Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AdvancedSettingsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['language'].widget = HiddenInput()
        self.fields['site'].widget = HiddenInput()
        site_id = self.fields['site'].initial

        languages = get_language_tuple(site_id)
        self.fields['language'].choices = languages
        if not self.fields['language'].initial:
            self.fields['language'].initial = get_language()
        if 'navigation_extenders' in self.fields:
            self.fields['navigation_extenders'].widget = forms.Select(
                {}, [('', "---------")] + menu_pool.get_menus_by_attribute("cms_enabled", True))
        if 'application_urls' in self.fields:
            # Prepare a dict mapping the apps by class name ('PollApp') to
            # their app_name attribute ('polls'), if any.
            app_namespaces = {}
            app_configs = {}
            for hook in apphook_pool.get_apphooks():
                app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(hook[0])
                if app.app_name:
                    app_namespaces[hook[0]] = app.app_name
                if app.app_config:
                    app_configs[hook[0]] = app

            self.fields['application_urls'].widget = AppHookSelect(
                attrs={'id': 'application_urls'},
            self.fields['application_urls'].choices = [('', "---------")] + apphook_pool.get_apphooks()

            page_data = self.data if self.data else self.initial
            if app_configs:
                self.fields['application_configs'].widget = ApplicationConfigSelect(
                    attrs={'id': 'application_configs'},

                if page_data.get('application_urls', False) and page_data['application_urls'] in app_configs:
                    self.fields['application_configs'].choices = [(config.pk, force_text(config)) for config in app_configs[page_data['application_urls']].get_configs()]

                    apphook = page_data.get('application_urls', False)
                        config = apphook_pool.get_apphook(apphook).get_configs().get(namespace=self.initial['application_namespace'])
                        self.fields['application_configs'].initial = config.pk
                    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                        # Provided apphook configuration doesn't exist (anymore),
                        # just skip it
                        # The user will choose another value anyway
                    # If app_config apphook is not selected, drop any value
                    # for application_configs to avoid the field data from
                    # being validated by the field itself
                        del self.data['application_configs']
                    except KeyError:

        if 'redirect' in self.fields:
            self.fields['redirect'].widget.language = self.fields['language'].initial
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(AdvancedSettingsForm, self).clean()
        if 'reverse_id' in self.fields:
            id = cleaned_data['reverse_id']
            site_id = cleaned_data['site']
            if id:
                if Page.objects.filter(reverse_id=id,
                    self._errors['reverse_id'] = self.error_class(
                        [_('A page with this reverse URL id exists already.')])
        apphook = cleaned_data.get('application_urls', None)
        # The field 'application_namespace' is a misnomer. It should be
        # 'instance_namespace'.
        instance_namespace = cleaned_data.get('application_namespace', None)
        application_config = cleaned_data.get('application_configs', None)
        if apphook:
            # application_config wins over application_namespace
            if application_config:
                # the value of the application config namespace is saved in
                # the 'usual' namespace field to be backward compatible
                # with existing apphooks
                config = apphook_pool.get_apphook(apphook).get_configs().get(
                self.cleaned_data['application_namespace'] = config.namespace
                # The attribute on the apps 'app_name' is a misnomer, it should be
                # 'application_namespace'.
                application_namespace = apphook_pool.get_apphook(
                if application_namespace and not instance_namespace:
                    if Page.objects.filter(
                        # Looks like there's already one with the default instance
                        # namespace defined.
                        self._errors['application_urls'] = ErrorList([
                            _('''You selected an apphook with an "app_name".
                                You must enter a unique instance name.''')
                        # OK, there are zero instances of THIS app that use the
                        # default instance namespace, so, since the user didn't
                        # provide one, we'll use the default. NOTE: The following
                        # line is really setting the "instance namespace" of the
                        # new app to the app’s "application namespace", which is
                        # the default instance namespace.
                            'application_namespace'] = application_namespace

        if instance_namespace and not apphook:
            self.cleaned_data['application_namespace'] = None

        if application_config and not apphook:
            self.cleaned_data['application_configs'] = None

        return cleaned_data
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(AdvancedSettingsForm, self).clean()
        if 'reverse_id' in self.fields:
            id = cleaned_data['reverse_id']
            site_id = cleaned_data['site']
            if id:
                if Page.objects.filter(reverse_id=id, site=site_id, publisher_is_draft=True).exclude(
                    self._errors['reverse_id'] = self.error_class(
                        [_('A page with this reverse URL id exists already.')])
        apphook = cleaned_data.get('application_urls', None)
        # The field 'application_namespace' is a misnomer. It should be
        # 'instance_namespace'.
        instance_namespace = cleaned_data.get('application_namespace', None)
        application_config = cleaned_data.get('application_configs', None)
        if apphook:
            # application_config wins over application_namespace
            if application_config:
                # the value of the application config namespace is saved in
                # the 'usual' namespace field to be backward compatible
                # with existing apphooks
                config = apphook_pool.get_apphook(apphook).get_configs().get(pk=int(application_config))
                self.cleaned_data['application_namespace'] = config.namespace
                # The attribute on the apps 'app_name' is a misnomer, it should be
                # 'application_namespace'.
                application_namespace = apphook_pool.get_apphook(apphook).app_name
                if application_namespace and not instance_namespace:
                    if Page.objects.filter(
                        # Looks like there's already one with the default instance
                        # namespace defined.
                        self._errors['application_urls'] = ErrorList([
                            _('''You selected an apphook with an "app_name".
                                You must enter a unique instance name.''')
                        # OK, there are zero instances of THIS app that use the
                        # default instance namespace, so, since the user didn't
                        # provide one, we'll use the default. NOTE: The following
                        # line is really setting the "instance namespace" of the
                        # new app to the app’s "application namespace", which is
                        # the default instance namespace.
                        self.cleaned_data['application_namespace'] = application_namespace

        if instance_namespace and not apphook:
            self.cleaned_data['application_namespace'] = None

        if application_config and not apphook:
            self.cleaned_data['application_configs'] = None

        return cleaned_data
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def modify(self, request, nodes, namespace, root_id, post_cut, breadcrumb):
        Actual modifier function
        :param request: request
        :param nodes: complete list of nodes
        :param namespace: Menu namespace
        :param root_id: eventual root_id
        :param post_cut: flag for modifier stage
        :param breadcrumb: flag for modifier stage
        :return: nodeslist
        app = None
        config = None
        if getattr(request, 'current_page', None) and request.current_page.application_urls:
            app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(request.current_page.application_urls)

        if app and app.app_config:
            namespace = resolve(request.path).namespace
            config = app.get_config(namespace)
        if config and config.menu_structure != MENU_TYPE_CATEGORIES:
            return nodes
        if post_cut:
            return nodes
        current_post = getattr(request, get_setting('CURRENT_POST_IDENTIFIER'), None)
        category = None
        if current_post and current_post.__class__ == Post:
            category = current_post.categories.first()
        if not category:
            return nodes

        for node in nodes:
            if '{0}-{1}'.format(category.__class__.__name__, category.pk) == node.id:
                node.selected = True
        return nodes
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_nodes(self, request):
        nodes = []
        language = get_language_from_request(request, check_path=True)

        # NOTE: It is important that we only get objects that have an active
        # translation, otherwise, object.get_absolute_url() may return
        # NoReverseMatch exceptions that we will have to catch, if we want to
        # prevent errors from appearing on-screen.
        things = (Thing.objects.published()

        if hasattr(self, 'instance') and self.instance:  # pragma: no cover
            # If self has a property `instance`, then we're using django CMS
            # 3.0.12 or later, which supports using CMSAttachMenus on multiple,
            # apphook'ed pages, each with their own apphook configuration. So,
            # here we modify the queryset to reflect this.
            app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(self.instance.application_urls)
            if app:
                things = things.namespace(self.instance.application_namespace)

        for thing in things:
            # This try/except seems like overkill here, but if this fails for
            # any reason, this **and any further menus, even from other apps**
            # may not get loaded, so we're extra careful.
                url = thing.get_absolute_url(language=language)
                node = NavigationNode(thing.name, url, thing.pk)
            except NoReverseMatch:  # pragma: no cover

        return nodes
Ejemplo n.º 6
def page_to_node(page, home, cut):
    parent_id = page.parent_id
    if home and page.parent_id == home.pk and cut:
        parent_id = None
    # possible fix for a possible problem
    # if parent_id and not page.parent.get_calculated_status():
    #    parent_id = None # ????
    attr = {"soft_root": page.soft_root, "auth_required": page.login_required, "reverse_id": page.reverse_id}
    if page.limit_visibility_in_menu == None:
        attr["visible_for_authenticated"] = True
        attr["visible_for_anonymous"] = True
        attr["visible_for_authenticated"] = page.limit_visibility_in_menu == 1
        attr["visible_for_anonymous"] = page.limit_visibility_in_menu == 2
    if page.pk == home.pk:
        attr["is_home"] = True
    extenders = []
    if page.navigation_extenders:
        app_name = page.get_application_urls(fallback=False)
    except Title.DoesNotExist:
        app_name = None
    if app_name:
        app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(app_name)
        for menu in app.menus:
    attr["redirect_url"] = page.get_redirect()  # save redirect URL is any
    if extenders:
        attr["navigation_extenders"] = extenders
    n = NavigationNode(
        page.get_menu_title(), page.get_absolute_url(), page.pk, parent_id, attr=attr, visible=page.in_navigation
    return n
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_nodes(self, request):
        nodes = []
        language = get_language_from_request(request, check_path=True)
        articles = self.get_queryset(request).active_translations(language)

        if hasattr(self, 'instance') and self.instance:
            app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(self.instance.application_urls)

