Ejemplo n.º 1
def usecase__neron_severi_lattice():
    Compute NS-lattice of a linear series and
    the dimension of complete linear with base points. 

    # Blowup of projective plane in 3 colinear points
    # and 2 infinitly near points. The image of the
    # map associated to the linear series is a quartic
    # del pezzo surface with 5 families of conics. Moreover
    # the surface contains 8 straight lines.
    ring = PolyRing('x,y,z', True)
    p1 = (-1, 0)
    p2 = (0, 0)
    p3 = (1, 0)
    p4 = (0, 1)
    p5 = (2, 0)
    bp_tree = BasePointTree()
    bp_tree.add('z', p1, 1)
    bp_tree.add('z', p2, 1)
    bp_tree.add('z', p3, 1)
    bp = bp_tree.add('z', p4, 1)
    bp.add('t', p5, 1)
    ls = LinearSeries.get([3], bp_tree)
    LSTools.p('ls     = ', ls)
    LSTools.p(ls.get_bp_tree(), '\n\n   ', ls.get_implicit_image())

    # Detects that 3 base points lie on a line.
    bp_tree = BasePointTree()
    bp_tree.add('z', p1, 1)
    bp_tree.add('z', p2, 1)
    bp_tree.add('z', p3, 1)
    ls123 = LinearSeries.get([1], bp_tree)
    LSTools.p('ls123  =', ls123)
    assert ls123.pol_lst == ring.coerce('[y]')

    # example of infinitly near base points
    # that is colinear with another simple base point.
    bp_tree = BasePointTree()
    bp_tree.add('z', p1, 1)
    bp = bp_tree.add('z', p4, 1)
    bp.add('t', (1, 0), 1)
    ls1 = LinearSeries.get([1], bp_tree)
    LSTools.p('ls1    =', ls1)
    assert ls1.pol_lst == ring.coerce('[x-y+z]')

    # Detects that an infinitly near base points
    # is not colinear with other point.
    for p in [p1, p2, p3]:
        bp_tree = BasePointTree()
        bp = bp_tree.add('z', p4, 1)
        bp.add('t', p5, 1)
        bp_tree.add('z', p, 1)
        ls45i = LinearSeries.get([1], bp_tree)
        assert ls45i.pol_lst == []

    # line with predefined tangent
    bp_tree = BasePointTree()
    bp = bp_tree.add('z', p4, 1)
    bp.add('t', p5, 1)
    ls45 = LinearSeries.get([1], bp_tree)
    LSTools.p('ls45   =', ls45)
    assert ls45.pol_lst == ring.coerce('[x-2*y+2*z]')

    # class of conics through 5 basepoints
    bp_tree = BasePointTree()
    bp_tree.add('z', p1, 1)
    bp_tree.add('z', p2, 1)
    bp_tree.add('z', p3, 1)
    bp = bp_tree.add('z', p4, 1)
    bp.add('t', p5, 1)
    ls1234 = LinearSeries.get([2], bp_tree)
    LSTools.p('ls1234 =', ls1234)
    LSTools.p('\t\t', sage_factor(ls1234.pol_lst[0]))
    assert ring.coerce('(x - 2*y + 2*z, 1)') in ring.aux_gcd(ls1234.pol_lst)[0]
    assert ring.coerce('(y, 1)') in ring.aux_gcd(ls1234.pol_lst)[0]

    # class of conics through 4 basepoints
    # has a fixed component
    bp_tree = BasePointTree()
    bp_tree.add('z', p4, 1)
    ls4 = LinearSeries.get([1], bp_tree)
    LSTools.p('ls4    =', ls4)

    bp_tree = BasePointTree()
    bp_tree.add('z', p1, 1)
    bp_tree.add('z', p2, 1)
    bp_tree.add('z', p3, 1)
    bp_tree.add('z', p4, 1)
    ls1234 = LinearSeries.get([2], bp_tree)
    LSTools.p('ls1234 =', ls1234)

