Ejemplo n.º 1
def SA_tx_att_hrg(values):
    replace_var = ['TransmissionRateOnART', 'TransmissionRateOffART', 'DynamicTransmissionPropHRGAttrib']
    replace_val = {}
    for city in ['rio', 'salvador', 'manaus']:
        for k in values:# this is  to vary % on ART
            # multiply to attia
            attia_on_ART = np.multiply(parameters['attia on ART'], 1)
            attia_off_ART = np.multiply(parameters['attia off ART'], 1)
            replace_val['TransmissionRateOnART'] = np.multiply(np.reshape(attia_on_ART, (8, 1)), np.ones((8, 6)))
            replace_val['TransmissionRateOffART'] = np.multiply(np.reshape(attia_off_ART, (8, 1)), np.ones((8, 6)))
            # the percentage attributable to hrg
            replace_val['DynamicTransmissionPropHRGAttrib'] = k
            # replace values in .in file
            float_df = deepcopy(in_file[city])
            # replace the variables
            for var in replace_var:
                float_df = t_op.replace_values(var, replace_val[var], float_df)
            # save float_df
            filename = os.path.join(filepath_new, city + '_att_to_hrg_' + str(k) + '.in')
            link.write_cepac_in_file(filename, float_df)
    # parallelize files
Ejemplo n.º 2
def SA_testing_rate(values):
    replace_var = ['HIVtestBgAcceptRate']
    replace_val = {}
    for city in ['rio', 'salvador', 'manaus']:
        for k in values:# this is  to vary % on ART
            # dict of values
            replace_val['HIVtestBgAcceptRate'] = k
            # replace values in .in file
            float_df = deepcopy(in_file[city])
            # replace the variables
            for var in replace_var:
                float_df = t_op.replace_values(var, replace_val[var], float_df)
            # save float_df
            filename = os.path.join(filepath_new, city + '_testing_rate_' + str(k) + '.in')
            link.write_cepac_in_file(filename, float_df)
    # parallelize files
Ejemplo n.º 3
def SA_testing(values):
    # variables to alter and their values
    replace_var = ['TransmissionRateOnART', 'TransmissionRateOffART', 'HIVtestBgAcceptRate'] #
    replace_val = {}
    # multiply to attia
    attia_new = np.multiply(parameters['attia'], 1)
    replace_val['TransmissionRateOnART'] = np.multiply(np.reshape(attia_new, (8, 1)), np.ones((8, 6)))
    replace_val['TransmissionRateOffART'] = np.multiply(np.reshape(attia_new, (8, 1)), np.ones((8, 6)))
    for city in ['rio', 'salvador', 'manaus']:
        for k in values:
            # change background testing rate
            replace_val['HIVtestBgAcceptRate'] = k
            # replace values in .in file
            float_df = deepcopy(in_file[city])
            # replace the variables
            for var in replace_var:
                float_df = t_op.replace_values(var, replace_val[var], float_df)
            # save float_df
            filename = os.path.join(filepath_new, city + '_Test accept rate_' + str(k) + '.in')
            link.write_cepac_in_file(filename, float_df)
    # parallelize files
Ejemplo n.º 4
def SA_acute(values):
    # loop over scale down scenarios
    replace_var = ['TransmissionRateOnART', 'TransmissionRateOffART']#, 'TransmissionRateOnART', 'TransmissionRateOffART']
    replace_val = {}
    for city in ['rio', 'salvador', 'manaus']:
        for k in values:
            # multiply to attia
            attia_new = parameters['attia']
            attia_new[len(attia_new)-1] = k
            replace_val['TransmissionRateOnART'] = np.multiply(np.reshape(attia_new, (8, 1)), np.ones((8, 6)))
            replace_val['TransmissionRateOffART'] = np.multiply(np.reshape(attia_new, (8, 1)), np.ones((8, 6)))
            # replace values in .in file
            float_df = deepcopy(in_file[city])
            # replace the variables
            for var in replace_var:
                float_df = t_op.replace_values(var, replace_val[var], float_df)
            # save float_df
            filename = os.path.join(filepath_new, city + '_Acute rate_' + str(k) + '.in')
            link.write_cepac_in_file(filename, float_df)
    # parallelize files
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def create_in_files(self, parallel = 1):
     # get variable list, value map and base in_file
     var_list = self.var_list
     var0, var1 = var_list[0], var_list[1]
     val_map = self.val_map