        if app:
            config = app.get_config(self.instance.application_namespace)

            if config:
                articles = articles.filter(app_config=config)

        for article in articles:
                url = article.get_absolute_url(language=language)
            except NoReverseMatch:
                url = None

            if url:
                node = NavigationNode(article.safe_translation_getter(
                    'title', language_code=language), url, article.pk)
        return nodes
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AdvancedSettingsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['language'].widget = HiddenInput()
        self.fields['site'].widget = HiddenInput()
        site_id = self.fields['site'].initial

        languages = get_language_tuple(site_id)
        self.fields['language'].choices = languages
        if not self.fields['language'].initial:
            self.fields['language'].initial = get_language()
        if 'navigation_extenders' in self.fields:
            self.fields['navigation_extenders'].widget = forms.Select({},
                [('', "---------")] + menu_pool.get_menus_by_attribute("cms_enabled", True))
        if 'application_urls' in self.fields:
            # Prepare a dict mapping the apps by class name ('PollApp') to
            # their app_name attribute ('polls'), if any.
            app_namespaces = {}
            for hook in apphook_pool.get_apphooks():
                app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(hook[0])
                if app.app_name:
                    app_namespaces[hook[0]] = app.app_name

            self.fields['application_urls'].widget = AppHookSelect(
            self.fields['application_urls'].choices = [('', "---------")] + apphook_pool.get_apphooks()

        if 'redirect' in self.fields:
            self.fields['redirect'].widget.language = self.fields['language'].initial
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def get_use_cache(self, context, instance, placeholder):
         app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(instance.page.application_urls)
         return app.cache_placeholders
     except (AttributeError, ImproperlyConfigured):
         return super(BreadcrumbPlugin,
                      self).get_use_cache(context, instance, placeholder)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def page_to_node(page, home, cut):
    parent_id = page.parent_id
    if home and page.parent_id == home.pk and cut:
        parent_id = None
    # possible fix for a possible problem
    #if parent_id and not page.parent.get_calculated_status():
    #    parent_id = None # ????
    attr = {'soft_root':page.soft_root,
    if page.pk == home.pk:
        attr['is_home'] = True
    extenders = []
    if page.navigation_extenders:
        app_name = page.get_application_urls(fallback=False)
    except Title.DoesNotExist:
        app_name = None
    if app_name:
        app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(app_name)
        for menu in app.menus:
    if extenders:
        attr['navigation_extenders'] = extenders
    n = NavigationNode(
    return n
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def get_nodes(self, request):
        nodes = []
        language = get_language_from_request(request, check_path=True)
        events = (Event.objects.published()

        if hasattr(self, 'instance') and self.instance:
            # If self has a property `instance`, then we're using django CMS
            # 3.0.12 or later, which supports using CMSAttachMenus on multiple,
            # apphook'ed pages, each with their own apphook configuration. So,
            # here we modify the queryset to reflect this.
            app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(self.instance.application_urls)
            if app:
                events = events.namespace(self.instance.application_namespace)

        for event in events:
                url = event.get_absolute_url(language=language)
            except NoReverseMatch:
                url = None

            if url:
                node = NavigationNode(

        return nodes
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AdvancedSettingsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['language'].widget = HiddenInput()
        self.fields['site'].widget = HiddenInput()
        site_id = self.fields['site'].initial

        languages = get_language_tuple(site_id)
        self.fields['language'].choices = languages
        if not self.fields['language'].initial:
            self.fields['language'].initial = get_language()
        if 'navigation_extenders' in self.fields:
            self.fields['navigation_extenders'].widget = forms.Select({},
                [('', "---------")] + menu_pool.get_menus_by_attribute("cms_enabled", True))
        if 'application_urls' in self.fields:
            # Prepare a dict mapping the apps by class name ('PollApp') to
            # their app_name attribute ('polls'), if any.
            app_namespaces = {}
            for hook in apphook_pool.get_apphooks():
                app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(hook[0])
                if app.app_name:
                    app_namespaces[hook[0]] = app.app_name

            self.fields['application_urls'].widget = AppHookSelect(
            self.fields['application_urls'].choices = [('', "---------")] + apphook_pool.get_apphooks()

        if 'redirect' in self.fields:
            self.fields['redirect'].widget.language = self.fields['language'].initial
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __get__(self, request, obj_type=None):
     if not hasattr(request, '_current_app_cache'):
         page = request.current_page
         app_urls = page.get_application_urls()
         if app_urls:
             app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(app_urls)
             request._current_app_cache = page.reverse_id if page.reverse_id else app.app_name
     return request._current_app_cache
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def __get__(self, request, obj_type=None):
     if not hasattr(request, '_current_app_cache'):
         page = request.current_page
         app_urls = page.get_application_urls()
         if app_urls:
             app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(app_urls)
             request._current_app_cache = page.reverse_id if page.reverse_id else app.app_name
     return request._current_app_cache
 def test_admin_url(self):
     app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(self.page_1.application_urls)
     url = app.get_config_add_url()
         self.assertEqual(url, reverse('admin:%s_%s_add' % (ExampleConfig._meta.app_label,
     except AttributeError:  #NOQA
         self.assertEqual(url, reverse('admin:%s_%s_add' % (ExampleConfig._meta.app_label,
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AdvancedSettingsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.title_obj = self.instance.get_title_obj(

        if 'navigation_extenders' in self.fields:
            navigation_extenders = self.get_navigation_extenders()
            self.fields['navigation_extenders'].widget = forms.Select(
                {}, [('', "---------")] + navigation_extenders)
        if 'application_urls' in self.fields:
            # Prepare a dict mapping the apps by class name ('PollApp') to
            # their app_name attribute ('polls'), if any.
            app_namespaces = {}
            app_configs = {}
            for hook in apphook_pool.get_apphooks():
                app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(hook[0])
                if app.app_name:
                    app_namespaces[hook[0]] = app.app_name
                if app.app_config:
                    app_configs[hook[0]] = app

            self.fields['application_urls'].widget = AppHookSelect(
                attrs={'id': 'application_urls'},
            self.fields['application_urls'].choices = [('', "---------")] + apphook_pool.get_apphooks()

            page_data = self.data if self.data else self.initial
            if app_configs:
                self.fields['application_configs'].widget = ApplicationConfigSelect(
                    attrs={'id': 'application_configs'},

                if page_data.get('application_urls', False) and page_data['application_urls'] in app_configs:
                    configs = app_configs[page_data['application_urls']].get_configs()
                    self.fields['application_configs'].widget.choices = [(config.pk, force_text(config)) for config in configs]

                        config = configs.get(namespace=self.initial['application_namespace'])
                        self.fields['application_configs'].initial = config.pk
                    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                        # Provided apphook configuration doesn't exist (anymore),
                        # just skip it
                        # The user will choose another value anyway

        if 'redirect' in self.fields:
            self.fields['redirect'].widget.language = self._language
            self.fields['redirect'].initial = self.title_obj.redirect

        if 'overwrite_url' in self.fields and self.title_obj.has_url_overwrite:
            self.fields['overwrite_url'].initial = self.title_obj.path
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_apphook_by_class(self):
        if APP_MODULE in sys.modules:
            del sys.modules[APP_MODULE]
        apphooks = ("%s.%s" % (APP_MODULE, APP_NAME),)

        with self.settings(CMS_APPHOOKS=apphooks):
            apphook = apphook_pool.get_apphook(APP_NAME)
            page = create_page(apphook=apphook, **self._get_default_create_page_arguments())
            self.assertEqual(page.get_application_urls("en"), APP_NAME)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_apphook_by_class(self):
        if APP_MODULE in sys.modules:
            del sys.modules[APP_MODULE]
        apphooks = ('%s.%s' % (APP_MODULE, APP_NAME), )

        with self.settings(CMS_APPHOOKS=apphooks):
            apphook = apphook_pool.get_apphook(APP_NAME)
            page = create_page(apphook=apphook,
            self.assertEqual(page.get_application_urls('en'), APP_NAME)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def get_installed_apphook(cls, base_apphook_name):
        from cms.apphook_pool import apphook_pool
        base_apphook = import_string('shop.cms_apphooks.' + base_apphook_name)

        for apphook, _ in apphook_pool.get_apphooks():
            apphook = apphook_pool.get_apphook(apphook)
            if isinstance(apphook, base_apphook):
                return apphook
            msg = "The project must register an AppHook inheriting from '{apphook_name}'"
            raise MissingAppHook(msg.format(apphook_name=base_apphook_name))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def _get_attrs_for_node(renderer, page_content):
    page = page_content.page
    language = renderer.request_language
    attr = {
        'is_page': True,
        'soft_root': page_content.soft_root,
        'auth_required': page.login_required,
        'reverse_id': page.reverse_id,
    limit_visibility_in_menu = page_content.limit_visibility_in_menu

    if limit_visibility_in_menu is cms_constants.VISIBILITY_ALL:
        attr['visible_for_authenticated'] = True
        attr['visible_for_anonymous'] = True
        attr['visible_for_authenticated'] = (
            limit_visibility_in_menu == cms_constants.VISIBILITY_USERS)
        attr['visible_for_anonymous'] = (
            limit_visibility_in_menu == cms_constants.VISIBILITY_ANONYMOUS)

    attr['is_home'] = page.is_home
    extenders = []

    if page.navigation_extenders:
        if page.navigation_extenders in renderer.menus:
        elif '{0}:{1}'.format(page.navigation_extenders,
                              page.pk) in renderer.menus:

    if page.application_urls:
        app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(page.application_urls)

        if app:
            extenders += app.get_menus(page, language)

    exts = []

    for ext in extenders:
        if hasattr(ext, 'get_instances'):
            exts.append('{0}:{1}'.format(ext.__name__, page.pk))
        elif hasattr(ext, '__name__'):

    if exts:
        attr['navigation_extenders'] = exts

    attr['redirect_url'] = page_content.redirect

    return attr
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def get_apphooks(cls):
        Returns a list of apphooks to which this CMSAttachMenu is attached.

