Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, allsprites, song):
        self.state = 'prestart'

        self.allsprites = allsprites
        self.keyboard_button = []
        self.song = song

        self.font = load_font(song.get_font_filename(), 36)

        self.notes_are_dropping = False
        self.song_is_finished = False

        # Reads and plays audio from notes files
        self.music_player = MusicPlayer(song, self)

        # Responsible for loading and animating the background
        self.background_handler = BackgroundHandler(song)

        # Assigns falling notes to correct hitbox
        self.note_dropper = NoteDropper(self.music_player)

        # Responsible for managing (high) scores
        self.scoreHandler = ScoreHandler(self.allsprites,self, self.song) 

        # Load sound which plays when a note is missed
        self.sounds_miss = load_sound(song.get_sound_miss())
        # Define Hitboxes
        input_keys = ['a', 's', 'd', 'f']
        self.hitboxes = [
            Hitbox('hitbox-example.png', 0, input_keys[0], self.allsprites),
            Hitbox('hitbox-example.png', 1, input_keys[1], self.allsprites),
            Hitbox('hitbox-example.png', 2, input_keys[2], self.allsprites),
            Hitbox('hitbox-example.png', 3, input_keys[3], self.allsprites),
Ejemplo n.º 2
def end_screen():
    # Keeps track of all sprites to be updated every frame
    allsprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
    # Song to be used in game. Only one can be used.
    song = song_library.example_song_short  # Short random song for debugging
    # song = song_library.example_song_long  # Ode To Joy

    # Create game_state instance, this holds all required game info
    game_state = GameState(allsprites, song)

    loop = True

    replayButton = Button(500, 500, 200, 45, ' Replay', game_state.restart,
                          song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state)
    mainMenuButton = Button(650, 500, 200, 45,
                            ' Main menu', game_state.menu_start,
                            song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state)

    top5 = score.get_top5_high_score()

    while loop:

        text_font.render_to(screen, (590, 200), "Highscores:", (153, 204, 255))
        eventlist = pygame.event.get()
        for event in eventlist:
            # Checks if a mouse is clicked
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:

    # This calls the update() function on all sprites

    # Draw Everything
                (0, 0))  # First draw a new background
    allsprites.draw(screen)  # Next draw all updated sprites
    pygame.display.update()  # Finally render everything to the display
Ejemplo n.º 3
class GameState():

    def __init__(self, allsprites, song):
        self.state = 'prestart'

        self.allsprites = allsprites
        self.keyboard_button = []
        self.song = song

        self.font = load_font(song.get_font_filename(), 36)

        self.notes_are_dropping = False
        self.song_is_finished = False

        # Reads and plays audio from notes files
        self.music_player = MusicPlayer(song, self)

        # Responsible for loading and animating the background
        self.background_handler = BackgroundHandler(song)

        # Assigns falling notes to correct hitbox
        self.note_dropper = NoteDropper(self.music_player)

        # Responsible for managing (high) scores
        self.scoreHandler = ScoreHandler(self.allsprites,self, self.song) 

        # Load sound which plays when a note is missed
        self.sounds_miss = load_sound(song.get_sound_miss())
        # Define Hitboxes
        input_keys = ['a', 's', 'd', 'f']
        self.hitboxes = [
            Hitbox('hitbox-example.png', 0, input_keys[0], self.allsprites),
            Hitbox('hitbox-example.png', 1, input_keys[1], self.allsprites),
            Hitbox('hitbox-example.png', 2, input_keys[2], self.allsprites),
            Hitbox('hitbox-example.png', 3, input_keys[3], self.allsprites),

    def restart(self):
        self.state = 'playing'
        self.notes_are_dropping = False
        self.song_is_finished = False

    def drop_next_note_sprite(self, note):
        self.note_dropper.drop(note, self.hitboxes)

    def get_background(self):
        return self.background_handler.background

    def end_song(self):
        self.wait_untill_notes_gone = time.get_ticks() + 2000
        self.song_is_finished = True
        self.notes_are_dropping = True

    def update(self):

        # While the program is not in the menu it loops through this
        if self.state == 'playing':
            # When the song is done and there are no more notes dropping: go to menu
            if self.song_is_finished and not self.notes_are_dropping:
                self.state = 'prestart'
            # When the song is done and there are notes dropping: wait
            elif self.song_is_finished and self.notes_are_dropping:
                # After some time assume no more notes are dropping
                if self.wait_untill_notes_gone < time.get_ticks():
                    self.notes_are_dropping = False
            # Otherwise (when song is not finished) keep updating

