Ejemplo n.º 1
def gather(seq, condition, name=''):
    Takes two sequences of the same length and returns a new sequence whose 
    elements are those elements of sequence `seq` whose corresponding element 
    in `condition` is True, preserving the ordering of `seq`.

    This operation is also known as stream compaction, or copy_if.

        >>> x = C.input_variable(shape=(3,2))
        >>> z = C.greater(C.reduce_sum(x),60)
        >>> y = C.sequence.gather(x,z)
        >>> x0 = np.reshape(np.arange(24.0,dtype=np.float32),(4,3,2))
        >>> y.eval({x:x0})
        array([[[[ 12.,  13.],
                 [ 14.,  15.],
                 [ 16.,  17.]],
                [[ 18.,  19.],
                 [ 20.,  21.],
                 [ 22.,  23.]]]], dtype=float32)

        seq: the symbolic sequence from which elements will be selected
        condition: the symbolic sequence of booleans which indicate which 
            elements should be selected
        name (str): the name of the node in the network
    from cntk.cntk_py import gather
    seq = sanitize_input(seq, get_data_type(seq))
    condition = sanitize_input(condition, get_data_type(condition))
    return gather(seq, condition, name)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def gather(seq, condition, name=''):
    Takes two sequences of the same length and returns a new sequence whose
    elements are those elements of sequence ``seq`` whose corresponding element
    in ``condition`` is True, preserving the ordering of ``seq``.

    This operation is also known as stream compaction, or copy_if.

        >>> x = C.input_variable(shape=(3,2))
        >>> z = C.greater(C.reduce_sum(x),60)
        >>> y = C.sequence.gather(x,z)
        >>> # create one sequence of 4 tensors each with shape (3,2)
        >>> x0 = np.reshape(np.arange(24.0,dtype=np.float32),(1,4,3,2))
        >>> y.eval({x:x0})
        array([[[[ 12.,  13.],
                 [ 14.,  15.],
                 [ 16.,  17.]],
                [[ 18.,  19.],
                 [ 20.,  21.],
                 [ 22.,  23.]]]], dtype=float32)

        seq: the symbolic sequence from which elements will be selected
        condition: the symbolic sequence of booleans which indicate which
            elements should be selected
        name (str): the name of the node in the network
    from cntk.cntk_py import gather
    seq = sanitize_input(seq, get_data_type(seq))
    condition = sanitize_input(condition, get_data_type(condition))
    return gather(seq, condition, name)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def gather(seq, condition, new_sequence_axis_typeinfo=None, name=''):
    Takes two sequences of the same length and returns a new sequence whose
    elements are those elements of sequence ``seq`` whose corresponding element
    in ``condition`` is True, preserving the ordering of ``seq``.

    This operation is also known as stream compaction, or copy_if.

        >>> x = C.sequence.input(shape=(3,2))
        >>> z = C.greater(C.reduce_sum(x),60)
        >>> y = C.sequence.gather(x,z)
        >>> # create one sequence of 4 tensors each with shape (3,2)
        >>> x0 = np.reshape(np.arange(24.0,dtype=np.float32),(1,4,3,2))
        >>> y.eval({x:x0})
        [array([[[ 12.,  13.],
                 [ 14.,  15.],
                 [ 16.,  17.]],
                [[ 18.,  19.],
                 [ 20.,  21.],
                 [ 22.,  23.]]], dtype=float32)]

        seq: the symbolic sequence from which elements will be selected
        condition: the symbolic sequence of booleans which indicate which
            elements should be selected
        new_sequence_axis_typeinfo:  tuple of integers indicating
            the scaling and additive factors for the length of the new sequence axis
            w.r.t. the operand sequence. This is used to determine the sequence axis
            to be used for the output of the gather operation. If this argument is left 
            unspecified, a new independent sequence axis is created.
        name (str): the name of the node in the network
    from cntk.cntk_py import gather
    seq = sanitize_input(seq, get_data_type(seq))
    condition = sanitize_input(condition, get_data_type(condition))
    if new_sequence_axis_typeinfo is None:
        return gather(seq, condition, name)
        return gather(seq, condition, new_sequence_axis_typeinfo, name)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def gather(seq, condition, new_sequence_axis_typeinfo=None, name=''):
    Takes two sequences of the same length and returns a new sequence whose
    elements are those elements of sequence ``seq`` whose corresponding element
    in ``condition`` is True, preserving the ordering of ``seq``.

    This operation is also known as stream compaction, or copy_if.

        >>> x = C.sequence.input_variable(shape=(3,2))
        >>> z = C.greater(C.reduce_sum(x),60)
        >>> y = C.sequence.gather(x,z)
        >>> # create one sequence of 4 tensors each with shape (3,2)
        >>> x0 = np.reshape(np.arange(24.0,dtype=np.float32),(1,4,3,2))
        >>> y.eval({x:x0})
        [array([[[ 12.,  13.],
                 [ 14.,  15.],
                 [ 16.,  17.]],
                [[ 18.,  19.],
                 [ 20.,  21.],
                 [ 22.,  23.]]], dtype=float32)]

        seq: the symbolic sequence from which elements will be selected
        condition: the symbolic sequence of booleans which indicate which
            elements should be selected
        new_sequence_axis_typeinfo:  tuple of integers indicating
            the scaling and additive factors for the length of the new sequence axis
            w.r.t. the operand sequence. This is used to determine the sequence axis
            to be used for the output of the gather operation. If this argument is left
            unspecified, a new independent sequence axis is created.
        name (str): the name of the node in the network
    from cntk.cntk_py import gather
    seq = sanitize_input(seq, get_data_type(seq))
    condition = sanitize_input(condition, get_data_type(condition))
    if new_sequence_axis_typeinfo is None:
        return gather(seq, condition, name)
        return gather(seq, condition, new_sequence_axis_typeinfo, name)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def gather(operand, condition, name=''):

        operand: the symbolic tensor operand denoting a sequence
        condition: the symbolic tensor operand denoting a boolean condition flag for each step of a sequence
        name (str): the name of the node in the network
    from cntk.cntk_py import gather
    operand = sanitize_input(operand, get_data_type(operand))
    condition = sanitize_input(condition, get_data_type(condition))
    return gather(operand, condition, name)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def gather(operand, condition, name=''):
        operand: the symbolic tensor operand denoting a sequence
        condition: the symbolic tensor operand denoting a boolean condition flag for each step of a sequence
        name (str): the name of the node in the network
    from cntk.cntk_py import gather
    operand = sanitize_input(operand, get_data_type(operand))
    condition = sanitize_input(condition, get_data_type(condition))
    return gather(operand, condition, name)