def __init__(self, folderName): myDATA = dotdict.dotdict() for x in (['B1H', 'B1V', 'B2H', 'B2V']): myFileList = glob.glob(folderName + '/*%s*.h5' % x) myTimestampList = [] pus = [] status = [] if myFileList: fills = np.unique([ int(filename.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0]) for filename in myFileList ]) df = {} for fill in fills: df[fill] = importData.LHCFillsByNumber(fill) df[fill] = df[fill][df[fill]['mode'] != 'FILL'] df[fill] = df[fill].reset_index(drop=True) for fileName in myFileList: fill = int((fileName.split('/')[-1].split('_'))[0]) time = self.fromName2Timestamp(fileName.split('/')[-1]) status.append(self.getStatus(time, fill, df)) myTimestampList.append(time) pus.append(self.fromName2PU(fileName.split('/')[-1])) myDATA['at' + x] = pd.DataFrame(index=np.array(myTimestampList)) myDATA['at' + x]['fileName'] = np.array(myFileList) myDATA['at' + x]['Status'] = status myDATA['at' + x]['PU'] = pus self.importEmptyDF = myDATA
def __init__(self, folderName): myDATA = dotdict.dotdict() for x in (['B1H', 'B1V', 'B2H', 'B2V']): myFileList = glob.glob(folderName + '/*BQ%sT.%s*.h5' % (x[-1], x[0:2])) myTimestampList = [] for fileName in myFileList: time = self.fromName2Timestamp(fileName) myTimestampList.append(time) myDATA['at' + x] = pd.DataFrame(index=np.array(myTimestampList)) myDATA['at' + x]['fileName'] = np.array(myFileList) self.importEmptyDF = myDATA
def __init__(self, folderName): """ Import the list of the DOROS acquisitions during MD4147. Sort by DOR (orbit) and DOS(oscillations) and by name of BPM. The final DataFrame will be: *.at*(DOS or DOR).*(name of BPM) ===EXAMPLE=== from cl2pd import noise doros = noise.DOROS(/eos/user/s/skostogl/SWAN_projects/Noise/DOROS_data/181025) myDict= noise.doros.importEmptyDF """ myDATA = dotdict.dotdict() for i, j in zip(['ORB', 'OSC'], ['DOR', 'DOS']): myFileList = glob.glob(folderName + '/%s*' % i) unique_bpms = self.fromName2BPM(myFileList) myTimestampList = [] bpms = [] for fileName in myFileList: myTimestampList.append(self.fromName2Timestamp(fileName)) bpms.append(self.fromName2BPM(fileName)) myDATA['at' + j] = dotdict.dotdict() for bpm in unique_bpms: idx = [a for a, b in enumerate(bpms) if b == bpm] myDATA['at' + j][bpm] = pd.DataFrame( index=np.array(myTimestampList)[idx]) myDATA['at' + j][bpm]['fileName'] = np.array(myFileList)[idx] self.importEmptyDF = myDATA
def importEmptyDF(folderName, startFile=0, endFile=-1): """ Import the list of the EPC acquisition stored in folderName. One can select the list of files to consider in folderName by startFile and endFile. ===EXAMPLE=== from cl2pd import noise myDict=noise.importEmptyDF('/eos/project/a/abpdata/lhc/rawdata/power_converter') """ myDATA = dotdict.dotdict() for i, j in zip(['current', 'voltage'], ['Current', 'Voltage']): myFileList = glob.glob(folderName + '/*' + i) myFileList.sort(key=lambda x: fromName2Timestamp(x)) myFileList = myFileList[startFile:endFile] myTimestampList = [] for fileName in myFileList: myTimestampList.append(fromName2Timestamp(fileName)) myDATA['at' + j] = pd.DataFrame(index=myTimestampList) myDATA['at' + j]['fileName'] = myFileList return myDATA
