def windowControllerDidLoadNib_(self, controller): self.isshared = False try: if self.path: self.readFromUTF8(self.path) except AttributeError: self.path = None ## # add the delegate for rdvz to our app service = NSNetService.alloc().initWithDomain_type_name_port_( rdvz_domain, rdvz_type, rdvz_name, rdvz_port) adel = AnnounceDelegate.alloc().init() adel.initmyself() if service is not None: service.setDelegate_( adel ) service.publish() ## # add the delegate for the textview tvd = TextViewDelegate.alloc().init() #self.mainText.setDelegate_( tvd ) # twisted reactor stuff if not reactor.running: log.debug('starting cfreactor') # copied out of self.editResponder = EditorRoot() self.editResponder.remote_attach(self) # commits us to support callRemote(evtName, evt) method f = pb.PBServerFactory(self.editResponder) p = reactor.listenTCP(8910, f)
class FuseDocument(NibClassBuilder.AutoBaseClass): # actual base class is NSDocument """outlets: - mainText: main text entry widget, an NSTextView - sharingButton - sharingStatusLabel """ ## # ivars -- set in windowControllerDidLoadNib() # - path: path to file # - isshared: boolean, whether document is accepting connections ## # class vars sharingStates = {True: ('Stop', 'Document sharing on'), False: ('Stop', 'Document sharing off')} def updateSharingStatusDisplay(self): state = self.sharingStates[self.isshared] self.sharingButton.setTitle_(state[0]) self.sharingStatusLabel.setStringValue_(state[1]) def docLabel(self): """provide a simple info label for this document""" return "%(DOCNAME)s / %(USERNAME)s@%(SERVER_HOST_NAME)s:%(SERVER_PORT)s" % globals() # called by receiver of network events from server def handleEditEvent(self, anEventString ): log.debug("handling event: " + anEventString ) # attributes = NSDictionary.dictionaryWithObject_forKey_(anEvent.nscolor, NSBackgroundColorAttributeName) # attrString = NSAttributedString.alloc().initWithString_attributes_(, attributes) payload = events.unpackevent(anEventString)['text'] # text attrString = NSAttributedString.alloc().initWithString_(payload) insertionPoint = self.mainText.selectedRange()[0] self.mainText.textStorage().insertAttributedString_atIndex_(attrString, insertionPoint) # called by the twisted reactor when there's an event def callRemote(self, eventName, event): log.debug("received event %s: %s" % (eventName, event)) self.handleEditEvent(event) ## # IB actions def toggleSharing_(self, sender): self.isshared = not self.isshared self.updateSharingStatusDisplay() # tell reactor to listen/not listen # ... (not implemented yet) ## # NSDocument delegate methods # receives keyboard events as text view's delegate def textView_shouldChangeTextInRange_replacementString_(self, aTextView, affectedCharRange, replacementString): """delegate method of mainText NSTextView, reroutes key to event 'queue' """ log.debug("new string: " + replacementString) # outbound to server myEvent = events.packevent(0, 'local', text=replacementString) self.editResponder.remote_event(myEvent) # self.handleEditEvent(Event(replacementString, randomColor())) return NO # disallows edit in textview, return YES to accept ## # NSDocument overrides def windowNibName(self): return "FuseDocument" def readFromFile_ofType_(self, path, tp): if self.mainText is None: # we're not yet fully loaded self.path = path else: # "revert" self.readFromUTF8(path) return True def writeToFile_ofType_(self, path, tp): f = file(path, "w") text = self.mainText.string() f.write(text.encode("utf8")) f.close() return True # adhoc init method until we put in a real one def windowControllerDidLoadNib_(self, controller): self.isshared = False try: if self.path: self.readFromUTF8(self.path) except AttributeError: self.path = None ## # add the delegate for rdvz to our app service = NSNetService.alloc().initWithDomain_type_name_port_( rdvz_domain, rdvz_type, rdvz_name, rdvz_port) adel = AnnounceDelegate.alloc().init() adel.initmyself() if service is not None: service.setDelegate_( adel ) service.publish() ## # add the delegate for the textview tvd = TextViewDelegate.alloc().init() #self.mainText.setDelegate_( tvd ) # twisted reactor stuff if not reactor.running: log.debug('starting cfreactor') # copied out of self.editResponder = EditorRoot() self.editResponder.remote_attach(self) # commits us to support callRemote(evtName, evt) method f = pb.PBServerFactory(self.editResponder) p = reactor.listenTCP(8910, f) def readFromUTF8(self, path): f = file(path) text = unicode(, "utf8") f.close() self.mainText.setString_(text)