[variable]
        metadata = hdf.read_metadata(var, "SD")

        return UngriddedData(var, metadata, coords, _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _create_coord_list(self, filenames, variable=None):
        import datetime as dt
        from cis.time_util import convert_time_since_to_std_time, cis_standard_time_unit
        from cis.utils import concatenate
        from cf_units import Unit
        from geotiepoints import modis5kmto1km

        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'View_time']
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))

        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variables)

        apply_interpolation = False
        if variable is not None:
            scale = self.__get_data_scale(filenames[0], variable)
            apply_interpolation = True if scale is "1km" else False

        lat_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Latitude'], _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata['Latitude'], "SD")

        lon_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Longitude'], _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata['Longitude'], "SD")

        if apply_interpolation:
            lon_data, lat_data = modis5kmto1km(lon_data, lat_data)

        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata, 'Y')
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata, 'X')

        time = sdata['View_time']
        time_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(time, "SD")
        # Ensure the standard name is set
        time_metadata.standard_name = 'time'
        time_metadata.units = cis_standard_time_unit

        t_arrays = []
        for f, d in zip(filenames, time):
            time_start = self._get_start_date(f)
            t_data = _get_MODIS_SDS_data(
                d) / 24.0  # Convert hours since to days since
            t_offset = time_start - dt.datetime(1600, 1,
                                                1)  # Convert to CIS time
            t_arrays.append(t_data + t_offset.days)

        time_coord = Coord(concatenate(t_arrays), time_metadata, "T")

        return CoordList([lat_coord, lon_coord, time_coord])
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _create_coord_list(self, filenames, variable=None):
        import datetime as dt
        from cis.time_util import convert_time_since_to_std_time, cis_standard_time_unit
        from cis.utils import concatenate
        from cf_units import Unit
        from geotiepoints import modis5kmto1km

        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'View_time']
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))

        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variables)

        apply_interpolation = False
        if variable is not None:
            scale = self.__get_data_scale(filenames[0], variable)
            apply_interpolation = True if scale is "1km" else False

        lat_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Latitude'], _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata['Latitude'], "SD")

        lon_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Longitude'], _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata['Longitude'], "SD")

        if apply_interpolation:
            lon_data, lat_data = modis5kmto1km(lon_data, lat_data)

        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata, 'Y')
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata, 'X')

        time = sdata['View_time']
        time_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(time, "SD")
        # Ensure the standard name is set
        time_metadata.standard_name = 'time'
        time_metadata.units = cis_standard_time_unit

        t_arrays = []
        for f, d in zip(filenames, time):
            time_start = self._get_start_date(f)
            t_data = _get_MODIS_SDS_data(d) / 24.0  # Convert hours since to days since
            t_offset = time_start - dt.datetime(1600, 1, 1)  # Convert to CIS time
            t_arrays.append(t_data + t_offset.days)

        time_coord = Coord(concatenate(t_arrays), time_metadata, "T")

        return CoordList([lat_coord, lon_coord, time_coord])
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _create_one_dimensional_coord_list(self, filenames):
        from cis.time_util import cis_standard_time_unit
        # list of coordinate variables we are interested in
        variables = [
            'MODIS_latitude', 'MODIS_longitude', 'TAI_start', 'Profile_time'

        # reading the various files
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))
        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variables)

        # latitude
        lat = sdata['MODIS_latitude']
        lat_data = hdf.read_data(lat, self._get_cloudsat_sds_data)
        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lat, "SD")
        lat_metadata.shape = lat_data.shape
        lat_metadata.standard_name = 'latitude'
        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata)

        # longitude
        lon = sdata['MODIS_longitude']
        lon_data = hdf.read_data(lon, self._get_cloudsat_sds_data)
        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lon, "SD")
        lon_metadata.shape = lon_data.shape
        lon_metadata.standard_name = 'longitude'
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata)

        # time coordinate
        time_data = self._generate_time_array(vdata)
        time_coord = Coord(
                     units=cis_standard_time_unit), "X")

        # create object containing list of coordinates
        coords = CoordList()

        return coords
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable):
        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        # reading coordinates
        # the variable here is needed to work out whether to apply interpolation to the lat/lon data or not
        coords = self._create_coord_list(filenames, variable)

        # reading of variables
        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variable)

        # retrieve data + its metadata
        var = sdata[variable]
        metadata = hdf.read_metadata(var, "SD")

        # cut off the edges of the data...
        d = hdf.read_data(var, _get_MODIS_SDS_data)[:, 2:-2]

        return UngriddedData(d, metadata, coords, _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable):
        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        # reading of variables
        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variable)

        # reading (un-expanded) coordinates, since the data is 1-dimensional
        coords = self._create_one_dimensional_coord_list(filenames)

