def goalBabble(self, x):
        print("Doing goal babbling now\n")
        p =
        p[:] = x[3]

        i = 0
        self.sMemory = np.array([1] * (INPUTSIZE + PREDICTSIZE))
        self.mMemory = np.array([0] * OUTPUTSIZE)
        sensedAngles = self.get_sensor_values()
        pv = sensedAngles[x[2]]
        #Choose a goal sensor value in the range of the predicted angle
        #self.randomGoal = self.rand.uniform(self.Body[x[1]][0],self.Body[x[1]][1])
        self.randomGoal = self.rand.uniform(-0.5, 0.5)
        #CMA-ES can be used to discover joint angles that get
        #closer to the goal state!!!!!!!!
        self.x1 = x[1]
        self.x2 = x[2]
        res = cma.fmin(self.calcGoalScore,
                       0.1 * (np.random.random_sample(2, ) - 0.5),
                       bounds=[self.Body[x[1]][0], self.Body[x[1]][1]])
 def goalBabble(self, x):
     print("Doing goal babbling now\n")
     p =
     p[:] = x[3]
     i = 0
     self.sMemory = np.array([1]*(INPUTSIZE + PREDICTSIZE))
     self.mMemory = np.array([0]*OUTPUTSIZE)
     sensedAngles = self.get_sensor_values()
     pv = sensedAngles[x[2]]
     #Choose a goal sensor value in the range of the predicted angle
     #self.randomGoal = self.rand.uniform(self.Body[x[1]][0],self.Body[x[1]][1])
     self.randomGoal = self.rand.uniform(-0.5,0.5)
     #CMA-ES can be used to discover joint angles that get
     #closer to the goal state!!!!!!!!
     self.x1 = x[1]
     self.x2 = x[2]
     res = cma.fmin(self.calcGoalScore, 0.1*(np.random.random_sample(2,)-0.5), 0.5,maxfevals=500, verb_disp=1, bounds=[self.Body[x[1]][0], self.Body[x[1]][1]] )
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def main(self):
        # 500g foot at 18cm :
        addedInertia = 0.0162
        self.updateModelConstants(12, self.i0,, self.r, self.klin, self.linearTransition, self.staticFriction, self.coulombFriction, addedInertia)
#         print self
#         T = numpy.arange(0, 1, 0.0001)
#         timedCommands = zip(T, itertools.repeat(8))
#         self.updateModelConstants(12, self.i0,, self.r, self.klin, self.linearTransition, self.staticFriction, self.coulombFriction)
#         self.simulation(timedCommands, 0, 0, printIt=True)
#         return

        print "Initial model values :"
        print "voltage = ", self.voltage #12
        print "io = ", self.i0 #0.00353
        print "ke = ", #1.6
        print "r = ", self.r #5.86
        print "klin = ", self.klin #-1.60368670825
        print "linearTransition = ", self.linearTransition #0.306796157577
        print "staticFriction = ", self.staticFriction #0.150170648464
        print "coulombFriction = ", self.coulombFriction #0.0750853242321
        print "addedInertia = ", self.addedInertia#0.004

        listOfMeasures = self.readMeasures("measures/completeTest", timeLimit=0.150, typeOffset=0)
        listOfMeasuresheavyLoad = self.readMeasures("measures/completeTestHeavyLoad", timeLimit=0.150, typeOffset=10)
        #Adding the heavy load measures
        #Max speed is 4PI/s = 120 rpm
        self.fixGaps(listOfMeasures, 4*math.pi)
        self.noDisplay = False

        #self.noDisplay = True
        #value = self.evaluateModelForMeasures(listOfMeasures, 12, self.i0,, self.r, self.klin, self.linearTransition, self.staticFriction, self.coulombFriction)
        #print value
        #tolfun 100
#         value = self.evaluateModelForMeasures(listOfMeasures, 12, -0.0017217180565952648, 3.9265053688586535, 4.4190475060541337, -1.642030980764918, -0.19456964024780998, 0.19221036872483038, 0.60201284035701119)
        #tolfun 100 with limits on values
#         value = self.evaluateModelForMeasures(listOfMeasures, 12, 0.00905955, 3.29605672, 1.63030819, -1.6484249, 0.04996982, 0.19198735, 0.21656958)