def follow_harmonics(df): """ Follow 50 Hz oscillation of harmonics from the average FFT """ fs = 50000. lim = int(0.5 * fs / 50) t0 = df.iloc[0].name complex_fft = [[] for j in range(lim)] frequency = [[] for j in range(lim)] counter_tot = [[] for j in range(lim)] timestamp = [[] for j in range(lim)] dt = [[] for j in range(lim)] counter = 0 for index, row in df.iterrows(): print( data = row['data'].reshape(100, 10000) ### Average of 100 acquisitions fourier = np.average( [abs(np.fft.fft(data[j, :])) for j in range(data.shape[0])], axis=0) fourier /= float(len(fourier)) * 2.0 freqs = np.arange(0, len(data[0, :])) * fs / len(data[0, :]) counter += 1 for i in range(0, lim): timestamp[i].append( dt[i].append(( - t0).seconds / 60.) imin = (i + 1) * 50. - 10. imax = (i + 1) * 50. + 10. myfilter = (freqs > imin) & (freqs < imax) idx = np.argmax(abs(fourier[myfilter])) frequency[i].append(freqs[myfilter][idx]) complex_fft[i].append(fourier[myfilter][idx]) counter_tot[i].append(counter) df_fft = dotdict.dotdict() for harmonic in range(len(frequency)): df_fft['h%s' % harmonic] = pd.DataFrame(index=timestamp[harmonic]) df_fft['h%s' % harmonic]['frequency'] = frequency[harmonic] df_fft['h%s' % harmonic]['fourier'] = complex_fft[harmonic] df_fft['h%s' % harmonic]['file_number'] = counter_tot[harmonic] df_fft['h%s' % harmonic]['dt'] = dt[harmonic] return df_fft
def getData(self, time_list, return_status=False, for_beam='both', for_plane='both', remove_overlap=False, span=3, buffer_size=2048, skip=0): df = dotdict.dotdict() if for_beam == 'both': beams = ['B1', 'B2'] else: beams = [for_beam] if for_plane == 'both': planes = ['H', 'V'] else: planes = [for_plane] for beam in beams: for plane in planes: df['at%s%s' % (beam, plane)] = pd.DataFrame() var = [ 'LHC.BQBBQ.CONTINUOUS_HS.%s:ACQ_DATA_%s' % (beam, plane), 'ALB.SR4.%s:FGC_FREQ' % beam ] for time in time_list: raw_data = importData.cals2pd(var, time[0], time[1]) if return_status: raw_data['status'] = raw_data[var[1]] = raw_data[var[1]].interpolate( limit_direction='both') raw_data['frev'] = raw_data[var[1]] / 35640. raw_data.dropna(subset=[var[0]], inplace=True) raw_data['shape'] = raw_data[var[0]].apply( lambda x: len(x)) raw_data = raw_data[raw_data['shape'] == buffer_size] if not remove_overlap: df['at%s%s' % (beam, plane)] = pd.concat( [df['at%s%s' % (beam, plane)], raw_data]) elif not raw_data.empty: ### Remove overlap data = [] for i in raw_data[var[0]]: data.append(i) to_flatten = tuple([ np.array(raw_data.index), np.array(data), np.array(raw_data[var[1]]) ]) test = {var[0]: to_flatten} flatten = {} for name, (timestamps, values, values2) in test.items(): flatten[ name], timestamps2, frf2 = self.flattenoverlap( values, timestamps, values2) step = 1 + skip n = span * buffer_size turns = np.arange(0, len(flatten[var[0]])) chunk_t = [ turns[x] for x in xrange(0, len(turns) - n, step) ] chunk_var = [ flatten[var[0]][x:x + n] for x in xrange(0, len(flatten[var[0]]) - n, step) ] chunk_time = [ timestamps2[x] for x in xrange(0, len(timestamps2) - n, step) ] chunk_frf = [ frf2[x] for x in xrange(0, len(frf2) - n, step) ] raw_data2 = pd.DataFrame( { var[0]: chunk_var, 'turns': chunk_t, var[1]: chunk_frf }, index=chunk_time) raw_data2['frev'] = raw_data2[var[1]] / 35640. raw_data2['shape'] = raw_data2[var[0]].apply( lambda x: len(x)) df['at%s%s' % (beam, plane)] = raw_data2 return df
def heatmaps(df, status='all', beam='all', plane='all', mode='amplitude', threshold=None, pval_threshold=None, search='h', flag_set_lim=True, harms='all', ax=None): """ Heatmaps with correlations Input: -df -status eg. 'all', ['RAMP'], ['FLATTOP', 'RAMP'] -beam eg. ['B1', 'B2'], 'all' -plane eg. ['H'], 'all' -mode eg. 