Ejemplo n.º 1
    def boot(self, cloud=None, image=None, flavor=None, key=None, arguments=None):
        Boots the image on a specified cloud

        :param image: The name of the image
        :type image: str
        :param flavor: The name of the flavor
        :type flavor: str
        :param key: The name of the key
        :type key: str
        :param cloud: The name of the cloud
        :type cloud: str
        :param arguments: An array of arguments
        :type arguments: list of str
        :return: the id of the vm
        :rtype: str
        if cloud is None:
            cloud = Default.get("cloud", "general")
            print("get default cloud: " + str(cloud))
        if image is None:
            image = Default.get("image", cloud)
            print("get default image ", str(image))
        if flavor is None:
            flavor = Default.get("flavor", cloud)
            print("get default flavor ", str(flavor))
        if key is None:
            key = Default.get("key", str(cloud))
            print("get default key ", str(key))

        # command_key

        print("boot an image", image, flavor, key, cloud, arguments)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_info(cls, cloud="kilo", name=None, output="table"):
        Method to get info about a group
        :param cloud:
        :param name:
        :param output:
            cloud = cloud or Default.get("cloud")
            args = {
                "name": name,
                "cloud": cloud

            # group = cls.get(name=name, cloud=cloud)
            group = cls.cm.find("group", output="object", **args).first()

            if group is not None:
                d = cls.to_dict(group)
                # Transform the dict to show multiple rows per vm
                newdict = Group.transform_dict(d)
                return None

            return dict_printer(newdict,
        except Exception as ex:
            Console.error(ex.message, ex)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, context):
        self.command_topics = {}
        self.context = context
        if self.context.debug:
            print("init CloudmeshConsole")

        self.prompt = 'ghost> '

        self.banner = textwrap.dedent("""
            .                          _   .-')       ('-.   .-') _    .
            .                         ( '.( OO )_   _(  OO) (  OO) )   .
            .     .-----.  .-'),-----. ,--.   ,--.)(,------./     '._  .
            .    '  .--./ ( OO'  .-.  '|   `.'   |  |  .---'|'--...__) .
            .    |  |('-. /   |  | |  ||         |  |  |    '--.  .--' .
            .   /_) |OO  )\_) |  |\|  ||  |'.'|  | (|  '--.    |  |    .
            .   ||  |`-'|   \ |  | |  ||  |   |  |  |  .--'    |  |    .
            .  (_'  '--'\    `'  '-'  '|  |   |  |  |  `---.   |  |    .
            .     `-----'      `-----' `--'   `--'  `------'   `--'    .
                                  Comet Ghost Shell
        # KeyCommands.__init__(self, context)

        # set default cloud and default group if they do not exist
        # use the first cloud in cloudmesh.yaml as default
        value = Default.get('cloud', 'general')
        if value is None:
            filename = path_expand("~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.yaml")
            clouds = ConfigDict(filename=filename)["cloudmesh"]["clouds"]
            cloud = clouds.keys()[0]
            Default.set('cloud', cloud, 'general')

        value = Default.get('default', 'general')
        if value is None:
            Default.set('default', 'default', 'general')

        for c in CloudmeshConsole.__bases__[1:]:
            # noinspection PyArgumentList
            c.__init__(self, context)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_007(self):
     set default variable
     name = "myvar"
     value = "myvalue"
     cloud = "mycloud"
     Default.set(name, value, cloud)
     assert Default.get(name, cloud) == value
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def do_usage(self, args, arguments):

                usage list [--cloud=CLOUD] [--start=START] [--end=END] [--tenant=TENANT] [--format=FORMAT]

                Show usage data.

               --format=FORMAT  the output format [default: table]
               --cloud=CLOUD    the cloud name
               --tenant=TENANT  the tenant name
               --start=START    Usage range start date ex 2012-01-20, default is: 4 weeks ago
               --end=END        Usage range end date, ex 2012-01-20, default is: tomorrow

                cm usage list


        if arguments["list"]:
            cloud = arguments["--cloud"] or Default.get("cloud")

            if not cloud:
                Console.error("cloud doesn't exist")
                return ""
            output_format = arguments["--format"]
            start = arguments["--start"]
            end = arguments["--end"]
            tenant = arguments["--tenant"]
            usage = Usage.list(cloud,
            return ""
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def do_list(self, args, arguments):

                list [--cloud=CLOUD] [--format=FORMAT] [--user=USER] [--tenant=TENANT] default
                list [--cloud=CLOUD] [--format=FORMAT] [--user=USER] [--tenant=TENANT] vm
                list [--cloud=CLOUD] [--format=FORMAT] [--user=USER] [--tenant=TENANT] flavor
                list [--cloud=CLOUD] [--format=FORMAT] [--user=USER] [--tenant=TENANT] image

            List the items stored in the database

                --cloud=CLOUD    the name of the cloud
                --format=FORMAT  the output format
                --tenant=TENANT     Name of the tenant, e.g. fg82.

                List command prints the values stored in the database
                for [default/vm/flavor/image].
                Result can be filtered based on the cloud, user & tenant arguments.
                If these arguments are not specified, it reads the default

                $ list --cloud india default
                $ list --cloud india --format table flavor
                $ list --cloud india --user albert --tenant fg82 flavor
        # pprint(arguments)

        # Method to get the kind from args
        # TODO: the kind are defined in the provider,
        # TODO: keep the kind lower case
        # why is there a reason to make the gind upper case
        def get_kind():
            for k in ["vm", "image", "flavor", "default"]:
                if arguments[k]:
                    # kinds are all uppercase in model.py
                    return k.upper()
            return "help"

        # Read commandline arguments
        output_format = arguments['--format']
        cloud = arguments['--cloud'] or Default.get_cloud()
        user = arguments['--user']
        tenant = arguments['--tenant']

        # If format is not specified, read default
        if output_format is None:
            output_format = Default.get("format") or "table"

        # If cloud is not specified, get default
        if cloud is None:
            cloud = Default.get("cloud") or "india"

        # If user is not specified, get default
        if user is None:
            user = Default.get("user")

        # If tenant is not specified, get default
        if tenant is None:
            tenant = Default.get("tenant")

        # Get the kind
        kind = get_kind()
        header = None
        order = None

        # print help message
        if kind == 'help':
            Console.ok("Print help!")
            return ""

        # Prepare the order & header based on kind
        # TODO: use lower case so we have a convention thats easy to follow
        # TODO: add quota
        # TODO: add limits
        # TODO: add usage
        if kind == 'FLAVOR':
            order = [
        elif kind == 'DEFAULT':
            order = ['user',
        elif kind == 'IMAGE':
            order = [
            header = [

        # Get the result & print it
        result = List.list(kind,
        if result:
            Console.error("No {}s found in the database."
        return ""
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def do_sync(self, args, arguments):
                sync put [--cloud=CLOUD] [--group=GROUP] LOCALDIR [REMOTEDIR]
                sync get [--cloud=CLOUD] [--group=GROUP] REMOTEDIR LOCALDIR
                sync put [--server=SERVER] [--group=GROUP] LOCALDIR [REMOTEDIR]
                sync get [--server=SERVER] [--group=GROUP] REMOTEDIR LOCALDIR

            A simple wrapper for the openstack nova command

                LOCALDIR        A directory on local machine
                REMOTEDIR       A directory on remote machine

                --cloud=CLOUD   Sync with cloud

        cloudname = arguments["--cloud"] or Default.get_cloud()

        if cloudname is None:
            Console.error("Default cloud has not been set!"
                          "Please use the following to set it:\n"
                          "cm default cloud=CLOUDNAME\n"
                          "or provide it via the --cloud=CLOUDNAME argument.")