        # Menu loop, which simply doesn't run other code
        elif self.state == 'prestart':

    def check_for_hit(self, hitbox):
        if hitbox.hits():

    def add_gpio_pins(self, gpio_pins):
        for i in range(4):
            self.hitboxes[i].gpio_event_key = gpio_pins[i]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    # Initialize pygame
    # Set screen size. Don't change this unless you know what you are doing!
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1280, 720))
    # Set the window title
    pygame.display.set_caption("IAT Challengeweek: Interaction Hero | China")

    # Keeps track of all sprites to be updated every frame
    allsprites = pygame.sprite.Group()

    text_font = pygame.freetype.Font("data/RobotoMono-VariableFont_wght.ttf",
    # Song to be used in game. Only one can be used.
    song = song_library.example_song_short  # Short random song for debugging
    # song = song_library.example_song_long  # Ode To Joy

    # Create game_state instance, this holds all required game info
    game_state = GameState(allsprites, song)

    # Checks if the program is running on a Raspberry Pi
    is_running_on_rpi = utils.is_running_on_rpi()
    if is_running_on_rpi:
        # Below are some pin input numbers, feel free to change them. However,
        # Pay special attention to the difference between GPIO pin numbers and BOARD pin numbers
        # For example GPIO17 is addressed 17 rather than 11 (See pin numbering diagram.)
        # https://gpiozero.readthedocs.io/en/stable/recipes.html#pin-numbering
        gpio_pin_numbers = [2, 3, 4, 17]  # Max 4 pins
        gpio_buttons = init_rpi_buttons(gpio_pin_numbers)

    # Prepare game objects
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    startButton = Button(500, 300, 140, 40, ' Start', game_state.restart,
                         song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state)
    quitButton = Button(500, 350, 140, 40, ' Quit', quit,
                        song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state)

    # easyButton = Button(450, 250, 140, 40, ' Easy', select_difficulty, song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state)
    # normalButton = Button(600, 250, 140, 40, ' Normal', select_difficulty, song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state)
    # hardButton = Button(750, 250, 140, 40, ' Hard', select_difficulty, song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state)

    # Main loop
    going = True
    while going:

        # Update the clock, argument is max fps

        # Every 'tick' or programcycle the gamestate update() is called

        # Get all events from the last cycle and store them as variable
        # This is stored as a variable because pygame.even.get() empties this list
        eventlist = pygame.event.get()

        # Check if there are any global quit events
        for event in eventlist:
            # If yes, the game loop won't start again
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                going = False
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.unicode == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                going = False

        # This runs before the user starts the game
        if game_state.state == 'prestart':

            for event in eventlist:
                # Checks if a mouse is clicked
                if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                    # Difficulty buttons
                    # easyButton.check_click()
                    # normalButton.check_click()
                    # hardButton.check_click()

        # This runs when the users starts a game
        elif game_state.state == 'playing':
            stopButton = Button(100, 100, 140, 40,
                                ' Stop', game_state.menu_start,
                                song.get_font_filename(), allsprites,
            # Loop through all potential hitboxes
            for hitbox in game_state.hitboxes:
                # Every hitbox needs to check all events
                for event in eventlist:
                    if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.unicode == hitbox.event_key:
                    elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
                    elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:

                # When on RPi also check for GPIO input
                if is_running_on_rpi:
                    for button in gpio_buttons:
                        # When a buttons is pressed in this loop and wasn't pressed in the last loop
                        if button.is_pressed(
                        ) and button.gpio_key is hitbox.gpio_event_key and button.is_available(
                            )  # Set the button as unavailable for the next loop
                        # When a button was not pressed in this loop
                        elif not button.is_pressed():
                            button.wake()  # Set the button as available again

        # elif game_state.state == 'end_game':
        #     going = False
        #     end_screen()

        # End state
        elif game_state.state == 'end_game':
            replayButton = Button(500, 500, 200, 45,
                                  ' Replay', game_state.restart,
                                  song.get_font_filename(), allsprites,
            mainMenuButton = Button(650, 500, 200, 45, ' Main menu',
                                    song.get_font_filename(), allsprites,

            top5 = score.get_top5_high_score()
            text_font.render_to(screen, (500, 200), "top 5 Score:", (0, 0, 0))

            height = 250
            for count, top in enumerate(top5):
                h = height + 30 * count
                text_font.render_to(screen, (500, h), str(top), (0, 0, 0))

            # text_font.render_to(screen, (500, 250), "ss", (153, 204, 255))
            # [90, 70, 65, 60, 60]

            for event in eventlist:
                # Checks if a mouse is clicked
                if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:

        # text_font.render_to(screen, (40, 350), "Hello World!", (0, 0, 0))

        # This calls the update() function on all sprites
        # Draw Everything
                    (0, 0))  # First draw a new background
        allsprites.draw(screen)  # Next draw all updated sprites
        pygame.display.update()  # Finally render everything to the display