Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_struct(constraints, values: np.ndarray):
    goal['total_impulse'] = constraints[1]
    goal['max_thrust'] = constraints[2]
    goal['OF'] = constraints[3]
    goal['min_fuel_dp'] = constraints[4]
    goal['min_ox_to_dp'] = constraints[5]
    goal['ox_to_fuel_time'] = values[1]
    design['ox_ullage'] = constraints[6]
    design['p_tanks'] = values[2]
    design['exp_ratio'] = values[3]
    goal = Struct(goal)
    design = Struct(design)
    return goal, design
def design_liquid(initial_inputs: Struct, goal: Struct, design: Struct,
                  output_on: bool):
    parameter_labels = [
        'Thrust', 'OF', 'Total Impulse', 'Min. Fuel Pressure Drop',
        'Min. Ox. Pressure Drop', 'Ox. to Fuel Drain Time Ratio'
    paramater_field_names = goal.fieldnames()

    test_data = Struct()
    test_data.test_plots_on = 0  # Import tests data and plot against simulation data
    test_data.test_data_file = ''  # File from which to import test data
    test_data.t_offset = 0  # Time offset of test data wrt simulation data [s]

    mode = Struct()
    mode.combustion_on = 1
    mode.flight_on = 0
    mode.type = 'liquid'

    max_iter = 100
    param_tol = 0.005

    # Enforce design parameters
    inputs = initial_inputs
    inputs.ox.T_tank = n2o_find_T(design.p_tanks)
    inputs.ox.V_tank = inputs.ox.V_l / (1 - design.ox_ullage)
    inputs.fuel_pressurant.set_pressure = design.p_tanks
    inputs.exp_ratio = design.exp_ratio
Ejemplo n.º 3
def n2o_properties(temp: int or float) -> Struct:
    Calculates an array of properties of nitrous oxide given a temperature in K.
    WARNING: if temperature input is outside of -90 to 30 C, properties will
    be generated for boundary (-90 C or 30 C).
    properties = dict(
    )  # Creates properties (output array) as a dictionary for which data from text file can be entered
    properties["Pvap"] = None  # Nitrous vapor pressure
    properties["rho_l"] = None  # Liquid density of nitrous
    properties["rho_g"] = None  # Gas denisty of nitrous
    properties["deltaH_vap"] = None  # Vaportization enthalpy
    properties["cp_l"] = None  # Specific heat of liquid nitrous
    properties["cv_l"] = None  # Specific volume of liquid nitrous
    properties["cp_g"] = None  # Specific heat of gaseous nitrous
    properties["cv_g"] = None  # Specific volume of gaseous nitrous
    properties["h_l"] = None  # Enthalpy of liquid nitrous
    properties["h_g"] = None  # Enthalpy of gaseous nitrous
    properties["s_l"] = None  # Specific entropy of liquid nitrous
    properties["s_g"] = None  # Specific entropy of gaseous nitrous
    properties["mu_l"] = None  # Dynamic viscosity of nitrous liquid
    properties["mu_g"] = None  # Dynamic viscosity of nitrous gas
    properties["e_l"] = None  # Specific internal energy of liquid
    properties["e_g"] = None  # Specific internal energy of gas

    R_u = 8.3144621  # Universal gas constant [J/mol*K]
    M_n2o = 0.044013  # Molecular mass of nitrous oxide [kg/mol]
    R_n2o_0 = R_u / M_n2o  # Specific gas constant of nitrous oxide [J/kg*K]

    # Range-check temperature
    if temp < (-90 + 273.15):  # If temperature is less that bottom bound
        temp = -90 + 273.150001  # Temperature is bottom bound for interpolate
    elif temp > (30 + 273.150001):  # If temperature greater than top bound,
        temp = 30 + 273.150001  # Temperature equal to top bound for interpolate

    Tcrit = 309.57  # K
    Pcrit = 7251  # kPa
    rhocrit = 452  # kg/m^3
    # Possibly add critical compressibility factor "Z"
    Tr = temp / Tcrit

    # Calculate vapor pressure, valid -90 to 36C
    b1 = -6.71893
    b2 = 1.3596
    b3 = -1.3779
    b4 = -4.051

    properties["Pvap"] = np.exp(
        (1 / Tr) * (b1 * (1 - Tr) + b2 * (1 - Tr)**(3 / 2) + b3 *
                    (1 - Tr)**(5 / 2) + b4 * (1 - Tr)**5)) * Pcrit
    properties["Pvap"] = properties["Pvap"] * 1000