     in_file = deepcopy(self.base_in_file)
     # first start loop over var1 values
     for var0_val in val_map[var0]:
         # this val can either be a float or array
         if not (isinstance(var0_val, float) or isinstance(var0_val, int) or isinstance(var0_val, np.array)):
             raise TypeError('The value of variable for TWSA must be np.array/float/int')
         # replace variable value
         in_file = t_op.replace_values(var0, var0_val, in_file, position = self.var_pos[var0])
         # TODO: find and replace dependent variables of var0
         in_file = self.dep_data_object.replace_dep_value(var0, var0_val, self.dep_data_map, in_file, self.var_pos)
         # now start loop over var2
         for var1_val in val_map[var1]:
             # this val can either be a float or array
             if not (isinstance(var0_val, float) or isinstance(var0_val, int) or isinstance(var0_val, np.array)):
                 raise TypeError('The value of variable for TWSA must be np.array/float/int')
             # replace variable value
             in_file = t_op.replace_values(var1, var1_val, in_file, position = self.var_pos[var1])
             # TODO: find and replace dependent variables of var1
             in_file = self.dep_data_object.replace_dep_value(var1, var1_val, self.dep_data_map, in_file, self.var_pos)
             # save in file
             x = ('%s=%.4f_%s=%.4f.in')%(var0, var0_val, var1, var1_val)
             file_name = os.path.join(self.save_path, x)
             link.write_cepac_in_file(file_name, in_file)
     # parallelize 
     c_op.parallelize_input(self.save_path, parallel)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def SA_treatment(values):
    # loop over scale down scenarios
    replace_var = ['DynamicTransmissionNumTransmissionsHRG', 'TransmissionRiskMultiplier_T1', 'TransmissionRiskMultiplier_T2', 'TransmissionRiskMultiplier_T3', 'TransmissionRateOnART', 'TransmissionRateOffART']
    replace_val = {}
    for city in ['rio', 'salvador', 'manaus']:
        for k in values:# this is  to vary % on ART
            # multiply to attia
            attia_on_ART = np.multiply(parameters['attia on ART'], 1)
            attia_off_ART = np.multiply(parameters['attia off ART'], 1)
            replace_val['TransmissionRateOnART'] = np.multiply(np.reshape(attia_on_ART, (8, 1)), np.ones((8, 6)))
            replace_val['TransmissionRateOffART'] = np.multiply(np.reshape(attia_off_ART, (8, 1)), np.ones((8, 6)))
            # calculate community viral load distibution
            on_art = np.multiply(k, parameters['viral load distribution on ART'])
            off_art = np.multiply((1-k), parameters['viral load distribution off ART'])
            community_vl = np.add(on_art, off_art)
            # calculate average transmission rate
            tx_avg = np.sum(np.multiply(parameters['attia off ART'], community_vl))
            replace_val['DynamicTransmissionNumTransmissionsHRG'] = tx_avg
            # calculate transmission rate calibrated to the incidence rate
            tx = np.multiply(parameters[city]['incidence'], np.divide(parameters[city]['index negative'], parameters[city]['index positive']))
            # calculate multiplier
            tx_mul = np.divide(tx, tx_avg)
            replace_val['TransmissionRiskMultiplier_T1'] = tx_mul[0]
            replace_val['TransmissionRiskMultiplier_T2'] = tx_mul[0]
            replace_val['TransmissionRiskMultiplier_T3'] = tx_mul[1]
            # replace values in .in file
            float_df = deepcopy(in_file[city])
            # replace the variables
            for var in replace_var:
                float_df = t_op.replace_values(var, replace_val[var], float_df)
            # save float_df
            filename = os.path.join(filepath_new, city + '_On treatment_' + str(k) + '.in')
            link.write_cepac_in_file(filename, float_df)
    # parallelize files
Ejemplo n.º 7
def SA_attia(factors):
    # loop over scale down scenarios
    replace_var = ['DynamicTransmissionNumTransmissionsHRG', 'TransmissionRiskMultiplier_T1', 'TransmissionRiskMultiplier_T2', 'TransmissionRiskMultiplier_T3', 'TransmissionRateOnART', 'TransmissionRateOffART']
    replace_val = {}
    for city in ['rio', 'salvador', 'manaus']:
        for k in factors:# this us scale down factor for Attia rates
            # multiply to attia
