Ejemplo n.º 1
Ndays = 5.0  # Total length of run (days)

kwargs = {}
kwargs["lat"] = ["1.", "2."]
kwargs["solin"] = ["300.", "310."]
kwargs["dt"] = 60.0 * 10.0
# kwargs['RestartFile']     = 'two_column.nc'
kwargs["OutputFile"] = "two_column.nc"
kwargs["OutputFreq"] = 60 * 10.0
# kwargs['MonitorFields']   = ['U','T','q']
# kwargs['MonitorFreq']     = 60 *60.*4.

# Set up federation
dyn = climt.dynamics(scheme="two_column")
tur = climt.turbulence()
rad = climt.radiation(scheme="cam3")
con = climt.convection(scheme="hard")
oce = climt.ocean()
fed = climt.federation(dyn, tur, rad, con, oce, **kwargs)

# Run
fed.step(Ndays * 86400.0)

    from matplotlib.pylab import *

Ejemplo n.º 2
import climt
from Numeric import *


V =arange(d.nlev,typecode='d')+1
T =d['T']
q =V/10.

d(Ts=Ts, V=V, q=q, do_srf_heat_flx=1, do_srf_mom_flx=1, nuv=.01, u0=10., Pr=1.)

print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
print 'Testing simple turbulence module ...'

print d['SrfLatFlx']

print ' '
print 'Success!'
print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
Ejemplo n.º 3
kwargs['dt']              = 60.*5.
#kwargs['RestartFile']     = 'held_hou.nc'
kwargs['OutputFile']      = 'held_hou.nc'
kwargs['OutputFreq']      = 86400. * 5.
kwargs['MonitorFields']   = ['psi','U','T','q']
kwargs['MonitorFreq']     = 60 *60.*4.
kwargs['do_srf_lat_flx']  = 0
kwargs['do_srf_sen_flx']  = 0

# Grid
kwargs['lat'] = (arange(nlat)+0.5)*(MaxLat-MinLat)/nlat + MinLat
kwargs['lev'] = (arange(nlev)+0.5)*(MaxLev-MinLev)/nlev + MinLev

kwargs['q'] = zeros((nlev,nlat,1)) + 1.e-9
kwargs['q'][nlev*4/5,:] =1.

# Set up federation
dyn  = climt.dynamics(scheme='axisymmetric')
tur  = climt.turbulence()
fed  = climt.federation(dyn,tur, **kwargs)

# Run

    from matplotlib.pylab import *

Ejemplo n.º 4
#    that of an output file. If the file contains a time series,
#    the model will initialize from the last time step in the file.
#    If RestartFile and OutputFile are the same, then output will be
#    appended to the restart file (ie. a continuation run).
#kwargs['RestartFile']     = 'restart.nc'
# 2) If RestartFile is not given, then initial values for prognostic
#    fields must be explicitly given, e.g.
nlev = climt.get_nlev()
stebol = climt.Parameters()['stebol']
kwargs['q'] = zeros(nlev) + 1.e-9
kwargs['T'] = zeros(nlev) + (kwargs['solin'] / 2. / stebol)**0.25

# -- Instantiate components and federation
rad = climt.radiation(UpdateFreq=kwargs['dt'] * 50, scheme='cam3')
con = climt.convection(scheme='emanuel')
dif = climt.turbulence()
oce = climt.ocean()
fed = climt.federation(dif, rad, oce, con, **kwargs)

# Main timestepping loop
RunLength = 2000.  # Total length of run (days)
NSteps = int(RunLength * 86400. / fed['dt'])
for i in range(NSteps):
    # With a line like the following, it is possible to manipulate
    # field values each time step (the example here resets humidity
    # to an almost dry value everywhere at each timestep)
    # The following code adds a uniform 1 K/day cooling rate to
    # the internally-computed tendencies
    dT = array([[-1. / 86400. * kwargs['dt'] * 2. * ones(rad.nlev)]
Ejemplo n.º 5
#    that of an output file. If the file contains a time series,
#    the model will initialize from the last time step in the file.
#    If RestartFile and OutputFile are the same, then output will be
#    appended to the restart file (ie. a continuation run).
#kwargs['RestartFile']     = 'radconv.nc'
# 2) If RestartFile is not given, then initial values for prognostic
#    fields must be explicitly given, e.g.
nlev = climt.get_nlev()
kwargs['q'] = zeros(nlev) + 1.e-9
kwargs['T'] = zeros(nlev) + 250. #(kwargs['solin']/2./climt.parameters.Parameters()['stebol'])**0.25
kwargs['Ts'] = 250.

# -- Instantiate components and federation
rad = climt.radiation(UpdateFreq=kwargs['dt']*50)
con = climt.convection(scheme='emanuel')
dif = climt.turbulence()
ice = climt.seaice()
ins = climt.insolation(lat=85.,avg='daily')


T0,q0 = climt.thermodyn.moistadiabat(rad['p'],273.,273.-90,.1)
kwargs['T'],kwargs['q'] = T0,q0

fed = climt.federation(dif, rad, ice, con, ins, **kwargs)

# Main timestepping loop
RunLength   = 2000.   # Total length of run (days)
Ejemplo n.º 6
import climt
from Numeric import *

d = climt.turbulence(scheme='simple')

V = arange(d.nlev, typecode='d') + 1
T = d['T']
Ts = d['Ts'] + 1
q = V / 10.

d(Ts=Ts, V=V, q=q, do_srf_heat_flx=1, do_srf_mom_flx=1, nuv=.01, u0=10., Pr=1.)

print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
print 'Testing simple turbulence module ...'

print d['SrfLatFlx']

print ' '
print 'Success!'
print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'