        # Get the arguments
        group = arguments["--group"] or Default.get("group", cloudname)

        localdir = arguments["LOCALDIR"]
        remotedir = arguments["REMOTEDIR"]

        if arguments["put"]:
            # validate local directory exists
            if localdir is None:
                Console.error("Please provide the [LOCALDIR] argument.")
                return ""

            result = Sync.sync(cloudname=cloudname,

            if result is not None:
                Console.ok("Successuly synced local and remote directories.")

        elif arguments["get"]:
            # validate local directory exists
            if localdir is None:
                Console.error("Please provide the [LOCALDIR] argument.")
                return ""

            result = Sync.sync(cloudname=cloudname,

            if result is not None:
                Console.ok("Successuly synced local and remote directories.")

        return ""
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: cm.py Proyecto: atavism/client
    def __init__(self, context):
        self.command_topics = {}
        self.context = context
        if self.context.debug:
            print("init CloudmeshConsole")

        self.prompt = 'cm> '

        self.banner = textwrap.dedent("""
            .   ____ _                 _                     _      .
            .  / ___| | ___  _   _  __| |_ __ ___   ___  ___| |__   .
            . | |   | |/ _ \| | | |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ __| '_ \  .
            . | |___| | (_) | |_| | (_| | | | | | |  __/\__ \ | | | .
            .  \____|_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___||___/_| |_| .
                                 Cloudmesh Shell
        # KeyCommands.__init__(self, context)

        # set default cloud and default group if they do not exist
        # use the first cloud in cloudmesh.yaml as default

        filename = path_expand("~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.yaml")

        # sys,exit(1)

        value = Default.get('cloud', cloud='general')
        if value is None:
            clouds = ConfigDict(filename=filename)["cloudmesh"]["clouds"]
            cloud = clouds.keys()[0]
            Default.set('cloud', cloud, cloud='general')

        value = Default.get('default', cloud='general')
        if value is None:
            Default.set('default', 'default', cloud='general')

        cluster = 'india'  # hardcode a value if not defined
        value = Default.get('cluster', cloud='general')
        if value is None:
                hosts = ssh_config().names()
                if hosts is not None:
                    cluster = hosts[0]
                pass  # use the hardcoded cluster

            cluster = value
        Default.set('cluster', cluster, cloud='general')

        # Read cloud details from yaml file
        filename = 'cloudmesh.yaml'
        config = ConfigDict(filename=filename)["cloudmesh"]
        clouds = config["clouds"]

        defaults = {'clouds': {},
                    'key': {}}

        for cloud in clouds:
            if "default" in config['clouds'][cloud]:
                defaults['clouds'][cloud] = config["clouds"][cloud]['default']

        if "default" in config["keys"]:
            defaults["keys"] = config["keys"]["default"]
            defaults['key'] = None

        for cloud in defaults["clouds"]:
            for default, value in defaults["clouds"][cloud].iteritems():
                Default.set(default, value, cloud=cloud)

        for c in CloudmeshConsole.__bases__[1:]:
            # noinspection PyArgumentList
            c.__init__(self, context)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def do_secgroup(self, args, arguments):

                secgroup list [--cloud=CLOUD] [--tenant=TENANT]
                secgroup create [--cloud=CLOUD] [--tenant=TENANT] LABEL
                secgroup delete [--cloud=CLOUD] [--tenant=TENANT] LABEL
                secgroup rules-list [--cloud=CLOUD] [--tenant=TENANT] LABEL
                secgroup rules-add [--cloud=CLOUD] [--tenant=TENANT] LABEL FROMPORT TOPORT PROTOCOL CIDR
                secgroup rules-delete [--cloud=CLOUD] [--tenant=TENANT] LABEL FROMPORT TOPORT PROTOCOL CIDR
                secgroup -h | --help
                secgroup --version

                -h                  help message
                --cloud=CLOUD       Name of the IaaS cloud e.g. india_openstack_grizzly.
                --tenant=TENANT     Name of the tenant, e.g. fg82.

                LABEL         The label/name of the security group
                FROMPORT      Staring port of the rule, e.g. 22
                TOPORT        Ending port of the rule, e.g. 22
                PROTOCOL      Protocol applied, e.g. TCP,UDP,ICMP
                CIDR          IP address range in CIDR format, e.g.,

                security_group command provides list/add/delete
                security_groups for a tenant of a cloud, as well as
                list/add/delete of rules for a security group from a
                specified cloud and tenant.

                $ secgroup list --cloud india --tenant fg82
                $ secgroup rules-list --cloud india --tenant fg82 default
                $ secgroup create --cloud india --tenant fg82 webservice
                $ secgroup rules-add --cloud india --tenant fg82 webservice 8080 8088 TCP ""

        # pprint(arguments)

        cloud = arguments["--cloud"] or Default.get_cloud()

        if arguments["list"]:
            # if no arguments read default
            tenant = arguments["--tenant"] or Default.get("tenant")

            # If default not set, terminate
            if not cloud:
                Console.error("Default cloud not set!")
            if not tenant:
                Console.error("Default tenant not set!")
                return ""

            result = SecGroup.list(tenant, cloud)
            if result:
                    "No Security Groups found in the cloudmesh database!")
            return ""

        elif arguments["create"]:
            # if no arguments read default
            tenant = arguments["--tenant"] or Default.get("tenant", cloud)
            label = arguments["LABEL"]

            # If default not set, terminate
            if not cloud:
                Console.error("Default cloud not set!")
            if not tenant:
                Console.error("Default tenant not set!")
                return ""

            # Create returns uuid of created sec-group
            uuid = SecGroup.create(label, cloud, tenant)

            if uuid:
                Console.ok("Created a new security group [{}] with UUID [{}]"
                           .format(label, uuid))
            return ""

        elif arguments["delete"]:
            # if no arguments read default
            tenant = arguments["--tenant"] or Default.get("tenant", cloud)
            label = arguments["LABEL"]

            # If default not set, terminate
            if not cloud:
                Console.error("Default cloud not set!")
                return ""
            if not tenant:
                Console.error("Default tenant not set!")
                return ""

            result = SecGroup.delete_secgroup(label, cloud, tenant)
            if result:
                Console.error("Security Group [{}, {}, {}] could not be "
                              "deleted".format(label, cloud, tenant))

            return ""

        elif arguments["rules-delete"]:
            # if no arguments read default
            cloud = arguments["--cloud"]
            tenant = arguments["--tenant"] or Default.get("tenant", cloud)

            label = arguments["LABEL"]
            from_port = arguments["FROMPORT"]
            to_port = arguments["TOPORT"]
            protocol = arguments["PROTOCOL"]
            cidr = arguments["CIDR"]

            # If default not set, terminate
            if not cloud:
                Console.error("Default cloud not set!")
                return ""
            if not tenant:
                Console.error("Default tenant not set!")
                return ""

            # Get the security group
            sec_group = SecGroup.get(label, tenant, cloud)
            if sec_group:
                # Get the rules
                result = SecGroup.delete_rule(sec_group, from_port, to_port,
                                              protocol, cidr)
                if result:
                        "Rule [{} | {} | {} | {}] could not be deleted"
                        .format(from_port, to_port, protocol, cidr))

            return ""

        elif arguments["rules-list"]:
            # if no arguments read default
            tenant = arguments["--tenant"] or Default.get("tenant", cloud)
            label = arguments["LABEL"]

            # If default not set, terminate
            if not cloud:
                Console.error("Default cloud not set!")
                return ""
            if not tenant:
                Console.error("Default tenant not set!")
                return ""

            # Get the security group
            sec_group = SecGroup.get(label, tenant, cloud)
            if sec_group:
                # Get the rules
                result = SecGroup.get_rules(sec_group.uuid)
                    "Security Group with label [{}], cloud [{}], and "
                    "tenant [{}] not found!"
                    .format(label, cloud, tenant))
                return ""

        elif arguments["rules-add"]:
            # if no arguments read default
            tenant = arguments["--tenant"] or Default.get("tenant", cloud)

            label = arguments["LABEL"]
            from_port = arguments["FROMPORT"]
            to_port = arguments["TOPORT"]
            protocol = arguments["PROTOCOL"]
            cidr = arguments["CIDR"]