    # Calculate Density of Liquid, valid -90C to 36C
    b1 = 1.72328
    b2 = -0.83950
    b3 = 0.51060
    b4 = -0.10412

    properties["rho_l"] = np.exp(b1 * (1 - Tr)**(1 / 3) + b2 *
                                 (1 - Tr)**(2 / 3) + b3 * (1 - Tr) + b4 *
                                 (1 - Tr)**(4 / 3)) * rhocrit

    # Calculate Density of Gas, valid -90C to 36C
    b1 = -1.00900
    b2 = -6.28792
    b3 = 7.50332
    b4 = -7.90463
    b5 = 0.629427
    Trinv = 1. / Tr

    properties["rho_g"] = np.exp(b1 * (Trinv - 1)**(1 / 3) + b2 *
                                 (Trinv - 1)**(2 / 3) + b3 * (Trinv - 1) + b4 *
                                 (Trinv - 1)**(4 / 3) + b5 *
                                 (Trinv - 1)**(5 / 3)) * rhocrit

    # Calculate dynamic viscosity of saturated liquid, valid from -90C to 30C
    b1 = 1.6089
    b2 = 2.0439
    b3 = 5.24
    b4 = 0.0293423
    theta = (Tcrit - b3) / (temp - b3)

    properties["mu_l"] = b4 * np.exp(b1 * (theta - 1)**(1 / 3) + b2 *
                                     (theta - 1)**(4 / 3))

    # Calculate dynamic viscosity of saturated vapor, valid from -90C to 30C
    b1 = 3.3281
    b2 = -1.18237
    b3 = -0.055155
    Trinv = 1. / Tr

    properties["mu_g"] = np.exp(b1 + b2 * (Trinv - 1)**(1 / 3) + b3 *
                                (Trinv - 1)**(4 / 3))
    NIST_data = dict(
    )  # NIST_data is an array that stores variables regarding nitrous

    # Read each line in the N2O_Properties.cgi.txt document and enter each line into the dictionary, separated by tabs
    with open("./data/N2O_Properties.cgi.txt", "r") as reader:
        for x, line in enumerate(reader):
            if x == 0:
                temp_list = line.split("\t")
                arr = [list() for x in range(len(temp_list))]
            temp_list = line.split("\t")
            for i, val in enumerate(temp_list):
        NIST_data["T"] = arr[0]
        NIST_data["h_liq"] = arr[5]
        NIST_data["h_gas"] = arr[17]
        NIST_data["e_liq"] = arr[4]
        NIST_data["e_gas"] = arr[16]
        NIST_data["cv_l"] = arr[7]
        NIST_data["cv_g"] = arr[19]
        NIST_data["s_l"] = arr[6]
        NIST_data["s_g"] = arr[18]
        NIST_data["cp_liq"] = arr[8]
        NIST_data["cp_gas"] = arr[20]
    NIST_data = {
        key: np.array(NIST_data[key], dtype="float64")
        for key in NIST_data

    # Gas Specific Enthalpy
    properties["h_l"] = np.interp(temp, NIST_data["T"],
                                  NIST_data["h_liq"]) * 1000  # J/kg,
    properties["h_g"] = np.interp(temp, NIST_data["T"],
                                  NIST_data["h_gas"]) * 1000  # J/kg
    properties["e_l"] = np.interp(temp, NIST_data["T"],
                                  NIST_data["e_liq"]) * 1000  # J/kg
    properties["e_g"] = np.interp(temp, NIST_data["T"],
                                  NIST_data["e_gas"]) * 1000  # J/kg
    properties["deltaH_vap"] = properties["h_g"] - properties["h_l"]
    properties["deltaE_vap"] = properties["e_g"] - properties["e_l"]

    # Specific Heat at Constant Volume
    properties["cv_l"] = np.interp(temp, NIST_data["T"],
                                   NIST_data["cv_l"]) * 1000
    properties["cv_g"] = np.interp(temp, NIST_data["T"],
                                   NIST_data["cv_g"]) * 1000

    # Specific Heat at Constant Pressure
    properties["cp_l"] = np.interp(temp, NIST_data["T"],
                                   NIST_data["cp_liq"]) * 1000
    properties["cp_g"] = np.interp(temp, NIST_data["T"],
                                   NIST_data["cp_gas"]) * 1000

    # Specific Entropy
    properties["s_l"] = np.interp(temp, NIST_data["T"],
                                  NIST_data["s_l"]) * 1000
    properties["s_g"] = np.interp(temp, NIST_data["T"],
                                  NIST_data["s_g"]) * 1000

