Ejemplo n.º 1
def smart_escape(source, unsafe=r"([^a-zA-Z0-9_.\-\/:]+)"):
    def pack(m):
        return to_bytes('%' + "%".join([
            "%02X" % x
            for x in struct.unpack('B' * len(m.group(1)), m.group(1))

    return to_string(re.sub(to_bytes(unsafe), pack, to_bytes(source)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def call_api(method, uri, params, **options):
    prefix = options.pop(
        cloudinary.config().upload_prefix) or "https://api.cloudinary.com"
    cloud_name = options.pop("cloud_name", cloudinary.config().cloud_name)
    if not cloud_name: raise Exception("Must supply cloud_name")
    api_key = options.pop("api_key", cloudinary.config().api_key)
    if not api_key: raise Exception("Must supply api_key")
    api_secret = options.pop("api_secret", cloudinary.config().api_secret)
    if not cloud_name: raise Exception("Must supply api_secret")

    data = to_bytes(urlencode(params))
    api_url = "/".join([prefix, "v1_1", cloud_name] + uri)
    request = urllib2.Request(api_url, data)
    # Add authentication
    byte_value = to_bytes('%s:%s' % (api_key, api_secret))
    encoded_value = base64.encodebytes(
        byte_value) if PY3 else base64.encodestring(byte_value)
    base64string = to_string(encoded_value).replace('\n', '')
    request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
    request.add_header("User-Agent", cloudinary.USER_AGENT)
    request.get_method = lambda: method.upper()

    kw = {}
    if 'timeout' in options:
        kw['timeout'] = options['timeout']
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request, **kw)
        body = response.read()
    except HTTPError:
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        exception_class = EXCEPTION_CODES.get(e.code)
        if exception_class:
            response = e
            body = response.read()
            raise GeneralError(
                "Server returned unexpected status code - %d - %s" %
                (e.code, e.read()))
    except socket.error:
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        raise GeneralError("Socket Error: %s" % (str(e)))

        body = to_string(body)
        result = json.loads(body)
    except Exception:
        # Error is parsing json
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        raise GeneralError(
            "Error parsing server response (%d) - %s. Got - %s" %
            (response.code, body, e))

    if "error" in result:
        exception_class = exception_class or Exception
        raise exception_class(result["error"]["message"])

    return Response(result, response)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _strify(s):
     if s is None:
         return None
     elif isinstance(s, bytes):
         return s
             return to_bytes(s)
         except AttributeError:
             return to_bytes(str(s))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _strify(s):
     if s is None:
         return None
     elif isinstance(s, bytes):
         return s
             return to_bytes(s)
         except AttributeError:
             return to_bytes(str(s))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def encode(self, boundary):
        """Returns the string encoding of this parameter"""
        if self.value is None:
            value = self.fileobj.read()
            value = self.value

        if re.search(to_bytes("^--%s$" % re.escape(boundary)), value, re.M):
            raise ValueError("boundary found in encoded string")

        return to_bytes(self.encode_hdr(boundary)) + value + b"\r\n"
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def encode(self, boundary):
        """Returns the string encoding of this parameter"""
        if self.value is None:
            value = self.fileobj.read()
            value = self.value

        if re.search(to_bytes("^--%s$" % re.escape(boundary)), value, re.M):
            raise ValueError("boundary found in encoded string")

        return to_bytes(self.encode_hdr(boundary)) + value + b"\r\n"
Ejemplo n.º 7
def call_api(method, uri, params, **options):
    prefix = options.pop("upload_prefix", cloudinary.config().upload_prefix) or "https://api.cloudinary.com"
    cloud_name = options.pop("cloud_name", cloudinary.config().cloud_name)
    if not cloud_name: raise Exception("Must supply cloud_name")
    api_key = options.pop("api_key", cloudinary.config().api_key)
    if not api_key: raise Exception("Must supply api_key")
    api_secret = options.pop("api_secret", cloudinary.config().api_secret)
    if not cloud_name: raise Exception("Must supply api_secret")

    data = to_bytes(urlencode(params))
    api_url = "/".join([prefix, "v1_1", cloud_name] + uri)
    request = urllib2.Request(api_url, data)
    # Add authentication
    byte_value = to_bytes('%s:%s' % (api_key, api_secret))
    encoded_value = base64.encodebytes(byte_value) if PY3 else base64.encodestring(byte_value)
    base64string = to_string(encoded_value).replace('\n', '')
    request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
    request.add_header("User-Agent", cloudinary.USER_AGENT)
    request.get_method = lambda: method.upper()

