Ejemplo n.º 1
def _setup_xvfb(env):
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/init.d/xvfb", "xvfb_init", default_source="xvfb_init")
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/default/xvfb", "xvfb_default", default_source="xvfb_default")
    env.safe_sudo("mkdir /var/lib/xvfb; chown root:root /var/lib/xvfb; chmod 0755 /var/lib/xvfb")
    display_export = "-v DIPSLAY=:42"
    _add_to_profiles(display_export, profiles=["/home/%s/.sge_request" % env.get("galaxy_user", "galaxy")])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _configure_ec2_autorun(env, use_repo_autorun=False):
    ec2autorun.py is a script that launches CloudMan on instance boot
    and is thus required on an instance. See the script itself for the
    details of what it does.

    This script also adds a cloudman service to ``/etc/init``, which
    actually runs ec2autorun.py as a system-level service at system boot.
    script = "ec2autorun.py"
    remote = os.path.join(env.install_dir, "bin", script)
    if not exists(os.path.dirname(remote)):
        sudo('mkdir -p {0}'.format(os.path.dirname(remote)))
    if use_repo_autorun:
        url = os.path.join(MI_REPO_ROOT_URL, script)
        sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote, url))
        install_file_dir = os.path.join(env.config_dir, os.pardir, "installed_files")
        put(os.path.join(install_file_dir, script), remote, mode=0777, use_sudo=True)
    # Create upstart configuration file for boot-time script
    cloudman_boot_file = 'cloudman.conf'
    remote_file = '/etc/init/%s' % cloudman_boot_file
    _write_to_file(cm_upstart % (remote, os.path.splitext(remote)[0]), remote_file, mode=0644)
    # Setup default image user data (if configured by image_user_data_path or
    # image_user_data_template_path). This specifies defaults for CloudMan when
    # used with resulting image, normal userdata supplied by user will override
    # these defaults.
    _setup_conf_file(env, os.path.join(env.install_dir, "bin", "IMAGE_USER_DATA"), "image_user_data", default_source="image_user_data")
    env.logger.info("Done configuring CloudMan's ec2_autorun")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _install_nginx(env):
    """Nginx open source web server.
    version = "1.2.0"
    url = "http://nginx.org/download/nginx-%s.tar.gz" % version

    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, "nginx")
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "conf")

    # Skip install if already present
    if env.safe_exists(remote_conf_dir) and env.safe_contains(
            os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, "nginx.conf"), "/cloud"):
        env.logger.debug("Nginx already installed; not installing it again.")

    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
            modules = _get_nginx_modules(env)
            module_flags = " ".join(
                ["--add-module=../%s" % x for x in modules])
            env.safe_run("wget %s" % url)
            env.safe_run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("nginx-%s" % version):
                    "./configure --prefix=%s --with-ipv6 %s "
                    "--user=galaxy --group=galaxy --with-debug "
                    "--with-http_ssl_module --with-http_gzip_static_module" %
                    (install_dir, module_flags))
                env.safe_sed("objs/Makefile", "-Werror", "")
                env.safe_sudo("make install")
                env.safe_sudo("cd %s; stow nginx" % env.install_dir)

    defaults = {"galaxy_home": "/mnt/galaxy/galaxy-app"}
                     os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, "nginx.conf"),

    nginx_errdoc_file = 'nginx_errdoc.tar.gz'
    url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, nginx_errdoc_file)
    remote_errdoc_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "html")
    with cd(remote_errdoc_dir):
        env.safe_sudo("wget --output-document=%s/%s %s" %
                      (remote_errdoc_dir, nginx_errdoc_file, url))
        env.safe_sudo('tar xvzf %s' % nginx_errdoc_file)

