Ejemplo n.º 1
class RogerDeploy(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.rogerGitPullObject = RogerGitPull()
        self.rogerPushObject = RogerPush()
        self.rogerBuildObject = RogerBuild()
        self.dockerUtilsObject = DockerUtils()
        self.dockerObject = Docker()
        self.utils = Utils()
        self.slack = None
        self.statsd_message_list = []
        self.registry = ""
        self.image_name = ""

        # To remove a temporary directory created by roger-deploy if this
        # script exits
    def removeDirTree(self, work_dir, args, temp_dir_created):
        exists = os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(work_dir))
        if exists and (temp_dir_created is True):
            print("Deleted temporary dir:{0}".format(work_dir))

    def getNextVersion(self, config, roger_env, application, branch, work_dir, repo, args, gitObj):
        sha = getGitSha(work_dir, repo, branch, gitObj)
        docker_search = self.dockerUtilsObject.docker_search(roger_env['registry'], config['name'], application)
        image_version_list = []
        version = ''
        envs = []
        for each_key in roger_env["environments"].keys():
        for line in docker_search.split('\n'):
            image = line.split(' ')[0]
            # (vmahedia) todo: This belongs in a separate DockerImage class. This class should know
            # how to generate the image name, how to search the image or return this name pattern we
            # then use to search this image on the registry.
            matchObj = re.match("^{0}-{1}-.*/v.*".format(config['name'], application), image)
            if matchObj and matchObj.group().startswith(config['name'] + '-' + application):
                skip_image = False
                for env in envs:
                    if matchObj.group().startswith("{0}-{1}-{2}".format(config['name'], application, env)):
                        skip_image = True
                if skip_image is False:
                    if verify(str(matchObj.group().split('v')[-1])):

        if len(image_version_list) == 0:  # Create initial version
            version = "{0}/v0.1.0".format(sha)
            print("No version currently exist in the Docker Registry. \nDeploying version:{0}".format(
            version = self.incrementVersion(sha, image_version_list, args)
        return version

    def incrementVersion(self, sha, image_version_list, args):
        latest = max(image_version_list, key=self.splitVersion)
        ver_tuple = self.splitVersion(latest)
        latest_version = ''
        if args.incr_major:
            latest_version = "{0}/v{1}.0.0".format(sha,
                                                   (int(ver_tuple[0]) + 1))
            return latest_version
        if args.incr_patch:
            latest_version = "{0}/v{1}.{2}.{3}".format(
                sha, int(ver_tuple[0]), int(ver_tuple[1]), (int(ver_tuple[2]) + 1))
            return latest_version

        latest_version = "{0}/v{1}.{2}.0".format(
            sha, int(ver_tuple[0]), (int(ver_tuple[1]) + 1))
        return latest_version

    def splitVersion(self, version):
        major, _, rest = version.partition('.')
        minor, _, rest = rest.partition('.')
        patch, _, rest = rest.partition('.')
        return int(major), int(minor) if minor else 0, int(patch) if patch else 0

    def parseArgs(self):
        self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            prog='roger deploy', description=describe())
        self.parser.add_argument('-e', '--environment', metavar='env',
                                 help="environment to deploy to. Example: 'dev' or 'stage'")
        self.parser.add_argument('-b', '--branch', metavar='branch', default='master',
                                 help="branch to pull code from. Defaults to master. Example: 'production' or 'master'")
        self.parser.add_argument('-sg', '--skip-gitpull', action="store_true",
                                 help="skip the gitpull step. Defaults to false.")
        self.parser.add_argument('-s', '--skip-build', action="store_true",
                                 help="whether to skip the build step. Defaults to false.")
        self.parser.add_argument('-M', '--incr-major', action="store_true",
                                 help="increment major in version. Defaults to false.")
        self.parser.add_argument('-sp', '--skip-push', action="store_true",
                                 help="skip the push step. Defaults to false.'")
        self.parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help="verbose mode for debugging. Defaults to false.", action="store_true")
        self.parser.add_argument('-f', '--force-push', action="store_true",
                                 help="force push. Not recommended. Forces push even if validation checks failed. Applies only if skip_push is false. Defaults to false.")
        self.parser.add_argument('-p', '--incr-patch', action="store_true",
                                 help="increment patch in version. Defaults to false.'")
        self.parser.add_argument('-S', '--secrets-file',
                                 help="specifies an optional secrets file for deployment runtime variables.")
        self.parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory',
                                 help="working directory. Uses a temporary directory if not specified.")
        self.parser.add_argument('application', metavar='application', help="application to deploy. \
                                 Can also push specific containers(comma seperated). Example: 'all' \
                                 or 'app1:app2' or 'kairos' or 'app_name[container1,container2]' \
                                 or'app1[container1,container2]:app2[container3,container4]' or 'app1:app2[container]'")
        self.parser.add_argument('app_repo', metavar="app_repo",
                                 help="Application's git repository name, repo must be under 'seomoz' organization")
        self.parser.add_argument('config_file', metavar='config_file',
                                 help="configuration file to be use. Example: 'content.json' or 'kwe.json'")

        return self.parser

    def main(self, settingObject, appObject, frameworkUtilsObject, gitObj, hooksObj, args):
            function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()
            execution_result = 'SUCCESS'
            settingObj = settingObject
            appObj = appObject
            config_dir = settingObj.getConfigDir()
            root = settingObj.getCliDir()
            roger_env = appObj.getRogerEnv(config_dir)
            config = appObj.getConfig(config_dir, args.config_file)
            config_name = ""
            if 'name' in config:
                config_name = config['name']
            if 'registry' not in roger_env:
                raise ValueError('Registry not found in roger-mesos-tools.config file.')
                self.registry = roger_env['registry']

            # Setup for Slack-Client, token, and git user
            # (vmahedia) todo: ExtractClass Notifications, it should know who all to notify on what event
            # Event should be registered and SlackNotification should be one of the members. it can have
            # N notifications on a particular "event", Notifications.Notify will broadcast notification to
            # all the interested parties.
            if 'notifications' in config:
                self.slack = Slack(config['notifications'],

            self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.application)

            apps = []
            apps_container_dict = {}
            if args.application == 'all':
                apps = config['apps'].keys()
                if ":" not in args.application and "[" not in args.application:
                    for item in args.application.split(":"):
                        if '[' in item:
                            matchObj = re.match(r'(.*)\[(.*)\]', item)
                            apps_container_dict[matchObj.group(1)] = matchObj.group(2)

            common_repo = config.get('repo', '')
            environment = roger_env.get('default_environment', '')

            work_dir = ''
            if args.directory:
                work_dir = args.directory
                temp_dir_created = False
                if args.verbose:
                    print("Using {0} as the working directory".format(work_dir))
                work_dir = mkdtemp()
                temp_dir_created = True
                if args.verbose:
                    print("Created a temporary dir: {0}".format(work_dir))

            if args.environment is None:
                if "ROGER_ENV" in os.environ:
                    env_var = os.environ.get('ROGER_ENV')
                    if env_var.strip() == '':
                            "Environment variable $ROGER_ENV is not set. Using the default set from roger-mesos-tools.config file")
                            "Using value {} from environment variable $ROGER_ENV".format(env_var))
                        environment = env_var
                environment = args.environment

            if environment not in roger_env['environments']:
                self.removeDirTree(work_dir, args, temp_dir_created)
                raise ValueError('Environment not found in roger-mesos-tools.config file.')

            branch = "master"  # master by default
            if args.branch is not None:
                branch = args.branch

                for app in apps:
                    if app not in config['apps']:
                        raise ValueError('Application {} specified not found.'.format(app))
                            if args.verbose:
                                print("Deploying {} ...".format(app))
                            self.deployApp(settingObject, appObject, frameworkUtilsObject, gitObj, hooksObj,
                                           root, args, config, roger_env, work_dir, config_dir, environment, app, branch, self.slack, args.config_file, common_repo, temp_dir_created, apps_container_dict)
                        except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
                            error_msg = "Error when deploying {}: {}".format(app, repr(e))
                            pass    # try deploying the next app
            except (Exception) as e:
        except (Exception) as e:
            execution_result = 'FAILURE'
            # Check if the initializition of variables carried out
            if 'function_execution_start_time' not in globals() and 'function_execution_start_time' not in locals():
                function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()

            if 'execution_result' not in globals() and 'execution_result' not in locals():
                execution_result = 'FAILURE'

            if 'config_name' not in globals() and 'config_name' not in locals():
                config_name = ""

            if 'environment' not in globals() and 'environment' not in locals():
                environment = "dev"

            if not hasattr(args, "application"):
                args.application = ""

            if 'settingObj' not in globals() and 'settingObj' not in locals():
                settingObj = Settings()

            if 'work_dir' not in globals() and 'work_dir' not in locals():
                work_dir = ''
                temp_dir_created = False

            if not (self.rogerGitPullObject.outcome is 1 and self.rogerBuildObject.outcome is 1 and self.rogerPushObject.outcome is 1):
                execution_result = 'FAILURE'

                # If the deploy fails before going through any steps
                sc = self.utils.getStatsClient()
                if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                    self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.application)
                args.application = self.utils.extract_app_name(args.application)
                time_take_milliseonds = ((datetime.now() - function_execution_start_time).total_seconds() * 1000)
                input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "app_name=" + str(args.application) + ",event=deploy" + ",outcome=" + str(execution_result) + ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + ",env=" + str(environment) + ",user="******",identifier=" + str(self.identifier)
                tup = (input_metric, time_take_milliseonds)
                self.removeDirTree(work_dir, args, temp_dir_created)
            except (Exception) as e:
                error_msg = "Error when deploying {}: {}".format(app, repr(e))

    def deployApp(self, settingObject, appObject, frameworkUtilsObject, gitObj, hooksObj, root, args, config,
                  roger_env, work_dir, config_dir, environment, app, branch, slack, config_file, common_repo, temp_dir_created, apps_container_dict):

        startTime = datetime.now()
        settingObj = settingObject
        appObj = appObject
        frameworkUtils = frameworkUtilsObject
        environmentObj = roger_env['environments'][environment]
        data = appObj.getAppData(config_dir, config_file, app)
        frameworkObj = frameworkUtils.getFramework(data)
        framework = frameworkObj.getName()

        repo = ''
        if common_repo != '':
            repo = data.get('repo', common_repo)
            repo = data.get('repo', app)

        image_name = ''
        image = ''

        skip_gitpull = True if args.skip_gitpull else False

        # get/update target source(s)
        if not skip_gitpull:
            args.app_name = app
            args.directory = work_dir
            self.rogerGitPullObject.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
            self.rogerGitPullObject.identifier = self.identifier
            self.rogerGitPullObject.main(settingObj, appObj, gitObj, hooksObj, args)

        skip_build = True if args.skip_build else False
        skip_push = True if args.skip_push else False
        secrets_file = args.secrets_file if args.secrets_file else None

        # Set initial version
        # todo (vmahedia) #image_name naming should not be magic, make it explicit

        # todo (vmahedia) ExtractClass GitInfo, no need to pass args, we already have the information.
        # We deal with only one repo at a time. It may change in future but we can change the code then.
        image_git_sha = getGitSha(work_dir, repo, branch, gitObj)
        image_name = "{0}-{1}-{2}/v0.1.0".format(config['name'], app, image_git_sha)
        print(colored("******Fetching current version deployed or latest version from registry.\
                       This is used to bump to next version.******", "grey"))
        if skip_build:
            curr_image_ver = frameworkObj.getCurrentImageVersion(
                roger_env, environment, app)
            self.image_name = curr_image_ver

            if args.verbose:
                print("Current image version deployed on {0} is :{1}".format(framework, curr_image_ver))
            if curr_image_ver is not None:
                image_name = "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(
                    config['name'], app, curr_image_ver)
                if args.verbose:
                    print("Image current version from {0} endpoint is:{1}".format(framework, image_name))
                if args.verbose:
                    print("Using base version for image:{0}".format(image_name))
            # Docker build,tag and push
            image_name = self.getNextVersion(
                config, roger_env, app, branch, work_dir, repo, args, gitObj)
            print(colored("******Done finding latest version******", "green"))
            image_name = "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(config['name'], app, image_name)
            print(colored("Bumped up image to version:{0}".format(image_name), "green"))
            self.image_name = image_name
            build_args = args
            build_args.app_name = app
            build_args.directory = os.path.abspath(work_dir)
            build_args.tag_name = image_name
            build_args.config_file = config_file
            build_args.env = environment
            build_args.push = True
            build_args.verbose = args.verbose
                self.rogerBuildObject.identifier = self.identifier
                self.rogerBuildObject.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
                self.rogerBuildObject.main(settingObj, appObject, hooksObj,
                                           self.dockerUtilsObject, self.dockerObject, build_args)
            except ValueError:

        print("Image Version is: {}".format(colored(image_name, "cyan")))