    # return

    # Compose map associated to linear series "ls"
    # with the inverse stereographic projection "Pinv".
    R = sage_PolynomialRing(sage_QQ, 'y0,y1,y2,y3,y4,x,y,z')
    y0, y1, y2, y3, y4, x, y, z = R.gens()
    delta = y1**2 + y2**2 + y3**2 + y4**2
    Pinv = [
        y0**2 + delta, 2 * y0 * y1, 2 * y0 * y2, 2 * y0 * y3, 2 * y0 * y4,
        -y0**2 + delta
    H = sage__eval(str(ls.pol_lst), R.gens_dict())
    PinvH = [
            y0: H[0],
            y1: H[1],
            y2: H[2],
            y3: H[3],
            y4: H[4]
        }) for elt in Pinv
    LSTools.p('Pinv        =', Pinv)
    LSTools.p('H           =', H)
    LSTools.p('Pinv o H    =', PinvH)

    # In order to compute the NS-lattice of the image
    # of "PinvH" we do a base point analysis.
    ls_PinvH = LinearSeries([str(elt) for elt in PinvH], ring)
    LSTools.p('ls_PinvH    =', ls_PinvH)
    LSTools.p('\t\t', ls_PinvH.get_implicit_image())

    if False:  # takes a long time
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_linear_series(deg_lst, bp_tree):
        - "deg_lst" -- A list of either one or two integers representing the degree of polynomials.
        - "bp_tree" -- BasePointTree where base points might be in 
                       overlapping charts.
                       We require that "bp_tree.chart_lst" equals either 
                       ['z', 'x', 'y'] or ['xv', 'xw', 'yv', 'yw'].                       
        - Return A LinearSeries "ls" with base points defined by "bp_tree".
          The polynomials in "ls.pol_lst" are either 
                  * homogeneous in (x:y:z) and of degree "deg_tup[0]" or          
                  * bi-homogenous in (x:y)(v:w) and of bi-degree ("deg_tup[0]","deg_tup[1]")
          Note that there might unassigned base points. 

    # Obtain generators of polynomial ring from "bp_tree.chart_lst"
    # Note that for initializing PolyRing, it is important that the
    # base field is not reset to the rationals QQ. The input "bp_tree"
    # could already be defined over some extension field.
    if bp_tree.chart_lst == ['z', 'x', 'y']:
        ring = PolyRing('x,y,z', False)
    elif bp_tree.chart_lst == ['xv', 'xw', 'yv', 'yw']:
        ring = PolyRing('x,y,v,w', False)
        raise ValueError('Expect "bp_tree.chart_lst" in ',
                         (['z', 'x', 'y'], ['xv', 'xw', 'yv', 'yw']))

    # Obtain linear series defined by
    # monomials of degree "deg_lst[0]" or bidegree ("deg_lst[0]","deg_lst[1]").
    mon_lst = get_mon_lst(deg_lst, ring.gens())
    LSTools.p('mon_lst =', mon_lst)
    ls = class_linear_series.LinearSeries(mon_lst, ring)

    # For each chart "c" we obtain a list of linear series.
    ls_lst = []
    for c in bp_tree.chart_lst:
        ls_lst += get_ls_lst(ls.copy().chart(c), bp_tree[c])

    # Create matrix whose coefficients are obtained
    # by evaluating each polynomial in linear series
    # in "ls_lst" at (0,0).
    row_lst = []
    for ls in ls_lst:
        for g in ls.ring.gens():
            ls.subs({g: 0})
        row = sage__eval(str(ls.pol_lst), PolyRing.num_field.gens_dict())
        row_lst += [row]
    LSTools.p('matrix =', row_lst)

    # Compute kernel.
    kern = list(sage_matrix(row_lst).right_kernel().matrix())
    LSTools.p('kernel =', kern)

    # Obtain linear series from linear conditions on "mon_lst".
    if kern != []:
        mon_lst = ring.coerce(mon_lst)  # update w.r.t. PolyRing.num_field
        kern = ring.coerce(kern)
        pol_lst = sage_matrix(kern) * sage_vector(mon_lst)
        pol_lst = []


    return class_linear_series.LinearSeries(pol_lst, ring)
 def copy(self):
     cp_ring = PolyRing(self.gens())
     cp_pol_lst = cp_ring.coerce(self.pol_lst)
     return LinearSeries(cp_pol_lst, cp_ring)