            attia_new = np.multiply(parameters['attia'], k)
            replace_val['TransmissionRateOnART'] = np.multiply(np.reshape(attia_new, (8, 1)), np.ones((8, 6)))
            replace_val['TransmissionRateOffART'] = np.multiply(np.reshape(attia_new, (8, 1)), np.ones((8, 6)))
            # calculate average transmission rate
            tx_avg = np.sum(np.multiply(attia_new, parameters[city]['viral load distribution']))
            replace_val['DynamicTransmissionNumTransmissionsHRG'] = tx_avg
            # calculate transmission rate calibrated to the incidence rate
            tx = np.multiply(parameters[city]['incidence'], np.divide(parameters[city]['index negative'], parameters[city]['index positive']))
            # calculate multiplier
            tx_mul = np.divide(tx, tx_avg)
            replace_val['TransmissionRiskMultiplier_T1'] = tx_mul[0]
            replace_val['TransmissionRiskMultiplier_T2'] = tx_mul[0]
            replace_val['TransmissionRiskMultiplier_T3'] = tx_mul[1]
            # replace values in .in file
            float_df = deepcopy(in_file[city])
            # replace the variables
            for var in replace_var:
                float_df = t_op.replace_values(var, replace_val[var], float_df)
            # save float_df
            filename = os.path.join(filepath_new, city + '_Attia scale down_' + str(k) + '.in')
            link.write_cepac_in_file(filename, float_df)
    # parallelize files
Ejemplo n.º 8
         # read respective .in file
         filepath = os.path.join(readpaths[var], file) + '.in'
         float_in = link.read_cepac_in_file(filepath)
         # replace few values
         r_val_map = {'UseHIVIncidReduction': 1, 
                      'HIVIncidReductionStopTime': HORIZON, 
                      'HIVIncidReductionCoefficient': coeff}
         for r_var in r_val_map:
             if not r_var in position:
                 position[r_var] = t_op.search_var(r_var, float_in)
             # replace value
             float_in = t_op.replace_values(r_var, r_val_map[r_var], float_in, position[r_var])
         # write the file
         varval = file.split('=')[1]
         addstr = 'OWSA_final_run_var=%s_val=%s'%(var, varval) + '.in'
         if not os.path.exists(finalpaths[var]): os.makedirs(finalpaths[var])
         savepath = os.path.join(finalpaths[var], addstr)
         link.write_cepac_in_file(savepath, float_in)
     # parallelize
Ejemplo n.º 9
        # save the file
        name = os.path.join(savepath_cepac, 'sample_' + str(run) + '.in')
        link.write_cepac_in_file(name, float_df)
        # featurizarion of the .in file
        feature_mat = h_fun1.featurize_in_file(samples, sample_bounds, run, SEQ_LEN)
        # print
    # save condensed cepac input files
    CEPAC_input_condensed = CEPAC_input_condensed.to_dict()
    h_fun1.dump_json(CEPAC_input_condensed, os.path.join(savepath_rnn, 'CEPAC_input.json'))
    # parallelize input files
    c_op.parallelize_input(savepath_cepac, parallel = 5)
    # save feature tensor
    if not os.path.exists(savepath_rnn):
    h_fun1.dump_json(feature_tensor, os.path.join(savepath_rnn, 'RNN_source.json'))
    # stop timer
    stop = timeit.default_timer()
    print('Time: ', stop - start) 

Ejemplo n.º 10
        # write excel file for the CEPAC output
        link.export_output_to_excel(final_path, final_path)

    elif os.path.exists(path_dict['output']['intervention']):
        # collect parallelized output

        # write all final run files
        abc_output.write_final_runs(var_to_replace, path_dict, HORIZON)

        # paralellize
        c_op.parallelize_input(path_dict['output']['final runs'])
        # write all abc run files
        abc_input.write_abc(var_to_replace, path_dict)

        # parallelize

# compare New CEPAC with Old CEPAC
new_path = r'/Users/vijetadeshpande/Downloads/MPEC/Brazil/Rio/ART CHECK1/Compare different ART parameter setting1/2-way SA/Measurement of community benefit_R10/Status quo_R10/SQ.in'
old_path = r'/Users/vijetadeshpande/Downloads/MPEC/Brazil/Rio/2-way SA_10 year/Measurement of community benefit_R10/Status quo_R10/SQ.in'
new_sq = link.read_cepac_in_file(new_path)
old_sq = link.read_cepac_in_file(old_path)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def parallelize(self, parallel = 1):
     # parallelize the files
     c_op.parallelize_input(self.save_path, parallel)