    env.safe_sudo("mkdir -p %s" % env.install_dir)
    if not env.safe_exists("%s/nginx" % env.install_dir):
        env.safe_sudo("ln -s %s/sbin/nginx %s/nginx" %
                      (install_dir, env.install_dir))
    # If the guessed symlinking did not work, force it now
    cloudman_default_dir = "/opt/galaxy/sbin"
    if not env.safe_exists(cloudman_default_dir):
        env.safe_sudo("mkdir -p %s" % cloudman_default_dir)
    if not env.safe_exists(os.path.join(cloudman_default_dir, "nginx")):
        env.safe_sudo("ln -s %s/sbin/nginx %s/nginx" %
                      (install_dir, cloudman_default_dir))
    env.logger.debug("Nginx {0} installed to {1}".format(version, install_dir))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _setup_xvfb(env):
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/init.d/xvfb", "xvfb_init", default_source="xvfb_init")
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/default/xvfb", "xvfb_default", default_source="xvfb_default")
    env.safe_sudo("mkdir /var/lib/xvfb; chown root:root /var/lib/xvfb; chmod 0755 /var/lib/xvfb")
    display_export = "-v DIPSLAY=:42"
    _add_to_profiles(display_export, profiles=["/home/%s/.sge_request" % env.get("galaxy_user", "galaxy")])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _setup_service(env):
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/default/galaxy", "galaxy_default")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _setup_protvis_service(env):
    _setup_conf_file(env, os.path.join("/etc/default/protvis"),
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _setup_nginx_service(env):
    # Setup system service for nginx, not needed for CloudMan but it is
    # useful if CloudMan is not being used (such as galaxy-vm-launcher work).
Ejemplo n.º 8
def install_proftpd(env):
    """Highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software.
    version = "1.3.4c"
    postgres_ver = "9.1"
    url = "ftp://ftp.tpnet.pl/pub/linux/proftpd/distrib/source/proftpd-%s.tar.gz" % version
    modules = "mod_sql:mod_sql_postgres:mod_sql_passwd"
    extra_modules = env.get("extra_proftp_modules", "")  # Comma separated list of extra modules
    if extra_modules:
        modules = "%s:%s" % (modules, extra_modules.replace(",", ":"))
    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, 'proftpd')
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "etc")
    # Skip install if already available
    if env.safe_exists(remote_conf_dir):
        env.logger.debug("ProFTPd seems to already be installed in {0}".format(install_dir))
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            env.safe_run("wget %s" % url)
            with settings(hide('stdout')):
                env.safe_run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("proftpd-%s" % version):
                env.safe_run("CFLAGS='-I/usr/include/postgresql' ./configure --prefix=%s "
                    "--disable-auth-file --disable-ncurses --disable-ident --disable-shadow "
                    "--enable-openssl --with-modules=%s "
                    "--with-libraries=/usr/lib/postgresql/%s/lib" % (install_dir, modules, postgres_ver))
                env.safe_sudo("make install")
                env.safe_sudo("make clean")
    # Get the init.d startup script
    initd_script = 'proftpd.initd'
    initd_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', initd_script)
    remote_file = "/etc/init.d/proftpd"
    env.safe_sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote_file, initd_url))
    env.safe_sed(remote_file, 'REPLACE_THIS_WITH_CUSTOM_INSTALL_DIR', install_dir, use_sudo=True)
    env.safe_sudo("chmod 755 %s" % remote_file)
    # Set the configuration file
    conf_file = 'proftpd.conf'
    remote_file = os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, conf_file)
    if "postgres_port" not in env:
        env.postgres_port = '5910'
    if "galaxy_ftp_user_password" not in env:
        env.galaxy_ftp_user_password = '******'
    proftpd_conf = {'galaxy_uid': env.safe_run('id -u galaxy'),
                    'galaxy_fs': '/mnt/galaxy',  # Should be a var but uncertain how to get it
                    'install_dir': install_dir}
    _setup_conf_file(env, remote_file, conf_file, overrides=proftpd_conf,
    # Get the custom welcome msg file
    welcome_msg_file = 'welcome_msg.txt'
    welcome_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', welcome_msg_file)
    env.safe_sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" %
       (os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, welcome_msg_file), welcome_url))
    # Stow
    env.safe_sudo("cd %s; stow proftpd" % env.install_dir)
    env.logger.debug("----- ProFTPd %s installed to %s -----" % (version, install_dir))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def install_proftpd(env):
    """Highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software.
    version = "1.3.4c"
    postgres_ver = "9.1"
    url = "ftp://ftp.tpnet.pl/pub/linux/proftpd/distrib/source/proftpd-%s.tar.gz" % version
    modules = "mod_sql:mod_sql_postgres:mod_sql_passwd"
    extra_modules = env.get("extra_proftp_modules", "")  # Comma separated list of extra modules
    if extra_modules:
        modules = "%s:%s" % (modules, extra_modules.replace(",", ":"))
    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, 'proftpd')
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "etc")
    # Skip install if already available
    if env.safe_exists(remote_conf_dir):
        env.logger.debug("ProFTPd seems to already be installed in {0}".format(install_dir))
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            env.safe_run("wget %s" % url)
            with settings(hide('stdout')):
                env.safe_run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("proftpd-%s" % version):
                env.safe_run("CFLAGS='-I/usr/include/postgresql' ./configure --prefix=%s "
                    "--disable-auth-file --disable-ncurses --disable-ident --disable-shadow "
                    "--enable-openssl --with-modules=%s "
                    "--with-libraries=/usr/lib/postgresql/%s/lib" % (install_dir, modules, postgres_ver))
                env.safe_sudo("make install")
                env.safe_sudo("make clean")
    # Get the init.d startup script
    initd_script = 'proftpd.initd'
    initd_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', initd_script)
    remote_file = "/etc/init.d/proftpd"
    env.safe_sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote_file, initd_url))
    env.safe_sed(remote_file, 'REPLACE_THIS_WITH_CUSTOM_INSTALL_DIR', install_dir, use_sudo=True)
    env.safe_sudo("chmod 755 %s" % remote_file)
    # Set the configuration file
    conf_file = 'proftpd.conf'
    remote_file = os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, conf_file)
    if "postgres_port" not in env:
        env.postgres_port = '5910'
    if "galaxy_ftp_user_password" not in env:
        env.galaxy_ftp_user_password = '******'
    proftpd_conf = {'galaxy_uid': env.safe_run('id -u galaxy'),
                    'galaxy_fs': '/mnt/galaxy',  # Should be a var but uncertain how to get it
                    'install_dir': install_dir}
    _setup_conf_file(env, remote_file, conf_file, overrides=proftpd_conf,
    # Get the custom welcome msg file
    welcome_msg_file = 'welcome_msg.txt'
    welcome_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', welcome_msg_file)
    env.safe_sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" %
       (os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, welcome_msg_file), welcome_url))
    # Stow
    env.safe_sudo("cd %s; stow proftpd" % env.install_dir)
    env.logger.debug("----- ProFTPd %s installed to %s -----" % (version, install_dir))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _install_nginx(env):
    """Nginx open source web server.
    if "use_nginx_package" in env and env.use_nginx_package.upper() in ["TRUE", "YES"]:

