Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_path(name, default_path):
    path = None
        path = misc.load_yaml_file(USER_DATA_FILE).get(name, None)
        if path is None:
            downloaded_pd_file = 'pd.yaml'
            if os.path.exists(downloaded_pd_file):
                path = misc.load_yaml_file(downloaded_pd_file).get(name, default_path)
    if not path:
        path = default_path
    return path
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get_user_data(self, force=False):
     if self.user_data is None or force:
         self.user_data = misc.load_yaml_file(paths.USER_DATA_FILE)
         self.aws_access_key = self.user_data.get("access_key", None)
         self.aws_secret_key = self.user_data.get("secret_key", None)
         self.s3_url = self.user_data.get("s3_url", None)
         self.ec2_url = self.user_data.get("ec2_url", None)
     return self.user_data
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_user_data(self, force=False):
     if self.user_data is None or force:
         self.user_data = misc.load_yaml_file(paths.USER_DATA_FILE)
         self.aws_access_key = self.user_data.get('access_key', None)
         self.aws_secret_key = self.user_data.get('secret_key', None)
         self.s3_url = self.user_data.get('s3_url', None)
         self.ec2_url = self.user_data.get('ec2_url', None)
     return self.user_data
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_cloud_type(self):
        """ Determine the type of cloud currently being running on.
            If needed, this method should be extended to include other
            (or alternative) methods for detecting the type of cloud.

            The current assumption is that the type of cloud is included as
            part of user data and stored in paths.USER_DATA_FILE file
            under 'cloud_type' key.
        return misc.load_yaml_file(paths.USER_DATA_FILE).get('cloud_type', 'ec2').lower()
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_cloud_type(self):
        """ Determine the type of cloud currently being running on.
            If needed, this method should be extended to include other
            (or alternative) methods for detecting the type of cloud.

            The current assumption is that the type of cloud is included as
            part of user data and stored in paths.USER_DATA_FILE file
            under 'cloud_type' key.
        return misc.load_yaml_file(paths.USER_DATA_FILE).get("cloud_type", "ec2").lower()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_path(name, default_path):
    Get a file system path where a service with the given ``name`` resides/runs
    as defined in the user data. For example, to use a custom path for Galaxy,
    set ``galaxy_home: /my/custom/path/to/galaxy`` in the user data. If the custom
    path is not provided, just return the ``default_path``.
    path = None
        path = misc.load_yaml_file(USER_DATA_FILE).get(name, None)
        if path is None:
            downloaded_pd_file = 'pd.yaml'
            if os.path.exists(downloaded_pd_file):
                path = misc.load_yaml_file(downloaded_pd_file).get(
                    name, default_path)
    if not path:
        path = default_path
    return path
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_path(name, default_path):
    Get a file system path where a service with the given ``name`` resides/runs
    as defined in the user data. For example, to use a custom path for Galaxy,
    set ``galaxy_home: /my/custom/path/to/galaxy`` in the user data. If the custom
    path is not provided, just return the ``default_path``.
    path = None
        path = misc.load_yaml_file(USER_DATA_FILE).get(name, None)
        if path is None:
            downloaded_pd_file = 'pd.yaml'
            if os.path.exists(downloaded_pd_file):
                path = misc.load_yaml_file(
                    downloaded_pd_file).get(name, default_path)
    if not path:
        path = default_path
    return path
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def get_user_data(self, force=False):
        """ Override this method in a cloud-specific interface if the
            default approach does not apply.
            NOTE that this method should call the set_configuration method!

            :type force: boolean
            :param force: If set to True, reload the user data regardless if
                          the data is already stored in the class field

            :rtype: dict
            :return: A key-value dictionary containing the user data.
        if self.user_data is None or force:
            self.user_data = misc.load_yaml_file(paths.USER_DATA_FILE)
        return self.user_data
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def get_user_data(self, force=False):
        """ Override this method in a cloud-specific interface if the
            default approach does not apply.
            NOTE that this method should call the set_configuration method!

