def convert(string, from_, to_): if from_ == to_: return encoded(string) assert from_ in FORMATS and to_ in FORMATS g = Graph() g.parse(StringIO(encoded(string)), format=from_) out = StringIO() g.serialize(out, format=to_) return
def convert(string, from_, to_=None): assert from_ in FORMATS and (to_ is None or to_ in FORMATS) res = pipe('%s2xml -i utf8 -o utf8' % from_, encoded(string)) if to_: res = pipe('xml2%s -i utf8 -o utf8' % to_, res) return res.decode('utf8')
def pipe(cmd, input_): proc = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) return proc.communicate(encoded(input_))[0]