Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_task(self, get_statement):
        See docstring in base_loader.

        # Cannot import a task that with generation errors.
        if os.path.isfile(self.task_error_mark):
            raise Exception("Task has an error mark: %s" %
        if not os.path.isfile(self.task_ok_mark):
            raise Exception("Task does not have an okay mark: %s" %

        # Mark this import as an error until we finish.
        if os.path.isfile(self.contest_ok_mark):

        args = {}

        if get_statement:

        task = Task(**args)
        task.active_dataset = self.create_dataset(task)

        # Success - mark this task as okay.
        return task
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def post(self):
        fallback_page = "/tasks/add"

            attrs = dict()

            self.get_string(attrs, "name", empty=None)
            self.get_string(attrs, "category")

            assert attrs.get("name") is not None, "No task name specified."
            attrs["title"] = attrs["name"]

            # Set default submission format as ["taskname.%l"]
            attrs["submission_format"] = \
                [SubmissionFormatElement("%s.%%l" % attrs["name"])]

            # Create the task.
            task = Task(**attrs)

        except Exception as error:
                                                      "Invalid field(s)",

            attrs = dict()

            # Create its first dataset.
            attrs["description"] = "Default"
            attrs["autojudge"] = True
            attrs["task_type"] = "Batch"
            attrs["task_type_parameters"] = '["alone", ["", ""], "diff"]'
            attrs["score_type"] = "Sum"
            attrs["score_type_parameters"] = '100'
            attrs["task"] = task
            dataset = Dataset(**attrs)

            # Make the dataset active. Life works better that way.
            task.active_dataset = dataset

        except Exception as error:
                                                      "Invalid field(s)",

        if self.try_commit():
            # Create the task on RWS.
            self.redirect("/task/%s" % task.id)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def post(self):
        fallback_page = "/tasks/add"

            attrs = dict()

            self.get_string(attrs, "name", empty=None)
            self.get_string(attrs, "category")

            assert attrs.get("name") is not None, "No task name specified."
            attrs["title"] = attrs["name"]

            # Set default submission format as ["taskname.%l"]
            attrs["submission_format"] = \
                [SubmissionFormatElement("%s.%%l" % attrs["name"])]

            # Create the task.
            task = Task(**attrs)

        except Exception as error:
                make_datetime(), "Invalid field(s)", repr(error))

            attrs = dict()

            # Create its first dataset.
            attrs["description"] = "Default"
            attrs["autojudge"] = True
            attrs["task_type"] = "Batch"
            attrs["task_type_parameters"] = '["alone", ["", ""], "diff"]'
            attrs["score_type"] = "Sum"
            attrs["score_type_parameters"] = '100'
            attrs["task"] = task
            dataset = Dataset(**attrs)

            # Make the dataset active. Life works better that way.
            task.active_dataset = dataset

        except Exception as error:
                make_datetime(), "Invalid field(s)", repr(error))

        if self.try_commit():
            # Create the task on RWS.
            self.redirect("/task/%s" % task.id)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def dataset_updated(self, task_id):
        """Notice that the active dataset of a task has been changed.

        Usually called by AdminWebServer when the contest administrator
        changed the active dataset of a task. This means that we should
        update all the scores for the task using the submission results
        on the new active dataset. If some of them are not available
        yet we keep the old scores (we don't delete them!) and wait for
        ScoringService to notify us that the new ones are available.

        task_id (int): the ID of the task whose dataset has changed.

        with SessionGen() as session:
            task = Task.get_from_id(task_id, session)
            dataset = task.active_dataset

            logger.info("Dataset update for task %d (dataset now is %d)." % (
                task.id, dataset.id))

            # max_score and/or extra_headers might have changed.

            for submission in task.submissions:
                # Update RWS.
                if not submission.user.hidden and \
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def dataset_updated(self, task_id):
        """Notice that the active dataset of a task has been changed.

        Usually called by AdminWebServer when the contest administrator
        changed the active dataset of a task. This means that we should
        update all the scores for the task using the submission results
        on the new active dataset. If some of them are not available
        yet we keep the old scores (we don't delete them!) and wait for
        ScoringService to notify us that the new ones are available.

        task_id (int): the ID of the task whose dataset has changed.

        with SessionGen() as session:
            task = Task.get_from_id(task_id, session)
            dataset = task.active_dataset

            logger.info("Dataset update for task %d (dataset now is %d).",
                        task.id, dataset.id)

            # max_score and/or extra_headers might have changed.

            for submission in task.submissions:
                # Update RWS.
                if not submission.participation.hidden and \
                        submission.official and \
                        submission.get_result() is not None and \
                    for operation in self.operations_for_score(submission):
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get_task(cls, **kwargs):
     """Create a task"""
     args = {
         "name": unique_unicode_id(),
         "title": unique_unicode_id(),
     task = Task(**args)
     return task
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def add_task(self, contest=None, **kwargs):
     """Add a task."""
     contest = contest if contest is not None else self.add_contest()
     args = {
         "contest": contest,
         "name": unique_unicode_id(),
         "title": unique_unicode_id(),
     task = Task(**args)
     return task
Ejemplo n.º 8
def extract_complexity(task_id, file_lengther=None):
    """Extract the complexity of all submissions of the task. The
    results are stored in a file task_<id>.info

    task_id (int): the id of the task we are interested in.
    file_lengther (type): a File-like object that tell the dimension
        of the input (see example above for how to write one).

    return (int): 0 if operation was successful.

    with SessionGen() as session:
        task = Task.get_from_id(task_id, session)
        if task is None:
            return -1

        # Extracting the length of the testcase.
        file_cacher = FileCacher()
        testcases_lengths = [
            file_length(testcase.input, file_cacher, file_lengther)
            for testcase in task.testcases

        # Compute the complexity of the solutions.
        with io.open("task_%s.info" % task_id, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as info:
            for submission in task.contest.get_submissions():
                if submission.task_id == task_id and \
                    result = extract_complexity_submission(
                        testcases_lengths, submission)
                    if result[1] is None:
                    info.write("Submission: %s" % submission.id)
                    info.write(" - user: %15s" %
                    info.write(" - task: %s" % task.name)
                    if result[0] is not None:
                        info.write(" - score: %6.2lf" % result[0])
                    info.write(" - complexity: %20s" %
                    if result[2] is not None:
                        info.write(" - confidence %5.1lf" % result[2])

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 9
def extract_complexity(task_id, file_lengther=None):
    """Extract the complexity of all submissions of the task. The
    results are stored in a file task_<id>.info

    task_id (int): the id of the task we are interested in.
    file_lengther (type): a File-like object that tell the dimension
        of the input (see example above for how to write one).

    return (int): 0 if operation was successful.

    with SessionGen() as session:
        task = Task.get_from_id(task_id, session)
        if task is None:
            return -1

        # Extracting the length of the testcase.
        file_cacher = FileCacher()
        testcases_lengths = [file_length(testcase.input,
                                         file_cacher, file_lengther)
                             for testcase in task.testcases]

        # Compute the complexity of the solutions.
        with open("task_%s.info" % task_id, "wt") as info:
            for submission in task.contest.get_submissions():
                if submission.task_id == task_id and \
                    print submission.user.username
                    result = extract_complexity_submission(testcases_lengths,
                    if result[1] is None:
                    info.write("Submission: %s" % submission.id)
                    info.write(" - user: %15s" % submission.user.username)
                    info.write(" - task: %s" % task.name)
                    if result[0] is not None:
                        info.write(" - score: %6.2lf" % result[0])
                    info.write(" - complexity: %20s" %
                    if result[2] is not None:
                        info.write(" - confidence %5.1lf" % result[2])

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def dataset_updated(self, task_id):
        """This function updates RWS with new data about a task. It should be
        called after the live dataset of a task is changed.

        task_id (int): id of the task whose dataset has changed.

        with SessionGen(commit=False) as session:
            task = Task.get_from_id(task_id, session)
            dataset = task.active_dataset

            logger.info("Dataset update for task %d (dataset now is %d)." % (
                task.id, dataset.id))

            for submission in task.submissions:
                # Update RWS.
                if submission.get_result().scored():
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def get_task(self, get_statement=True):
        """See docstring in class Loader.


        json_src = os.path.join(self.path, 'problem.json')
        if not os.path.exists(json_src):
            logger.critical('No task found.')
            raise IOError('No task found at path %s' % json_src)
        with io.open(json_src, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
            data = json.load(json_file)

        name = data['code']
        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s.", name)

        args = {}

        args["name"] = name
        args["title"] = data['name']

        # Statements
        if get_statement:
            statements_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'statements')
            if os.path.exists(statements_dir):
                statements = [
                    for filename in os.listdir(statements_dir)
                    if filename[-4:] == ".pdf"]
                if len(statements) > 0:
                    args['statements'] = dict()
                    logger.info('Statements found')
                for statement in statements:
                    language = statement[:-4]
                    if language == "en_US":
                        args["primary_statements"] = ["en_US"]
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        os.path.join(statements_dir, statement),
                        "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" %
                        (name, language))
                    args['statements'][language] = Statement(language, digest)

        # Attachments
        args["attachments"] = dict()
        attachments_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'attachments')
        if os.path.exists(attachments_dir):
            logger.info("Attachments found")
            for filename in os.listdir(attachments_dir):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    os.path.join(attachments_dir, filename),
                    "Attachment %s for task %s" % (filename, name))
                args["attachments"][filename] = Attachment(filename, digest)

        data["task_type"] = \
            data["task_type"][0].upper() + data["task_type"][1:]

        # Setting the submission format
        # Obtaining testcases' codename
        testcases_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'tests')
        if not os.path.exists(testcases_dir):
            logger.warning('Testcase folder was not found')
            testcase_codenames = []
            testcase_codenames = sorted([
                for filename in os.listdir(testcases_dir)
                if filename[-3:] == '.in'])
        if data["task_type"] == 'OutputOnly':
            args["submission_format"] = list()
            for codename in testcase_codenames:
                args["submission_format"].append("%s.out" % codename)
        elif data["task_type"] == 'Notice':
            args["submission_format"] = list()
            args["submission_format"] = ["%s.%%l" % name]

        # These options cannot be configured in the TPS format.
        # Uncomment the following to set specific values for them.

        # args['max_user_test_number'] = 10
        # args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        # args['token_mode'] = 'infinite'
        # args['token_max_number'] = 100
        # args['token_min_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        # args['token_gen_initial'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_number'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_interval'] = make_timedelta(1800)
        # args['token_gen_max'] = 2

        if "score_precision" in data:
            args['score_precision'] = int(data["score_precision"])
            args['score_precision'] = 2
        args['max_submission_number'] = 50
        args['max_user_test_number'] = 50
        if data["task_type"] == 'OutputOnly':
            args['max_submission_number'] = 100
            args['max_user_test_number'] = 100

        args['min_submission_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        task = Task(**args)

        args = dict()

        args["task"] = task
        args["description"] = "Default"
        args["autojudge"] = True

        if data['task_type'] != 'OutputOnly' \
                and data['task_type'] != 'Notice':
            args["time_limit"] = float(data['time_limit'])
            args["memory_limit"] = int(data['memory_limit'])

        args["managers"] = {}

        # Checker
        checker_dir = os.path.join(self.path, "checker")
        checker_src = os.path.join(checker_dir, "checker.cpp")

        if os.path.exists(checker_src):
            logger.info("Checker found, compiling")
            checker_exe = os.path.join(checker_dir, "checker")
                "g++", "-x", "c++", "-std=gnu++14", "-O2", "-static",
                "-o", checker_exe, checker_src
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                "Manager for task %s" % name)
            args["managers"]['checker'] = Manager("checker", digest)
            evaluation_param = "comparator"
            logger.info("Checker not found, using diff if necessary")
            evaluation_param = "diff"

        # Note that the original TPS worked with custom task type Batch2017
        # and Communication2017 instead of Batch and Communication.
        args["task_type"] = data['task_type']
        args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                data, data['task_type'], evaluation_param)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def get_task(self, get_statement=True):
        """See docstring in class Loader.


        json_src = os.path.join(self.path, 'problem.json')
        if not os.path.exists(json_src):
            logger.critical('No task found.')
            raise IOError('No task found at path %s' % json_src)
        with io.open(json_src, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
            data = json.load(json_file)

        name = data['name']
        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s.", name)

        args = {}

        args["name"] = name
        if 'problem_label' in data:
            args['title'] = '{}. {}'.format(data['problem_label'],
            args['title'] = data['title']

        # Statements
        if get_statement:
            statements_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'statement')
            if os.path.exists(statements_dir):
                statements = [
                    filename for filename in os.listdir(statements_dir)
                    if filename[-4:] == ".pdf"
                if len(statements) > 0:
                    args['statements'] = dict()
                    logger.info('Statements found')
                for statement in statements:
                    language = statement[:-4]
                    if language == "en_US":
                        args["primary_statements"] = ["en_US"]
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        os.path.join(statements_dir, statement),
                        "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" % (name, language))
                    args['statements'][language] = Statement(language, digest)

        # Attachments
        if get_statement:
            args["attachments"] = dict()
            attachments_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'attachments')
            if os.path.exists(attachments_dir):
                logger.info("Attachments found")
                for filename in os.listdir(attachments_dir):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        os.path.join(attachments_dir, filename),
                        "Attachment %s for task %s" % (filename, name))
                    args["attachments"][filename] = Attachment(
                        filename, digest)

        data["task_type"] = \
            data["task_type"][0].upper() + data["task_type"][1:]

        # Setting the submission format
        # Obtaining testcases' codename
        testcases_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'tests')
        if not os.path.exists(testcases_dir):
            logger.warning('Testcase folder was not found')
            testcase_codenames = []
            testcase_codenames = sorted([
                filename[:-3] for filename in os.listdir(testcases_dir)
                if filename[-3:] == '.in'
        if data["task_type"] == 'OutputOnly':
            args["submission_format"] = list()
            for codename in testcase_codenames:
                args["submission_format"].append("%s.out" % codename)
        elif data["task_type"] == 'Notice':
            args["submission_format"] = list()
            args["submission_format"] = ["%s.%%l" % name]

        # Task information
        if 'feedback_level' in data:
            args['feedback_level'] = data['feedback_level']

        # Tokens parameters

        # Limits
        if 'max_submission_number' in data:
            args['max_submission_number'] = data['max_submission_number']
        if 'max_user_test_number' in data:
            args['max_user_test_number'] = data['max_user_test_number']
        if 'min_submission_interval' in data:
            if data['min_submission_interval'] is None:
                args['min_submission_interval'] = None
                args['min_submission_interval'] = make_timedelta(
        if 'min_user_test_interval' in data:
            if data['min_user_test_interval'] is None:
                args['min_user_test_interval'] = None
                args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(

        # Score options
        if 'score_precision' in data:
            args['score_precision'] = int(data['score_precision'])
        if 'score_mode' in data:
            args['score_mode'] = data['score_mode']

        task = Task(**args)

        ignore_datasets = data[
            'ignore_datasets'] if 'ignore_datasets' in data else False

        if ignore_datasets:
            logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")
            logger.info("Dataset loading skipped.")

            return task

        args = dict()

        args["task"] = task
        args["description"] = "Default"
        args["autojudge"] = True

        if data['task_type'] != 'OutputOnly' \
                and data['task_type'] != 'Notice':
            args["time_limit"] = float(data['time_limit'])
            args["memory_limit"] = int(data['memory_limit'])

        args["managers"] = {}

        # Checker
        checker_dir = os.path.join(self.path, "checker")
        checker_src = os.path.join(checker_dir, "checker.cpp")
        checker_py = os.path.join(checker_dir, "checker.py")

        has_checker = data['has_checker'] if 'has_checker' in data else False

        if not has_checker:
            logger.info("Checker is ignored, using diff if necessary")
            evaluation_param = "diff"
        elif os.path.exists(checker_src):
            logger.info("Checker found, compiling")
            checker_exe = os.path.join(checker_dir, "checker")
                "g++", "-x", "c++", "-std=gnu++14", "-O2", "-static", "-o",
                checker_exe, checker_src
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                checker_exe, "Manager for task %s" % name)
            args["managers"]['checker'] = Manager("checker", digest)
            evaluation_param = "comparator"
        elif os.path.exists(checker_py):
            logger.info("Checker found, compiling")
            checker_exe = os.path.join(checker_dir, "checker")
            subprocess.call(["cp", checker_py, checker_exe])
            subprocess.call(["chmod", "+x", checker_exe])
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                checker_exe, "Manager for task %s" % name)
            args["managers"]['checker'] = Manager("checker", digest)
            evaluation_param = "comparator"
            logger.info("Checker not found, using diff if necessary")
            evaluation_param = "diff"

        # Note that the original TPS worked with custom task type Batch2017
        # and Communication2017 instead of Batch and Communication.
        args["task_type"] = data['task_type']
        args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                data, data['task_type'], evaluation_param)

        # Graders
        graders_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'graders')

        if data['task_type'] == 'TwoSteps':
            pas_manager = name + 'lib.pas'
            pas_manager_path = os.path.join(graders_dir, pas_manager)
            if not os.path.exists(pas_manager_path):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_content(
                    ''.encode('utf-8'), 'Pascal manager for task %s' % name)
                args["managers"][pas_manager] = Manager(pas_manager, digest)

        if not os.path.exists(graders_dir):
            logger.warning('Grader folder was not found')
            graders_list = []
            graders_list = \
                 for filename in os.listdir(graders_dir)
                 if filename != 'manager.cpp']
        for grader_name in graders_list:
            grader_src = os.path.join(graders_dir, grader_name)
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                grader_src, "Manager for task %s" % name)
            if data['task_type'] == 'Communication' \
                    and os.path.splitext(grader_name)[0] == 'grader':
                grader_name = 'stub' + os.path.splitext(grader_name)[1]
            args["managers"][grader_name] = Manager(grader_name, digest)

        # Manager
        manager_src = os.path.join(graders_dir, 'manager.cpp')

        if os.path.exists(manager_src):
            logger.info("Manager found, compiling")
            manager_exe = os.path.join(graders_dir, "manager")
                "g++", "-x", "c++", "-O2", "-static", "-o", manager_exe,
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                manager_exe, "Manager for task %s" % name)
            args["managers"]["manager"] = Manager("manager", digest)