            :type force: boolean
            :param force: If set to True, reload the user data regardless if
                          the data is already stored in the class field

            :rtype: dict
            :return: A key-value dictionary containing the user data.
        if self.user_data is None or force:
            self.user_data = misc.load_yaml_file(paths.USER_DATA_FILE)
        return self.user_data
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     self.config_dict = kwargs
     self.root = kwargs.get('root_dir', '.')
     # Where dataset files are stored
     self.id_secret = kwargs.get(
         "id_secret", "USING THE DEFAULT IS NOT SECURE!")
     self.use_remote_user = string_as_bool(
         kwargs.get("use_remote_user", "False"))
     self.require_login = string_as_bool(
         kwargs.get("require_login", "False"))
     self.template_path = resolve_path(
         kwargs.get("template_path", "templates"), self.root)
     self.cloudman_source_file_name = kwargs.get(
         "cloudman_file_name", "cm.tar.gz")
     # self.template_cache = resolve_path( kwargs.get(
     # "template_cache_path", "database/reports/compiled_templates" ),
     # self.root )
     self.sendmail_path = kwargs.get('sendmail_path', "/usr/sbin/sendmail")
     self.brand = kwargs.get('brand', None)
     self.wiki_url = kwargs.get('wiki_url', "http://g2.trac.bx.psu.edu/")
     self.GC_url = kwargs.get(
         'GC_url', 'http://bitbucket.org/afgane/galaxy-central-gc2/')
     self.CM_url = kwargs.get(
         'GC_url', 'http://bitbucket.org/galaxy/cloudman/')
     self.bugs_email = kwargs.get(
         'bugs_email', "mailto:[email protected]")
     self.blog_url = kwargs.get(
         'blog_url', "http://g2.trac.bx.psu.edu/blog")
     self.screencasts_url = kwargs.get(
         'screencasts_url', "http://g2.trac.bx.psu.edu/wiki/ScreenCasts")
     # Parse global_conf
     global_conf = kwargs.get('global_conf', None)
     global_conf_parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
     if global_conf and "__file__" in global_conf:
     # Load supported image configuration from a file on the image.
     # This is a dict containing a list of configurations supported by
     # the by system/image. Primarily, this contains a list
     # of apps (available under key 'apps'). This config file allows CloudMan
     # to integrate native and custom support for additional applications.
     # The dict contains default values for backward combatibility.
     self.ic = {'apps': ['cloudman', 'galaxy']}
     if os.path.exists(paths.IMAGE_CONF_SUPPORT_FILE):
         self.ic = misc.load_yaml_file(paths.IMAGE_CONF_SUPPORT_FILE)
     # Logger is not configured yet so print
     print "Image configuration suports: %s" % self.ic
     self.instance_types = []
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        print "Python version: ", sys.version_info[:2]
        self.PERSISTENT_DATA_VERSION = 3  # Current expected and generated PD version
        self.DEPLOYMENT_VERSION = 2
        # Instance persistent data file. This file gets created for
        # test/transient cluster types and stores the cluster config. In case
        # of a reboot, read the file to automatically recreate the services.
        self.INSTANCE_PD_FILE = '/mnt/persistent_data-current.yaml'
        cc = CloudConfig(app=self)
        # Get the type of cloud currently running on
        self.cloud_type = cc.get_cloud_type()
        # Create an appropriate cloud connection
        self.cloud_interface = cc.get_cloud_interface(self.cloud_type)
        # Read config file and check for errors
        self.config = config.Configuration(self, kwargs, self.cloud_interface.get_user_data())
        # From user data determine if object store (S3) should be used.
        self.use_object_store = self.config.get("use_object_store", True)
        # From user data determine if block storage (EBS/nova-volume) should be used.
        # (OpenNebula and dummy clouds do not support volumes yet so skip those)
        self.use_volumes = self.config.get(
            "use_volumes", self.cloud_type not in ['opennebula', 'dummy'])
#         self.config.init_with_user_data(self.ud)
        # Setup logging
        self.logger = CMLogHandler()
        if "testflag" in self.config:
            self.TESTFLAG = bool(self.config['testflag'])
            self.TESTFLAG = False

        if "localflag" in self.config:
            self.LOCALFLAG = bool(self.config['localflag'])
            self.LOCALFLAG = False
        log.debug("Initializing app")
        log.debug("Running on '{0}' type of cloud in zone '{1}' using image '{2}'."
                  .format(self.cloud_type, self.cloud_interface.get_zone(),

        # App-wide object to store messages that need to travel between the back-end
        # and the UI.
        # TODO: Ideally, this should be stored some form of more persistent
        # medium (eg, database, file, session) and used as a simple module (vs. object)
        # but that's hopefully still forthcoming.
        self.msgs = messages.Messages()

        # App-wide consecutive number generator. Starting at 1, each time `next`
        # is called, get the next integer.
        self.number_generator = misc.get_a_number()