    # Install nginx from directly
    version = "1.3.8"
    url = "http://nginx.org/download/nginx-%s.tar.gz" % version

    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, "nginx")
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "conf")

    # Skip install if already present
    if env.safe_exists(remote_conf_dir) and env.safe_contains(os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, "nginx.conf"), "/cloud"):
        env.logger.debug("Nginx already installed; not installing it again.")

    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
            modules = _get_nginx_modules(env)
            module_flags = " ".join(["--add-module=../%s" % x for x in modules])
            env.safe_run("wget %s" % url)
            env.safe_run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("nginx-%s" % version):
                env.safe_run("./configure --prefix=%s --with-ipv6 %s "
                    "--user=galaxy --group=galaxy --with-debug "
                    "--with-http_ssl_module --with-http_gzip_static_module " %
                    (install_dir, module_flags))
                env.safe_sed("objs/Makefile", "-Werror", "")
                env.safe_sudo("make install")
                env.safe_sudo("cd %s; stow nginx" % env.install_dir)

    defaults = {"galaxy_home": "/mnt/galaxy/galaxy-app"}
    _setup_conf_file(env, os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, "nginx.conf"), "nginx.conf", defaults=defaults)

    nginx_errdoc_file = 'nginx_errdoc.tar.gz'
    url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, nginx_errdoc_file)
    remote_errdoc_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "html")
    with cd(remote_errdoc_dir):
        env.safe_sudo("wget --output-document=%s/%s %s" % (remote_errdoc_dir, nginx_errdoc_file, url))
        env.safe_sudo('tar xvzf %s' % nginx_errdoc_file)