        # Testcases
        args["testcases"] = {}

        for codename in testcase_codenames:
            infile = os.path.join(testcases_dir, "%s.in" % codename)
            outfile = os.path.join(testcases_dir, "%s.out" % codename)
            if not os.path.exists(outfile):
                    'Could not find the output file for testcase %s', codename)

            input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                infile, "Input %s for task %s" % (codename, name))
            output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                outfile, "Output %s for task %s" % (codename, name))
            testcase = Testcase(codename, True, input_digest, output_digest)
            args["testcases"][codename] = testcase

        # Score Type
        subtasks_json_src = os.path.join(self.path, 'subtasks.json')
        if not os.path.exists(subtasks_json_src):
            number_tests = max(len(testcase_codenames), 1)
            args["score_type"] = "Sum"
            args["score_type_parameters"] = 100 / number_tests
            args["score_type"] = "GroupMin"
            parsed_data = []
            subtask_no = -1
            mapping_src = os.path.join(self.path, 'tests', 'mapping')
            with open(subtasks_json_src, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
                subtasks_data = json.load(json_file)

            use_mapping = os.path.exists(mapping_src)
            if use_mapping:
                mapping_data = {}
                for subtask in subtasks_data['subtasks']:
                    mapping_data[subtask] = []
                with open(mapping_src, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as mapping_file:
                    for row in mapping_file:
                        row = row.strip().split(' ')
                        if len(row) == 2:

            add_optional_name = data[
                'add_optional_name'] if 'add_optional_name' in data else False

            for subtask, subtask_data in subtasks_data['subtasks'].items():
                subtask_no += 1
                score = int(subtask_data["score"])
                if use_mapping:
                    testcases = "|".join(
                        for testcase in mapping_data[subtask])
                    if testcases == '':
                        testcases = '|NO_TESTCASES_AVAILABLE'
                    testcases = subtask_data["regex"]
                optional_name = "Subtask %d" % subtask_no
                if subtask_no == 0 and score == 0:
                    optional_name = "Samples"
                if add_optional_name:
                    parsed_data.append([score, testcases, optional_name])
                    parsed_data.append([score, testcases])
            args["score_type_parameters"] = parsed_data

        dataset = Dataset(**args)
        task.active_dataset = dataset

        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")

        return task
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def get_task(self, get_statement=True):
        """See docstring in class TaskLoader."""
        name = os.path.split(self.path)[1]

        if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "task.yaml"))) and \
           (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "..", name + ".yaml"))):
            logger.critical("File missing: \"task.yaml\"")
            return None

        # We first look for the yaml file inside the task folder,
        # and eventually fallback to a yaml file in its parent folder.
            conf = load_yaml_from_path(os.path.join(self.path, "task.yaml"))
        except OSError as err:
                deprecated_path = os.path.join(self.path, "..", name + ".yaml")
                conf = load_yaml_from_path(deprecated_path)

                logger.warning("You're using a deprecated location for the "
                               "task.yaml file. You're advised to move %s to "
                               "%s.", deprecated_path,
                               os.path.join(self.path, "task.yaml"))
            except OSError:
                # Since both task.yaml and the (deprecated) "../taskname.yaml"
                # are missing, we will only warn the user that task.yaml is
                # missing (to avoid encouraging the use of the deprecated one)
                raise err

        # Here we update the time of the last import
        touch(os.path.join(self.path, ".itime"))
        # If this file is not deleted, then the import failed
        touch(os.path.join(self.path, ".import_error"))

        args = {}

        load(conf, args, ["name", "nome_breve"])
        load(conf, args, ["title", "nome"])

        if name != args["name"]:
            logger.info("The task name (%s) and the directory name (%s) are "
                        "different. The former will be used.", args["name"],

        if args["name"] == args["title"]:
            logger.warning("Short name equals long name (title). "
                           "Please check.")

        name = args["name"]

        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s.", name)

        if get_statement:
            primary_language = load(conf, None, "primary_language")
            if primary_language is None:
                primary_language = 'it'
            paths = [os.path.join(self.path, "statement", "statement.pdf"),
                     os.path.join(self.path, "testo", "testo.pdf")]
            for path in paths:
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" %
                        (name, primary_language))
                logger.critical("Couldn't find any task statement, aborting.")
            args["statements"] = {
                primary_language: Statement(primary_language, digest)

            args["primary_statements"] = [primary_language]

        args["submission_format"] = ["%s.%%l" % name]

        # Import the feedback level when explicitly set to full
        # (default behaviour is restricted)
        if conf.get("feedback_level", None) == FEEDBACK_LEVEL_FULL:
            args["feedback_level"] = FEEDBACK_LEVEL_FULL
        elif conf.get("feedback_level", None) == FEEDBACK_LEVEL_RESTRICTED:
            args["feedback_level"] = FEEDBACK_LEVEL_RESTRICTED

        if conf.get("score_mode", None) == SCORE_MODE_MAX:
            args["score_mode"] = SCORE_MODE_MAX
        elif conf.get("score_mode", None) == SCORE_MODE_MAX_SUBTASK:
            args["score_mode"] = SCORE_MODE_MAX_SUBTASK
        elif conf.get("score_mode", None) == SCORE_MODE_MAX_TOKENED_LAST:
            args["score_mode"] = SCORE_MODE_MAX_TOKENED_LAST

        # Use the new token settings format if detected.
        if "token_mode" in conf:
            load(conf, args, "token_mode")
            load(conf, args, "token_max_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_min_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_initial")
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_max")
        # Otherwise fall back on the old one.
                "task.yaml uses a deprecated format for token settings which "
                "will soon stop being supported, you're advised to update it.")
            # Determine the mode.
            if conf.get("token_initial", None) is None:
                args["token_mode"] = TOKEN_MODE_DISABLED
            elif conf.get("token_gen_number", 0) > 0 and \
                    conf.get("token_gen_time", 0) == 0:
                args["token_mode"] = TOKEN_MODE_INFINITE
                args["token_mode"] = TOKEN_MODE_FINITE
            # Set the old default values.
            args["token_gen_initial"] = 0
            args["token_gen_number"] = 0
            args["token_gen_interval"] = timedelta()
            # Copy the parameters to their new names.
            load(conf, args, "token_total", "token_max_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_min_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
            load(conf, args, "token_initial", "token_gen_initial")
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_time", "token_gen_interval",
            load(conf, args, "token_max", "token_gen_max")
            # Remove some corner cases.
            if args["token_gen_initial"] is None:
                args["token_gen_initial"] = 0
            if args["token_gen_interval"].total_seconds() == 0:
                args["token_gen_interval"] = timedelta(minutes=1)

        load(conf, args, "max_submission_number")
        load(conf, args, "max_user_test_number")
        load(conf, args, "min_submission_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
        load(conf, args, "min_user_test_interval", conv=make_timedelta)

        # Attachments
        args["attachments"] = dict()
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "att")):
            for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, "att")):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    os.path.join(self.path, "att", filename),
                    "Attachment %s for task %s" % (filename, name))
                args["attachments"][filename] = Attachment(filename, digest)

        task = Task(**args)

        args = {}
        args["task"] = task
        args["description"] = conf.get("version", "Default")
        args["autojudge"] = False

        load(conf, args, ["time_limit", "timeout"], conv=float)
        # The Italian YAML format specifies memory limits in MiB.
        load(conf, args, ["memory_limit", "memlimit"],
             conv=lambda mb: mb * 1024 * 1024)

        # Builds the parameters that depend on the task type
        args["managers"] = []
        infile_param = conf.get("infile", "input.txt")
        outfile_param = conf.get("outfile", "output.txt")

        # If there is sol/grader.%l for some language %l, then,
        # presuming that the task type is Batch, we retrieve graders
        # in the form sol/grader.%l
        graders = False
        for lang in LANGUAGES:
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(
                    self.path, "sol", "grader%s" % lang.source_extension)):
                graders = True
        if graders:
            # Read grader for each language
            for lang in LANGUAGES:
                extension = lang.source_extension
                grader_filename = os.path.join(
                    self.path, "sol", "grader%s" % extension)
                if os.path.exists(grader_filename):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        "Grader for task %s and language %s" %
                        (task.name, lang))
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager("grader%s" % extension, digest)]
                    logger.warning("Grader for language %s not found ", lang)
            # Read managers with other known file extensions
            for other_filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, "sol")):
                if any(other_filename.endswith(header)
                       for header in HEADER_EXTS):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        os.path.join(self.path, "sol", other_filename),
                        "Manager %s for task %s" % (other_filename, task.name))
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager(other_filename, digest)]
            compilation_param = "grader"
            compilation_param = "alone"

        # If there is check/checker (or equivalent), then, presuming
        # that the task type is Batch or OutputOnly, we retrieve the
        # comparator
        paths = [os.path.join(self.path, "check", "checker"),
                 os.path.join(self.path, "cor", "correttore")]
        for path in paths:
            if os.path.exists(path):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Manager for task %s" % task.name)
                args["managers"] += [
                    Manager("checker", digest)]
                evaluation_param = "comparator"
            evaluation_param = "diff"

        # Detect subtasks by checking GEN
        gen_filename = os.path.join(self.path, 'gen', 'GEN')
            with open(gen_filename, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as gen_file:
                subtasks = []
                testcases = 0
                points = None
                for line in gen_file:
                    line = line.strip()
                    splitted = line.split('#', 1)

                    if len(splitted) == 1:
                        # This line represents a testcase, otherwise
                        # it's just a blank
                        if splitted[0] != '':
                            testcases += 1

                        testcase, comment = splitted
                        testcase = testcase.strip()
                        comment = comment.strip()
                        testcase_detected = len(testcase) > 0
                        copy_testcase_detected = comment.startswith("COPY:")
                        subtask_detected = comment.startswith('ST:')

                        flags = [testcase_detected,
                        if len([x for x in flags if x]) > 1:
                            raise Exception("No testcase and command in"
                                            " the same line allowed")

                        # This line represents a testcase and contains a
                        # comment, but the comment doesn't start a new
                        # subtask
                        if testcase_detected or copy_testcase_detected:
                            testcases += 1

                        # This line starts a new subtask
                        if subtask_detected:
                            # Close the previous subtask
                            if points is None:
                                assert(testcases == 0)
                                subtasks.append([points, testcases])
                            # Open the new one
                            testcases = 0
                            points = int(comment[3:].strip())

                # Close last subtask (if no subtasks were defined, just
                # fallback to Sum)
                if points is None:
                    args["score_type"] = "Sum"
                    total_value = float(conf.get("total_value", 100.0))
                    input_value = 0.0
                    n_input = testcases
                    if n_input != 0:
                        input_value = total_value / n_input
                    args["score_type_parameters"] = input_value
                    subtasks.append([points, testcases])
                    assert(100 == sum([int(st[0]) for st in subtasks]))
                    n_input = sum([int(st[1]) for st in subtasks])
                    args["score_type"] = "GroupMin"
                    args["score_type_parameters"] = subtasks

                if "n_input" in conf:
                    assert int(conf['n_input']) == n_input

        # If gen/GEN doesn't exist, just fallback to Sum
        except OSError:
            args["score_type"] = "Sum"
            total_value = float(conf.get("total_value", 100.0))
            input_value = 0.0
            n_input = int(conf['n_input'])
            if n_input != 0:
                input_value = total_value / n_input
            args["score_type_parameters"] = input_value

        # Override score_type if explicitly specified
        if "score_type" in conf and "score_type_parameters" in conf:
            logger.info("Overriding 'score_type' and 'score_type_parameters' "
                        "as per task.yaml")
            load(conf, args, "score_type")
            load(conf, args, "score_type_parameters")
        elif "score_type" in conf or "score_type_parameters" in conf:
            logger.warning("To override score type data, task.yaml must "
                           "specify both 'score_type' and "

        # If output_only is set, then the task type is OutputOnly
        if conf.get('output_only', False):
            args["task_type"] = "OutputOnly"
            args["time_limit"] = None
            args["memory_limit"] = None
            args["task_type_parameters"] = [evaluation_param]
            task.submission_format = \
                ["output_%03d.txt" % i for i in range(n_input)]

        # If there is check/manager (or equivalent), then the task
        # type is Communication
            paths = [os.path.join(self.path, "check", "manager"),
                     os.path.join(self.path, "cor", "manager")]
            for path in paths:
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    num_processes = load(conf, None, "num_processes")
                    if num_processes is None:
                        num_processes = 1
                    logger.info("Task type Communication")
                    args["task_type"] = "Communication"
                    args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                        [num_processes, "stub", "fifo_io"]
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        "Manager for task %s" % task.name)
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager("manager", digest)]
                    for lang in LANGUAGES:
                        stub_name = os.path.join(
                            self.path, "sol", "stub%s" % lang.source_extension)
                        if os.path.exists(stub_name):
                            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                                "Stub for task %s and language %s" % (
                                    task.name, lang.name))
                            args["managers"] += [
                                    "stub%s" % lang.source_extension, digest)]
                            logger.warning("Stub for language %s not "
                                           "found.", lang.name)
                    for other_filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path,
                        if any(other_filename.endswith(header)
                               for header in HEADER_EXTS):
                            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                                os.path.join(self.path, "sol", other_filename),
                                "Stub %s for task %s" % (other_filename,
                            args["managers"] += [
                                Manager(other_filename, digest)]

            # Otherwise, the task type is Batch
                args["task_type"] = "Batch"
                args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                    [compilation_param, [infile_param, outfile_param],

        args["testcases"] = []
        for i in range(n_input):
            input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                os.path.join(self.path, "input", "input%d.txt" % i),
                "Input %d for task %s" % (i, task.name))
            output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                os.path.join(self.path, "output", "output%d.txt" % i),
                "Output %d for task %s" % (i, task.name))
            args["testcases"] += [
                Testcase("%03d" % i, False, input_digest, output_digest)]
            if args["task_type"] == "OutputOnly":
                    Attachment("input_%03d.txt" % i, input_digest))
        public_testcases = load(conf, None, ["public_testcases", "risultati"],
                                conv=lambda x: "" if x is None else x)
        if public_testcases == "all":
            for t in args["testcases"]:
                t.public = True
        elif len(public_testcases) > 0:
            for x in public_testcases.split(","):
                args["testcases"][int(x.strip())].public = True
        args["testcases"] = dict((tc.codename, tc) for tc in args["testcases"])
        args["managers"] = dict((mg.filename, mg) for mg in args["managers"])

        dataset = Dataset(**args)
        task.active_dataset = dataset

        # Import was successful
        os.remove(os.path.join(self.path, ".import_error"))

        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")

        return task
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: polygon.py Proyecto: Corea/cms
    def get_task(self, get_statement=True):
        """See docstring in class Loader.


        logger.info("Checking dos2unix presence")
        i = os.system('dos2unix -V 2>/dev/null')
        self.dos2unix_found = (i == 0)
        if not self.dos2unix_found:
            logger.error("dos2unix not found - tests will not be converted!")

        name = os.path.basename(self.path)
        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s.", name)

        args = {}

        # Here we update the time of the last import.
        touch(os.path.join(self.path, ".itime"))
        # If this file is not deleted, then the import failed.
        touch(os.path.join(self.path, ".import_error"))

        # Get alphabetical task index for use in title.

        tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(self.path, "problem.xml"))
        root = tree.getroot()

        args["name"] = name
        args["title"] = root.find('names').find("name").attrib['value']

        if get_statement:
            args["statements"] = []
            args["primary_statements"] = []
            for language, language_code in LANGUAGE_MAP.iteritems():
                path = os.path.join(self.path, 'statements',
                                    '.pdf', language, 'problem.pdf')
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    lang = LANGUAGE_MAP[language]
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" % (name,
                    args["statements"].append(Statement(lang, digest))
            args["primary_statements"] = json.dumps(args["primary_statements"])

        args["submission_format"] = [SubmissionFormatElement("%s.%%l" % name)]

        # These options cannot be configured in the Polygon format.
        # Uncomment the following to set specific values for them.