    # Convert Properties to Standard Units
    properties["mu_l"] = properties["mu_l"] * 10**-3  # mN*s/(m^2) -> N*s/m^2
    properties["mu_g"] = properties["mu_g"] * 10**-6  # uN*s/(m^ 2)-> N*s/m^2

    props = Struct(
    )  # Converts the output properties into standardized Struct type
    return props
Ejemplo n.º 4
def n2o_tank_mdot(inputs: Struct, state: LiquidStateVector, time: float) -> tuple:
    Calculates flow rate out of N2O Tank. Interpolates between liquid and gas flow 
    based on amount of liquid oxidizer remaining. If no liquid oxidizer remains, it
    uses gas flow. If plenty of liquid oxidizer (i.e. mass greater than set tolerance),
    liquid flow is used. Linear interpolation is used (in order to avoid hysteresis)
    in between with a small, steady liquid source in tank. 

        - inputs: object representing motor inputs
        - state: object representing state of system
        - time: time
        - m_dot_lox: mass flow rate out of tank of liquid oxidizer
        - m_dot_gox: mass flow rate out of tank of gaseous oxidizer
        - m_dot_oxtank_press: mass flow rate out of tank of pressurant gas
        - T_dot_drain: oxidizer tank temperature change from draining
        - p_crit: critical pressure below which draining flow is choked
        - m_dot_ox_crit: critical mass flow rate below which draining flow is choked
    # Constants
    dm_lox_tol = 1e-2 # The tolerance as mentioned above for "plenty" of liquid [kg]
    M_n2o = 0.044013 # Molecular mass of nitrous oxide [kg/mol]
    a_n2o = 0.38828/M_n2o^2 # van der Waal's constant a for N2O [[Pa*(kg/m^3)^-2]]

    inj_A_eff = inputs.ox.injector_area*inputs.throttle(time) # Effective area of the injector

    # If tank pressure is greater than combustion chamber pressure
    if state.p_oxmanifold > state.p_cc and inputs.ox.Cd_injector*inj_A_eff > 0:
        # Find flow rates for gas, flow rates for liquid, interpolate within tolerance for smooth transition
        m_dot_lox          = np.zeros((2,1))
        m_dot_gox          = np.zeros((2,1))
        m_dot_oxtank_press = np.zeros((2,1))
        p_crit             = np.zeros((2,1))
        m_dot_ox_crit      = np.zeros((2,1))
        Q                  = np.zeros((2,1)) # Volumetric flow rate

        # Liquid flow
        m_dot_ox, m_dot_ox_crit[0], p_crit[0] = liq_n2o_mdot(inputs, inj_A_eff, 
            state.p_oxmanifold, state.T_oxtank, state.p_cc)