    env.safe_sudo("mkdir -p %s" % env.install_dir)
    if not env.safe_exists("%s/nginx" % env.install_dir):
        env.safe_sudo("ln -s %s/sbin/nginx %s/nginx" % (install_dir, env.install_dir))
    # If the guessed symlinking did not work, force it now
    cloudman_default_dir = "/opt/galaxy/sbin"
    if not env.safe_exists(cloudman_default_dir):
        env.safe_sudo("mkdir -p %s" % cloudman_default_dir)
    if not env.safe_exists(os.path.join(cloudman_default_dir, "nginx")):
        env.safe_sudo("ln -s %s/sbin/nginx %s/nginx" % (install_dir, cloudman_default_dir))
    env.logger.debug("Nginx {0} installed to {1}".format(version, install_dir))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _configure_desktop(env):
    Configure a desktop manager to work with VNC. At the moment, this is tailored
    to `JWM` (and `jwm` and `vnc4server` packages need to be installed).
    if not _read_boolean(env, "configure_desktop", False):
    # Create a start script for X
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/home/ubuntu/.vnc/xstartup", "xstartup", default_source="xstartup")
    # Create jwmrc config file
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/home/ubuntu/.jwmrc", "jwmrc.xml",
        default_source="jwmrc.xml", mode="0644")
    env.logger.info("----- Done configuring desktop -----")
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _configure_novnc(env):
    if not _read_boolean(env, "configure_novnc", False):
        # Longer term would like this enabled by default. -John
    if not "novnc_install_dir" in env:
        env.novnc_install_dir = "/opt/novnc"
    if not "vnc_password" in env:
        env.vnc_password = "******"
    if not "vnc_user" in env:
        env.vnc_user = env.user
    if not "vnc_display" in env:
        env.vnc_display = "1"
    if not "vnc_depth" in env:
        env.vnc_depth = "16"
    if not "vnc_geometry" in env:
        env.vnc_geometry = "1024x768"


    novnc_dir = env.novnc_install_dir
    env.safe_sudo("mkdir -p '%s'" % novnc_dir)
    env.safe_sudo("chown %s '%s'" % (env.user, novnc_dir))
    clone_cmd = "NOVNC_DIR='%s'; rm -rf $NOVNC_DIR; git clone https://github.com/kanaka/noVNC.git $NOVNC_DIR" % novnc_dir
    ## Move vnc_auto.html which takes vnc_password as query argument
    ## to index.html and rewrite it so that password is autoset, no
    ## need to specify via query parameter.
    run("sed s/password\\ =\\ /password\\ =\\ \\\'%s\\\'\\;\\\\\\\\/\\\\\\\\// '%s/vnc_auto.html' > '%s/index.html'" % (env.vnc_password, novnc_dir, novnc_dir))

    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/init.d/novnc", "novnc_init", default_source="novnc_init")
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/default/novnc", "novnc_default", default_source="novnc_default.template")
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/init.d/vncserver", "vncserver_init", default_source="vncserver_init")
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/default/vncserver", "vncserver_default", default_source="vncserver_default.template")
Ejemplo n.º 13
def _configure_novnc(env):
    if not _read_boolean(env, "configure_novnc", False):
        # Longer term would like this enabled by default. -John
    if not "novnc_install_dir" in env:
        env.novnc_install_dir = "/opt/novnc"
    if not "vnc_password" in env:
        env.vnc_password = "******"
    if not "vnc_user" in env:
        env.vnc_user = env.user
    if not "vnc_display" in env:
        env.vnc_display = "1"
    if not "vnc_depth" in env:
        env.vnc_depth = "16"
    if not "vnc_geometry" in env:
        env.vnc_geometry = "1024x768"


    novnc_dir = env.novnc_install_dir
    env.safe_sudo("mkdir -p '%s'" % novnc_dir)
    env.safe_sudo("chown %s '%s'" % (env.user, novnc_dir))
    clone_cmd = "NOVNC_DIR='%s'; rm -rf $NOVNC_DIR; git clone https://github.com/kanaka/noVNC.git $NOVNC_DIR" % novnc_dir
    ## Move vnc_auto.html which takes vnc_password as query argument
    ## to index.html and rewrite it so that password is autoset, no
    ## need to specify via query parameter.
    run("sed s/password\\ =\\ /password\\ =\\ \\\'%s\\\'\\;\\\\\\\\/\\\\\\\\// '%s/vnc_auto.html' > '%s/index.html'" % (env.vnc_password, novnc_dir, novnc_dir))

    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/init.d/novnc", "novnc_init", default_source="novnc_init")
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/default/novnc", "novnc_default", default_source="novnc_default.template")
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/init.d/vncserver", "vncserver_init", default_source="vncserver_init")
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/default/vncserver", "vncserver_default", default_source="vncserver_default.template")
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _configure_ec2_autorun(env, use_repo_autorun=False):
    ec2autorun.py is a script that launches CloudMan on instance boot
    and is thus required on an instance. See the script itself for the
    details of what it does.