        Calling this does NOT produce DB queries.
        apps = []
        for key, _ in apphook_pool.get_apphooks():
            app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(key)
            if cls in app.menus:
        return apps
Ejemplo n.º 22
def _get_attrs_for_node(renderer, page_content):
    page = page_content.page
    language = renderer.request_language
    attr = {
        "is_page": True,
        "soft_root": page_content.soft_root,
        "auth_required": page.login_required,
        "reverse_id": page.reverse_id,
    limit_visibility_in_menu = page_content.limit_visibility_in_menu

    if limit_visibility_in_menu is cms_constants.VISIBILITY_ALL:
        attr["visible_for_authenticated"] = True
        attr["visible_for_anonymous"] = True
        attr["visible_for_authenticated"] = (
            limit_visibility_in_menu == cms_constants.VISIBILITY_USERS)
        attr["visible_for_anonymous"] = (
            limit_visibility_in_menu == cms_constants.VISIBILITY_ANONYMOUS)

    attr["is_home"] = page.is_home
    extenders = []

    if page.navigation_extenders:
        if page.navigation_extenders in renderer.menus:
        elif "{0}:{1}".format(page.navigation_extenders,
                              page.pk) in renderer.menus:

    if page.application_urls:
        app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(page.application_urls)

        if app:
            extenders += app.get_menus(page, language)

    exts = []

    for ext in extenders:
        if hasattr(ext, "get_instances"):
            exts.append("{0}:{1}".format(ext.__name__, page.pk))
        elif hasattr(ext, "__name__"):

    if exts:
        attr["navigation_extenders"] = exts

    attr["redirect_url"] = page_content.redirect

    return attr
Ejemplo n.º 23
Archivo: menu.py Proyecto: team-xue/xue
def page_to_node(page, home, cut):
    parent_id = page.parent_id
    if home and page.parent_id == home.pk and cut:
        parent_id = None
    # possible fix for a possible problem
    #if parent_id and not page.parent.get_calculated_status():
    #    parent_id = None # ????
    attr = {'soft_root':page.soft_root,
    if page.limit_visibility_in_menu == None:
        attr['visible_for_authenticated'] = True
        attr['visible_for_anonymous'] = True
        attr['visible_for_authenticated'] = page.limit_visibility_in_menu == 1
        attr['visible_for_anonymous'] = page.limit_visibility_in_menu == 2
    if page.pk == home.pk:
        attr['is_home'] = True

    # add various times and (maybe) excerpts
    attr['creation_date'] = page.creation_date
    attr['publication_date'] = page.publication_date
    attr['thumbnail'] = None

    # extracting excerpt...
    attr['excerpt'] = page.get_text_excerpt()

    extenders = []
    if page.navigation_extenders:
        app_name = page.get_application_urls(fallback=False)
    except Title.DoesNotExist:
        app_name = None
    if app_name:
        app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(app_name)
        for menu in app.menus:
    attr['redirect_url'] = page.get_redirect()  # save redirect URL is any
    if extenders:
        attr['navigation_extenders'] = extenders

    ret_node = NavigationNode(
    return ret_node
Ejemplo n.º 24
def get_patterns_for_title(path, title):
    Resolve the urlconf module for a path+title combination
    Returns a list of url objects.
    app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(title.page.application_urls)
    url_patterns = []
    for pattern_list in get_app_urls(app.get_urls(title.page, title.language)):
        if path and not path.endswith('/'):
            path += '/'
        page_id = title.page.id
        url_patterns += recurse_patterns(path, pattern_list, page_id)
    return url_patterns
Ejemplo n.º 25
def get_patterns_for_title(path, title):
    Resolve the urlconf module for a path+title combination
    Returns a list of url objects.
    app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(title.page.application_urls)
    url_patterns = []
    for pattern_list in get_app_urls(app.get_urls(title.page, title.language)):
        if path and not path.endswith('/'):
            path += '/'
        page_id = title.page.id
        url_patterns += recurse_patterns(path, pattern_list, page_id)
    return url_patterns
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def get_nodes(self, request):
        nodes = []
        language = get_language_from_request(request, check_path=True)
        # don't bother with categories that don't have appconfig.
        categories = Category.objects.active_translations(
        if hasattr(self, 'instance') and self.instance:
            # If self has a property `instance`
            # then we're using django CMS 3.0.12 or later,
            # which supports using CMSAttachMenus on multiple,
            # apphook'ed pages, each with their own apphook configuration. So,
            # here we modify the queryset to reflect this.
            app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(self.instance.application_urls)
            config = app.get_config(self.instance.application_namespace)
            if config:
                categories = categories.filter(appconfig=config)
        for category in categories:
                url = category.get_absolute_url(language=language)
            except NoReverseMatch:
                url = None

            if url:
                node = NavigationNode(
                        'name', language_code=language),
                for question in category.questions.all():
                        q_url = question.get_absolute_url(language=language)
                    except NoReverseMatch:
                        q_url = None

                    if q_url:
                        node = NavigationNode(
                                'title', language_code=language),
                            # NOTE: We're adding 1 million here to avoid
                            # clashing with the category IDs.
                            category.pk * 1000000 + question.pk,

        return nodes
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def get_nodes(self, request):
        nodes = []
        language = get_language_from_request(request, check_path=True)
        # don't bother with categories that don't have appconfig.
        categories = Category.objects.active_translations(
        if hasattr(self, 'instance') and self.instance:
            # If self has a property `instance`
            # then we're using django CMS 3.0.12 or later,
            # which supports using CMSAttachMenus on multiple,
            # apphook'ed pages, each with their own apphook configuration. So,
            # here we modify the queryset to reflect this.
            app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(self.instance.application_urls)
            config = app.get_config(self.instance.application_namespace)
            if config:
                categories = categories.filter(appconfig=config)
        for category in categories:
                url = category.get_absolute_url(language=language)
            except NoReverseMatch:
                url = None

            if url:
                node = NavigationNode(
                for question in category.questions.all():
                        q_url = question.get_absolute_url(language=language)
                    except NoReverseMatch:
                        q_url = None

                    if q_url:
                        node = NavigationNode(
                                'title', language_code=language),
                            # NOTE: We're adding 1 million here to avoid
                            # clashing with the category IDs.
                            category.pk * 1000000 + question.pk,

        return nodes
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def check_page(self, title, apphook=None, reverse_id=None, **kwargs):
        from cms.models.pagemodel import Page
        from cms.apphook_pool import apphook_pool

        page = Page.objects.public().filter(reverse_id=reverse_id).first()
        if not page:
            msg = "There should be a published CMS page with a reference ID: '{reverse_id}'."
            raise MissingPage(msg.format(reverse_id=reverse_id))

        if apphook:
            if not page.application_urls or apphook_pool.get_apphook(page.application_urls) is not apphook:
                msg = "Page on URL '{url}' must be configured to use CMSApp inheriting from '{apphook}'."
                raise MissingAppHook(msg.format(url=page.get_absolute_url(), apphook=apphook.__class__))

        return page
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def modify(self, request, nodes, namespace, root_id, post_cut, breadcrumb):
        Actual modifier function
        :param request: request
        :param nodes: complete list of nodes
        :param namespace: Menu namespace
        :param root_id: eventual root_id
        :param post_cut: flag for modifier stage
        :param breadcrumb: flag for modifier stage
        :return: nodeslist
        app = None
        config = None
        if getattr(request, 'current_page',
                   None) and request.current_page.application_urls:
            app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(

        if app and app.app_config:
            namespace = resolve(request.path).namespace
            if not self._config.get(namespace, False):
                self._config[namespace] = app.get_config(namespace)
            config = self._config[namespace]
            if config and (not isinstance(config, BlogConfig)
                           or config.menu_structure != MENU_TYPE_CATEGORIES):
                return nodes
        except AttributeError:  # pragma: no cover
            # in case `menu_structure` is not present in config
            return nodes
        if post_cut:
            return nodes
        current_post = getattr(request, get_setting('CURRENT_POST_IDENTIFIER'),
        category = None
        if current_post and current_post.__class__ == Post:
            category = current_post.categories.first()
        if not category:
            return nodes

        for node in nodes:
            if '{0}-{1}'.format(category.__class__.__name__,
                                category.pk) == node.id:
                node.selected = True
        return nodes
Ejemplo n.º 30
def get_patterns_for_title(path, title):
    Resolve the urlconf module for a path+title combination
    Returns a list of url objects.
    app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(title.application_urls)
    patterns = []
    for urlconf_name in app.urls:
        mod = import_module(urlconf_name)
        if not hasattr(mod, 'urlpatterns'):
            raise ImproperlyConfigured("URLConf `%s` has no urlpatterns attribute"
                % urlconf_name)
        pattern_list = getattr(mod, 'urlpatterns')
        if not path.endswith('/'):
            path += '/'
        page_id = title.page.id
        patterns += recurse_patterns(path, pattern_list, page_id)
    return patterns
Ejemplo n.º 31
def page_to_node(page, home, cut):
    parent_id = page.parent_id
    if home and page.parent_id == home.pk and cut:
        parent_id = None
    # possible fix for a possible problem
    #if parent_id and not page.parent.get_calculated_status():
    #    parent_id = None # ????
    attr = {
        'soft_root': page.soft_root,
        'auth_required': page.login_required,
        'reverse_id': page.reverse_id,
    if page.limit_visibility_in_menu == None:
        attr['visible_for_authenticated'] = True
        attr['visible_for_anonymous'] = True
        attr['visible_for_authenticated'] = page.limit_visibility_in_menu == 1
        attr['visible_for_anonymous'] = page.limit_visibility_in_menu == 2
    if page.pk == home.pk:
        attr['is_home'] = True
    extenders = []
    if page.navigation_extenders:
        app_name = page.get_application_urls(fallback=False)
    except Title.DoesNotExist:
        app_name = None
    if app_name:
        app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(app_name)
        for menu in app.menus:
    attr['redirect_url'] = page.get_redirect()  # save redirect URL is any
    if extenders:
        attr['navigation_extenders'] = extenders
    ret_node = NavigationNode(
    return ret_node
Ejemplo n.º 32
def get_app_instance(request):
    Returns a tuple containing the current namespace and the AppHookConfig instance