        # args['max_submission_number'] = 100
        # args['max_user_test_number'] = 100
        # args['min_submission_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        # args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        # args['max_user_test_number'] = 10
        # args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        # args['token_mode'] = 'infinite'
        # args['token_max_number'] = 100
        # args['token_min_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        # args['token_gen_initial'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_number'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_interval'] = make_timedelta(1800)
        # args['token_gen_max'] = 2

        task_cms_conf_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'files')
        task_cms_conf = None
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(task_cms_conf_path, 'cms_conf.py')):
            logger.info("Found additional CMS options for task %s.", name)
            task_cms_conf = __import__('cms_conf')
            # TODO: probably should find more clever way to get rid of caching
            task_cms_conf = reload(task_cms_conf)
        if task_cms_conf is not None and hasattr(task_cms_conf, "general"):

        task = Task(**args)

        judging = root.find('judging')
        testset = None
        for testset in judging:
            testset_name = testset.attrib["name"]

            args = {}
            args["task"] = task
            args["description"] = testset_name
            args["autojudge"] = False

            tl = float(testset.find('time-limit').text)
            ml = float(testset.find('memory-limit').text)
            args["time_limit"] = tl * 0.001
            args["memory_limit"] = int(ml / (1024 * 1024))

            args["managers"] = []
            infile_param = judging.attrib['input-file']
            outfile_param = judging.attrib['output-file']

            checker_src = os.path.join(self.path, "files", "check.cpp")
            if os.path.exists(checker_src):
                logger.info("Checker found, compiling")
                checker_exe = os.path.join(self.path, "files", "checker")
                testlib_path = "/usr/local/include/cms/testlib.h"
                if not config.installed:
                    testlib_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                                                "polygon", "testlib.h")
                os.system("cat %s | \
                    sed 's$testlib.h$%s$' | \
                    g++ -x c++ -O2 -static -o %s -" %
                          (checker_src, testlib_path, checker_exe))
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Manager for task %s" % name)
                args["managers"] += [
                    Manager("checker", digest)]
                evaluation_param = "comparator"
                logger.info("Checker not found, using diff")
                evaluation_param = "diff"

            args["task_type"] = "Batch"
            args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                '["%s", ["%s", "%s"], "%s"]' % \
                ("alone", infile_param, outfile_param, evaluation_param)

            args["score_type"] = "Sum"
            total_value = 100.0
            input_value = 0.0

            testcases = int(testset.find('test-count').text)

            n_input = testcases
            if n_input != 0:
                input_value = total_value / n_input
            args["score_type_parameters"] = str(input_value)

            args["testcases"] = []

            for i in xrange(testcases):
                infile = os.path.join(self.path, testset_name,
                                      "%02d" % (i + 1))
                outfile = os.path.join(self.path, testset_name,
                                       "%02d.a" % (i + 1))
                if self.dos2unix_found:
                    os.system('dos2unix -q %s' % (infile, ))
                    os.system('dos2unix -q %s' % (outfile, ))
                input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Input %d for task %s" % (i, name))
                output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Output %d for task %s" % (i, name))
                testcase = Testcase("%03d" % (i, ), False,
                                    input_digest, output_digest)
                testcase.public = True
                args["testcases"] += [testcase]

            if task_cms_conf is not None and \
               hasattr(task_cms_conf, "datasets") and \
               testset_name in task_cms_conf.datasets:

            dataset = Dataset(**args)
            if testset_name == "tests":
                task.active_dataset = dataset

        os.remove(os.path.join(self.path, ".import_error"))

        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")
        return task
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def get_task(self, get_statement=True):
        """See docstring in class Loader.


        json_src = os.path.join(self.path, 'problem.json')
        if not os.path.exists(json_src):
            logger.critical('No task found.')
            raise OSError('No task found at path %s' % json_src)
        with open(json_src, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
            data = json.load(json_file)

        name = data['code']
        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s.", name)

        args = {}

        args["name"] = name
        args["title"] = data['name']

        # Statements
        if get_statement:
            statements_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'statements')
            if os.path.exists(statements_dir):
                statements = [
                    for filename in os.listdir(statements_dir)
                    if filename[-4:] == ".pdf"]
                if len(statements) > 0:
                    args['statements'] = dict()
                    logger.info('Statements found')
                for statement in statements:
                    language = statement[:-4]
                    if language == "en_US":
                        args["primary_statements"] = ["en_US"]
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        os.path.join(statements_dir, statement),
                        "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" %
                        (name, language))
                    args['statements'][language] = Statement(language, digest)

        # Attachments
        args["attachments"] = dict()
        attachments_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'attachments')
        if os.path.exists(attachments_dir):
            logger.info("Attachments found")
            for filename in os.listdir(attachments_dir):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    os.path.join(attachments_dir, filename),
                    "Attachment %s for task %s" % (filename, name))
                args["attachments"][filename] = Attachment(filename, digest)

        data["task_type"] = \
            data["task_type"][0].upper() + data["task_type"][1:]

        # Setting the submission format
        # Obtaining testcases' codename
        testcases_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'tests')
        if not os.path.exists(testcases_dir):
            logger.warning('Testcase folder was not found')
            testcase_codenames = []
            testcase_codenames = sorted([
                for filename in os.listdir(testcases_dir)
                if filename[-3:] == '.in'])
        if data["task_type"] == 'OutputOnly':
            args["submission_format"] = list()
            for codename in testcase_codenames:
                args["submission_format"].append("%s.out" % codename)
        elif data["task_type"] == 'Notice':
            args["submission_format"] = list()
            args["submission_format"] = ["%s.%%l" % name]

        # These options cannot be configured in the TPS format.
        # Uncomment the following to set specific values for them.

        # args['max_user_test_number'] = 10
        # args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        # args['token_mode'] = 'infinite'
        # args['token_max_number'] = 100
        # args['token_min_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        # args['token_gen_initial'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_number'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_interval'] = make_timedelta(1800)
        # args['token_gen_max'] = 2

        if "score_precision" in data:
            args['score_precision'] = int(data["score_precision"])
            args['score_precision'] = 2
        args['max_submission_number'] = 50
        args['max_user_test_number'] = 50
        if data["task_type"] == 'OutputOnly':
            args['max_submission_number'] = 100
            args['max_user_test_number'] = 100

        args['min_submission_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        task = Task(**args)

        args = dict()

        args["task"] = task
        args["description"] = "Default"
        args["autojudge"] = True

        if data['task_type'] != 'OutputOnly' \
                and data['task_type'] != 'Notice':
            args["time_limit"] = float(data['time_limit'])
            args["memory_limit"] = int(data['memory_limit'])

        args["managers"] = {}

        # Checker
        checker_dir = os.path.join(self.path, "checker")
        checker_src = os.path.join(checker_dir, "checker.cpp")

        if os.path.exists(checker_src):
            logger.info("Checker found, compiling")
            checker_exe = os.path.join(checker_dir, "checker")
                "g++", "-x", "c++", "-std=gnu++14", "-O2", "-static",
                "-o", checker_exe, checker_src
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                "Manager for task %s" % name)
            args["managers"]['checker'] = Manager("checker", digest)
            evaluation_param = "comparator"
            logger.info("Checker not found, using diff if necessary")
            evaluation_param = "diff"

        # Note that the original TPS worked with custom task type Batch2017
        # and Communication2017 instead of Batch and Communication.
        args["task_type"] = data['task_type']
        args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                data, data['task_type'], evaluation_param)

        # Graders
        graders_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'graders')

        if data['task_type'] == 'TwoSteps':
            pas_manager = name + 'lib.pas'
            pas_manager_path = os.path.join(graders_dir, pas_manager)
            if not os.path.exists(pas_manager_path):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_content(
                    ''.encode('utf-8'), 'Pascal manager for task %s' % name)
                args["managers"][pas_manager] = Manager(pas_manager, digest)

        if not os.path.exists(graders_dir):
            logger.warning('Grader folder was not found')
            graders_list = []
            graders_list = \
                 for filename in os.listdir(graders_dir)
                 if filename != 'manager.cpp']
        for grader_name in graders_list:
            grader_src = os.path.join(graders_dir, grader_name)
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                "Manager for task %s" % name)
            if data['task_type'] == 'Communication' \
                    and os.path.splitext(grader_name)[0] == 'grader':
                grader_name = 'stub' + os.path.splitext(grader_name)[1]
            args["managers"][grader_name] = Manager(grader_name, digest)

        # Manager
        manager_src = os.path.join(graders_dir, 'manager.cpp')

        if os.path.exists(manager_src):
            logger.info("Manager found, compiling")
            manager_exe = os.path.join(graders_dir, "manager")
                "g++", "-x", "c++", "-O2", "-static",
                "-o", manager_exe, manager_src
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                "Manager for task %s" % name)
            args["managers"]["manager"] = Manager("manager", digest)

        # Testcases
        args["testcases"] = {}

        for codename in testcase_codenames:
            infile = os.path.join(testcases_dir, "%s.in" % codename)
            outfile = os.path.join(testcases_dir, "%s.out" % codename)
            if not os.path.exists(outfile):
                    'Could not find the output file for testcase %s', codename)

            input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                "Input %s for task %s" % (codename, name))
            output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                "Output %s for task %s" % (codename, name))
            testcase = Testcase(codename, True,
                                input_digest, output_digest)
            args["testcases"][codename] = testcase

        # Score Type
        subtasks_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'subtasks')
        if not os.path.exists(subtasks_dir):
            logger.warning('Subtask folder was not found')
            subtasks = []
            subtasks = sorted(os.listdir(subtasks_dir))

        if len(subtasks) == 0:
            number_tests = max(len(testcase_codenames), 1)
            args["score_type"] = "Sum"
            args["score_type_parameters"] = 100 / number_tests
            args["score_type"] = "GroupMin"
            parsed_data = []
            subtask_no = -1
            add_optional_name = False
            for subtask in subtasks:
                subtask_no += 1
                with open(os.path.join(subtasks_dir, subtask), 'rt',
                          encoding='utf-8') as subtask_json:
                    subtask_data = json.load(subtask_json)
                    score = int(subtask_data["score"])
                    testcases = "|".join(
                        for testcase in subtask_data["testcases"]
                    optional_name = "Subtask %d" % subtask_no
                    if subtask_no == 0 and score == 0:
                        add_optional_name = True
                        optional_name = "Samples"
                    if add_optional_name:
                        parsed_data.append([score, testcases, optional_name])
                        parsed_data.append([score, testcases])
            args["score_type_parameters"] = parsed_data

        dataset = Dataset(**args)
        task.active_dataset = dataset

        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")

        return task
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def post(self):
        fallback_page = "/tasks/add"

            attrs = dict()

            self.get_string(attrs, "name", empty=None)
            self.get_string(attrs, "title")

            assert attrs.get("name") is not None, "No task name specified."

            self.get_string(attrs, "primary_statements")


            self.get_string(attrs, "token_mode")
            self.get_int(attrs, "token_max_number")
            self.get_timedelta_sec(attrs, "token_min_interval")
            self.get_int(attrs, "token_gen_initial")
            self.get_int(attrs, "token_gen_number")
            self.get_timedelta_min(attrs, "token_gen_interval")
            self.get_int(attrs, "token_gen_max")

            self.get_int(attrs, "max_submission_number")
            self.get_int(attrs, "max_user_test_number")
            self.get_timedelta_sec(attrs, "min_submission_interval")
            self.get_timedelta_sec(attrs, "min_user_test_interval")

            self.get_int(attrs, "score_precision")

            self.get_string(attrs, "score_mode")

            # Create the task.
            task = Task(**attrs)

        except Exception as error:
                make_datetime(), "Invalid field(s)", repr(error))

            attrs = dict()

            self.get_time_limit(attrs, "time_limit")
            self.get_memory_limit(attrs, "memory_limit")
            self.get_task_type(attrs, "task_type", "TaskTypeOptions_")
            self.get_score_type(attrs, "score_type", "score_type_parameters")

            # Create its first dataset.
            attrs["description"] = "Default"
            attrs["autojudge"] = True
            attrs["task"] = task
            dataset = Dataset(**attrs)

            # Make the dataset active. Life works better that way.
            task.active_dataset = dataset

        except Exception as error:
                make_datetime(), "Invalid field(s)", repr(error))

        if self.try_commit():
            # Create the task on RWS.
            self.redirect("/task/%s" % task.id)
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: tps.py Proyecto: cms-dev/cms
    def get_task(self, get_statement=True):
        """See docstring in class Loader.


        json_src = os.path.join(self.path, 'problem.json')
        if not os.path.exists(json_src):
            logger.critical('No task found.')
            raise OSError('No task found at path %s' % json_src)
        with open(json_src, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
            data = json.load(json_file)

        name = data['code']
        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s.", name)

        args = {}

        args["name"] = name
        args["title"] = data['name']

        # Statements
        if get_statement:
            statements_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'statements')
            if os.path.exists(statements_dir):
                statements = [
                    for filename in os.listdir(statements_dir)
                    if filename[-4:] == ".pdf"]
                if len(statements) > 0:
                    args['statements'] = dict()
                    logger.info('Statements found')
                for statement in statements:
                    language = statement[:-4]
                    if language == "en_US":
                        args["primary_statements"] = ["en_US"]
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        os.path.join(statements_dir, statement),
                        "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" %
                        (name, language))
                    args['statements'][language] = Statement(language, digest)

        # Attachments
        args["attachments"] = dict()
        attachments_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'attachments')
        if os.path.exists(attachments_dir):
            logger.info("Attachments found")
            for filename in os.listdir(attachments_dir):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    os.path.join(attachments_dir, filename),
                    "Attachment %s for task %s" % (filename, name))
                args["attachments"][filename] = Attachment(filename, digest)

        data["task_type"] = \
            data["task_type"][0].upper() + data["task_type"][1:]

        # Setting the submission format
        # Obtaining testcases' codename
        testcases_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'tests')
        if not os.path.exists(testcases_dir):
            logger.warning('Testcase folder was not found')
            testcase_codenames = []
            testcase_codenames = sorted([
                for filename in os.listdir(testcases_dir)
                if filename[-3:] == '.in'])
        if data["task_type"] == 'OutputOnly':
            args["submission_format"] = list()
            for codename in testcase_codenames:
                args["submission_format"].append("%s.out" % codename)
        elif data["task_type"] == 'Notice':
            args["submission_format"] = list()
            args["submission_format"] = ["%s.%%l" % name]

        # These options cannot be configured in the TPS format.
        # Uncomment the following to set specific values for them.

        # args['max_user_test_number'] = 10
        # args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        # args['token_mode'] = 'infinite'
        # args['token_max_number'] = 100
        # args['token_min_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        # args['token_gen_initial'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_number'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_interval'] = make_timedelta(1800)
        # args['token_gen_max'] = 2

        if "score_precision" in data:
            args['score_precision'] = int(data["score_precision"])
            args['score_precision'] = 2
        args['max_submission_number'] = 50
        args['max_user_test_number'] = 50
        if data["task_type"] == 'OutputOnly':
            args['max_submission_number'] = 100
            args['max_user_test_number'] = 100

        args['min_submission_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        task = Task(**args)

        args = dict()

        args["task"] = task
        args["description"] = "Default"
        args["autojudge"] = True

        if data['task_type'] != 'OutputOnly' \
                and data['task_type'] != 'Notice':
            args["time_limit"] = float(data['time_limit'])
            args["memory_limit"] = int(data['memory_limit'])

        args["managers"] = {}

        # Checker
        checker_dir = os.path.join(self.path, "checker")
        checker_src = os.path.join(checker_dir, "checker.cpp")

        if os.path.exists(checker_src):
            logger.info("Checker found, compiling")
            checker_exe = os.path.join(checker_dir, "checker")
                "g++", "-x", "c++", "-std=gnu++14", "-O2", "-static",
                "-o", checker_exe, checker_src
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                "Manager for task %s" % name)
            args["managers"]['checker'] = Manager("checker", digest)
            evaluation_param = "comparator"
            logger.info("Checker not found, using diff if necessary")
            evaluation_param = "diff"

        # Note that the original TPS worked with custom task type Batch2017
        # and Communication2017 instead of Batch and Communication.
        args["task_type"] = data['task_type']
        args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                data, data['task_type'], evaluation_param)

        # Graders
        graders_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'graders')

        if data['task_type'] == 'TwoSteps':
            pas_manager = name + 'lib.pas'
            pas_manager_path = os.path.join(graders_dir, pas_manager)
            if not os.path.exists(pas_manager_path):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_content(
                    ''.encode('utf-8'), 'Pascal manager for task %s' % name)
                args["managers"][pas_manager] = Manager(pas_manager, digest)

        if not os.path.exists(graders_dir):
            logger.warning('Grader folder was not found')
            graders_list = []
            graders_list = \
                 for filename in os.listdir(graders_dir)
                 if filename != 'manager.cpp']
        for grader_name in graders_list:
            grader_src = os.path.join(graders_dir, grader_name)
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                "Manager for task %s" % name)
            if data['task_type'] == 'Communication' \
                    and os.path.splitext(grader_name)[0] == 'grader':
                grader_name = 'stub' + os.path.splitext(grader_name)[1]
            args["managers"][grader_name] = Manager(grader_name, digest)

        # Manager
        manager_src = os.path.join(graders_dir, 'manager.cpp')

        if os.path.exists(manager_src):
            logger.info("Manager found, compiling")
            manager_exe = os.path.join(graders_dir, "manager")
                "g++", "-x", "c++", "-O2", "-static",
                "-o", manager_exe, manager_src
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                "Manager for task %s" % name)
            args["managers"]["manager"] = Manager("manager", digest)

        # Testcases
        args["testcases"] = {}

        for codename in testcase_codenames:
            infile = os.path.join(testcases_dir, "%s.in" % codename)
            outfile = os.path.join(testcases_dir, "%s.out" % codename)
            if not os.path.exists(outfile):
                    'Could not find the output file for testcase %s', codename)

            input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                "Input %s for task %s" % (codename, name))
            output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                "Output %s for task %s" % (codename, name))
            testcase = Testcase(codename, True,
                                input_digest, output_digest)
            args["testcases"][codename] = testcase

        # Score Type
        subtasks_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'subtasks')
        if not os.path.exists(subtasks_dir):
            logger.warning('Subtask folder was not found')
            subtasks = []
            subtasks = sorted(os.listdir(subtasks_dir))

        if len(subtasks) == 0:
            number_tests = max(len(testcase_codenames), 1)
            args["score_type"] = "Sum"
            args["score_type_parameters"] = 100 / number_tests
            args["score_type"] = "GroupMin"
            parsed_data = []
            subtask_no = -1
            add_optional_name = False
            for subtask in subtasks:
                subtask_no += 1
                with open(os.path.join(subtasks_dir, subtask), 'rt',
                          encoding='utf-8') as subtask_json:
                    subtask_data = json.load(subtask_json)
                    score = int(subtask_data["score"])
                    testcases = "|".join(
                        for testcase in subtask_data["testcases"]
                    optional_name = "Subtask %d" % subtask_no
                    if subtask_no == 0 and score == 0:
                        add_optional_name = True
                        optional_name = "Samples"
                    if add_optional_name:
                        parsed_data.append([score, testcases, optional_name])
                        parsed_data.append([score, testcases])
            args["score_type_parameters"] = parsed_data

        dataset = Dataset(**args)
        task.active_dataset = dataset

        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")

        return task
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: polygon.py Proyecto: Nyrio/cms
    def get_task(self, get_statement=True):
        """See docstring in class Loader.


        logger.info("Checking dos2unix presence")
        i = os.system('dos2unix -V 2>/dev/null')
        self.dos2unix_found = (i == 0)
        if not self.dos2unix_found:
            logger.error("dos2unix not found - tests will not be converted!")

        name = os.path.basename(self.path)
        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s.", name)

        args = {}

        # Here we update the time of the last import.
        touch(os.path.join(self.path, ".itime"))
        # If this file is not deleted, then the import failed.
        touch(os.path.join(self.path, ".import_error"))

        # Get alphabetical task index for use in title.

        tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(self.path, "problem.xml"))
        root = tree.getroot()

        args["name"] = name
        args["title"] = str(root.find('names').find("name").attrib['value'])

        if get_statement:
            args["statements"] = {}
            args["primary_statements"] = []
            for language, lang in iteritems(LANGUAGE_MAP):
                path = os.path.join(self.path, 'statements',
                                    '.pdf', language, 'problem.pdf')
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" % (name,
                    args["statements"][lang] = Statement(lang, digest)

        args["submission_format"] = ["%s.%%l" % name]

        # These options cannot be configured in the Polygon format.
        # Uncomment the following to set specific values for them.

