Ejemplo n.º 1
def owner_org_validator_publisher(key, data, errors, context):
    owner_org_validator modified to allow publisher to update
    datasets for any org

    value = data.get(key)

    if value is missing or not value:
        if not ckan.new_authz.check_config_permission(
            raise Invalid(_('A organization must be supplied'))
        data.pop(key, None)
        raise StopOnError

    model = context['model']
    group = model.Group.get(value)
    if not group:
        raise Invalid(_('Organization does not exist'))
    group_id = group.id
    user = context['user']
    user = model.User.get(user)
    if not (may_publish_datasets(user) or user.is_in_group(group_id)):
        raise Invalid(_('You cannot add a dataset to this organization'))
    data[key] = group_id
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ngds_tag_length_validator(value, context):

    if len(value) < MIN_TAG_LENGTH:
        raise Invalid(('Tag "%s" length is less than minimum %s') % (value, MIN_TAG_LENGTH))
    if len(value) > MAX_TAG_LENGTH:
        raise Invalid(('Tag "%s" length is more than maximum %i') % (value, MAX_TAG_LENGTH))
    return value
Ejemplo n.º 3
def package_name_validator(key, data, errors, context):
    model = context["model"]
    session = context["session"]
    package = context.get("package")

    query = session.query(model.Package.name).filter_by(name=data[key])
    if package:
        package_id = package.id
        package_id = data.get(key[:-1] + ("id", ))
    if package_id and package_id is not missing:
        query = query.filter(model.Package.id <> package_id)
    result = query.first()
    if result:
        errors[key].append(_('That URL is already in use.'))

    value = data[key]
    if len(value) < PACKAGE_NAME_MIN_LENGTH:
        raise Invalid(
            _('Name "%s" length is less than minimum %s') %
            (value, PACKAGE_NAME_MIN_LENGTH))
    if len(value) > PACKAGE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH:
        raise Invalid(
            _('Name "%s" length is more than maximum %s') %
            (value, PACKAGE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def kata_owner_org_validator(key, data, errors, context):
    Modified version of CKAN's owner_org_validator. Anyone can add a
    dataset to an organisation. If the organisation doesn't exist it is created later on.

    :param key: key
    :param data: data
    :param errors: errors
    :param context: context
    :return: nothing

    value = data.get(key)

    if value is missing or not value:
        err = _(
            u"An organization must be supplied. If you do not find a suitable organization, please choose the default organization "
            u"'Ei linkitetä organisaatioon - do not link to an organization'.")
        raise Invalid(err)

    model = context['model']
    group = model.Group.get(value)
    if not group:
        org_name = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', '-', utils.slugify(value)).lower()
        org_name = re.sub(r'-$', '', org_name)
        group = model.Group.get(org_name)
        if not group:
            err = _(
                u'The provided organization does not exist. Please contact Etsin administration using our contact form at http://openscience.fi/contact-form'
            raise Invalid(err)

    if group:
        data[key] = group.id
Ejemplo n.º 5
def harvest_object_extras_validator(value, context):
    if not isinstance(value, dict):
        raise Invalid('extras must be a dict')
    for v in value.values():
        if not isinstance(v, basestring):
            raise Invalid('extras must be a dict of strings')
    return value
Ejemplo n.º 6
def service_charge_validator(key, data, errors, context):
    """Validates the fields related to service charge.

    If the service has a charge, then the user must also supply either the pricing information URL or a description of the service pricing or both."""

    # Get the value for the service charge radio field
    service_charge_value = data.get(key)

    if service_charge_value is missing or service_charge_value is None or service_charge_value == '':
        # At least one of the service charge values must be selected
        raise Invalid(_('Service charge must be supplied'))
    elif service_charge_value == 'yes':
        # Check if the service has a charge
        # Get the pricing information url and service price description values from the data (the key is a tuple)
        pricing_url_value = data.get(('pricing_information_url', ))
        service_price_value = data.get(('service_price_description', ))