            # If default not set, terminate
            if not cloud:
                Console.error("Default cloud not set!")
                return ""
            if not tenant:
                Console.error("Default tenant not set!")
                return ""

            # Get the security group
            sec_group = SecGroup.get(label, tenant, cloud)
            if sec_group:
                # Add rules to the security group
                SecGroup.add_rule(sec_group, from_port, to_port, protocol,
                    "Security Group with label [{}], cloud [{}], and tenant [{"
                    "}] not found!".format(label, cloud, tenant))
                return ""

        # TODO: Add Implementation
        elif arguments["--version"]:
            Console.ok('Version: ')

        return ""
Ejemplo n.º 10
                Console.error("Problem booting instance {:}".format(name))

        elif arguments["default"]:
                count = Counter.get()
                prefix = Username()

                if prefix is None or count is None:
                    Console.error("Prefix and Count could not be retrieved correctly.")

                vm_name = prefix + "-" + str(count).zfill(3)
                data = {"name": vm_name,
                        "cloud": arguments["--cloud"] or Default.get_cloud()}
                for attribute in ["image", "flavor", "key", "login_key", "group", "secgroup"]:
                    data[attribute] = Default.get(attribute, cloud=cloud)
                output_format = arguments["--format"] or "table"
                print (attribute_printer(data, output=output_format))
                msg = "info. OK."
                ValueError("default command not implemented properly. Upon "
                           "first install the defaults should be read from yaml.")
            except Exception, e:
                import traceback
                Console.error("Problem listing defaults")

        elif arguments["status"]:
                cloud_provider = CloudProvider(cloud).provider
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def do_nova(self, args, arguments):
                nova set CLOUD
                nova info [CLOUD] [--password]
                nova help
                nova [--group=GROUP] ARGUMENTS...

            A simple wrapper for the openstack nova command

                GROUP           The group to add vms to
                ARGUMENTS       The arguments passed to nova
                help            Prints the nova manual
                set             reads the information from the current cloud
                                and updates the environment variables if
                                the cloud is an openstack cloud
                info            the environment values for OS

                --group=GROUP   Add VM to GROUP group
                --password      Prints the password
                -v              verbose mode

        # pprint(arguments)
        cloud = arguments['CLOUD'] or Default.get_cloud()
        if not cloud:
            Console.error("Default cloud not set!")
            return ""

        group = arguments["--group"] or Default.get("group", cloud=cloud)

        if not group:
            Console.error("Default group not set!")
            return ""

        if arguments["help"]:
            os.system("nova help")
            return ""
        elif arguments["info"]:
            d = {}
            # TODO: this naturally does not work as clouds will have
            # different parameters. ALos it does not unset previous
            # parameters from other clouds. See register
            for attribute in ['OS_USERNAME',
                    d[attribute] = os.environ[attribute]
                    Console.warning("OS environment variable {:} not found"
                    d[attribute] = None
                if not arguments["--password"]:
                    d['OS_PASSWORD'] = "******"
            print(row_table(d, order=None, labels=["Variable", "Value"]))
            msg = "info. OK."
            return ""
        elif arguments["set"]:
            if cloud:


                msg = "{0} is set".format(cloud)
                Console.error("CLOUD is required")

        else:  # nova ARGUMENTS...
            print("Cloud = {0}".format(cloud))
                args = arguments["ARGUMENTS"]

                # arguments may contain multiple optional arguments
                if len(args) == 1:
                    args = args[0].split()

                result = Shell.execute("nova", args)


                If request for nova boot,
                add the vm to group specified,
                or else add to default group
                if "boot" in args:
                    # Logic to find ID of VM in the result
                    fields = []
                    for field in result.split("|"):
                    index = fields.index('id') + 1
                    vm_id = fields[index]

                    # Add to group
                    Group.add(name=group, type="vm", id=vm_id, cloud=cloud)
            except Exception, ex:
                Console.error("Error executing Nova command: {}".format(ex))
            return ""
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def do_default(self, args, arguments):

              default list [--cloud=CLOUD] [--format=FORMAT] [--all]
              default delete KEY [--cloud=CLOUD]
              default KEY [--cloud=CLOUD]
              default KEY=VALUE [--cloud=CLOUD]


            KEY    the name of the default
            VALUE  the value to set the key to


             --cloud=CLOUD    the name of the cloud
             --format=FORMAT  the output format [default: table]
             --all            lists all the default values


            Cloudmesh has the ability to manage easily multiple
            clouds. One of the key concepts to make the list of such
            clouds easier is the introduction of defaults for each
            cloud or globally. Hence it is possible to set default
            images, flavors for each cloud, and also the default
            cloud. The default command is used to set and list the
            default values. These defaults are used in other commands
            if they are not overwritten by a command parameter.

        The current default values can by listed with --all option:(
        if you have a default cloud specified. You can also add a
        cloud parameter to apply the command to a specific cloud)

               default list

            A default can be set with

                default KEY=VALUE

            To look up a default value you can say

                default KEY

            A default can be deleted with

                default delete KEY

            default list --all
            default list --cloud=general
            default image=xyz
            default image=abc --cloud=kilo
            default image
            default image --cloud=kilo
            default delete image
            default delete image --cloud=kilo
        # pprint(arguments)

        For these keys, the 'cloud' column in db
        will always be 'general'.
        general_keys = ["cloud", "cluster", "queue"]

        If the default cloud has been set (eg. default cloud=xxx),
        then subsequent defaults for any key (eg. default image=yyy),
        will have 'cloud' column in db as the default cloud that was set.
        (eg. image=yyy for cloud=xxx).

        if arguments["KEY"] in general_keys:
            cloud = "general"
            cloud = arguments["--cloud"] or Default.get("cloud", "general") or "general"

        if arguments["list"]:
            output_format = arguments["--format"]

            if arguments['--all'] or arguments["--cloud"] is None:
                cloud = None
            result = Default.list(cloud=cloud, format=output_format)

            if result is None:
                Console.error("No default values found")
            return ""

        elif arguments["delete"]:

            key = arguments["KEY"]
            result = Default.delete(key, cloud)
            if result is None:
                Console.error("Key {} not present".format(key))
                Console.ok("Deleted key {} for cloud {}. ok.".format(key,
            return ""

        elif "=" in arguments["KEY"]:
            key, value = arguments["KEY"].split("=")
            if key in general_keys:
                cloud = "general"
            Default.set(key, value, cloud)
                "set in defaults {}={}. ok.".format(key, value))
            return ""

        elif arguments["KEY"]:
            key = arguments["KEY"]
            result = Default.get(key, cloud)
            if result is None:
                Console.error("No default values found")
                Console.ok("Default value for {} is {}".format(key, result))
            return ""
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def do_default(self, args, arguments):

              default list [--cloud=CLOUD] [--format=FORMAT] [--all]
              default delete KEY [--cloud=CLOUD]
              default KEY [--cloud=CLOUD]
              default KEY=VALUE [--cloud=CLOUD]

            KEY    the name of the default
            VALUE  the value to set the key to

             --cloud=CLOUD    the name of the cloud
             --format=FORMAT  the output format. Values include
                              table, json, csv, yaml. [default: table]
             --all            lists all the default values

            Cloudmesh has the ability to manage easily multiple
            clouds. One of the key concepts to manage multiple clouds
            is to use defaults for the cloud, the images, flavors,
            and other values. The default command is used to manage
            such default values. These defaults are used in other commands
            if they are not overwritten by a command parameter.

