Ejemplo n.º 1
async def run_server(addr: cmyui.Address) -> None:
    glob.version = cmyui.Version(2, 7, 0)
    glob.http = aiohttp.ClientSession(json_serialize=orjson.dumps)

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

        loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, lambda: loop.stop())
        loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, lambda: loop.stop())
    except NotImplementedError:

    glob.db = cmyui.AsyncSQLPoolWrapper()
    await glob.db.connect(**glob.config.mysql)

    # Aika
    glob.bot = Player(id = 1, name = 'Aika', priv = Privileges.Normal)
    glob.bot.ping_time = 0x7fffffff

    await glob.bot.stats_from_sql_full() # no need to get friends
    await glob.players.add(glob.bot)

    # Add all channels from db.
    async for chan in glob.db.iterall('SELECT * FROM channels'):
        await glob.channels.add(Channel(**chan))

    async with cmyui.AsyncTCPServer(addr) as glob.serv:
        plog(f'Gulag v{glob.version} online!', Ansi.LGREEN)
        async for conn in glob.serv.listen(glob.config.max_conns):
Ejemplo n.º 2
async def run_server(loop: uvloop.Loop, addr: cmyui.Address):
    glob.version = cmyui.Version(2, 2, 8)
    glob.http = aiohttp.ClientSession(json_serialize=orjson.dumps)

    glob.db = cmyui.AsyncSQLPool()
    await glob.db.connect(loop, **glob.config.mysql)

    # Aika
    glob.bot = Player(id=1, name='Aika', priv=Privileges.Normal)
    glob.bot.ping_time = 0x7fffffff

    await glob.bot.stats_from_sql_full()  # no need to get friends
    await glob.players.add(glob.bot)

    # Add all channels from db.
    async for chan in glob.db.iterall('SELECT * FROM channels'):
        await glob.channels.add(Channel(**chan))

    async with cmyui.AsyncTCPServer(addr) as serv:
        await plog(f'Gulag v{glob.version} online!', Ansi.LIGHT_GREEN)
        async for conn in serv.listen(loop, glob.config.max_conns):
Ejemplo n.º 3
from constants.privileges import Privileges
from objects.achievement import Achievement
from objects.collections import Players
from objects.collections import Matches
from objects.collections import Channels
from objects.collections import Clans
from objects.collections import MapPools
from objects.player import Player
from utils.updater import Updater


# current version of gulag
# NOTE: this is used internally for the updater, it may be
# worth reading through it's code before playing with it.
glob.version = cmyui.Version(3, 3, 3)

OPPAI_PATH = Path.cwd() / 'oppai-ng'
GEOLOC_DB_FILE = Path.cwd() / 'ext/GeoLite2-City.mmdb'

async def fetch_bot_name() -> str:
    """Fetch the bot's name from the database, if available."""
    res = await glob.db.fetch('SELECT name FROM users '
                              'WHERE id = 1',

    if not res:
            "Couldn't find bot account in the database, "
            "defaulting to BanchoBot for their name.", Ansi.LYELLOW)
Ejemplo n.º 4
from objects.achievement import Achievement
from objects.collections import PlayerList
from objects.collections import MatchList
from objects.collections import ChannelList
from objects.collections import ClanList
from objects.collections import MapPoolList
from objects.player import Player
from utils.misc import download_achievement_pngs
from utils.updater import Updater

__all__ = ()

# current version of gulag
# NOTE: this is used internally for the updater, it may be
# worth reading through it's code before playing with it.
glob.version = cmyui.Version(3, 2, 4)

async def setup_collections() -> None:
    """Setup & cache many global collections (mostly from sql)."""
    glob.players = PlayerList()  # online players
    glob.matches = MatchList()  # active multiplayer matches

    glob.channels = await ChannelList.prepare()  # active channels
    glob.clans = await ClanList.prepare()  # active clans
    glob.pools = await MapPoolList.prepare()  # active mappools

    # create our bot & append it to the global player list.
    res = await glob.db.fetch('SELECT name FROM users WHERE id = 1')

    glob.bot = Player(
Ejemplo n.º 5
    from objects import glob
except ModuleNotFoundError as exc:
    if exc.name == 'config':
        import shutil
        shutil.copy('ext/config.sample.py', 'config.py')
        sys.exit('\x1b[0;92mA config file has been generated, '
                 'please configure it to your needs.\x1b[0m')


# current version of gulag
# NOTE: this is used internally for the updater, it may be
# worth reading through it's code before playing with it.
glob.version = cmyui.Version(3, 4, 1)

OPPAI_PATH = Path.cwd() / 'oppai-ng'
GEOLOC_DB_FILE = Path.cwd() / 'ext/GeoLite2-City.mmdb'

async def setup_collections(db_cursor: aiomysql.DictCursor) -> None:
    """Setup & cache many global collections."""
    # dynamic (active) sets, only in ram
    glob.players = Players()
    glob.matches = Matches()

    # static (inactive) sets, in ram & sql
    glob.channels = await Channels.prepare(db_cursor)
    glob.clans = await Clans.prepare(db_cursor)
    glob.pools = await MapPools.prepare(db_cursor)
Ejemplo n.º 6
from pathlib import Path

import cmyui
from cmyui import log, Ansi

from objects import glob
from objects.player import Player
from objects.channel import Channel
from objects.match import MapPool

from constants.privileges import Privileges

from utils.updater import Updater

# current version of gulag
glob.version = cmyui.Version(3, 0, 10)

async def on_start() -> None:
    glob.http = aiohttp.ClientSession(json_serialize=orjson.dumps)

    # connect to mysql
    glob.db = cmyui.AsyncSQLPool()
    await glob.db.connect(glob.config.mysql)

    # run the sql updater
    updater = Updater(glob.version)
    await updater.run()
    await updater.log_startup()

    # create our bot & append it to the global player list.
Ejemplo n.º 7
from objects import glob
from objects.achievement import Achievement
from objects.channel import Channel
from objects.clan import Clan
from objects.match import MapPool
from objects.player import Player
from utils.misc import get_press_times
from utils.updater import Updater

    from objects.score import Score

__all__ = ()

# current version of gulag
glob.version = cmyui.Version(3, 1, 5)

async def on_start() -> None:
    glob.http = aiohttp.ClientSession(json_serialize=orjson.dumps)

    # connect to mysql
    glob.db = cmyui.AsyncSQLPool()
    await glob.db.connect(glob.config.mysql)

    # run the sql updater
    updater = Updater(glob.version)
    await updater.run()
    await updater.log_startup()

    # create our bot & append it to the global player list.