        # Deploying the app to framework
        args.image_name = image_name
        args.config_file = config_file
        args.env = environment
        if app in apps_container_dict:
            args.app_name = str(app) + ":" + apps_container_dict[app]
            args.app_name = app
        self.rogerPushObject.identifier = self.identifier
        self.rogerPushObject.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
        self.rogerPushObject.main(settingObj, appObj, frameworkUtils,
                                  hooksObj, args)

        deployTime = datetime.now() - startTime

        username = settingObj.getUser()

        deployMessage = "{0}'s deploy for {1} / {2} / {3} completed in {4} seconds.".format(
            username, app, environment, branch, deployTime.total_seconds())
        if slack is not None:
        print(colored(deployMessage, "green"))

    def locateConfigFile(self, args, gitObj):
        # Clone the git repo first because config lives there, there's nothing that we can do without this file
        # this is not the clean way but the code is very convulted for now to implement this in a clean manner
        # For now, we will clone the repo silently and use that config. We have to clone it everytime because we
        # have to assume that there's always a change, although it's not true - we can check if there's a change
        # and only pull then, but that is another mess. Let's make it simple and pull everytime
        branch = args.branch if args.branch else "master"
        repo_dir = os.path.join(args.directory,args.app_repo)
        if os.path.exists(args.config_file):
            # skip the git clone
            # this file path could be inside the cloned repo or outside
            if args.config_file.startswith(args.directory):
                # chdir is a decorator above but we should move it to utils or somewhere else for every file to use
                with chdir(repo_dir):
                    # file is inside cloned repo so Pull to fetch changes
                    rc = gitObj.gitPull(branch, args.verbose)
                    if rc:
                        print(colored("WARNING: Unable to Pull branch - {}, from repo - {}. Config file will"
                                       "not contain latest changes".format(args.branch, args.app_repo)), "yellow")
                    # File is not inside cloned repo but somewhere else
                    # just use it, no need to do anything
             if args.app_repo:
                 if os.path.exists(repo_dir):
                     raise ValueError("Repo directory - {} already exists but config file - {} is not present"\
                                      .format(repo_dir, args.config_file))
                 # chdir is a decorator defined above
                 with chdir(args.directory):
                    if args.verbose:
                        print(colored("Cloning repo - {} at - {} for config file - {}".\
                              format(args.app_repo, repo_dir, args.config_file)))
                    # clone the repo
                    # file does not exist and we need to clone the repo it is in repo since repo is
                    # defined and we mandate it to be in repo
                    exit_code = gitObj.gitShallowClone(args.app_repo, branch, args.verbose)
                    if exit_code:
                        raise ValueError("Error cloning repo {} while looking for config file".format(args.app_repo))
                    # check now if we have config file in the cloned repo, otherwise bailout.
                    if not os.path.exists(args.config_file):
                        # we checked out the repo and either the path is not in repo and file does not exist
                        # the path is in repo but the repo doesn't have the config file
                        raise ValueError("Config file - {} does not exist".format(args.config_file))
                raise ValueError("Config file - {} does not exist, no app repo defined either".format(args.config_file))
Ejemplo n.º 2
class RogerPush(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.utils = Utils()
        self.task_id = []
        self.outcome = 1
        self.registry = ""
        self.image_name = ""

    def parse_args(self):
        self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            prog='roger push', description=describe())
        self.parser.add_argument('app_name', metavar='app_name',
                                 help="Name of the App to be pushed, as defined in config file."
                                      "To deploy specific containers from an App, look at example B"
                                      "Example: A. 'agora' B. 'app_name:container1,container2'")
        self.parser.add_argument('-e', '--env', metavar='env',
                                 help="Environment to push to. Example: 'dev' or 'prod'")
        self.parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help="Verbose mode", action="store_false")
        # Changelog: todo - Change this to checkout_dir but it's complicated to make thsi change in other commands
        # so for now, leaving it as it is and will have to take care of this in one change.
        self.parser.add_argument('directory', metavar='directory',
                                 help="App Repo will be checked out here, this is the working dir CLI will use."
                                      "Example: '/home/vagrant/work_dir'")
        self.parser.add_argument('image_name', metavar='image_name',
                                 help="image name that includes version to use."
                                      "Example: 'roger-collectd-v0.20' or 'elasticsearch-v0.07'")
        self.parser.add_argument('config_file', metavar='config_file',
                                 help="Configuration file to use."
                                      "Example: A. 'local.yml' or B.'content.json'")
        self.parser.add_argument('--skip-push', '-s', help="App is not pushed. Only renders template with config."
                                                           "Use it to check generated file before deploying or to debug"
                                                           "Defaults to false.", action="store_true")
            '--force-push', '-f', help="force push. Not Recommended. Forces push even if validation checks failed. Defaults to false.", action="store_true")
        self.parser.add_argument('--secrets-file', '-S',
                                 help="specifies an optional secrets file for deploy runtime variables.")
        return self.parser

    def loadSecrets(self, secrets_dir, file_name, args, environment):
        if args.secrets_file:
            print("Using specified secrets file: {}".format(args.secrets_file))
            file_name = args.secrets_file

        exists = os.path.exists(secrets_dir)
        if exists is False:

        # about where we expect what and argument should make that very clear to customers
        # Two possible paths -- first without environment, second with
        path1 = "{}/{}".format(secrets_dir, file_name)
        path2 = "{}/{}/{}".format(secrets_dir, environment, file_name)
        secrets_file_paths = [file_name] if os.path.isabs(file_name) else [path1, path2]
        for secrets_file_path in secrets_file_paths:
            if args.verbose:
                print(colored("Trying to load secrets from file {}".format(secrets_file_path), "cyan"))
                with open(secrets_file_path) as f:
                    return_file = yaml.load(f) if secrets_file_path.lower().endswith('.yml') else json.load(f)
                if args.verbose:
                    print(colored("Loaded secrets from file {}".format(secrets_file_path), "cyan"))
                return return_file
            except IOError:
                if args.verbose:
                    print(colored("Unable to find secrets file {}".format(secrets_file_path), "cyan"))
            except ValueError as e:
                raise ValueError("Error while loading secrets from {} - {}".format(secrets_file_path, e))

    def replaceSecrets(self, output_dict, secrets_dict):
        if type(output_dict) is not dict:
            return output_dict

        for key in output_dict:
            if output_dict[key] == "SECRET":
                if key in secrets_dict.keys():
                    output_dict[key] = secrets_dict[key]

            if type(output_dict[key]) is list:
                temp_list = []
                for list_elem in output_dict[key]:
                        list_elem, secrets_dict))
                    output_dict[key] = temp_list

            if type(output_dict[key]) is dict:
                temp_dict = self.replaceSecrets(output_dict[key], secrets_dict)
                output_dict[key] = temp_dict

        return output_dict

    def mergeSecrets(self, json_str, secrets):
        '''Given a JSON string and an object of secret environment variables, replaces
        parses the JSON keys with the secret variables. Returns back
        a JSON string. Raises an error if there are any SECRET variables still exists.'''
        output_dict = json.loads(json_str)
        json_str = json.dumps(self.replaceSecrets(output_dict, secrets), indent=4)

        if '\"SECRET\"' in json_str:
            print(colored("ERROR - Found the \"SECRET\" keyword in the template file -- does your secrets file have all secret environment variables?", "red"))
            print(colored("ERROR - The use of \"SECRET\" is deprecated. Please switch to using Jinja variables. To do so,"
              " use '{{ <actual variable name> }}' instead of \"SECRET\" in the template file.", "red"))
            return "StandardError"
        return json_str

    def renderTemplate(self, template, environment, image, app_data, config, container, container_name, additional_vars):

        variables = {'environment': environment, 'image': image}

        # Copy variables from config-wide, app-wide, then container-wide variable
        # configs, each one from "global" and then environment-specific.
        for obj in [config, app_data, container]:
            if type(obj) == dict and 'vars' in obj:
                variables.update(obj['vars'].get('global', {}))
                variables.update(obj['vars'].get('environment', {}).get(environment, {}))

        return template.render(variables)

    def repo_relative_path(self, appConfig, args, repo, path):
        '''Returns a path relative to the repo, assumed to be under [args.directory]/[repo name]'''
        repo_name = appConfig.getRepoName(repo)
        abs_path = os.path.abspath(args.directory)
        return os.path.join(args.directory, repo_name, path)

    def getContainerName(self, container):
         return str(container.keys()[0]) if type(container) == dict else container

    def getContainersList(self, app_name):
        container_list = []
        # todo (vmahedia): What does ':' signify? Put explanation.
        if ':' in app_name:
            tokens = app_name.split(':')
            app_name = tokens[0]
            # todo (vmahedia): it's container list - need to explain syntax
            if ',' in tokens[1]:
                container_list = tokens[1].split(',')
        return container_list

    def getConfiguredContainersList(self, app_data):
        configured_container_list = []
        for task in app_data['containers']:
            if type(task) == dict:
        return configured_container_list

    # vmahedia: Why does this have to be so complex? Maybe just define on the commandline explicitly
    def getTargetEnvironment(self, roger_env, args):
        environment = roger_env.get('default_environment', '')
        if args.env is None:
            if "ROGER_ENV" in os.environ:
                env_var = os.environ.get('ROGER_ENV')
                if env_var.strip() == '':
                    print(colored("WARNING - Environment variable $ROGER_ENV is not set. Using the default set "
                                  "from roger-mesos-tools.config file", "yellow"))
                    if args.verbose:
                        print(colored("Using value {} from environment variable $ROGER_ENV".format(env_var), "grey"))
                    environment = env_var
            environment = args.env
        return environment

    def getRepository(self, app_data, common_repo, app_name):
        repo = ''
        if common_repo != '':
            repo = app_data.get('repo', common_repo)
            repo = app_data.get('repo', app_name)
        return repo

    def getAppPath(self, appObj, args, data, repo, templ_dir):
        app_path = ''
        if 'template_path' in data:
            app_path = self.repo_relative_path(appObj, args, repo, data['template_path'])
            app_path = templ_dir
        return app_path

    def main(self, settings, appConfig, frameworkObject, hooksObj, args):
        print(colored("******Deploying application to framework******", "grey"))
            validation_failed = False
            settingObj = settings
            appObj = appConfig
            frameworkUtils = frameworkObject
            config_dir = settingObj.getConfigDir()
            hooksObj.config_file = args.config_file
            cur_file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
            config = appObj.getConfig(config_dir, args.config_file)
            config_name = ""
            act_as_user = ""
            if 'name' in config:
                config_name = config['name']
            if 'act-as' in config:
                act_as_user = config['act-as']
            roger_env = appObj.getRogerEnv(config_dir)

            if not hasattr(args, "app_name"):
                args.app_name = ""

                self.registry = roger_env['registry']
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError("Registry not found in roger-mesos-tools.config file.")

            if hasattr(args, "image_name"):
                self.image_name = args.image_name

            environment = self.getTargetEnvironment(roger_env, args)
            # ----------------------------------------------
            # GetEnvironmentConfig(environment)
            # ----------------------------------------------
                environmentObj = roger_env['environments'][environment]
            except KeyError as e:
                raise ValueError("'environment' not defined in roger-mesos-tools.config file. - {}".format(e))

            data = appObj.getAppData(config_dir, args.config_file, self.utils.extract_app_name(args.app_name))
            if not data:
                raise ValueError("Application with name [{}] or data for it not found at {}/{}.".format(
                                 args.app_name, config_dir, args.config_file))

            container_list = self.getContainersList(args.app_name)
            configured_container_list = self.getConfiguredContainersList(data)

            if not set(container_list) <= set(configured_container_list):
                raise ValueError("List of containers [{}] passed are more than list of containers configured in config"
                                 "file: [{}]".format(container_list, configured_container_list))

            frameworkObj = frameworkUtils.getFramework(data)
            framework = frameworkObj.getName()
            common_repo = config.get('repo', '')

            repo = self.getRepository(data, common_repo, args.app_name)
            comp_dir = settingObj.getComponentsDir()
            templ_dir = settingObj.getTemplatesDir()
            secrets_dir = settingObj.getSecretsDir()

            # Create comp_dir if it doesn't exist
            if not os.path.isdir(comp_dir):

            data_containers = data['containers'] if not container_list else container_list
            failed_container_dict = {}

            # (vmahedia) upto this point it's all getting and checking the
            # configuration parameters

            # Required for when work_dir,component_dir,template_dir or
            # secret_env_dir is something like '.' or './temp"
            app_path = self.getAppPath(appObj, args, data, repo, templ_dir)

            env = Environment(loader = FileSystemLoader("{}".format(app_path)), undefined = StrictUndefined)
            extra_vars = {}
            if 'extra_variables_path' in data:
                ev_path = self.repo_relative_path(appObj, args, repo, data['extra_variables_path'])
                with open(ev_path) as f:
                    extra_vars = yaml.load(f) if ev_path.lower().endswith('.yml') else json.load(f)

            if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.app_name)

            args.app_name = self.utils.extract_app_name(args.app_name)
            hookname = "pre_push"
            exit_code = hooksObj.run_hook(hookname, data, app_path, args.env, settingObj.getUser())
            if exit_code != 0:
                raise ValueError("{} hook failed.".format(hookname))