    kw = {}
    if 'timeout' in options:
        kw['timeout'] = options['timeout']
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request, **kw)
        body = response.read()
    except socket.error:
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        raise GeneralError("Socket Error: %s" % (str(e)))
    except urllib2.HTTPError:
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        exception_class = EXCEPTION_CODES.get(e.code)
        if exception_class:
            response = e
            body = response.read()
            raise GeneralError("Server returned unexpected status code - %d - %s" % (e.code, e.read()))

        body = to_string(body)
        result = json.loads(body)
    except Exception:
        # Error is parsing json
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        raise GeneralError("Error parsing server response (%d) - %s. Got - %s" % (response.code, body, e))

    if "error" in result:
        exception_class = exception_class or Exception
        raise exception_class(result["error"]["message"])

    return Response(result, response)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def smart_escape(source, unsafe=r"([^a-zA-Z0-9_.\-\/:]+)"):
    Based on ruby's CGI::unescape. In addition does not escape / :

    :param source: Source string to escape
    :param unsafe: Unsafe characters

    :return: Escaped string
    def pack(m):
        return to_bytes('%' + "%".join(
            ["%02X" % x for x in struct.unpack('B' * len(m.group(1)), m.group(1))]

    return to_string(re.sub(to_bytes(unsafe), pack, to_bytes(source)))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def smart_escape(source, unsafe=r"([^a-zA-Z0-9_.\-\/:]+)"):
    Based on ruby's CGI::unescape. In addition does not escape / :

    :param source: Source string to escape
    :param unsafe: Unsafe characters

    :return: Escaped string
    def pack(m):
        return to_bytes('%' + "%".join(
            ["%02X" % x for x in struct.unpack('B' * len(m.group(1)), m.group(1))]

    return to_string(re.sub(to_bytes(unsafe), pack, to_bytes(source)))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def next(self):
        """generator function to yield multipart/form-data representation
        of parameters"""
        if self.param_iter is not None:
                block = advance_iterator(self.param_iter)
                self.current += len(block)
                if self.cb:
                    self.cb(self.p, self.current, self.total)
                return block
            except StopIteration:
                self.p = None
                self.param_iter = None

        if self.i is None:
            raise StopIteration
        elif self.i >= len(self.params):
            self.param_iter = None
            self.p = None
            self.i = None
            block = to_bytes("--%s--\r\n" % self.boundary)
            self.current += len(block)
            if self.cb:
                self.cb(self.p, self.current, self.total)
            return block

        self.p = self.params[self.i]
        self.param_iter = self.p.iter_encode(self.boundary)
        self.i += 1
        return advance_iterator(self)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def next(self):
        """generator function to yield multipart/form-data representation
        of parameters"""
        if self.param_iter is not None:
                block = advance_iterator(self.param_iter)
                self.current += len(block)
                if self.cb:
                    self.cb(self.p, self.current, self.total)
                return block
            except StopIteration:
                self.p = None
                self.param_iter = None

        if self.i is None:
            raise StopIteration
        elif self.i >= len(self.params):
            self.param_iter = None
            self.p = None
            self.i = None
            block = to_bytes("--%s--\r\n" % self.boundary)
            self.current += len(block)
            if self.cb:
                self.cb(self.p, self.current, self.total)
            return block

        self.p = self.params[self.i]
        self.param_iter = self.p.iter_encode(self.boundary)
        self.i += 1
        return advance_iterator(self)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self,
        self.name = Header(name).encode()
        self.value = _strify(value)
        if filename is None:
            self.filename = None
            if PY3:
                byte_filename = filename.encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace")
                self.filename = to_string(byte_filename)
                encoding = 'unicode_escape'
                if isinstance(filename, unicode):
                    # Encode with XML entities
                    self.filename = filename.encode("ascii",
                    self.filename = str(filename)
                encoding = 'string_escape'
            self.filename = self.filename.encode(encoding).replace(
                to_bytes('"'), to_bytes('\\"'))
        self.filetype = _strify(filetype)

        self.filesize = filesize
        self.fileobj = fileobj
        self.cb = cb

        if self.value is not None and self.fileobj is not None:
            raise ValueError("Only one of value or fileobj may be specified")

        if fileobj is not None and filesize is None:
            # Try and determine the file size
                self.filesize = os.fstat(fileobj.fileno()).st_size
            except (OSError, AttributeError, UnsupportedOperation):
                    fileobj.seek(0, 2)
                    self.filesize = fileobj.tell()
                except Exception:
                    raise ValueError("Could not determine filesize")
Ejemplo n.º 13
def cloudinary_url(source, **options):
    original_source = source