            The current default values can by listed with

                default list --all

            Via the default command you can list, set, get and delete
            default values. You can list the defaults with

               default list

            A default can be set with

                default KEY=VALUE

            To look up a default value you can say

                default KEY

            A default can be deleted with

                default delete KEY

            To be specific to a cloud you can specify the name of the
            cloud with the --cloud=CLOUD option. The list command can
            print the information in various formats iv specified.

                lists the default for the current default cloud

            default list --all
                lists all default values

            default list --cloud=kilo
                lists the defaults for the cloud with the name kilo

            default image=xyz
                sets the default image for the default cloud to xyz

            default image=abc --cloud=kilo
                sets the default image for the cloud kilo to xyz

            default image
                list the default image of the default cloud

            default image --cloud=kilo
                list the default image of the cloud kilo

            default delete image
                deletes the value for the default image in the
                default cloud

            default delete image --cloud=kilo
                deletes the value for the default image in the
                cloud kilo

        # pprint(arguments)

        For these keys, the 'cloud' column in db
        will always be 'general'.
        general_keys = ["cloud", "cluster", "queue"]

        If the default cloud has been set (eg. default cloud=xxx),
        then subsequent defaults for any key (eg. default image=yyy),
        will have 'cloud' column in db as the default cloud that was set.
        (eg. image=yyy for cloud=xxx).

        if arguments["KEY"] in general_keys:
            cloud = "general"
        elif args == '':
            cloud = "general"
            arguments["--cloud"] = cloud
            arguments["list"] = True
            order=['name', 'value']
            output_format = arguments["--format"]
            result = Default.list(cloud=cloud, order=order, format=output_format)
            print (result)
            return ""

            cloud = arguments["--cloud"] or Default.get("cloud", "general") or "general"

        if arguments["list"]:
            output_format = arguments["--format"]

            if arguments['--all'] or arguments["--cloud"] is None:
                cloud = None
            result = Default.list(cloud=cloud, format=output_format)

            if result is None:
                Console.error("No default values found")
            return ""

        elif arguments["delete"]:

            key = arguments["KEY"]
            result = Default.delete(key, cloud)
            if result is None:
                Console.error("Key {} not present".format(key))
                Console.ok("Deleted key {} for cloud {}. ok.".format(key,
            return ""

        elif "=" in arguments["KEY"]:
            key, value = arguments["KEY"].split("=")
            if key in general_keys:
                cloud = "general"
            Default.set(key, value, cloud)
                "set in defaults {}={}. ok.".format(key, value))
            return ""

        elif arguments["KEY"]:
            key = arguments["KEY"]
            result = Default.get(key, cloud)
            if result is None:
                Console.error("No default values found")
                Console.ok("Default value for {} is {}".format(key, result))
            return ""
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def do_network(self, args, arguments):

                network get fixed [ip] [--cloud=CLOUD] FIXED_IP
                network get floating [ip] [--cloud=CLOUD] FLOATING_IP_ID
                network reserve fixed [ip] [--cloud=CLOUD] FIXED_IP
                network unreserve fixed [ip] [--cloud=CLOUD] FIXED_IP
                network associate floating [ip] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--group=GROUP] [--instance=INS_ID_OR_NAME] [FLOATING_IP]
                network disassociate floating [ip] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--group=GROUP] [--instance=INS_ID_OR_NAME] [FLOATING_IP]
                network create floating [ip] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--pool=FLOATING_IP_POOL]
                network delete floating [ip] [--cloud=CLOUD] FLOATING_IP...
                network list floating pool [--cloud=CLOUD]
                network list floating [ip] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--instance=INS_ID_OR_NAME] [IP_OR_ID]
                network create cluster --group=demo_group
                network -h | --help

                -h                          help message
                --cloud=CLOUD               Name of the IaaS cloud e.g. india_openstack_grizzly.
                --group=GROUP               Name of the group in Cloudmesh
                --pool=FLOATING_IP_POOL     Name of Floating IP Pool
                --instance=INS_ID_OR_NAME   ID or Name of the vm instance

                IP_OR_ID        IP Address or ID of IP Address
                FIXED_IP        Fixed IP Address, e.g.
                FLOATING_IP     Floating IP Address, e.g.
                FLOATING_IP_ID  ID associated with Floating IP, e.g. 185c5195-e824-4e7b-8581-703abec4bc01

                $ network get fixed ip --cloud=india
                $ network get fixed --cloud=india
                $ network get floating ip --cloud=india 185c5195-e824-4e7b-8581-703abec4bc01
                $ network get floating --cloud=india 185c5195-e824-4e7b-8581-703abec4bc01
                $ network reserve fixed ip --cloud=india
                $ network reserve fixed --cloud=india
                $ network unreserve fixed ip --cloud=india
                $ network unreserve fixed --cloud=india
                $ network associate floating ip --cloud=india --instance=albert-001
                $ network associate floating --cloud=india --instance=albert-001
                $ network associate floating --cloud=india --group=albert_group
                $ network disassociate floating ip --cloud=india --instance=albert-001
                $ network disassociate floating --cloud=india --instance=albert-001
                $ network create floating ip --cloud=india --pool=albert-f01
                $ network create floating --cloud=india --pool=albert-f01
                $ network delete floating ip --cloud=india
                $ network delete floating --cloud=india
                $ network list floating ip --cloud=india
                $ network list floating --cloud=india
                $ network list floating --cloud=india
                $ network list floating --cloud=india --instance=323c5195-7yy34-4e7b-8581-703abec4b
                $ network list floating pool --cloud=india
                $ network create cluster --group=demo_group

        # pprint(arguments)
        # Get the cloud parameter OR read default
        cloudname = arguments["--cloud"] or Default.get_cloud()

        if cloudname is None:
            Console.error("Default cloud has not been set!"
                          "Please use the following to set it:\n"
                          "cm default cloud=CLOUDNAME\n"
                          "or provide it via the --cloud=CLOUDNAME argument.")
            return ""

        # Fixed IP info
        if arguments["get"] \
                and arguments["fixed"]:
            fixed_ip = arguments["FIXED_IP"]
            result = Network.get_fixed_ip(cloudname,

        # Floating IP info
        elif arguments["get"] \
                and arguments["floating"]:
            floating_ip_id = arguments["FLOATING_IP_ID"]
            result = Network.get_floating_ip(cloudname,

        # Reserve a fixed ip
        elif arguments["reserve"] \
                and arguments["fixed"]:
            fixed_ip = arguments["FIXED_IP"]
            result = Network.reserve_fixed_ip(cloudname=cloudname,
            if result is not None:
                Console.ok("Reserve fixed ip address [{}] complete.".format(fixed_ip))

        # Un-Reserve a fixed ip
        elif arguments["unreserve"] \
                and arguments["fixed"]:
            fixed_ip = arguments["FIXED_IP"]
            result = Network.unreserve_fixed_ip(cloudname=cloudname,
            if result is not None:
                Console.ok("Un-Reserve fixed ip address [{}] complete.".format(fixed_ip))

        # Associate floating IP
        elif arguments["associate"] \
                and arguments["floating"]:

            # Get all command-line arguments
            group_name = arguments["--group"]
            instance_id = arguments["--instance"]
            floating_ip = arguments["FLOATING_IP"]


            # group supplied
            if group_name is not None:
                Group name has been provided.
                Assign floating IPs to all vms in the group
                and return
                # Get the group information
                group = Group.get_info(name=group_name,
                if group is not None:
                    # Convert from str to json
                    group = json.loads(group)
                    # For each vm in the group
                    # Create and assign a floating IP
                    for item in group:
                        instance_id = group[item]["value"]
                        # Get the instance dict
                        instance_dict = Network.get_instance_dict(cloudname=cloudname,
                        # Instance not found
                        if instance_dict is None:
                            Console.error("Instance [{}] not found in the cloudmesh database!"
                            return ""

                        # Get the instance name
                        instance_name = instance_dict["name"]
                        floating_ip = Network.create_assign_floating_ip(cloudname=cloudname,
                        if floating_ip is not None:
                            Console.ok("Created and assigned Floating IP [{}] to instance [{}]."
                                       .format(floating_ip, instance_name))
                            # Refresh VM in db
                    Console.error("No group [{}] in the Cloudmesh database."
                    return ""

            # floating-ip not supplied, instance-id supplied
            elif len(floating_ip)==0 and instance_id is not None:
                Floating IP has not been provided, instance-id provided.
                Generate one from the pool, and assign to vm
                and return
                instance_dict = Network.get_instance_dict(cloudname=cloudname,
                # Instance not found
                if instance_dict is None:
                    Console.error("Instance [{}] not found in the cloudmesh database!"
                    return ""

                instance_name = instance_dict["name"]
                floating_ip = Network.create_assign_floating_ip(cloudname=cloudname,
                if floating_ip is not None:
                    Console.ok("Created and assigned Floating IP [{}] to instance [{}]."
                               .format(floating_ip, instance_name))

            # instance-id & floating-ip supplied
            elif instance_id is not None:
                Floating IP & Instance ID have been provided
                Associate the IP to the instance
                and return
                instance_dict = Network.get_instance_dict(cloudname=cloudname,
                floating_ip = floating_ip[0]

                # Instance not found
                if instance_dict is None:
                    Console.error("Instance [{}] not found in the cloudmesh database!"
                    return ""

                instance_name = instance_dict["name"]
                result = Network.associate_floating_ip(cloudname=cloudname,
                if result is not None:
                    Console.ok("Associated Floating IP [{}] to instance [{}]."
                               .format(floating_ip, instance_name))

            # Invalid parameters
                Console.error("Please provide at least one of [--group] OR [--instance] parameters.\n"
                              "You can also provide [FLOATING_IP] AND [--instance] parameters.\n"
                              "See 'cm network --help' for more info.")
                return ""

            # Refresh VM in db

        elif arguments["disassociate"] \
                and arguments["floating"]:

            # Get all command-line arguments
            group_name = arguments["--group"]
            instance_id = arguments["--instance"]
            floating_ip = arguments["FLOATING_IP"]

            # group supplied
            if group_name is not None:
                Group name has been provided.
                Remove floating IPs of all vms in the group
                and return
                # Get the group information
                group = Group.get_info(name=group_name,
                if group is not None:
                    # Convert from str to json
                    group = json.loads(group)
                    # For each vm in the group
                    # Create and assign a floating IP
                    for item in group:
                        instance_id = group[item]["value"]
                        # Get the instance dict
                        instance_dict = Network.get_instance_dict(cloudname=cloudname,
                        # Instance not found
                        if instance_dict is None:
                            Console.error("Instance [{}] not found in the cloudmesh database!"
                            return ""

                        # Get the instance name
                        instance_name = instance_dict["name"]
                        floating_ip = instance_dict["floating_ip"]

                        # Floating ip argument invalid
                        if floating_ip is None:
                            Console.error("Instance[{}] does not have a floating_ip."
                            return ""

                        result = Network.disassociate_floating_ip(cloudname=cloudname,
                        if result is not None:
                            Console.ok("Disassociated Floating IP [{}] from instance [{}]."
                                       .format(floating_ip, instance_name))
                    Console.error("No group [{}] in the Cloudmesh database."
                    return ""

            # floating-ip not supplied, instance-id supplied
            elif len(floating_ip)==0 and instance_id is not None:
                Floating IP has not been provided, instance-id provided.
                Remove floating ip allocated to vm
                and return
                instance_dict = Network.get_instance_dict(cloudname=cloudname,
                # Instance not found
                if instance_dict is None:
                    Console.error("Instance [{}] not found in the cloudmesh database!"
                    return ""

                instance_name = instance_dict["name"]
                floating_ip = instance_dict["floating_ip"]

                # Floating ip argument invalid
                if floating_ip is None:
                    Console.error("Instance[{}] does not have a floating_ip."
                    return ""

                result = Network.disassociate_floating_ip(cloudname=cloudname,
                if result is not None:
                    Console.ok("Disassociated Floating IP [{}] from instance [{}]."
                               .format(floating_ip, instance_name))

            # instance-id & floating-ip supplied
            elif instance_id is not None:
                Floating IP & Instance ID have been provided
                Remove the IP from the instance
                and return
                instance_dict = Network.get_instance_dict(cloudname=cloudname,
                floating_ip = floating_ip[0]
                # Instance not found
                if instance_dict is None:
                    Console.error("Instance [{}] not found in the cloudmesh database!"
                    return ""

                instance_name = instance_dict["name"]
                _floating_ip = instance_dict["floating_ip"]

                # Floating ip argument invalid
                if _floating_ip != floating_ip:
                    Console.error("Invalid floating_ip [{}] for instance [{}]."
                                  .format(floating_ip, instance_name))
                    return ""

                result = Network.disassociate_floating_ip(cloudname=cloudname,
                if result is not None:
                    Console.ok("Disassociated Floating IP [{}] from instance [{}]."
                               .format(floating_ip, instance_name))

            # Invalid parameters
                Console.error("Please provide at least one of [--group] OR [--instance] parameters.\n"
                              "You can also provide [FLOATING_IP] AND [--instance] parameters.\n"
                              "See 'cm network --help' for more info.")
                return ""

            # Refresh VM in db

        # Create new floating ip under floating pool
        elif arguments["create"] \
                and arguments["floating"]:
            floating_pool = arguments["--pool"]
            result = Network.create_floating_ip(cloudname=cloudname,
            if result is not None:
                Console.ok("Created new floating IP [{}]".format(result))
                Console.error("Failed to create floating IP! Please check arguments.")

        # Delete a floating ip address
        elif arguments["delete"] \
                and arguments["floating"]:
            floating_ips = arguments["FLOATING_IP"]

            for floating_ip in floating_ips:
                result = Network.delete_floating_ip(cloudname=cloudname,

                if result is not None:
                    Console.error("Failed to delete floating IP address!")

        # Floating IP Pool List
        elif arguments["list"] \
                and arguments["floating"] \
                and arguments["pool"]:
            result = Network.list_floating_ip_pool(cloudname)

        # Floating IP list [or info]
        elif arguments["list"] \
                and arguments["floating"]:

            ip_or_id = arguments["IP_OR_ID"]
            instance_id = arguments["--instance"]

            # Refresh VM in db

            # If instance id is supplied
            if instance_id is not None:
                instance_dict = Network.get_instance_dict(cloudname=cloudname,
                # Instance not found
                if instance_dict is None:
                    Console.error("Instance [{}] not found in the cloudmesh database!"
                    return ""

                # Read the floating_ip from the dict
                ip_or_id = instance_dict["floating_ip"]

                if ip_or_id is None:
                    Console.error("Instance with ID [{}] does not have a floating IP address!"
                    return ""

            # If the floating ip or associated ID is supplied
            if ip_or_id is not None:
                result = Network.get_floating_ip(cloudname,

                if result is not None:
                    Console.error("Floating IP not found! Please check your arguments.")
                    return ""
            # Retrieve the full list
                result = Network.list_floating_ip(cloudname)

        # Create a virtual cluster
        elif arguments["cluster"] and \

            group_name = arguments["--group"] or \
                         Default.get("group", cloud=cloudname)

            # Get the group information
            group = Group.get_info(name=group_name,
            if group is not None:
                # Convert from str to json
                group = json.loads(group)

                # var contains pub key of all vms
                public_keys = ""
                login_users = []
                login_ips = []

                # For each vm in the group
                # Create and assign a floating IP
                for item in group:
                    instance_id = group[item]["value"]
                    # Get the instance dict
                    instance_dict = Network.get_instance_dict(cloudname=cloudname,
                    # Instance not found
                    if instance_dict is None:
                        Console.error("Instance [{}] not found in the cloudmesh database!"
                        return ""

                    # Get the instance name
                    instance_name = instance_dict["name"]
                    floating_ip = instance_dict["floating_ip"]