    :param request: request object
    :return: namespace, config
    app = None
    if getattr(request, 'current_page', None) and request.current_page.application_urls:
        app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(request.current_page.application_urls)
    if app and app.app_config:
            config = None
            with override(get_language_from_request(request, check_path=True)):
                namespace = resolve(request.path_info).namespace
                config = app.get_config(namespace)
            return namespace, config
        except Resolver404:
    return '', None
Ejemplo n.º 33
def get_patterns_for_title(path, title):
    Resolve the urlconf module for a path+title combination
    Returns a list of url objects.
    app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(title.application_urls)
    patterns = []
    for urlconf in app.urls:
        pattern_list = None
        if isinstance(urlconf, (str)):
            mod = import_module(urlconf)
            if not hasattr(mod, 'urlpatterns'):
                raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                    "URLConf `%s` has no urlpatterns attribute" % urlconf)
            pattern_list = getattr(mod, 'urlpatterns')
            pattern_list = urlconf
        if not path.endswith('/'):
            path += '/'
        page_id = title.page.id
        patterns += recurse_patterns(path, pattern_list, page_id)
    patterns = _flatten_patterns(patterns)
    return patterns
Ejemplo n.º 34
def details(request, slug):
    The main view of the Django-CMS! Takes a request and a slug, renders the
    from django.core.cache import cache

    if get_cms_setting("PAGE_CACHE") and (
        not hasattr(request, 'toolbar') or (
            not request.toolbar.edit_mode and
            not request.toolbar.show_toolbar and
            not request.user.is_authenticated()
        cache_content = cache.get(
        if not cache_content is None:
            content, headers = cache_content
            response = HttpResponse(content)
            response._headers = headers
            return response

    # Get a Page model object from the request
    page = get_page_from_request(request, use_path=slug)
    if not page:
        return _handle_no_page(request, slug)
    current_language = request.REQUEST.get('language', None)
    if current_language:
        current_language = get_language_code(current_language)
        if not current_language in get_language_list(page.site_id):
            current_language = None
    if current_language is None:
        current_language = get_language_code(getattr(request, 'LANGUAGE_CODE', None))
        if current_language:
            current_language = get_language_code(current_language)
            if not current_language in get_language_list(page.site_id):
                current_language = None
    if current_language is None:
        current_language = get_language_code(get_language())
    # Check that the current page is available in the desired (current) language
    available_languages = []
    page_languages = list(page.get_languages())
    if hasattr(request, 'user') and request.user.is_staff:
        user_languages = get_language_list()
        user_languages = get_public_languages()
    for frontend_lang in user_languages:
        if frontend_lang in page_languages:
    # Check that the language is in FRONTEND_LANGUAGES:
    own_urls = [
        'http%s://%s%s' % ('s' if request.is_secure() else '', request.get_host(), request.path),
        '/%s' % request.path,
    if not current_language in user_languages:
        #are we on root?
        if not slug:
            #redirect to supported language
            languages = []
            for language in available_languages:
                languages.append((language, language))
            if languages:
                with SettingsOverride(LANGUAGES=languages, LANGUAGE_CODE=languages[0][0]):
                    #get supported language
                    new_language = get_language_from_request(request)
                    if new_language in get_public_languages():
                        with force_language(new_language):
                            pages_root = reverse('pages-root')
                            if hasattr(request, 'toolbar') and request.user.is_staff and request.toolbar.edit_mode:
                                request.toolbar.redirect_url = pages_root
                            elif pages_root not in own_urls:
                                return HttpResponseRedirect(pages_root)
            elif not hasattr(request, 'toolbar') or not request.toolbar.redirect_url:
                _handle_no_page(request, slug)
            return _handle_no_page(request, slug)
    if current_language not in available_languages:
        # If we didn't find the required page in the requested (current)
        # language, let's try to find a fallback
        found = False
        for alt_lang in get_fallback_languages(current_language):
            if alt_lang in available_languages:
                if get_redirect_on_fallback(current_language) or slug == "":
                    with force_language(alt_lang):
                        path = page.get_absolute_url(language=alt_lang, fallback=True)
                        # In the case where the page is not available in the
                    # preferred language, *redirect* to the fallback page. This
                    # is a design decision (instead of rendering in place)).
                    if hasattr(request, 'toolbar') and request.user.is_staff and request.toolbar.edit_mode:
                        request.toolbar.redirect_url = path
                    elif path not in own_urls:
                        return HttpResponseRedirect(path)
                    found = True
        if not found and (not hasattr(request, 'toolbar') or not request.toolbar.redirect_url):
            # There is a page object we can't find a proper language to render it
            _handle_no_page(request, slug)

    if apphook_pool.get_apphooks():
        # There are apphooks in the pool. Let's see if there is one for the
        # current page
        # since we always have a page at this point, applications_page_check is
        # pointless
        # page = applications_page_check(request, page, slug)
        # Check for apphooks! This time for real!
        app_urls = page.get_application_urls(current_language, False)
        skip_app = False
        if not page.is_published(current_language) and hasattr(request, 'toolbar') and request.toolbar.edit_mode:
            skip_app = True
        if app_urls and not skip_app:
            app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(app_urls)
            pattern_list = []
            for urlpatterns in get_app_urls(app.urls):
                pattern_list += urlpatterns
            urlpatterns = patterns('', *pattern_list)
                view, args, kwargs = resolve('/', tuple(urlpatterns))
                return view(request, *args, **kwargs)
            except Resolver404:
                # Check if the page has a redirect url defined for this language.
    redirect_url = page.get_redirect(language=current_language)
    if redirect_url:
        if (is_language_prefix_patterns_used() and redirect_url[0] == "/" and not redirect_url.startswith(
                    '/%s/' % current_language)):
            # add language prefix to url
            redirect_url = "/%s/%s" % (current_language, redirect_url.lstrip("/"))
            # prevent redirect to self

        if hasattr(request, 'toolbar') and request.user.is_staff and request.toolbar.edit_mode:
            request.toolbar.redirect_url = redirect_url
        elif redirect_url not in own_urls:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)

    # permission checks
    if page.login_required and not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return redirect_to_login(urlquote(request.get_full_path()), settings.LOGIN_URL)
    if hasattr(request, 'toolbar'):

    template_name = get_template_from_request(request, page, no_current_page=True)
    # fill the context
    context = RequestContext(request)
    context['lang'] = current_language
    context['current_page'] = page
    context['has_change_permissions'] = page.has_change_permission(request)
    context['has_view_permissions'] = page.has_view_permission(request)

    if not context['has_view_permissions']:
        return _handle_no_page(request, slug)

    response = TemplateResponse(request, template_name, context)


    # Add headers for X Frame Options - this really should be changed upon moving to class based views
    xframe_options = page.get_xframe_options()
    if xframe_options == Page.X_FRAME_OPTIONS_INHERIT:
        # This is when we defer to django's own clickjacking handling
        return response

    # We want to prevent django setting this in their middlewear
    response.xframe_options_exempt = True

    if xframe_options == Page.X_FRAME_OPTIONS_ALLOW:
        # Do nothing, allowed is no header.
        return response
    elif xframe_options == Page.X_FRAME_OPTIONS_SAMEORIGIN:
        response['X-Frame-Options'] = 'SAMEORIGIN'
    elif xframe_options == Page.X_FRAME_OPTIONS_DENY:
        response['X-Frame-Options'] = 'DENY'

    return response
 def test_config_str(self):
     app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(self.page_1.application_urls)
     self.assertEqual('%s / %s' % (force_text(app.name), self.ns_app_1.namespace), force_text(self.ns_app_1))
Ejemplo n.º 36
def page_to_node(page, home, cut):
    Transform a CMS page into a navigation node.

