def prg_small(): s = snn('default') s.nneus = [1, 2, 2] #s.delays = [1.,2.,3.] s.defWt = 100. # s.makeSyns = [(0, 0, 0)] #, (1, 0, 0)] #, (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 0)] # s.connections <- [(srcLayer, srcN, destLayer, destN, weight)] # s.connections = [(0,0,1,0),(1,0,1,1)] #,(1,1,1,0),(2,0,2,1),(2,1,2,0)] s.connections = [(0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 2, 0), (1, 0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 0, -25.)] #(1,0,1,1),(1,1,1,0), #(2,0,2,1),(2,1,2,0)] s.plasticity = False n0, n1, n10, n11, n20, n21 = (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0), (2, 1) s.currentAt = {n0: 30.} s.stoptime = 10. s.dt = 0.01 s.nTrace = [n0, n10, n11, n20] #,n20,n21] # [(layer <0..> ,indx <0..>)] s.enable_Log = ("S", False, True, False) s.enable_RunStats = False s.init()
def prg_2mesh(): # np.random.seed(10) # initialize snn object with a name s = snn('default') # delays to layers s.delays = [] #[.1,.1,.1] # neurons in each layer s.nneus = [100, 100] # default weight of connections s.defWt = 40. # random connections: [(srcLayer, destLayer, fraction of maximum connections, weightMean, weightSD)] s.randLayerConnections = [(0, 1, .6, 5., 0.), (1, 1, .5, 10., 2.), (1, 0, .5, -1, 1.) ] #,(1,1,.9,10.,10.),(1,0,.8,-2,1.)] # random current: [(mean,SD)] for each layer, starts at layer 0 s.randCurrent = [(10., 2.)] #,(30.,10.),(50.,10.),(70.,10.)] # time at which to stop external current #s.relaxAt = 50. #s.showSyns = True # enable triplet STDP s.plasticity = False s.plasticity_params['WFactor'] = 10. # log (Potential, --, Spike, Weight) s.enable_Log = (False, False, True, False) # log potential for neurons: (layer,neuron) # s.nTrace = [(0,0),(0,1),(1,4)] s.stoptime, s.dt = 1000., .1 s.extraplots = 1 s.init() rwnd = 100 #--- plot spike rates per layer axr = s.fig.add_subplot(s.subplotIndx + 1, sharex=s.axes[0]) spall = np.zeros((0, 2)) try: for l in range(len(s.nneusUser)): start = sum(s.nneusUser[:l]) spikeRates = np.asarray([ (i, np.sum(s.spikeRaster[start:(start + s.nneus[l]), i:(i + rwnd)]) / s.nneusUser[l]) for i in range(rwnd, s.iterations - rwnd) ]) print(spikeRates.shape) axr.plot(spikeRates[:, 0], spikeRates[:, 1], label='Layer %d' % l) spall = np.vstack((spall, spikeRates)) axr.legend() axr.set_xlim(0, s.iterations) axr.set_title('Average f.rates')'sprates', spall) s.axes.append(axr) except IndexError: print("Could not plot spike rates")
def prg_Big(): np.random.seed(10) s = snn('default') s.nneus = [100] * 150 #s.makeSyns = [(0,0,0)] s.randLayerConnections = [(sL, sL + 1, 100, 1., .5) for sL in range(len(s.nneus) - 2)] s.randCurrent = (5., 1) s.enable_Log = (False, False, False, False) s.stoptime, s.dt = 200., .1 s.extraplots = 1 s.init()
def prg_small_delays(): s = snn('default') s.nneus = [3, 1, 1] s.delays = [1., 1.5, 3.] #, [1.,2.] #[1.,2.] #,2.,3.] s.defWt = 40. s.makeSyns = [(0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)] s.plasticity = False n0, n1 = (0, 0), (1, 0) #s.spikeTm[1.] = [n0] s.currentAt = {n0: 20.} s.stoptime = 20. s.dt = 0.01 s.nTrace = [n0, n1, (2, 0)] # [(layer <0..> ,indx <0..>)] s.enable_Log = (True, False, True, False) s.init()
def prg_plasticTest(): s = snn('default') s.nneus = [2, 1] s.makeSyns = [(0, 0, 0)] s.connections = [(0, 0, 0, 1, 10.)] s.plasticity = True s.plasticity_params['WFactor'] = 40 # 200000. #200000. #40 s.norm_weights = False n1, n2, n11 = (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0) # test spike before train: s.spikeTm[4.0] = [n1] s.resetAt.append(8.0) # train: for st in np.linspace(10., 50., 5): s.spikeTm[st] = [n1] s.spikeTm[st + 1.] = [n11] s.spikeTm[st + 1.2] = [n2] s.resetAt.append(st + 2.) # test: s.spikeTm[60.] = [n1] print(s.spikeTm) s.stoptime = 80.0 s.nTrace = [n1, n2, n11] # [(layer <0..> ,indx <0..>)] s.enable_Log = (True, False, True, True) s.init() if np.any(s.spikeRaster): n, itr = np.where(s.spikeRaster) # for nn,ii in np.where(s.spikeRaster.T[ print("Last spikes on N%d at %f time." % (n[-1], itr[-1] * s.dt)) 'pltimes', sorted(zip(n.tolist(), (itr * s.dt).tolist()), key=lambda x: x[1])) or print("saved to pltimes.") else: print("Nothing in raster")
def prg_large(): s = snn('default') s.nneus = [200, 200, 10] s.randSyns = 10 # no. of outward connections s.randCurrent = (100, 20) # [(layer <0..> ,indx <0..>)] s.nTrace = zip([1] * 10, [1]) s.plasticity = False s.enable_Log = (False, False, True, False) s.stoptime = 20.0 #s.K_DEFN['DISPSPK'] = str(0) s.norm_weights = True s.defWt = 10. s.dt = .01 s.init() with open('last_syns', 'w') as f: pickle.dump(s.syns, f)
from __future__ import print_function from cl_osnn import snn import pickle import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os os.environ['PYOPENCL_COMPILER_OUTPUT'] = '0' os.environ['PYOPENCL_CTX'] = '0' #np.random.seed(1) s = snn('default') s.nneus = [1024, 200] #, 200 ]#, 128]# , 100] #200 #s.delays = [0.,5.,7.] #s.makeSynsWeight = [(0,100,1,100.)] # s.randLayerConnections = [(0,0,1.,5.,1.)]#, (1,1,1.,1.,1.)] # s.randLayerConnections = [(1,1,1.,1.,1.)] # s.randLayerConnections = [(0,1,.7,5.,1.), (1,1,.7,5.,1.)] s.randLayerConnections = [ (0, 1, .7, 1., .1), (1, 0, .9, -3., 1.) ] #, (1,0,.7,-2.,.3), (1,2,.1,.1,1.)] #,(1,1,.7,5.,1.)] s.randCurrent = [(30, 10)] #s.currentAt[(0,100)] = 100. #s.relaxAt = 50 s.make_logs['spike'] = True s.recordSpikes = True s.nTrace = [(0, 100), (1, 1), (1, 0)] s.stoptime, s.dt = 100., .01