                    # If vm does not have floating ip, then create
                    if floating_ip is None:
                        floating_ip = Network.create_assign_floating_ip(cloudname=cloudname,
                        if floating_ip is not None:
                            Console.ok("Created and assigned Floating IP [{}] to instance [{}]."
                                       .format(floating_ip, instance_name))
                            # Refresh VM in db

                    # Get the login user for this machine
                    user = raw_input("Enter the login user for VM {} : ".format(instance_name))
                    passphrase = getpass.getpass("Enter the passphrase key on VM {} : ".format(instance_name))

                    # create list for second iteration

                    login_args = [
                        user + "@" + floating_ip,

                    keygen_args = [
                        "ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -N " + passphrase

                    cat_pubkey_args = [
                        "cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"

                    generate_keypair = login_args + keygen_args
                    result = Shell.ssh(*generate_keypair)

                    #print("***** Keygen *****")

                    cat_public_key = login_args + cat_pubkey_args
                    result = Shell.ssh(*cat_public_key)
                    public_keys += "\n" + result

                    #print("***** id_rsa.pub *****")

                #print("***** public keys *****")

                for user, ip in zip(login_users, login_ips):
                    arguments = [
                        user + "@" + ip,
                        "echo '" + public_keys + "' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

                    # copy the public key contents to auth_keys
                    result = Shell.ssh(*arguments)

                Console.ok("Virtual cluster creation successfull.")
                Console.error("No group [{}] in the Cloudmesh database."
                return ""

        return ""
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def do_hpc(self, args, arguments):
        # noinspection PyPep8

                        hpc queue [--job=NAME][--cluster=CLUSTER][--format=FORMAT]
                        hpc info [--cluster=CLUSTER][--format=FORMAT]
                        hpc run SCRIPT [--queue=QUEUE] [--t=TIME] [--N=nodes] [--name=NAME] [--cluster=CLUSTER][--dir=DIR][--group=GROUP][--format=FORMAT]
                        hpc delete --job=NAME [--cluster=CLUSTER][--group=GROUP]
                        hpc delete all [--cluster=CLUSTER][--group=GROUP][--format=FORMAT]
                        hpc status [--job=name] [--cluster=CLUSTER] [--group=GROUP]
                        hpc test --cluster=CLUSTER [--time=SECONDS]

                       --format=FORMAT  the output format [default: table]


                        Special notes

                           if the group is specified only jobs from that group are
                           considered. Otherwise the default group is used. If the
                           group is set to None, all groups are used.

                        cm hpc queue
                            lists the details of the queues of the hpc cluster

                        cm hpc queue --name=NAME
                            lists the details of the job in the queue of the hpc cluster

                        cm hpc info
                            lists the details of the hpc cluster

                        cm hpc run SCRIPT
                            submits the script to the cluster. The script will be
                            copied prior to execution into the home directory on the
                            remote machine. If a DIR is specified it will be copied
                            into that dir.
                            The name of the script is either specified in the script
                            itself, or if not the default nameing scheme of
                            cloudmesh is used using the same index incremented name
                            as in vms fro clouds: cloudmeshusername-index

                        cm hpc delete all
                            kills all jobs on the default hpc cluster

                        cm hpc delete all -cluster=all
                            kills all jobs on all clusters

                        cm hpc delete --job=NAME
                            kills a job with a given name or job id

                        cm hpc default cluster=NAME
                            sets the default hpc cluster

                        cm hpc status
                            returns the status of all jobs

                        cm hpc status job=ID
                            returns the status of the named job

                        cm hpc test --cluster=CLUSTER --time=SECONDS
                            submits a simple test job to the named cluster and returns
                            if the job could be successfully executed. This is a
                            blocking call and may take a long time to complete
                            dependent on if the queuing system of that cluster is
                            busy. It will only use one node/core and print the message

                            #CLOUDMESH: Test ok

                            in that is being looked for to identify if the test is
                            successful. If time is used, the job is terminated
                            after the time is elapsed.

                        cm hpc queue
                        cm hpc queue --job=xxx
                        cm hpc info
                        cm hpc delete --job=6
                        cm hpc run uname

        format = arguments['--format']
        cluster = arguments['--cluster'] or Default.get_cluster()

        print ("CCC", cluster)

        if cluster is None:
            Console.error("Default cluster doesn't exist")

        batch = BatchProvider(cluster)

        if arguments["queue"]:
            name = arguments['--job']
            result = batch.queue(cluster, format=format, job=name)

        elif arguments["info"]:
            Console.msg(batch.info(cluster, format))

        elif arguments["delete"]:
            job = arguments['--job']
            Console.ok(batch.kill(cluster, job))

        elif arguments["status"]:
            name = arguments['--job']
            result = batch.queue(cluster, format=format, job=name)

        elif arguments["run"]:
            queue = arguments['--queue'] or Default.get('queue')
            # if not queue:
            #    Console.error('set default queue using: default queue=<value>')
            #    return

            script = arguments['SCRIPT']
            arg_dict = {
                '-name': arguments['--name'],
                '-p': queue,
                '-t': arguments['--t'],
                '-N': arguments['--N']

            result = batch.run(cluster, script, **arg_dict)
            Console.ok("Started batch job {id} on {cluster}".format(**result))

        elif arguments["test"]:
            time_secs = arguments['--time']
            if time_secs:
                time = '00:00:' + time_secs
                time = '00:00:10'  # give a  default time of 10 secs
            print(batch.test(cluster, time))

        return ""
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def do_vm(self, args, arguments):

                vm default [--cloud=CLOUD][--format=FORMAT]
                vm refresh [--cloud=CLOUD]
                vm boot [--name=NAME]
                vm start NAME...
                vm stop NAME...
                vm delete NAME...
                vm floating_ip_assign NAME...
                vm ip_show NAME...
                vm login NAME [--user=USER]
                vm list [NAME_OR_ID]
                vm status [--cloud=CLOUD]

                COMMAND        positional arguments, the commands you want to
                               execute on the server(e.g. ls -a) separated by ';',
                               you will get a return of executing result instead of login to
                               the server, note that type in -- is suggested before
                               you input the commands
                NAME           server name
                NAME_OR_ID     server name or ID
                KEYPAIR_NAME   Name of the openstack keypair to be used to create VM. Note this is not a path to key.

                --ip=IP          give the public ip of the server
                --cloud=CLOUD    give a cloud to work on, if not given, selected
                                 or default cloud will be used
                --count=COUNT    give the number of servers to start
                --detail         for table print format, a brief version
                                 is used as default, use this flag to print
                                 detailed table
                --flavor=FLAVOR_OR_ID  give the name or id of the flavor
                --group=GROUP          give the group name of server
                --secgroup=SECGROUP    security group name for the server
                --image=IMAGE_OR_ID    give the name or id of the image
                --key=KEY        specify a key to use, input a string which
                                 is the full path to the private key file
                --keypair_name=KEYPAIR_NAME   Name of the openstack keypair to be used to create VM.
                                              Note this is not a path to key.
                --user=USER      give the user name of the server that you want
                                 to use to login
                --name=NAME      give the name of the virtual machine
                --force          delete vms without user's confirmation
                                 specify the commands to be executed

                commands used to boot, start or delete servers of a cloud

                vm default [options...]     Displays default parameters that are set for VM boot.
                vm boot [options...]        Boots servers on a cloud, user may specify
                                            flavor, image .etc, otherwise default values
                                            will be used, see how to set default values
                                            of a cloud: cloud help
                vm start [options...]       Starts a suspended or stopped vm instance.
                vm stop [options...]        Stops a vm instance .
                vm delete [options...]      delete servers of a cloud, user may delete
                                            a server by its name or id, delete servers
                                            of a group or servers of a cloud, give prefix
                                            and/or range to find servers by their names.
                                            Or user may specify more options to narrow
                                            the search
                vm floating_ip_assign [options...]   assign a public ip to a VM of a cloud
                vm ip_show [options...]     show the ips of VMs
                vm login [options...]       login to a server or execute commands on it
                vm list [options...]        same as command "list vm", please refer to it
                vm status [options...]      Retrieves status of last VM booted on cloud and displays it.