        # args['max_submission_number'] = 100
        # args['max_user_test_number'] = 100
        # args['min_submission_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        # args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        # args['max_user_test_number'] = 10
        # args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        # args['token_mode'] = 'infinite'
        # args['token_max_number'] = 100
        # args['token_min_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        # args['token_gen_initial'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_number'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_interval'] = make_timedelta(1800)
        # args['token_gen_max'] = 2

        task_cms_conf_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'files', 'cms_conf.py')
        task_cms_conf = None
        if os.path.exists(task_cms_conf_path):
            logger.info("Found additional CMS options for task %s.", name)
            with io.open(task_cms_conf_path, 'rb') as f:
                task_cms_conf = imp.load_module('cms_conf', f,
                                                ('.py', 'r', imp.PY_SOURCE))
        if task_cms_conf is not None and hasattr(task_cms_conf, "general"):

        task = Task(**args)

        judging = root.find('judging')
        testset = None
        for testset in judging:
            testset_name = testset.attrib["name"]

            args = {}
            args["task"] = task
            args["description"] = str(testset_name)
            args["autojudge"] = False

            tl = float(testset.find('time-limit').text)
            ml = int(testset.find('memory-limit').text)
            args["time_limit"] = tl * 0.001
            args["memory_limit"] = ml // (1024 * 1024)

            args["managers"] = {}
            infile_param = judging.attrib['input-file']
            outfile_param = judging.attrib['output-file']

            # Checker can be in any of these two locations.
            checker_src = os.path.join(self.path, "files", "check.cpp")
            if not os.path.exists(checker_src):
                checker_src = os.path.join(self.path, "check.cpp")

            if os.path.exists(checker_src):
                logger.info("Checker found, compiling")
                checker_exe = os.path.join(
                    os.path.dirname(checker_src), "checker")
                testlib_path = "/usr/local/include/cms"
                testlib_include = os.path.join(testlib_path, "testlib.h")
                if not config.installed:
                    testlib_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                code = subprocess.call(["g++", "-x", "c++", "-O2", "-static",
                                        "-DCMS", "-I", testlib_path,
                                        "-include", testlib_include,
                                        "-o", checker_exe, checker_src])
                if code != 0:
                    logger.critical("Could not compile checker")
                    return None
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Manager for task %s" % name)
                args["managers"]["checker"] = Manager("checker", digest)
                evaluation_param = "comparator"
                logger.info("Checker not found, using diff")
                evaluation_param = "diff"

            args["task_type"] = "Batch"
            args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                ["alone", [infile_param, outfile_param], evaluation_param]

            args["score_type"] = "Sum"
            total_value = 100.0
            input_value = 0.0

            testcases = int(testset.find('test-count').text)

            n_input = testcases
            if n_input != 0:
                input_value = total_value / n_input
            args["score_type_parameters"] = input_value

            args["testcases"] = {}

            for i in range(testcases):
                infile = os.path.join(self.path, testset_name,
                                      "%02d" % (i + 1))
                outfile = os.path.join(self.path, testset_name,
                                       "%02d.a" % (i + 1))
                if self.dos2unix_found:
                    os.system('dos2unix -q %s' % (infile, ))
                    os.system('dos2unix -q %s' % (outfile, ))
                input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Input %d for task %s" % (i, name))
                output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Output %d for task %s" % (i, name))
                testcase = Testcase("%03d" % (i, ), False,
                                    input_digest, output_digest)
                testcase.public = True
                args["testcases"][testcase.codename] = testcase

            if task_cms_conf is not None and \
               hasattr(task_cms_conf, "datasets") and \
               testset_name in task_cms_conf.datasets:

            dataset = Dataset(**args)
            if testset_name == "tests":
                task.active_dataset = dataset

        os.remove(os.path.join(self.path, ".import_error"))

        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")
        return task
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def get_task(self, get_statement=True):

        base_path = self.path
        cms_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'cms')
        conf_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'cms', 'task-iif.yaml')

        if not exists(conf_path):
            logger.critical("cannot find \"task-iif.yaml\"")
            return None

        conf = load_yaml(conf_path)
        name = conf['name']

        logger.info("loading parameters for task \"%s\"", name)

        # inherited default
        default_conf_paths = DEFAULT_CONF_PATHS.copy()
        env_default_conf_path = os.environ.get(ENVVAR_NAME_DEFAULT_CONF_PATH)
        if env_default_conf_path is not None:
            default_conf_paths = [env_default_conf_path]

        default_found = False

        for def_path in default_conf_paths:
            if exists(def_path):
                default_conf = load_yaml(def_path)
                default_assign(conf, default_conf, 'primary_language')
                default_assign(conf, default_conf, 'max_submission_number')
                default_assign(conf, default_conf, 'min_submission_interval')
                default_found = True

        if not default_found:
            search_paths = ', '.join(default_conf_paths)
            logging.warning("cannot find default config file (search path: {})".format(search_paths))

        # default
        conf.setdefault('score_mode', SCORE_MODE_MAX_SUBTASK)
        conf.setdefault('primary_language', 'ja')
        conf.setdefault('samples', ['sample-*'])
        conf.setdefault('feedback', ['*'])
        conf.setdefault('version', 'default-dataset')

        # override
        conf['token_mode'] = TOKEN_MODE_DISABLED

        task = {}
        task_type = conf.get('task_type', 'batch').lower()
        score_type = conf.get('score_type', 'normal').lower()

        # general task config
        assign(task, conf, 'name')
        assign(task, conf, 'title')
        task['primary_statements'] = [conf['primary_language']]
        assign(task, conf, 'score_mode')
        assign(task, conf, 'token_mode')
        try_assign(task, conf, 'max_submission_number')
        try_assign(task, conf, 'max_user_test_number')
        try_assign(task, conf, 'min_submission_interval', make_timedelta)
        try_assign(task, conf, 'min_user_test_interval', make_timedelta)
        try_assign(task, conf, 'score_precision')

        sample_regexp = globlist_to_regexp(conf['samples'])
        feedback_regexp = globlist_to_regexp(conf['feedback'])

        # testcases detection
        testcases = {}
        missing_out_testcases = []

        old_input_dir = os.path.join(base_path, 'in')
        new_input_dir = os.path.join(base_path, 'gen', 'in')

        for input_dir in [old_input_dir, new_input_dir]:

            if not os.path.isdir(input_dir):

            for fname in os.listdir(input_dir):

                m = re.match(r'\A(.+)\.txt\Z', fname)

                if not m:
                    logger.warning("ignored input file: \"%s\"", fname)

                codename = m.group(1)
                in_path = os.path.join(input_dir, fname)
                out_path = os.path.join(input_dir, '..', 'out', fname)

                if not exists(out_path):
                    out_path = None

                if codename in testcases:
                    logger.warning("duplicated testcase name: \"%s\"", codename)

                testcases[codename] = {
                    'in_path': in_path,
                    'out_path': out_path,
                    'sample': sample_regexp.match(codename) is not None,
                    'feedback': feedback_regexp.match(codename) is not None,

        # additional files detection
        headers = []
        stubs, graders, manager, checker, stub_preload = [], [], None, None, None
        manager_src, checker_src, stub_preload_src = None, None, None

        for fname in os.listdir(cms_path):

            path = os.path.join(cms_path, fname)

            if any(fname.endswith(ext) for ext in HEADER_EXTS):
                headers.append((fname, path))

            for src_ext in SOURCE_EXTS:
                if fname == ('stub%s' % src_ext):
                    stubs.append((fname, path))
                if fname == ('grader%s' % src_ext):
                    graders.append((fname, path))

            if fname == 'manager.cpp':
                manager_src = path
            if fname == 'checker.cpp':
                checker_src = path
            if fname == 'stub_preload.cpp':
                stub_preload_src = path

        # auto compilation
        if manager_src:
            logger.info("manager auto compilation")
            manager = compile_judge_program('manager', os.path.join(cms_path, 'manager'), manager_src)
            if manager is None:
                logger.critical("manager compilation failed")
                return None

        if checker_src:
            logger.info("checker auto compilation")
            checker = compile_judge_program('checker', os.path.join(cms_path, 'checker'), checker_src)
            if checker is None:
                logger.critical("checker compilation failed")
                return None

        if stub_preload_src:
            logger.info("stub_preload auto compilation")
            stub_preload = compile_judge_program('stub_preload', os.path.join(cms_path, 'stub_preload'), stub_preload_src)
            if stub_preload is None:
                logger.critical("stub_preload compilation failed")
                return None

        # statements detection & registration
        if get_statement:

            statements = {}

            primary_language = conf['primary_language']
            pdf_dir = os.path.join(base_path, 'task')
            pdf_files = [
                ('statement.pdf', primary_language),
                ('statement-ja.pdf', 'ja'),
                ('statement-en.pdf', 'en'),

            for fname, lang in pdf_files:
                path = os.path.join(pdf_dir, fname)
                if exists(path):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(path,
                        "statement (%s) for task \"%s\"" % (lang, name))
                    statements[lang] = Statement(lang, digest)

            task['statements'] = statements

            if len(statements) == 0:
                logger.warning("cannot find any task statements")

        # attachments detection
        dist_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'dist')

        zipping_files = []
        dist_files = []

        if exists(dist_path):
            for base, dirs, files in os.walk(dist_path):
                for fname in files:

                    path = os.path.join(base, fname)
                    arc_name = os.path.relpath(path, dist_path)
                    safe_arc_name = arc_name.replace(os.sep, '-')

                    if fname.endswith('.zip'):
                        dist_files.append((path, safe_arc_name))
                        zipping_files.append((path, arc_name))

        for codename, testcase in testcases.items():

            in_path = testcase['in_path']
            out_path = testcase['out_path']

            if testcase['sample']:
                zipping_files.append((in_path, "%s-in.txt" % codename))
                if out_path:
                    zipping_files.append((out_path, "%s-out.txt" % codename))
            elif task_type == 'outputonly':
                zipping_files.append((in_path, "input_%s.txt" % codename))

        dataset = {}

        dataset['description'] = conf['version']
        dataset['autojudge'] = False

        # score type parameters
        if score_type == 'normal':

            dataset['score_type_parameters'] = [
                [st['point'], globlist_to_text(st['targets'])]
                for st in conf['subtasks']
            dataset['score_type'] = 'GroupMin'

        elif score_type == 'truncation':

            score_params = []

            for st in conf['subtasks']:

                opt = st['score_option']
                opt.setdefault('power', 1.0)

                if 'threshold' not in opt:
                    logger.critical("truncation score type requires \"threshold\" parameter")
                    return None

                param = [


            dataset['score_type_parameters'] = score_params
            dataset['score_type'] = 'GroupMinTruncation'


            logger.critical("unknown score type \"%s\"", score_type)
            return None

        # task_type
        grader_param = 'grader' if graders else 'alone'
        eval_param = 'comparator' if checker else 'diff'

        if task_type == 'batch':

            assign(dataset, conf, 'time_limit', float)
            assign(dataset, conf, 'memory_limit', int)

            task['submission_format'] = ["%s.%%l" % name]
            dataset['task_type'] = 'Batch'
            dataset['task_type_parameters'] = \
                [grader_param, ['', ''], eval_param]

        elif task_type == 'outputonly':

            task['submission_format'] =  [
                'output_%s.txt' % codename
                for codename in sorted(testcases.keys())]
            dataset['task_type'] = 'OutputOnly'
            dataset['task_type_parameters'] = [eval_param]

        elif task_type == 'communication':

            assign(dataset, conf, 'time_limit', float)
            assign(dataset, conf, 'memory_limit', int)

            if not stubs:
                logger.critical("stub is required for communication task")
                return None
            if not manager:
                logger.critical("manager is required for communication task")
                return None

            task_params = [1]
            submission_format = ["%s.%%l" % name]

            if 'task_option' in conf:

                opt = conf['task_option']

                if 'processes' not in opt:
                    logger.critical("task_option/processes is required")
                    return None
                if 'formats' not in opt:
                    logger.critical("task_option/formats is required")
                    return None

                task_params = [opt['processes']]
                submission_format = [
                    fname for fname in opt['formats']

            task['submission_format'] = submission_format
            dataset['task_type'] = 'Communication'
            dataset['task_type_parameters'] = task_params


            logger.critical("unknown task type \"%s\"", task_type)
            return None

        # attachments registration
        attachments = {}

        for path, arc_name in dist_files:
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                path, "distribution file for task \"%s\"" % name)
            attachments[arc_name] = Attachment(arc_name, digest)

        # zipfile registration
        if zipping_files:

            zip_archive = tempfile.mkstemp('cms-iimoj-loader-', '.zip')
            zip_path = zip_archive[1]

            with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_STORED) as fp:
                for path, arc_name in zipping_files:
                    new_arc_name = os.path.join(name, arc_name)
                    fp.write(path, new_arc_name)

            zip_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(zip_path,
                "distribution archive for task \"%s\"" % name)
            zip_fname = name + '.zip'
            attachments[zip_fname] = Attachment(zip_fname, zip_digest)

        task['attachments'] = attachments

        # additional files registration
        extra_managers = {}

        extra_files = headers + stubs + graders
        if manager:
        if checker:
        if stub_preload:

        for fname, path in extra_files:
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(path,
                    "extra file \"%s\" for task \"%s\"" % (fname, name))
            logger.info("extra file: \"%s\"", fname)
            extra_managers[fname] = Manager(fname, digest)

        dataset['managers'] = extra_managers

        # testcases registration
        logger.info("registering testcases")

        registered_testcases = {}

        for codename, testcase in testcases.items():

            in_path = testcase['in_path']
            out_path = testcase['out_path']
            feedback = testcase['feedback']

            in_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(in_path,
                "input \"%s\" for task \"%s\"" % (codename, name))
            out_digest = None

            if out_path:
                out_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(out_path,
                    "output \"%s\" for task \"%s\"" % (codename, name))
                out_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_content(b'',
                    "output \"%s\" for task \"%s\"" % (codename, name))

            registered_testcases[codename] = Testcase(codename,
                feedback, in_digest, out_digest)

        logger.info("testcases registration completed")

        dataset['testcases'] = registered_testcases

        # instantiation
        db_task = Task(**task)
        dataset['task'] = db_task
        db_dataset = Dataset(**dataset)
        db_task.active_dataset = db_dataset

        # import result
        logger.info("========== task \"%s\" ==========", name)
        logger.info("tasktype  : %s", task_type)

        if task_type != 'batch':
            logger.info("headers   : [%02d files]", len(headers))
            for fname, _ in sorted(headers):
                logger.info("            * %s", fname)

        if task_type == 'communication':
            logger.info("manager   : %s", "OK" if manager else "--")
            logger.info("stub      : [%02d files]", len(stubs))
            for fname, _ in sorted(stubs):
                logger.info("            * %s", fname)

        if task_type != 'communication':
            logger.info("comparator: %s", "OK" if checker else "--")

        if task_type == 'batch':
            logger.info("grader    : [%02d files]", len(graders))
            for fname, _ in sorted(graders):
                logger.info("            * %s", fname)

        logger.info("zipped    : [%02d files]", len(zipping_files))
        for _, arc_name in sorted(zipping_files):
            logger.info("            * %s", arc_name)
        logger.info("direct    : [%02d files]", len(dist_files))
        for _, arc_name in sorted(dist_files):
            logger.info("            * %s", arc_name)

        if missing_out_testcases and task_type != 'communication':
            pretty = ", ".join(sorted(missing_out_testcases)[:4])
            remain = len(missing_out_testcases) - 4
            if remain > 0:
                pretty += (", (%d more files)" % remain)
            logger.warning("missing output: %s", pretty)

        logger.info("=================%s============", "=" * len(name))

        logger.info("task parameters loaded")

        return db_task
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def get_task(self, get_statement=True):
     # Name
     name = os.path.split(self.path)[1]
     # Check for required files
     if not self.__require_file("problem.json"):
         return None
     # Load JSON
     problem_json = json.loads(
         open(os.path.join(self.path, 'problem.json'), 'r').read())
     problem = problem_json['problem']
     # Load info
     args = {}
     args['name'] = name
     args['title'] = problem['name']
     logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s.", name)
     # Load statement
     if get_statement:
         language = 'ru'
         path = os.path.join(self.path, '..', '..', 'statements',
                             name + '.pdf')
         if os.path.exists(path):
             digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                 "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" % (name, language))
             args['statements'] = [Statement(language, digest)]
             args['primary_statements'] = '["%s"]' % (language)
             logger.error('No statements found for problem "%s"' % (name))
     # Load other properties
     args['submission_format'] = [SubmissionFormatElement('%s.%%l' % name)]
     self.__load_token_submission_info(os.path.join(self.path, '..', '..'),
     args['score_mode'] = SCORE_MODE_MAX_TOKENED_LAST
     contest_mode = self.__get_contest_mode(
         os.path.join(self.path, '..', '..'))
     if contest_mode != 'running' and contest_mode != 'final':
         logger.critical('Invalid contest mode')
         return None
     task = Task(**args)
     # Load dataset info
     args = {}
     args['task'] = task
     args['description'] = ''
     args['autojudge'] = False
     args['time_limit'] = problem['timeLimit']
     args['memory_limit'] = problem['memoryLimit']
     args['managers'] = []
     # Add checker
     checker_src = os.path.join(self.path, 'checker.cpp')
     checker_exe = os.path.join(self.path, 'checker')
     if os.path.exists(checker_src):
         logger.info("Checker found, compiling")
         os.system("g++ -x c++ -O2 -static -DCMS -o %s %s" %
                   (checker_exe, checker_src))
         digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
             checker_exe, "Manager for task %s" % name)
         args['managers'] += [Manager('checker', digest)]
         evaluation_param = 'comparator'
         logger.info("Checker not found, using diff")
         evaluation_param = 'diff'
     # Add testcases
     args['testcases'] = []
     pretest_cnt = self.__add_tests('pretests', task, args, 0, True,
     self.__add_tests('tests', task, args, pretest_cnt, False, contest_mode)
     # Add input/output
     infile_param = problem['input']
     outfile_param = problem['output']
     args["task_type"] = "Batch"
     args["task_type_parameters"] = \
         '["%s", ["%s", "%s"], "%s"]' % \
         ("alone", infile_param, outfile_param, evaluation_param)
     if problem['scoreType'] == 'subtask':
         subtasks = problem['subtasks']
         if contest_mode == 'running':
             subtasks = [[1, 1]] * pretest_cnt + subtasks
             subtasks = [[0, pretest_cnt]] + subtasks
         args['score_type'] = 'GroupMin'
         args['score_type_parameters'] = str(subtasks)
     elif problem['scoreType'] == 'byTest':
         args['score_type'] = 'Sum'
         args['score_type_parameters'] = str(problem['cost'])
         logger.critical('Unknown scoring type: %s' % problem['scoreType'])
     # Finalize dataset
     dataset = Dataset(**args)
     task.active_dataset = dataset
     # Import was successful
     logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")
     return task
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def post(self):
        fallback_page = "/tasks/add"

            attrs = dict()

            self.get_string(attrs, "name", empty=None)
            self.get_string(attrs, "title")

            assert attrs.get("name") is not None, "No task name specified."