    type = options.pop("type", "upload")
    if type == 'fetch':
        options["fetch_format"] = options.get("fetch_format", options.pop("format", None))
    transformation, options = generate_transformation_string(**options)

    resource_type = options.pop("resource_type", "image")
    version = options.pop("version", None)
    format = options.pop("format", None)
    cdn_subdomain = options.pop("cdn_subdomain", cloudinary.config().cdn_subdomain)
    secure_cdn_subdomain = options.pop("secure_cdn_subdomain", cloudinary.config().secure_cdn_subdomain)
    cname = options.pop("cname", cloudinary.config().cname)
    shorten = options.pop("shorten", cloudinary.config().shorten)

    cloud_name = options.pop("cloud_name", cloudinary.config().cloud_name or None)
    if cloud_name is None:
        raise ValueError("Must supply cloud_name in tag or in configuration")
    secure = options.pop("secure", cloudinary.config().secure)
    private_cdn = options.pop("private_cdn", cloudinary.config().private_cdn)
    secure_distribution = options.pop("secure_distribution", cloudinary.config().secure_distribution)
    sign_url = options.pop("sign_url", cloudinary.config().sign_url)
    api_secret = options.pop("api_secret", cloudinary.config().api_secret)
    url_suffix = options.pop("url_suffix", None)
    use_root_path = options.pop("use_root_path", cloudinary.config().use_root_path)
    auth_token = options.pop("auth_token", None)
    if auth_token is not False:
        auth_token = merge(cloudinary.config().auth_token, auth_token)

    if (not source) or type == "upload" and re.match(r'^https?:', source):
        return original_source, options

    resource_type, type = finalize_resource_type(resource_type, type, url_suffix, use_root_path, shorten)
    source, source_to_sign = finalize_source(source, format, url_suffix)

    if source_to_sign.find("/") >= 0 \
            and not re.match(r'^https?:/', source_to_sign) \
            and not re.match(r'^v[0-9]+', source_to_sign) \
            and not version:
        version = "1"
    if version: version = "v" + str(version)

    transformation = re.sub(r'([^:])/+', r'\1/', transformation)

    signature = None
    if sign_url and not auth_token:
        to_sign = "/".join(__compact([transformation, source_to_sign]))
        signature = "s--" + to_string(
            base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashlib.sha1(to_bytes(to_sign + api_secret)).digest())[0:8]) + "--"

    prefix = unsigned_download_url_prefix(source, cloud_name, private_cdn, cdn_subdomain, secure_cdn_subdomain, cname,
                                          secure, secure_distribution)
    source = "/".join(__compact([prefix, resource_type, type, signature, transformation, version, source]))
    if sign_url and auth_token:
        path = urlparse(source).path
        token = cloudinary.auth_token.generate( **merge(auth_token, {"url": path}))
        source = "%s?%s" % (source, token)
    return source, options
Ejemplo n.º 14
def cloudinary_url(source, **options):
    original_source = source

    type = options.pop("type", "upload")
    if type == 'fetch':
        options["fetch_format"] = options.get("fetch_format", options.pop("format", None))
    transformation, options = generate_transformation_string(**options)

    resource_type = options.pop("resource_type", "image")
    version = options.pop("version", None)
    format = options.pop("format", None)
    cdn_subdomain = options.pop("cdn_subdomain", cloudinary.config().cdn_subdomain)
    secure_cdn_subdomain = options.pop("secure_cdn_subdomain", cloudinary.config().secure_cdn_subdomain)
    cname = options.pop("cname", cloudinary.config().cname)
    shorten = options.pop("shorten", cloudinary.config().shorten)

    cloud_name = options.pop("cloud_name", cloudinary.config().cloud_name or None)
    if cloud_name is None:
        raise ValueError("Must supply cloud_name in tag or in configuration")
    secure = options.pop("secure", cloudinary.config().secure)
    private_cdn = options.pop("private_cdn", cloudinary.config().private_cdn)
    secure_distribution = options.pop("secure_distribution", cloudinary.config().secure_distribution)
    sign_url = options.pop("sign_url", cloudinary.config().sign_url)
    api_secret = options.pop("api_secret", cloudinary.config().api_secret)
    url_suffix = options.pop("url_suffix", None)
    use_root_path = options.pop("use_root_path", cloudinary.config().use_root_path)
    auth_token = options.pop("auth_token", None)
    if auth_token is not False:
        auth_token = merge(cloudinary.config().auth_token, auth_token)