'amplitude', 'angle' -threshold: sets a threshold to the correlation values -pval_threshold: sets a threshold to the p-values -search: 'h' means harmonics of 50Hz, 'f' means bins -flag_set_lim: set limit to the colorbar of the heatmap -harms: 'all', ['h1', 'h2'] -ax: pass specific subplot Output: -correlation matrix -strongest absolute correlations, 300 first, or if threshold is defined the correlations > threshold -bins of harmonics -matrix with p-values """ corr_tot = dotdict.dotdict() pval_tot = dotdict.dotdict() strongest = dotdict.dotdict() if ax is not None: counter_beam = 0 counter_plane = 0 if beam == 'all': beam = df[df.keys()[0]]['beam'].unique() for beams in beam: if plane == 'all': plane = df[df.keys()[0]]['plane'].unique() for planes in plane: if planes == plane[0] and ax is not None: counter_plane = 0 if status == 'all': stat = df[df.keys()[0]]['status'].unique() for stat in status: print beams, planes, stat dfnew = pd.DataFrame() if harms == 'all': max_lim = len( [k for k in df.keys() if k.startswith(search)]) min_lim = 0 elif type(harms) is list: min_lim = harms[0] max_lim = harms[1] bins_tot = [] for h in range(min_lim, max_lim): group = df['%s%s' % (search, h)] group = group[(group['beam'] == beams) & (group['plane'] == planes) & (group['status'] == stat)] bins_tot.append(group['bin'].iloc[0]) if mode == 'amplitude': dfnew = pd.concat([dfnew, group['fourier'].abs()], axis=1, ignore_index=True) elif mode == 'angle': signal1 = np.unwrap(np.angle(group['fourier'])) turns = group['turns'] x0 = np.angle(group['fourier'])[0] f = group['f'].iloc[0] signal2 = x0 + 2.0 * np.pi * f * turns dfnew = pd.concat([dfnew, signal1 - signal2], axis=1, ignore_index=True) corr = dfnew.corr() pval = calculate_pvalues(dfnew) if ax is None: fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8)) else: try:[counter_plane, counter_beam]) except:[counter_beam]) plt.title('%s , %s%s , %s' % (mode, beams, planes, stat), fontsize=16) plt.xlabel('h') plt.ylabel('h') for i in range(corr.shape[0]): corr.iloc[i, i] = 0.0 if threshold is not None: if pval_threshold is None: corr[corr.abs() < threshold] = 0. else: mask = (pval < pval_threshold) & (corr.abs() > threshold) corr = corr * mask elif pval_threshold is not None: mask = (pval < pval_threshold) corr = corr * mask if flag_set_lim: axs = sns.heatmap( corr, xticklabels=15, yticklabels=15, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cbar_kws={'label': 'Correlation coefficients'}, cmap='seismic') else: axs = sns.heatmap( corr, xticklabels=15, yticklabels=15, cbar_kws={'label': 'Correlation coefficients'}, cmap='seismic', ax=ax[counter_beam, counter_plane]) plt.tight_layout() a = get_top_abs_correlations(dfnew, n1=0, n2=300, threshold=threshold) print 'Top Absolute Correlations' print a corr_tot['%s_%s_%s_%s' % (beams, planes, stat, mode)] = corr pval_tot['%s_%s_%s_%s' % (beams, planes, stat, mode)] = pval strongest['%s_%s_%s_%s' % (beams, planes, stat, mode)] = a if ax is not None: counter_plane += 1 if ax is not None: counter_beam += 1 return corr_tot, strongest, bins_tot, pval_tot
def get_fft(df, fr=50, df_fft=None): """ Computes FFT and organizes by harmonics of 50Hz if fr=50 (h1, h2..) or by bins if fr is a list (f1, f2 ..) If df_fft is provided new frequency branches will be appended to the existing df_fft If the index turns is detected(slidng window) the first turn of the sliding window will be saved in a new column of the dataframe """ h = 35640 if df_fft is None: df_fft = dotdict.dotdict() if type(fr) is not list: lim = 112 ## int(frev/50/2) else: lim = len(np.arange(fr[0], fr[-1])) lists = [[] for j in range(lim)] flag_t = False for beam in df.keys(): for plane in df[beam].keys(): for status in df[beam][plane]['tbt'].keys(): group = df[beam][plane]['tbt'][status].dropna() print beam, plane, status for i in range(len(group)): data = group.iloc[i] if 'turns' in data.index: date = data.timestamps[0] turns = data.turns[0] else: date = fourier = np.fft.fft( data['LHC.BQBBQ.CONTINUOUS_HS.