Ejemplo n.º 1
        def func(**new_hyperparams):
            probs = np.load(path)['arr_0']
            probs1 = np.load(path1)['arr_0']
            seed_probs = probs[:, :, task.classname_to_id['inner_building']]
            mask_probs = probs1[:, :, 1]

            seed_thresh, mask_thresh, min_seed_size = ub.take(
                new_hyperparams, ['seed_thresh', 'mask_thresh', 'min_seed_size'])
            seed = (seed_probs > mask_thresh).astype(np.uint8)
            mask = (mask_probs > seed_thresh).astype(np.uint8)
            pred = seeded_instance_label(seed, mask, min_seed_size=min_seed_size)
            scores = instance_fscore(gti, uncertain, dsm, pred)
            fscore = scores[0]
            return fscore
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def seeded_objective(**params):
        seed_thresh, mask_thresh, min_seed_size, min_size = ub.take(
            params, 'seed_thresh, mask_thresh, min_seed_size, min_size'.split(', '))
        fscores = []
        for path, path1 in zip(ub.take(prob_paths, subx), ub.take(prob1_paths, subx)):
            gti, uncertain, dsm, bgr = gt_info_from_path(path)

            probs = np.load(path)['arr_0']
            seed_probs = probs[:, :, task.classname_to_id['inner_building']]
            seed = (seed_probs > seed_thresh).astype(np.uint8)

            probs1 = np.load(path1)['arr_0']
            mask_probs = probs1[:, :, 1]
            mask = (mask_probs > mask_thresh).astype(np.uint8)

            pred = seeded_instance_label(seed, mask,
            scores = instance_fscore(gti, uncertain, dsm, pred)
            fscore = scores[0]
        mean_fscore = np.mean(fscores)
        return mean_fscore
Ejemplo n.º 3
def junk():
    import optml
    from clab import util
    from os.path import join, splitext, basename  # NOQA
    import glob
    import ubelt as ub
    import itertools as it
    import numpy as np
    from clab.live.urban_mapper import instance_fscore

    path = ub.truepath(
    mode_paths = sorted(glob.glob(path + '/*.png'))

    results = ub.odict()

    #  40/40... rate=0.86 Hz, eta=0:00:00, total=0:00:46, wall=16:29 EST
    # ------------------------------------
    # best_score = '[0.60784, 0.84042, 0.47841]'
    # key        = '((only_inner, False), (inner_k, 0), (post_k, 0), (outer_k, 0), (min_seed_size, 50))'
    # key        = '((only_inner, False), (inner_k, 0), (post_k, 0), (outer_k, 0), (min_seed_size, 50))'
    # res        = '[0.60784, 0.84042, 0.47841]'
    #  40/40... rate=0.90 Hz, eta=0:00:00, total=0:00:44, wall=16:29 EST
    # ------------------------------------
    # best_score = '[0.60784, 0.84042, 0.47841]'
    # key        = '((only_inner, False), (inner_k, 0), (post_k, 0), (outer_k, 0), (min_seed_size, 50))'
    # key        = '((only_inner, False), (inner_k, 0), (post_k, 0), (outer_k, 0), (min_seed_size, 93))'
    # res        = '[0.60543, 0.86952, 0.46611]'
    #  40/40... rate=0.89 Hz, eta=0:00:00, total=0:00:44, wall=16:30 EST
    # ------------------------------------
    # best_score = '[0.60784, 0.84042, 0.47841]'
    # key        = '((only_inner, False), (inner_k, 0), (post_k, 0), (outer_k, 0), (min_seed_size, 50))'
    # key        = '((only_inner, False), (inner_k, 0), (post_k, 0), (outer_k, 0), (min_seed_size, 100))'
    # res        = '[0.60316, 0.87241, 0.46250]'
    #  40/40... rate=0.93 Hz, eta=0:00:00, total=0:00:42, wall=16:31 EST
    # ------------------------------------
    # best_score = '[0.60784, 0.84042, 0.47841]'
    # key        = '((only_inner, False), (inner_k, 0), (post_k, 0), (outer_k, 0), (min_seed_size, 50))'
    # key        = '((only_inner, True), (inner_k, 0), (post_k, 0), (outer_k, 0), (min_seed_size, 50))'
    # res        = '[0.57623, 0.77876, 0.45955]'
    #  40/40... rate=0.98 Hz, eta=0:00:00, total=0:00:40, wall=16:32 EST
    # ------------------------------------
    # best_score = '[0.60784, 0.84042, 0.47841]'
    # key        = '((only_inner, False), (inner_k, 0), (post_k, 0), (outer_k, 0), (min_seed_size, 50))'
    # key        = '((only_inner, True), (inner_k, 0), (post_k, 0), (outer_k, 0), (min_seed_size, 93))'
    # res        = '[0.58619, 0.83016, 0.45472]'
    #  40/40... rate=1.01 Hz, eta=0:00:00, total=0:00:39, wall=16:32 EST
    # ------------------------------------
    # best_score = '[0.60784, 0.84042, 0.47841]'
    # key        = '((only_inner, False), (inner_k, 0), (post_k, 0), (outer_k, 0), (min_seed_size, 50))'
    # key        = '((only_inner, True), (inner_k, 0), (post_k, 0), (outer_k, 0), (min_seed_size, 100))'
    # res        = '[0.58660, 0.83831, 0.45268]'