    if (not source) or type == "upload" and re.match(r'^https?:', source):
        return original_source, options

    resource_type, type = finalize_resource_type(resource_type, type, url_suffix, use_root_path, shorten)
    source, source_to_sign = finalize_source(source, format, url_suffix)

    if source_to_sign.find("/") >= 0 \
            and not re.match(r'^https?:/', source_to_sign) \
            and not re.match(r'^v[0-9]+', source_to_sign) \
            and not version:
        version = "1"
    if version: version = "v" + str(version)

    transformation = re.sub(r'([^:])/+', r'\1/', transformation)

    signature = None
    if sign_url and not auth_token:
        to_sign = "/".join(__compact([transformation, source_to_sign]))
        signature = "s--" + to_string(
            base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashlib.sha1(to_bytes(to_sign + api_secret)).digest())[0:8]) + "--"

    prefix = unsigned_download_url_prefix(source, cloud_name, private_cdn, cdn_subdomain, secure_cdn_subdomain, cname,
                                          secure, secure_distribution)
    source = "/".join(__compact([prefix, resource_type, type, signature, transformation, version, source]))
    if sign_url and auth_token:
        path = urlparse(source).path
        token = cloudinary.auth_token.generate( **merge(auth_token, {"url": path}))
        source = "%s?%s" % (source, token)
    return source, options
Ejemplo n.º 15
def base64url_encode(data):
    Url safe version of urlsafe_b64encode with stripped `=` sign at the end.

    :param data: input data

    :return: Base64 URL safe encoded string
    return to_string(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(to_bytes(data)))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def compute_hex_hash(s):
    Compute hash and convert the result to HEX string

    :param s: string to process

    :return: HEX string
    return hashlib.sha1(to_bytes(s)).hexdigest()
Ejemplo n.º 17
def base64url_encode(data):
    Url safe version of urlsafe_b64encode with stripped `=` sign at the end.

    :param data: input data

    :return: Base64 URL safe encoded string
    return to_string(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(to_bytes(data)))
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, name, value=None, filename=None, filetype=None,
                        filesize=None, fileobj=None, cb=None):
        self.name = Header(name).encode()
        self.value = _strify(value)
        if filename is None:
            self.filename = None
            if PY3:
                byte_filename = filename.encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace")
                self.filename = to_string(byte_filename)
                encoding = 'unicode_escape'
                if isinstance(filename, unicode):
                    # Encode with XML entities
                    self.filename = filename.encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace")
                    self.filename = str(filename)
                encoding = 'string_escape'
            self.filename = self.filename.encode(encoding).replace(to_bytes('"'), to_bytes('\\"'))
        self.filetype = _strify(filetype)

        self.filesize = filesize
        self.fileobj = fileobj
        self.cb = cb

        if self.value is not None and self.fileobj is not None:
            raise ValueError("Only one of value or fileobj may be specified")

        if fileobj is not None and filesize is None:
            # Try and determine the file size
                self.filesize = os.fstat(fileobj.fileno()).st_size
            except (OSError, AttributeError, UnsupportedOperation):
                    fileobj.seek(0, 2)
                    self.filesize = fileobj.tell()
                    raise ValueError("Could not determine filesize")
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def iter_encode(self, boundary, blocksize=4096):
     """Yields the encoding of this parameter
     If self.fileobj is set, then blocks of ``blocksize`` bytes are read and
     total = self.get_size(boundary)
     current = 0
     if self.value is not None:
         block = self.encode(boundary)
         current += len(block)
         yield block
         if self.cb:
             self.cb(self, current, total)
         block = to_bytes(self.encode_hdr(boundary))
         current += len(block)
         yield block
         if self.cb:
             self.cb(self, current, total)
         last_block = to_bytearray("")
         encoded_boundary = "--%s" % encode_and_quote(boundary)
         boundary_exp = re.compile(
             to_bytes("^%s$" % re.escape(encoded_boundary)), re.M)
         while True:
             block = self.fileobj.read(blocksize)
             if not block:
                 current += 2
                 yield to_bytes("\r\n")
                 if self.cb:
                     self.cb(self, current, total)
             last_block += block
             if boundary_exp.search(last_block):
                 raise ValueError("boundary found in file data")
             last_block = last_block[-len(to_bytes(encoded_boundary)) - 2:]
             current += len(block)
             yield block
             if self.cb:
                 self.cb(self, current, total)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def iter_encode(self, boundary, blocksize=4096):
     """Yields the encoding of this parameter
     If self.fileobj is set, then blocks of ``blocksize`` bytes are read and
     total = self.get_size(boundary)
     current = 0
     if self.value is not None:
         block = self.encode(boundary)
         current += len(block)
         yield block
         if self.cb:
             self.cb(self, current, total)
         block = to_bytes(self.encode_hdr(boundary))
         current += len(block)
         yield block
         if self.cb:
             self.cb(self, current, total)
         last_block = to_bytearray("")
         encoded_boundary = "--%s" % encode_and_quote(boundary)
         boundary_exp = re.compile(to_bytes("^%s$" % re.escape(encoded_boundary)),
         while True:
             block = self.fileobj.read(blocksize)
             if not block:
                 current += 2
                 yield to_bytes("\r\n")
                 if self.cb:
                     self.cb(self, current, total)
             last_block += block
             if boundary_exp.search(last_block):
                 raise ValueError("boundary found in file data")
             last_block = last_block[-len(to_bytes(encoded_boundary))-2:]
             current += len(block)
             yield block
             if self.cb:
                 self.cb(self, current, total)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def compute_hex_hash(s, algorithm=SIGNATURE_SHA1):
    Computes string hash using specified algorithm and return HEX string representation of hash.

