def __createAngularMatrix(self, matrix, kernelSide):
        h, w = matrix.shape[:2]
        angularMatrix = {}
        negRefVector = (2 * kernelSide + 1, 0)
        criterion = lambda x: 255 == x
        y = 0
        while y < h:
            x = 0
            while x < w:
                if 255 == matrix[y][x]:
                    intercepts = self.__getIntercepts(matrix, (x, y), kernelSide, criterion)
                    num_intercepts = len(intercepts)

                    if 4 >= num_intercepts and num_intercepts > 0:
                        point = (intercepts[0], intercepts[-1])
                        dirVector = (intercepts[0][0] - intercepts[-1][0], intercepts[0][1] - intercepts[-1][1])

                        angle = math.degrees(BasicFunctions.getAngleBetweenTwoVectors(negRefVector, dirVector))
                        if angle > 90 and 0 != dirVector[0] and 0 != dirVector[1] and dirVector[1] / dirVector[0] >= 0:
                            angle = 180 - angle

                        angularMatrix[(x, y)] = (angle, point)
                x += 1
            y += 1
        return angularMatrix
class CircuitPartConnector:
    def __init__(self, edges, completeImage, elemMark=255):
        self.__edges = edges
        self.__completeImage = np.float32(completeImage)
        self.__elemMark = elemMark
        self.__equivalenceClass = {}
        self.__maxDst = 1

    def connect(self, iteration=1):
        if iteration < 1:

        while iteration > 0:
            numComponents, self.__labeledImage = cv2.connectedComponents(

            h, w = self.__edges.shape[:2]

            y = 1
            while y < h - 1:
                x = 1
                while x < w - 1:
                    if 0 != self.__edges[y][x]:
                        self.__propagate((x, y))
                    x += 1
                y += 1

            iteration -= 1

    def getMaxDst(self):
        return self.__maxDst

    def __isADeadEnd(self, (x, y)):
        num_zeros = 0
        borders = BasicFunctions.getBorders((x, y), 1, self.__edges.shape[:2])

        import copy

        b = copy.deepcopy(borders)
        f = None
            for fromPos, toPos, _, step in borders:
                while True:
                    f = fromPos
                    if 0 == self.__edges[fromPos[1]][fromPos[0]]:
                        num_zeros += 1

                    if fromPos == toPos:

                    fromPos[0] += step[0]
                    fromPos[1] += step[1]
        except IndexError:
            print "at (%d, %d)" % (x, y)
            print "borders: %s" % (str(b))
            print "because of: %s" % (str(f))
            raise IndexError
        return num_zeros >= 7
class CurveConnector:
    def __init__(self, matrix, lineMark=1, elemMark=150, connectionMark=100):
        self.__matrix = matrix
        self.__lineMark = lineMark
        self.__elemMark = elemMark
        self.__connectionMark = connectionMark
        self.__foundTheLink = False
        self.__h, self.__w = self.__matrix.shape[:2]
        self.__link = None

    def connect(self):
        h, w = self.__matrix.shape[:2]

        y = 1
        while y < h - 1:
            x = 1
            while x < w - 1:
                if self.__lineMark == self.__matrix[y][
                        x] and self.__isACurveEnd((x, y)):
                    self.__foundTheLink = False
                    self.__propagate((x, y))
                    cv2.line(self.__matrix, (x, y), self.__link,
                             self.__connectionMark, 1)
                x += 1
            y += 1

    def __propagate(self, (x, y)):
        half_size = 1

        while not self.__foundTheLink:
            borders = BasicFunctions.getBorders((x, y), half_size,

            for from_pos, to_pos, _, step in borders:
                while True:
                    cur_pixel = self.__matrix[from_pos[1]][from_pos[0]]

                    if self.__isACurveEnd((from_pos[0], from_pos[1])):
                        self.__foundTheLink = True
                        self.__link = (from_pos[0], from_pos[1])

                    if to_pos == from_pos:

                    from_pos[0] += step[0]
                    from_pos[1] += step[1]

            half_size += 1
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __getIntercepts(self, matrix, center, kernelHalfSize, criterion):
        h, w = matrix.shape[:2]

        borders = BasicFunctions.getBorders(center, kernelHalfSize,

        intercepts = []

        for from_pos, to_pos, prev_pixel_loc, step in borders:
            prev_pixel = matrix[prev_pixel_loc[1]][prev_pixel_loc[0]]
            while True:
                if criterion(matrix[from_pos[1]][from_pos[0]], prev_pixel):
                    intercepts.append((from_pos[0], from_pos[1]))

                prev_pixel = matrix[from_pos[1]][from_pos[0]]

                if to_pos == from_pos:

                from_pos[0] += step[0]
                from_pos[1] += step[1]

        return intercepts
                    if self.__isACurveEnd((from_pos[0], from_pos[1])):
                        self.__foundTheLink = True
                        self.__link = (from_pos[0], from_pos[1])

                    if to_pos == from_pos:

                    from_pos[0] += step[0]
                    from_pos[1] += step[1]

            half_size += 1

    def __isACurveEnd(self, (x, y)):
        borders = BasicFunctions.getBorders((x, y), 1, self.__matrix.shape[:2])

        hasElemMark = False
        hasConnectionMark = False

        for from_pos, to_pos, _, step in borders:
            while True:
                cur_pixel = self.__matrix[from_pos[1]][from_pos[0]]

                if self.__elemMark == cur_pixel:
                    hasElemMark = True
                elif self.__connectionMark == cur_pixel:
                    hasConnectionMark = True

                if to_pos == from_pos:
Ejemplo n.º 6
import class_morphology_user_circuit_element_finder as mucef
import class_region_growing_circuit_element_finder as rgcef
import class_wires_remover2 as wr2
import class_wires_remover as wr

# img = cv2.imread('D://Thesis//test_images//img//b_rot.jpg')
img = cv2.imread('D://Thesis//old circuit lens//test_images//test_004.jpg')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

noise_remover = pcnr.PrintedCircuitNoiseRemover()
clean_img = noise_remover.filter(gray)

circuit_finder = cf.CircuitFinder()
circuit = circuit_finder.find(clean_img)

cropped_gray = bf.crop(clean_img, circuit)
cropped_copy = cropped_gray.copy()

# circuit_elements_finder = rgcef.RegionGrowingCircuitElementFinder()

circuit_elements_finder = wr.WiresRemover()

# circuit_elements_finder = mucef.MorphologyUserCircuitElementFinder()
# circuit_elements_finder.setLineThickness(circuit_finder.getLineThickness())
# circuit_elements_finder.setKernelSide(circuit_finder.getKernelSide())

cropped_img = bf.crop(img, circuit)

circuit_elements = circuit_elements_finder.find(cropped_gray, cropped_img)
                    fromPos[0] += step[0]
                    fromPos[1] += step[1]
        except IndexError:
            print "at (%d, %d)" % (x, y)
            print "borders: %s" % (str(b))
            print "because of: %s" % (str(f))
            raise IndexError
        return num_zeros >= 7

    def __propagate(self, (x, y)):
        classValue = self.__labeledImage[y][x]

        halfSide = 1

        while True:
            borders = BasicFunctions.getBorders((x, y), halfSide,

            for fromPos, toPos, _, step in borders:
                while True:
                    currentClass = self.__labeledImage[fromPos[1]][fromPos[0]]

                    if self.__completeImage[fromPos[1]][fromPos[0]] != 0:
                            fromPos[0]] = classValue

                    if 0 != currentClass and classValue != currentClass and self.__hasThisNeighbour(
                        (fromPos[0], fromPos[1]), classValue):
                        cv2.line(self.__edges, (x, y),
                                 (fromPos[0], fromPos[1]), self.__elemMark, 1)

                        if self.__maxDst < halfSide: