Ejemplo n.º 1
    def write_geometry_files(
        """Creating files
        dlist - list of pairs with distances and numbers
        in_calc - base calculation without pores

        tlist - list of additional atoms in the case of triples; list of structures
        configver - if True each configuration saved as a new version
        add_typat - manually determined; please automatize!

        print "Warning! add_typat", add_typat
        if tlist == []:  # convert dlist to tlist - to do earlier
            for el in dlist:
                config = Structure()
                config.name = el[2]
                config.length = el[0]
                config.typat = add_typat
                config.xcart = [el[7], el[8]]

        for i, el in enumerate(tlist):  # by all found structures
            print "el name is ", el.name
            stn = copy.deepcopy(in_calc.init)
            calc = copy.deepcopy(in_calc)


            stn.xred = xcart2xred(stn.xcart, stn.rprimd)

            xcart_check = xred2xcart(stn.xred, stn.rprimd)
            assert len(xcart_check) == len(stn.xcart)  # test

            assert all(
                [all(np.around(v1, 8) == np.around(v2, 8)) for (v1, v2) in zip(stn.xcart, xcart_check)]
            )  # check if xcart2xred(stn.xcart,r) and xred2xcart(stn.xred,r) are working correctly up to the eight digits after

            stn.natom = len(stn.xcart)

            """Adapt new rprimd"""
            print "take final rprimd is ", take_final_rprimd_from
            if take_final_rprimd_from:  # read final rprimd and version
                print "Start to read rprimd and version from " + take_final_rprimd_from
                in_calc_rprimd = CalculationVasp()
                in_calc_rprimd.name = "temp"

                stn.rprimd = in_calc_rprimd.init.rprimd
                stn.xcart = xred2xcart(stn.xred, stn.rprimd)

                calc.version = in_calc_rprimd.version
            elif configver:
                calc.version = i + 1

            calc.init = stn

            des = (
                " was obtained by the insertion of C-O pair into "
                + in_calc_name
                + "; final vectors taken from corresponding ver"

            calc.build.ipairlen = el.length  # Initial length of pair
            if not hasattr(calc.build, "nadded") or calc.build.nadded == None:
                calc.build.nadded = 2
                calc.build.nadded += 2
            if not hasattr(calc.build, "listadded") or calc.build.listadded == [None]:
                calc.build.listadded = range(stn.natom - 2, stn.natom)  # list of atoms which were added
                calc.build.listadded.extend(range(stn.natom - 2, stn.natom))

            structure_name = calc.name + el.name.split(".")[0]
            # calc.name = add_name_before+calc.name+ '.' +el[2]+'.'+str(calc.version)
            print "Structure_name", structure_name
            if structure_name in struct_des:

                if configver:
                    fname = structure_name  # calc.name+'C2O2'
                    calc.path["input_geo"] = (
                        + struct_des[fname].sfolder
                        + "/"
                        + fname
                        + "/"
                        + structure_name
                        + "."
                        + segtyp
                        + "."
                        + str(calc.version)
                        + ".geo"
                    calc.path["input_geo"] = (
                        + struct_des[structure_name].sfolder
                        + "/"
                        + structure_name
                        + "/"
                        + structure_name
                        + "."
                        + segtyp
                        + "."
                        + str(calc.version)
                        + ".geo"
                print "write geo to ", calc.path["input_geo"]
                calc.write_geometry("init", des)

            print "write_geometry_files(): name ", el.name
            stn.name = add_name_before + calc.name + "" + str(el.name) + "." + str(calc.version)
            # stn = replic(stn, (1,2,2))
            print "__________________________\n\n\n"
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def write_geometry_files(dlist,
        """Creating files
        dlist - list of pairs with distances and numbers
        in_calc - base calculation without pores

        tlist - list of additional atoms in the case of triples; list of structures
        configver - if True each configuration saved as a new version
        add_typat - manually determined; please automatize!

