Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():

    # Process command line arguments
    opt = docopt(__doc__)
    file_name = opt['<image>']
    repeat = opt['--repeat']

    # Read the image
    image = imread(file_name)
    image = image.astype('float32')

    # RGB to gray-scale
    if len(image.shape) > 2 and image.shape[2] == 3:
        image_gray = np.dot(image[..., :3], [0.299, 0.587, 0.144])
        image_gray = image

    # Resample to 0-255
    image_gray = image_gray / np.max(image_gray) * 255
    image3 = np.atleast_3d(image_gray)
    image3 = image3.astype('uint8')
    image_msg = np_to_imgmsg(image3)
    print 'Image shape: %s dtype: %s, message enc: %s' % (str(
        image.shape), str(image.dtype), image_msg.encoding)

    # Initialize ros
    rospy.init_node("pubimage", anonymous=True)

    # Wait for service to be ready
    rospy.loginfo("Waiting for %s service to be ready ...", dotmatrix_service)

    # Register and call the service
    rospy.loginfo("Service %s is ready, issuing request ...",
    srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(dotmatrix_service, DetectDotmatrix)

        x, y = call_service(srv, image_msg)

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        points, = ax.plot(x, y, 'xr')

        if repeat:
            t = threading.Thread(target=update_plot,
            t.daemon = True

    except rospy.ServiceException as exc:
        rospy.logerr("Service did not process request: " + str(exc))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    # Process cammand line arguments
    argv = rospy.myargv(argv=sys.argv)
    opt = docopt(__doc__, argv=argv[1:])

    opt_debug = opt['--debug']
    opt_trajectory_file = opt['<trajectory_file>']
    opt_force = opt['--force']
    opt_no_confirm = opt['--no-confirm']
    opt_xtion = opt['--xtion']
    opt_output = opt['--output']

    if opt_debug:
        print opt

    # Initialise node
    rospy.init_node(NODE_NAME, anonymous=NODE_ANONYMOUS)

    # Initialise robot
    robot = ClopemaRobotCommander(ROBOT_GROUP)

    # Initialise tf buffer
    tfb = get_tf2_buffer()

    # Load trajectories
    trajs = read_msgs(opt_trajectory_file, RobotTrajectory)

    # Infer what xtion we are calibrating
    if opt_xtion is None:
        xtion = get_xtion(infer_xtion(trajs))
        xtion = get_xtion(int(opt_xtion))

    # Check output directory
    if opt_output is not None:
        output_path = opt_output
        if not prepare_output_directory(output_path, opt_force):
                "Output directory is not empty, try adding -f if you want to overwrite it."
        output_path = prepare_unique_directory("%s_calib" % xtion.name)

    # Initialise measurement
    calib = CameraCalib(robot, tfb, xtion, output_path)
    calib.confirm = not opt_no_confirm

    # Run calibration capture

    # Turn servo off
Ejemplo n.º 3
import rospy
import tf2_ros
import numpy as np
import os

from clopema_libs import docopt
from clopema_libs.transform import frame2point
from clopema_calibration.table_calibration import TableCalibration
from clopema_calibration import write_frame_calibration
from clopema_robot import get_table_frames, get_xtion_val

if __name__ == '__main__':
    rospy.init_node('table_calibration_check', anonymous=True)

    args = docopt(__doc__, argv=rospy.myargv()[1:])

    if args['--xtion'] is not None:
        n = int(args['--xtion'])
        image_topic_name = get_xtion_val(n, 'rgb_image')
        camera_info_topic_name = get_xtion_val(n, 'rgb_info')
        depth_image_topic_name = get_xtion_val(n, 'depth_image')
        image_topic_name = args['--image']
        camera_info_topic_name = args['--camera']

    tfb = tf2_ros.Buffer(cache_time=rospy.Duration(5.0))
    tfl = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tfb)
    rospy.sleep(1)  # Wait for cache to fill up

    frame_ids = get_table_frames(int(args['--table']))
Ejemplo n.º 4
import rospy
from clopema_libs import docopt
from clopema_libs.io import read_msgs
from clopema_libs.ui import ask
from clopema_robot import ClopemaRobotCommander
from moveit_msgs.msg import RobotTrajectory

_NODE_NAME = "execute_trajectory_cmd"
_DEBUG = False

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Parse command line
    args = docopt(__doc__)
    _DEBUG = args['--debug']

    # Print all arguments if debug
    if _DEBUG:
        print args

    # Initialize node
    rospy.init_node(_NODE_NAME, anonymous=True)

    # Initialize robot
    robot = ClopemaRobotCommander("arms")

    trajs = read_msgs(args['<file_name>'], RobotTrajectory)

    # Check speed
Ejemplo n.º 5
    -f, --sof                   Stop servo at the end.
    --no-check                  Do not check collisions.
    --eef-step STEP             Step of the end effector [default: 0.01].

