Ejemplo n.º 1
def dhcp_discovery(dhclient_cmd_path, interface, cleandir):
    """Run dhclient on the interface without scripts or filesystem artifacts.

    @param dhclient_cmd_path: Full path to the dhclient used.
    @param interface: Name of the network inteface on which to dhclient.
    @param cleandir: The directory from which to run dhclient as well as store
        dhcp leases.

    @return: A list of dicts of representing the dhcp leases parsed from the
        dhcp.leases file or empty list.
    LOG.debug('Performing a dhcp discovery on %s', interface)

    # XXX We copy dhclient out of /sbin/dhclient to avoid dealing with strict
    # app armor profiles which disallow running dhclient -sf <our-script-file>.
    # We want to avoid running /sbin/dhclient-script because of side-effects in
    # /etc/resolv.conf any any other vendor specific scripts in
    # /etc/dhcp/dhclient*hooks.d.
    sandbox_dhclient_cmd = os.path.join(cleandir, 'dhclient')
    util.copy(dhclient_cmd_path, sandbox_dhclient_cmd)
    pid_file = os.path.join(cleandir, 'dhclient.pid')
    lease_file = os.path.join(cleandir, 'dhcp.leases')

    # ISC dhclient needs the interface up to send initial discovery packets.
    # Generally dhclient relies on dhclient-script PREINIT action to bring the
    # link up before attempting discovery. Since we are using -sf /bin/true,
    # we need to do that "link up" ourselves first.
    util.subp(['ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', interface, 'up'], capture=True)
    cmd = [
        sandbox_dhclient_cmd, '-1', '-v', '-lf', lease_file, '-pf', pid_file,
        interface, '-sf', '/bin/true'
    util.subp(cmd, capture=True)

    # dhclient doesn't write a pid file until after it forks when it gets a
    # proper lease response. Since cleandir is a temp directory that gets
    # removed, we need to wait for that pidfile creation before the
    # cleandir is removed, otherwise we get FileNotFound errors.
    missing = util.wait_for_files([pid_file, lease_file],
    if missing:
        LOG.warning("dhclient did not produce expected files: %s",
                    ', '.join(os.path.basename(f) for f in missing))
        return []
    pid_content = util.load_file(pid_file).strip()
        pid = int(pid_content)
    except ValueError:
        LOG.debug("pid file contains non-integer content '%s'", pid_content)
        os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
    return parse_dhcp_lease_file(lease_file)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def address_ephemeral_resize(devpath=RESOURCE_DISK_PATH,
    # wait for ephemeral disk to come up
    naplen = .2
    missing = util.wait_for_files([devpath],
                                  log_pre="Azure ephemeral disk: ")

    if missing:
        LOG.warning("ephemeral device '%s' did not appear after %d seconds.",
                    devpath, maxwait)

    result = False
    msg = None
    if is_new_instance:
        result, msg = (True, "First instance boot.")
        result, msg = can_dev_be_reformatted(devpath, preserve_ntfs)

    LOG.debug("reformattable=%s: %s", result, msg)
    if not result:

    for mod in ['disk_setup', 'mounts']:
        sempath = '/var/lib/cloud/instance/sem/config_' + mod
        bmsg = 'Marker "%s" for module "%s"' % (sempath, mod)
        if os.path.exists(sempath):
                LOG.debug('%s removed.', bmsg)
            except Exception as e:
                # python3 throws FileNotFoundError, python2 throws OSError
                LOG.warning('%s: remove failed! (%s)', bmsg, e)
            LOG.debug('%s did not exist.', bmsg)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def dhcp_discovery(dhclient_cmd_path, interface, cleandir):
    """Run dhclient on the interface without scripts or filesystem artifacts.

    @param dhclient_cmd_path: Full path to the dhclient used.
    @param interface: Name of the network inteface on which to dhclient.
    @param cleandir: The directory from which to run dhclient as well as store
        dhcp leases.