    :param s:         String to compute hash for
    :param algorithm: The name of algorithm to use for computing hash

    :return: HEX string of computed hash value
        hash_fn = signature_algorithms[algorithm]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError('Unsupported hash algorithm: {}'.format(algorithm))
    return hash_fn(to_bytes(s)).hexdigest()
Ejemplo n.º 22
def smart_escape(string):
    pack = lambda m: to_bytes('%' + "%".join(["%02X" % x for x in struct.unpack('B'*len(m.group(1)), m.group(1))]).upper())
    return to_string(re.sub(to_bytes(r"([^a-zA-Z0-9_.\-\/:]+)"), pack, to_bytes(string)))
Ejemplo n.º 23
def cloudinary_url(source, **options):
    original_source = source

    type = options.pop("type", "upload")
    if type == 'fetch':
        options["fetch_format"] = options.get("fetch_format", options.pop("format", None))
    transformation, options = generate_transformation_string(**options)

    resource_type = options.pop("resource_type", "image")
    version = options.pop("version", None)
    format = options.pop("format", None)
    cdn_subdomain = options.pop("cdn_subdomain", cloudinary.config().cdn_subdomain)
    cname = options.pop("cname", cloudinary.config().cname)
    shorten = options.pop("shorten", cloudinary.config().shorten)

    cloud_name = options.pop("cloud_name", cloudinary.config().cloud_name or None)
    if cloud_name == None:
        raise ValueError("Must supply cloud_name in tag or in configuration")
    secure = options.pop("secure", cloudinary.config().secure)
    private_cdn = options.pop("private_cdn", cloudinary.config().private_cdn)
    secure_distribution = options.pop("secure_distribution", cloudinary.config().secure_distribution)
    sign_url = options.pop("sign_url", cloudinary.config().sign_url)
    api_secret = options.pop("api_secret", cloudinary.config().api_secret)

    if (not source) or ((type == "upload" or type=="asset") and re.match(r'^https?:', source)):
        return (original_source, options)
    if re.match(r'^https?:', source):
        source = smart_escape(source)
        source = unquote(source)
        if not PY3: source = source.decode('utf8')
        source = smart_escape(source)
        if format:
          source = source + "." + format

    if cloud_name.startswith("/"):
        prefix = "/res" + cloud_name
        shared_domain =  not private_cdn
        if secure:        
            if not secure_distribution or secure_distribution == cloudinary.OLD_AKAMAI_SHARED_CDN:
              secure_distribution = cloud_name + "-res.cloudinary.com" if private_cdn else cloudinary.SHARED_CDN
            shared_domain = shared_domain or secure_distribution == cloudinary.SHARED_CDN
            prefix = "https://" + secure_distribution
            subdomain = "a" + str((zlib.crc32(to_bytearray(source)) & 0xffffffff)%5 + 1) + "." if cdn_subdomain else ""
            if cname:
                host = cname
            elif private_cdn:
                host = cloud_name + "-res.cloudinary.com"
                host = "res.cloudinary.com"
            prefix = "http://" + subdomain + host
        if shared_domain:
            prefix += "/" + cloud_name