        m_dot_lox[0] = m_dot_ox
        m_dot_gox[0] = 0
        m_dot_oxtank_press[1] = 0
        Q[1] = m_dot_ox/state.n2o_props.rho_l
        # Gas Flow
        d_inj = np.sqrt(4/np.pi*inj_A_eff)
        _,  _,  _,  _, m_dot_ox, _ = nozzle_calc( d_inj, d_inj, state.T_oxtank, \
            state.p_oxmanifold, state.gamma_ox_ullage, M_n2o, state.p_cc)
        p_crit[1] = 0
        m_dot_ox_crit[1] = 0
        m_dot_lox[1] = 0
        m_dot_gox[1] = m_dot_ox*\
            (state.m_gox)/(state.m_gox + state.m_oxtank_press)
        m_dot_oxtank_press[1] = m_dot_ox*\
            (state.m_oxtank_press)/(state.m_gox + state.m_oxtank_press)
        Q[1] = m_dot_ox*state.V_ox_ullage/(state.m_gox + state.m_oxtank_press)
        # Total Flow Rate
        if state.m_lox > dm_lox_tol:
            frac_lox = 1
            frac_lox = max(0,state.m_lox/dm_lox_tol)
        m_dot_lox = frac_lox*m_dot_lox(1) + (1-frac_lox)*m_dot_lox[1]
        m_dot_gox = frac_lox*m_dot_gox(1) + (1-frac_lox)*m_dot_gox[1]
        m_dot_oxtank_press = frac_lox*m_dot_oxtank_press(1) + (1-frac_lox)*m_dot_oxtank_press[1]
        p_crit = frac_lox*p_crit(1) + (1-frac_lox)*p_crit[1]
        m_dot_ox_crit = frac_lox*m_dot_ox_crit(1) + (1-frac_lox)*m_dot_ox_crit[1]
        Q = frac_lox*Q[0] + (1-frac_lox)*Q[1]
    else: # bruh ur bad if ur chamber pressure is greater than tank press
        m_dot_lox = 0
        m_dot_gox = 0
        m_dot_oxtank_press = 0
        p_crit = state.p_oxtank
        m_dot_ox_crit = 0
        Q = 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def integration(inputs: Struct) -> Tuple[float, Struct]:
    Integrate necesary differential equations for rocket engine modeling using Euler's method. 
    TODO: Include real combustion properties and supercharging.
        - inputs: structure of motor characteristics (all units SI: m, s, 
        kg, K, mol)
            - CombustionData: string filename in "Combustion Data/" folder 
            from which to source combustion data
            - Injexit_area: total orifice area of injector
            - Cdischarge: discharge coefficient of injector orifices
            - MOVTime: time for injector flow to ramp up to 100
            - rocket_dry_mass: dry mass of rocket
            - tankvol: volume of oxidizer tank
            - l_vol: initial volume of liquid nitrous oxide in oxidizer 
            - tank_id: inner diameter of tank
            - h_offset: height difference between bottom of tank and 
            - flowline_id: inner diameter of flow line
            - Ttank: tank initial temperature
            - Fueldensity: density of fuel
            - grainlength: length of fuel grain
            - graindiameter: outer diameter of grain
            - portradius0: grain intial port radius
            - chamberlength: combustion chamber total length
            - n: grain ballistic coefficient (r_dot = a*G^n)
                - a: grain ballistic coefficient (r_dot = a*G^n)
            - nozzle_efficiency: nozzle exhaust energy efficiency 
            - nozzle_correction_factor: proportion of ideal thrust 
            (factor for divergence losses, etc.) actually achieved
            - c_star_efficiency: combustion efficiency / proportion of c*
            actually achieved
            - Tdiameter: nozzle throat diameter
            - E: expansion ratio
            - Tamb: ambient temperature
            - Pamb: ambient pressure
            - SPress: supercharging regulator pressure
            - M_sc: molecular mass
            - SVol: volume of external pressurization tank (0 for 
            supercharging / no external tank)
            - c_v_S: specific heat at constant volume of pressurant gas
                - c_p_S: specific heat at constant volume of pressurant gas
            - P_S_i: initial pressurant gas storage pressure (must be 
            present, but not used for supercharging / no external tank)
            - S_CdA: effective flow area of pressurant gas (must be 
            but not used for supercharging / no external tank)
            - Charged: 1 for pressurant gas present, 0 for no pressurant 
            gas present
        - mode: structure of options defining mode of motor operation
            - combustion_on: 1 for hot-fire, 0 for cold-flow
            - flight_on: 1 for flight conditions, 0 for ground conditions
        - tspan: vector of time values over which to record outputs
        - tspan: output time vector
        - F_thrust: thrust over tspan
        - p_cc: combustion chamber pressure over tspan
        - p_oxtank: tank pressure over tspan
        - p_oxmanifold: oxidizer manifold pressure over tspan
        - T_tank: tank temperature over tspan
        - T_cc: combustion chamber as temperature over tspan
        - area_core: fuel grain core area over tspan
        - OF: oxidizer/fuel ratio over tspan
        - m_dot_ox: oxidizer mass flow rate over tspan
        - m_dot_ox_crit: critical two-phase oxidizer mass flow rate over tspan
        - p_crit: two-phase critical downstream pressure over tspan
        - M_e: exit Mach number over tspan
        - p_exit: nozzle exit pressure over tspan
        - p_shock: critical back pressure for normal shock formation over
    # Recording the output data for this timestep
    record_config = { 
        "F_thrust"        : None,
        "p_cc"            : None,
        "p_oxtank"        : None,
        "p_oxpresstank"   : None,
        "p_fueltank"      : None,
        "p_fuelpresstank" : None,
        "p_oxmanifold"    : None,
        "T_oxtank"        : None,
        "T_cc"            : None,
        "area_core"       : None,
        "of_ratio_i"      : None,
        "gamma_ex"        : None,
        "m_dot_ox"        : None,
        "m_dot_fuel"      : None,
        "p_crit"          : None,
        "m_dot_ox_crit"   : None,
        "M_e"             : None,
        "p_exit"          : None,
        "p_shock"         : None
    record = Struct(record_config) # Convert into Struct class
    state_0, x0 = init_liquid_state(inputs)
    # Configure the integrator 
    solve_ivp(liquid_model, method='BDF') # NOTE: Incomplete method call
Ejemplo n.º 6
def n2o_properties(temp: int or float) -> Struct:
    Calculates properties of nitrous oxide given a temperature in K
    WARNING: if temperature input is outside of -90 to 30 C, properties will
    be generated for boundary (-90 C or 30 C)
    properties = Struct()
    properties.Pvap       = None
    properties.rho_l      = None
    properties.rho_g      = None
    properties.deltaH_vap = None
    properties.cp_l       = None
    properties.cv_l       = None
    properties.cp_g       = None
    properties.cv_g       = None
    properties.h_l        = None
    properties.h_g        = None
    properties.s_l        = None
    properties.s_g        = None
    properties.mu_l       = None
    properties.mu_g       = None