        # retrieve data + its metadata
        if variable in vdata:
            var = hdf.read_data(vdata[variable], self._get_cloudsat_vds_data)
            metadata = hdf.read_metadata(vdata[variable], "VD")
        elif variable in sdata:
            var = hdf.read_data(sdata[variable], self._get_cloudsat_sds_data)
            metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata[variable], "SD")
            raise ValueError("variable not found")

        return UngriddedData(var, metadata, coords)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable):
        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        # reading of variables
        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variable)

        # reading (un-expanded) coordinates, since the data is 1-dimensional
        coords = self._create_one_dimensional_coord_list(filenames)

        # retrieve data + its metadata
        if variable in vdata:
            var = hdf.read_data(vdata[variable], self._get_cloudsat_vds_data)
            metadata = hdf.read_metadata(vdata[variable], "VD")
        elif variable in sdata:
            var = hdf.read_data(sdata[variable], self._get_cloudsat_sds_data)
            metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata[variable], "SD")
            raise ValueError("variable not found")

        return UngriddedData(var, metadata, coords)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable):
        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        # reading coordinates
        # the variable here is needed to work out whether to apply interpolation to the lat/lon data or not
        coords = self._create_coord_list(filenames, variable)

        # reading of variables
        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variable)

        # retrieve data + its metadata
        var = sdata[variable]
        metadata = hdf.read_metadata(var, "SD")

        # cut off the edges of the data...
        d = hdf.read_data(var, _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
        if self.apply_interpolation:
            d = d[:, 2:-2]

        return UngriddedData(d, metadata, coords, _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def _create_coord_list(self, filenames, variable=None):
        import datetime as dt

        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Scan_Start_Time']
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))

        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variables)

        self.apply_interpolation = False
        if variable is not None:
            scale = self.__get_data_scale(filenames[0], variable)
            self.apply_interpolation = scale == "1km"

        lat = sdata['Latitude']
        lat_data = hdf.read_data(lat, _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
        lon = sdata['Longitude']
        lon_data = hdf.read_data(lon, _get_MODIS_SDS_data)

        if self.apply_interpolation:
            lon_data, lat_data = modis5kmto1km(lon_data[:], lat_data[:])

        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lat, "SD")
        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata, 'Y')

        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lon, "SD")
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata, 'X')

        time = sdata['Scan_Start_Time']
        time_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(time, "SD")
        # Ensure the standard name is set
        time_metadata.standard_name = 'time'
        time_data = hdf.read_data(time, _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
        if self.apply_interpolation:
            time_data = np.repeat(np.repeat(time_data, 5, axis=0), 5, axis=1)
        time_coord = Coord(time_data, time_metadata, "T")
            dt.datetime(1993, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))

        return CoordList([lat_coord, lon_coord, time_coord])
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def _create_coord_list(self, filenames, variable=None):
        import datetime as dt

        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Scan_Start_Time']
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))

        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variables)

        apply_interpolation = False
        if variable is not None:
            scale = self.__get_data_scale(filenames[0], variable)
            apply_interpolation = True if scale is "1km" else False

        lat = sdata['Latitude']
        sd_lat = hdf.read_data(lat, _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
        lat_data = self.__field_interpolate(
            sd_lat) if apply_interpolation else sd_lat
        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lat, "SD")
        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata, 'Y')

        lon = sdata['Longitude']
        if apply_interpolation:
            lon_data = self.__field_interpolate(
                hdf.read_data(lon, _get_MODIS_SDS_data))
            lon_data = hdf.read_data(lon, _get_MODIS_SDS_data)

        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lon, "SD")
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata, 'X')

        time = sdata['Scan_Start_Time']
        time_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(time, "SD")
        # Ensure the standard name is set
        time_metadata.standard_name = 'time'
        time_coord = Coord(time, time_metadata, "T", _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
            dt.datetime(1993, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))

        return CoordList([lat_coord, lon_coord, time_coord])
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable):
        from itertools import product

        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        # reading coordinates
        # the variable here is needed to work out whether to apply interpolation to the lat/lon data or not
        coords = self._create_coord_list(filenames, variable)

        # reading of variables
        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variable)

        # retrieve data + its metadata
        var = sdata[variable]
        metadata = hdf.read_metadata(var, "SD")

        # Check the dimension of this variable
        _, ndim, dim_len, _, _ = var[0].info()
        if ndim == 2:
            return UngriddedData(var, metadata, coords, _get_MODIS_SDS_data)

        elif ndim < 2:
            raise NotImplementedError("1D field in MODIS L2 data.")

            result = UngriddedDataList()