        if ((pricing_url_value is missing or pricing_url_value is None
             or pricing_url_value == '') and
            (service_price_value is missing or service_price_value is None
             or service_price_value == '')):
            # If both the pricing information url and the service price description fields are empty, show an error message
            raise Invalid(
                _('If there is a service charge, you must supply either the pricing information web address for this service or a description of '
                  + 'the service pricing or both'))
    return service_charge_value
Ejemplo n.º 7
def user_name_sanitize(key, data, errors, context):
    value = data[key]
    if is_input_valid(value) is False:
        raise Invalid(_('Input Contains Invalid Text'))
    elif value and re.match('admin', value, re.IGNORECASE):
        raise Invalid(_('Input Contains Invalid Text'))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def name_validator(val, context):
    # check basic textual rules
    if len(val) < 2:
        raise Invalid(_('Name must be at least %s characters long') % 2)
    if not name_match.match(val):
        raise Invalid(
            _('Name must be purely lowercase alphanumeric '
              '(ascii) characters and these symbols: -_'))
    return val
Ejemplo n.º 9
def name_validator(val, context):
    # check basic textual rules
    if len(val) < 2:
        raise Invalid(_('Name must be at least %s characters long') % 2)
    if len(val) > PACKAGE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH:
        raise Invalid(_('Name must be a maximum of %i characters long') % \
    if not name_match.match(val):
        raise Invalid(_('Url must be purely lowercase alphanumeric '
                        '(ascii) characters and these symbols: -_'))
    return val
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def convert(key, data, errors, context):
        value = data.get(key)
        #logger.debug('Processing field %s for editing (%r)', key[0], value)
        ser = ext_metadata.serializer_for_field(field)

        # Not supposed to handle missing inputs here
        assert not value is missing
        # Convert from input/db or initialize to defaults
        if not value:
            # Determine default value and initialize   
            if field.default is not None:
                value = field.default
            elif field.defaultFactory is not None:
                value = field.defaultFactory()
            # Convert from input or db  
            if ser and isinstance(value, basestring):
                    value = ser.loads(value)
                except Exception as ex:
                    raise Invalid(u'Invalid input (%s)' % (ex.message))
        # Ignore empty values (act exactly as the `ignore_empty` validator).
        # Note If a field is marked as required, the check is postponed until
        # the dataset is validated at dataset level.

        if not value:
            raise StopOnError

        # Validate
        if not 'skip_validation' in context:
                # Invoke the zope.schema validator
            except zope.schema.ValidationError as ex:
                # Map this exception to the one expected by CKAN
                raise Invalid(u'Invalid (%s)' % (type(ex).__name__))

        # Convert to a properly formatted string (for db storage)

        if ser:
            value = ser.dumps(value)
        data[key] = value

Ejemplo n.º 11
def tag_name_validator(value, context):

    tagname_match = re.compile('[\w \-.]*$', re.UNICODE)
    if not tagname_match.match(value):
        raise Invalid(_('Tag "%s" must be alphanumeric '
                        'characters or symbols: -_.') % (value))
    return value
Ejemplo n.º 12
def country_code(value,context):

    value = value.upper()
    if not value in [c[0] for c in COUNTRIES]:
        raise Invalid('Unknown country code "%s"' % value)

    return value
Ejemplo n.º 13
def yes_no(value,context):

    value = value.lower()
    if not value in ['yes','no']:
        raise Invalid('Value must be one of [yes, no]')

    return value
Ejemplo n.º 14
def iati_resource_url_mandatory(value, context):

    value = iati_resource_url(value, context)

    if (not value) or (not value.strip()):
        raise Invalid('URL cannot be empty')
    return value
Ejemplo n.º 15
def validate_primary_pid_uniqueness(key, data, errors, context):
        Validate dataset primary pid is unique, i.e. it does not exist already in any other dataset.