        print "Warning! add_typat", add_typat
        if tlist == []:  #convert dlist to tlist - to do earlier
            for el in dlist:
                config = Structure()
                config.name = el[2]
                config.length = el[0]
                config.typat = add_typat
                config.xcart = [el[7], el[8]]

        for i, el in enumerate(tlist):  #by all found structures
            print "el name is ", el.name
            stn = copy.deepcopy(in_calc.init)
            calc = copy.deepcopy(in_calc)


            stn.xred = xcart2xred(stn.xcart, stn.rprimd)

            xcart_check = xred2xcart(stn.xred, stn.rprimd)
            assert len(xcart_check) == len(stn.xcart)  #test

            assert all(
                    all(np.around(v1, 8) == np.around(v2, 8))
                    for (v1, v2) in zip(stn.xcart, xcart_check)
            )  #check if xcart2xred(stn.xcart,r) and xred2xcart(stn.xred,r) are working correctly up to the eight digits after

            stn.natom = len(stn.xcart)
            """Adapt new rprimd"""
            print "take final rprimd is ", take_final_rprimd_from
            if take_final_rprimd_from:  #read final rprimd and version
                print "Start to read rprimd and version from " + take_final_rprimd_from
                in_calc_rprimd = CalculationVasp()
                in_calc_rprimd.name = 'temp'

                stn.rprimd = in_calc_rprimd.init.rprimd
                stn.xcart = xred2xcart(stn.xred, stn.rprimd)

                calc.version = in_calc_rprimd.version
            elif configver:
                calc.version = i + 1

            calc.init = stn

            des = ' was obtained by the insertion of C-O pair into ' + in_calc_name + '; final vectors taken from corresponding ver'

            calc.build.ipairlen = el.length  # Initial length of pair
            if not hasattr(calc.build, 'nadded') or calc.build.nadded == None:
                calc.build.nadded = 2
                calc.build.nadded += 2
            if not hasattr(calc.build,
                           'listadded') or calc.build.listadded == [None]:
                calc.build.listadded = range(
                    stn.natom - 2, stn.natom)  #list of atoms which were added
                calc.build.listadded.extend(range(stn.natom - 2, stn.natom))

            structure_name = calc.name + el.name.split('.')[0]
            #calc.name = add_name_before+calc.name+ '.' +el[2]+'.'+str(calc.version)
            print 'Structure_name', structure_name
            if structure_name in struct_des:

                if configver:
                    fname = structure_name  # calc.name+'C2O2'
                    calc.path["input_geo"] = geo_folder + struct_des[
                        fname].sfolder + '/' + fname + '/' + structure_name + '.' + segtyp + '.' + str(
                            calc.version) + '.geo'
                    calc.path["input_geo"] = geo_folder + struct_des[
                        structure_name].sfolder + '/' + structure_name + '/' + structure_name + '.' + segtyp + '.' + str(
                            calc.version) + '.geo'
                print "write geo to ", calc.path["input_geo"]
                calc.write_geometry('init', des)

            print "write_geometry_files(): name ", el.name
            stn.name = add_name_before + calc.name + '' + str(
                el.name) + '.' + str(calc.version)
            #stn = replic(stn, (1,2,2))
            print "__________________________\n\n\n"
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def triples(addatom=("O", 3), dlist=[], tlist=[], in_calc=None, xcart_pores=[], max_dist_to_next_atom=3):
        Add addatom to all configurations in tlist; 

        addatom[1] - type of atom in typat
        dlist - list of configurations with two impurity atoms; Used if tlist == []; the format of dlist is quiet special
        tlist - list of configurations with arbirtary number of atoms;

        tlist - list of configurations with add atoms
        st = in_calc.init

        if dlist and tlist == []:
            for el in dlist:
                par = el
                print "pair 1", par,
                x1 = par[7]
                x2 = par[8]
                print "x1 = ", x1
                print "x2 = ", x2
                config = Structure()
                config.xcart = [x1, x2]
                config.typat = [2, 3]
                config.name = el[2]

        tlist_new = []
        for config in tlist:
            xcart = config.xcart
            typat = config.typat
            name = config.name
            print "\n\n\nStart to adding atom to ", name

            i = 1
            dlistlist = []

            diffprec = 0.001

            [dlistlist.append([]) for x in xcart]
            print len(dlistlist)

            for xpor in xcart_pores:

                skip = True
                for j, x in enumerate(xcart):  # list of 2 or 3 initial atoms to which additional atom will be added
                    if all(np.around(xpor, 5) == np.around(x, 5)):
                        skip = True

                    d1, d2 = image_distance(x, xpor, st.rprimd, 2)  # the minimum distance and the next minimum dist
                    if d1 > max_dist_to_next_atom:
                        skip = True
                        break  # if only one pore is larger from atom than limit, the pore is skiped