    if shorten and resource_type == "image" and type == "upload":
        resource_type = "iu"
        type = ""          
    if source.find("/") >= 0 and not re.match(r'^https?:/', source) and  not re.match(r'^v[0-9]+', source) and  not version:
        version = "1"
    rest = "/".join(filter(lambda x: x, [transformation, "v" + str(version) if version else "", source]))
    if sign_url:
        signature = to_string(base64.urlsafe_b64encode( hashlib.sha1(to_bytes(rest + api_secret)).digest() )[0:8])
        rest = "s--%(signature)s--/%(rest)s" % {"signature": signature, "rest": rest}
    components = [prefix, resource_type, type, rest]
    source = re.sub(r'([^:])/+', r'\1/', "/".join(components))
    return (source, options)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def api_sign_request(params_to_sign, api_secret):
    to_sign = "&".join(sorted([(k+"="+(",".join(v) if isinstance(v, list) else str(v))) for k, v in params_to_sign.items() if v]))
    return hashlib.sha1(to_bytes(to_sign + api_secret)).hexdigest()
Ejemplo n.º 25
def api_sign_request(params_to_sign, api_secret):
    params = [(k + "=" + (",".join(v) if isinstance(v, list) else str(v)))
              for k, v in params_to_sign.items() if v]
    to_sign = "&".join(sorted(params))
    return hashlib.sha1(to_bytes(to_sign + api_secret)).hexdigest()
Ejemplo n.º 26
class PhotoUnsignedDirectForm(PhotoForm):
    upload_preset_name = "sample_" + hashlib.sha1(
        to_bytes(cloudinary.config().api_key +
    image = CloudinaryUnsignedJsFileField(upload_preset_name)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def _strify(s):
     if s is None:
         return None
     return to_bytes(s)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def smart_escape(string):
    pack = lambda m: to_bytes('%' + "%".join(
        ["%02X" % x
         for x in struct.unpack('B' * len(m.group(1)), m.group(1))]).upper())
    return to_string(
        re.sub(to_bytes(r"([^a-zA-Z0-9_.\-\/:]+)"), pack, to_bytes(string)))
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def pack(m):
     return to_bytes('%' + "%".join(["%02X" % x for x in struct.unpack('B' * len(m.group(1)), m.group(1))]).upper())
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def _strify(s):
     if s is None:
         return None
     return to_bytes(s)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def cloudinary_url(source, **options):
    original_source = source

    type = options.pop("type", "upload")
    if type == 'fetch':
        options["fetch_format"] = options.get("fetch_format", options.pop("format", None))
    transformation, options = generate_transformation_string(**options)

    resource_type = options.pop("resource_type", "image")
    version = options.pop("version", None)
    format = options.pop("format", None)
    cdn_subdomain = options.pop("cdn_subdomain", cloudinary.config().cdn_subdomain)
    cname = options.pop("cname", cloudinary.config().cname)
    shorten = options.pop("shorten", cloudinary.config().shorten)

    cloud_name = options.pop("cloud_name", cloudinary.config().cloud_name or None)
    if cloud_name == None:
        raise ValueError("Must supply cloud_name in tag or in configuration")
    secure = options.pop("secure", cloudinary.config().secure)
    private_cdn = options.pop("private_cdn", cloudinary.config().private_cdn)
    secure_distribution = options.pop("secure_distribution", cloudinary.config().secure_distribution)
    sign_url = options.pop("sign_url", cloudinary.config().sign_url)
    api_secret = options.pop("api_secret", cloudinary.config().api_secret)

    if (not source) or ((type == "upload" or type=="asset") and re.match(r'^https?:', source)):
        return (original_source, options)
    if re.match(r'^https?:', source):
        source = smart_escape(source)
        source = unquote(source)
        if not PY3: source = source.decode('utf8')
        source = smart_escape(source)
        if format:
          source = source + "." + format

    if cloud_name.startswith("/"):
        prefix = "/res" + cloud_name
        shared_domain =  not private_cdn
        if secure:        
            if not secure_distribution or secure_distribution == cloudinary.OLD_AKAMAI_SHARED_CDN:
              secure_distribution = cloud_name + "-res.cloudinary.com" if private_cdn else cloudinary.SHARED_CDN
            shared_domain = shared_domain or secure_distribution == cloudinary.SHARED_CDN
            prefix = "https://" + secure_distribution
            subdomain = "a" + str((zlib.crc32(to_bytearray(source)) & 0xffffffff)%5 + 1) + "." if cdn_subdomain else ""
            if cname:
                host = cname
            elif private_cdn:
                host = cloud_name + "-res.cloudinary.com"
                host = "res.cloudinary.com"
            prefix = "http://" + subdomain + host
        if shared_domain:
            prefix += "/" + cloud_name