                give the VM name, but in a hostlist style, which is very
                convenient when you need a range of VMs e.g. sample[1-3]
                => ['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3']
                sample[1-3,18] => ['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3', 'sample18']


        def _print_dict(d, header=None, format='table'):
            if format == "json":
                return json.dumps(d, indent=4)
            elif format == "yaml":
                return pyaml.dump(d)
            elif format == "table":
                return dict_printer(d,
                return d

        def _print_dict_ip(d, header=None, format='table'):
            if format == "json":
                return json.dumps(d, indent=4)
            elif format == "yaml":
                return pyaml.dump(d)
            elif format == "table":
                return dict_printer(d,
                return d

        def list_vms_on_cloud(cloud="juno", group=None, format="table"):

            Utility reusable function to list vms on the cloud.
            :param cloud:
            :param group:
            :param format:

            _cloud = cloud
            _group = group
            _format = format

            cloud_provider = CloudProvider(_cloud).provider
            servers = cloud_provider.list_vm(_cloud)

            server_list = {}
            index = 0
            # TODO: Improve the implementation to display more fields if required.
            for server in servers:
                server_list[index] = {}
                server_list[index]["name"] = server.name
                server_list[index]["id"] = server.id
                server_list[index]["status"] = server.status
                index += 1

            # TODO: Get this printed in a table
            print("Print table")
            dict_printer(servers, output=_format)

        # pprint(arguments)

        cloud = arguments["--cloud"] or Default.get_cloud()

        if arguments["boot"]:
            name = None
                name = arguments["--name"]
                is_name_provided = True

                if name is None:
                    is_name_provided = False

                    prefix, count = Counter.get()

                    if prefix is None or count is None:
                        Console.error("Prefix and Count could not be retrieved correctly.")

                    name = prefix + "-" + str(count).zfill(3)

                # if default cloud not set, return error
                if not cloud:
                    Console.error("Default cloud not set.")
                    return ""

                image = arguments["--image"] or Default.get("image", cloud=cloud)
                # if default image not set, return error
                if not image:
                    Console.error("Default image not set.")
                    return ""

                flavor = arguments["--flavor"] or Default.get("flavor", cloud=cloud)
                # if default flavor not set, return error
                if not flavor:
                    Console.error("Default flavor not set.")
                    return ""

                group = arguments["--group"] or \
                    Default.get("group", cloud=cloud)
                # if default group not set, return error
                if not group:
                    Console.error("Default group not set.")
                    return ""

                secgroup = arguments["--secgroup"] or Default.get("secgroup", cloud=cloud)
                # print("SecurityGrp : {:}".format(secgroup))
                secgroup_list = ["default"]
                if secgroup is not None:

                key_name = arguments["--keypair_name"] or Default.get("keypair", cloud=cloud)
                # if default keypair not set, return error
                if not key_name:
                    Console.error("Default keypair not set.")
                    return ""

                vm_id = Vm.boot(cloud=cloud, name=name, image=image,
                                flavor=flavor, key_name=key_name,

                if is_name_provided is False:
                    # Incrementing count

                # Add to group
                Group.add(name=group, type="vm", id=vm_id, cloud=cloud)
                msg = "info. OK."

            except Exception, e:
                import traceback
                Console.error("Problem booting instance {:}".format(name))
Ejemplo n.º 17
            # Get user if user argument not specified.
            if user is None:
                user_from_db = Vm.get_vm_login_user(name, cloud)
                user_suggest = user_from_db or getpass.getuser()
                user = raw_input("Enter the user to login (Default: {}):".format(user_suggest)) or user_suggest
                Vm.set_vm_login_user(name, cloud, user)

            ip = arguments["--ip"]
            commands = arguments["--command"]

            # if default cloud not set, return error
            if not cloud:
                Console.error("Default cloud not set.")
                return ""

            key = arguments["--key"] or Default.get("login_key", cloud=cloud)
            if not key:
                Console.error("Default login_key not set.")
                return ""

            cloud_provider = CloudProvider(cloud).provider
            # print("Name : {:}".format(name))
            ip_addr = cloud_provider.get_ips(name)

            ip_addresses = []
            ipaddr_dict = Vm.construct_ip_dict(ip_addr, cloud)
            for entry in ipaddr_dict:

            if ip is not None:
                if ip not in ip_addresses:
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def do_hpc(self, args, arguments):
        # noinspection PyPep8

                        hpc queue [--job=NAME][--cluster=CLUSTER][--format=FORMAT]
                        hpc info [--cluster=CLUSTER][--format=FORMAT]
                        hpc run list [ID] [--cluster=CLUSTER]
                        hpc run output [ID] [--cluster=CLUSTER]
                        hpc run rm [ID] [--cluster=CLUSTER]
                        hpc run SCRIPT [--queue=QUEUE] [--t=TIME] [--N=nodes] [--name=NAME] [--cluster=CLUSTER][--dir=DIR][--group=GROUP][--format=FORMAT]
                        hpc delete --job=NAME [--cluster=CLUSTER][--group=GROUP]
                        hpc delete all [--cluster=CLUSTER][--group=GROUP][--format=FORMAT]
                        hpc status [--job=name] [--cluster=CLUSTER] [--group=GROUP]
                        hpc test --cluster=CLUSTER [--time=SECONDS]

                       --format=FORMAT  the output format [default: table]


                        Special notes

                           if the group is specified only jobs from that group are
                           considered. Otherwise the default group is used. If the
                           group is set to None, all groups are used.

                        cm hpc queue
                            lists the details of the queues of the hpc cluster

                        cm hpc queue --job=NAME
                            lists the details of the job in the queue of the hpc cluster

                        cm hpc info
                            lists the details of the hpc cluster

                        cm hpc run SCRIPT
                            submits the script to the cluster. The script will be
                            copied prior to execution into the home directory on the
                            remote machine. If a DIR is specified it will be copied
                            into that dir.
                            The name of the script is either specified in the script
                            itself, or if not the default naming scheme of
                            cloudmesh is used using the same index incremented name
                            as in vms fro clouds: cloudmes husername-index

                        cm hpc delete all
                            kills all jobs on the default hpc group

                        cm hpc delete --job=NAME
                            kills a job with a given name or job id

                        cm default cluster=NAME
                            sets the default hpc cluster

                        cm hpc status
                            returns the status of all jobs

                        cm hpc status job=ID
                            returns the status of the named job

                        cm hpc test --cluster=CLUSTER --time=SECONDS
                            submits a simple test job to the named cluster and returns
                            if the job could be successfully executed. This is a
                            blocking call and may take a long time to complete
                            dependent on if the queuing system of that cluster is
                            busy. It will only use one node/core and print the message

                            #CLOUDMESH: Test ok

                            in that is being looked for to identify if the test is
                            successful. If time is used, the job is terminated
                            after the time is elapsed.