                    # suml = d11+d21+par[0]
                    # for dl in dlistlist:
                    # print 'j is ', j

                    i_min, smaller = min_diff(
                        d1, dlistlist[j], diffprec
                    )  # old condition - bad - removes unique configurations
                    # if smaller: skip = True; continue # symmetrical pores deleted

                    skip = False  # all conditions are fullfilled - this configuration is unique
                # else:
                # print 'List of distances to atoms'
                if skip:
                    continue  #

                # print "Pore can be used", xpor #sum of distances for triple

                new = Structure()
                new.name = name + addatom[0] + str(i)
                new.xcart = copy.deepcopy(xcart)
                new.typat = copy.deepcopy(typat)
                # print 'new.typat  =', new.typat

                # calculate sum of lengths
                new.length = 0
                new.lengthCO = 0
                new.lengthCC = 0
                new.lengthOO = 0
                new.xcartC = []
                new.xcartO = []
                for m, x1 in enumerate(new.xcart):
                    if new.typat[m] == 2:
                    if new.typat[m] == 3:

                    for x2 in new.xcart:
                        d1, d2 = image_distance(x1, x2, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.length += d1

                for xC in new.xcartC:
                    for xO in new.xcartO:
                        d1, d2 = image_distance(xC, xO, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.lengthCO += d1

                for xC1 in new.xcartC:
                    for xC2 in new.xcartC:

                        d1, d2 = image_distance(xC1, xC2, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.lengthCC += d1

                for xO1 in new.xcartO:
                    for xO2 in new.xcartO:

                        d1, d2 = image_distance(xO1, xO2, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.lengthOO += d1

                skip = False
                n = len(new.xcart)

                """additional conditions to leave only unique configurations"""
                for config in tlist_new:
                    if 1:
                        nr = 0
                        for (v1, t1) in zip(new.xcart, new.typat):
                            for (v2, t2) in zip(config.xcart, config.typat):
                                if all(np.around(v1, 8) == np.around(v2, 8)) and t1 == t2:
                                    nr += 1
                        if nr == n:
                            print "The configurations", new.name, "and", config.name, "consist of the same atoms, continue"
                            skip = True

                    # print  all([ all( np.around(v1, 8) == np.around(v2, 8) ) for (v1, v2) in zip(new.xcart, config.xcart) ])

                    # check identity using sum of distances
                    # i_min, smaller = min_diff(config.length, [new.length], diffprec)
                    # if smaller:
                    #     print "Configuration ", new.name, "has the same sum of lengths as", config.name
                    i_min, smaller1 = min_diff(config.lengthCO, [new.lengthCO], diffprec)
                    i_min, smaller2 = min_diff(config.lengthCC, [new.lengthCC], diffprec)
                    i_min, smaller3 = min_diff(config.lengthOO, [new.lengthOO], diffprec)
                    # print 'Compare', new.name, config.name, smaller1, smaller2, smaller3
                    if smaller1 and smaller2 and smaller3:
                        print "\nConfiguration ", new.name, "has the same sum of C-O, C-C  and O-O lengths as", config.name
                        skip = True

                if skip:
                print "\nSum of CO lengths in :", new.name, new.lengthCC, new.lengthOO, new.lengthCO


                i += 1

        return tlist_new
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def triples(addatom=('O', 3),
        Add addatom to all configurations in tlist; 

        addatom[1] - type of atom in typat
        dlist - list of configurations with two impurity atoms; Used if tlist == []; the format of dlist is quiet special
        tlist - list of configurations with arbirtary number of atoms;

        tlist - list of configurations with add atoms
        st = in_calc.init

        if dlist and tlist == []:
            for el in dlist:
                par = el
                print 'pair 1', par,
                x1 = par[7]
                x2 = par[8]
                print 'x1 = ', x1
                print 'x2 = ', x2
                config = Structure()
                config.xcart = [x1, x2]
                config.typat = [2, 3]
                config.name = el[2]