    This script also adds a cloudman service to ``/etc/init``, which
    actually runs ec2autorun.py as a system-level service at system boot.
    script = "ec2autorun.py"
    remote = os.path.join(env.install_dir, "bin", script)
    if not exists(os.path.dirname(remote)):
        sudo('mkdir -p {0}'.format(os.path.dirname(remote)))
    if use_repo_autorun:
        # Is this used, can we eliminate use_repo_autorun?
        url = os.path.join(MI_REPO_ROOT_URL, script)
        sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote, url))
        install_file_dir = os.path.join(env.config_dir, os.pardir,
        put(os.path.join(install_file_dir, script),
    # Create upstart configuration file for boot-time script
    cloudman_boot_file = 'cloudman.conf'
    remote_file = '/etc/init/%s' % cloudman_boot_file
    _write_to_file(cm_upstart % (remote, os.path.splitext(remote)[0]),
    # Setup default image user data (if configured by image_user_data_path or
    # image_user_data_template_path). This specifies defaults for CloudMan when
    # used with resulting image, normal userdata supplied by user will override
    # these defaults.
    image_user_data_path = os.path.join(env.install_dir, "bin",
    if "image_user_data_dict" in env:
        # Explicit YAML contents defined in env, just dump them as is.
        import yaml
        # Else use file or template file.
    env.logger.info("Done configuring CloudMan's ec2_autorun")
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _configure_desktop(env):
    Configure a desktop manager to work with VNC. Note that `xfce4` (or `jwm`)
    and `vnc4server` packages need to be installed for this to have effect.
    if not _read_boolean(env, "configure_desktop", False):
    # Set nginx PAM module to allow logins for any system user
    if env.safe_exists("/etc/pam.d"):
        env.safe_sudo('echo "@include common-auth" > /etc/pam.d/nginx')
    env.safe_sudo('usermod -a -G shadow galaxy')
    # Create a start script for X
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/home/ubuntu/.vnc/xstartup", "xstartup", default_source="xstartup")
    # Create jwmrc config file (uncomment this if using jwm window manager)
    # _setup_conf_file(env, "/home/ubuntu/.jwmrc", "jwmrc.xml",
    #     default_source="jwmrc.xml", mode="0644")
    env.logger.info("----- Done configuring desktop -----")
Ejemplo n.º 16
def _configure_desktop(env):
    Configure a desktop manager to work with VNC. Note that `xfce4` (or `jwm`)
    and `vnc4server` packages need to be installed for this to have effect.
    if not _read_boolean(env, "configure_desktop", False):
    # Set nginx PAM module to allow logins for any system user
    if env.safe_exists("/etc/pam.d"):
        env.safe_sudo('echo "@include common-auth" > /etc/pam.d/nginx')
    env.safe_sudo('usermod -a -G shadow galaxy')
    # Create a start script for X
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/home/ubuntu/.vnc/xstartup", "xstartup", default_source="xstartup")
    # Create jwmrc config file (uncomment this if using jwm window manager)
    # _setup_conf_file(env, "/home/ubuntu/.jwmrc", "jwmrc.xml",
    #     default_source="jwmrc.xml", mode="0644")
    env.logger.info("----- Done configuring desktop -----")
Ejemplo n.º 17
def _install_nginx_package(env):
    Install nginx from a custom package; also see
    version = "1.4.7-gvl20140507b01-precise"
    package_url = "http://cloudman-dev.s3.amazonaws.com/gvl-nginx-%s-amd64.deb" % version

    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
            env.safe_run("wget %s" % package_url)
            env.safe_sudo("dpkg -i %s" % os.path.split(package_url)[1])

    # The path for `nginx.conf` depends on how the package was built and
    # what's set in `nginx_remote_conf_path` must match that!
    defaults = {"galaxy_home": "/mnt/galaxy/galaxy-app"}
    _setup_conf_file(env, env.nginx_remote_conf_path, "nginx.conf", defaults=defaults)
    env.logger.debug("Nginx v{0} installed from package {1}".format(version, package_url))
Ejemplo n.º 18
def _install_nginx_package(env):
    Install nginx from a custom package; also see
    version = "1.4.7-gvl20140407b03"
    package_url = "http://cloudman-dev.s3.amazonaws.com/gvl-nginx-%s-precise-amd64.deb" % version