        :param key: key
        :param data: data
        :param errors: errors
        :param context: context

    lst = list(key)
    lst[2] = 'type'
    pid_type_key = tuple(lst)
    if data.get(pid_type_key) == u'primary':
        exam_primary_pid = data.get(key)
        exam_package_id = data.get(('id', ))
        all_similar_pids_query = model.Session.query(model.PackageExtra)\
                    .filter(model.PackageExtra.value == exam_primary_pid)\
                    .join(model.Package).filter(model.Package.state == 'active').values('package_id', 'key', 'value')

        for package_id, pid_id_key, pid_id_value in all_similar_pids_query:
            if package_id != exam_package_id:
                pid_type_key = 'pids_' + pid_id_key[pid_id_key.find('_') +
                                                    rfind('_')] + '_type'
                primary_type_in_other_dataset_query = model.Session.query(model.PackageExtra)\
                            .filter(and_(model.PackageExtra.package_id == package_id,
                                         model.PackageExtra.key == pid_type_key,
                                         model.PackageExtra.value == u'primary'))
                if primary_type_in_other_dataset_query.first():
                    raise Invalid(
                        _('Primary identifier {pid} exists in another dataset {id}'
                          ).format(pid=exam_primary_pid, id=package_id))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def protect_portal_release_date(key, data, errors, context):
    Ensure the portal_release_date is not changed by an unauthorized user.
    if is_sysadmin(context['user']):
    original = ''
    package = context.get('package')
    if package:
        original = package.extras.get('portal_release_date', '')
    value = data.get(key, '')
    if original == value:

    user = context['user']
    user = model.User.get(user)
    if may_publish_datasets(user):

    if value == '':
        # silently replace with the old value when none is sent
        data[key] = original

    raise Invalid('Cannot change value of key from %s to %s. '
                  'This key is read-only' % (original, value))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def user_name_exists(user_name, context):
    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']
    result = session.query(model.User).filter_by(name=user_name).first()
    if not result:
        raise Invalid('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('User')))
    return result.name
Ejemplo n.º 18
def end_time_validator(key, data, errors, context):
   Raises Invalid if end time is smaller than start time.

    start_time = data.get(('start_time', ))
    end_time = data.get(('end_time', ))

    if not start_time or not end_time:

    date_validator(('start_time', ), data, errors, context)
    date_validator(('end_time', ), data, errors, context)

    if errors.get(('start_time', )) or errors.get(('end_time', )):

    start_time_p = parse(start_time, default=datetime(1, 1, 1))
    end_time_p = parse(end_time, default=datetime(date.today().year, 12, 1))
    if len(end_time) == 7:
        # If the day of month is missing
        end_time_p = end_time_p.replace( \
              day=monthrange(end_time_p.year, end_time_p.month)[1])

    if end_time_p < start_time_p:
        raise Invalid(
            _('End time should be greater than \
             or equal to start time'))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def package_id_not_changed(value, context):

    package = context.get('package')
    if package and value != package.id:
        raise Invalid('Cannot change value of key from %s to %s. '
                      'This key is read-only' % (package.id, value))
    return value
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def callable(key, data, errors, context):
        new_tags = data.get(key)
        if not new_tags:
        if isinstance(new_tags, basestring):
            new_tags = [new_tags]

        # get current number of tags
        n = 0
        for k in data.keys():
            if k[0] == 'tags':
                n = max(n, k[1] + 1)

        v = model.Vocabulary.get(vocab)
        if not v:
            raise Invalid(_('Tag vocabulary "%s" does not exist') % vocab)
        context['vocabulary'] = v

        for tag in new_tags:
            tag_length_validator(tag, context)
            tag_name_validator(tag, context)
            tag_in_vocabulary_validator(tag, context)

        for num, tag in enumerate(new_tags):
            data[('tags', num+n, 'name')] = tag
            data[('tags', num+n, 'vocabulary_id')] = v.id
Ejemplo n.º 21
def harvest_job_exists(value, context):
    '''Check if a harvest job exists and returns the model if it does'''
    result = HarvestJob.get(value)

    if not result:
        raise Invalid('Harvest Job with id %r does not exist.' % str(value))
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 22
def harvest_source_url_validator(key,data,errors,context):
    package = context.get("package")

    if package:
        package_id = package.id
        package_id = data.get(key[:-1] + ("id",))

    new_url = _normalize_url(data[key])
    #pkg_id = data.get(('id',),'')