    param_space = [
        # optml.Parameter(name='s', param_type='boolean'),
        # optml.Parameter(name='w', param_type='boolean'),
        optml.Parameter(name='only_inner', param_type='categorical', possible_values=[False, True]),
        optml.Parameter(name='inner_k', param_type='categorical', possible_values=[0]),
        optml.Parameter(name='post_k', param_type='categorical', possible_values=[0, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15][0:1]),
        optml.Parameter(name='outer_k', param_type='categorical', possible_values=[0, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15][0:1]),
        optml.Parameter(name='min_seed_size', param_type='categorical',
                        possible_values=[50, 93, 100]),
        # optml.Parameter(name='d', param_type='integer', lower=1, upper=5),
        # optml.Parameter(name='n', param_type='integer', lower=1, upper=1),

    from clab.tasks.urban_mapper_3d import UrbanMapper3D
    task = UrbanMapper3D('', '', boundary=True)

    def itergrid():
        names = [p.name for p in param_space]
        for values in it.product(*map(iter, param_space)):
            yield ub.odict(zip(names, values))

    def instance_label2(pred_seg, only_inner=False, inner_k=0, outer_k=0,
                        post_k=0, min_seed_size=0):
        import cv2

        inner = (pred_seg == task.classname_to_id['inner_building']).astype(np.uint8)
        # outer = (pred_seg == task.classname_to_id['outer_building']).astype(np.uint8)

        # outer_k = 15
        # outer = cv2.morphologyEx(outer, cv2.MORPH_ERODE,
        #                          np.ones((outer_k, outer_k), np.uint8),
        #                          iterations=1)

        if inner_k > 0:
            kernel = np.ones((inner_k, inner_k), np.uint8)
            inner = cv2.morphologyEx(inner, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel,

        def cc_locs(mask):
            ccs = cv2.connectedComponents(mask.astype(np.uint8), connectivity=4)[1]
            rc_locs = np.where(mask > 0)
            rc_ids = ccs[rc_locs]
            rc_arrs = np.ascontiguousarray(np.vstack(rc_locs).T)
            cc_to_loc = util.group_items(rc_arrs, rc_ids, axis=0)
            return cc_to_loc

        if min_seed_size > 0:
            # Remove very small seeds
            for inner_id, inner_rcs in cc_locs(inner).items():
                if len(inner_rcs) < min_seed_size:
                    inner[tuple(inner_rcs.T)] = 0

        seeds = cv2.connectedComponents(inner, connectivity=4)[1]

        if only_inner:
            return seeds

        mask = (pred_seg > 0).astype(np.uint8)
        if outer_k > 1:
            mask = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_ERODE,
                                    np.ones((outer_k, outer_k), np.uint8),
            # Ensure we dont clobber a seed
            mask[inner] = 1

        dmask1 = cv2.dilate(mask, np.ones((3, 3)))
        dmask2 = cv2.dilate(dmask1, np.ones((3, 3)))

        # Build a topological wall between mask components
        twall = dmask1 - mask

        # Pixels beyond the wall region are sure background
        sure_bg = 1 - dmask2

        # prepare watershed seeds
        # Label sure background as 1
        wseed = sure_bg.astype(np.int)
        # Add the seeds starting at 2
        seed_mask = seeds > 0
        seed_labels = seeds[seed_mask]
        wseed[seed_mask] = seed_labels + 1
        # The unsure region is now labeled as zero

        from clab.torch.urban_mapper import draw_gt_contours
        wseed_color = task.instance_colorize(wseed)

        twall_alpha = util.ensure_alpha_channel(twall * 255, alpha=1)
        twall_alpha[twall == 0, 3] = 0
        twall_alpha[twall == 1, 3]

        color_seed_wall = util.imutil.overlay_alpha_images(twall_alpha, wseed_color)

        draw_img = draw_gt_contours(color_seed_wall, gti)

