def main(filename):
    Add the missing timeseries data:

        signal_epoch - not implemented

    Also creates some epoch data never seen before:

    with tables.openFile(filename, 'a') as fh:
        data = h5.p_get_node(fh.root, '*/data')
        TTL_fs =['fs']
        trial_start = (data.trial_log.cols.start * TTL_fs).astype('i')
        trials = len(trial_start)

        if 'all_poke_epoch' not in
            all_poke_epoch = epochs([:])
            node = fh.createArray(, 'all_poke_epoch',
            node._v_attrs['fs'] = TTL_fs
            node._v_attrs['t0'] = 0
            print 'created all_poke_epoch'
            print 'all_poke_epoch already exists'

        if 'poke_epoch' not in
            # If we are inside this statement, it is highly probable that we
            # already had to compute all_poke_epoch above.  Howver, just in case
            # we didn't, let's load it back in from the file.
            all_poke_epoch =[:]

            # Use broadcasting to do away with a for loop and find out which
            # poke epochs bracket the start of a trial.
            trial_start = trial_start[np.newaxis].T
            mask = (all_poke_epoch[:,0] <= trial_start) & \
                   (all_poke_epoch[:,1] > trial_start)

            # Check to see if we have any continuous nose-pokes that triggered
            # more than one trial (these are not actually continuous nose-poke,
            # the sampling rate was so low that we simply did not detect the
            # discontinuity).  If so, we need to break down this nose-poke into
            # two nose-pokes.  We know that the subject broke the nose-poke
            # when the response window went high, so we'll simply insert a zero
            # into the correct place in the nose-poke TTL signal and rerun the
            # script.  
            double_mask = mask.sum(0) > 1
            if double_mask.any():
                for lb, ub in all_poke_epoch[double_mask]:
                    i = ts(edge_rising([lb:ub]))
          [lb+i] = False
                print 'Updated poke_TTL.  Please rerun script.'

            mask = mask.any(0)
            poke_epoch = all_poke_epoch[mask]
            if len(poke_epoch) != trials:
                raise ValueError, "Unable to winnow down poke epoch list"
            node = fh.createArray(, 'poke_epoch', poke_epoch)
            node._v_attrs['fs'] = TTL_fs
            node._v_attrs['t0'] = 0
            print 'created poke_epoch'
            print 'poke_epoch already exists'

        if 'response_ts' not in
            response_ts = epochs([:])[:,1]
            if len(response_ts) != trials:
                ts_end = data.trial_log.cols.ts_end[:]
                incomplete_response_ts = response_ts
                response_ts = np.empty(len(ts_end))

                # Find out which response_ts values are missing.  If no
                # response_ts is within 500 msec of the ts_end value, we know
                # that the response_ts is missing.
                delta = np.abs(incomplete_response_ts-ts_end[np.newaxis].T)
                # Boolean mask indicating which trials we have a valid
                # response_ts for.
                valid = np.any(delta < (0.5 * TTL_fs), 1)

                response_ts[valid] = incomplete_response_ts

                # The trials for which we don't have a valid response_ts based
                # on the response_TTL should be discarded due to a faulty spout
                # sensor.  So, let's just use the ts_end timestamp instead.  The
                # ts_end timestamp is sampled at the same fs as the
                # response_TTL, so no conversion is needed.
                response_ts[~valid] = ts_end[~valid]

            node = fh.createArray(, 'response_ts', response_ts)
            node._v_attrs['fs'] = TTL_fs
            node._v_attrs['t0'] = 0
            print 'created response_ts'
            print 'response_ts already exists'

        # The logic for this is slightly more complicated because early versions
        # of the appetitive dt paradigm set the signal duration to 0 for the
        # nogo.  This effectively means that there's no signal_TTL during these
        # nogos, so what is the "epoch" in this case?  I may work this out
        # later.  I don't really use signal_epoch (we already know when the
        # signal is presented based on the trial start timestamp). 
        #if 'signal_epoch' not in
        #    signal_epoch = get_epochs([:])
        #    print len(signal_epoch), trials
        #    if len(signal_epoch) != trials:
        #        raise ValueError, 'Unable to compute signal epoch'
        #    node = fh.createArray(, 'signal_epoch', signal_epoch)
        #    node._v_attrs['fs'] = TTL_fs
        #    node._v_attrs['t0'] = 0

        if 'all_spout_epoch' not in
            all_spout_epoch = epochs([:])
            node = fh.createArray(, 'all_spout_epoch',
            node._v_attrs['fs'] = TTL_fs
            node._v_attrs['t0'] = 0
            print 'created all_spout_epoch'
            print 'all_spout_epoch already exists'

        if 'trial_epoch' not in
            trial_epoch = zip(data.trial_log.cols.ts_start,
            if len(trial_epoch) != trials:
                raise ValueError, 'Unable to compute trial epoch'
            node = fh.createArray(, 'trial_epoch', trial_epoch)
            node._v_attrs['fs'] = TTL_fs
            node._v_attrs['t0'] = 0
            print 'created trial_epoch'
            print 'trial_epoch already exists'

        # Return from this function if there is no physiology data to work on
        if 'physiology' not in data:

        if 'epoch' not in data.physiology:
            epoch = epochs(data.physiology.sweep[:])
            node = fh.createArray(data.physiology, 'epoch', epoch)
            node._v_attrs['fs'] = TTL_fs
            node._v_attrs['t0'] = 0
            print 'created physiology epoch'
            print 'physiology epoch already exists'

        # If the ts data is present, it is more likely to be of a higher
        # resolution than the epoch data.
        if 'ts' not in data.physiology:
            timestamps = data.physiology.epoch[:,0]
            node = fh.createArray(data.physiology, 'ts', timestamps)
            node._v_attrs['fs'] = TTL_fs
            node._v_attrs['t0'] = 0
            print 'created physiology ts'
            print 'physiology ts already exists'