            self.get_string(attrs, "primary_statements")


            self.get_string(attrs, "token_mode")
            self.get_int(attrs, "token_max_number")
            self.get_timedelta_sec(attrs, "token_min_interval")
            self.get_int(attrs, "token_gen_initial")
            self.get_int(attrs, "token_gen_number")
            self.get_timedelta_min(attrs, "token_gen_interval")
            self.get_int(attrs, "token_gen_max")

            self.get_int(attrs, "max_submission_number")
            self.get_int(attrs, "max_user_test_number")
            self.get_timedelta_sec(attrs, "min_submission_interval")
            self.get_timedelta_sec(attrs, "min_user_test_interval")

            self.get_int(attrs, "score_precision")

            self.get_string(attrs, "score_mode")

            # Create the task.
            task = Task(**attrs)

        except Exception as error:
                                                      "Invalid field(s)",

            attrs = dict()

            self.get_time_limit(attrs, "time_limit")
            self.get_memory_limit(attrs, "memory_limit")
            self.get_task_type(attrs, "task_type", "TaskTypeOptions_")
            self.get_score_type(attrs, "score_type", "score_type_parameters")

            # Create its first dataset.
            attrs["description"] = "Default"
            attrs["autojudge"] = True
            attrs["task"] = task
            dataset = Dataset(**attrs)

            # Make the dataset active. Life works better that way.
            task.active_dataset = dataset

        except Exception as error:
                                                      "Invalid field(s)",

        if self.try_commit():
            # Create the task on RWS.
            self.redirect("/task/%s" % task.id)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def get_task(self, name):
        """See docstring in class Loader.

            num = self.tasks_order[name]

        # Here we expose an undocumented behavior, so that cmsMake can
        # import a task even without the whole contest; this is not to
        # be relied upon in general.
        except AttributeError:
            num = 1

        task_path = os.path.join(self.path, "problems", name)

        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s.", name)

        args = {}

        # Here we update the time of the last import.
        touch(os.path.join(task_path, ".itime"))
        # If this file is not deleted, then the import failed.
        touch(os.path.join(task_path, ".import_error"))

        args["num"] = num

        # Get alphabetical task index for use in title.

        index = None
        contest_tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(self.path, "contest.xml"))
        contest_root = contest_tree.getroot()
        for problem in contest_root.find('problems'):
            if os.path.basename(problem.attrib['url']) == name:
                index = problem.attrib['index']

        tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(task_path, "problem.xml"))
        root = tree.getroot()

        args["name"] = name
        if index is not None:
            args["title"] = index.upper() + '. '
            args["title"] = ''
        args["title"] += root.find('names') \
            .find("name[@language='%s']" % self.primary_language) \

        args["statements"] = []
        args["primary_statements"] = []
        for language in self.languages:
            path = os.path.join(task_path, 'statements', '.pdf', language,
            if os.path.exists(path):
                lang = LANGUAGE_MAP[language]
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" % (name, language))
                args["statements"].append(Statement(lang, digest))
        args["primary_statements"] = '["%s"]' % \
        args["submission_format"] = [SubmissionFormatElement("%s.%%l" % name)]

        # These options cannot be configured in the Polygon format.
        # Uncomment the following to set specific values for them.

        # args['max_submission_number'] = 100
        # args['max_user_test_number'] = 100
        # args['min_submission_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        # args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        # args['max_user_test_number'] = 10
        # args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        # args['token_mode'] = 'infinite'
        # args['token_max_number'] = 100
        # args['token_min_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        # args['token_gen_initial'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_number'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_interval'] = make_timedelta(1800)
        # args['token_gen_max'] = 2

        task_cms_conf_path = os.path.join(task_path, 'files')
        task_cms_conf = None
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(task_cms_conf_path, 'cms_conf.py')):
            logger.info("Found additional CMS options for task %s.", name)
            task_cms_conf = __import__('cms_conf')
            # TODO: probably should find more clever way to get rid of caching
            task_cms_conf = reload(task_cms_conf)
        if task_cms_conf is not None and hasattr(task_cms_conf, "general"):

        task = Task(**args)

        judging = root.find('judging')
        testset = None
        for testset in judging:
            testset_name = testset.attrib["name"]

            args = {}
            args["task"] = task
            args["description"] = testset_name
            args["autojudge"] = False

            tl = float(testset.find('time-limit').text)
            ml = float(testset.find('memory-limit').text)
            args["time_limit"] = tl * 0.001
            args["memory_limit"] = int(ml / (1024 * 1024))

            args["managers"] = []
            infile_param = judging.attrib['input-file']
            outfile_param = judging.attrib['output-file']

            checker_src = os.path.join(task_path, "files", "check.cpp")
            if os.path.exists(checker_src):
                logger.info("Checker found, compiling")
                checker_exe = os.path.join(task_path, "files", "checker")
                testlib_path = "/usr/local/include/cms/testlib.h"
                if not config.installed:
                    testlib_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                                                "polygon", "testlib.h")
                os.system("cat %s | \
                    sed 's$testlib.h$%s$' | \
                    g++ -x c++ -O2 -static -o %s -" %
                          (checker_src, testlib_path, checker_exe))
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    checker_exe, "Manager for task %s" % name)
                args["managers"] += [Manager("checker", digest)]
                evaluation_param = "comparator"
                logger.info("Checker not found, using diff")
                evaluation_param = "diff"

            args["task_type"] = "Batch"
            args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                '["%s", ["%s", "%s"], "%s"]' % \
                ("alone", infile_param, outfile_param, evaluation_param)

            args["score_type"] = "Sum"
            total_value = 100.0
            input_value = 0.0

            testcases = int(testset.find('test-count').text)

            n_input = testcases
            if n_input != 0:
                input_value = total_value / n_input
            args["score_type_parameters"] = str(input_value)

            args["testcases"] = []

            for i in xrange(testcases):
                infile = os.path.join(task_path, testset_name,
                                      "%02d" % (i + 1))
                outfile = os.path.join(task_path, testset_name,
                                       "%02d.a" % (i + 1))
                if self.dos2unix_found:
                    os.system('dos2unix -q %s' % (infile, ))
                    os.system('dos2unix -q %s' % (outfile, ))
                input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    infile, "Input %d for task %s" % (i, name))
                output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    outfile, "Output %d for task %s" % (i, name))
                testcase = Testcase("%03d" % (i, ), False, input_digest,
                testcase.public = True
                args["testcases"] += [testcase]

            if task_cms_conf is not None and \
               hasattr(task_cms_conf, "datasets") and \
               testset_name in task_cms_conf.datasets:

            dataset = Dataset(**args)
            if testset_name == "tests":
                task.active_dataset = dataset

        os.remove(os.path.join(task_path, ".import_error"))

        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")
        return task
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def get_task(self, name):
        """See docstring in class Loader.

            num = self.tasks_order[name]

        # Here we expose an undocumented behavior, so that cmsMake can
        # import a task even without the whole contest; this is not to
        # be relied upon in general
        except AttributeError:
            num = 1

        task_path = os.path.join(self.path, "problems", name)

        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s." % name)

        args = {}

        # Here we update the time of the last import
        touch(os.path.join(task_path, ".itime"))
        # If this file is not deleted, then the import failed
        touch(os.path.join(task_path, ".import_error"))

        args["num"] = num

        # get alphabetical task index for use in title

        index = None
        contest_tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(self.path, "contest.xml"))
        contest_root = contest_tree.getroot()
        for problem in contest_root.find('problems'):
            if os.path.basename(problem.attrib['url']) == name:
                index = problem.attrib['index']

        tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(task_path, "problem.xml"))
        root = tree.getroot()

        args["name"] = name
        if index is not None:
            args["title"] = index.upper() + '. '
            args["title"] = ''
        args["title"] += root.find('names') \
            .find("name[@language='%s']" % self.primary_language) \

        args["statements"] = []
        args["primary_statements"] = []
        for language in self.languages:
            path = os.path.join(task_path, 'statements',
                                '.pdf', language, 'problem.pdf')
            if os.path.exists(path):
                lang = LANGUAGE_MAP[language]
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" % (name,
                args["statements"].append(Statement(lang, digest))
        args["primary_statements"] = '["%s"]' % \
        args["submission_format"] = [SubmissionFormatElement("%s.%%l" % name)]

#        args['max_submission_number'] = 100
#        args['max_user_test_number'] = 100
#        args['min_submission_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
#        args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

#        args['max_user_test_number'] = 10
#        args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

#        args['token_mode'] = 'infinite'
#        args['token_max_number'] = 100
#        args['token_min_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
#        args['token_gen_initial'] = 1
#        args['token_gen_number'] = 1
#        args['token_gen_interval'] = make_timedelta(1800)
#        args['token_gen_max'] = 2

        task_cms_conf_path = os.path.join(task_path, 'files')
        task_cms_conf = None
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(task_cms_conf_path, 'cms_conf.py')):
            logger.info("Found additional CMS options for task %s." % name)
            task_cms_conf = __import__('cms_conf')
            # TODO: probably should find more clever way to get rid of caching
            task_cms_conf = reload(task_cms_conf)
        if task_cms_conf is not None and hasattr(task_cms_conf, "general"):

        task = Task(**args)

        judging = root.find('judging')
        testset = None
        for testset in judging:
            testset_name = testset.attrib["name"]

            args = {}
            args["task"] = task
            args["description"] = testset_name
            args["autojudge"] = False

            tl = float(testset.find('time-limit').text)
            ml = float(testset.find('memory-limit').text)
            args["time_limit"] = tl * 0.001
            args["memory_limit"] = int(ml / (1024 * 1024))

            args["managers"] = []
            infile_param = judging.attrib['input-file']
            outfile_param = judging.attrib['output-file']

            checker_src = os.path.join(task_path, "files", "check.cpp")
            if os.path.exists(checker_src):
                logger.info("Checker found, compiling")
                checker_exe = os.path.join(task_path, "files", "checker")
                os.system("cat %s | \
                    sed 's$testlib.h$/usr/local/include/cms/testlib.h$' | \
                    g++ -x c++ -O2 -static -o %s -" %
                          (checker_src, checker_exe))
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Manager for task %s" % name)
                args["managers"] += [
                    Manager("checker", digest)]
                evaluation_param = "comparator"
                logger.info("Checker not found, using diff")
                evaluation_param = "diff"

            args["task_type"] = "Batch"
            args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                '["%s", ["%s", "%s"], "%s"]' % \
                ("alone", infile_param, outfile_param, evaluation_param)

            args["score_type"] = "Sum"
            total_value = 100.0
            input_value = 0.0

            testcases = int(testset.find('test-count').text)

            n_input = testcases
            if n_input != 0:
                input_value = total_value / n_input
            args["score_type_parameters"] = str(input_value)

            args["testcases"] = []

            for i in xrange(testcases):
                infile = os.path.join(task_path, testset_name,
                                      "%02d" % (i + 1))
                outfile = os.path.join(task_path, testset_name,
                                       "%02d.a" % (i + 1))
                if self.dos2unix_found:
                    os.system('dos2unix -q %s' % (infile, ))
                    os.system('dos2unix -q %s' % (outfile, ))
                input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Input %d for task %s" % (i, name))
                output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Output %d for task %s" % (i, name))
                testcase = Testcase("%03d" % (i, ), False,
                                    input_digest, output_digest)
                testcase.public = True
                args["testcases"] += [testcase]

            if task_cms_conf is not None and \
               hasattr(task_cms_conf, "datasets") and \
               testset_name in task_cms_conf.datasets:

            dataset = Dataset(**args)
            if testset_name == "tests":
                task.active_dataset = dataset

        os.remove(os.path.join(task_path, ".import_error"))

        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")
        return task
Ejemplo n.º 24
Archivo: cps.py Proyecto: ioi-2017/cms
    def get_task(self, get_statement=True):
        """See docstring in class Loader.


        json_src = os.path.join(self.path, 'problem.json')
        if not os.path.exists(json_src):
            logger.error('No task found.')
        with open(json_src) as json_file:
            data = json.load(json_file)

        name = data['code']
        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s.", name)

        args = {}

        # Here we update the time of the last import.
        touch(os.path.join(self.path, ".itime"))
        # If this file is not deleted, then the import failed.
        touch(os.path.join(self.path, ".import_error"))

        args["name"] = name
        args["title"] = data['name']

        # Statements
        if get_statement:
            statements_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'statements')
            if os.path.exists(statements_dir):
                statements = [
                    filename for filename in os.listdir(statements_dir)
                    if filename[-4:] == ".pdf"
                if len(statements) > 0:
                    args['statements'] = dict()
                    logger.info('Statements found')
                for statement in statements:
                    language = statement[:-4]
                    if language == "en_US":
                        args["primary_statements"] = '["en_US"]'
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        os.path.join(statements_dir, statement),
                        "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" % (name, language))
                    args['statements'][language] = Statement(language, digest)

        # Attachments
        args["attachments"] = dict()
        attachments_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'attachments')
        if os.path.exists(attachments_dir):
            logger.info("Attachments found")
            for filename in os.listdir(attachments_dir):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    os.path.join(attachments_dir, filename),
                    "Attachment %s for task %s" % (filename, name))
                args["attachments"][filename] = Attachment(filename, digest)

        data["task_type"] = data["task_type"][0].upper(
        ) + data["task_type"][1:]

        # Setting the submission format
        # Obtaining testcases' codename
        testcases_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'tests')
        if not os.path.exists(testcases_dir):
            logger.warning('Testcase folder was not found')
            testcase_codenames = []
            testcase_codenames = sorted([
                filename[:-3] for filename in os.listdir(testcases_dir)
                if filename[-3:] == '.in'
        if data["task_type"] == 'OutputOnly':
            args["submission_format"] = list()
            for codename in testcase_codenames:
                    SubmissionFormatElement("%s.out" % codename))
        elif data["task_type"] == 'Notice':
            args["submission_format"] = list()
            args["submission_format"] = [
                SubmissionFormatElement("%s.%%l" % name)

        # These options cannot be configured in the CPS format.
        # Uncomment the following to set specific values for them.

        # args['max_submission_number'] = 100
        # args['max_user_test_number'] = 100
        # args['min_submission_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        # args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        # args['max_user_test_number'] = 10
        # args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        # args['token_mode'] = 'infinite'
        # args['token_max_number'] = 100
        # args['token_min_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        # args['token_gen_initial'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_number'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_interval'] = make_timedelta(1800)
        # args['token_gen_max'] = 2
        if "score_precision" in data:
            args['score_precision'] = int(data["score_precision"])
            args['score_precision'] = 2
        args['max_submission_number'] = 50
        args['max_user_test_number'] = 50
        if data["task_type"] == 'OutputOnly':
            args['max_submission_number'] = 100
            args['max_user_test_number'] = 100

        args['min_submission_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        task = Task(**args)

        args = dict()

        args["task"] = task
        args["description"] = "Default"
        args["autojudge"] = True

        if data['task_type'] != 'OutputOnly' and data['task_type'] != 'Notice':
            args["time_limit"] = float(data['time_limit'])
            args["memory_limit"] = int(data['memory_limit'])

        args["managers"] = {}

        # Checker
        checker_dir = os.path.join(self.path, "checker")
        checker_src = os.path.join(checker_dir, "checker.cpp")

        if os.path.exists(checker_src):
            logger.info("Checker found, compiling")
            checker_exe = os.path.join(checker_dir, "checker")
            os.system("g++ -x c++ -std=gnu++14 -O2 -static -o %s %s" %
                      (checker_exe, checker_src))
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                checker_exe, "Manager for task %s" % name)
            args["managers"]['checker'] = Manager("checker", digest)
            evaluation_param = "comparator"
            logger.info("Checker not found, using diff if neccessary")
            evaluation_param = "diff"

        args["task_type"] = data['task_type']
        if data['task_type'] != 'Notice':
            args["task_type"] += '2017'
        args["task_type_parameters"] = \
            self._get_task_type_parameters(data, data['task_type'], evaluation_param)

        # Graders
        graders_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'graders')

        if data['task_type'] == 'TwoSteps':
            pas_manager = name + 'lib.pas'
            pas_manager_path = os.path.join(graders_dir, pas_manager)
            if not os.path.exists(pas_manager_path):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_content(
                    ''.encode('utf-8'), 'Pascal manager for task %s' % name)
                args["managers"][pas_manager] = Manager(pas_manager, digest)

        if not os.path.exists(graders_dir):
            logger.warning('Grader folder was not found')
            graders_list = []
            graders_list = \
                [filename for filename in os.listdir(graders_dir) if filename != 'manager.cpp']
        for grader_name in graders_list:
            grader_src = os.path.join(graders_dir, grader_name)
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                grader_src, "Manager for task %s" % name)
            args["managers"][grader_name] = Manager(grader_name, digest)

        # Manager
        manager_src = os.path.join(graders_dir, 'manager.cpp')

        if os.path.exists(manager_src):
            logger.info("Manager found, compiling")
            manager_exe = os.path.join(graders_dir, "manager")
            os.system("cat %s | \
                            g++ -x c++ -O2 -static -o %s -" %
                      (manager_src, manager_exe))
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                manager_exe, "Manager for task %s" % name)
            args["managers"]["manager"] = Manager("manager", digest)

