Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.feedback = Feedback()
     # Configuration / logger
     self.conf   = config.parse()
     self.log    = logger.create('bootstrap', '%s/log/bootstrap.log' % L_BASE)
     # Bootstrap parameters
     self.params = BootstrapParams()
     # Server configuration file
     self.server_conf = self.params.file['config']['server_conf'][1]
     # Database connection
     self._connection = None
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Bootstrap(object):
    Main class object for bootstrapping the Cloudscape installation. This
    includes setting up the database and setting the admin user account.
    def __init__(self):
        self.feedback = Feedback()
        # Configuration / logger
        self.conf   = config.parse()
        self.log    = logger.create('bootstrap', '%s/log/bootstrap.log' % L_BASE)
        # Bootstrap parameters
        self.params = BootstrapParams()
        # Server configuration file
        self.server_conf = self.params.file['config']['server_conf'][1]
        # Database connection
        self._connection = None
    def _die(self, msg):
        Quit the program
    def _deploy_config(self):
        Deploy configuration files.
        for f,p in self.params.file['config'].iteritems():
            if not os.path.isfile(p[1]):
                # Read the default file content
                c_file = open(p[0], 'r')
                c_str  = c_file.read()
                # Create the new configuration file
                d_file = open(p[1], 'w')
                # File deployed
                self.feedback.show('File <%s> deployed' % p[1]).success()
                self.feedback.show('File <%s> already deployed, skipping...' % p[1]).info()
        # Create the log and run directories
        for _dir in ['log', 'run']:
            dir = '%s/%s' % (L_BASE, _dir)
            if not os.path.isdir(dir):
                self.feedback.show('Created directory "%s"' % dir)
                self.feedback.show('Directory "%s" already exists, skipping...' % dir)
    def _get_password(self, prompt, min_length=8):
        _pass = getpass(prompt)
        # Make sure the password is long enough
        if not len(_pass) >= min_length:
            self.feedback.show('Password cannot be empty and must be at least %s characters long' % str(min_length)).error()
            return self._get_password(prompt, min_length)
        # Confirm the password
        _pass_confirm = getpass('Please confirm the password: '******'Passwords do not match, try again').error()
            return self._get_password(prompt, min_length)
        return _pass
    def _get_input(self, prompt, default=None):
        _input = raw_input(prompt) or default
        # If no input found
        if not _input:
            self.feedback.show('Must provide a value').error()
            return self._get_input(prompt, default)
        return _input
    def _try_mysql_root(self):
        Attempt to connect to the MySQL server as root user.
            self._connection = MySQLdb.connect(
                host   = self.params.input.response.get('db_host'), 
                port   = int(self.params.input.response.get('db_port')),
                user   = '******',
                passwd = self.params.input.response.get('db_root_password')
            self.feedback.show('Connected to MySQL using root user').success()
        except Exception as e:
            self._die('Unable to connect to MySQL with root user: %s' % str(e))
    def _bootstrap_complete(self):
        Brief summary of the completed bootstrap process.
        # Portal address
        portal_addr = 'http://%s:%s/' % (
        # Print the summary
        print '\nCloudscape bootstrap complete!\n'
        print 'To start all Cloudscape processes, run "cloudscape-server start".\n'
        print 'You may access the portal using the "cloudscape" user with the password'
        print 'created during the bootstrap process (%s)\n' % portal_addr
    def _bootstrap_info(self):
        Show a brief introduction and summary on the bootstrapping process.
        print '\nCloudscape Bootstrap Utility\n'
        print 'The bootstrap utility is used to get a new Cloudscape installation up and'
        print 'running as quickly as possible. This will set up the database, make sure'
        print 'any required users exists, and populate the tables with seed data.\n'
    def _database_encryption(self):
        Bootstrap the database encryption keys.
        # Encryption attributes
        enc_attrs = {
            'key': self.params.db['attrs']['encryption']['key'],
            'meta': self.params.db['attrs']['encryption']['meta'],
            'dir': self.params.db['attrs']['encryption']['dir']
        # Make sure neither file exists
        if os.path.isfile(enc_attrs['key']) or os.path.isfile(enc_attrs['meta']):
            return self.feedback.show('Database encryption key/meta properties already exist').warn()
        # Generate the encryption key
        p_keycreate = Popen(['keyczart', 'create', '--location=%s' % enc_attrs['dir'], '--purpose=crypt'])
        if not p_keycreate.returncode == 0:
            return self.feedback.show('Failed to create database encryption key').error()
        self.feedback.show('Created database encryption key').success()
        # Add the encryption key
        p_keyadd = Popen(['keyczart', 'addkey', '--location=%s' % enc_attrs['dir'], '--status=primary', '--size=256'])
        if not p_keyadd.returncode == 0:
            return self.feedback.show('Failed to add database encryption key').error()
        self.feedback.show('Added database encryption key').success()
    def _create_group(self, obj):
        Create the default administrator group.