            # ----------------------------------------------
            # (vmahedia) Figure out what the hell this loop does
            # and name it appropriately
            # it seems first part is just finding a template and Rendering
            # it against the given config, checking to see if there are errors
            # ----------------------------------------------
            # (vmahedia) Meat starts from here, probably.
            template = ''
            for container in data_containers:
                container_name = self.getContainerName(container)
                if type(container) == dict:
                    container = container[container_name]
                containerConfig = "{0}-{1}.json".format(config['name'], container_name)

                template_with_path = os.path.join(app_path, containerConfig)
                    template = env.get_template(containerConfig)
                except exceptions.TemplateNotFound as e:
                    raise ValueError("The template file {} does not exist".format(template_with_path))
                except Exception as e:
                    raise ValueError("Error while reading template from {} - {}".format(template_with_path, e))

                additional_vars = {}
                # (vmahedia)variables likes this should be at least visible within one
                # scroll up or down, move this code to near to context
                # Why are we getting the secrets everytime, this requires the file to be
                # present
                secret_vars = self.loadSecrets(secrets_dir, containerConfig, args, environment)
                if secret_vars is not None:

                image_path = "{0}/{1}".format(roger_env['registry'], args.image_name)
                print("Rendering content from template {} for environment [{}]".format(template_with_path, environment))
                    output = self.renderTemplate(template, environment, image_path, data,
                                                 config, container, container_name, additional_vars)
                except exceptions.UndefinedError as e:
                    error_str = "The following Undefined Jinja variable error occurred. %s.\n" % e
                    print(colored(error_str, "red"), file=sys.stderr)
                    failed_container_dict[container_name] = error_str
                    # we are going to fail even if one of the container config is not valid but we will
                    # still go through the loop and collect all the errors before we bail out
                    validation_failed = True
                # ----------------------------------------------
                # it seems the checks above can finish independent of the
                # following code, decouple this two parts, later when  the code
                # is well understood
                # ----------------------------------------------
                # Adding check to see if all jinja variables git resolved fot
                # the container
                if container_name not in failed_container_dict:
                    # Adding check so that not all apps try to mergeSecrets
                        outputObj = json.loads(output)
                    except Exception as e:
                        raise ValueError("Error while loading json from {} - {}".format(template_with_path, e))

                    if '\"SECRET\"' in output and not args.secrets_file:
                        raise ValueError('"SECRET" string present in template, replace'
                                         'with template variables named in sercrets file')
                    output = self.mergeSecrets(output, secret_vars)
                    if output != "StandardError":
                            comp_dir_exists = os.path.exists("{0}".format(comp_dir))
                            if not comp_dir_exists:
                            comp_env_dir_exists = os.path.exists("{0}/{1}".format(comp_dir, environment))
                            if not comp_env_dir_exists:
                                os.makedirs("{0}/{1}".format(comp_dir, environment))
                        except Exception as e:
                        # (vmahedia) Should we write out the files even though there is an error with one of the
                        # containers. Although maybe users would want to see some output
                        with open("{0}/{1}/{2}".format(comp_dir, environment, containerConfig), 'wb') as fh:
                        raise ValueError("Error while loading secrets to render template file variables")

            # Notify container error messages
            # let failed_container_dict just be for now, but report all the errors
            if validation_failed:
                raise Exception("Unable to render Jinja template")

            deployment_check_failed = False
            # fail if the deployment check fails

            for container in data_containers:
                container_name = self.getContainerName(container)
                containerConfig = "{0}-{1}.json".format(config['name'], container_name)
                config_file_path = "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(comp_dir, environment, containerConfig)
                result = frameworkObj.runDeploymentChecks(config_file_path, environment)
                if not result:
                    # need to give more indication about what can they do to fix this and what exactly failed
                    # in the deployment check function, we should print an error in that function as well
                    print(colored("Deployment checks failed for container - {}".format(framework, container)), "red")
                    deployment_check_failed = True

            if deployment_check_failed:
                raise Exception("Deployment Check failed for one or more containers, check logs for more info!")

            if args.skip_push:
                print(colored("Skipping push to {} framework. The rendered config file(s) are under {}/{}/".format(
                    framework, colored(comp_dir, "cyan"), colored(environment, "cyan")), "yellow"))
                # push to roger framework
                if 'owner' in config:
                    frameworkObj.act_as_user = config['owner']

                tools_version_value = self.utils.get_version()
                if self.registry not in args.image_name:
                    image_name = self.registry + "/" + args.image_name

                for container in data_containers:
                        function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()
                        # Assume SUCCESS unless exception
                        execution_result = 'SUCCESS'
                    except (Exception) as e:
                        raise ValueError("{} Error : {}".format(getDebugInfo(), e))
                        container_name = self.getContainerName(container)
                        containerConfig = "{0}-{1}.json".format(config['name'], container_name)
                        config_file_path = "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(comp_dir, environment, containerConfig)
                        # this is where actual push is happening
                        # we only push if forced, in case of failures
                        # in deployment checks
                        # (vmahedia) todo:
                        # list down scenarios in which this features
                        # will be useful
                        resp, task_id = frameworkObj.put(config_file_path, environmentObj,
                                                         container_name, environment, act_as_user)
                        # // operator does floor division, rounds up to integer
                        color = "green" if resp.status_code // 100 == 2 else "red"
                        if not resp.status_code == 204: # empty response
                            print(colored(json.dumps(resp.json(), indent=4), color))
                        container_task_id = self.utils.modify_task_id(task_id)
                    except (Exception) as e:
                        print("ERROR - : %s" %e, file=sys.stderr)
                        execution_result = 'FAILURE'
                        # todo: maybe send datadog event from here?

            hookname = "post_push"
            exit_code = hooksObj.run_hook(hookname, data, app_path, args.env, settingObj.getUser())
            if exit_code != 0:
                raise ValueError("{} hook failed.".format(hookname))
            print(colored("******Done with the PUSH step******", "green"))

        except (Exception) as e:
            raise ValueError("ERROR - {}".format(e))
Ejemplo n.º 3
class RogerGitPull(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.utils = Utils()
        self.statsd_message_list = []
        self.outcome = 1

    def parse_args(self):
        self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            prog='roger gitpull', description=describe())
        self.parser.add_argument('app_name', metavar='app_name',
                                 help="application for which code is to be pulled. Example: 'agora' or 'grafana'")
        self.parser.add_argument('directory', metavar='directory',
                                 help="working directory. The repo has its own directory it this. Example: '/home/vagrant/work_dir'")
        self.parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help="verbose mode for debugging", action="store_true")
        self.parser.add_argument('-b', '--branch', metavar='branch',
                                 help="git branch to pull code from. Example: 'production' or 'master'. Defaults to master.")
        self.parser.add_argument('config_file', metavar='config_file',
                                 help="configuration file to use. Example: 'content.json' or 'kwe.json'")
        return self.parser

    def main(self, settings, appConfig, gitObject, hooksObj, args):
        print(colored("******Executing GIT PULL of application repo******", "grey"))
            function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()
            execution_result = 'SUCCESS'  # Assume the execution_result to be SUCCESS unless exception occurs
            environment = "dev"
            if hasattr(args, "environment"):
                environment = args.environment
            settingObj = settings
            appObj = appConfig
            gitObj = gitObject
            config_dir = settingObj.getConfigDir()
            hooksObj.config_file = args.config_file
            config = appObj.getConfig(config_dir, args.config_file)
            config_name = ""
            if 'name' in config:
                config_name = config['name']
            common_repo = config.get('repo', '')
            data = appObj.getAppData(config_dir, args.config_file, args.app_name)
            if not data:
                raise ValueError("Application with name [{}] or data for it not found at {}/{}.".format(
                    args.app_name, config_dir, args.config_file))
            repo = ''
            if common_repo != '':
                repo = data.get('repo', common_repo)
                repo = data.get('repo', args.app_name)

            branch = "master"  # master by default
            if args.branch is not None:
                branch = args.branch

            if not os.path.exists(args.directory):
                except OSError as exception:
                    if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:

            if not hasattr(args, "app_name"):
                args.app_name = ""

            if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.app_name)

            args.app_name = self.utils.extract_app_name(args.app_name)

            hooksObj.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
            hookname = "pre_gitpull"
            hookname_input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "event=" + hookname + ",app_name=" + str(args.app_name) + ",identifier=" + str(self.identifier) + ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + ",env=" + str(environment) + ",user="******"{} hook failed.".format(hookname))

            # get/update target source(s)
            repo_name = appObj.getRepoName(repo)
            path = "{0}/{1}".format(args.directory, repo_name)
            if os.path.isdir(path):
                with chdir(path):
                    exit_code = gitObj.gitPull(branch, args.verbose)
                with chdir('{0}'.format(args.directory)):
                    exit_code = gitObj.gitShallowClone(repo, branch, args.verbose)

            if exit_code != 0:
                raise ValueError("Gitpull failed.")

            hooksObj.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
            hookname = "post_gitpull"
            hookname_input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "event=" + hookname + ",app_name=" + str(args.app_name) + ",identifier=" + str(self.identifier) + ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + ",env=" + str(environment) + ",user="******"{} hook failed.".format(hookname))
        except (Exception) as e:
            execution_result = 'FAILURE'
                # If the gitpull fails before going through any steps
                if 'function_execution_start_time' not in globals() and 'function_execution_start_time' not in locals():
                    function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()

                if 'execution_result' not in globals() and 'execution_result' not in locals():
                    execution_result = 'FAILURE'

                if 'config_name' not in globals() and 'config_name' not in locals():
                    config_name = ""

                if 'environment' not in globals() and 'environment' not in locals():
                    environment = "dev"

                if not hasattr(args, "app_name"):
                    args.app_name = ""

                if 'settingObj' not in globals() and 'settingObj' not in locals():
                    settingObj = Settings()

                if 'execution_result' is 'FAILURE':
                    self.outcome = 0

                sc = self.utils.getStatsClient()
                if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                    self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.app_name)
                time_take_milliseonds = ((datetime.now() - function_execution_start_time).total_seconds() * 1000)
                input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "app_name=" + str(args.app_name) + ",event=gitpull" + ",identifier=" + str(self.identifier) + ",outcome=" + str(execution_result) + ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + ",env=" + str(environment) + ",user="******"ERROR - %s" %
                      e, file=sys.stderr)
            print(colored("******Completed the GIT PULL step successfully******", "green"))
Ejemplo n.º 4
class RogerGitPull(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.utils = Utils()
        self.statsd_message_list = []
        self.outcome = 1

    def parse_args(self):
        self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            prog='roger gitpull', description=describe())
        self.parser.add_argument('app_name', metavar='app_name',
                                 help="application for which code is to be pulled. Example: 'agora' or 'grafana'")
        self.parser.add_argument('directory', metavar='directory',
                                 help="working directory. The repo has its own directory it this. Example: '/home/vagrant/work_dir'")
        self.parser.add_argument('-b', '--branch', metavar='branch',
                                 help="git branch to pull code from. Example: 'production' or 'master'. Defaults to master.")
        self.parser.add_argument('config_file', metavar='config_file',
                                 help="configuration file to use. Example: 'content.json' or 'kwe.json'")
        return self.parser

    def main(self, settings, appConfig, gitObject, hooksObj, args):
            function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()
            execution_result = 'SUCCESS'  # Assume the execution_result to be SUCCESS unless exception occurs
            environment = "dev"
            if hasattr(args, "environment"):
                environment = args.environment
            settingObj = settings
            appObj = appConfig
            gitObj = gitObject
            config_dir = settingObj.getConfigDir()
            hooksObj.config_file = args.config_file
            config = appObj.getConfig(config_dir, args.config_file)
            config_name = ""
            if 'name' in config:
                config_name = config['name']
            common_repo = config.get('repo', '')
            data = appObj.getAppData(config_dir, args.config_file, args.app_name)
            if not data:
                raise ValueError('Application with name [{}] or data for it not found at {}/{}.'.format(
                    args.app_name, config_dir, args.config_file))
            repo = ''
            if common_repo != '':
                repo = data.get('repo', common_repo)
                repo = data.get('repo', args.app_name)

            branch = "master"  # master by default
            if args.branch is not None:
                branch = args.branch

            if not os.path.exists(args.directory):
                except OSError as exception:
                    if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:

            if not hasattr(args, "app_name"):
                args.app_name = ""

            if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.app_name)

            args.app_name = self.utils.extract_app_name(args.app_name)

            hooksObj.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
            hookname = "pre_gitpull"
            hookname_input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "event=" + hookname + ",app_name=" + str(args.app_name) + ",identifier=" + str(self.identifier) + ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + ",env=" + str(environment) + ",user="******"{0}/{1}".format(args.directory, repo_name)
            if os.path.isdir(path):
                with chdir(path):
                    exit_code = gitObj.gitPull(branch)
                with chdir('{0}'.format(args.directory)):
                    exit_code = gitObj.gitShallowClone(repo, branch)

            if exit_code != 0:
                raise ValueError('gitpull failed.')

            hooksObj.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
            hookname = "post_gitpull"
            hookname_input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "event=" + hookname + ",app_name=" + str(args.app_name) + ",identifier=" + str(self.identifier) + ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + ",env=" + str(environment) + ",user="******"The following error occurred: %s" %
                  e, file=sys.stderr)
            execution_result = 'FAILURE'
                # If the gitpull fails before going through any steps
                if 'function_execution_start_time' not in globals() and 'function_execution_start_time' not in locals():
                    function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()

                if 'execution_result' not in globals() and 'execution_result' not in locals():
                    execution_result = 'FAILURE'

                if 'config_name' not in globals() and 'config_name' not in locals():
                    config_name = ""

                if 'environment' not in globals() and 'environment' not in locals():
                    environment = "dev"

                if not hasattr(args, "app_name"):
                    args.app_name = ""

                if 'settingObj' not in globals() and 'settingObj' not in locals():
                    settingObj = Settings()

                if 'execution_result' is 'FAILURE':
                    self.outcome = 0

                sc = self.utils.getStatsClient()
                if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                    self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.app_name)
                time_take_milliseonds = ((datetime.now() - function_execution_start_time).total_seconds() * 1000)
                input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "app_name=" + str(args.app_name) + ",event=gitpull" + ",identifier=" + str(self.identifier) + ",outcome=" + str(execution_result) + ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + ",env=" + str(environment) + ",user="******"The following error occurred: %s" %
                      e, file=sys.stderr)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class RogerDeploy(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.rogerGitPullObject = RogerGitPull()
        self.rogerPushObject = RogerPush()
        self.rogerBuildObject = RogerBuild()
        self.dockerUtilsObject = DockerUtils()
        self.dockerObject = Docker()
        self.utils = Utils()
        self.slack = None
        self.statsd_message_list = []
        self.registry = ""
        self.image_name = ""