    # Returns properties (structure)
    # properties.Pvap in Pa
    # properties.rho_l in kg/m^3
    # properties.rho_g in kg/m^3
    # properties.deltaH_vap in J/kg
    # properties.cp_l in J/(kg*K)
    # properties.cv_l in J/(kg*K)
    # properties.cp_g in J/(kg*K)
    # properties.cv_g in J/(kg*K)
    # properties.h_l in J/(kg*K)
    # properties.h_g in J/(kg*K)
    # properties.s_l in J/(kg*K)
    # properties.s_g in J/(kg*K)
    # properties.mu_l in N*s/(m^2)
    # properties.mu_g in N*s/(m^2)

    NIST_DATA = Struct() # NIST_data is an array that stores variables regarding nitrous
    R_u = 8.3144621 # Universal gas constant [J/mol*K]
    M_n2o = 0.044013 # Molecular mass of nitrous oxide [kg/mol]
    R_n2o_0 = R_u/M_n2o # Specific gas constant of nitrous oxide [J/kg*K]

    # Range-check temperature
    if temp < (-90 + 273.15):
        temp = -90 + 273.150001
    elif temp > (30 + 273.150001):
        temp = 30 + 273.150001

    Tcrit = 309.57 #K
    Pcrit = 7251   #kPa
    rhocrit = 452 #kg/m^3
    #possibly add critical compressibility factor "Z"
    Tr = temp/Tcrit

    # Calculate vapor pressure, valid -90 to 36C
    b1 = -6.71893
    b2 = 1.3596
    b3 = -1.3779
    b4 = -4.051

    properties.Pvap = exp((1./Tr).*(b1*(1-Tr) + b2*(1-Tr).^(3/2) + b3*(1-Tr).^(5/2) + b4*(1-Tr).^5))*Pcrit
    properties.Pvap = properties.Pvap*1000

    # Calculate Density of Liquid, valid -90C to 36C
    b1 = 1.72328
    b2 = -0.83950
    b3 = 0.51060
    b4 = -0.10412

    properties.rho_l = exp(b1*(1-Tr).^(1/3) + b2*(1-Tr).^(2/3) + b3*(1-Tr) + b4*(1-Tr).^(4/3))*rhocrit

    # Calculate Density of Gas, valid -90C to 36C
    b1 = -1.00900
    b2 = -6.28792
    b3 = 7.50332
    b4 = -7.90463
    b5 = 0.629427
    Trinv = 1./Tr

    properties.rho_g = exp(b1*(Trinv-1).^(1/3) + b2*(Trinv-1).^(2/3) + b3*(Trinv-1) + b4*(Trinv-1).^(4/3) + b5*(Trinv-1).^(5/3))*rhocrit

    # Calculate dynamic viscosity of saturated liquid, valid from -90C to 30C
    b1 = 1.6089
    b2 = 2.0439
    b3 = 5.24
    b4 = 0.0293423
    theta = (Tcrit-b3)./(temp-b3)

    properties.mu_l = b4*exp(b1*(theta-1).^(1/3) + b2*(theta-1).^(4/3))

    # Calculate dynamic viscosity of saturated vapor, valid from -90C to 30C
    b1 = 3.3281
    b2 = -1.18237
    b3 = -0.055155
    Trinv = 1./Tr

    properties.mu_g = exp(b1 + b2*(Trinv-1).^(1/3) + b3*(Trinv-1).^(4/3))