        # Testcases
        args["testcases"] = {}

        for codename in testcase_codenames:
            infile = os.path.join(testcases_dir, "%s.in" % codename)
            outfile = os.path.join(testcases_dir, "%s.out" % codename)
            if not os.path.exists(outfile):
                    'Could not file the output file for testcase %s' %

            input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                infile, "Input %s for task %s" % (codename, name))
            output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                outfile, "Output %s for task %s" % (codename, name))
            testcase = Testcase(codename, True, input_digest, output_digest)
            args["testcases"][codename] = testcase

        # Score Type
        subtasks_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'subtasks')
        if not os.path.exists(subtasks_dir):
            logger.warning('Subtask folder was not found')
            subtasks = []
            subtasks = sorted(os.listdir(subtasks_dir))

        if len(subtasks) == 0:
            number_tests = max(len(testcase_codenames), 1)
            args["score_type"] = "Sum"
            args["score_type_parameters"] = str(100 / number_tests)
            args["score_type"] = "GroupMinWithMaxScore"
            parsed_data = [
            subtask_no = -1
            add_optional_name = False
            for subtask in subtasks:
                subtask_no += 1
                with open(os.path.join(subtasks_dir, subtask)) as subtask_json:
                    subtask_data = json.load(subtask_json)
                    score = int(subtask_data["score"])
                    testcases = "|".join(
                        for testcase in subtask_data["testcases"])
                    optional_name = "Subtask %d" % subtask_no
                    if subtask_no == 0 and score == 0:
                        add_optional_name = True
                        optional_name = "Samples"
                    if add_optional_name:
                        parsed_data.append([score, testcases, optional_name])
                        parsed_data.append([score, testcases])
            args["score_type_parameters"] = json.dumps(parsed_data)
        args["description"] = datetime.utcnow()\
            .strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z%z")

        dataset = Dataset(**args)
        task.active_dataset = dataset

        os.remove(os.path.join(self.path, ".import_error"))

        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")

        return task
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def get_task(self, get_statement=True):
        """See docstring in class TaskLoader."""
        name = os.path.split(self.path)[1]

        if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "task.yaml"))) and \
           (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "..", name + ".yaml"))):
            logger.critical("File missing: \"task.yaml\"")
            return None

        # We first look for the yaml file inside the task folder,
        # and eventually fallback to a yaml file in its parent folder.
            conf = yaml.safe_load(
                io.open(os.path.join(self.path, "task.yaml"),
                        "rt", encoding="utf-8"))
        except IOError as err:
                deprecated_path = os.path.join(self.path, "..", name + ".yaml")
                conf = yaml.safe_load(io.open(deprecated_path, "rt",

                logger.warning("You're using a deprecated location for the "
                               "task.yaml file. You're advised to move %s to "
                               "%s.", deprecated_path,
                               os.path.join(self.path, "task.yaml"))
            except IOError:
                # Since both task.yaml and the (deprecated) "../taskname.yaml"
                # are missing, we will only warn the user that task.yaml is
                # missing (to avoid encouraging the use of the deprecated one)
                raise err

        # Here we update the time of the last import
        touch(os.path.join(self.path, ".itime"))
        # If this file is not deleted, then the import failed
        touch(os.path.join(self.path, ".import_error"))

        args = {}

        load(conf, args, ["name", "nome_breve"])
        load(conf, args, ["title", "nome"])

        if name != args["name"]:
            logger.info("The task name (%s) and the directory name (%s) are "
                        "different. The former will be used.", args["name"],

        if args["name"] == args["title"]:
            logger.warning("Short name equals long name (title). "
                           "Please check.")

        name = args["name"]

        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s.", name)

        if get_statement:
            primary_language = load(conf, None, "primary_language")
            if primary_language is None:
                primary_language = 'it'
            paths = [os.path.join(self.path, "statement", "statement.pdf"),
                     os.path.join(self.path, "testo", "testo.pdf")]
            for path in paths:
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" %
                        (name, primary_language))
                logger.critical("Couldn't find any task statement, aborting.")
            args["statements"] = {
                primary_language: Statement(primary_language, digest)

            args["primary_statements"] = [primary_language]

        args["submission_format"] = ["%s.%%l" % name]

        if conf.get("score_mode", None) == SCORE_MODE_MAX:
            args["score_mode"] = SCORE_MODE_MAX
        elif conf.get("score_mode", None) == SCORE_MODE_MAX_TOKENED_LAST:
            args["score_mode"] = SCORE_MODE_MAX_TOKENED_LAST

        # Use the new token settings format if detected.
        if "token_mode" in conf:
            load(conf, args, "token_mode")
            load(conf, args, "token_max_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_min_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_initial")
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_max")
        # Otherwise fall back on the old one.
                "task.yaml uses a deprecated format for token settings which "
                "will soon stop being supported, you're advised to update it.")
            # Determine the mode.
            if conf.get("token_initial", None) is None:
                args["token_mode"] = TOKEN_MODE_DISABLED
            elif conf.get("token_gen_number", 0) > 0 and \
                    conf.get("token_gen_time", 0) == 0:
                args["token_mode"] = TOKEN_MODE_INFINITE
                args["token_mode"] = TOKEN_MODE_FINITE
            # Set the old default values.
            args["token_gen_initial"] = 0
            args["token_gen_number"] = 0
            args["token_gen_interval"] = timedelta()
            # Copy the parameters to their new names.
            load(conf, args, "token_total", "token_max_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_min_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
            load(conf, args, "token_initial", "token_gen_initial")
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_time", "token_gen_interval",
            load(conf, args, "token_max", "token_gen_max")
            # Remove some corner cases.
            if args["token_gen_initial"] is None:
                args["token_gen_initial"] = 0
            if args["token_gen_interval"].total_seconds() == 0:
                args["token_gen_interval"] = timedelta(minutes=1)

        load(conf, args, "max_submission_number")
        load(conf, args, "max_user_test_number")
        load(conf, args, "min_submission_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
        load(conf, args, "min_user_test_interval", conv=make_timedelta)

        # Attachments
        args["attachments"] = dict()
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "att")):
            for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, "att")):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    os.path.join(self.path, "att", filename),
                    "Attachment %s for task %s" % (filename, name))
                args["attachments"][filename] = Attachment(filename, digest)

        task = Task(**args)

        args = {}
        args["task"] = task
        args["description"] = conf.get("version", "Default")
        args["autojudge"] = False

        load(conf, args, ["time_limit", "timeout"], conv=float)
        load(conf, args, ["memory_limit", "memlimit"])

        # Builds the parameters that depend on the task type
        args["managers"] = []
        infile_param = conf.get("infile", "input.txt")
        outfile_param = conf.get("outfile", "output.txt")

        # If there is sol/grader.%l for some language %l, then,
        # presuming that the task type is Batch, we retrieve graders
        # in the form sol/grader.%l
        graders = False
        for lang in LANGUAGES:
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(
                    self.path, "sol", "grader%s" % lang.source_extension)):
                graders = True
        if graders:
            # Read grader for each language
            for lang in LANGUAGES:
                extension = lang.source_extension
                grader_filename = os.path.join(
                    self.path, "sol", "grader%s" % extension)
                if os.path.exists(grader_filename):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        "Grader for task %s and language %s" %
                        (task.name, lang))
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager("grader%s" % extension, digest)]
                    logger.warning("Grader for language %s not found ", lang)
            # Read managers with other known file extensions
            for other_filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, "sol")):
                if any(other_filename.endswith(header)
                       for header in HEADER_EXTS):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        os.path.join(self.path, "sol", other_filename),
                        "Manager %s for task %s" % (other_filename, task.name))
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager(other_filename, digest)]
            compilation_param = "grader"
            compilation_param = "alone"

        # If there is check/checker (or equivalent), then, presuming
        # that the task type is Batch or OutputOnly, we retrieve the
        # comparator
        paths = [os.path.join(self.path, "check", "checker"),
                 os.path.join(self.path, "cor", "correttore")]
        for path in paths:
            if os.path.exists(path):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Manager for task %s" % task.name)
                args["managers"] += [
                    Manager("checker", digest)]
                evaluation_param = "comparator"
            evaluation_param = "diff"

        # Detect subtasks by checking GEN
        gen_filename = os.path.join(self.path, 'gen', 'GEN')
            with io.open(gen_filename, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as gen_file:
                subtasks = []
                testcases = 0
                points = None
                for line in gen_file:
                    line = line.strip()
                    splitted = line.split('#', 1)

                    if len(splitted) == 1:
                        # This line represents a testcase, otherwise
                        # it's just a blank
                        if splitted[0] != '':
                            testcases += 1

                        testcase, comment = splitted
                        testcase = testcase.strip()
                        comment = comment.strip()
                        testcase_detected = len(testcase) > 0
                        copy_testcase_detected = comment.startswith("COPY:")
                        subtask_detected = comment.startswith('ST:')

                        flags = [testcase_detected,
                        if len([x for x in flags if x]) > 1:
                            raise Exception("No testcase and command in"
                                            " the same line allowed")

                        # This line represents a testcase and contains a
                        # comment, but the comment doesn't start a new
                        # subtask
                        if testcase_detected or copy_testcase_detected:
                            testcases += 1

                        # This line starts a new subtask
                        if subtask_detected:
                            # Close the previous subtask
                            if points is None:
                                assert(testcases == 0)
                                subtasks.append([points, testcases])
                            # Open the new one
                            testcases = 0
                            points = int(comment[3:].strip())

                # Close last subtask (if no subtasks were defined, just
                # fallback to Sum)
                if points is None:
                    args["score_type"] = "Sum"
                    total_value = float(conf.get("total_value", 100.0))
                    input_value = 0.0
                    n_input = testcases
                    if n_input != 0:
                        input_value = total_value / n_input
                    args["score_type_parameters"] = input_value
                    subtasks.append([points, testcases])
                    assert(100 == sum([int(st[0]) for st in subtasks]))
                    n_input = sum([int(st[1]) for st in subtasks])
                    args["score_type"] = "GroupMin"
                    args["score_type_parameters"] = subtasks

                if "n_input" in conf:
                    assert int(conf['n_input']) == n_input

        # If gen/GEN doesn't exist, just fallback to Sum
        except IOError:
            args["score_type"] = "Sum"
            total_value = float(conf.get("total_value", 100.0))
            input_value = 0.0
            n_input = int(conf['n_input'])
            if n_input != 0:
                input_value = total_value / n_input
            args["score_type_parameters"] = input_value

        # Override score_type if explicitly specified
        if "score_type" in conf and "score_type_parameters" in conf:
            logger.info("Overriding 'score_type' and 'score_type_parameters' "
                        "as per task.yaml")
            load(conf, args, "score_type")
            load(conf, args, "score_type_parameters")
        elif "score_type" in conf or "score_type_parameters" in conf:
            logger.warning("To override score type data, task.yaml must "
                           "specify both 'score_type' and "

        # If output_only is set, then the task type is OutputOnly
        if conf.get('output_only', False):
            args["task_type"] = "OutputOnly"
            args["time_limit"] = None
            args["memory_limit"] = None
            args["task_type_parameters"] = [evaluation_param]
            task.submission_format = \
                ["output_%03d.txt" % i for i in range(n_input)]

        # If there is check/manager (or equivalent), then the task
        # type is Communication
            paths = [os.path.join(self.path, "check", "manager"),
                     os.path.join(self.path, "cor", "manager")]
            for path in paths:
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    num_processes = load(conf, None, "num_processes")
                    if num_processes is None:
                        num_processes = 1
                    logger.info("Task type Communication")
                    args["task_type"] = "Communication"
                    args["task_type_parameters"] = [num_processes]
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        "Manager for task %s" % task.name)
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager("manager", digest)]
                    for lang in LANGUAGES:
                        stub_name = os.path.join(
                            self.path, "sol", "stub%s" % lang.source_extension)
                        if os.path.exists(stub_name):
                            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                                "Stub for task %s and language %s" % (
                                    task.name, lang.name))
                            args["managers"] += [
                                    "stub%s" % lang.source_extension, digest)]
                            logger.warning("Stub for language %s not "
                                           "found.", lang.name)
                    for other_filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path,
                        if any(other_filename.endswith(header)
                               for header in HEADER_EXTS):
                            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                                os.path.join(self.path, "sol", other_filename),
                                "Stub %s for task %s" % (other_filename,
                            args["managers"] += [
                                Manager(other_filename, digest)]

            # Otherwise, the task type is Batch
                args["task_type"] = "Batch"
                args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                    [compilation_param, [infile_param, outfile_param],

        args["testcases"] = []
        for i in range(n_input):
            input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                os.path.join(self.path, "input", "input%d.txt" % i),
                "Input %d for task %s" % (i, task.name))
            output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                os.path.join(self.path, "output", "output%d.txt" % i),
                "Output %d for task %s" % (i, task.name))
            args["testcases"] += [
                Testcase("%03d" % i, False, input_digest, output_digest)]
            if args["task_type"] == "OutputOnly":
                    Attachment("input_%03d.txt" % i, input_digest))
        public_testcases = load(conf, None, ["public_testcases", "risultati"],
                                conv=lambda x: "" if x is None else x)
        if public_testcases == "all":
            for t in args["testcases"]:
                t.public = True
        elif len(public_testcases) > 0:
            for x in public_testcases.split(","):
                args["testcases"][int(x.strip())].public = True
        args["testcases"] = dict((tc.codename, tc) for tc in args["testcases"])
        args["managers"] = dict((mg.filename, mg) for mg in args["managers"])

        dataset = Dataset(**args)
        task.active_dataset = dataset

        # Import was successful
        os.remove(os.path.join(self.path, ".import_error"))

        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")

        return task
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def get_task(self, name):
        """See docstring in class Loader.

            num = self.tasks_order[name]

        # Here we expose an undocumented behavior, so that cmsMake can
        # import a task even without the whole contest; this is not to
        # be relied upon in general
        except AttributeError:
            num = 1

        task_path = os.path.join(self.path, name)

        # We first look for the yaml file inside the task folder,
        # and eventually fallback to a yaml file in its parent folder.
            conf = yaml.safe_load(
                io.open(os.path.join(task_path, "task.yaml"),
                        "rt", encoding="utf-8"))
        except IOError:
            conf = yaml.safe_load(
                io.open(os.path.join(self.path, name + ".yaml"),
                        "rt", encoding="utf-8"))

        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s." % name)

        # Here we update the time of the last import
        touch(os.path.join(task_path, ".itime"))
        # If this file is not deleted, then the import failed
        touch(os.path.join(task_path, ".import_error"))

        args = {}

        args["num"] = num
        load(conf, args, ["name", "nome_breve"])
        load(conf, args, ["title", "nome"])

        assert name == args["name"]

        if args["name"] == args["title"]:
            logger.warning("Short name equals long name (title). "
                           "Please check.")

        primary_language = load(conf, None, "primary_language")
        if primary_language is None:
            primary_language = 'it'
        paths = [os.path.join(task_path, "statement", "statement.pdf"),
                 os.path.join(task_path, "testo", "testo.pdf")]
        for path in paths:
            if os.path.exists(path):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" % (name,
            logger.critical("Couldn't find any task statement, aborting...")
        args["statements"] = [Statement(primary_language, digest)]

        args["primary_statements"] = '["%s"]' % (primary_language)

        args["attachments"] = []  # FIXME Use auxiliary

        args["submission_format"] = [
            SubmissionFormatElement("%s.%%l" % name)]

        # Use the new token settings format if detected.
        if "token_mode" in conf:
            load(conf, args, "token_mode")
            load(conf, args, "token_max_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_min_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_initial")
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_max")
        # Otherwise fall back on the old one.
                "%s.yaml uses a deprecated format for token settings which "
                "will soon stop being supported, you're advised to update it.",
            # Determine the mode.
            if conf.get("token_initial", None) is None:
                args["token_mode"] = "disabled"
            elif conf.get("token_gen_number", 0) > 0 and \
                    conf.get("token_gen_time", 0) == 0:
                args["token_mode"] = "infinite"
                args["token_mode"] = "finite"
            # Set the old default values.
            args["token_gen_initial"] = 0
            args["token_gen_number"] = 0
            args["token_gen_interval"] = timedelta()
            # Copy the parameters to their new names.
            load(conf, args, "token_total", "token_max_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_min_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
            load(conf, args, "token_initial", "token_gen_initial")
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_time", "token_gen_interval",
            load(conf, args, "token_max", "token_gen_max")
            # Remove some corner cases.
            if args["token_gen_initial"] is None:
                args["token_gen_initial"] = 0
            if args["token_gen_interval"].total_seconds() == 0:
                args["token_gen_interval"] = timedelta(minutes=1)

        load(conf, args, "max_submission_number")
        load(conf, args, "max_user_test_number")
        load(conf, args, "min_submission_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
        load(conf, args, "min_user_test_interval", conv=make_timedelta)

        # Attachments
        args["attachments"] = []
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(task_path, "att")):
            for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(task_path, "att")):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    os.path.join(task_path, "att", filename),
                    "Attachment %s for task %s" % (filename, name))
                args["attachments"] += [Attachment(filename, digest)]

        task = Task(**args)

        args = {}
        args["task"] = task
        args["description"] = conf.get("version", "Default")
        args["autojudge"] = False

        load(conf, args, ["time_limit", "timeout"], conv=float)
        load(conf, args, ["memory_limit", "memlimit"])

        # Builds the parameters that depend on the task type
        args["managers"] = []
        infile_param = conf.get("infile", "input.txt")
        outfile_param = conf.get("outfile", "output.txt")

        # If there is sol/grader.%l for some language %l, then,
        # presuming that the task type is Batch, we retrieve graders
        # in the form sol/grader.%l
        graders = False
        for lang in LANGUAGES:
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(
                    task_path, "sol", "grader.%s" % lang)):
                graders = True
        if graders:
            # Read grader for each language
            for lang in LANGUAGES:
                grader_filename = os.path.join(
                    task_path, "sol", "grader.%s" % lang)
                if os.path.exists(grader_filename):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        "Grader for task %s and language %s" % (name, lang))
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager("grader.%s" % lang, digest)]
                    logger.warning("Grader for language %s not found " % lang)
            # Read managers with other known file extensions
            for other_filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(task_path, "sol")):
                if other_filename.endswith('.h') or \
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        os.path.join(task_path, "sol", other_filename),
                        "Manager %s for task %s" % (other_filename, name))
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager(other_filename, digest)]
            compilation_param = "grader"
            compilation_param = "alone"