    :param page: the page you wish to transform
    :param home: a reference to the "home" page (the page with path="0001)
    :param cut: Should we cut page from its parent pages? This means the node will not
         have a parent anymore.
    # Theses are simple to port over, since they are not calculated.
    # Other attributes will be added conditionnally later.
    attr = {'soft_root': page.soft_root,
            'auth_required': page.login_required,
            'reverse_id': page.reverse_id, }

    parent_id = page.parent_id
    # Should we cut the Node from its parents?
    if home and page.parent_id == home.pk and cut:
        parent_id = None

    # possible fix for a possible problem
    # if parent_id and not page.parent.get_calculated_status():
    #    parent_id = None # ????

    if page.limit_visibility_in_menu is constants.VISIBILITY_ALL:
        attr['visible_for_authenticated'] = True
        attr['visible_for_anonymous'] = True
        attr['visible_for_authenticated'] = page.limit_visibility_in_menu == constants.VISIBILITY_USERS
        attr['visible_for_anonymous'] = page.limit_visibility_in_menu == constants.VISIBILITY_ANONYMOUS
    attr['is_home'] = page.is_home
    # Extenders can be either navigation extenders or from apphooks.
    extenders = []
    if page.navigation_extenders:
        # Is this page an apphook? If so, we need to handle the apphooks's nodes
    lang = get_language()
    # Only run this if we have a translation in the requested language for this
    # object. The title cache should have been prepopulated in CMSMenu.get_nodes
    # but otherwise, just request the title normally
    if not hasattr(page, 'title_cache') or lang in page.title_cache:
        app_name = page.get_application_urls(fallback=False)
        if app_name:  # it means it is an apphook
            app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(app_name)
            extenders += app.menus
    exts = []
    for ext in extenders:
        if hasattr(ext, "get_instances"):
            # CMSAttachMenus are treated a bit differently to allow them to be
            # able to be attached to multiple points in the navigation.
            exts.append("{0}:{1}".format(ext.__name__, page.pk))
        elif hasattr(ext, '__name__'):
    if exts:
        attr['navigation_extenders'] = exts

    # Do we have a redirectURL?
    attr['redirect_url'] = page.get_redirect()  # save redirect URL if any

    # Now finally, build the NavigationNode object and return it.
    ret_node = NavigationNode(
    return ret_node
 def test_configs(self):
     app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(self.page_1.application_urls)
     self.assertEqual(app.get_configs().count(), 2)
 def test_wrong_ns(self):
     app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(self.page_1.application_urls)
Ejemplo n.º 39
def details(request, slug):
    The main view of the Django-CMS! Takes a request and a slug, renders the
    # get the right model
    context = RequestContext(request)
    # Get a Page model object from the request
    page = get_page_from_request(request, use_path=slug)
    if not page:
        return _handle_no_page(request, slug)
    current_language = get_language_from_request(request)
    # Check that the current page is available in the desired (current) language
    available_languages = page.get_languages()
    # We resolve an alternate language for the page if it's not available.
    # Since the "old" details view had an exception for the root page, it is
    # ported here. So no resolution if the slug is ''.
    if (current_language not in available_languages) and (slug != ''):
        if settings.CMS_LANGUAGE_FALLBACK:
            # If we didn't find the required page in the requested (current) 
            # language, let's try to find a suitable fallback in the list of 
            # fallback languages (CMS_LANGUAGE_CONF)
            for alt_lang in get_fallback_languages(current_language):
                if alt_lang in available_languages:
                    alt_url = page.get_absolute_url(language=alt_lang, fallback=True)
                    path = '/%s%s' % (alt_lang, alt_url)
                    # In the case where the page is not available in the
                    # preferred language, *redirect* to the fallback page. This
                    # is a design decision (instead of rendering in place)).
                    return HttpResponseRedirect(path)
        # There is a page object we can't find a proper language to render it 
        _handle_no_page(request, slug)

    if apphook_pool.get_apphooks():
        # There are apphooks in the pool. Let's see if there is one for the
        # current page
        # since we always have a page at this point, applications_page_check is
        # pointless
        # page = applications_page_check(request, page, slug)
        # Check for apphooks! This time for real!
        app_urls = page.get_application_urls(current_language, False)
        if app_urls:
            app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(app_urls)
            pattern_list = []
            for urlpatterns in get_app_urls(app.urls):
                pattern_list += urlpatterns
            urlpatterns = patterns('', *pattern_list)
                view, args, kwargs = resolve('/', tuple(urlpatterns))
                return view(request, *args, **kwargs)
            except Resolver404:

    # Check if the page has a redirect url defined for this language. 
    redirect_url = page.get_redirect(language=current_language)
    if redirect_url:
        if settings.i18n_installed and redirect_url[0] == "/":
            redirect_url = "/%s/%s" % (current_language, redirect_url.lstrip("/"))
        # add language prefix to url
        return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)
    # permission checks
    if page.login_required and not request.user.is_authenticated():
        if settings.i18n_installed:
            path = urlquote("/%s%s" % (request.LANGUAGE_CODE, request.get_full_path()))
            path = urlquote(request.get_full_path())
        tup = django_settings.LOGIN_URL , "next", path
        return HttpResponseRedirect('%s?%s=%s' % tup)

    if page.login_required and not page.has_view_permission(request):
        return HttpResponseForbidden("You don't have the rights to access this resource")
    template_name = get_template_from_request(request, page, no_current_page=True)
    # fill the context 
    context['lang'] = current_language
    context['current_page'] = page
    context['has_change_permissions'] = page.has_change_permission(request)
    return render_to_response(template_name, context)
def details(request, slug):
    The main view of the Django-CMS! Takes a request and a slug, renders the
    response_timestamp = now()
    if get_cms_setting("PAGE_CACHE") and (
            not hasattr(request, 'toolbar') or
        (not request.toolbar.edit_mode and not request.toolbar.show_toolbar
         and not request.user.is_authenticated())):
        cache_content = get_page_cache(request)
        if cache_content is not None:
            content, headers, expires_datetime = cache_content
            response = HttpResponse(content)
            response._headers = headers
            # Recalculate the max-age header for this cached response
            max_age = int((expires_datetime -
                           response_timestamp).total_seconds() + 0.5)
            patch_cache_control(response, max_age=max_age)
            return response

    # Get a Page model object from the request
    page = get_page_from_request(request, use_path=slug)
    if not page:
        return _handle_no_page(request, slug)
    current_language = request.GET.get('language', None)
    if not current_language:
        current_language = request.POST.get('language', None)
    if current_language:
        current_language = get_language_code(current_language)
        if current_language not in get_language_list(page.site_id):
            current_language = None
    if current_language is None:
        current_language = get_language_code(
            getattr(request, 'LANGUAGE_CODE', None))
        if current_language:
            current_language = get_language_code(current_language)
            if current_language not in get_language_list(page.site_id):
                current_language = None
    if current_language is None:
        current_language = get_language_code(get_language())
    # Check that the current page is available in the desired (current) language
    available_languages = []
    # this will return all languages in draft mode, and published only in live mode
    page_languages = list(page.get_published_languages())
    if hasattr(request, 'user') and request.user.is_staff:
        user_languages = get_language_list()
        user_languages = get_public_languages()
    for frontend_lang in user_languages:
        if frontend_lang in page_languages:
    # Check that the language is in FRONTEND_LANGUAGES:
    own_urls = [
        'http%s://%s%s' %
        ('s' if request.is_secure() else '', request.get_host(), request.path),
        '/%s' % request.path,
    if current_language not in user_languages:
        #are we on root?
        if not slug:
            #redirect to supported language
            languages = []
            for language in available_languages:
                languages.append((language, language))
            if languages:
                # get supported language
                new_language = get_language_from_request(request)
                if new_language in get_public_languages():
                    with force_language(new_language):
                        pages_root = reverse('pages-root')
                        if (hasattr(request, 'toolbar')
                                and request.user.is_staff
                                and request.toolbar.edit_mode):
                            request.toolbar.redirect_url = pages_root
                        elif pages_root not in own_urls:
                            return HttpResponseRedirect(pages_root)
            elif not hasattr(request,
                             'toolbar') or not request.toolbar.redirect_url:
                _handle_no_page(request, slug)
            return _handle_no_page(request, slug)
    if current_language not in available_languages:
        # If we didn't find the required page in the requested (current)
        # language, let's try to find a fallback
        found = False
        for alt_lang in get_fallback_languages(current_language):
            if alt_lang in available_languages:
                if get_redirect_on_fallback(current_language) or slug == "":
                    with force_language(alt_lang):
                        path = page.get_absolute_url(language=alt_lang,
                        # In the case where the page is not available in the
                    # preferred language, *redirect* to the fallback page. This
                    # is a design decision (instead of rendering in place)).
                    if (hasattr(request, 'toolbar') and request.user.is_staff
                            and request.toolbar.edit_mode):
                        request.toolbar.redirect_url = path
                    elif path not in own_urls:
                        return HttpResponseRedirect(path)
                    found = True
        if not found and (not hasattr(request, 'toolbar')
                          or not request.toolbar.redirect_url):
            # There is a page object we can't find a proper language to render it
            _handle_no_page(request, slug)
        page_path = page.get_absolute_url(language=current_language)
        page_slug = page.get_path(language=current_language) or page.get_slug(

        if slug and slug != page_slug and request.path[:len(page_path
                                                            )] != page_path:
            # The current language does not match it's slug.
            #  Redirect to the current language.
            if hasattr(
                    request, 'toolbar'
            ) and request.user.is_staff and request.toolbar.edit_mode:
                request.toolbar.redirect_url = page_path
                return HttpResponseRedirect(page_path)

    if apphook_pool.get_apphooks():
        # There are apphooks in the pool. Let's see if there is one for the
        # current page
        # since we always have a page at this point, applications_page_check is
        # pointless
        # page = applications_page_check(request, page, slug)
        # Check for apphooks! This time for real!
        app_urls = page.get_application_urls(current_language, False)
        skip_app = False
        if (not page.is_published(current_language)
                and hasattr(request, 'toolbar') and request.toolbar.edit_mode):
            skip_app = True
        if app_urls and not skip_app:
            app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(app_urls)
            pattern_list = []
            if app:
                for urlpatterns in get_app_urls(
                        app.get_urls(page, current_language)):
                    pattern_list += urlpatterns
                    view, args, kwargs = resolve('/', tuple(pattern_list))
                    return view(request, *args, **kwargs)
                except Resolver404:
    # Check if the page has a redirect url defined for this language.
    redirect_url = page.get_redirect(language=current_language)
    if redirect_url:
        if (is_language_prefix_patterns_used() and redirect_url[0] == "/"
                and not redirect_url.startswith('/%s/' % current_language)):
            # add language prefix to url
            redirect_url = "/%s/%s" % (current_language,
            # prevent redirect to self

        if hasattr(request, 'toolbar'
                   ) and request.user.is_staff and request.toolbar.edit_mode:
            request.toolbar.redirect_url = redirect_url
        elif redirect_url not in own_urls:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)

    # permission checks
    if page.login_required and not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return redirect_to_login(urlquote(request.get_full_path()),
    if hasattr(request, 'toolbar'):

    response = render_page(request,
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 41
def _get_app_patterns():
    Get a list of patterns for all hooked apps.