        # To remove a temporary directory created by roger-deploy if this
        # script exits
    def removeDirTree(self, work_dir, args, temp_dir_created):
        exists = os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(work_dir))
        if exists and (temp_dir_created is True):
            print("Deleted temporary dir:{0}".format(work_dir))

    def getNextVersion(self, config, roger_env, application, branch, work_dir,
                       repo, args, gitObj):
        sha = getGitSha(work_dir, repo, branch, gitObj)
        docker_search = self.dockerUtilsObject.docker_search(
            roger_env['registry'], config['name'], application)
        image_version_list = []
        version = ''
        envs = []
        for each_key in roger_env["environments"].keys():
        for line in docker_search.split('\n'):
            image = line.split(' ')[0]
            matchObj = re.match(
                "^{0}-{1}-.*/v.*".format(config['name'], application), image)
            if matchObj and matchObj.group().startswith(config['name'] + '-' +
                skip_image = False
                for env in envs:
                    if matchObj.group().startswith("{0}-{1}-{2}".format(
                            config['name'], application, env)):
                        skip_image = True
                if skip_image is False:
                    if verify(str(matchObj.group().split('v')[-1])):

        if len(image_version_list) == 0:  # Create initial version
            version = "{0}/v0.1.0".format(sha)
                "No version currently exist in the Docker Registry. \nDeploying version:{0}"
            version = self.incrementVersion(sha, image_version_list, args)
        return version

    def incrementVersion(self, sha, image_version_list, args):
        latest = max(image_version_list, key=self.splitVersion)
        ver_tuple = self.splitVersion(latest)
        latest_version = ''
        if args.incr_major:
            latest_version = "{0}/v{1}.0.0".format(sha,
                                                   (int(ver_tuple[0]) + 1))
            return latest_version
        if args.incr_patch:
            latest_version = "{0}/v{1}.{2}.{3}".format(sha, int(ver_tuple[0]),
                                                       (int(ver_tuple[2]) + 1))
            return latest_version

        latest_version = "{0}/v{1}.{2}.0".format(sha, int(ver_tuple[0]),
                                                 (int(ver_tuple[1]) + 1))
        return latest_version

    def splitVersion(self, version):
        major, _, rest = version.partition('.')
        minor, _, rest = rest.partition('.')
        patch, _, rest = rest.partition('.')
        return int(major), int(minor) if minor else 0, int(
            patch) if patch else 0

    def parseArgs(self):
        self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='roger deploy',
            help="environment to deploy to. Example: 'dev' or 'stage'")
            help="application to deploy. Can also push specific"
            " containers(comma seperated). Example: 'all' or 'app1:app2' or 'kairos' or 'app_name[container1,container2]' or 'app1[container1,container2]:app2[container3,container4]' or 'app1:app2[container]'"
            "branch to pull code from. Defaults to master. Example: 'production' or 'master'"
            help="skip the gitpull step. Defaults to false.")
            help="whether to skip the build step. Defaults to false.")
            "configuration file to be use. Example: 'content.json' or 'kwe.json'"
            help="increment major in version. Defaults to false.")
            help="skip the push step. Defaults to false.'")
            "force push. Not recommended. Forces push even if validation checks failed. Applies only if skip_push is false. Defaults to false."
            help="increment patch in version. Defaults to false.'")
            "specifies an optional secrets file for deployment runtime variables."
            "working directory. Uses a temporary directory if not specified.")
        return self.parser

    def main(self, settingObject, appObject, frameworkUtilsObject, gitObj,
             hooksObj, args):
            function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()
            execution_result = 'SUCCESS'
            settingObj = settingObject
            appObj = appObject
            config_dir = settingObj.getConfigDir()
            root = settingObj.getCliDir()
            roger_env = appObj.getRogerEnv(config_dir)
            config = appObj.getConfig(config_dir, args.config_file)
            config_name = ""
            if 'name' in config:
                config_name = config['name']
            if 'registry' not in roger_env:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Registry not found in roger-mesos-tools.config file.')
                self.registry = roger_env['registry']

            # Setup for Slack-Client, token, and git user
            if 'notifications' in config:
                self.slack = Slack(

            self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(
                config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.application)

            apps = []
            apps_container_dict = {}
            if args.application == 'all':
                apps = config['apps'].keys()
                if ":" not in args.application and "[" not in args.application:
                    for item in args.application.split(":"):
                        if '[' in item:
                            matchObj = re.match(r'(.*)\[(.*)\]', item)
                                1)] = matchObj.group(2)

            common_repo = config.get('repo', '')
            environment = roger_env.get('default_environment', '')

            work_dir = ''
            if args.directory:
                work_dir = args.directory
                temp_dir_created = False
                print("Using {0} as the working directory".format(work_dir))
                work_dir = mkdtemp()
                temp_dir_created = True
                print("Created a temporary dir: {0}".format(work_dir))

            if args.environment is None:
                if "ROGER_ENV" in os.environ:
                    env_var = os.environ.get('ROGER_ENV')
                    if env_var.strip() == '':
                            "Environment variable $ROGER_ENV is not set. Using the default set from roger-mesos-tools.config file"
                            "Using value {} from environment variable $ROGER_ENV"
                        environment = env_var
                environment = args.environment

            if environment not in roger_env['environments']:
                self.removeDirTree(work_dir, args, temp_dir_created)
                raise ValueError(
                    'Environment not found in roger-mesos-tools.config file.')

            branch = "master"  # master by default
            if args.branch is not None:
                branch = args.branch

                for app in apps:
                    if app not in config['apps']:
                            'Application {} specified not found.'.format(app))
                            print("Deploying {} ...".format(app))
                            self.deployApp(settingObject, appObject,
                                           frameworkUtilsObject, gitObj,
                                           hooksObj, root, args, config,
                                           roger_env, work_dir, config_dir,
                                           environment, app, branch,
                                           self.slack, args.config_file,
                                           common_repo, temp_dir_created,
                        except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
                                "The following error occurred when deploying {}: {}"
                                .format(app, e),
                            pass  # try deploying the next app
            except (Exception) as e:
                print("The following error occurred: %s" % e, file=sys.stderr)
        except (Exception) as e:
            execution_result = 'FAILURE'
            print("The following error occurred: %s" % e, file=sys.stderr)
            # Check if the initializition of variables carried out
            if 'function_execution_start_time' not in globals(
            ) and 'function_execution_start_time' not in locals():
                function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()

            if 'execution_result' not in globals(
            ) and 'execution_result' not in locals():
                execution_result = 'FAILURE'

            if 'config_name' not in globals() and 'config_name' not in locals(
                config_name = ""

            if 'environment' not in globals() and 'environment' not in locals(
                environment = "dev"

            if not hasattr(args, "application"):
                args.application = ""

            if 'settingObj' not in globals() and 'settingObj' not in locals():
                settingObj = Settings()

            if 'work_dir' not in globals() and 'work_dir' not in locals():
                work_dir = ''
                temp_dir_created = False

            if not (self.rogerGitPullObject.outcome is 1
                    and self.rogerBuildObject.outcome is 1
                    and self.rogerPushObject.outcome is 1):
                execution_result = 'FAILURE'

                # If the deploy fails before going through any steps
                sc = self.utils.getStatsClient()
                if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                    self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(
                        config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.application)
                args.application = self.utils.extract_app_name(
                time_take_milliseonds = (
                    (datetime.now() -
                     function_execution_start_time).total_seconds() * 1000)
                input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "app_name=" + str(
                    args.application) + ",event=deploy" + ",outcome=" + str(
                    ) + ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + ",env=" + str(
                        environment) + ",user="******",identifier=" + str(
                tup = (input_metric, time_take_milliseonds)
                self.removeDirTree(work_dir, args, temp_dir_created)
            except (Exception) as e:
                print("The following error occurred: %s" % e, file=sys.stderr)

    def deployApp(self, settingObject, appObject, frameworkUtilsObject, gitObj,
                  hooksObj, root, args, config, roger_env, work_dir,
                  config_dir, environment, app, branch, slack, config_file,
                  common_repo, temp_dir_created, apps_container_dict):

        startTime = datetime.now()
        settingObj = settingObject
        appObj = appObject
        frameworkUtils = frameworkUtilsObject
        environmentObj = roger_env['environments'][environment]
        data = appObj.getAppData(config_dir, config_file, app)
        frameworkObj = frameworkUtils.getFramework(data)
        framework = frameworkObj.getName()

        repo = ''
        if common_repo != '':
            repo = data.get('repo', common_repo)
            repo = data.get('repo', app)

        image_name = ''
        image = ''

        skip_gitpull = False
        if args.skip_gitpull is not None:
            skip_gitpull = args.skip_gitpull

        # get/update target source(s)
        if not skip_gitpull:
            args.app_name = app
            args.directory = work_dir
            self.rogerGitPullObject.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
            self.rogerGitPullObject.identifier = self.identifier
            self.rogerGitPullObject.main(settingObj, appObj, gitObj, hooksObj,

        skip_build = False
        if args.skip_build is not None:
            skip_build = args.skip_build

        skip_push = False
        if args.skip_push is not None:
            skip_push = args.skip_push

        secrets_file = None
        if args.secrets_file is not None:
            secrets_file = args.secrets_file

        # Set initial version
        image_git_sha = getGitSha(work_dir, repo, branch, gitObj)
        image_name = "{0}-{1}-{2}/v0.1.0".format(config['name'], app,

        if skip_build:
            curr_image_ver = frameworkObj.getCurrentImageVersion(
                roger_env, environment, app)
            self.image_name = curr_image_ver

            print("Current image version deployed on {0} is :{1}".format(
                framework, curr_image_ver))
            if curr_image_ver is not None:
                image_name = "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(config['name'], app,
                print("Image current version from {0} endpoint is:{1}".format(
                    framework, image_name))
                print("Using base version for image:{0}".format(image_name))
            # Docker build,tag and push
            image_name = self.getNextVersion(config, roger_env, app, branch,
                                             work_dir, repo, args, gitObj)
            image_name = "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(config['name'], app, image_name)
            print("Bumped up image to version:{0}".format(image_name))
            self.image_name = image_name

            build_args = args
            build_args.app_name = app
            build_args.directory = os.path.abspath(work_dir)
            build_args.tag_name = image_name
            build_args.config_file = config_file
            build_args.env = environment
            build_args.push = True
                self.rogerBuildObject.identifier = self.identifier
                self.rogerBuildObject.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
                self.rogerBuildObject.main(settingObj, appObject, hooksObj,
                                           self.dockerObject, build_args)
            except ValueError:

        print("Version is:" + image_name)

        # Deploying the app to framework
        args.image_name = image_name
        args.config_file = config_file
        args.env = environment
        if app in apps_container_dict:
            args.app_name = str(app) + ":" + apps_container_dict[app]
            args.app_name = app
        self.rogerPushObject.identifier = self.identifier
        self.rogerPushObject.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
        self.rogerPushObject.main(settingObj, appObj, frameworkUtils, hooksObj,

        deployTime = datetime.now() - startTime

        username = settingObj.getUser()

        deployMessage = "{0}'s deploy for {1} / {2} / {3} completed in {4} seconds.".format(
            username, app, environment, branch, deployTime.total_seconds())
        if slack is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 6
class RogerPush(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.utils = Utils()
        self.task_id = []
        self.statsd_message_list = []
        self.statsd_push_list = []
        self.outcome = 1
        self.registry = ""
        self.image_name = ""

    def parse_args(self):
        self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            prog='roger push', description=describe())
        self.parser.add_argument('app_name', metavar='app_name', help="application to push. Can also push specific"
                                 " containers(comma seperated). Example: 'agora' or 'app_name:container1,container2'")
        self.parser.add_argument('-e', '--env', metavar='env',
                                 help="environment to push to. Example: 'dev' or 'prod'")
        self.parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help="verbose mode for debugging", action="store_true")
        self.parser.add_argument('directory', metavar='directory',
                                 help="working directory. Example: '/home/vagrant/work_dir'")
        self.parser.add_argument('image_name', metavar='image_name',
                                 help="image name that includes version to use. Example: 'roger-collectd-v0.20' or 'elasticsearch-v0.07'")
        self.parser.add_argument('config_file', metavar='config_file',
                                 help="configuration file to use. Example: 'content.json' or 'kwe.json'")
            '--skip-push', '-s', help="skips push. Only generates components for review. Defaults to false.", action="store_true")
            '--force-push', '-f', help="force push. Not Recommended. Forces push even if validation checks failed. Defaults to false.", action="store_true")
        self.parser.add_argument('--secrets-file', '-S',
                                 help="specifies an optional secrets file for deploy runtime variables.")
        return self.parser

    # (vmahedia) todo: https://seomoz.atlassian.net/browse/ROGER-2396
    # this has a lot of redundant messages and logic of assuming the
    # secret file location is annoying, make it obvious and simple
    def loadSecrets(self, secrets_dir, file_name, args, environment):
        if args.secrets_file is not None:
            print("Using specified secrets file: {}".format(args.secrets_file))
            file_name = args.secrets_file
        exists = os.path.exists(secrets_dir)
        if exists is False:

        # about where we expect what and argument should make that very clear to customers
        # Two possible paths -- first without environment, second with
        path1 = "{}/{}".format(secrets_dir, file_name)
        path2 = "{}/{}/{}".format(secrets_dir, environment, file_name)
        if args.verbose:
            print(colored("Trying to load secrets from file {} or {}".format(path1, path2), "cyan"))

            with open(path1) as f:
                return_file = yaml.load(f) if path1.lower().endswith('.yml') else json.load(f)
            return return_file
        except IOError:
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError("Error while loading json from {} - {}".format(path1, e))

            with open(path2) as f:
                return_file = yaml.load(f) if path2.lower().endswith('.yml') else json.load(f)
            return return_file
        except IOError:
            if args.verbose:
                print("WARNING - Couldn't load any secrets file. Searched {} and {}. \nIGNORE this above warning if you do not have secrets or your secrets file is passed in using the optional argument and does not reside in the above 2 looked up paths.".format(path1, path2))
            return {}
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError("Error while loading json from {} - {}".format(path2, e))

    def replaceSecrets(self, output_dict, secrets_dict):
        if type(output_dict) is not dict:
            return output_dict

        for key in output_dict:
            if output_dict[key] == "SECRET":
                if key in secrets_dict.keys():
                    output_dict[key] = secrets_dict[key]

            if type(output_dict[key]) is list:
                temp_list = []
                for list_elem in output_dict[key]:
                        list_elem, secrets_dict))
                    output_dict[key] = temp_list

            if type(output_dict[key]) is dict:
                temp_dict = self.replaceSecrets(output_dict[key], secrets_dict)
                output_dict[key] = temp_dict

        return output_dict

    def mergeSecrets(self, json_str, secrets):
        '''Given a JSON string and an object of secret environment variables, replaces
        parses the JSON keys with the secret variables. Returns back
        a JSON string. Raises an error if there are any SECRET variables still exists.'''
        output_dict = json.loads(json_str)
        json_str = json.dumps(self.replaceSecrets(
            output_dict, secrets), indent=4)

        if '\"SECRET\"' in json_str:
            print(colored("ERROR - Found the \"SECRET\" keyword in the template file -- does your secrets file have all secret environment variables?", "red"))
            print(colored("ERROR - The use of \"SECRET\" is deprecated. Please switch to using Jinja variables. To do so,"
              " use '{{ <actual variable name> }}' instead of \"SECRET\" in the template file.", "red"))
            return "StandardError"
        return json_str

    def renderTemplate(self, template, environment, image, app_data, config, container, container_name, additional_vars):

        variables = {'environment': environment, 'image': image}

        # Copy variables from config-wide, app-wide, then container-wide variable
        # configs, each one from "global" and then environment-specific.
        for obj in [config, app_data, container]:
            if type(obj) == dict and 'vars' in obj:
                variables.update(obj['vars'].get('global', {}))
                variables.update(obj['vars'].get('environment', {}).get(environment, {}))


        return template.render(variables)

    def statsd_counter_logging(self, metric):
        sc = self.utils.getStatsClient()
        sc.incr(metric, 1)

    def repo_relative_path(self, appConfig, args, repo, path):
        '''Returns a path relative to the repo, assumed to be under [args.directory]/[repo name]'''
        repo_name = appConfig.getRepoName(repo)
        abs_path = os.path.abspath(args.directory)
        return os.path.join(args.directory, repo_name, path)

    def getContainerName(self, container):
         return str(container.keys()[0]) if type(container) == dict else container

    def main(self, settings, appConfig, frameworkObject, hooksObj, args):
        print(colored("******Deploying application to framework******", "grey"))
            validation_failed = False
            settingObj = settings
            appObj = appConfig
            frameworkUtils = frameworkObject
            config_dir = settingObj.getConfigDir()
            hooksObj.config_file = args.config_file
            cur_file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
            config = appObj.getConfig(config_dir, args.config_file)
            config_name = ""
            act_as_user = ""
            if 'name' in config:
                config_name = config['name']
            if 'act-as' in config:
                act_as_user = config['act-as']
            roger_env = appObj.getRogerEnv(config_dir)

            if not hasattr(args, "app_name"):
                args.app_name = ""

            if 'registry' not in roger_env.keys():
                raise ValueError("Registry not found in roger-mesos-tools.config file.")
                self.registry = roger_env['registry']

            if hasattr(args, "image_name"):
                self.image_name = args.image_name

            environment = roger_env.get('default_environment', '')
            if args.env is None:
                if "ROGER_ENV" in os.environ:
                    env_var = os.environ.get('ROGER_ENV')
                    if env_var.strip() == '':
                        print(colored("WARNING - Environment variable $ROGER_ENV is not set. Using the default set from roger-mesos-tools.config file", "yellow"))
                        if args.verbose:
                            print(colored("Using value {} from environment variable $ROGER_ENV".format(env_var), "grey"))
                        environment = env_var
                environment = args.env
            # ----------------------------------------------

            if environment not in roger_env['environments']:
                raise ValueError("Environment not found in roger-mesos-tools.config file.")

            # ----------------------------------------------
            # GetEnvironmentConfig(environment)
            # ----------------------------------------------
            environmentObj = roger_env['environments'][environment]
            common_repo = config.get('repo', '')

            # ----------------------------------------------
            # GetContainersForApp(app)
            # ----------------------------------------------
            app_name = args.app_name
            container_list = []
            # todo (vmahedia): What does ':' signify? Put explanation.
            if ':' in app_name:
                tokens = app_name.split(':')
                app_name = tokens[0]
                # todo (vmahedia): it's container list - need to explain syntax
                if ',' in tokens[1]:
                    container_list = tokens[1].split(',')
            # ----------------------------------------------
            data = appObj.getAppData(config_dir, args.config_file, app_name)
            if not data:
                raise ValueError("Application with name [{}] or data for it not found at {}/{}.".format(
                    app_name, config_dir, args.config_file))

            configured_container_list = []
            for task in data['containers']:
                if type(task) == dict:
            if not set(container_list) <= set(configured_container_list):
                raise ValueError("List of containers [{}] passed do not match list of acceptable containers: [{}]".format(
                    container_list, configured_container_list))

            frameworkObj = frameworkUtils.getFramework(data)
            framework = frameworkObj.getName()

            repo = ''
            if common_repo != '':
                repo = data.get('repo', common_repo)
                repo = data.get('repo', app_name)

            comp_dir = settingObj.getComponentsDir()
            templ_dir = settingObj.getTemplatesDir()
            secrets_dir = settingObj.getSecretsDir()

            # Create comp_dir if it doesn't exist
            if not os.path.isdir(comp_dir):

            if not container_list:
                data_containers = data['containers']
                data_containers = container_list

            failed_container_dict = {}

            # (vmahedia) upto this point it's all getting and checking the
            # configuration parameters
            template = ''
            # Required for when work_dir,component_dir,template_dir or
            # secret_env_dir is something like '.' or './temp"
            app_path = ''
            if 'template_path' in data:
                app_path = self.repo_relative_path(appObj, args, repo, data['template_path'])
                app_path = templ_dir

            extra_vars = {}
            if 'extra_variables_path' in data:
                ev_path = self.repo_relative_path(appObj, args, repo, data['extra_variables_path'])
                with open(ev_path) as f:
                    extra_vars = yaml.load(f) if ev_path.lower(
                    ).endswith('.yml') else json.load(f)

            if not app_path.endswith('/'):
                app_path = app_path + '/'

            if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.app_name)

            args.app_name = self.utils.extract_app_name(args.app_name)
            hooksObj.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
            hookname = "pre_push"
            hook_input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "event=" + hookname + ",app_name=" + str(args.app_name) + ",identifier=" + str(self.identifier) + ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + ",env=" + str(environment) + ",user="******"{} hook failed.".format(hookname))

            # ----------------------------------------------
            # (vmahedia) Figure out what the hell this loop does
            # and name it appropriately
            # it seems first part is just finding a template and Rendering
            # it against the given config, checking to see if there are errors
            # ----------------------------------------------
            # (vmahedia) Meat starts from here, probably.
            for container in data_containers:
                container_name = self.getContainerName(container)
                containerConfig = "{0}-{1}.json".format(config['name'], container_name)

                env = Environment(loader = FileSystemLoader("{}".format(app_path)), undefined = StrictUndefined)
                template_with_path = "[{}{}]".format(app_path, containerConfig)
                    template = env.get_template(containerConfig)
                except exceptions.TemplateNotFound as e:
                    raise ValueError("The template file {} does not exist".format(template_with_path))
                except Exception as e:
                    raise ValueError("Error while reading template from {} - {}".format(template_with_path, e))

                additional_vars = {}
                # (vmahedia)variables likes this should be at least visible within one
                # scroll up or down, move this code to near to context
                # Why are we getting the secrets everytime, this requires the file to be
                # present
                secret_vars = self.loadSecrets(secrets_dir, containerConfig, args, environment)

                image_path = "{0}/{1}".format(
                    roger_env['registry'], args.image_name)
                print("Rendering content from template {} for environment [{}]".format(
                    template_with_path, environment))
                    output = self.renderTemplate(template, environment, image_path, data, config, container, container_name, additional_vars)
                except exceptions.UndefinedError as e:
                    error_str = "The following Undefined Jinja variable error occurred. %s.\n" % e
                    print(colored(error_str, "red"), file=sys.stderr)
                    failed_container_dict[container_name] = error_str

                    # we are going to fail even if one of the container config is not valid but we will
                    # still go through the loop and collect all the errors before we bail out
                    validation_failed = True
                # ----------------------------------------------
                # it seems the checks above can finish independent of the
                # following code, decouple this two parts, later when  the code
                # is well understood
                # ----------------------------------------------
                # Adding check to see if all jinja variables git resolved fot
                # the container
                if container_name not in failed_container_dict:
                    # Adding check so that not all apps try to mergeSecrets
                        outputObj = json.loads(output)
                    except Exception as e:
                        raise ValueError("Error while loading json from {} - {}".format(template_with_path, e))

                    if '\"SECRET\"' in output:
                        output = self.mergeSecrets(output, self.loadSecrets(
                            secrets_dir, containerConfig, args, environment))
                    if output != "StandardError":
                            comp_exists = os.path.exists("{0}".format(comp_dir))
                            if comp_exists is False:
                            comp_env_exists = os.path.exists(
                                "{0}/{1}".format(comp_dir, environment))
                            if comp_env_exists is False:
                                    "{0}/{1}".format(comp_dir, environment))
                        except Exception as e:
                        # (vmahedia) Should we write out the files even though there is an error with one of the
                        # containers. Although maybe users would want to see some output
                        with open("{0}/{1}/{2}".format(comp_dir, environment, containerConfig), 'wb') as fh:
                        raise ValueError("Error while loading secrets to render template file variables")

            # Notify container error messages
            # let failed_container_dict just be for now, but report all the errors
            if validation_failed:
                raise Exception("Unable to render Jinja template")

            deployment_check_failed = False
            # fail if the deployment check fails

            for container in data_containers:
                container_name = self.getContainerName(container)
                containerConfig = "{0}-{1}.json".format(config['name'], container_name)
                config_file_path = "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(comp_dir, environment, containerConfig)
                result = frameworkObj.runDeploymentChecks(config_file_path, environment)
                if not result:
                    # need to give more indication about what can they do to fix this and what exactly failed
                    # in the deployment check function, we should print an error in that function as well
                    print(colored("Deployment checks failed for container - {}".format(framework, container)), "red")
                    deployment_check_failed = True

            if deployment_check_failed:
                raise Exception("Deployment Check failed for one or more containers, check logs for more info!")

            if args.skip_push:
                print(colored("Skipping push to {} framework. The rendered config file(s) are under {}/{}/".format(
                    framework, colored(comp_dir, "cyan"), colored(environment, "cyan")), "yellow"))
                # push to roger framework
                if 'owner' in config:
                    frameworkObj.act_as_user = config['owner']

                tools_version_value = self.utils.get_version()
                image_name = self.registry + "/" + args.image_name
                image_tag_value = urllib.quote("'" + image_name + "'")

                for container in data_containers:
                        function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()
                        # Assume SUCCESS unless exception
                        execution_result = 'SUCCESS'
                        sc = self.utils.getStatsClient()
                    except (Exception) as e:
                        raise ValueError("{} Error : {}".format(getDebugInfo(), e))
                        # this is where actual push is happening
                        # we only push if forced, in case of failures
                        # in deployment checks
                        # (vmahedia) todo:
                        # list down scenarios in which this features
                        # will be useful
                        resp, task_id = frameworkObj.put(config_file_path, environmentObj,
                                                         container_name, environment, act_as_user)
                        container_task_id = self.utils.modify_task_id(task_id)
                        if hasattr(resp, "status_code"):
                            status_code = resp.status_code
                    except (Exception) as e:
                        print("ERROR - : %s" %
                              e, file=sys.stderr)
                        execution_result = 'FAILURE'
                            if 'function_execution_start_time' not in globals() and \
                               'function_execution_start_time' not in locals():
                                function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()

                            if 'execution_result' not in globals() and \
                               'execution_result' not in locals():
                                execution_result = 'FAILURE'

                            if 'config_name' not in globals() and \
                               'config_name' not in locals():
                                config_name = ""

                            if 'environment' not in globals() and \
                               'environment' not in locals():
                                environment = "dev"

                            if 'container_name' not in globals() and \
                               'container_name' not in locals():
                                container_name = ""

                            if 'status_code' not in globals() and \
                               'status_code' not in locals():
                                status_code = "500"

                            if not hasattr(args, "app_name"):
                                args.app_name = ""