%s:ACQ_DATA_%s' % (beam, plane)]) freq = np.fft.fftfreq( len(data['LHC.BQBBQ.CONTINUOUS_HS.%s:ACQ_DATA_%s' % (beam, plane)])) if type(fr) is not list: if 'turns' in data.index: frf = data['ALB.SR4.%s:FGC_FREQ' % beam][0] else: frf = data['ALB.SR4.%s:FGC_FREQ' % beam] harm = fr / (frf / h) indexes = [ int(k * harm * len(fourier)) for k in range(1, lim + 1) ] else: indexes = np.arange(fr[0], fr[-1]) for j in range(len(indexes)): if 'turns' in data.index: flag_t = True lists[j].append([ status, j, indexes[j], freq[indexes[j]], fourier[indexes[j]], date, turns, beam, plane ]) else: lists[j].append([ status, j, indexes[j], freq[indexes[j]], fourier[indexes[j]], date, beam, plane ]) if type(fr) is not list: key = 'h' else: key = 'f' for j in range(lim): if flag_t: df_fft['%s%s' % (key, str(j))] = pd.DataFrame( data=lists[j], columns=[ 'status', 'h', 'bin', 'f', 'fourier', 'timestamps', 'turns', 'beam', 'plane' ]) else: df_fft['%s%s' % (key, str(j))] = pd.DataFrame(data=lists[j], columns=[ 'status', 'h', 'bin', 'f', 'fourier', 'timestamps', 'beam', 'plane' ]) df_fft['%s%s' % (key, str(j))].set_index(['timestamps'], inplace=True) return df_fft
def get_data(modes, time, rename_duplicates=False, remove_overlap=False, n=8000): """ TbT data for the modes and time specified If the same mode is specified more than once, it will be renamed If remove_overlap is True, it will remove the overlap and combine the data with a sliding window of 8000 turns Input: list of modes & dictionary time with start and end time for each key Output: df-> beam ('B1, B2') -> plane ('H', 'V') - > 'tbt' (Tbt data & frev interpolated) """ df = dotdict.dotdict() beams = ['B1', 'B2'] planes = ['H', 'V'] for beam in beams: df[beam] = dotdict.dotdict() for plane in planes: df[beam][plane] = dotdict.dotdict() df[beam][plane]['tbt'] = dotdict.dotdict() var = [ 'LHC.BQBBQ.CONTINUOUS_HS.%s:ACQ_DATA_%s' % (beam, plane), 'ALB.SR4.%s:FGC_FREQ' % beam ] if rename_duplicates: counter_dup = 0 for mode in modes: if mode in df[beam][plane]['tbt'] and rename_duplicates: print "Renaming key..." counter_dup += 1 new_mode = '%s%s' % (mode, str(counter_dup)) df[beam][plane]['tbt'][new_mode] = dotdict.dotdict() else: df[beam][plane]['tbt'][mode] = dotdict.dotdict() new_mode = mode if time[new_mode][0] == 'all': raw_data = importData.LHCCals2pd(var, time[mode][1], beamModeList=mode) else: t1 = time[new_mode][0] t2 = time[new_mode][1] raw_data = importData.cals2pd(var, t1, t2) raw_data['status'] = new_mode raw_data['ALB.SR4.%s:FGC_FREQ' % beam] = raw_data['ALB.SR4.%s:FGC_FREQ' % beam].interpolate( limit_direction='both') if not remove_overlap: df[beam][plane]['tbt'][new_mode] = raw_data else: raw_data = raw_data.dropna(subset=[var[0]]) m = [] for i in raw_data[var[0]]: m.append(i) m = np.array(m) test2 = tuple([ np.array(raw_data.index), m, np.array(raw_data[var[1]]) ]) test = {var[0]: test2} flatten = {} for name, (timestamps, values, values2) in test.items(): flatten[name], timestamps2, frf2 = flattenoverlap( values, timestamps, values2) step = 1 #n = 8000 turns = np.arange(0, len(flatten[var[0]])) chunk_t = [ turns[x:x + n] for x in xrange(0, len(turns) - n, step) ] chunk_var = [ flatten[var[0]][x:x + n] for x in xrange(0, len(flatten[var[0]]) - n, step) ] chunk_time = [ timestamps2[x:x + n] for x in xrange(0, len(timestamps2) - n, step) ] chunk_frf = [ frf2[x:x + n] for x in xrange(0, len(frf2) - n, step) ] raw_data2 = pd.DataFrame({ var[0]: chunk_var, 'turns': chunk_t, 'timestamps': chunk_time, var[1]: chunk_frf, 'status': new_mode }) df[beam][plane]['tbt'][new_mode] = raw_data2 return df