    if shorten and resource_type == "image" and type == "upload":
        resource_type = "iu"
        type = ""          
    if source.find("/") >= 0 and not re.match(r'^https?:/', source) and  not re.match(r'^v[0-9]+', source) and  not version:
        version = "1"
    rest = "/".join(filter(lambda x: x, [transformation, "v" + str(version) if version else "", source]))
    if sign_url:
        signature = to_string(base64.urlsafe_b64encode( hashlib.sha1(to_bytes(rest + api_secret)).digest() )[0:8])
        rest = "s--%(signature)s--/%(rest)s" % {"signature": signature, "rest": rest}
    components = [prefix, resource_type, type, rest]
    source = re.sub(r'([^:])/+', r'\1/', "/".join(components))
    return (source, options)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def call_api(action, params, **options):
        file_io = None
        return_error = options.get("return_error")
        if options.get("unsigned"):
          params = utils.cleanup_params(params)
          params = utils.sign_request(params, options)
        param_list = []
        for k, v in params.items():
            if isinstance(v, list):          
                for vv in v:
                  param_list.append((k+"[]", vv))
            elif v:
                param_list.append((k, v))            
        api_url = utils.cloudinary_api_url(action, **options)
        global _initialized
        if not _initialized:
            _initialized = True
            # Register the streaming http handlers with urllib2
        datagen = to_bytes("")
        headers = {}
        if "file" in options:
            file = options["file"]
            if not isinstance(file, string_types):
                datagen, headers = multipart_encode({'file': file})
            elif not re.match(r'^https?:|^s3:|^data:[^;]*;base64,([a-zA-Z0-9\/+\n=]+)$', file):
                file_io = open(file, "rb")
                datagen, headers = multipart_encode({'file': file_io})
                param_list.append(("file", file))
        request = urllib2.Request(api_url + "?" + urlencode(param_list), datagen, headers)
        request.add_header("User-Agent", cloudinary.USER_AGENT)
        kw = {}
        if 'timeout' in options:
            kw['timeout'] = options['timeout']

        code = 200
            response = urllib2.urlopen(request, **kw).read()
        except socket.error:
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            raise Error("Socket error: %s" % str(e))
        except urllib2.HTTPError:
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            if not e.code in [200, 400, 500]:
                raise Error("Server returned unexpected status code - %d - %s" % (e.code, e.read()))
            code = e.code
            response = e.read()
            result = json.loads(to_string(response))
        except Exception:
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            # Error is parsing json
            raise Error("Error parsing server response (%d) - %s. Got - %s", code, response, e)
        if "error" in result:
            if return_error:
                result["error"]["http_code"] = code
                raise Error(result["error"]["message"])
        return result
        if file_io: file_io.close()    
Ejemplo n.º 33
def call_api(action, params, **options):
        file_io = None
        return_error = options.get("return_error")
        if options.get("unsigned"):
            params = utils.cleanup_params(params)
            params = utils.sign_request(params, options)

        param_list = []
        for k, v in params.items():
            if isinstance(v, list):
                for vv in v:
                    param_list.append((k + "[]", vv))
            elif v:
                param_list.append((k, v))

        api_url = utils.cloudinary_api_url(action, **options)

        global _initialized
        if not _initialized:
            _initialized = True
            # Register the streaming http handlers with urllib2

        datagen = to_bytes("")
        headers = {}
        if "file" in options:
            file = options["file"]
            if not isinstance(file, string_types):
                datagen, headers = multipart_encode({'file': file})
            elif not re.match(
                file_io = open(file, "rb")
                datagen, headers = multipart_encode({'file': file_io})
                param_list.append(("file", file))
        request = urllib2.Request(api_url + "?" + urlencode(param_list),
                                  datagen, headers)
        request.add_header("User-Agent", cloudinary.USER_AGENT)

        code = 200
            response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
        except urllib2.HTTPError:
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            if not e.code in [200, 400, 500]:
                raise Error(
                    "Server returned unexpected status code - %d - %s" %
                    (e.code, e.read()))
            code = e.code
            response = e.read()

            result = json.loads(to_string(response))
        except Exception:
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            # Error is parsing json
            raise Error("Error parsing server response (%d) - %s. Got - %s",
                        code, response, e)