        #tolfun 100 with limits on values
#         value = self.evaluateModelForMeasures(listOfMeasures, 12, 0.00794687, 1.49117495, 0.85706012, 1.64383661, -0.04078583, 0.07417589, 0.30257492)
#         value = self.evaluateModelForMeasures(listOfMeasures, 12, 0.0034689028202296171, 1.555666164824836, 1.1287356922053267, 1.6444843194436245, 0.41284770773063401, 0.1294117709539814, 0.29580470901307804)
#tolfun 80 :
# [0.0021731366250028568, 1.355067751766774, 0.94623234209939366, 1.6460100334124927, 0.027949448057014062, 0.12011789072794421, 0.27722890096104058]

#Score of 5.27
#         value = self.evaluateModelForMeasures(listOfMeasures, 12, 4.66664605e-04, 1.21498291e+00, 5.13895843e-01, 1.80236842e+00, 3.23283556e-01, 1.31244462e-01, 1.36619002e-01)
       #Score of 23
#         value = self.evaluateModelForMeasures(listOfMeasures, 12, 0.32711334, 5.0, 11.26126126, 12.46876941, 37.99361901, 0.50304455, 0.50304455)

        #Score of 5 (only on the first 150 ms though)
#         value = self.evaluateModelForMeasures(listOfMeasures, 12, 0.00589097, 1.4666091, 4.10039631, 1.55765625, 0.25689851, 0.12147452, 0.08027712)
        #Score of 0.91 (only on the first 150 ms though)
#         value = self.evaluateModelForMeasures(listOfMeasures, 12, 0.00459395, 1.39735606, 3.26399923, 1.7137901, 0.59109595, 0.14349084, 0.11449425)
        #Score of 0.127 (only on the first 150 ms though)
#         value = self.evaluateModelForMeasures(listOfMeasures, 12, 0.00250709722, 1.57426512, 4.57635209, 1.62426655, 0.149425682, 0.0985980367, 0.0915512434)
        #Score of 10 (full length)
#         3.83787890e-03   1.47894946e+00   4.25865142e+00   1.63136824e+00 9.17768154e-02   1.26099628e-01   9.98887909e-02

        #Adding the "addedInertia" attribute from here
#         value = self.evaluateModelForMeasures(listOfMeasures, 12, 0.00250709722, 1.57426512, 4.57635209, 1.62426655, 0.149425682, 0.0985980367, 0.0915512434, 0.004)
    #Score of 0.94 with addedInertia, on the first 150ms
#     1.07728666e-03   1.36831818e+00   3.91813279e+00   1.65976880e+00 1.75653773e-01   1.26764092e-01   9.03878047e-02   3.11286186e-03
    #Score of 0.39 with addedInertia, on the first 150ms
# 4.91495976e-04   1.62594599e+00   4.72658717e+00   1.63540545e+00 1.95274189e-01   1.21803765e-01   8.79444393e-02   4.07977291e-03
    #Score of 0.39 with addedInertia, on the first 150ms
# 0.00537005  1.39865656  4.06586179  1.63538543  0.19542816  0.12123053 0.1030164   0.00408195

        #Score of 0.386 with addedInertia, on the first 150ms
# 6.74933458e-03   1.50816125e+00   4.38408117e+00   1.63554751e+00 1.38872124e-01   1.45544129e-01   1.01677621e-01   4.09684545e-03

#Score of 0.382214837376 with addedInertia, on the first 150ms
# [  1.55818308e-02   1.51294795e+00   4.39798614e+00   1.63553529e+00 8.09641650e-02   2.03719639e-01   1.20403543e-01   4.07587229e-03]
#         print "value = ", value
#         return
        self.noDisplay = True
        params = [self.i0,, self.r, self.klin, self.linearTransition, self.staticFriction, self.coulombFriction, self.addedInertia]
        options = cma.CMAOptions()
        #Rescaling the sigmas for each variable
        options['scaling_of_variables'] = [params[0], params[1], params[2]/5.0, params[3]/5.0, params[4], params[5]/10.0, params[6]*2, params[7]/2.5]
        options['tolfun'] = 0.5
        options['ftarget'] = 0.2
        res = cma.fmin(self.evaluateModelForMeasures1D, params, 0.5, options, args=[listOfMeasures], restarts=6, bipop=True)

        print "Best solution = ", res[0]
        print "Best score = ", res[1]
        print "Function evals = ", res[2]
        print "Function evals? = ", res[3]
        print "Nb iterations = ", res[4]
        print "mean of final sample distribution", res[5]
        while(True) :
            temp = 22
Ejemplo n.º 4
import cma
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