The '--' is required if you are using negative numbers.

import rospy
from clopema_libs import docopt
from clopema_libs.ui import ask
from clopema_robot import ClopemaRobotCommander
from copy import deepcopy

if __name__ == '__main__':
    rospy.init_node("move_pose", anonymous=True)
    args = docopt(__doc__, options_first=True)

    group = ClopemaRobotCommander.get_group_for_ee(args['--link'])
    robot = ClopemaRobotCommander(group)
    link_id = args['--link']
    link = robot.robot.get_link(link_id)
    pose = link.pose().pose
    pose_ = deepcopy(pose)
    eef_step = float(args['--eef-step'])

    # Print info
    print "group: ", group
    print "link_id: ", link_id
    print "eef_step: ", eef_step

    if args['X'] is not None and args['X'] is not '-':
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main():
    # Process command line arguments
    argv = rospy.myargv(argv=sys.argv)
    opt  = docopt(__doc__, argv = argv[1:])

    opt_debug = opt['--debug']
    opt_xtion = int(opt['--xtion'])
    opt_target_frame = opt['--frame']
    opt_output = opt['<output_file>']

    if opt_xtion == 1:
        opt_other_s_link = "r2_joint_s"
        opt_other_s_val = pi / 2
        opt_ee_link = "xtion1_link_ee"
        opt_group = "r1_xtion"
    elif opt_xtion == 2:
        opt_other_s_link = "r1_joint_s"
        opt_other_s_val = -pi / 2
        opt_ee_link = "xtion1_link_ee"
        opt_group = "r2_xtion"
        rospy.logerr("Xtion number is not valid: %d", opt_xtion)

    if opt_debug:
        print opt

    # Initialise node
    rospy.init_node(NODE_NAME, anonymous=NODE_ANONYMOUS)

    # Initialise tf2 buffer
    tfb = get_tf2_buffer()

    # Initialise robot commander
    robot = ClopemaRobotCommander(opt_group)

    # Get start position, all zeros, but exte rotated towards calibration table,
    # and S of the other arm rotated -90 degrees.
    current_state = robot.get_current_state()
    start_state = deepcopy(current_state)
    start_state.joint_state.position = [0] * len(start_state.joint_state.name)
    start_state.joint_state.position[start_state.joint_state.name.index(opt_other_s_link)] = opt_other_s_val
    start_state.joint_state.position[start_state.joint_state.name.index("ext_axis")] = base_rotation("base_link", opt_target_frame, tfb)

    if opt_debug:
        print start_state

    # Generate poses
    header = Header()
    header.frame_id = opt_target_frame

    pose_list = []
    for x,y,z in xyzrange(L1_X_RANGE, L1_Y_RANGE, L1_Z_RANGE, L1_X_STEP, L1_Y_STEP, L1_Z_STEP):
        p = make_pose(x, y, z, 0, 1, 0, 0)
        pose_list.append(PoseStamped(header, p))
        pose_list.append(PoseStamped(header, orient_pose(p)))

    for x,y,z in xyzrange(L2_X_RANGE, L2_Y_RANGE, L2_Z_RANGE, L2_X_STEP, L2_Y_STEP, L2_Z_STEP):
        p = make_pose(x, y, z, 0, 1, 0, 0)
        pose_list.append(PoseStamped(header, p))
        pose_list.append(PoseStamped(header, orient_pose(p)))

    # TODO: Sort poses
    # Plan throught poses
    trajs = plan_through_poses(robot, start_state, pose_list, opt_ee_link)

    # Print info
    print "# generated poses: %d" % len(pose_list)
    print "# trajectories:    %d" % len(trajs)

    # Wite trajectories
    write_msgs(trajs, opt_output)