Ejemplo n.º 1
def _make_search_request(base: str, query: dict, page_state: dict, config: dict):
    Do the first half of the "search_by_page" function, by making the call to CMR.
    Build a request and issue it, returning a json object
        base (string): the CMR end point, the base of the URL before params
        query (dictionary): CMR parameters and their values
        page_state (dictionary): the current page to download
        config (dictionary): configurations settings responds to:
            * accept - the format for the return defaults to UMM-JSON
        JSON object with either data from CMR, or on error you get the error response
    # Build headers
    headers = _standard_headers_from_config(config)

    if 'Echo-Token' in headers:
        logger.info('Using a CMR-Token')
    if 'Authorization' in headers:
        logger.info('Using an Authorization token')

    if 'CMR-Scroll-Id' in page_state:
        logger.debug('Setting scroll id to %s.', page_state['CMR-Scroll-Id'])
        headers = common.conj(headers, {'CMR-Scroll-Id': page_state['CMR-Scroll-Id']})
    accept = config.get('accept', 'application/vnd.nasa.cmr.umm_results+json')
    headers = common.conj(headers, {'Accept': accept})

    # Build URL and make POST
    url = _cmr_query_url(base, None, page_state, config = config)
    logger.info(' - %s: %s', 'POST', url)
    obj_json = net.post(url, query, headers=headers)

    return obj_json
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_conj(self):
     """Test the conj function"""
     self.assertEqual([3, 4], com.conj(None, [3, 4]), 'src was None')
     self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3, 4], com.conj([1, 2], [3, 4]),
                      'good src, lists')
     self.assertEqual((4, 3, 1, 2), com.conj((1, 2), (3, 4)),
                      'good src, tuples')
         'a': 'A',
         'b': 'B'
     }, com.conj({'a': 'A'}, {'b': 'B'}), 'good src, dict')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _cmr_query_url(base: str, query: dict, page_state: dict, config: dict = None):
    build a collection or granule search URL to CMR
        base: CMR endpoint
        query: dictionary url parameters
        config: configurations, responds to:
            * env - sit, uat, ops, prod, production, or blank for production
    if query is None:
        query = {}
    if int(page_state['limit'])>2000:
        query = common.conj(query, {'scroll': 'true'})
    query = common.conj(query, {'page_size': page_state['page_size']})
    return _cmr_basic_url(base, query, config)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def clear_scroll(scroll_id, config: dict = None):
    This action is called to clear a scroll ID from CMR allowing CMR to free up
    memory associated with the current search.

    This call is the same as calling the following CURL command:
    curl -i -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/clear-scroll \
        -d '{ "scroll_id" : "xxxx"}'
    This API call must send " and not '
    API call returns HTTP status code 204 when successful.

        scroll_id(string/number): CMR Scroll ID
        config(dictionary) - used to make configurations changes
        error dictionary if there was a problem, otherwise a JSON object of response headers
    config = common.always(config)

    # Build headers
    headers = _standard_headers_from_config(config)
    headers = common.conj(headers, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'})

    url = _cmr_basic_url('clear-scroll', None, config)
    data = '{"scroll_id": "' + str(scroll_id) + '"}'
    logger.info(" - %s: %s", 'POST', url)
    obj_json = net.post(url, data, headers=headers)
    if 'errors' in obj_json:
        errors = obj_json['errors']
        for err in errors:
            logger.warning(" Error while clearing scroll: %s", err)
    return obj_json