        topology = np.dstack([twall * 255] * 3)
        markers = np.ascontiguousarray(wseed.astype(np.int32).copy())
        markers = cv2.watershed(topology, markers)
        # Remove background and border labels
        markers[markers <= 1] = 0
        color_markers = task.instance_colorize(markers)

        pt.imshow(draw_gt_contours(color_markers, gti))

        color_seed_wall_ = util.ensure_alpha_channel(color_seed_wall[:, :, 0:3], alpha=.6)
        overlay_markers = util.imutil.overlay_alpha_images(color_seed_wall_, color_markers)

        draw_img = draw_gt_contours(overlay_markers, gti)
        instance_mask = (markers > 0).astype(np.uint8)

        if post_k > 0:
            mask = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_ERODE,
                                    np.ones((post_k, post_k), np.uint8),

        pred_ccs = cv2.connectedComponents(instance_mask, connectivity=4)[1]
        return pred_ccs

    best_key = None
    best_score = [-np.inf]

    for params in itergrid():
        key = tuple(params.items())
        if key not in results:
            scores = []
            for pred_fpath in ub.ProgIter(mode_paths[10:50]):
                gtl_fname = basename(pred_fpath).replace('.png', '_GTL.tif')
                gti_fname = basename(pred_fpath).replace('.png', '_GTI.tif')
                dsm_fname = basename(pred_fpath).replace('.png', '_DSM.tif')
                # bgr_fname = basename(pred_fpath).replace('.png', '_RGB.tif')
                gtl_fpath = join(ub.truepath('~/remote/aretha/data/UrbanMapper3D/training/'), gtl_fname)
                gti_fpath = join(ub.truepath('~/remote/aretha/data/UrbanMapper3D/training/'), gti_fname)
                dsm_fpath = join(ub.truepath('~/remote/aretha/data/UrbanMapper3D/training/'), dsm_fname)
                # bgr_fpath = join(ub.truepath('~/remote/aretha/data/UrbanMapper3D/training/'), bgr_fname)

                pred_seg = util.imread(pred_fpath)
                gti = util.imread(gti_fpath)
                gtl = util.imread(gtl_fpath)
                dsm = util.imread(dsm_fpath)
                # bgr = util.imread(bgr_fpath)

                pred = instance_label2(pred_seg, **params)

                uncertain = (gtl == 65)

                score = instance_fscore(gti, uncertain, dsm, pred)

            res = np.array(scores).mean(axis=0)
            if res[0] > best_score[0]:
                best_score = res
                best_key = key

            print('best_score = {!r}'.format(ub.repr2(list(best_score), precision=5, nl=0)))
            print('key        = {!r}'.format(ub.repr2(best_key, si=True, nl=0)))
            print('key        = {!r}'.format(ub.repr2(key, si=True, nl=0)))
            print('res        = {!r}'.format(ub.repr2(list(res), precision=5, nl=0)))
            results[key] = res

    import pandas as pd
    rdf = pd.DataFrame(list(results.values()),
                       columns=['f1', 'precision', 'recall'])

        import optml
        from optml.bayesian_optimizer import BayesianOptimizer
        hyperparams = [
            optml.Parameter(name='mask_thresh', param_type='continuous', lower=.15, upper=.85),
            optml.Parameter(name='seed_thresh', param_type='continuous', lower=.15, upper=.85),
            optml.Parameter(name='min_seed_size', param_type='integer', lower=0, upper=100),
        self = BayesianOptimizer(model=None, hyperparams=hyperparams, eval_func=None)

        for path, path1 in zip(prob_paths, prob1_paths):

        def func(**new_hyperparams):
            probs = np.load(path)['arr_0']
            probs1 = np.load(path1)['arr_0']
            seed_probs = probs[:, :, task.classname_to_id['inner_building']]
            mask_probs = probs1[:, :, 1]

            seed_thresh, mask_thresh, min_seed_size = ub.take(
                new_hyperparams, ['seed_thresh', 'mask_thresh', 'min_seed_size'])
            seed = (seed_probs > mask_thresh).astype(np.uint8)
            mask = (mask_probs > seed_thresh).astype(np.uint8)
            pred = seeded_instance_label(seed, mask, min_seed_size=min_seed_size)
            scores = instance_fscore(gti, uncertain, dsm, pred)
            fscore = scores[0]
            return fscore

        history = self.simple(func, n_iters=10, verbose=True)
        best = max(history)
        print('best = {!r}'.format(best))

        # {'mask_thresh': 0.45318221555100013, 'seed_thresh': 0.69172340500683327, 'min_seed_size': 41}
        func(**{'mask_thresh': 0.5, 'seed_thresh': 0.7, 'min_seed_size': 20})