                            if 'settingObj' not in globals() and \
                               'settingObj' not in locals():
                                settingObj = Settings()

                            if 'container_task_id' not in globals() and 'container_task_id' not in locals():
                                container_task_id = []

                            if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                                self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(config_name, settingObj.getUser(),

                            if not str(status_code).startswith("20"):
                                execution_result = 'FAILURE'
                                self.outcome = 0

                            time_taken = (datetime.now() - function_execution_start_time).total_seconds()
                            for task_id in container_task_id:
                                input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time" + \
                                               ",app_name=" + str(args.app_name) + \
                                               ",event=push" + \
                                               ",container_name=" + str(container_name) + \
                                               ",identifier=" + str(self.identifier) + \
                                               ",outcome=" + str(execution_result) + \
                                               ",response_code=" + str(status_code) + \
                                               ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + \
                                               ",env=" + str(environment) + \
                                    metric = input_metric.replace("rogeros_tools_exec_time", "rogeros_events")
                                    metric = metric + ",source=tools" + ",task_id=" + task_id

                        except (Exception) as e:

            hooksObj.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
            hookname = "post_push"
            hook_input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "event=" + hookname + \
                                                                         ",app_name=" + str(args.app_name) + \
                                                                         ",identifier=" + str(self.identifier) + \
                                                                         ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + \
                                                                         ",env=" + str(environment) + \
                                                                         ",user="******"{} hook failed.".format(hookname))
            print(colored("******Done with the PUSH step******", "green"))

        except (Exception) as e:
            raise ValueError("ERROR - {}".format(e))
Ejemplo n.º 7
class RogerBuild(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.utils = Utils()
        self.statsd_message_list = []
        self.outcome = 1
        self.registry = ""
        self.tag_name = ""

    def parse_args(self):
        self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            prog='roger build', description=describe())
        self.parser.add_argument('app_name', metavar='app_name',
                                 help="application to build. Example: 'agora'.")
        self.parser.add_argument('directory', metavar='directory',
                                 help="working directory. Example: '/home/vagrant/work_dir'.")
        self.parser.add_argument('tag_name', metavar='tag_name',
                                 help="tag for the built image. Example: 'roger-collectd:0.20'.")
        self.parser.add_argument('config_file', metavar='config_file',
                                 help="configuration file to use. Example: 'content.json'.")
            '--push', '-p', help="Also push to registry. Defaults to false.", action="store_true")
        return self.parser

    def main(self, settingObj, appObj, hooksObj, dockerUtilsObj, dockerObj, args):
            function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()
            execution_result = 'SUCCESS'  # Assume the execution_result to be SUCCESS unless exception occurs
            config_dir = settingObj.getConfigDir()
            root = settingObj.getCliDir()
            config = appObj.getConfig(config_dir, args.config_file)
            hooksObj.config_file = args.config_file
            roger_env = appObj.getRogerEnv(config_dir)
            config_name = ""
            if 'name' in config:
                config_name = config['name']
            common_repo = config.get('repo', '')
            if not hasattr(args, "env"):
                args.env = "dev"
            data = appObj.getAppData(config_dir, args.config_file, args.app_name)
            if not data:
                raise ValueError('Application with name [{}] or data for it not found at {}/{}.'.format(
                    args.app_name, config_dir, args.config_file))
            repo = ''
            if common_repo != '':
                repo = data.get('repo', common_repo)
                repo = data.get('repo', args.app_name)

            build_args = {}
            if 'build-args' in data:
                if 'environment' in data['build-args']:
                    if args.env in data['build-args']['environment']:
                        build_args = data['build-args']['environment'][args.env]

            projects = data.get('privateProjects', [])
            docker_path = data.get('path', 'none')

            # get/update target source(s)
            file_exists = True
            file_path = ''
            cur_dir = ''
            if "PWD" in os.environ:
                cur_dir = os.environ.get('PWD')
            abs_path = os.path.abspath(args.directory)
            repo_name = appObj.getRepoName(repo)
            if docker_path != 'none':
                if abs_path == args.directory:
                    file_path = "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(args.directory,
                                                     repo_name, docker_path)
                    file_path = "{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}".format(
                        cur_dir, args.directory, repo_name, docker_path)
                if abs_path == args.directory:
                    file_path = "{0}/{1}".format(args.directory, repo_name)
                    file_path = "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(cur_dir,
                                                     args.directory, repo_name)

            if not hasattr(args, "app_name"):
                args.app_name = ""

            if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.app_name)

            args.app_name = self.utils.extract_app_name(args.app_name)
            hooksObj.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
            hookname = "pre_build"
            hookname_input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "event=" + hookname + ",app_name=" + str(args.app_name) + ",identifier=" + str(self.identifier) + ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + ",env=" + str(args.env) + ",user="******"{0}/{1}".format(file_path, data['build_filename']))
                file_exists = os.path.exists(build_filename)
                if not file_exists:
                    raise ValueError("Specified build file: {} does not exist. Exiting build.".format(build_filename))
                file_exists = os.path.exists("{0}/Dockerfile".format(file_path))

            if file_exists:
                if 'registry' not in roger_env:
                    raise ValueError('Registry not found in roger-mesos-tools.config file.')
                    self.registry = roger_env['registry']
                self.tag_name = args.tag_name
                image = "{0}/{1}".format(roger_env['registry'], args.tag_name)
                    if abs_path == args.directory:
                                dockerUtilsObj, appObj, args.directory, repo, projects, docker_path, image, build_args, build_filename)
                        except ValueError:
                            print('Docker build failed.')
                        directory = '{0}/{1}'.format(cur_dir, args.directory)
                                dockerUtilsObj, appObj, directory, repo, projects, docker_path, image, build_args, build_filename)
                        except ValueError:
                            print('Docker build failed.')
                    build_message = "Image {0} built".format(image)
                        exit_code = dockerUtilsObj.docker_push(image)
                        if exit_code != 0:
                            raise ValueError(
                                'Docker push failed.')
                        build_message += " and pushed to registry {}".format(roger_env[
                except (IOError) as e:
                    print("The folowing error occurred.(Error: %s).\n" %
                          e, file=sys.stderr)
                print("Dockerfile does not exist in dir: {}".format(file_path))

            hooksObj.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
            hookname = "post_build"
            hookname_input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "event=" + hookname + ",app_name=" + str(args.app_name) + ",identifier=" + str(self.identifier) + ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + ",env=" + str(args.env) + ",user="******"The following error occurred: %s" %
                  e, file=sys.stderr)
                # If the build fails before going through any steps
                if 'function_execution_start_time' not in globals() and 'function_execution_start_time' not in locals():
                    function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()

                if 'execution_result' not in globals() and 'execution_result' not in locals():
                    execution_result = 'FAILURE'

                if 'config_name' not in globals() and 'config_name' not in locals():
                    config_name = ""

                if not hasattr(args, "env"):
                    args.env = "dev"

                if not hasattr(args, "app_name"):
                    args.app_name = ""

                if 'settingObj' not in globals() and 'settingObj' not in locals():
                    settingObj = Settings()

                if 'execution_result' is 'FAILURE':
                    self.outcome = 0

                sc = self.utils.getStatsClient()
                if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                    self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.app_name)
                time_take_milliseonds = ((datetime.now() - function_execution_start_time).total_seconds() * 1000)
                input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "app_name=" + str(args.app_name) + ",event=build" + ",identifier=" + str(self.identifier) + ",outcome=" + str(execution_result) + ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + ",env=" + str(args.env) + ",user="******"The following error occurred: %s" %
                      e, file=sys.stderr)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class RogerBuild(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.utils = Utils()
        self.outcome = 1
        self.registry = ""
        self.tag_name = ""

    def parse_args(self):
        self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='roger build',
            help="application to build. Example: 'agora'.")
            "App Repo will be checked out here, this is the working dir CLI will use."
            "A temporary directory is created if no directory specified."
            "Example: '/home/vagrant/work_dir'.")
            help="tag for the built image. Example: 'roger-collectd:0.20'.")
            help="configuration file to use. Example: 'content.json'.")
            help="verbose mode for debugging. Defaults to false.",
            help="Also push to registry. Defaults to false.",
            'docker build-arg; Use flags multiple times to pass more than one arg'
                                 help="Disables swaparoo functionality",
        return self.parser

    def main(self, settingObj, appObj, hooksObj, dockerUtilsObj, dockerObj,
        print(colored("******Building the Docker image now******", "grey"))
            config_dir = settingObj.getConfigDir()
            root = settingObj.getCliDir()
            config = appObj.getConfig(config_dir, args.config_file)
            hooksObj.config_file = args.config_file
            roger_env = appObj.getRogerEnv(config_dir)
            config_name = ""
            if 'name' in config:
                config_name = config['name']
            common_repo = config.get('repo', '')
            if not hasattr(args, "env"):
                args.env = "dev"
            data = appObj.getAppData(config_dir, args.config_file,
            if not data:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Application with name [{}] or data for it not found at {}/{}."
                    .format(args.app_name, config_dir, args.config_file))
            repo = ''
            if common_repo != '':
                repo = data.get('repo', common_repo)
                repo = data.get('repo', args.app_name)

            docker_build_args = {}

            if 'build-args' in data:
                if 'environment' in data['build-args']:
                    if args.env in data['build-args']['environment']:
                        docker_build_args = data['build-args']['environment'][

            # read the build-args from commandline like docker does as well
            # build-args defined on command line will override the ones from the config file, for the same keys
            # so this update of dictionary has to be done after we have read build arg values from the config file
            if args.build_arg:
                        for arg_key_val_str in args.build_arg))

            projects = data.get('privateProjects', [])

            # get/update target source(s)
            file_exists = True
            file_path = ''
            cur_dir = ''
            if "PWD" in os.environ:
                cur_dir = os.environ.get('PWD')

            # This is bad code, assuming current directory and then trying to again guess, this is not rocket science
            # it's a f*****g file path, as simple as that. https://seomoz.atlassian.net/browse/ROGER-2405
            # dockerfile location possibilities
            #    1. Path relative to the repo, we know repo path for cli is <checkout_dir>/<repo>
            #    2. Absolute path
            # This path comes from config file and not passed on commandline so we should not try to prefix current
            # working directory if the relative path is passed, don't try to guess too much.
            # changelog : relative path from current directory won't work for working_directory or checkout_dir
            # changelog : working_directory or checkout_dir should be absolute path, not backward-compatible
            checkout_dir = os.path.abspath(args.directory)
            repo_name = appObj.getRepoName(repo)
            # (vmahedia) todo : this should be called docker_file_dir
            dockerfile_rel_repo_path = data.get('path', '')
            file_path = os.path.join(checkout_dir, repo_name,

            if not hasattr(args, "app_name"):
                args.app_name = ""

            if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(
                    config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.app_name)

            args.app_name = self.utils.extract_app_name(args.app_name)
            hookname = "pre_build"
            exit_code = hooksObj.run_hook(hookname, data, file_path, args.env,
            if exit_code != 0:
                raise ValueError("{} hook failed.".format(hookname))

            build_filename = 'Dockerfile'

            if 'build_filename' in data:
                build_filename = ("{0}/{1}".format(file_path,
                file_exists = os.path.exists(build_filename)
                if not file_exists:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Specified build file: {} does not exist. Exiting build."
                file_exists = os.path.exists(

            if file_exists:
                # (vmahedia) todo: We know what parameters are required for build command so we should not wait until
                # now to bailout. Config parser should have a validator for every command to see if all the Required
                # parameters are passed or not. Why do all this up to this point if we know we will fail on this.
                # RequiredParameter, below, "registry"
                if 'registry' not in roger_env:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Registry not found in roger-mesos-tools.config file.")
                    self.registry = roger_env['registry']
                self.tag_name = args.tag_name
                image = "{0}/{1}".format(roger_env['registry'], args.tag_name)
                    if checkout_dir == args.directory:
                                dockerUtilsObj, appObj, args.directory, repo,
                                projects, dockerfile_rel_repo_path, image,
                                docker_build_args, args.verbose,
                                build_filename, args.disable_swaparoo)
                        except ValueError:
                            raise ValueError("Docker build failed")
                        directory = os.path.join(cur_dir, args.directory)
                                dockerUtilsObj, appObj, directory, repo,
                                projects, dockerfile_rel_repo_path, image,
                                docker_build_args, args.verbose,
                                build_filename, args.disable_swaparoo)
                        except ValueError:
                            print('Docker build failed.')
                        colored("******Successfully built Docker image******",
                    build_message = "Image [{}]".format(image)
                    if (args.push):
                                "******Pushing Docker image to registry******",
                        exit_code = dockerUtilsObj.docker_push(
                            image, args.verbose)
                        if exit_code != 0:
                            raise ValueError('Docker push failed.')
                        build_message += " successfully pushed to registry [{}]*******".format(
                    print(colored(build_message, "green"))
                except (IOError) as e:
                        "Dockerfile does not exist in dir: {}".format(
                            file_path), "red"))

            hookname = "post_build"
            exit_code = hooksObj.run_hook(hookname, data, file_path, args.env,
            if exit_code != 0:
                raise ValueError('{} hook failed.'.format(hookname))
        except (Exception) as e:
            # todo: maybe send a datadog event?
Ejemplo n.º 9
class RogerBuild(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.utils = Utils()
        self.statsd_message_list = []
        self.outcome = 1
        self.registry = ""
        self.tag_name = ""

    def parse_args(self):
        self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            prog='roger build', description=describe())
        self.parser.add_argument('app_name', metavar='app_name',
                                 help="application to build. Example: 'agora'.")
        self.parser.add_argument('directory', metavar='directory',
                                 help="working directory. Example: '/home/vagrant/work_dir'.")
        self.parser.add_argument('tag_name', metavar='tag_name',
                                 help="tag for the built image. Example: 'roger-collectd:0.20'.")
        self.parser.add_argument('config_file', metavar='config_file',
                                 help="configuration file to use. Example: 'content.json'.")
        self.parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help="verbose mode for debugging. Defaults to false.", action="store_true")
            '--push', '-p', help="Also push to registry. Defaults to false.", action="store_true")
        return self.parser

    def main(self, settingObj, appObj, hooksObj, dockerUtilsObj, dockerObj, args):
        print(colored("******Building the Docker image now******", "grey"))
            function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()
            execution_result = 'SUCCESS'  # Assume the execution_result to be SUCCESS unless exception occurs
            config_dir = settingObj.getConfigDir()
            root = settingObj.getCliDir()
            config = appObj.getConfig(config_dir, args.config_file)
            hooksObj.config_file = args.config_file
            roger_env = appObj.getRogerEnv(config_dir)
            config_name = ""
            if 'name' in config:
                config_name = config['name']
            common_repo = config.get('repo', '')
            if not hasattr(args, "env"):
                args.env = "dev"
            data = appObj.getAppData(config_dir, args.config_file, args.app_name)
            if not data:
                raise ValueError("Application with name [{}] or data for it not found at {}/{}.".format(
                    args.app_name, config_dir, args.config_file))
            repo = ''
            if common_repo != '':
                repo = data.get('repo', common_repo)
                repo = data.get('repo', args.app_name)

            build_args = {}
            if 'build-args' in data:
                if 'environment' in data['build-args']:
                    if args.env in data['build-args']['environment']:
                        build_args = data['build-args']['environment'][args.env]

            projects = data.get('privateProjects', [])