        # If there is check/checker (or equivalent), then, presuming
        # that the task type is Batch or OutputOnly, we retrieve the
        # comparator
        paths = [os.path.join(task_path, "check", "checker"),
                 os.path.join(task_path, "cor", "correttore")]
        for path in paths:
            if os.path.exists(path):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Manager for task %s" % name)
                args["managers"] += [
                    Manager("checker", digest)]
                evaluation_param = "comparator"
            evaluation_param = "diff"

        # Detect subtasks by checking GEN
        gen_filename = os.path.join(task_path, 'gen', 'GEN')
            with io.open(gen_filename, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as gen_file:
                subtasks = []
                testcases = 0
                points = None
                for line in gen_file:
                    line = line.strip()
                    splitted = line.split('#', 1)

                    if len(splitted) == 1:
                        # This line represents a testcase, otherwise it's
                        # just a blank
                        if splitted[0] != '':
                            testcases += 1

                        testcase, comment = splitted
                        testcase_detected = False
                        subtask_detected = False
                        if testcase.strip() != '':
                            testcase_detected = True
                        comment = comment.strip()
                        if comment.startswith('ST:'):
                            subtask_detected = True

                        if testcase_detected and subtask_detected:
                            raise Exception("No testcase and subtask in the"
                                            " same line allowed")

                        # This line represents a testcase and contains a
                        # comment, but the comment doesn't start a new
                        # subtask
                        if testcase_detected:
                            testcases += 1

                        # This line starts a new subtask
                        if subtask_detected:
                            # Close the previous subtask
                            if points is None:
                                assert(testcases == 0)
                                subtasks.append([points, testcases])
                            # Open the new one
                            testcases = 0
                            points = int(comment[3:].strip())

                # Close last subtask (if no subtasks were defined, just
                # fallback to Sum)
                if points is None:
                    args["score_type"] = "Sum"
                    total_value = float(conf.get("total_value", 100.0))
                    input_value = 0.0
                    n_input = testcases
                    if n_input != 0:
                        input_value = total_value / n_input
                    args["score_type_parameters"] = "%s" % input_value
                    subtasks.append([points, testcases])
                    assert(100 == sum([int(st[0]) for st in subtasks]))
                    n_input = sum([int(st[1]) for st in subtasks])
                    args["score_type"] = "GroupMin"
                    args["score_type_parameters"] = "%s" % subtasks

                if "n_input" in conf:
                    assert int(conf['n_input']) == n_input

        # If gen/GEN doesn't exist, just fallback to Sum
        except IOError:
            args["score_type"] = "Sum"
            total_value = float(conf.get("total_value", 100.0))
            input_value = 0.0
            n_input = int(conf['n_input'])
            if n_input != 0:
                input_value = total_value / n_input
            args["score_type_parameters"] = "%s" % input_value

        # If output_only is set, then the task type is OutputOnly
        if conf.get('output_only', False):
            args["task_type"] = "OutputOnly"
            args["time_limit"] = None
            args["memory_limit"] = None
            args["task_type_parameters"] = '["%s"]' % evaluation_param
            task.submission_format = [
                SubmissionFormatElement("output_%03d.txt" % i)
                for i in xrange(n_input)]

        # If there is check/manager (or equivalent), then the task
        # type is Communication
            paths = [os.path.join(task_path, "check", "manager"),
                     os.path.join(task_path, "cor", "manager")]
            for path in paths:
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    args["task_type"] = "Communication"
                    args["task_type_parameters"] = '[]'
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        "Manager for task %s" % name)
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager("manager", digest)]
                    for lang in LANGUAGES:
                        stub_name = os.path.join(
                            task_path, "sol", "stub.%s" % lang)
                        if os.path.exists(stub_name):
                            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                                "Stub for task %s and language %s" % (name,
                            args["managers"] += [
                                Manager("stub.%s" % lang, digest)]
                            logger.warning("Stub for language %s not "
                                           "found." % lang)

            # Otherwise, the task type is Batch
                args["task_type"] = "Batch"
                args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                    '["%s", ["%s", "%s"], "%s"]' % \
                    (compilation_param, infile_param, outfile_param,

        args["testcases"] = []
        for i in xrange(n_input):
            input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                os.path.join(task_path, "input", "input%d.txt" % i),
                "Input %d for task %s" % (i, name))
            output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                os.path.join(task_path, "output", "output%d.txt" % i),
                "Output %d for task %s" % (i, name))
            args["testcases"] += [
                Testcase("%03d" % i, False, input_digest, output_digest)]
            if args["task_type"] == "OutputOnly":
                task.attachments += [
                    Attachment("input_%03d.txt" % i, input_digest)]
        public_testcases = load(conf, None, ["public_testcases", "risultati"],
                                conv=lambda x: "" if x is None else x)
        if public_testcases != "":
            for x in public_testcases.split(","):
                args["testcases"][int(x.strip())].public = True

        dataset = Dataset(**args)
        task.active_dataset = dataset

        # Import was successful
        os.remove(os.path.join(task_path, ".import_error"))

        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")

        return task
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def get_task(self, get_statement=True):
        """See docstring in class TaskLoader."""
        name = os.path.split(self.path)[1]

        if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "task.yaml"))) and \
           (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "problema.yaml"))) and \
           (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "..", name + ".yaml"))):
            logger.critical("File missing: \"task.yaml\"")
            return None

        # We first look for the yaml file inside the task folder,
        # and eventually fallback to a yaml file in its parent folder.
            conf = yaml.safe_load(
                io.open(os.path.join(self.path, "task.yaml"),
        except IOError as err:
                conf = yaml.safe_load(
                    io.open(os.path.join(self.path, "problema.yaml"),
                    deprecated_path = os.path.join(self.path, "..",
                                                   name + ".yaml")
                    conf = yaml.safe_load(
                        io.open(deprecated_path, "rt", encoding="utf-8"))

                        "You're using a deprecated location for the "
                        "task.yaml file. You're advised to move %s to "
                        "%s.", deprecated_path,
                        os.path.join(self.path, "task.yaml"))
                except IOError:
                    # Since both task.yaml and the (deprecated) "../taskname.yaml"
                    # are missing, we will only warn the user that task.yaml is
                    # missing (to avoid encouraging the use of the deprecated one)
                    raise err

        # Here we update the time of the last import
        touch(os.path.join(self.path, ".itime"))
        # If this file is not deleted, then the import failed
        touch(os.path.join(self.path, ".import_error"))

        args = {}

        load(conf, args, ["name", "nome_breve"])
        load(conf, args, ["title", "nome"])
        load(conf, args, "hide_task_prefix")
        load(conf, args, "category")
        load(conf, args, "level")
        if "level" in args:
            args["level"] = unicode(args["level"])

        if name != args["name"]:
                "The task name (%s) and the directory name (%s) are "
                "different. The former will be used.", args["name"], name)

        if args["name"] == args["title"]:
            logger.warning("Short name equals long name (title). "
                           "Please check.")

        name = args["name"]

        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s.", name)

        if get_statement:
            primary_language = load(conf, None, "primary_language")
            if primary_language is None:
                primary_language = 'it'
            paths = [
                os.path.join(self.path, "statement", "statement.pdf"),
                os.path.join(self.path, "statement.pdf"),
                os.path.join(self.path, "enunciado.pdf"),
                os.path.join(self.path, args["name"] + ".pdf"),
                os.path.join(self.path, "testo", "testo.pdf")
            for path in paths:
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        path, "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" %
                        (name, primary_language))
                logger.critical("Couldn't find any task statement, aborting.")
            args["statements"] = [Statement(primary_language, digest)]

            args["primary_statements"] = '["%s"]' % (primary_language)

        args["attachments"] = []  # FIXME Use auxiliary

        args["submission_format"] = [SubmissionFormatElement("%s.%%l" % name)]

        if conf.get("score_mode", None) == SCORE_MODE_MAX:
            args["score_mode"] = SCORE_MODE_MAX
        elif conf.get("score_mode", None) == SCORE_MODE_MAX_TOKENED_LAST:
            args["score_mode"] = SCORE_MODE_MAX_TOKENED_LAST

        # Use the new token settings format if detected.
        if "token_mode" in conf:
            load(conf, args, "token_mode")
            load(conf, args, "token_max_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_min_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_initial")
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_max")
        # Otherwise fall back on the old one.
                "task.yaml uses a deprecated format for token settings which "
                "will soon stop being supported, you're advised to update it.")
            # Determine the mode.
            if conf.get("token_initial", None) is None:
                args["token_mode"] = "disabled"
            elif conf.get("token_gen_number", 0) > 0 and \
                    conf.get("token_gen_time", 0) == 0:
                args["token_mode"] = "infinite"
                args["token_mode"] = "finite"
            # Set the old default values.
            args["token_gen_initial"] = 0
            args["token_gen_number"] = 0
            args["token_gen_interval"] = timedelta()
            # Copy the parameters to their new names.
            load(conf, args, "token_total", "token_max_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_min_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
            load(conf, args, "token_initial", "token_gen_initial")
            load(conf, args, "token_gen_number")
            load(conf, args, "token_max", "token_gen_max")
            # Remove some corner cases.
            if args["token_gen_initial"] is None:
                args["token_gen_initial"] = 0
            if args["token_gen_interval"].total_seconds() == 0:
                args["token_gen_interval"] = timedelta(minutes=1)

        load(conf, args, "max_submission_number")
        load(conf, args, "max_user_test_number")
        load(conf, args, "min_submission_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
        load(conf, args, "min_user_test_interval", conv=make_timedelta)

        # Attachments
        args["attachments"] = []
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "att")):
            for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, "att")):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    os.path.join(self.path, "att", filename),
                    "Attachment %s for task %s" % (filename, name))
                args["attachments"] += [Attachment(filename, digest)]

        task = Task(**args)

        args = {}
        args["task"] = task
        args["description"] = conf.get("version", "Default")
        args["autojudge"] = False

        load(conf, args, ["time_limit", "timeout"], conv=float)
        load(conf, args, ["memory_limit", "memlimit"])

        # Builds the parameters that depend on the task type
        args["managers"] = []
        infile_param = conf.get("infile", "input.txt")
        outfile_param = conf.get("outfile", "output.txt")

        # If there is sol/grader.%l for some language %l, then,
        # presuming that the task type is Batch, we retrieve graders
        # in the form sol/grader.%l
        graders = False
        for lang in LANGUAGES:
            if os.path.exists(
                    os.path.join(self.path, "sol",
                                 "grader%s" % lang.source_extension)):
                graders = True
        if graders:
            # Read grader for each language
            for lang in LANGUAGES:
                extension = lang.source_extension
                grader_filename = os.path.join(self.path, "sol",
                                               "grader%s" % extension)
                if os.path.exists(grader_filename):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        grader_filename, "Grader for task %s and language %s" %
                        (task.name, lang))
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager("grader%s" % extension, digest)
                    logger.warning("Grader for language %s not found ", lang)
            # Read managers with other known file extensions
            for other_filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, "sol")):
                if any(
                        for header in HEADER_EXTS):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        os.path.join(self.path, "sol", other_filename),
                        "Manager %s for task %s" % (other_filename, task.name))
                    args["managers"] += [Manager(other_filename, digest)]
            compilation_param = "grader"
            compilation_param = "alone"

        # If there is check/checker (or equivalent), then, presuming
        # that the task type is Batch or OutputOnly, we retrieve the
        # comparator
        paths = [
            os.path.join(self.path, "check", "checker"),
            os.path.join(self.path, "corrector.exe"),
            os.path.join(self.path, "cor", "correttore")
        for path in paths:
            if os.path.exists(path):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    path, "Manager for task %s" % task.name)
                args["managers"] += [Manager("checker", digest)]
                evaluation_param = "comparator"
            evaluation_param = "diff"

        # Detect subtasks by checking GEN
        gen_filename = os.path.join(self.path, 'gen', 'GEN')
            with io.open(gen_filename, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as gen_file:
                subtasks = []
                testcases = 0
                points = None
                for line in gen_file:
                    line = line.strip()
                    splitted = line.split('#', 1)

                    if len(splitted) == 1:
                        # This line represents a testcase, otherwise
                        # it's just a blank
                        if splitted[0] != '':
                            testcases += 1

                        testcase, comment = splitted
                        testcase = testcase.strip()
                        comment = comment.strip()
                        testcase_detected = testcase != ''
                        copy_testcase_detected = comment.startswith("COPY:")
                        subtask_detected = comment.startswith('ST:')

                        flags = [
                            testcase_detected, copy_testcase_detected,
                        if len([x for x in flags if x]) > 1:
                            raise Exception("No testcase and command in"
                                            " the same line allowed")

                        # This line represents a testcase and contains a
                        # comment, but the comment doesn't start a new
                        # subtask
                        if testcase_detected or copy_testcase_detected:
                            testcases += 1

                        # This line starts a new subtask
                        if subtask_detected:
                            # Close the previous subtask
                            if points is None:
                                assert (testcases == 0)
                                subtasks.append([points, testcases])
                            # Open the new one
                            testcases = 0
                            points = int(comment[3:].strip())

                # Close last subtask (if no subtasks were defined, just
                # fallback to Sum)
                if points is None:
                    args["score_type"] = "Sum"
                    total_value = float(conf.get("total_value", 100.0))
                    input_value = 0.0
                    n_input = testcases
                    if n_input != 0:
                        input_value = total_value / n_input
                    args["score_type_parameters"] = "%s" % input_value
                    subtasks.append([points, testcases])
                    assert (100 == sum([int(st[0]) for st in subtasks]))
                    n_input = sum([int(st[1]) for st in subtasks])
                    args["score_type"] = "GroupMin"
                    args["score_type_parameters"] = "%s" % subtasks

                if "n_input" in conf:
                    assert int(conf['n_input']) == n_input

        # If gen/GEN doesn't exist, just fallback to Sum
        except IOError:
            if 'n_input' not in conf:
                conf['n_input'] = 0
            n_input = int(conf['n_input'])
            if "score_type" in conf:
                args["score_type"] = conf["score_type"]
                if "score_type_parameters" in conf:
                    args["score_type_parameters"] = (
                        "%s" % conf["score_type_parameters"])
                    args["score_type_parameters"] = re.sub(
                        r'u\'([^\']+)\'', '\"\g<1>\"',
                args["score_type"] = "Sum"
                total_value = float(conf.get("total_value", 100.0))
                input_value = 0.0

                def count_testcases(folder):
                    c = 0
                    if os.path.isdir(folder):
                        for filename in sorted(os.listdir(folder)):
                            nombre, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
                            if ext == ".in":
                                c += 1
                    return c

                casos = n_input + count_testcases(
                    os.path.join(self.path, "casos")) + count_testcases(
                        os.path.join(self.path, "casos", "generados"))
                if casos != 0:
                    input_value = total_value / casos
                args["score_type_parameters"] = "%s" % input_value

        # If output_only is set, then the task type is OutputOnly
        if conf.get('output_only', False):
            args["task_type"] = "OutputOnly"
            args["time_limit"] = None
            args["memory_limit"] = None
            args["task_type_parameters"] = '["%s"]' % evaluation_param
            task.submission_format = [
                SubmissionFormatElement("output_%03d.txt" % i)
                for i in xrange(n_input)

        # If there is check/manager (or equivalent), then the task
        # type is Communication
            paths = [
                os.path.join(self.path, "check", "manager"),
                os.path.join(self.path, "cor", "manager")
            for path in paths:
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    num_processes = load(conf, None, "num_processes")
                    if num_processes is None:
                        num_processes = 1
                    logger.info("Task type Communication")
                    args["task_type"] = "Communication"
                    args["task_type_parameters"] = '[%d]' % num_processes
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        path, "Manager for task %s" % task.name)
                    args["managers"] += [Manager("manager", digest)]
                    for lang in LANGUAGES:
                        stub_name = os.path.join(
                            self.path, "sol", "stub%s" % lang.source_extension)
                        if os.path.exists(stub_name):
                            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                                stub_name, "Stub for task %s and language %s" %
                                (task.name, lang.name))
                            args["managers"] += [
                                Manager("stub%s" % lang.source_extension,
                                "Stub for language %s not "
                                "found.", lang.name)
                    for other_filename in os.listdir(
                            os.path.join(self.path, "sol")):
                        if any(
                                for header in HEADER_EXTS):
                            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                                os.path.join(self.path, "sol", other_filename),
                                "Stub %s for task %s" %
                                (other_filename, task.name))
                            args["managers"] += [
                                Manager(other_filename, digest)

            # Otherwise, the task type is Batch
                args["task_type"] = "Batch"
                args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                    '["%s", ["%s", "%s"], "%s"]' % \
                    (compilation_param, infile_param, outfile_param,

        args["testcases"] = []
        for i in xrange(n_input):
            input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                os.path.join(self.path, "input", "input%d.txt" % i),
                "Input %d for task %s" % (i, task.name))
            output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                os.path.join(self.path, "output", "output%d.txt" % i),
                "Output %d for task %s" % (i, task.name))
            args["testcases"] += [
                Testcase("%03d" % i, False, input_digest, output_digest)
            if args["task_type"] == "OutputOnly":
                task.attachments += [
                    Attachment("input_%03d.txt" % i, input_digest)

        def add_testcases_dir(folder):
            if os.path.isdir(folder):
                for filename in sorted(os.listdir(folder)):
                    nombre, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
                    if ext == ".in":
                        input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                            os.path.join(folder, filename),
                            "Input %s for task %s" % (nombre, task.name))
                        output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                            os.path.join(folder, nombre + ".dat"),
                            "Output %s for task %s" % (nombre, task.name))
                        args["testcases"] += [
                            Testcase(nombre, False, input_digest,
                        if args["task_type"] == "OutputOnly":
                            task.attachments += [
                                Attachment(filename, input_digest)

        add_testcases_dir(os.path.join(self.path, "casos"))
        add_testcases_dir(os.path.join(self.path, "casos", "generados"))

        public_testcases = load(conf,
                                None, ["public_testcases", "risultati"],
                                conv=lambda x: "" if x is None else x)
        if public_testcases == "all":
            for t in args["testcases"]:
                t.public = True
        elif public_testcases != "":
            for x in public_testcases.split(","):
                args["testcases"][int(x.strip())].public = True

        dataset = Dataset(**args)
        task.active_dataset = dataset

        # Import was successful
        os.remove(os.path.join(self.path, ".import_error"))

        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")

        return task
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def get_task(self, get_statement=True):
        """See docstring in class Loader.


        logger.info("Checking dos2unix presence")
        i = os.system('dos2unix -V 2>/dev/null')
        self.dos2unix_found = (i == 0)
        if not self.dos2unix_found:
            logger.error("dos2unix not found - tests will not be converted!")

        name = os.path.basename(self.path)
        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s.", name)

        args = {}

        # Here we update the time of the last import.
        touch(os.path.join(self.path, ".itime"))
        # If this file is not deleted, then the import failed.
        touch(os.path.join(self.path, ".import_error"))

        # Get alphabetical task index for use in title.

        tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(self.path, "problem.xml"))
        root = tree.getroot()

        args["name"] = name
        args["title"] = str(root.find('names').find("name").attrib['value'])

        if get_statement:
            args["statements"] = {}
            args["primary_statements"] = []
            for language, lang in iteritems(LANGUAGE_MAP):
                path = os.path.join(self.path, 'statements', '.pdf', language,
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                        "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" % (name, language))
                    args["statements"][lang] = Statement(lang, digest)

        args["submission_format"] = ["%s.%%l" % name]

        # These options cannot be configured in the Polygon format.
        # Uncomment the following to set specific values for them.