        # Check that we actually got user creds in user data and inform user
        if not ('access_key' in self.config or 'secret_key' in self.config):
            self.msgs.error("No access credentials provided in user data. "
                            "You will not be able to add any services.")
        # Update user data to include persistent data stored in cluster's bucket, if it exists
        # This enables cluster configuration to be recovered on cluster re-
        # instantiation
        self.manager = None
        pd = None
        if self.use_object_store and 'bucket_cluster' in self.config:
            log.debug("Looking for existing cluster persistent data (PD).")
            validate = True if self.cloud_type == 'ec2' else False
            if not self.TESTFLAG and misc.get_file_from_bucket(
                    'persistent_data.yaml', 'pd.yaml',
                        log.debug("Loading bucket PD file pd.yaml")
                        pd = misc.load_yaml_file('pd.yaml')
        # Have not found the file in the cluster bucket, look on the instance
        if not pd:
            if os.path.exists(self.INSTANCE_PD_FILE):
                log.debug("Loading instance PD file {0}".format(self.INSTANCE_PD_FILE))
                pd = misc.load_yaml_file(self.INSTANCE_PD_FILE)
        if pd:
            self.config.user_data = misc.merge_yaml_objects(self.config.user_data, pd)
            self.config.user_data = misc.normalize_user_data(self, self.config.user_data)
            log.debug("No PD to go by. Setting deployment_version to {0}."
            # This is a new cluster so default to the current deployment version
            self.config.user_data['deployment_version'] = self.DEPLOYMENT_VERSION
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def __init__( self, **kwargs ):
     print "Python version: ", sys.version_info[:2]
     cc = CloudConfig(app=self)
     # Get the type of cloud currently running on
     self.cloud_type = cc.get_cloud_type()
     # Create an approprite cloud connection
     self.cloud_interface = cc.get_cloud_interface(self.cloud_type)
     # Load user data into a local field through a cloud interface
     self.ud = self.cloud_interface.get_user_data()
     # From user data determine if object store (S3) should be used.
     self.use_object_store = self.ud.get("use_object_store", True)
     # Read config file and check for errors
     self.config = config.Configuration( **kwargs )
     # Setup logging
     self.logger = CMLogHandler(self)
     if self.ud.has_key("testflag"):
         self.TESTFLAG = bool(self.ud['testflag'])
         self.TESTFLAG = False
     if self.ud.has_key("localflag"):
         self.LOCALFLAG = bool(self.ud['localflag'])
         self.LOCALFLAG = False
     log.debug( "Initializing app" )
     log.debug("Running on '{0}' type of cloud.".format(self.cloud_type))
     # App-wide object to store messages that need to travel between the back-end
     # and the UI. 
     # TODO: Ideally, this should be stored some form of more persistent
     # medium (eg, database, file, session) and used as a simple module (vs. object)
     # but that's hopefully still forthcoming.
     self.msgs = messages.Messages()
     # Check that we actually got user creds in user data and inform user
     if not ('access_key' in self.ud or 'secret_key' in self.ud):
         self.msgs.error("No access credentials provided in user data. "
             "You will not be able to add any services.")
     # Update user data to include persistent data stored in cluster's bucket, if it exists
     # This enables cluster configuration to be recovered on cluster re-instantiation
     self.manager = None
     if self.use_object_store and self.ud.has_key('bucket_cluster'):
         log.debug("Getting pd.yaml")
         if misc.get_file_from_bucket(self.cloud_interface.get_s3_connection(), self.ud['bucket_cluster'], 'persistent_data.yaml', 'pd.yaml'):
             pd = misc.load_yaml_file('pd.yaml')
             self.ud = misc.merge_yaml_objects(self.ud, pd)
     if self.ud.has_key('role'):
         if self.ud['role'] == 'master':
             log.info( "Master starting" )
             from cm.util import master
             self.manager = master.ConsoleManager(self)
         elif self.ud['role'] == 'worker':
             log.info( "Worker starting" )
             from cm.util import worker
             self.manager = worker.ConsoleManager(self)
         log.error("************ No ROLE in %s - this is a fatal error. ************" % paths.USER_DATA_FILE)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __call__(self, environ, username, password):
     if not self._pass:
         ud = misc.load_yaml_file(paths.USER_DATA_FILE)
         self._pass = ud['password']
     return self._pass == password
Ejemplo n.º 14
def wrap_in_middleware(app, global_conf, **local_conf):
    """Based on the configuration wrap `app` in a set of common and useful middleware."""
    # Merge the global and local configurations
    conf = global_conf.copy()
    debug = asbool(conf.get('debug', False))
    # First put into place httpexceptions, which must be most closely
    # wrapped around the application (it can interact poorly with
    # other middleware):
    app = httpexceptions.make_middleware(app, conf)
    log.debug("Enabling 'httpexceptions' middleware")
    # The recursive middleware allows for including requests in other
    # requests or forwarding of requests, all on the server side.
    if asbool(conf.get('use_recursive', True)):
        from paste import recursive
        app = recursive.RecursiveMiddleware(app, conf)
        log.debug("Enabling 'recursive' middleware")
    # Various debug middleware that can only be turned on if the debug
    # flag is set, either because they are insecure or greatly hurt
    # performance
    if debug:
        # Middleware to check for WSGI compliance
        if asbool(conf.get('use_lint', True)):
            from paste import lint
            app = lint.make_middleware(app, conf)
            log.debug("Enabling 'lint' middleware")
        # Middleware to run the python profiler on each request
        if asbool(conf.get('use_profile', False)):
            import profile
            app = profile.ProfileMiddleware(app, conf)
            log.debug("Enabling 'profile' middleware")
        # Middleware that intercepts print statements and shows them on the
        # returned page
        if asbool(conf.get('use_printdebug', True)):
            from paste.debug import prints
            app = prints.PrintDebugMiddleware(app, conf)
            log.debug("Enabling 'print debug' middleware")
    if debug and asbool(conf.get('use_interactive', False)):
        # Interactive exception debugging, scary dangerous if publicly