        tlist_new = []
        for config in tlist:
            xcart = config.xcart
            typat = config.typat
            name = config.name
            print '\n\n\nStart to adding atom to ', name

            i = 1
            dlistlist = []

            diffprec = 0.001

            [dlistlist.append([]) for x in xcart]
            print len(dlistlist)

            for xpor in xcart_pores:

                skip = True
                for j, x in enumerate(
                ):  # list of 2 or 3 initial atoms to which additional atom will be added
                    if all(np.around(xpor, 5) == np.around(x, 5)):
                        skip = True

                    d1, d2 = image_distance(
                        x, xpor, st.rprimd,
                        2)  # the minimum distance and the next minimum dist
                    if d1 > max_dist_to_next_atom:
                        skip = True
                        break  #if only one pore is larger from atom than limit, the pore is skiped

                    # suml = d11+d21+par[0]
                    # for dl in dlistlist:
                    # print 'j is ', j

                    i_min, smaller = min_diff(
                        d1, dlistlist[j], diffprec
                    )  #old condition - bad - removes unique configurations
                    #if smaller: skip = True; continue # symmetrical pores deleted

                    skip = False  # all conditions are fullfilled - this configuration is unique
                # else:
                # print 'List of distances to atoms'
                if skip: continue  #

                #print "Pore can be used", xpor #sum of distances for triple

                new = Structure()
                new.name = name + addatom[0] + str(i)
                new.xcart = copy.deepcopy(xcart)
                new.typat = copy.deepcopy(typat)
                # print 'new.typat  =', new.typat

                #calculate sum of lengths
                new.length = 0
                new.lengthCO = 0
                new.lengthCC = 0
                new.lengthOO = 0
                new.xcartC = []
                new.xcartO = []
                for m, x1 in enumerate(new.xcart):
                    if new.typat[m] == 2: new.xcartC.append(x1)
                    if new.typat[m] == 3: new.xcartO.append(x1)

                    for x2 in new.xcart:
                        d1, d2 = image_distance(x1, x2, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.length += d1

                for xC in new.xcartC:
                    for xO in new.xcartO:
                        d1, d2 = image_distance(xC, xO, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.lengthCO += d1

                for xC1 in new.xcartC:
                    for xC2 in new.xcartC:

                        d1, d2 = image_distance(xC1, xC2, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.lengthCC += d1

                for xO1 in new.xcartO:
                    for xO2 in new.xcartO:

                        d1, d2 = image_distance(xO1, xO2, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.lengthOO += d1

                skip = False
                n = len(new.xcart)
                """additional conditions to leave only unique configurations"""
                for config in tlist_new:
                    if 1:
                        nr = 0
                        for (v1, t1) in zip(new.xcart, new.typat):
                            for (v2, t2) in zip(config.xcart, config.typat):
                                if all(np.around(v1, 8) == np.around(
                                        v2, 8)) and t1 == t2:
                                    nr += 1
                        if nr == n:
                            print "The configurations", new.name, 'and', config.name, 'consist of the same atoms, continue'
                            skip = True

                    # print  all([ all( np.around(v1, 8) == np.around(v2, 8) ) for (v1, v2) in zip(new.xcart, config.xcart) ])

                    #check identity using sum of distances
                    # i_min, smaller = min_diff(config.length, [new.length], diffprec)
                    # if smaller:
                    #     print "Configuration ", new.name, "has the same sum of lengths as", config.name
                    i_min, smaller1 = min_diff(config.lengthCO, [new.lengthCO],
                    i_min, smaller2 = min_diff(config.lengthCC, [new.lengthCC],
                    i_min, smaller3 = min_diff(config.lengthOO, [new.lengthOO],
                    # print 'Compare', new.name, config.name, smaller1, smaller2, smaller3
                    if smaller1 and smaller2 and smaller3:
                        print "\nConfiguration ", new.name, "has the same sum of C-O, C-C  and O-O lengths as", config.name
                        skip = True

                if skip: continue
                print '\nSum of CO lengths in :', new.name, new.lengthCC, new.lengthOO, new.lengthCO


                i += 1

        return tlist_new