        # args['max_submission_number'] = 100
        # args['max_user_test_number'] = 100
        # args['min_submission_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        # args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        # args['max_user_test_number'] = 10
        # args['min_user_test_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)

        # args['token_mode'] = 'infinite'
        # args['token_max_number'] = 100
        # args['token_min_interval'] = make_timedelta(60)
        # args['token_gen_initial'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_number'] = 1
        # args['token_gen_interval'] = make_timedelta(1800)
        # args['token_gen_max'] = 2

        task_cms_conf_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'files', 'cms_conf.py')
        task_cms_conf = None
        if os.path.exists(task_cms_conf_path):
            logger.info("Found additional CMS options for task %s.", name)
            with io.open(task_cms_conf_path, 'rb') as f:
                task_cms_conf = imp.load_module('cms_conf', f,
                                                ('.py', 'r', imp.PY_SOURCE))
        if task_cms_conf is not None and hasattr(task_cms_conf, "general"):

        task = Task(**args)

        judging = root.find('judging')
        testset = None
        for testset in judging:
            testset_name = testset.attrib["name"]

            args = {}
            args["task"] = task
            args["description"] = str(testset_name)
            args["autojudge"] = False

            tl = float(testset.find('time-limit').text)
            ml = int(testset.find('memory-limit').text)
            args["time_limit"] = tl * 0.001
            args["memory_limit"] = ml // (1024 * 1024)

            args["managers"] = {}
            infile_param = judging.attrib['input-file']
            outfile_param = judging.attrib['output-file']

            # Checker can be in any of these two locations.
            checker_src = os.path.join(self.path, "files", "check.cpp")
            if not os.path.exists(checker_src):
                checker_src = os.path.join(self.path, "check.cpp")

            if os.path.exists(checker_src):
                logger.info("Checker found, compiling")
                checker_exe = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(checker_src),
                testlib_path = "/usr/local/include/cms"
                testlib_include = os.path.join(testlib_path, "testlib.h")
                if not config.installed:
                    testlib_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                code = subprocess.call([
                    "g++", "-x", "c++", "-O2", "-static", "-DCMS", "-I",
                    testlib_path, "-include", testlib_include, "-o",
                    checker_exe, checker_src
                if code != 0:
                    logger.critical("Could not compile checker")
                    return None
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    checker_exe, "Manager for task %s" % name)
                args["managers"]["checker"] = Manager("checker", digest)
                evaluation_param = "comparator"
                logger.info("Checker not found, using diff")
                evaluation_param = "diff"

            args["task_type"] = "Batch"
            args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                ["alone", [infile_param, outfile_param], evaluation_param]

            args["score_type"] = "Sum"
            total_value = 100.0
            input_value = 0.0

            testcases = int(testset.find('test-count').text)

            n_input = testcases
            if n_input != 0:
                input_value = total_value / n_input
            args["score_type_parameters"] = input_value

            args["testcases"] = {}

            for i in range(testcases):
                infile = os.path.join(self.path, testset_name,
                                      "%02d" % (i + 1))
                outfile = os.path.join(self.path, testset_name,
                                       "%02d.a" % (i + 1))
                if self.dos2unix_found:
                    os.system('dos2unix -q %s' % (infile, ))
                    os.system('dos2unix -q %s' % (outfile, ))
                input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    infile, "Input %d for task %s" % (i, name))
                output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    outfile, "Output %d for task %s" % (i, name))
                testcase = Testcase("%03d" % (i, ), False, input_digest,
                testcase.public = True
                args["testcases"][testcase.codename] = testcase

            if task_cms_conf is not None and \
               hasattr(task_cms_conf, "datasets") and \
               testset_name in task_cms_conf.datasets:

            dataset = Dataset(**args)
            if testset_name == "tests":
                task.active_dataset = dataset

        os.remove(os.path.join(self.path, ".import_error"))

        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")
        return task
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def get_task(self, name):
        """See docstring in class Loader.

            num = self.tasks_order[name]
        # Here we expose an undocumented behavior, so that cmsMake can
        # import a task even without the whole contest; this is not to
        # be relied upon in general
        except AttributeError:
            num = 1
        logger.info("Load task %s" % name)

        task_path = os.path.join(self.path, name)
        conf = {}
            conf = yaml.safe_load(
                io.open(os.path.join(task_path, "task.yaml"),
                        "rt", encoding="utf-8"))
        except IOError:
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(task_path, name + ".yaml")):
                conf = yaml.safe_load(
                    io.open(os.path.join(task_path, name + ".yaml"),
                            "rt", encoding="utf-8"))
        args = {}

        args["num"] = num
        args["name"] = name
        args["title"] = name.title()
        primary_language = conf.get("task", {}).get("primary_language", "en")
        for path in os.listdir(os.path.join(task_path, "statement")):
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                os.path.join(task_path, "statement", path),
                "Statement for task %s (lang: %s)" % (name,
            logger.critical("Couldn't find any task statement, aborting...")
        args["statements"] = [Statement(primary_language, digest)]
        args["primary_statements"] = '["%s"]' % (primary_language)
        args["submission_format"] = [
            SubmissionFormatElement("%s.%%l" % name)]
        args["token_mode"] = "disabled"

        # Load attachments
        args["attachments"] = []
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(task_path, "attachments")):
            for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(task_path, "attachments")):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    os.path.join(task_path, "attachments", filename),
                    "Attachment %s for task %s" % (filename, name))
                args["attachments"] += [Attachment(filename, digest)]
        args.update(conf.get("task", {}))
        task = Task(**args)

        args = {}
        args["task"] = task
        args["description"] = "Default"
        args["autojudge"] = False
        args["time_limit"] = 2.0
        args["memory_limit"] = 256
        args["task_type"] = "Batch"
        args["score_type"] = "Sum"
        input_file = ""
        output_file = ""
        args["managers"] = []

        # Overwrite parameters
        for key, param in conf.iteritems():
            if key == "input":
                input_file = param
            elif key == "output":
                output_file = param
            elif key == "time_limit":
                args[key] = float(param)
            elif key in self.timedelta_params:
                args[key] = timedelta(seconds=param)
            elif key != "subtasks_parameters" and key != "subtasks" and key != "task":
                args[key] = param
        # Intelligent tests format detector
        # Load all tests recursively
        def load_tests(tests_path, name):
            if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tests_path, name)):
                return [name]
            elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tests_path, name)):
                l = []
                for path in os.listdir(os.path.join(tests_path, name)):
                    l += load_tests(tests_path, os.path.join(name, path))
                return l
                return []
        full_names = load_tests(os.path.join(task_path, "tests"), "")
        tests_dict = dict((os.path.split(test)[-1], test)
                    for test in full_names)
        tests = []
        detected = False

        if not detected:
            # * / *.a format
            detected = True
            for test in tests_dict.keys():
                if test.endswith(".a"):
                    if test[:-2] not in tests_dict.keys():
                        detected = False
                    if test + ".a" not in tests_dict.keys():
                        detected = False
            if detected:
                logger.info("Tests format * / *.a detected")
                idx = 0
                for (short_name, test) in sorted(tests_dict.items()):
                    if not short_name.endswith(".a"):
                        tests.append({"idx": idx,
                                      "input": test,
                                      "output": tests_dict[short_name + ".a"],
                                      "public": False })
                        idx += 1

        if not detected:
            # *.in* / *.out* format
            detected = True
            for test in tests_dict.keys():
                if test.find(".in") != -1:
                    if test.replace(".in", ".out") not in tests_dict.keys():
                        detected = False
                elif test.find(".out") != -1:
                    if test.replace(".out", ".in") not in tests_dict.keys():
                        detected = False
                    detected = False
            if detected:
                logger.info("Tests format *.in* / *.out* detected")
                idx = 0
                for (short_name, test) in sorted(tests_dict.items()):
                    if short_name.find(".in") != -1:
                        tests.append({"idx": idx,
                                      "input": test,
                                      "output": tests_dict[short_name.replace(".in", ".out")],
                                      "public": False })
                        idx += 1

        if not detected:
            # *.in* / *.sol* format
            detected = True
            for test in tests_dict.keys():
                if test.find(".in") != -1:
                    if test.replace(".in", ".sol") not in tests_dict.keys():
                        detected = False
                elif test.find(".sol") != -1:
                    if test.replace(".sol", ".in") not in tests_dict.keys():
                        detected = False
                    detected = False
            if detected:
                logger.info("Tests format *.in* / *.sol* detected")
                idx = 0
                for (short_name, test) in sorted(tests_dict.items()):
                    if short_name.find(".in") != -1:
                        tests.append({"idx": idx,
                                      "input": test,
                                      "output": tests_dict[short_name.replace(".in", ".sol")],
                                      "public": False })
                        idx += 1

        if not detected:
            # *.in* / *.res* format
            detected = True
            for test in tests_dict.keys():
                if test.find(".in") != -1:
                    if test.replace(".in", ".res") not in tests_dict.keys():
                        detected = False
                elif test.find(".res") != -1:
                    if test.replace(".res", ".in") not in tests_dict.keys():
                        detected = False
                    detected = False
            if detected:
                logger.info("Tests format *.in* / *.res* detected")
                idx = 0
                for (short_name, test) in sorted(tests_dict.items()):
                    if short_name.find(".in") != -1:
                        tests.append({"idx": idx,
                                      "input": test,
                                      "output": tests_dict[short_name.replace(".in", ".res")],
                                      "public": False })
                        idx += 1

        if not detected:
            # *.in* / *.ans* format
            detected = True
            for test in tests_dict.keys():
                if test.find(".in") != -1:
                    if test.replace(".in", ".ans") not in tests_dict.keys():
                        detected = False
                elif test.find(".ans") != -1:
                    if test.replace(".ans", ".in") not in tests_dict.keys():
                        detected = False
                    detected = False
            if detected:
                logger.info("Tests format *.in* / *.ans* detected")
                idx = 0
                for (short_name, test) in sorted(tests_dict.items()):
                    if short_name.find(".in") != -1:
                        tests.append({"idx": idx,
                                      "input": test,
                                      "output": tests_dict[short_name.replace(".in", ".ans")],
                                      "public": False })
                        idx += 1

        if not detected:
            # *input* / *output* format
            detected = True
            for test in tests_dict.keys():
                if test.find("input") != -1:
                    if test.replace("input", "output") not in tests_dict.keys():
                        detected = False
                elif test.find("output") != -1:
                    if test.replace("output", "input") not in tests_dict.keys():
                        detected = False
                    detected = False
            if detected:
                logger.info("Tests format *input* / *output* detected")
                idx = 0
                for (short_name, test) in sorted(tests_dict.items()):
                    if short_name.find("input") != -1:
                        tests.append({"idx": idx,
                                      "input": test,
                                      "output": tests_dict[short_name.replace("input", "output")],
                                      "public": False })
                        idx += 1

        if not detected:
            # in* out* format using full paths
            detected = True
            for test in full_names:
                if test.startswith("in"):
                    if "out" + test[2:] not in full_names:
                        detected = False
                elif test.startswith("out"):
                    if "in" + test[3:] not in full_names:
                        detected = False
                    detected = False
            if detected:
                logger.info("Tests format in* / out* with full paths detected")
                idx = 0
                for test in sorted(full_names):
                    if test.startswith("in"):
                        tests.append({"idx": idx,
                                      "input": test,
                                      "output": "out" + test[2:],
                                      "public": False })
                        idx += 1

        if not detected:
            # Need more intelligence
            logger.critical("Sorry, I can't recognize tests format")

        # Detect subtasks
        if "subtasks_parameters" in conf:
            logger.info("Detected simple subtask description")
            args["score_type"] = "NamedGroup"
            subtasks = conf["subtasks_parameters"]
            total_value = float(subtasks.get("total_value", 100))
            is_public = subtasks.get("public_tests", False)
            if is_public:
                for test in tests:
                    test["public"] = True
            samples = list(int(test.strip()) - 1
                            for test in 
                            subtasks.get("sample_tests", "").strip().split(","))
            for i in samples:
                tests[i]["public"] = True
            samples_group = {
                "score": 0,
                "type": "sum",
                "public": rebuild_list(samples),
                "private": [],
                "hidden": [] }
            tests_group = {
                "score": total_value,
                "type": "sum",
                "public": [],
                "private": [],
                "hidden": [] }
            for i in xrange(len(tests)):
                if not i in samples:
                    if is_public:
            tests_group["public"] = rebuild_list(tests_group["public"])
            tests_group["private"] = rebuild_list(tests_group["private"])
            if len(samples) == 0:
                args["score_type_parameters"] = json.dumps([tests_group])
                args["score_type_parameters"] = json.dumps([samples_group, tests_group])
        elif "subtasks" in conf:

            logger.info("Detected full subtask description")
            args["score_type"] = "NamedGroup"
            subtasks = conf.get("subtasks")
            for subtask in subtasks:
                if not "score" in subtask:
                    subtask["score"] = 0
                if not "type" in subtask:
                    subtask["type"] = "sum"
                if subtask["type"] != "sum" and subtask["type"] != "min":
                    # Custom evaluator parameter
                    with open(os.path.join(task_path, subtask["type"]), "r") as prog_file:
                        prog = prog_file.read()
                    subtask["type"] = prog
                subtask["public"] = rebuild_list(subtask.get("public", []), test_list = tests, delta = 1)
                subtask["private"] = rebuild_list(subtask.get("private", []), test_list = tests, delta = 1)
                subtask["hidden"] = rebuild_list(subtask.get("hidden", []), test_list = tests, delta = 1)
                for i in subtask["public"]:
                    tests[int(i)]["public"] = True
            args["score_type_parameters"] = json.dumps(conf.get("subtasks"))

            logger.info("Subtask description was not detected")
            args["score_type"] = "NamedGroup"
            # Autodetect samples
            samples = []
            for test in tests:
                if test["input"].find("dummy") != -1 or test["input"].find("sample") != -1:
            for i in samples:
                tests[i]["public"] = True
            samples_group = {
                "score": 0,
                "type": "sum",
                "public": rebuild_list(samples),
                "private": [],
                "hidden": [] }
            tests_group = {
                "score": 100,
                "type": "sum",
                "public": [],
                "private": [],
                "hidden": [] }
            for i in xrange(len(tests)):
                if not i in samples:
            tests_group["public"] = rebuild_list(tests_group["public"])
            tests_group["private"] = rebuild_list(tests_group["private"])
            if len(samples) == 0:
                args["score_type_parameters"] = json.dumps([tests_group])
                args["score_type_parameters"] = json.dumps([samples_group, tests_group])

        # Load testcases
        args["testcases"] = []
        for test in tests:
            i = test["idx"]
            input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                os.path.join(task_path, "tests", test["input"]),
                "Input %d for task %s" % (i, name))
            output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                os.path.join(task_path, "tests", test["output"]),
                "Output %d for task %s" % (i, name))
            args["testcases"] += [
                Testcase("%03d" % i, test["public"], input_digest, output_digest)]

        # Load graders (and stubs if any)
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(task_path, "graders")):
            for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(task_path, "graders")):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    os.path.join(task_path, "graders", filename),
                    "Grader %s for task %s" % (filename, name))
                args["managers"] += [
                    Manager(filename, digest)]
            compilation_param = "grader"
            compilation_param = "alone"

        # Load checker
        paths = [os.path.join(task_path, "checker"),
                 os.path.join(task_path, "check"),
                 os.path.join(task_path, "check.exe")]
        for path in paths:
            if os.path.isfile(path):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                    "Checker for task %s" % name)
                args["managers"] += [
                    Manager("checker", digest)]
                evaluation_param = "comparator"
            evaluation_param = "diff"

        # If the task type is Communication, try to load manager
        path = os.path.join(task_path, "manager")
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            args["task_type"] = "Communication"
            args["task_type_parameters"] = '[]'
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file_from_path(
                "Manager for task %s" % name)
            args["managers"] += [
                Manager("manager", digest)]

        # Set task type parameters
        if args["task_type"] == "OutputOnly":
            args["time_limit"] = None
            args["memory_limit"] = None
            args["task_type_parameters"] = '["%s"]' % evaluation_param
            task.submission_format = [
                SubmissionFormatElement("%03d.out" % (i + 1))
                for i in xrange(len(tests))]
        elif args["task_type"] == "Batch":
            args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                '["%s", ["%s", "%s"], "%s"]' % \
                (compilation_param, input_file, output_file,

        logger.info("Task type is %s" % args["task_type"])
        dataset = Dataset(**args)
        task.active_dataset = dataset
        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")
        return task