        if "error" in result:
            if return_error:
                result["error"]["http_code"] = response.code
                raise Error(result["error"]["message"])

        return result
        if file_io: file_io.close()
Ejemplo n.º 34
def cloudinary_url(source, **options):
    original_source = source

    type = options.pop("type", "upload")

    transformation, options = generate_transformation_string(**options)

    resource_type = options.pop("resource_type", "image")

    force_version = options.pop("force_version", cloudinary.config().force_version)
    if force_version is None:
        force_version = True

    version = options.pop("version", None)

    format = options.pop("format", None)
    cdn_subdomain = options.pop("cdn_subdomain", cloudinary.config().cdn_subdomain)
    secure_cdn_subdomain = options.pop("secure_cdn_subdomain",
    cname = options.pop("cname", cloudinary.config().cname)
    shorten = options.pop("shorten", cloudinary.config().shorten)

    cloud_name = options.pop("cloud_name", cloudinary.config().cloud_name or None)
    if cloud_name is None:
        raise ValueError("Must supply cloud_name in tag or in configuration")
    secure = options.pop("secure", cloudinary.config().secure)
    private_cdn = options.pop("private_cdn", cloudinary.config().private_cdn)
    secure_distribution = options.pop("secure_distribution",
    sign_url = options.pop("sign_url", cloudinary.config().sign_url)
    api_secret = options.pop("api_secret", cloudinary.config().api_secret)
    url_suffix = options.pop("url_suffix", None)
    use_root_path = options.pop("use_root_path", cloudinary.config().use_root_path)
    auth_token = options.pop("auth_token", None)
    long_url_signature = options.pop("long_url_signature", cloudinary.config().long_url_signature)
    signature_algorithm = options.pop("signature_algorithm", cloudinary.config().signature_algorithm)
    if auth_token is not False:
        auth_token = merge(cloudinary.config().auth_token, auth_token)

    if (not source) or type == "upload" and re.match(r'^https?:', source):
        return original_source, options

    resource_type, type = finalize_resource_type(
        resource_type, type, url_suffix, use_root_path, shorten)
    source, source_to_sign = finalize_source(source, format, url_suffix)

    if not version and force_version \
            and source_to_sign.find("/") >= 0 \
            and not re.match(r'^https?:/', source_to_sign) \
            and not re.match(r'^v[0-9]+', source_to_sign):
        version = "1"
    if version:
        version = "v" + str(version)
        version = None

    transformation = re.sub(r'([^:])/+', r'\1/', transformation)

    signature = None
    if sign_url and not auth_token:
        to_sign = "/".join(__compact([transformation, source_to_sign]))
        if long_url_signature:
            # Long signature forces SHA256
            signature_algorithm = SIGNATURE_SHA256
            chars_length = LONG_URL_SIGNATURE_LENGTH
            chars_length = SHORT_URL_SIGNATURE_LENGTH
        if signature_algorithm not in signature_algorithms:
            raise ValueError("Unsupported signature algorithm '{}'".format(signature_algorithm))
        hash_fn = signature_algorithms[signature_algorithm]
        signature = "s--" + to_string(
                hash_fn(to_bytes(to_sign + api_secret)).digest())[0:chars_length]) + "--"

    prefix = unsigned_download_url_prefix(
        source, cloud_name, private_cdn, cdn_subdomain, secure_cdn_subdomain,
        cname, secure, secure_distribution)
    source = "/".join(__compact(
        [prefix, resource_type, type, signature, transformation, version, source]))
    if sign_url and auth_token:
        path = urlparse(source).path
        token = cloudinary.auth_token.generate(**merge(auth_token, {"url": path}))
        source = "%s?%s" % (source, token)
    return source, options
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def encode_and_quote(data):
     if data is None:
         return None
     return quote_plus(to_bytes(data))
Ejemplo n.º 36
def smart_escape(source,unsafe = r"([^a-zA-Z0-9_.\-\/:]+)"):
    def pack(m):
        return to_bytes('%' + "%".join(["%02X" % x for x in struct.unpack('B' * len(m.group(1)), m.group(1))]).upper())
    return to_string(re.sub(to_bytes(unsafe), pack, to_bytes(source)))
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def pack(m):
     return to_bytes('%' + "%".join([
         "%02X" % x
         for x in struct.unpack('B' * len(m.group(1)), m.group(1))
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def encode_and_quote(data):
     if data is None:
         return None
     return quote_plus(to_bytes(data))