Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, path, contest_id, force=False):
        self.path = path
        self.contest_id = contest_id
        self.force = force

        self.file_cacher = FileCacher()

        self.loader = YamlLoader(self.file_cacher, False, None, None)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, contest_id, spool_dir):
        self.contest_id = contest_id
        self.spool_dir = spool_dir
        self.upload_dir = os.path.join(self.spool_dir, "upload")
        self.contest = None
        self.submissions = None

        self.file_cacher = FileCacher()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, shard):
        logger.initialize(ServiceCoord("Worker", shard))
        Service.__init__(self, shard, custom_logger=logger)
        self.file_cacher = FileCacher(self)

        self.task_type = None
        self.work_lock = threading.Lock()
        self.session = None
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, drop, import_source, only_files, no_files):
        self.drop = drop
        self.only_files = only_files
        self.no_files = no_files
        self.import_source = import_source
        self.import_dir = import_source

        self.file_cacher = FileCacher()
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, drop, modif, path, user_number):
        self.drop = drop
        self.modif = modif
        self.path = path
        self.user_number = user_number

        self.file_cacher = FileCacher()

        self.loader = YamlLoader(self.file_cacher, drop, modif, user_number)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, drop, import_source,
                 only_files, no_files, no_submissions):
        self.drop = drop
        self.only_files = only_files
        self.no_files = no_files
        self.no_submissions = no_submissions
        self.import_source = import_source
        self.import_dir = import_source

        self.file_cacher = FileCacher()

Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, shard):
        logger.initialize(ServiceCoord("TestFileCacher", shard))
        TestService.__init__(self, shard, custom_logger=logger)

        # Assume we store the cache in "./cache/fs-cache-TestFileCacher-0/"
        self.cache_base_path = os.path.join(config.cache_dir,
        self.cache_path = None
        self.content = None
        self.fake_content = None
        self.digest = None
        self.file_obj = None
        self.file_cacher = FileCacher(self)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, contest_id, export_target, skip_submissions,
                 skip_user_tests, light):
        self.contest_id = contest_id
        self.skip_submissions = skip_submissions
        self.skip_user_tests = skip_user_tests
        self.light = light

        # If target is not provided, we use the contest's name.
        if export_target == "":
            with SessionGen(commit=False) as session:
                contest = Contest.get_from_id(self.contest_id, session)
                self.export_target = "dump_%s.tar.gz" % contest.name
            self.export_target = export_target

        self.file_cacher = FileCacher()
Ejemplo n.º 9
def extract_complexity(task_id, file_lengther=None):
    """Extract the complexity of all submissions of the task. The
    results are stored in a file task_<id>.info

    task_id (int): the id of the task we are interested in.
    file_lengther (class): a File-like object that tell the dimension
                           of the input (see example above for how to
                           write one).

    return (int): 0 if operation was successful.

    with SessionGen() as session:
        task = Task.get_from_id(task_id, session)
        if task is None:
            return -1

        # Extracting the length of the testcase.
        file_cacher = FileCacher()
        testcases_lengths = [
            file_length(testcase.input, file_cacher, file_lengther)
            for testcase in task.testcases

        # Compute the complexity of the solutions.
        with open("task_%s.info" % task_id, "wt") as info:
            for submission in task.contest.get_submissions():
                if submission.task_id == task_id and \
                    print submission.user.username
                    result = extract_complexity_submission(
                        testcases_lengths, submission)
                    if result[1] is None:
                    info.write("Submission: %s" % submission.id)
                    info.write(" - user: %15s" % submission.user.username)
                    info.write(" - task: %s" % task.name)
                    if result[0] is not None:
                        info.write(" - score: %6.2lf" % result[0])
                    info.write(" - complexity: %20s" %
                    if result[2] is not None:
                        info.write(" - confidence %5.1lf" % result[2])

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 10
def file_length(digest, file_cacher=None, file_lengther=None):
    """Compute the length of the file identified by digest.

    digest (string): the digest of the file.
    file_cacher (FileCacher): the cacher to use, or None.
    file_lengther (class): a File-like object that tell the dimension
                           of the input (see example above for how to
                           write one).

    return (int): the length of the tile.

    if file_cacher is None:
        file_cacher = FileCacher()
    if file_lengther is None:
        file_lengther = FileLengther
    lengther = file_lengther()
    file_cacher.get_file(digest, file_obj=lengther)
    return lengther.tell()
Ejemplo n.º 11
def run(contest_id):
    session = Session()
    contest = Contest.get_from_id(contest_id, session)

    task_by_team = set()
    task_by_lang = set()

    task_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "tasks")

    for t in os.listdir(task_dir):
        if t.endswith('.json'):
            task = t[:-5]
            task_path = os.path.join(task_dir, t)
            with open(task_path) as task_file:
                data = json.load(task_file)
                if "teams" in data:
                    for team, v in data["teams"].iteritems():
                        for lang in v:
                            task_by_team.add((task, lang, team))
                if "langs" in data:
                    for lang, v in data["langs"].iteritems():
                        for team in v:
                            task_by_lang.add((task, lang, team))