    q = model.Session.query(model.Package.url, model.Package.state) \

    if package_id:
        # When editing a source we need to avoid its own URL
        q = q.filter(model.Package.id!=package_id)

    existing_sources = q.all()

    for url, state in existing_sources:
        url = _normalize_url(url)
        if url == new_url:
            raise Invalid('There already is a Harvest Source for this URL: %s' % data[key])

    return data[key]
Ejemplo n.º 23
def harvest_source_id_exists(value, context):

    result = HarvestSource.get(value)

    if not result:
        raise Invalid('Harvest Source with id %r does not exist.' % str(value))
    return value
Ejemplo n.º 24
def vocabulary_id_exists(value, context):
    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']
    result = session.query(model.Vocabulary).get(value)
    if not result:
        raise Invalid(_('Tag vocabulary was not found.'))
    return value
Ejemplo n.º 25
def preprocess_dataset_for_edit(key, data, errors, context):
    assert key[0] == '__before', \
        'This validator can only be invoked in the __before stage'

    def debug(msg):
        logger.debug('Pre-processing dataset for editing: %s' % (msg))

    received_data = {k: v for k, v in data.iteritems() if not (v is missing)}
    unexpected_data = received_data.get(('__extras', ), {})

    #debug('Received data: %r' %(received_data))
    #debug('Received (but unexpected) data: %r' %(unexpected_data))

    # Figure out if a nested dict is supplied (instead of a flat one).

    # Note This "nested" input format is intended to be used by the action api,
    # as it is far more natural to the JSON format. Still, this format option is
    # not restricted to api requests (it is possible to be used even by form-based
    # requests).

    key_prefix = dtype = received_data.get(('dataset_type', ))
    r = unexpected_data.get(dtype) if dtype else None
    if isinstance(r, dict) and (dtype in ext_metadata.dataset_types):
        # Looks like a nested dict keyed at key_prefix
        debug('Trying to flatten input at %s' % (key_prefix))
        if any([k[0].startswith(key_prefix) for k in received_data]):
            raise Invalid('Not supported: Found both nested/flat dicts')
        # Convert to expected flat fields
        key_converter = lambda k: '.'.join([key_prefix] + map(str, k))
        r = dictization.flatten(r, key_converter)
        data.update({(k, ): v for k, v in r.iteritems()})

    #raise Breakpoint('preprocess_dataset_for_edit')
Ejemplo n.º 26
def vocabulary_id_not_changed(value, context):
    vocabulary = context.get('vocabulary')
    if vocabulary and value != vocabulary.id:
        raise Invalid(
            _('Cannot change value of key from %s to %s. '
              'This key is read-only') % (vocabulary.id, value))
    return value
Ejemplo n.º 27
def user_about_validator(value, context):
    if 'http://' in value or 'https://' in value:
        raise Invalid(
            _('Edit not allowed as it looks like spam. Please avoid links in your description.'

    return value
Ejemplo n.º 28
def no_http(value, context):

    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']

    if 'http:' in value:
        raise Invalid(_('No links are allowed in the log_message.'))
    return value
Ejemplo n.º 29
def vocabulary_name_validator(name, context):
    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']

    if len(name) < VOCABULARY_NAME_MIN_LENGTH:
        raise Invalid(
            _('Name must be at least %s characters long') %
    if len(name) > VOCABULARY_NAME_MAX_LENGTH:
        raise Invalid(
            _('Name must be a maximum of %i characters long') %
    query = session.query(model.Vocabulary.name).filter_by(name=name)
    result = query.first()
    if result:
        raise Invalid(_('That vocabulary name is already in use.'))
    return name
Ejemplo n.º 30
def iati_publisher_name_validator(value, context):
        return p.toolkit.get_validator('name_validator')(value, context)
    except Invalid:
        raise Invalid("This will be the unique identifier for the publisher. "
                      "Where possible use a short abbreviation of your organisation's name. "
                      "For example: 'dfid' or 'worldbank' Must be at least two characters long and lower case. "
                      "Can include letters, numbers and also - (dash) and _ (underscore).")