    @return: A list of dicts of representing the dhcp leases parsed from the
        dhcp.leases file or empty list.
    LOG.debug('Performing a dhcp discovery on %s', interface)

    # XXX We copy dhclient out of /sbin/dhclient to avoid dealing with strict
    # app armor profiles which disallow running dhclient -sf <our-script-file>.
    # We want to avoid running /sbin/dhclient-script because of side-effects in
    # /etc/resolv.conf any any other vendor specific scripts in
    # /etc/dhcp/dhclient*hooks.d.
    sandbox_dhclient_cmd = os.path.join(cleandir, 'dhclient')
    util.copy(dhclient_cmd_path, sandbox_dhclient_cmd)
    pid_file = os.path.join(cleandir, 'dhclient.pid')
    lease_file = os.path.join(cleandir, 'dhcp.leases')

    # ISC dhclient needs the interface up to send initial discovery packets.
    # Generally dhclient relies on dhclient-script PREINIT action to bring the
    # link up before attempting discovery. Since we are using -sf /bin/true,
    # we need to do that "link up" ourselves first.
    util.subp(['ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', interface, 'up'], capture=True)
    cmd = [sandbox_dhclient_cmd, '-1', '-v', '-lf', lease_file,
           '-pf', pid_file, interface, '-sf', '/bin/true']
    util.subp(cmd, capture=True)

    # Wait for pid file and lease file to appear, and for the process
    # named by the pid file to daemonize (have pid 1 as its parent). If we
    # try to read the lease file before daemonization happens, we might try
    # to read it before the dhclient has actually written it. We also have
    # to wait until the dhclient has become a daemon so we can be sure to
    # kill the correct process, thus freeing cleandir to be deleted back
    # up the callstack.
    missing = util.wait_for_files(
        [pid_file, lease_file], maxwait=5, naplen=0.01)
    if missing:
        LOG.warning("dhclient did not produce expected files: %s",
                    ', '.join(os.path.basename(f) for f in missing))
        return []

    ppid = 'unknown'
    for _ in range(0, 1000):
        pid_content = util.load_file(pid_file).strip()
            pid = int(pid_content)
        except ValueError:
            ppid = util.get_proc_ppid(pid)
            if ppid == 1:
                LOG.debug('killing dhclient with pid=%s', pid)
                os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
                return parse_dhcp_lease_file(lease_file)

        'dhclient(pid=%s, parentpid=%s) failed to daemonize after %s seconds',
        pid_content, ppid, 0.01 * 1000
    return parse_dhcp_lease_file(lease_file)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def dhcp_discovery(dhclient_cmd_path, interface, cleandir, dhcp_log_func=None):
    """Run dhclient on the interface without scripts or filesystem artifacts.

    @param dhclient_cmd_path: Full path to the dhclient used.
    @param interface: Name of the network inteface on which to dhclient.
    @param cleandir: The directory from which to run dhclient as well as store
        dhcp leases.
    @param dhcp_log_func: A callable accepting the dhclient output and error

    @return: A list of dicts of representing the dhcp leases parsed from the
        dhcp.leases file or empty list.
    LOG.debug("Performing a dhcp discovery on %s", interface)

    # XXX We copy dhclient out of /sbin/dhclient to avoid dealing with strict
    # app armor profiles which disallow running dhclient -sf <our-script-file>.
    # We want to avoid running /sbin/dhclient-script because of side-effects in
    # /etc/resolv.conf any any other vendor specific scripts in
    # /etc/dhcp/dhclient*hooks.d.
    sandbox_dhclient_cmd = os.path.join(cleandir, "dhclient")
    util.copy(dhclient_cmd_path, sandbox_dhclient_cmd)
    pid_file = os.path.join(cleandir, "dhclient.pid")
    lease_file = os.path.join(cleandir, "dhcp.leases")

    # In some cases files in /var/tmp may not be executable, launching dhclient
    # from there will certainly raise 'Permission denied' error. Try launching
    # the original dhclient instead.
    if not os.access(sandbox_dhclient_cmd, os.X_OK):
        sandbox_dhclient_cmd = dhclient_cmd_path

    # ISC dhclient needs the interface up to send initial discovery packets.
    # Generally dhclient relies on dhclient-script PREINIT action to bring the
    # link up before attempting discovery. Since we are using -sf /bin/true,
    # we need to do that "link up" ourselves first.
    subp.subp(["ip", "link", "set", "dev", interface, "up"], capture=True)
    cmd = [
    out, err = subp.subp(cmd, capture=True)