    How this works:

    By looking through all titles with an app hook (application_urls) we find
    all urlconf modules we have to hook into titles.

    If we use the ML URL Middleware, we namespace those patterns with the title

    All 'normal' patterns from the urlconf get re-written by prefixing them with
    the title path and then included into the cms url patterns.

    If the app is still configured, but is no longer installed/available, then
    this method returns a degenerate patterns object: patterns('')
    from cms.models import Title

        current_site = Site.objects.get_current()
    except Site.DoesNotExist:
        current_site = None
    included = []

    # we don't have a request here so get_page_queryset() can't be used,
    # so use public() queryset.
    # This can be done because url patterns are used just in frontend

    title_qs = Title.objects.public().filter(page__site=current_site)

    hooked_applications = OrderedDict()

    # Loop over all titles with an application hooked to them
    titles = (title_qs.exclude(page__application_urls=None)
    # TODO: Need to be fixed for django-treebeard when forward ported to 3.1
    for title in titles:
        path = title.path
        mix_id = "%s:%s:%s" % (
            path + "/", title.page.application_urls, title.language)
        if mix_id in included:
            # don't add the same thing twice
        if not settings.APPEND_SLASH:
            path += '/'
        app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(title.page.application_urls)
        if not app:
        if title.page_id not in hooked_applications:
            hooked_applications[title.page_id] = {}
        app_ns = app.app_name, title.page.application_namespace
        with override(title.language):
            hooked_applications[title.page_id][title.language] = (
                app_ns, get_patterns_for_title(path, title), app)
        # Build the app patterns to be included in the cms urlconfs
    app_patterns = []
    for page_id in hooked_applications.keys():
        resolver = None
        for lang in hooked_applications[page_id].keys():
            (app_ns, inst_ns), current_patterns, app = hooked_applications[page_id][lang]  # nopyflakes
            if not resolver:
                resolver = AppRegexURLResolver(
                    r'', 'app_resolver', app_name=app_ns, namespace=inst_ns)
                resolver.page_id = page_id
            if app.permissions:
                _set_permissions(current_patterns, app.exclude_permissions)

            resolver.url_patterns_dict[lang] = current_patterns
    return app_patterns
Ejemplo n.º 42
Archivo: menu.py Proyecto: catyshka/cms
def page_to_node(page, home, cut):
    Transform a CMS page into a navigation node.

    :param page: the page you wish to transform
    :param home: a reference to the "home" page (the page with tree_id=1)
    :param cut: Should we cut page from its parent pages? This means the node will not
         have a parent anymore.
    # Theses are simple to port over, since they are not calculated.
    # Other attributes will be added conditionnally later.
    attr = {'soft_root': page.soft_root,
        'auth_required': page.login_required,
        'reverse_id': page.reverse_id, }

    parent_id = page.parent_id
    # Should we cut the Node from its parents?
    if home and page.parent_id == home.pk and cut:
        parent_id = None

    # possible fix for a possible problem
    #if parent_id and not page.parent.get_calculated_status():
    #    parent_id = None # ????

    if page.limit_visibility_in_menu == None:
        attr['visible_for_authenticated'] = True
        attr['visible_for_anonymous'] = True
        attr['visible_for_authenticated'] = page.limit_visibility_in_menu == 1
        attr['visible_for_anonymous'] = page.limit_visibility_in_menu == 2

    if page.pk == home.pk:
        attr['is_home'] = True

    # Extenders can be either navigation extenders or from apphooks.
    extenders = []
    if page.navigation_extenders:
        # Is this page an apphook? If so, we need to handle the apphooks's nodes
    lang = get_language()
    # Only run this if we have a translation in the requested language for this
    # object. The title cache should have been prepopulated in CMSMenu.get_nodes
    # but otherwise, just request the title normally
    if not hasattr(page, 'title_cache') or lang in page.title_cache:
            app_name = page.get_application_urls(fallback=False)
        except Title.DoesNotExist:
            app_name = None
        if app_name: # it means it is an apphook
            app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(app_name)
            for menu in app.menus:

    if extenders:
        attr['navigation_extenders'] = extenders

    # Do we have a redirectURL?
    attr['redirect_url'] = page.get_redirect()  # save redirect URL if any

    # Now finally, build the NavigationNode object and return it.
    # Fixed by kisele
    _lang = lang.split("-")[0]
    ret_node = NavigationNode(
    return ret_node
Ejemplo n.º 43
def _get_app_patterns(site):
    Get a list of patterns for all hooked apps.

    How this works:

    By looking through all titles with an app hook (application_urls) we find
    all urlconf modules we have to hook into titles.

    If we use the ML URL Middleware, we namespace those patterns with the title

    All 'normal' patterns from the urlconf get re-written by prefixing them with
    the title path and then included into the cms url patterns.

    If the app is still configured, but is no longer installed/available, then
    this method returns a degenerate patterns object: patterns('')
    from cms.models import Title

    included = []

    # we don't have a request here so get_page_queryset() can't be used,
    # so use public() queryset.
    # This can be done because url patterns are used just in frontend
    title_qs = Title.objects.public().filter(page__node__site=site)

    hooked_applications = OrderedDict()

    # Loop over all titles with an application hooked to them
    titles = (title_qs.exclude(page__application_urls=None)
    # TODO: Need to be fixed for django-treebeard when forward ported to 3.1
    for title in titles:
        path = title.path
        mix_id = "%s:%s:%s" % (
            path + "/", title.page.application_urls, title.language)
        if mix_id in included:
            # don't add the same thing twice
        if not settings.APPEND_SLASH:
            path += '/'
        app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(title.page.application_urls)
        if not app:
        if title.page_id not in hooked_applications:
            hooked_applications[title.page_id] = {}
        app_ns = app.app_name, title.page.application_namespace
        with override(title.language):
            hooked_applications[title.page_id][title.language] = (
                app_ns, get_patterns_for_title(path, title), app)
        # Build the app patterns to be included in the cms urlconfs
    app_patterns = []
    for page_id in hooked_applications.keys():
        resolver = None
        for lang in hooked_applications[page_id].keys():
            (app_ns, inst_ns), current_patterns, app = hooked_applications[page_id][lang]  # nopyflakes
            if not resolver:
                regex_pattern = RegexPattern(r'') if not DJANGO_1_11 else r''
                resolver = AppRegexURLResolver(
                    regex_pattern, 'app_resolver', app_name=app_ns, namespace=inst_ns)
                resolver.page_id = page_id
            if app.permissions:
                _set_permissions(current_patterns, app.exclude_permissions)

            resolver.url_patterns_dict[lang] = current_patterns
    return app_patterns
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AdvancedSettingsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['language'].widget = HiddenInput()
        self.fields['site'].widget = HiddenInput()
        site_id = self.fields['site'].initial

        languages = get_language_tuple(site_id)
        self.fields['language'].choices = languages
        if not self.fields['language'].initial:
            self.fields['language'].initial = get_language()
        if 'navigation_extenders' in self.fields:
            navigation_extenders = self.get_navigation_extenders()
            self.fields['navigation_extenders'].widget = forms.Select(
                {}, [('', "---------")] + navigation_extenders)
        if 'application_urls' in self.fields:
            # Prepare a dict mapping the apps by class name ('PollApp') to
            # their app_name attribute ('polls'), if any.
            app_namespaces = {}
            app_configs = {}
            for hook in apphook_pool.get_apphooks():
                app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(hook[0])
                if app.app_name:
                    app_namespaces[hook[0]] = app.app_name
                if app.app_config:
                    app_configs[hook[0]] = app

            self.fields['application_urls'].widget = AppHookSelect(
                attrs={'id': 'application_urls'},
            self.fields['application_urls'].choices = [
                ('', "---------")
            ] + apphook_pool.get_apphooks()

            page_data = self.data if self.data else self.initial
            if app_configs:
                    'application_configs'].widget = ApplicationConfigSelect(
                        attrs={'id': 'application_configs'},

                if page_data.get(
                        'application_urls', False
                ) and page_data['application_urls'] in app_configs:
                    self.fields['application_configs'].choices = [
                        (config.pk, force_text(config))
                        for config in app_configs[

                    apphook = page_data.get('application_urls', False)
                        config = apphook_pool.get_apphook(apphook).get_configs(
                        self.fields['application_configs'].initial = config.pk
                    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                        # Provided apphook configuration doesn't exist (anymore),
                        # just skip it
                        # The user will choose another value anyway
                    # If app_config apphook is not selected, drop any value
                    # for application_configs to avoid the field data from
                    # being validated by the field itself
                        del self.data['application_configs']
                    except KeyError:

        if 'redirect' in self.fields:
            self.fields['redirect'].widget.language = self.fields[
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(AdvancedSettingsForm, self).clean()

        if self._errors:
            # Fail fast if there's errors in the form
            return cleaned_data