        # Make sure the node flavor is set to Numpy
        for series in ('contact/all_poke_epoch',
                node = h5.p_get_node(data, series)
                if node.flavor != 'numpy':
                    node.flavor = 'numpy'
                    print 'Updated node flavor for ', series
            except tables.NoSuchNodeError:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def censor_spikes(ext_filename, rms_pad=0.5, block_pad=5, artifact_pad=0.5,
                  artifact_mode='single', zero_pad=1.25, force_overwrite=False):
    Censor extracted spikes based on three criteria::

        noise floor

    Once the spikes have been censored, you can use the physiology review GUI
    (using the overla extracted spikes feature) to inspect the censored result.

    with tables.openFile(ext_filename, 'a') as fh:
        enode = fh.root.event_data

        if 'censored' in fh.root.event_data:
            if not force_overwrite:
                raise IOError, 'Censored data already exists'

        # Create some UUID information that we can reference from other files that
        # are derived from this one.  If I re-censor spikes, the UUID will
        # change.  This means we can check to see whether sorted spike data
        # (obtained from the extracted spiketimes file) is from the current
        # version of the extracted times file.
        fh.setNodeAttr(fh.root, 'censor_uuid', str(uuid.uuid1()))
        fh.setNodeAttr(fh.root, 'last_censored', time.time())

        cnode = fh.createGroup('/', 'censor')
        censored = fh.createCArray(enode, 'censored', tables.BoolAtom(),

        channel_indices = enode.channel_indices[:]

        lb = fh.root.block_data.trial_log.cols.start[0]-block_pad
        ub = fh.root.block_data.trial_log.cols.end[-1]+block_pad

        if artifact_mode == 'all':
            # Censor based on transients occuring on *any* channel
            artifact_mask = np.any(enode.artifacts[:], axis=-1)
            artifact_ts = enode.timestamps[artifact_mask]
            artifact_epochs = np.c_[artifact_ts-artifact_pad,
            artifact_epochs = smooth_epochs(artifact_epochs)

        for i, ch in enumerate(enode._v_attrs.extracted_channels-1):
            mask = i == channel_indices
            timestamps = enode.timestamps[mask]

            if len(timestamps) == 0:
                # This usually means the channel was used solely for artifact
                # reject (or the user set the spike threshold wrong)

            if np.diff(timestamps).min() < 0:
                raise ValueError, 'Timestamps are not ordered!'

            # Censor based on RMS artifacts
            rms = fh.root.rms.rms[ch]
            rms_th = np.median(rms)/0.6745
            rms_epochs = epochs(rms >= rms_th)
            rms_epochs = rms_epochs / fh.root.rms.rms._v_attrs.fs
            rms_epochs += [[-rms_pad, rms_pad]]
            rms_epochs = smooth_epochs(rms_epochs)

            # Censor based on block start/end
            #block_censor = (timestamps < lb) | (timestamps > ub)

            zero_epochs = epochs(rms == 0)
            zero_epochs = zero_epochs / fh.root.rms.rms._v_attrs.fs
            zero_epochs += [[-zero_pad, zero_pad]]
            zero_epochs = smooth_epochs(zero_epochs)
            if len(zero_epochs) > 0:
                print zero_epochs

            if artifact_mode == 'single':
                # Censor based on transients in data.  Need to recompute this
                # for each channel.
                artifact = enode.artifacts[:,i][mask].astype('bool')
                artifact_ts = timestamps[artifact]
                artifact_epochs = np.c_[artifact_ts-artifact_pad,
                artifact_epochs = smooth_epochs(artifact_epochs)

            #j = np.searchsorted(artifact_epochs[:,0], timestamps)
            #k = np.searchsorted(artifact_epochs[:,1], timestamps)
            #artifact_censor = ~(j == k) 

            cenode = fh.createGroup(cnode, 'extracted_{}'.format(i))
            cenode._v_attrs['channel'] = ch+1 # 1-based channel number

            # Save the rms censor data
            array = fh.createEArray(cenode, 'rms_epochs', shape=(0, 2),
                                    title='Censored RMS epochs')
            array._v_attrs['rms_pad'] = rms_pad
            array._v_attrs['rms_threshold'] = rms_th

            # Save the zero censor data
            array = fh.createEArray(cenode, 'zero_epochs', shape=(0, 2),
                                    title='Censored RMS epochs')
            array._v_attrs['zero_pad'] = zero_pad

            # Save the artifact reject data
            array = fh.createEArray(cenode, 'artifact_epochs', shape=(0, 2),
                                    title='Censored artifact epochs')
            array._v_attrs['artifact_pad'] = artifact_pad
            array._v_attrs['artifact_mode'] = artifact_mode

            # Save the block reject data
            cenode._v_attrs['block_start'] = lb
            cenode._v_attrs['block_end'] = ub

            all_epochs = np.r_[[(0, lb)], 
                               [(ub, np.inf)]]
            all_epochs = smooth_epochs(all_epochs)
            fh.createArray(cenode, 'censored_epochs', all_epochs,
                           title='All censored epochs')

            # Update the censor mask
            censored[mask] = epochs_contain(all_epochs, timestamps)

        # Save some metadata regarding the censoring process (this is redundant
        # with the data stored in the subnodes, but provided here as well)
        cnode._v_attrs['rms_pad'] = rms_pad
        cnode._v_attrs['block_pad'] = block_pad
        cnode._v_attrs['artifact_pad'] = artifact_pad
        cnode._v_attrs['artifact_mode'] = artifact_mode