        # accessible, if not enabled we'll use the regular error printing
        # middleware.
        from weberror import evalexception
        app = evalexception.EvalException(
            app, conf, templating_formatters=build_template_error_formatters())
        log.debug("Enabling 'eval exceptions' middleware")
        # Not in interactive debug mode, just use the regular error middleware
        from paste.exceptions import errormiddleware
        app = errormiddleware.ErrorMiddleware(
            app, conf, show_exceptions_in_wsgi_errors=True, error_log=log)
        log.debug("Enabling 'error' middleware")
    # Transaction logging (apache access.log style)
    if asbool(conf.get('use_translogger', True)):
        from paste.translogger import TransLogger
        app = TransLogger(app)
        log.debug("Enabling 'trans logger' middleware")
    # Config middleware just stores the paste config along with the request,
    # not sure we need this but useful
    from paste.deploy.config import ConfigMiddleware
    app = ConfigMiddleware(app, conf)
    log.debug("Enabling 'config' middleware")
    # X-Forwarded-Host handling
    from cm.framework.middleware.xforwardedhost import XForwardedHostMiddleware
    app = XForwardedHostMiddleware(app)
    log.debug("Enabling 'x-forwarded-host' middleware")
    # Paste digest authentication
    ud = misc.load_yaml_file(paths.USER_DATA_FILE)
    if ud.get('password', ''):
        from paste.auth.basic import AuthBasicHandler
        app = AuthBasicHandler(app, 'CM Administration', cm_authfunc)
    return app
Ejemplo n.º 15
def wrap_in_middleware(app, global_conf, **local_conf):
    """Based on the configuration wrap `app` in a set of common and useful middleware."""
    # Merge the global and local configurations
    conf = global_conf.copy()
    debug = asbool(conf.get('debug', False))
    # First put into place httpexceptions, which must be most closely
    # wrapped around the application (it can interact poorly with
    # other middleware):
    app = httpexceptions.make_middleware(app, conf)
    log.debug("Enabling 'httpexceptions' middleware")
    # The recursive middleware allows for including requests in other
    # requests or forwarding of requests, all on the server side.
    if asbool(conf.get('use_recursive', True)):
        from paste import recursive
        app = recursive.RecursiveMiddleware(app, conf)
        log.debug("Enabling 'recursive' middleware")
    # Various debug middleware that can only be turned on if the debug
    # flag is set, either because they are insecure or greatly hurt
    # performance
    if debug:
        # Middleware to check for WSGI compliance
        if asbool(conf.get('use_lint', True)):
            from paste import lint
            app = lint.make_middleware(app, conf)
            log.debug("Enabling 'lint' middleware")
        # Middleware to run the python profiler on each request
        if asbool(conf.get('use_profile', False)):
            import profile
            app = profile.ProfileMiddleware(app, conf)
            log.debug("Enabling 'profile' middleware")
        # Middleware that intercepts print statements and shows them on the
        # returned page
        if asbool(conf.get('use_printdebug', True)):
            from paste.debug import prints
            app = prints.PrintDebugMiddleware(app, conf)
            log.debug("Enabling 'print debug' middleware")
    if debug and asbool(conf.get('use_interactive', False)):
        # Interactive exception debugging, scary dangerous if publicly
        # accessible, if not enabled we'll use the regular error printing
        # middleware.
        from weberror import evalexception
        app = evalexception.EvalException(app, conf,
        log.debug("Enabling 'eval exceptions' middleware")
        # Not in interactive debug mode, just use the regular error middleware
        from paste.exceptions import errormiddleware
        app = errormiddleware.ErrorMiddleware(app, conf, show_exceptions_in_wsgi_errors=True, error_log=log)
        log.debug("Enabling 'error' middleware")
    # Transaction logging (apache access.log style)
    if asbool(conf.get('use_translogger', True)):
        from paste.translogger import TransLogger
        app = TransLogger(app)
        log.debug("Enabling 'trans logger' middleware")
    # Config middleware just stores the paste config along with the request,
    # not sure we need this but useful
    from paste.deploy.config import ConfigMiddleware
    app = ConfigMiddleware(app, conf)
    log.debug("Enabling 'config' middleware")
    # X-Forwarded-Host handling
    from cm.framework.middleware.xforwardedhost import XForwardedHostMiddleware
    app = XForwardedHostMiddleware(app)
    log.debug("Enabling 'x-forwarded-host' middleware")
    # Paste digest authentication
    ud = misc.load_yaml_file(paths.USER_DATA_FILE)
    if ud.get('password', ''):
        from paste.auth.basic import AuthBasicHandler
        app = AuthBasicHandler(app, 'CM Administration', cm_authfunc)
    return app
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __call__(self, environ, username, password):
     if not self._pass:
         ud = misc.load_yaml_file(paths.USER_DATA_FILE)
         self._pass = ud['password']
     return self._pass == password
Ejemplo n.º 17
def cm_authfunc(environ, username, password):
    ud = misc.load_yaml_file(paths.USER_DATA_FILE)
    if 'password' in ud:
        if password == str(ud['password']):
            return True
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        print "Python version: ", sys.version_info[:2]
        self.PERSISTENT_DATA_VERSION = 3  # Current expected and generated PD version
        self.DEPLOYMENT_VERSION = 2
        cc = CloudConfig(app=self)
        # Get the type of cloud currently running on
        self.cloud_type = cc.get_cloud_type()
        # Create an appropriate cloud connection
        self.cloud_interface = cc.get_cloud_interface(self.cloud_type)
        # Load user data into a local field through a cloud interface
        self.ud = self.cloud_interface.get_user_data()
        # From user data determine if object store (S3) should be used.
        self.use_object_store = self.ud.get("use_object_store", True)
        # From user data determine if block storage (EBS/nova-volume) should be used.
        # (OpenNebula and dummy clouds do not support volumes yet so skip those)
        self.use_volumes = self.ud.get(
            "use_volumes", self.cloud_type not in ['opennebula', 'dummy'])
        # Read config file and check for errors
        self.config = config.Configuration(**kwargs)
        # Setup logging
        self.logger = CMLogHandler(self)
        if "testflag" in self.ud:
            self.TESTFLAG = bool(self.ud['testflag'])
            self.TESTFLAG = False

