import web import cla urls = ('', 'dealshow') class dealshow(): def GET(self, *name): rend = web.template.render('templ/').showresp(cla.gloresp[1]) return rend show = cla.Myapp(urls, locals())
import web import cla urls = ('', 'deala') class deala(): def GET(self, *name): rend = web.template.render('templ/').a() return rend pagea = cla.Myapp(urls, locals())
# return str(web.input().addr) else: return 'None' class fun1(): def GET(self): addr = str(web.input().addr) if len(addr) < 1: addr = '' if addr.startswith('http://'): addr = addrresp = addr[7:] try: conn = HC(addr, timeout=100) conn.request('GET', '/', headers=heaD) resp = conn.getresponse() rend = web.template.render('templ/').form cla.gloresp = (resp.getheaders(),, resp.version, resp.status, resp.reason ) ########baidu return badstatusline return rend(cla.gloresp[0], cla.gloresp[1], cla.gloresp[2], cla.gloresp[3], cla.gloresp[4] ) ###########global response, transfer to except: return sys.exc_info(), addr finally: conn.close() pageform = cla.Myapp(urls, locals())
# except: # print(sys.exc_info())#################################older class index(): def GET(self): rend = web.template.render('templ/').index( (random.choice(range(50)), random.choice(range(50, 100)))) return rend class other(): def GET(self, *name): return 'other here' class pageb(): def GET(self): # raise web.seeother('/a')##################code 303 return b.pageb #####not work # class Myapp(web.application): # def run(self,port=int(os.environ.get('PORT', 8080)),*filllater):#########os.environ.get(...),ensure your application makes use of the port assigned to the user environment,on heroku:fill port=int(os.environ.get(...)) instead for heroku dynamic assigned port every start # func = self.wsgifunc(*filllater)##########must have ? ##print(port)###debug # return web.httpserver.runsimple(func,('',port))#####wsgifunc is must filled for runsimple() ##########moved to ###################################################### webapp = cla.Myapp( urls, locals()) ####deal with application in other code file,port etc. if __name__ == '__main__':
import web # import app import cla import os urls = ( "", 'dealb' #########if '/(.*)' (from official site) instead, response 404,and '(.*)' will catch anything begins with b ) class dealb(): def GET(self, *argvs): rend = web.template.render('templ/').b() return os.environ.get('PORT'), rend # return ' here' class home(): def GET(self): raise web.seeother('/') pageb = cla.Myapp(urls, locals()) ##########port spacify needed?? # if __name__ == '__main__': # test