        group = obj(APIBare(
            data = {
                'uuid': self.params.group['uuid'],
                'name': self.params.group['name'],
                'desc': self.params.group['desc'],
                'protected': self.params.group['protected']
            path = 'group'
        self.log.info('Received response from <%s>: %s' % (str(obj), json.dumps(group)))
        # If the group was not created
        if not group['valid']:
            self._die('HTTP %s: %s' % (group['code'], group['content']))
        self.feedback.show('Created default Cloudscape administrator group').success()
        # Return the group object
        return group
    def _create_user(self, obj):
        Create the default administrator user account.
        # Set the new user email/password
        user_email = self.params.input.response.get('api_admin_email', self.params.user['email'])
        user_passwd = self.params.input.response.get('api_admin_password', self.params.user['password'])
        # Create a new user object
        user = obj(APIBare(
            data = {
                'username': self.params.user['username'],
                'group': self.params.user['group'],
                'email': user_email,
                'password': user_passwd,
                'password_confirm': user_passwd
            path = 'user'             
        self.log.info('Received response from <%s>: %s' % (str(obj), json.dumps(user)))
        # If the user was not created
        if not user['valid']:
            self._die('HTTP %s: %s' % (user['code'], user['content']))
        self.feedback.show('Created default Cloudscape administrator account').success()
        # Return the user object
        return user
    def _create_utils(self, obj):
        Create API utility entries.
        for _util in self.params.utils:
            util = obj(APIBare(
                data = {
                    'path': _util['path'],
                    'desc': _util['desc'],
                    'method': _util['method'],
                    'mod': _util['mod'],
                    'cls': _util['cls'],
                    'protected': _util['protected'],
                    'enabled': _util['enabled'],
                    'object': _util['object'],
                    'object_key': _util['object_key'],
                    'rmap': json.dumps(_util['rmap'])
                path = 'utilities'
            # Store the utility UUID
            _util['uuid'] = util['data']['uuid']
            # If the utility was not created
            if not util['valid']:
                self._die('HTTP %s: %s' % (util['code'], util['content']))
            self.feedback.show('Created database entry for utility "%s": Path=%s, Method=%s' % (_util['cls'], _util['path'], _util['method'])).success()
    def _create_acl_keys(self, obj):
        Create ACL key definitions.
        for _acl_key in self.params.acl.keys:
            acl_key = obj(APIBare(
                data = {
                    "name": _acl_key['name'],
                    "desc": _acl_key['desc'],
                    "type_object": _acl_key['type_object'],
                    "type_global": _acl_key['type_global']
                path = 'gateway/acl/objects'
            # If the ACL key was not created
            if not acl_key['valid']:
                self._die('HTTP %s: %s' % (acl_key['code'], acl_key['content']))
            # Store the new ACL key UUID
            _acl_key['uuid'] = acl_key['data']['uuid']
            self.feedback.show('Created database entry for ACL key "%s"' % _acl_key['name']).success()
        self.log.info('ACL_KEYS: %s' % json.dumps(self.params.acl.keys, indent=4))
        # Setup ACL objects
    def _create_utils_access(self, g_access, key, util):
        Permit access to utilities by ACL key.
        @param g_access: Global ACL access model
        @type  g_access: DBGatewayACLAccessGlobal
        @param key:      ACL key database model
        @type  key:      DBGatewayACLKeys
        @param util:     Utility database model
        @type  util:     DBGatewayUtilities
        # Process ACL keys
        for k in self.params.acl.keys:
            if k['type_global']:
                for u in k['util_classes']:
                        acl = key.objects.get(uuid=k['uuid']),
                        utility = util.objects.get(cls=u)
                    self.feedback.show('Granted global access to utility "%s" with ACL "%s"' % (u, k['name'])).success()
    def _create_acl_objects(self, obj):
        Create ACL object definitions.
        for _acl_obj in self.params.acl.objects:
            self.log.info('ACL_OBJ: %s' % json.dumps(_acl_obj, indent=4))
            acl_obj = obj(APIBare(
                data = {
                    "type": _acl_obj['type'],
                    "name": _acl_obj['name'],
                    "acl_mod": _acl_obj['acl_mod'],
                    "acl_cls": _acl_obj['acl_cls'],
                    "acl_key": _acl_obj['acl_key'],
                    "obj_mod": _acl_obj['obj_mod'],
                    "obj_cls": _acl_obj['obj_cls'],
                    "obj_key": _acl_obj['obj_key'],
                    "def_acl": _acl_obj['def_acl']
                path = 'gateway/acl/objects'
            # If the ACL object was not created
            if not acl_obj['valid']:
                self._die('HTTP %s: %s' % (acl_obj['code'], acl_obj['content']))
            self.feedback.show('Created database entry for ACL object "%s->%s"' % (_acl_obj['type'], _acl_obj['name'])).success()
    def _create_acl_access(self, obj, keys, groups):
        Setup ACL group access definitions.