                        cm hpc queue
                        cm hpc queue --job=xxx
                        cm hpc info
                        cm hpc delete --job=6
                        cm hpc delete all
                        cm hpc status
                        cm hpc status --job=6
                        cm hpc run uname
                        cm hpc run ~/test.sh --cluster=india

        format = arguments['--format']
        cluster = arguments['--cluster'] or Default.get_cluster()
        arguments["CLUSTER"] = cluster

        if cluster is None:
            Console.error("Default cluster doesn't exist")

        batch = BatchProvider(cluster)

        if arguments["queue"]:
            name = arguments['--job']
            result = batch.queue(cluster, format=format, job=name)

        elif arguments["info"]:
            Console.msg(batch.info(cluster, format))

        elif arguments['delete'] and arguments['all']:
            group = arguments['--group'] or Default.get('group')
            if group is None:
                Console.error('set default group using: default group=<value> --cloud=general')

        elif arguments["delete"]:
            job = arguments['--job']
            Console.ok(batch.delete(cluster, job))

        elif arguments["status"]:
            name = arguments['--job']
            result = batch.queue(cluster, format=format, job=name)

        elif arguments["test"]:
            time_secs = arguments['--time']
            if time_secs:
                time = '00:00:' + time_secs
                time = '00:00:10'  # give a  default time of 10 secs
            print(batch.test(cluster, time))

        elif arguments["run"] and arguments["list"]:
            # hpc experiment list [--cluster=CLUSTER]
            if arguments["ID"]:
                print ("# List of experiment {ID} on Cluster {CLUSTER}".format(**arguments))
                result = Experiment.list(cluster, id=arguments["ID"], format="list")
                if result is not None:
                    print ("\n".join(result))
                    Console.error("Could not find experiment {ID} on {CLUSTER}".format(**arguments))
                print ("# List of experiments on Cluster {CLUSTER}".format(**arguments))
                ids = Experiment.list(cluster, id=None, format="list")
                if ids is not None:
                    print (", ".join([str(i) for i in ids]))
                    Console.error("Could not find experiment {ID} on {CLUSTER}".format(**arguments))

        elif arguments["run"] and arguments["rm"]:
            # hpc experiment list [--cluster=CLUSTER]
            if arguments["ID"]:

                force = yn_choice("Would you like to delete experiment {ID} on Cluster {CLUSTER}".format(**arguments))
                if force:
                        result = Experiment.rm(cluster, id=arguments["ID"])
                        Console.ok("Experiment {ID} on Cluster {CLUSTER} deleted".format(**arguments))
                        Console.error("Could not delete experiment {ID} on {CLUSTER}".format(**arguments))
                result = Experiment.list(cluster, id=None, format="list")
                if result is not None:
                    arguments['experiments'] = ", ".join([str(i) for i in result])
                    Console.error("Could not find experiment {ID} on {CLUSTER}".format(**arguments))
                    return ""

                force = yn_choice("Would you like to delete the experiments {experiments} on Cluster {CLUSTER}".format(
                if force:
                        result = Experiment.rm(cluster, id=None)
                        Console.ok("Experiments {experiments} on Cluster {CLUSTER} deleted".format(**arguments))
                        Console.error("Could delete the experiments on {CLUSTER}".format(**arguments))
                return ""

        elif arguments["run"] and arguments["output"]:
            # hpc experiment list [--cluster=CLUSTER]
            if arguments["ID"]:
                print ("# List of experiment {ID} on Cluster {CLUSTER}".format(**arguments))
                result = Experiment.output(cluster, id=arguments["ID"], format="list")
                if result is not None:
                    print ("\n".join(result))
                    Console.error("Could not find experiment {ID} on {CLUSTER}".format(**arguments))
                print ("# List of experiments on Cluster {CLUSTER}".format(**arguments))
                ids = Experiment.output(cluster, id=None, format="list")
                if ids is not None:
                    print (", ".join([str(i) for i in ids]))
                    Console.error("Could not find experiment {ID} on {CLUSTER}".format(**arguments))

        elif arguments["run"]:
            queue = arguments['--queue'] or Default.get('queue')
            # if not queue:
            #    Console.error('set default queue using: default queue=<value>')
            #    return
            group = arguments['--group'] or Default.get('group')
            if group is None:
                Console.error('set default group using: default group=<value> --cloud=general')

            script = arguments['SCRIPT']
            arg_dict = {
                '-name': arguments['--name'],
                '-p': queue,
                '-t': arguments['--t'],
                '-N': arguments['--N']

            result = batch.run(cluster, group, script, **arg_dict)
            if isinstance(result, dict):
                print (attribute_printer(result))
                Console.ok("Experiment {count}: Started batch job {job_id} on {cluster}".format(**result))

        return ""
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def do_group(self, args, arguments):

                group add NAME [--type=TYPE] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--id=IDs]
                group list [--cloud=CLOUD] [--format=FORMAT] [NAME]
                group delete NAME [--cloud=CLOUD]
                group remove [--cloud=CLOUD] --name=NAME --id=ID
                group copy FROM TO
                group merge GROUPA GROUPB MERGEDGROUP

            manage the groups


                NAME         name of a group
                FROM         name of a group
                TO           name of a group
                GROUPA       name of a group
                GROUPB       name of a group
                MERGEDGROUP  name of a group

                --cloud=CLOUD    the name of the cloud
                --format=FORMAT  the output format
                --type=TYPE     the resource type
                --name=NAME      the name of the group


                Todo: design parameters that are useful and match
                Todo: discuss and propose command

                cloudmesh can manage groups of resources and cloud related
                objects. As it would be cumbersome to for example delete
                many virtual machines or delete VMs that are in the same
                group, but are running in different clouds.

                Hence it is possible to add a virtual machine to a
                specific group. The group name to be added to can be set
                as a default. This way all subsequent commands use this
                default group. It can also be set via a command parameter.
                Another convenience function is that the group command can
                use the last used virtual machine. If a vm is started it
                will be automatically added to the default group if it is set.

                The delete command has an optional cloud parameter so that
                deletion of vms of a partial group by cloud can be

                If finer grained deletion is needed, it can be achieved
                with the delete command that supports deletion by name

                It is also possible to remove a VM from the group using the
                remove command, by supplying the ID

                default group mygroup

                group add --type=vm --id=albert-[001-003]
                    adds the vms with teh given name using the Parameter
                    see base

                group add --type=vm
                 adds the last vm to the group

                group delete --name=mygroup
                    deletes all objects in the group
        # pprint(arguments)

        cloud = arguments["--cloud"] or Default.get_cloud()

        if arguments["list"]:

            output = arguments["--format"] or Default.get("format", cloud) or "table"
            name = arguments["NAME"]

            if name is None:

                result = Group.list(format=output, cloud=cloud)
                if result:
                    print("There are no groups in the cloudmesh database!")


                result = Group.get_info(name=name, cloud=cloud, output=output)

                if result:
                    msg_a = ("No group found with name `{name}` found in the "
                             "cloud `{cloud}`.".format(**locals()))

                    # find alternate
                    result = Group.get(name=name)
                    msg_b = ""
                    if result is not None:
                        msg_b = " However we found such a variable in " \
                                "cloud `{cloud}`. Please consider " \
                                "using --cloud={cloud}".format(**result)
                        Console.error(msg_a + msg_b)


        elif arguments["add"]:
            type = arguments["--type"] or Default.get("type", cloud)

            cloud_id = arguments["--id"] or Default.get("id", cloud) or "vm"

            data = {
                "name": arguments["NAME"],
                "type": type,
                "cloud": cloud,
                "id": cloud_id


        elif arguments["delete"]:
            data = {
                "name": arguments["NAME"],
                "cloud": cloud,

            result = Group.delete(**data)
            if result:
                Console.ok("Deletion completed. ok.")
                    "No group with name `{name}` found".format(**data))

        elif arguments["remove"]:
            name = arguments["--name"]
            cloud_id = arguments["--id"]

            if not cloud:
                Console.error("Default cloud not set!")

            result = Group.remove(name, cloud_id, cloud)
            if result:
                    "Failed to delete ID [{}] from group [{}] in the database!".format(
                        cloud_id, name))

        elif arguments["copy"]:
            _from = arguments["FROM"]
            _to = arguments["TO"]

            Group.copy(_from, _to)

        elif arguments["merge"]:
            _groupA = arguments["GROUPA"]
            _groupB = arguments["GROUPB"]
            _mergedGroup = arguments["MERGEDGROUP"]

            Group.merge(_groupA, _groupB, _mergedGroup)