            # Iterate over all but the last two dimensions
            ranges = [range(n) for n in dim_len[:-2]]
            for indices in product(*ranges):
                for manager in var:
                    manager._start = list(indices) + [0, 0]
                    manager._count = [1
                                      ] * len(indices) + manager.info()[2][-2:]
                    UngriddedData(var, metadata, coords.copy(),
            return result
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def _create_one_dimensional_coord_list(self, filenames):
        from cis.time_util import cis_standard_time_unit
        # list of coordinate variables we are interested in
        variables = ['MODIS_latitude', 'MODIS_longitude', 'TAI_start', 'Profile_time']

        # reading the various files
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))
        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variables)

        # latitude
        lat = sdata['MODIS_latitude']
        lat_data = hdf.read_data(lat, self._get_cloudsat_sds_data)
        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lat, "SD")
        lat_metadata.shape = lat_data.shape
        lat_metadata.standard_name = 'latitude'
        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata)

        # longitude
        lon = sdata['MODIS_longitude']
        lon_data = hdf.read_data(lon, self._get_cloudsat_sds_data)
        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lon, "SD")
        lon_metadata.shape = lon_data.shape
        lon_metadata.standard_name = 'longitude'
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata)

        # time coordinate
        time_data = self._generate_time_array(vdata)
        time_coord = Coord(time_data, Metadata(name='Profile_time', standard_name='time', shape=time_data.shape,
                                               units=cis_standard_time_unit), "X")

        # create object containing list of coordinates
        coords = CoordList()

        return coords
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def _create_coord_list(self, filenames, variable=None):
        import datetime as dt

        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Scan_Start_Time']
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))

        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variables)

        apply_interpolation = False
        if variable is not None:
            scale = self.__get_data_scale(filenames[0], variable)
            apply_interpolation = True if scale is "1km" else False

        lat = sdata['Latitude']
        lat_data = hdf.read_data(lat, _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
        lon = sdata['Longitude']
        lon_data = hdf.read_data(lon, _get_MODIS_SDS_data)

        if apply_interpolation:
            lon_data, lat_data = modis5kmto1km(lon_data[:], lat_data[:])

        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lat, "SD")
        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata, 'Y')

        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lon, "SD")
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata, 'X')

        time = sdata['Scan_Start_Time']
        time_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(time, "SD")
        # Ensure the standard name is set
        time_metadata.standard_name = 'time'
        time_data = hdf.read_data(time, _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
        time_data = np.repeat(np.repeat(time_data, 5, axis=0), 5, axis=1)
        time_coord = Coord(time_data, time_metadata, "T")
        time_coord.convert_TAI_time_to_std_time(dt.datetime(1993, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))

        return CoordList([lat_coord, lon_coord, time_coord])
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable):
        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        # reading coordinates
        if variable.startswith('Column'):
            coords = self._create_one_dimensional_coord_list(filenames, index_offset=1)
            coords = self._create_coord_list(filenames, index_offset=1)

        # reading of variables
        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variable)

        # retrieve data + its metadata
        var = sdata[variable]
        metadata = hdf.read_metadata(var, "SD")

        if variable in MIXED_RESOLUTION_VARIABLES:
            logging.warning("Using Level 2 resolution profile for mixed resolution variable {}. See CALIPSO "
                            "documentation for more details".format(variable))
            callback = self._get_mixed_resolution_calipso_data
            callback = self._get_calipso_data

        return UngriddedData(var, metadata, coords, callback)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def _create_coord_list(self, filenames):
        from cis.time_util import cis_standard_time_unit
        # list of coordinate variables we are interested in
        variables = [
            'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'TAI_start', 'Profile_time', 'Height'

        # reading the various files
            logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))
            sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variables)

            # altitude coordinate
            height = sdata['Height']
            height_data = hdf.read_data(height, self._get_cloudsat_sds_data)
            height_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(height, "SD")
            height_coord = Coord(height_data, height_metadata, "Y")

        except InvalidVariableError:
            # This means we are reading a Cloudsat file without height, so remove height from the variables list
            logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))
            sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variables)

            height_data = None
            height_coord = None

        # latitude
        lat = vdata['Latitude']
        lat_data = hdf.read_data(lat, self._get_cloudsat_vds_data)
        if height_data is not None:
            lat_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(lat_data,
        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lat, "VD")
        lat_metadata.shape = lat_data.shape
        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata)

        # longitude
        lon = vdata['Longitude']
        lon_data = hdf.read_data(lon, self._get_cloudsat_vds_data)
        if height_data is not None:
            lon_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(lon_data,
        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lon, "VD")
        lon_metadata.shape = lon_data.shape
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata)

        # time coordinate
        time_data = self._generate_time_array(vdata)
        if height_data is not None:
            time_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(time_data,
        time_coord = Coord(
                     units=cis_standard_time_unit), "X")

        # create object containing list of coordinates
        coords = CoordList()
        if height_coord is not None:

        return coords