        # Language has been validated already
        # so we know it exists.
        language_name = get_language_object(

        if not self.title_obj.slug:
            # This covers all cases where users try to edit
            # page advanced settings without setting a title slug
            # for page titles that already exist.
            message = _("Please set the %(language)s slug "
                        "before editing its advanced settings.")
            raise ValidationError(message % {'language': language_name})

        if 'reverse_id' in self.fields:
            reverse_id = cleaned_data['reverse_id']
            if reverse_id:
                lookup = Page.objects.drafts().on_site(
                if lookup.exclude(pk=self.instance.pk).exists():
                    self._errors['reverse_id'] = self.error_class(
                        [_('A page with this reverse URL id exists already.')])
        apphook = cleaned_data.get('application_urls', None)
        # The field 'application_namespace' is a misnomer. It should be
        # 'instance_namespace'.
        instance_namespace = cleaned_data.get('application_namespace', None)
        application_config = cleaned_data.get('application_configs', None)
        if apphook:
            apphooks_with_config = self.get_apphooks_with_config()

            # application_config wins over application_namespace
            if apphook in apphooks_with_config and application_config:
                # the value of the application config namespace is saved in
                # the 'usual' namespace field to be backward compatible
                # with existing apphooks
                    appconfig_pk = forms.IntegerField(
                except ValidationError:
                    self._errors['application_configs'] = ErrorList(
                        [_('Invalid application config value')])
                    return self.cleaned_data

                    config = apphooks_with_config[apphook].get_configs().get(
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    self._errors['application_configs'] = ErrorList(
                        [_('Invalid application config value')])
                    return self.cleaned_data

                if self._check_unique_namespace_instance(config.namespace):
                    # Looks like there's already one with the default instance
                    # namespace defined.
                    self._errors['application_configs'] = ErrorList([
                        _('An application instance using this configuration already exists.'
                        'application_namespace'] = config.namespace
                if instance_namespace:
                    if self._check_unique_namespace_instance(
                        self._errors['application_namespace'] = ErrorList([
                            _('An application instance with this name already exists.'
                    # The attribute on the apps 'app_name' is a misnomer, it should be
                    # 'application_namespace'.
                    application_namespace = apphook_pool.get_apphook(
                    if application_namespace and not instance_namespace:
                        if self._check_unique_namespace_instance(
                            # Looks like there's already one with the default instance
                            # namespace defined.
                            self._errors['application_namespace'] = ErrorList([
                                _('An application instance with this name already exists.'
                            # OK, there are zero instances of THIS app that use the
                            # default instance namespace, so, since the user didn't
                            # provide one, we'll use the default. NOTE: The following
                            # line is really setting the "instance namespace" of the
                            # new app to the app’s "application namespace", which is
                            # the default instance namespace.
                                'application_namespace'] = application_namespace

        if instance_namespace and not apphook:
            self.cleaned_data['application_namespace'] = None

        if application_config and not apphook:
            self.cleaned_data['application_configs'] = None
        return self.cleaned_data
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def get_apphooks(self):
     for hook in apphook_pool.get_apphooks():
         yield (hook[0], apphook_pool.get_apphook(hook[0]))
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(AdvancedSettingsForm, self).clean()

        if self._errors:
            # Fail fast if there's errors in the form
            return cleaned_data

        language = cleaned_data['language']
        # Language has been validated already
        # so we know it exists.
        language_name = get_language_object(
            language, site_id=cleaned_data['site'].pk)['name']

            title = self.instance.title_set.get(language=language)
        except Title.DoesNotExist:
            # This covers all cases where users try to edit
            # page advanced settings without creating the page title.
            message = _("Please create the %(language)s page "
                        "translation before editing its advanced settings.")
            raise ValidationError(message % {'language': language_name})

        if not title.slug:
            # This covers all cases where users try to edit
            # page advanced settings without setting a title slug
            # for page titles that already exist.
            message = _("Please set the %(language)s slug "
                        "before editing its advanced settings.")
            raise ValidationError(message % {'language': language_name})

        if 'reverse_id' in self.fields:
            id = cleaned_data['reverse_id']
            site_id = cleaned_data['site']
            if id:
                if Page.objects.filter(reverse_id=id,
                    self._errors['reverse_id'] = self.error_class(
                        [_('A page with this reverse URL id exists already.')])
        apphook = cleaned_data.get('application_urls', None)
        # The field 'application_namespace' is a misnomer. It should be
        # 'instance_namespace'.
        instance_namespace = cleaned_data.get('application_namespace', None)
        application_config = cleaned_data.get('application_configs', None)
        if apphook:
            # application_config wins over application_namespace
            if application_config:
                # the value of the application config namespace is saved in
                # the 'usual' namespace field to be backward compatible
                # with existing apphooks
                config = apphook_pool.get_apphook(apphook).get_configs().get(
                if self._check_unique_namespace_instance(config.namespace):
                    # Looks like there's already one with the default instance
                    # namespace defined.
                    self._errors['application_configs'] = ErrorList([
                        _('An application instance using this configuration already exists.'
                        'application_namespace'] = config.namespace
                if instance_namespace:
                    if self._check_unique_namespace_instance(
                        self._errors['application_namespace'] = ErrorList([
                            _('An application instance with this name already exists.'
                    # The attribute on the apps 'app_name' is a misnomer, it should be
                    # 'application_namespace'.
                    application_namespace = apphook_pool.get_apphook(
                    if application_namespace and not instance_namespace:
                        if self._check_unique_namespace_instance(
                            # Looks like there's already one with the default instance
                            # namespace defined.
                            self._errors['application_namespace'] = ErrorList([
                                _('An application instance with this name already exists.'
                            # OK, there are zero instances of THIS app that use the
                            # default instance namespace, so, since the user didn't
                            # provide one, we'll use the default. NOTE: The following
                            # line is really setting the "instance namespace" of the
                            # new app to the app’s "application namespace", which is
                            # the default instance namespace.
                                'application_namespace'] = application_namespace

        if instance_namespace and not apphook:
            self.cleaned_data['application_namespace'] = None

        if application_config and not apphook:
            self.cleaned_data['application_configs'] = None

        return self.cleaned_data
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(AdvancedSettingsForm, self).clean()
        language = cleaned_data.get('language')

        if not language:
            # Fail fast if no language is provided
            return cleaned_data

        # Language has been validated already
        # so we know it exists.
        language_name = get_language_object(

            title = self.instance.title_set.get(language=language)
        except Title.DoesNotExist:
            # This covers all cases where users try to edit
            # page advanced settings without creating the page title.
            message = _("Please create the %(language)s page "
                        "translation before editing its advanced settings.")
            raise ValidationError(message % {'language': language_name})

        if not title.slug:
            # This covers all cases where users try to edit
            # page advanced settings without setting a title slug
            # for page titles that already exist.
            message = _("Please set the %(language)s slug "
                        "before editing its advanced settings.")
            raise ValidationError(message % {'language': language_name})

        if 'reverse_id' in self.fields:
            id = cleaned_data['reverse_id']
            site_id = cleaned_data['site']
            if id:
                if Page.objects.filter(reverse_id=id, site=site_id, publisher_is_draft=True).exclude(
                    self._errors['reverse_id'] = self.error_class(
                        [_('A page with this reverse URL id exists already.')])
        apphook = cleaned_data.get('application_urls', None)
        # The field 'application_namespace' is a misnomer. It should be
        # 'instance_namespace'.
        instance_namespace = cleaned_data.get('application_namespace', None)
        application_config = cleaned_data.get('application_configs', None)
        if apphook:
            # application_config wins over application_namespace
            if application_config:
                # the value of the application config namespace is saved in
                # the 'usual' namespace field to be backward compatible
                # with existing apphooks
                config = apphook_pool.get_apphook(apphook).get_configs().get(pk=int(application_config))
                if self._check_unique_namespace_instance(config.namespace):
                    # Looks like there's already one with the default instance
                    # namespace defined.
                    self._errors['application_configs'] = ErrorList([
                        _('An application instance using this configuration already exists.')
                    self.cleaned_data['application_namespace'] = config.namespace
                if instance_namespace:
                    if self._check_unique_namespace_instance(instance_namespace):
                        self._errors['application_namespace'] = ErrorList([
                            _('An application instance with this name already exists.')
                    # The attribute on the apps 'app_name' is a misnomer, it should be
                    # 'application_namespace'.
                    application_namespace = apphook_pool.get_apphook(apphook).app_name
                    if application_namespace and not instance_namespace:
                        if self._check_unique_namespace_instance(application_namespace):
                            # Looks like there's already one with the default instance
                            # namespace defined.
                            self._errors['application_namespace'] = ErrorList([
                                _('An application instance with this name already exists.')
                            # OK, there are zero instances of THIS app that use the
                            # default instance namespace, so, since the user didn't
                            # provide one, we'll use the default. NOTE: The following
                            # line is really setting the "instance namespace" of the
                            # new app to the app’s "application namespace", which is
                            # the default instance namespace.
                            self.cleaned_data['application_namespace'] = application_namespace

        if instance_namespace and not apphook:
            self.cleaned_data['application_namespace'] = None

        if application_config and not apphook:
            self.cleaned_data['application_configs'] = None

        return self.cleaned_data
Ejemplo n.º 49
def details(request, slug):
    The main view of the Django-CMS! Takes a request and a slug, renders the
    from cms.apphook_pool import apphook_pool
    from cms.appresolver import get_app_urls
    from cms.utils import get_template_from_request, get_language_from_request
    from cms.utils.i18n import get_fallback_languages
    from cms.utils.django_load import load_object
    from cms.utils.page_resolver import get_page_from_request
    from cms.views import _handle_no_page
    from django.conf import settings
    from django.conf.urls import patterns
    from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve, Resolver404

    from django.http import Http404, HttpResponseRedirect
    from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
    from django.template.context import RequestContext
    from django.utils.http import urlquote
    # get the right model
    context = RequestContext(request)
    # Get a Page model object from the request
    page = get_page_from_request(request, use_path=slug)
    if not page:
        return _handle_no_page(request, slug)

    current_language = get_language_from_request(request)