    # create dict that uses temp value as key and array of remaining values as the return
    # Find Specific Enthalpy
    reader = open("N2O_Properties.cgi.txt", 'r')
        tempList = reader.readline().split("\t")
        dictionary = {tempList.pop(0):tempList}
        for x in range(0,125):
            tempList = reader.readline().split("\t")
            dictionary[tempList.pop(0)] = tempList
    if isempty(NIST_data):
        data = tdfread('N2O_Properties.cgi.txt')
        NIST_data.T = data.Temperature_0x28K0x29
        NIST_data.h_liq = data.Enthalpy_0x28l0x2C_kJ0x2Fkg0x29 
        NIST_data.h_gas = data.Enthalpy_0x28v0x2C_kJ0x2Fkg0x29
        NIST_data.e_liq = data.Internal_Energy_0x28l0x2C_kJ0x2Fkg0x29
        NIST_data.e_gas = data.Internal_Energy_0x28v0x2C_kJ0x2Fkg0x29
        NIST_data.cv_l = data.Cv_0x28l0x2C_J0x2Fg0x2AK0x29 # Cv for liquid
        NIST_data.cv_g = data.Cv_0x28v0x2C_J0x2Fg0x2AK0x29 # Cv for gas
        NIST_data.cp_l = data.Cp_0x28l0x2C_J0x2Fg0x2AK0x29 # Cp for liquid
        NIST_data.cp_g = data.Cp_0x28v0x2C_J0x2Fg0x2AK0x29 # Cp for gas
        NIST_data.s_l = data.Entropy_0x28l0x2C_J0x2Fg0x2AK0x29
        NIST_data.s_g = data.Entropy_0x28v0x2C_J0x2Fg0x2AK0x29

    # Gas Specific Enthalpy
    properties.h_l = FastInterp1(NIST_data.T, NIST_data.h_liq, temp)*1000 # J/kg, 
    properties.h_g = FastInterp1(NIST_data.T, NIST_data.h_gas, temp)*1000 # J/kg
    properties.e_l = FastInterp1(NIST_data.T, NIST_data.e_liq, temp)*1000 # J/kg
    properties.e_g = FastInterp1(NIST_data.T, NIST_data.e_gas, temp)*1000 # J/kg
    properties.deltaH_vap = properties.h_g-properties.h_l
    properties.deltaE_vap = properties.e_g-properties.e_l

    # Specific Heat at Constant Volume
    properties.cv_l = FastInterp1(NIST_data.T, NIST_data.cv_l, temp)*1000
    properties.cv_g = FastInterp1(NIST_data.T, NIST_data.cv_g, temp)*1000

    # Specific Heat at Constant Pressure
    properties.cp_l = FastInterp1(NIST_data.T, NIST_data.cp_l, temp)*1000
    properties.cp_g = FastInterp1(NIST_data.T, NIST_data.cp_g, temp)*1000

    #Specific Entropy

    properties.s_l = FastInterp1(NIST_data.T, NIST_data.s_l, temp)*1000
    properties.s_g = FastInterp1(NIST_data.T, NIST_data.s_g, temp)*1000

    ## Convert Properties to Standard Units
    properties.mu_l = properties.mu_l*10^-3 # mN*s/(m^2) -> N*s/m^2
    properties.mu_g = properties.mu_g*10^-6 # uN*s/(m^2) -> N*s/m^2

    return properties
Ejemplo n.º 7
def integration(inputs: Inputs, options: Struct) -> Tuple[float, Struct]:
    record = Struct()  # Recording the output data for this timestep
    state_0, x0 = InitializeLiquidState(inputs, mode)
Ejemplo n.º 8
#----------Unit Conversions-------------
psi_to_Pa = 6894.75729  # 1 psi in Pa
in_to_m = 0.0254  # 1 in in m
mm_to_m = 1e-3  # 1 mm in m
lbf_to_N = 4.44822162  # 1 lbf in N
lbm_to_kg = 0.453592  # 1 lbm in kg
atm_to_Pa = 101325  # 1 atm in Pa
L_to_m3 = 1e-3  # 1 L in m^3

#-------Gas Properties----------
nitrogen = Gas()
nitrogen.c_v = 0.743e3  # J/kg*K
nitrogen.molecular_mass = 2 * 14.0067e-3  # kg/mol

inputs = Inputs()
options = Struct()
options.t_final = 60  # sec
options.dt = 0.01  # sec
options.output_on = True
# t_final: simulation time limit
# dt: output time resolution
# output_on: true for plots, false for no plots

#-------Injector Properties----------
# Injector Exit Area
inputs.ox.injector_area = 2.571e-05  # m^2
inputs.fuel.injector_area = 6.545e-06  # 4.571e-06 m^2

# Ball Valve Time to Injector Area (s)
inputs.dt_valve_open = 0.01