    # Wait for pid file and lease file to appear, and for the process
    # named by the pid file to daemonize (have pid 1 as its parent). If we
    # try to read the lease file before daemonization happens, we might try
    # to read it before the dhclient has actually written it. We also have
    # to wait until the dhclient has become a daemon so we can be sure to
    # kill the correct process, thus freeing cleandir to be deleted back
    # up the callstack.
    missing = util.wait_for_files([pid_file, lease_file],
    if missing:
            "dhclient did not produce expected files: %s",
            ", ".join(os.path.basename(f) for f in missing),
        return []

    ppid = "unknown"
    daemonized = False
    for _ in range(0, 1000):
        pid_content = util.load_file(pid_file).strip()
            pid = int(pid_content)
        except ValueError:
            ppid = util.get_proc_ppid(pid)
            if ppid == 1:
                LOG.debug("killing dhclient with pid=%s", pid)
                os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
                daemonized = True

    if not daemonized:
            "dhclient(pid=%s, parentpid=%s) failed to daemonize after %s "
            0.01 * 1000,
    if dhcp_log_func is not None:
        dhcp_log_func(out, err)
    return parse_dhcp_lease_file(lease_file)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def dhcp_discovery(dhclient_cmd_path, interface, cleandir):
    """Run dhclient on the interface without scripts or filesystem artifacts.

    @param dhclient_cmd_path: Full path to the dhclient used.
    @param interface: Name of the network inteface on which to dhclient.
    @param cleandir: The directory from which to run dhclient as well as store
        dhcp leases.

    @return: A list of dicts of representing the dhcp leases parsed from the
        dhcp.leases file or empty list.
    LOG.debug('Performing a dhcp discovery on %s', interface)

    # XXX We copy dhclient out of /sbin/dhclient to avoid dealing with strict
    # app armor profiles which disallow running dhclient -sf <our-script-file>.
    # We want to avoid running /sbin/dhclient-script because of side-effects in
    # /etc/resolv.conf any any other vendor specific scripts in
    # /etc/dhcp/dhclient*hooks.d.
    sandbox_dhclient_cmd = os.path.join(cleandir, 'dhclient')
    util.copy(dhclient_cmd_path, sandbox_dhclient_cmd)
    pid_file = os.path.join(cleandir, 'dhclient.pid')
    lease_file = os.path.join(cleandir, 'dhcp.leases')

    # ISC dhclient needs the interface up to send initial discovery packets.
    # Generally dhclient relies on dhclient-script PREINIT action to bring the
    # link up before attempting discovery. Since we are using -sf /bin/true,
    # we need to do that "link up" ourselves first.
    util.subp(['ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', interface, 'up'], capture=True)
    cmd = [sandbox_dhclient_cmd, '-1', '-v', '-lf', lease_file,
           '-pf', pid_file, interface, '-sf', '/bin/true']
    util.subp(cmd, capture=True)

    # Wait for pid file and lease file to appear, and for the process
    # named by the pid file to daemonize (have pid 1 as its parent). If we
    # try to read the lease file before daemonization happens, we might try
    # to read it before the dhclient has actually written it. We also have
    # to wait until the dhclient has become a daemon so we can be sure to
    # kill the correct process, thus freeing cleandir to be deleted back
    # up the callstack.
    missing = util.wait_for_files(
        [pid_file, lease_file], maxwait=5, naplen=0.01)
    if missing:
        LOG.warning("dhclient did not produce expected files: %s",
                    ', '.join(os.path.basename(f) for f in missing))
        return []

    ppid = 'unknown'
    for _ in range(0, 1000):
        pid_content = util.load_file(pid_file).strip()
            pid = int(pid_content)
        except ValueError:
            ppid = util.get_proc_ppid(pid)
            if ppid == 1:
                LOG.debug('killing dhclient with pid=%s', pid)
                os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
                return parse_dhcp_lease_file(lease_file)

        'dhclient(pid=%s, parentpid=%s) failed to daemonize after %s seconds',
        pid_content, ppid, 0.01 * 1000
    return parse_dhcp_lease_file(lease_file)