    # Check that the current page is available in the desired (current) language
    available_languages = page.get_languages()

    # We resolve an alternate language for the page if it's not available.
    # Since the "old" details view had an exception for the root page, it is
    # ported here. So no resolution if the slug is ''.
    if (current_language not in available_languages):
        if settings.CMS_LANGUAGE_FALLBACK:
            # If we didn't find the required page in the requested (current)
            # language, let's try to find a suitable fallback in the list of
            # fallback languages (CMS_LANGUAGE_CONF)
            for alt_lang in get_fallback_languages(current_language):
                if alt_lang in available_languages:
                    alt_url = page.get_absolute_url(language=alt_lang, fallback=True)
                    path = '/%s%s' % (alt_lang, alt_url)
                    # In the case where the page is not available in the
                    # preferred language, *redirect* to the fallback page. This
                    # is a design decision (instead of rendering in place)).
                    return HttpResponseRedirect(path)
            # There is a page object we can't find a proper language to render it
        _handle_no_page(request, slug)

    if apphook_pool.get_apphooks():
        # There are apphooks in the pool. Let's see if there is one for the
        # current page
        # since we always have a page at this point, applications_page_check is
        # pointless
        # page = applications_page_check(request, page, slug)
        # Check for apphooks! This time for real!
        app_urls = page.get_application_urls(current_language, False)
        if app_urls:
            app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(app_urls)
            pattern_list = []
            for urlpatterns in get_app_urls(app.urls):
                pattern_list += urlpatterns
            urlpatterns = patterns('', *pattern_list)
                view, args, kwargs = resolve('/', tuple(urlpatterns))
                return view(request, *args, **kwargs)
            except Resolver404:

    if page.view_path:
        view = load_object(page.view_path)
        args, kwargs = view.extract_args_kwargs(slug)
        return view(request, *args, **kwargs)

    # Check if the page has a redirect url defined for this language.
    redirect_url = page.get_redirect(language=current_language)
    if redirect_url:
        if (settings.i18n_installed and redirect_url[0] == "/"
            and not redirect_url.startswith('/%s/' % current_language)):
            # add language prefix to url
            redirect_url = "/%s/%s" % (current_language, redirect_url.lstrip("/"))
            # prevent redirect to self
        own_urls = [
            'http%s://%s%s' % ('s' if request.is_secure() else '', request.get_host(), request.path),
            '/%s%s' % (current_language, request.path),
        if redirect_url not in own_urls:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)

    # permission checks
    if page.login_required and not request.user.is_authenticated():
        if settings.i18n_installed:
            path = urlquote("/%s%s" % (request.LANGUAGE_CODE, request.get_full_path()))
            path = urlquote(request.get_full_path())
        tup = settings.LOGIN_URL , "next", path
        return HttpResponseRedirect('%s?%s=%s' % tup)

    template_name = get_template_from_request(request, page, no_current_page=True)
    # fill the context
    context['lang'] = current_language
    context['current_page'] = page
    context['has_change_permissions'] = page.has_change_permission(request)
    context['has_view_permissions'] = page.has_view_permission(request)

    if not context['has_view_permissions']:
        return _handle_no_page(request, slug)

    return render_to_response(template_name, context)
Ejemplo n.º 50
def details(request, slug):
    The main view of the Django-CMS! Takes a request and a slug, renders the
    # get the right model
    context = RequestContext(request)
    # Get a Page model object from the request
    page = get_page_from_request(request, use_path=slug)
    if not page:
        return _handle_no_page(request, slug)

    current_language = get_language_from_request(request)
    # Check that the current page is available in the desired (current) language
    available_languages = []
    page_languages = list(page.get_languages())
    if hasattr(request, 'user') and request.user.is_staff:
        user_languages = get_language_list()
        user_languages = get_public_languages()
    for frontend_lang in user_languages:
        if frontend_lang in page_languages:
    attrs = ''
    if 'edit' in request.GET:
        attrs = '?edit=1'
    elif 'preview' in request.GET:
        attrs = '?preview=1'
        if 'draft' in request.GET:
            attrs += '&draft=1'
        # Check that the language is in FRONTEND_LANGUAGES:
    if not current_language in user_languages:
        #are we on root?
        if not slug:
            #redirect to supported language
            languages = []
            for language in available_languages:
                languages.append((language, language))
            if languages:
                with SettingsOverride(LANGUAGES=languages, LANGUAGE_CODE=languages[0][0]):
                    #get supported language
                    new_language = get_language_from_request(request)
                    if new_language in get_public_languages():
                        with force_language(new_language):
                            pages_root = reverse('pages-root')
                            return HttpResponseRedirect(pages_root + attrs)
                _handle_no_page(request, slug)
            return _handle_no_page(request, slug)
    if current_language not in available_languages:
        # If we didn't find the required page in the requested (current)
        # language, let's try to find a fallback
        found = False
        for alt_lang in get_fallback_languages(current_language):
            if alt_lang in available_languages:
                if get_redirect_on_fallback(current_language):
                    with force_language(alt_lang):
                        path = page.get_absolute_url(language=alt_lang, fallback=True)
                        # In the case where the page is not available in the
                    # preferred language, *redirect* to the fallback page. This
                    # is a design decision (instead of rendering in place)).
                    return HttpResponseRedirect(path + attrs)
                    found = True
        if not found:
            # There is a page object we can't find a proper language to render it
            _handle_no_page(request, slug)

    if apphook_pool.get_apphooks():
        # There are apphooks in the pool. Let's see if there is one for the
        # current page
        # since we always have a page at this point, applications_page_check is
        # pointless
        # page = applications_page_check(request, page, slug)
        # Check for apphooks! This time for real!
            app_urls = page.get_application_urls(current_language, False)
        except Title.DoesNotExist:
            app_urls = []
        if app_urls:
            app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(app_urls)
            pattern_list = []
            for urlpatterns in get_app_urls(app.urls):
                pattern_list += urlpatterns
            urlpatterns = patterns('', *pattern_list)
                view, args, kwargs = resolve('/', tuple(urlpatterns))
                return view(request, *args, **kwargs)
            except Resolver404:
                # Check if the page has a redirect url defined for this language.
    redirect_url = page.get_redirect(language=current_language)
    if redirect_url:
        if (is_language_prefix_patterns_used() and redirect_url[0] == "/"
        and not redirect_url.startswith('/%s/' % current_language)):
            # add language prefix to url
            redirect_url = "/%s/%s" % (current_language, redirect_url.lstrip("/"))
            # prevent redirect to self
        own_urls = [
            'http%s://%s%s' % ('s' if request.is_secure() else '', request.get_host(), request.path),
            '/%s' % request.path,
        if redirect_url not in own_urls:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url + attrs)

    # permission checks
    if page.login_required and not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return redirect_to_login(urlquote(request.get_full_path()), settings.LOGIN_URL)

    template_name = get_template_from_request(request, page, no_current_page=True)
    # fill the context 
    context['lang'] = current_language
    context['current_page'] = page
    context['has_change_permissions'] = page.has_change_permission(request)
    context['has_view_permissions'] = page.has_view_permission(request)

    if not context['has_view_permissions']:
        return _handle_no_page(request, slug)

    return TemplateResponse(request, template_name, context)
Ejemplo n.º 51
def get_app_patterns():
    Get a list of patterns for all hooked apps.

    How this works:

    By looking through all titles with an app hook (application_urls) we find all
    urlconf modules we have to hook into titles.

    If we use the ML URL Middleware, we namespace those patterns with the title

    All 'normal' patterns from the urlconf get re-written by prefixing them with
    the title path and then included into the cms url patterns.
    from cms.models import Title

        current_site = Site.objects.get_current()
    except Site.DoesNotExist:
        current_site = None
    included = []

    # we don't have a request here so get_page_queryset() can't be used,
    # so use public() queryset.
    # This can be done because url patterns are used just in frontend

    title_qs = Title.objects.public().filter(page__site=current_site)

    hooked_applications = {}

    # Loop over all titles with an application hooked to them
    for title in title_qs.exclude(page__application_urls=None).exclude(page__application_urls='').select_related():
        path = title.path
        mix_id = "%s:%s:%s" % (path + "/", title.page.application_urls, title.language)
        if mix_id in included:
            # don't add the same thing twice
        if not settings.APPEND_SLASH:
            path += '/'
        if title.page_id not in hooked_applications:
            hooked_applications[title.page_id] = {}
        app = apphook_pool.get_apphook(title.page.application_urls)
        app_ns = app.app_name, title.page.application_namespace
        with force_language(title.language):
            hooked_applications[title.page_id][title.language] = (app_ns, get_patterns_for_title(path, title))
        # Build the app patterns to be included in the cms urlconfs
    app_patterns = []
    for page_id in hooked_applications.keys():
        resolver = None
        for lang in hooked_applications[page_id].keys():
            (app_ns, inst_ns), current_patterns = hooked_applications[page_id][lang]
            if not resolver:
                resolver = AppRegexURLResolver(r'', 'app_resolver', app_name=app_ns, namespace=inst_ns)
                resolver.page_id = page_id
            extra_patterns = patterns('', *current_patterns)
            resolver.url_patterns_dict[lang] = extra_patterns
    return app_patterns