    if task_by_team != task_by_lang:
        print "ERROR: data in 'tasks' is not self-consistent"
        print repr(task_by_team - task_by_lang)
        print repr(task_by_lang - task_by_team)

    team_by_task = set()
    team_by_lang = set()

    team_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "teams")

    for t in os.listdir(team_dir):
        if t.endswith('.json'):
            team = t[:-5]
            team_path = os.path.join(team_dir, t)
            with open(team_path) as team_file:
                data = json.load(team_file)
                if "tasks" in data:
                    for task, v in data["tasks"].iteritems():
                        for lang in v:
                            team_by_task.add((task, lang, team))
                if "langs" in data:
                    for lang, v in data["langs"].iteritems():
                        for task in v:
                            team_by_lang.add((task, lang, team))

    if team_by_task != team_by_lang:
        print "ERROR: data in 'teams' is not self-consistent"
        print repr(team_by_task - team_by_lang)
        print repr(team_by_lang - team_by_task)

    if task_by_team != team_by_task:
        print "ERROR: data in 'tasks' and 'teams' is different"
        print repr(task_by_team - team_by_task)
        print repr(team_by_task - task_by_team)

    data_by_lang = set()
    data_by_team = set()

    data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data")

    for task in os.listdir(data_dir):
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(data_dir, task)):
            for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(data_dir, task, "by_lang")):
                # f == "lang (team).pdf"
                lang, team = re.findall(
                    "^([A-Za-z0-9_]+) \(([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\)\.pdf$", f)[0]
                data_by_lang.add((task, lang, team))
            for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(data_dir, task, "by_team")):
                # f == "team (lang).pdf"
                team, lang = re.findall(
                    "^([A-Za-z0-9_]+) \(([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\)\.pdf$", f)[0]
                data_by_team.add((task, lang, team))

    if data_by_lang != data_by_team:
        print "ERROR: PDF files in 'data' are not complete"
        print repr(data_by_lang - data_by_team)
        print repr(data_by_team - data_by_lang)

    if task_by_team != data_by_lang:
        print "ERROR: PDF files in 'data' do not match JSON data"
        print repr(task_by_team - data_by_lang)
        print repr(data_by_lang - task_by_team)

    print "Hooray! Data is consistent!"

    # Pick one at random: they're all equal.
    translations = task_by_team

    # Determine language codes used in CMS.
    codes = dict()

    # Read JSON files in 'tasks' again as it provides data already
    # grouped as we need it, and not simply as a list of tuples.
    for t in os.listdir(task_dir):
        if t.endswith('.json'):
            task = t[:-5]
            task_path = os.path.join(task_dir, t)
            with open(task_path) as task_file:
                data = json.load(task_file)
                if "langs" in data:
                    for lang, v in data["langs"].iteritems():
                        if len(v) == 0:
                        elif len(v) == 1 and v[0] != official_team:
                            for team in v:
                                codes[(task, lang, team)] = "%s" % lang
                            for team in v:
                                codes[(task, lang,
                                       team)] = "%s_%s" % (lang,

    # Store the files as Statement objects.
    file_cacher = FileCacher()

    for task, lang, team in translations:
        if team == official_team:
            assert lang == "en"
            digest = file_cacher.put_file(
                path=os.path.join(data_dir, task, "by_lang",
                                  "%s (%s).pdf" % (lang, team)),
                description="Statement for task %s" % task)
            digest = file_cacher.put_file(
                path=os.path.join(data_dir, task, "by_lang",
                                  "%s (%s).pdf" % (lang, team)),
                "Statement for task %s, translated into %s (%s) by %s (%s)" %
                (task, langs[lang], lang, teams[team], team))

        s = Statement(codes[(task, lang, team)],



    primary = dict()

    # Retrieve the statements selected by each team.
    for t in os.listdir(team_dir):
        if t.endswith('.json'):
            team = t[:-5]
            team_path = os.path.join(team_dir, t)
            with open(team_path) as team_file:
                data = json.load(team_file)

                for team2, lang, task in data.get("selected", []):
                    # A team could have selected a statement that later got removed.
                    if (task, lang, team2) in codes:
                        primary.setdefault(team, {}).setdefault(
                            task, []).append(codes[(task, lang, team2)])

    # Add the ones they uploaded themselves.
    for task, lang, team in translations:
        # Don't worry about duplicates, CWS filters them out.
                                          []).append(codes[(task, lang, team)])

    # Set the primary statements for tasks (i.e. the ones of the official team)
    for task, primary2 in primary.get(official_team, {}).iteritems():
        contest.get_task(task).primary_statements = json.dumps(primary2)

    # Set the primary statements for teams
    for team, primary2 in primary.iteritems():
            "UPDATE users SET primary_statements = '%s' WHERE username LIKE '%s%%';"
            % (json.dumps(primary2), team))


    print "Statements stored in the DB!"