    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
            env.safe_run("wget %s" % package_url)
            env.safe_sudo("dpkg -i %s" % os.path.split(package_url)[1])

    # The path for `nginx.conf` depends on how the package was built and
    # what's set in `nginx_remote_conf_path` must match that!
    defaults = {"galaxy_home": "/mnt/galaxy/galaxy-app"}
    _setup_conf_file(env, env.nginx_remote_conf_path, "nginx.conf", defaults=defaults)
    env.logger.debug("Nginx v{0} installed from package {1}".format(version, package_url))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def _configure_ec2_autorun(env, use_repo_autorun=False):
    ec2autorun.py is a script that launches CloudMan on instance boot
    and is thus required on an instance. See the script itself for the
    details of what it does.

    This script also adds a cloudman service to ``/etc/init``, which
    actually runs ec2autorun.py as a system-level service at system boot.
    script = "ec2autorun.py"
    remote = os.path.join(env.install_dir, "bin", script)
    if not env.safe_exists(os.path.dirname(remote)):
        env.safe_sudo('mkdir -p {0}'.format(os.path.dirname(remote)))
    if use_repo_autorun:
        # Is this used, can we eliminate use_repo_autorun?
        url = os.path.join(MI_REPO_ROOT_URL, script)
        env.safe_sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote, url))
        install_file_dir = os.path.join(env.config_dir, os.pardir, "installed_files")
        tmp_remote = os.path.join("/tmp", os.path.basename(remote))
        env.safe_put(os.path.join(install_file_dir, script), tmp_remote)
        env.safe_sudo("mv %s %s" % (tmp_remote, remote))
        env.safe_sudo("chmod 0777 %s" % remote)
    # Create upstart configuration file for boot-time script
    cloudman_boot_file = 'cloudman.conf'
    remote_file = '/etc/init/%s' % cloudman_boot_file
    _write_to_file(cm_upstart % (remote, os.path.splitext(remote)[0]), remote_file, mode="0644")
    # Setup default image user data (if configured by image_user_data_path or
    # image_user_data_template_path). This specifies defaults for CloudMan when
    # used with resulting image, normal userdata supplied by user will override
    # these defaults.
    image_user_data_path = os.path.join(env.install_dir, "bin", "IMAGE_USER_DATA")
    if "image_user_data_dict" in env:
        # Explicit YAML contents defined in env, just dump them as is.
        import yaml
        _write_to_file(yaml.dump(env.get("image_user_data_dict")), image_user_data_path, mode="0644")
        # Else use file or template file.
        _setup_conf_file(env, image_user_data_path, "image_user_data", default_source="image_user_data")
    env.logger.info("Done configuring CloudMan's ec2_autorun")
Ejemplo n.º 20
def _setup_protvis_service(env):
    _setup_conf_file(env, os.path.join("/etc/init.d/protvis"), "protvis_init", default_source="protvis_init")
    _setup_conf_file(env, os.path.join("/etc/default/protvis"), "protvis_default")
Ejemplo n.º 21
def _setup_nginx_service(env):
    # Setup system service for nginx, not needed for CloudMan but it is
    # useful if CloudMan is not being used (such as galaxy-vm-launcher work).
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/init.d/nginx", "nginx_init", default_source="nginx_init")
Ejemplo n.º 22
def _setup_xvfb(env):
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/init.d/xvfb", "xvfb_init", default_source="xvfb_init")
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/default/xvfb", "xvfb_default", default_source="xvfb_default")
    env.safe_sudo("mkdir /var/lib/xvfb; chown root:root /var/lib/xvfb; chmod 0755 /var/lib/xvfb")
Ejemplo n.º 23
def _setup_service(env):
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/init.d/galaxy", "galaxy_init", default_source="galaxy_init")
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/default/galaxy", "galaxy_default")
Ejemplo n.º 24
def _setup_xvfb(env):
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/init.d/xvfb", "xvfb_init", default_source="xvfb_init")
    _setup_conf_file(env, "/etc/default/xvfb", "xvfb_default", default_source="xvfb_default")
    env.safe_sudo("mkdir /var/lib/xvfb; chown root:root /var/lib/xvfb; chmod 0755 /var/lib/xvfb")