        if "localflag" in self.ud:
            self.LOCALFLAG = bool(self.ud['localflag'])
            self.LOCALFLAG = False
        config.configure_logging(self.config, self.ud)
        log.debug("Initializing app")
        log.debug("Running on '{0}' type of cloud in zone '{1}' using image '{2}'."
                  .format(self.cloud_type, self.cloud_interface.get_zone(),

        # App-wide object to store messages that need to travel between the back-end
        # and the UI.
        # TODO: Ideally, this should be stored some form of more persistent
        # medium (eg, database, file, session) and used as a simple module (vs. object)
        # but that's hopefully still forthcoming.
        self.msgs = messages.Messages()

        # Check that we actually got user creds in user data and inform user
        if not ('access_key' in self.ud or 'secret_key' in self.ud):
            self.msgs.error("No access credentials provided in user data. "
                            "You will not be able to add any services.")
        # Update user data to include persistent data stored in cluster's bucket, if it exists
        # This enables cluster configuration to be recovered on cluster re-
        # instantiation
        self.manager = None
        if self.use_object_store and 'bucket_cluster' in self.ud:
            log.debug("Getting pd.yaml")
            if misc.get_file_from_bucket(self.cloud_interface.get_s3_connection(),
               self.ud['bucket_cluster'], 'persistent_data.yaml', 'pd.yaml'):
                pd = misc.load_yaml_file('pd.yaml')
                self.ud = misc.merge_yaml_objects(self.ud, pd)
                self.ud = misc.normalize_user_data(self, self.ud)
                log.debug("Setting deployment_version to {0}".format(self.DEPLOYMENT_VERSION))
                # This is a new cluster so default to the current version
                self.ud['deployment_version'] = self.DEPLOYMENT_VERSION