        for access in self.params.acl.set_access(self.params.acl.keys):
                    acl = keys.objects.get(uuid=access['acl']),
                    owner = groups.objects.get(uuid=access['owner']),
                    allowed = access['allowed']
                self.feedback.show('Granted global administrator access for ACL "%s"' % access['acl_name']).success()
            except Exception as e:
                self._die('Failed to grant global access for ACL "%s": %s' % (access['acl_name'], str(e)))
    def _database_seed(self):
        Seed the database with the base information needed to run Cloudscape.
        # Import modules now to get the new configuration
        from cloudscape.engine.api.app.group.utils import GroupCreate
        from cloudscape.engine.api.app.user.utils import UserCreate
        from cloudscape.engine.api.app.group.models import DBGroupDetails
        from cloudscape.engine.api.app.gateway.models import DBGatewayACLGroupGlobalPermissions, DBGatewayACLKeys, \
                                                             DBGatewayACLAccessGlobal, DBGatewayUtilities
        from cloudscape.engine.api.app.gateway.utils import GatewayUtilitiesCreate, GatewayACLObjectsCreate, \
        # Setup Django models
        # Create the administrator group and user
        group = self._create_group(GroupCreate)
        user = self._create_user(UserCreate)
        # Update administrator info in the server configuration
        cp = CParse()
        cp.set_key('user', user['data']['username'], s='admin')
        cp.set_key('group', self.params.user['group'], s='admin')
        cp.set_key('key', user['data']['api_key'], s='admin')
        self.feedback.show('[%s] Set API administrator values' % self.server_conf).success()
        # Create API utilities / ACL objects / ACL keys / access entries
        self._create_utils_access(DBGatewayACLAccessGlobal, DBGatewayACLKeys, DBGatewayUtilities)
        self._create_acl_access(DBGatewayACLGroupGlobalPermissions, DBGatewayACLKeys, DBGroupDetails)
    def _read_input(self):
        Read any required user input prompts
        # Process each configuration section
        for section, obj in self.params.input.prompt.iteritems():
            print obj['label']
            print '-' * 20
            # Process each section input
            for key, attrs in obj['attrs'].iteritems():
                # Regular string input
                if attrs['type'] == 'str':
                    val = self._get_input(attrs['prompt'], attrs['default'])
                # Password input
                if attrs['type'] == 'pass':
                    val = self._get_password(attrs['prompt'])
                # Store in response object
                self.params.input.set_response(key, val)
            print ''
        # Update and set database bootstrap attributes
    def _database(self):
        Bootstrap the database and create all required tables and entries.
        # Test the database connection
        # Create the database and user account
            _cursor = self._connection.cursor()
            # Create the database
            self.feedback.show('Created database "%s"' % self.params.db['attrs']['name']).success()
            # Create the database user
            self.feedback.show('Created database user "%s" with grants' % self.params.db['attrs']['user']).success()
        except Exception as e:
            self._die('Failed to bootstrap Cloudscape database: %s' % str(e))
        # Close the connection
        # Run Django syncdb
            app  = '%s/python/cloudscape/engine/api/manage.py' % L_BASE
            proc = Popen(['python', app, 'migrate'])
            # Make sure the command ran successfully
            if not proc.returncode == 0:
                self._die('Failed to sync Django application database')
            # Sync success
            self.feedback.show('Synced Django application database').success()
        except Exception as e:
            self._die('Failed to sync Django application database: %s' % str(e))
        # Set up database encryption
        # Set up the database seed data
    def _update_config(self):
        Update the deployed default server configuration.
        # Parse and update the configuration
        cp = CParse()
        # Update each section
        for section, pair in self.params.get_config().iteritems():
            for key, val in pair.iteritems():
                cp.set_key(key, val, s=section)
                # Format the value output
                self.feedback.show('[%s] Set key value for "%s->%s"' % (self.server_conf, section, key)).success()
        # Apply the configuration changes
        self.feedback.show('Applied updated server configuration').success()
    def run(self):
        Kickstart the bootstrap process for Cloudscape.
        # Show bootstrap information
        # Read user input
        # Bootstrap the configuration files and update
        # Bootstrap the database
        # Bootstrap complete