            # get/update target source(s)
            file_exists = True
            file_path = ''
            cur_dir = ''
            if "PWD" in os.environ:
                cur_dir = os.environ.get('PWD')

            # This is bad code, assuming current directory and then trying to again guess, this is not rocket science
            # it's a f*****g file path, as simple as that. https://seomoz.atlassian.net/browse/ROGER-2405
            # dockerfile location possibilities
            #    1. Path relative to the repo, we know repo path for cli is <checkout_dir>/<repo>
            #    2. Absolute path
            # This path comes from config file and not passed on commandline so we should not try to prefix current
            # working directory if the relative path is passed, don't try to guess too much.
            # changelog : relative path from current directory won't work for working_directory or checkout_dir
            # changelog : working_directory or checkout_dir should be absolute path, not backward-compatible
            checkout_dir = os.path.abspath(args.directory)
            repo_name = appObj.getRepoName(repo)
            # (vmahedia) todo : this should be called docker_file_dir 
            dockerfile_rel_repo_path = data.get('path', '')
            file_path = os.path.join(checkout_dir, repo_name, dockerfile_rel_repo_path)

            if not hasattr(args, "app_name"):
                args.app_name = ""

            if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.app_name)

            args.app_name = self.utils.extract_app_name(args.app_name)
            hooksObj.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
            hookname = "pre_build"
            hookname_input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "event=" + hookname + ",app_name=" + str(args.app_name) + ",identifier=" + str(self.identifier) + ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + ",env=" + str(args.env) + ",user="******"{} hook failed.".format(hookname))

            build_filename = 'Dockerfile'

            if 'build_filename' in data:
                build_filename = ("{0}/{1}".format(file_path, data['build_filename']))
                file_exists = os.path.exists(build_filename)
                if not file_exists:
                    raise ValueError("Specified build file: {} does not exist. Exiting build.".format(build_filename))
                file_exists = os.path.exists("{0}/Dockerfile".format(file_path))

            if file_exists:
                # (vmahedia) todo: We know what parameters are required for build command so we should not wait until
                # now to bailout. Config parser should have a validator for every command to see if all the Required
                # parameters are passed or not. Why do all this up to this point if we know we will fail on this.
                # RequiredParameter, below, "registry"
                if 'registry' not in roger_env:
                    raise ValueError("Registry not found in roger-mesos-tools.config file.")
                    self.registry = roger_env['registry']
                self.tag_name = args.tag_name
                image = "{0}/{1}".format(roger_env['registry'], args.tag_name)
                    if checkout_dir == args.directory:
                                dockerUtilsObj, appObj, args.directory, repo, projects, dockerfile_rel_repo_path, image, build_args, args.verbose, build_filename)
                        except ValueError:
                            raise ValueError("Docker build failed")
                        directory = '{0}/{1}'.format(cur_dir, args.directory)
                                dockerUtilsObj, appObj, directory, repo, projects, dockerfile_rel_repo_path, image, build_args, args.verbose, build_filename)
                        except ValueError:
                            print('Docker build failed.')
                    print(colored("******Successfully built Docker image******", "green"))
                    build_message = "Image [{}]".format(image)
                        print(colored("******Pushing Docker image to registry******", "grey"))
                        exit_code = dockerUtilsObj.docker_push(image, args.verbose)
                        if exit_code != 0:
                            raise ValueError(
                                'Docker push failed.')
                        build_message += " successfully pushed to registry [{}]*******".format(roger_env[
                    print(colored(build_message, "green"))
                except (IOError) as e:
                print(colored("Dockerfile does not exist in dir: {}".format(file_path), "red"))

            hooksObj.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
            hookname = "post_build"
            hookname_input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "event=" + hookname + ",app_name=" + str(args.app_name) + ",identifier=" + str(self.identifier) + ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + ",env=" + str(args.env) + ",user="******""

                if not hasattr(args, "env"):
                    args.env = "dev"

                if not hasattr(args, "app_name"):
                    args.app_name = ""

                if 'settingObj' not in globals() and 'settingObj' not in locals():
                    settingObj = Settings()

                if 'execution_result' is 'FAILURE':
                    self.outcome = 0

                sc = self.utils.getStatsClient()
                if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                    self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.app_name)
                time_take_milliseonds = ((datetime.now() - function_execution_start_time).total_seconds() * 1000)
                input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "app_name=" + str(args.app_name) + ",event=build" + ",identifier=" + str(self.identifier) + ",outcome=" + str(execution_result) + ",config_name=" + str(config_name) + ",env=" + str(args.env) + ",user=" + str(settingObj.getUser())
                tup = (input_metric, time_take_milliseonds)
            except (Exception) as e:
Ejemplo n.º 10
class RogerBuild(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.utils = Utils()
        self.outcome = 1
        self.registry = ""
        self.tag_name = ""

    def parse_args(self):
        self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='roger build', description=describe())
        self.parser.add_argument('app_name', metavar='app_name',
                                 help="application to build. Example: 'agora'.")
        self.parser.add_argument('directory', metavar='directory',
                                 help="App Repo will be checked out here, this is the working dir CLI will use."
                                      "A temporary directory is created if no directory specified."
                                      "Example: '/home/vagrant/work_dir'.")
        self.parser.add_argument('tag_name', metavar='tag_name',
                                 help="tag for the built image. Example: 'roger-collectd:0.20'.")
        self.parser.add_argument('config_file', metavar='config_file',
                                 help="configuration file to use. Example: 'content.json'.")
        self.parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help="verbose mode for debugging. Defaults to false.", action="store_true")
        self.parser.add_argument('--push', '-p', help="Also push to registry. Defaults to false.", action="store_true")
        self.parser.add_argument('--build-arg', action='append',
                                 help='docker build-arg; Use flags multiple times to pass more than one arg')
        self.parser.add_argument('-ns', '--disable-swaparoo', help="Disables swaparoo functionality", action="store_true")
        return self.parser

    def main(self, settingObj, appObj, hooksObj, dockerUtilsObj, dockerObj, args):
        print(colored("******Building the Docker image now******", "grey"))
            config_dir = settingObj.getConfigDir()
            root = settingObj.getCliDir()
            config = appObj.getConfig(config_dir, args.config_file)
            hooksObj.config_file = args.config_file
            roger_env = appObj.getRogerEnv(config_dir)
            config_name = ""
            if 'name' in config:
                config_name = config['name']
            common_repo = config.get('repo', '')
            if not hasattr(args, "env"):
                args.env = "dev"
            data = appObj.getAppData(config_dir, args.config_file, args.app_name)
            if not data:
                raise ValueError("Application with name [{}] or data for it not found at {}/{}.".format(
                    args.app_name, config_dir, args.config_file))
            repo = ''
            if common_repo != '':
                repo = data.get('repo', common_repo)
                repo = data.get('repo', args.app_name)

            docker_build_args = {}

            if 'build-args' in data:
                if 'environment' in data['build-args']:
                    if args.env in data['build-args']['environment']:
                        docker_build_args = data['build-args']['environment'][args.env]

            # read the build-args from commandline like docker does as well
            # build-args defined on command line will override the ones from the config file, for the same keys
            # so this update of dictionary has to be done after we have read build arg values from the config file
            if args.build_arg:
                docker_build_args.update(dict(arg_key_val_str.split('=') for arg_key_val_str in args.build_arg))

            projects = data.get('privateProjects', [])

            # get/update target source(s)
            file_exists = True
            file_path = ''
            cur_dir = ''
            if "PWD" in os.environ:
                cur_dir = os.environ.get('PWD')

            # This is bad code, assuming current directory and then trying to again guess, this is not rocket science
            # it's a f*****g file path, as simple as that. https://seomoz.atlassian.net/browse/ROGER-2405
            # dockerfile location possibilities
            #    1. Path relative to the repo, we know repo path for cli is <checkout_dir>/<repo>
            #    2. Absolute path
            # This path comes from config file and not passed on commandline so we should not try to prefix current
            # working directory if the relative path is passed, don't try to guess too much.
            # changelog : relative path from current directory won't work for working_directory or checkout_dir
            # changelog : working_directory or checkout_dir should be absolute path, not backward-compatible
            checkout_dir = os.path.abspath(args.directory)
            repo_name = appObj.getRepoName(repo)
            # (vmahedia) todo : this should be called docker_file_dir
            dockerfile_rel_repo_path = data.get('path', '')
            file_path = os.path.join(checkout_dir, repo_name, dockerfile_rel_repo_path)

            if not hasattr(args, "app_name"):
                args.app_name = ""

            if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.app_name)

            args.app_name = self.utils.extract_app_name(args.app_name)
            hookname = "pre_build"
            exit_code = hooksObj.run_hook(hookname, data, file_path, args.env, settingObj.getUser())
            if exit_code != 0:
                raise ValueError("{} hook failed.".format(hookname))

            build_filename = 'Dockerfile'

            if 'build_filename' in data:
                build_filename = ("{0}/{1}".format(file_path, data['build_filename']))
                file_exists = os.path.exists(build_filename)
                if not file_exists:
                    raise ValueError("Specified build file: {} does not exist. Exiting build.".format(build_filename))
                file_exists = os.path.exists("{0}/Dockerfile".format(file_path))

            if file_exists:
                # (vmahedia) todo: We know what parameters are required for build command so we should not wait until
                # now to bailout. Config parser should have a validator for every command to see if all the Required
                # parameters are passed or not. Why do all this up to this point if we know we will fail on this.
                # RequiredParameter, below, "registry"
                if 'registry' not in roger_env:
                    raise ValueError("Registry not found in roger-mesos-tools.config file.")
                    self.registry = roger_env['registry']
                self.tag_name = args.tag_name
                image = "{0}/{1}".format(roger_env['registry'], args.tag_name)
                    if checkout_dir == args.directory:
                                dockerUtilsObj, appObj, args.directory, repo, projects, dockerfile_rel_repo_path, image, docker_build_args, args.verbose, build_filename, args.disable_swaparoo)
                        except ValueError:
                            raise ValueError("Docker build failed")
                        directory = os.path.join(cur_dir, args.directory)
                                dockerUtilsObj, appObj, directory, repo, projects, dockerfile_rel_repo_path, image, docker_build_args, args.verbose, build_filename, args.disable_swaparoo)
                        except ValueError:
                            print('Docker build failed.')
                    print(colored("******Successfully built Docker image******", "green"))
                    build_message = "Image [{}]".format(image)
                        print(colored("******Pushing Docker image to registry******", "grey"))
                        exit_code = dockerUtilsObj.docker_push(image, args.verbose)
                        if exit_code != 0:
                            raise ValueError(
                                'Docker push failed.')
                        build_message += " successfully pushed to registry [{}]*******".format(roger_env[
                    print(colored(build_message, "green"))
                except (IOError) as e:
                print(colored("Dockerfile does not exist in dir: {}".format(file_path), "red"))

            hookname = "post_build"
            exit_code = hooksObj.run_hook(hookname, data, file_path, args.env, settingObj.getUser())
            if exit_code != 0:
                raise ValueError('{} hook failed.'.format(hookname))
        except (Exception) as e:
            # todo: maybe send a datadog event? 
Ejemplo n.º 11
class RogerPush(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.utils = Utils()
        self.task_id = []
        self.statsd_message_list = []
        self.statsd_push_list = []
        self.outcome = 1
        self.registry = ""
        self.image_name = ""

    def parse_args(self):
        self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='roger push',
            help="application to push. Can also push specific"
            " containers(comma seperated). Example: 'agora' or 'app_name:container1,container2'"
            help="environment to push to. Example: 'dev' or 'prod'")
            help="working directory. Example: '/home/vagrant/work_dir'")
            "image name that includes version to use. Example: 'roger-collectd-v0.20' or 'elasticsearch-v0.07'"
            "configuration file to use. Example: 'content.json' or 'kwe.json'")
            "skips push. Only generates components for review. Defaults to false.",
            "force push. Not Recommended. Forces push even if validation checks failed. Defaults to false.",
            "specifies an optional secrets file for deploy runtime variables.")
        return self.parser

    def loadSecrets(self, secrets_dir, file_name, args, environment):
        if args.secrets_file is not None:
            print("Using specified secrets file: {}".format(args.secrets_file))
            file_name = args.secrets_file
        exists = os.path.exists(secrets_dir)
        if exists is False:

        # Two possible paths -- first without environment, second with
        path1 = "{}/{}".format(secrets_dir, file_name)
        path2 = "{}/{}/{}".format(secrets_dir, environment, file_name)
        print(" Loading secrets from {} or {}".format(path1, path2))

            with open(path1) as f:
                return_file = yaml.load(f) if path1.lower().endswith(
                    '.yml') else json.load(f)
            return return_file
        except IOError:
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(" Error while loading json from {} - {}".format(
                path1, e))

            with open(path2) as f:
                return_file = yaml.load(f) if path2.lower().endswith(
                    '.yml') else json.load(f)
            return return_file
        except IOError:
            print(" Couldn't load secrets file environment in %s or %s\n" %
                  (path1, path2),
            return {}
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(" Error while loading json from {} - {}".format(
                path2, e))

    def replaceSecrets(self, output_dict, secrets_dict):
        if type(output_dict) is not dict:
            return output_dict

        for key in output_dict:
            if output_dict[key] == "SECRET":
                if key in secrets_dict.keys():
                    output_dict[key] = secrets_dict[key]

            if type(output_dict[key]) is list:
                temp_list = []
                for list_elem in output_dict[key]:
                        self.replaceSecrets(list_elem, secrets_dict))
                    output_dict[key] = temp_list

            if type(output_dict[key]) is dict:
                temp_dict = self.replaceSecrets(output_dict[key], secrets_dict)
                output_dict[key] = temp_dict

        return output_dict

    def mergeSecrets(self, json_str, secrets):
        '''Given a JSON string and an object of secret environment variables, replaces
        parses the JSON keys with the secret variables. Returns back
        a JSON string. Raises an error if there are any SECRET variables still exists.'''
            "WARNING - The use of \"SECRET\" is deprecated. Please switch to using Jinja variables. To do so,"
            " use '{{ <actual variable name> }}' instead of \"SECRET\" in the target file."
        output_dict = json.loads(json_str)
        json_str = json.dumps(self.replaceSecrets(output_dict, secrets),

        if '\"SECRET\"' in json_str:
                'There are still "SECRET" values -- does your secrets file have all secret environment variables?'
            return "StandardError"
        return json_str

    def renderTemplate(self, template, environment, image, app_data, config,
                       container, container_name, additional_vars):

        variables = {'environment': environment, 'image': image}

        # Copy variables from config-wide, app-wide, then container-wide variable
        # configs, each one from "global" and then environment-specific.
        for obj in [config, app_data, container]:
            if type(obj) == dict and 'vars' in obj:
                variables.update(obj['vars'].get('global', {}))
                                                 {}).get(environment, {}))


        return template.render(variables)

    def statsd_counter_logging(self, metric):
        sc = self.utils.getStatsClient()
        sc.incr(metric, 1)

    def repo_relative_path(self, appConfig, args, repo, path):
        '''Returns a path relative to the repo, assumed to be under [args.directory]/[repo name]'''
        repo_name = appConfig.getRepoName(repo)
        abs_path = os.path.abspath(args.directory)
        if abs_path == args.directory:
            return "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(args.directory, repo_name, path)
            return "{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}".format(os.environ.get('PWD', ''),
                                            args.directory, repo_name, path)

    def main(self, settings, appConfig, frameworkObject, hooksObj, args):
            settingObj = settings
            appObj = appConfig
            frameworkUtils = frameworkObject
            config_dir = settingObj.getConfigDir()
            hooksObj.config_file = args.config_file
            cur_file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
            config = appObj.getConfig(config_dir, args.config_file)
            config_name = ""
            act_as_user = ""
            if 'name' in config:
                config_name = config['name']
            if 'act-as' in config:
                act_as_user = config['act-as']
            roger_env = appObj.getRogerEnv(config_dir)

            if not hasattr(args, "app_name"):
                args.app_name = ""

            if 'registry' not in roger_env.keys():
                raise ValueError(
                    'Registry not found in roger-mesos-tools.config file.')
                self.registry = roger_env['registry']

            if hasattr(args, "image_name"):
                self.image_name = args.image_name

            environment = roger_env.get('default_environment', '')
            if args.env is None:
                if "ROGER_ENV" in os.environ:
                    env_var = os.environ.get('ROGER_ENV')
                    if env_var.strip() == '':
                            "Environment variable $ROGER_ENV is not set. Using the default set from roger-mesos-tools.config file"
                            "Using value {} from environment variable $ROGER_ENV"
                        environment = env_var
                environment = args.env

            if environment not in roger_env['environments']:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Environment not found in roger-mesos-tools.config file.')

            environmentObj = roger_env['environments'][environment]
            common_repo = config.get('repo', '')
            app_name = args.app_name
            container_list = []
            if ':' in app_name:
                tokens = app_name.split(':')
                app_name = tokens[0]
                if ',' in tokens[1]:
                    container_list = tokens[1].split(',')

            data = appObj.getAppData(config_dir, args.config_file, app_name)
            if not data:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Application with name [{}] or data for it not found at {}/{}.'
                    .format(app_name, config_dir, args.config_file))

            configured_container_list = []
            for task in data['containers']:
                if type(task) == dict:
            if not set(container_list) <= set(configured_container_list):
                raise ValueError(
                    'List of containers [{}] passed do not match list of acceptable containers: [{}]'
                    .format(container_list, configured_container_list))

            frameworkObj = frameworkUtils.getFramework(data)
            framework = frameworkObj.getName()

            repo = ''
            if common_repo != '':
                repo = data.get('repo', common_repo)
                repo = data.get('repo', app_name)

            comp_dir = settingObj.getComponentsDir()
            templ_dir = settingObj.getTemplatesDir()
            secrets_dir = settingObj.getSecretsDir()

            # Create comp_dir if it doesn't exist
            if not os.path.isdir(comp_dir):

            # template marathon files
            if not container_list:
                data_containers = data['containers']
                data_containers = container_list

            failed_container_dict = {}

            template = ''
            # Required for when work_dir,component_dir,template_dir or
            # secret_env_dir is something like '.' or './temp"
            app_path = ''
            if 'template_path' in data:
                app_path = self.repo_relative_path(appObj, args, repo,
                app_path = templ_dir

            extra_vars = {}
            if 'extra_variables_path' in data:
                ev_path = self.repo_relative_path(appObj, args, repo,
                with open(ev_path) as f:
                    extra_vars = yaml.load(f) if ev_path.lower().endswith(
                        '.yml') else json.load(f)

            if not app_path.endswith('/'):
                app_path = app_path + '/'

            if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(
                    config_name, settingObj.getUser(), args.app_name)

            args.app_name = self.utils.extract_app_name(args.app_name)
            hooksObj.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
            hookname = "pre_push"
            hook_input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "event=" + hookname + ",app_name=" + str(
                args.app_name) + ",identifier=" + str(
                    self.identifier) + ",config_name=" + str(
                        config_name) + ",env=" + str(
                            environment) + ",user="******"{0}-{1}.json".format(
                        config['name'], container_name)
                    container_name = container
                    containerConfig = "{0}-{1}.json".format(
                        config['name'], container)

                env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(
                template_with_path = "[{}{}]".format(app_path, containerConfig)
                    template = env.get_template(containerConfig)
                except exceptions.TemplateNotFound as e:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "The template file {} does not exist".format(
                except Exception as e:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Error while reading template from {} - {}".format(
                            template_with_path, e))

                additional_vars = {}
                secret_vars = self.loadSecrets(secrets_dir, containerConfig,
                                               args, environment)

                image_path = "{0}/{1}".format(roger_env['registry'],
                    "Rendering content from template {} for environment [{}]".
                    format(template_with_path, environment))
                    output = self.renderTemplate(template, environment,
                                                 image_path, data, config,
                                                 container, container_name,
                except exceptions.UndefinedError as e:
                    error_str = "The following error occurred. %s.\n" % e
                    print(error_str, file=sys.stderr)
                    failed_container_dict[container_name] = error_str

                # Adding check to see if all jinja variables git resolved fot the
                # container
                if container_name not in failed_container_dict:
                    # Adding check so that not all apps try to mergeSecrets
                        outputObj = json.loads(output)
                    except Exception as e:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Error while loading json from {} - {}".format(
                                template_with_path, e))

                    if 'SECRET' in output:
                        output = self.mergeSecrets(
                            self.loadSecrets(secrets_dir, containerConfig,
                                             args, environment))
                    if output != "StandardError":
                            comp_exists = os.path.exists(
                            if comp_exists is False:
                            comp_env_exists = os.path.exists("{0}/{1}".format(
                                comp_dir, environment))
                            if comp_env_exists is False:
                                    comp_dir, environment))
                        except Exception as e:
                        with open(
                                "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(comp_dir, environment,
                                'wb') as fh:

            if args.skip_push:
                    "Skipping push to {} framework. The rendered config file(s) are under {}/{}"
                    .format(framework, comp_dir, environment))
                # push to roger framework
                if 'owner' in config:
                    frameworkObj.act_as_user = config['owner']

                tools_version_value = self.utils.get_version()
                image_name = self.registry + "/" + args.image_name
                image_tag_value = urllib.quote("'" + image_name + "'")

                for container in data_containers:
                        function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()
                        execution_result = 'SUCCESS'  # Assume the execution_result to be SUCCESS unless exception occurs
                        sc = self.utils.getStatsClient()
                    except (Exception) as e:
                        print("The following error occurred: %s" % e,
                        if type(container) == dict:
                            container_name = str(container.keys()[0])
                            containerConfig = "{0}-{1}.json".format(
                                config['name'], container_name)
                            container_name = container
                            containerConfig = "{0}-{1}.json".format(
                                config['name'], container)

                        if container_name in failed_container_dict:
                                "Failed push to {} framework for container {} as unresolved Jinja variables present in template."
                                .format(framework, container_name))
                            config_file_path = "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(
                                comp_dir, environment, containerConfig)

                            result = frameworkObj.runDeploymentChecks(
                                config_file_path, environment)

                            if args.force_push or result is True:
                                resp, task_id = frameworkObj.put(
                                    config_file_path, environmentObj,
                                    container_name, environment, act_as_user)

                                container_task_id = self.utils.modify_task_id(

                                if hasattr(resp, "status_code"):
                                    status_code = resp.status_code
                                    "Skipping push to {} framework for container {} as Validation Checks failed."
                                    .format(framework, container))
                    except (Exception) as e:
                        print("The following error occurred: %s" % e,
                        execution_result = 'FAILURE'

                            if 'function_execution_start_time' not in globals(
                            ) and 'function_execution_start_time' not in locals(
                                function_execution_start_time = datetime.now()

                            if 'execution_result' not in globals(
                            ) and 'execution_result' not in locals():
                                execution_result = 'FAILURE'

                            if 'config_name' not in globals(
                            ) and 'config_name' not in locals():
                                config_name = ""

                            if 'environment' not in globals(
                            ) and 'environment' not in locals():
                                environment = "dev"

                            if 'container_name' not in globals(
                            ) and 'container_name' not in locals():
                                container_name = ""

                            if 'status_code' not in globals(
                            ) and 'status_code' not in locals():
                                status_code = "500"

                            if not hasattr(args, "app_name"):
                                args.app_name = ""

                            if 'settingObj' not in globals(
                            ) and 'settingObj' not in locals():
                                settingObj = Settings()

                            if 'container_task_id' not in globals(
                            ) and 'container_task_id' not in locals():
                                container_task_id = []

                            if not hasattr(self, "identifier"):
                                self.identifier = self.utils.get_identifier(
                                    config_name, settingObj.getUser(),

                            if not str(status_code).startswith("20"):
                                execution_result = 'FAILURE'
                                self.outcome = 0

                            time_take_milliseonds = (
                                (datetime.now() - function_execution_start_time
                                 ).total_seconds() * 1000)
                            for task_id in container_task_id:
                                input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "app_name=" + str(
                                ) + ",event=push" + ",container_name=" + str(
                                    container_name) + ",identifier=" + str(
                                        self.identifier) + ",outcome=" + str(
                                        ) + ",response_code=" + str(
                                        ) + ",config_name=" + str(
                                            config_name) + ",env=" + str(
                                                environment) + ",user="******",task_id=" + str(
                                                ) + ",tools_version=" + str(
                                                ) + ",image_tag=" + str(
                                tup = (input_metric, time_take_milliseonds)

                                if str(status_code).startswith("20"):
                                    metric = input_metric.replace(
                                    metric = metric + ",source=tools" + ",task_id=" + task_id

                        except (Exception) as e:
                            print("The following error occurred: %s" % e,

            hooksObj.statsd_message_list = self.statsd_message_list
            hookname = "post_push"
            hook_input_metric = "roger-tools.rogeros_tools_exec_time," + "event=" + hookname + ",app_name=" + str(
                args.app_name) + ",identifier=" + str(
                    self.identifier) + ",config_name=" + str(
                        config_name) + ",env=" + str(
                            environment) + ",user="******"The following error occurred: %s" % e, file=sys.stderr)