Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_Floor(tmpdir):
    data = np.asarray([0.2, 1.3, 4., 5.5, 0.0], dtype=np.float32)
    model = C.floor(data)
    verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Floor_0')

    x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
    model = C.floor(x)
    verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Floor_1')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_Floor(tmpdir):
    data = np.asarray([0.2, 1.3, 4., 5.5, 0.0], dtype=np.float32)
    model = C.floor(data)
    verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Floor_0')

    x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
    model = C.floor(x)
    verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Floor_1')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_Floor(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        data = np.asarray([0.2, 1.3, 4., 5.5, 0.0], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.floor(data)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Floor_0')

        x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
        model = C.floor(x)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Floor_1')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_Floor(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        data = np.asarray([0.2, 1.3, 4., 5.5, 0.0], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.floor(data)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Floor_0')

        x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
        model = C.floor(x)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Floor_1')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def grid_coord(guide, xx, yy, sz, small_sz, sigma_r, bs):
    gx = ((xx + 0.5) / sz) * small_sz
    gy = ((yy + 0.5) / sz) * small_sz
    expanded_guide = C.reshape(guide, [bs, 1, sz, sz])
    gz = expanded_guide * sigma_r
    fx = C.floor(gx - 0.5)
    fy = C.floor(gy - 0.5)
    fz = C.clip(C.floor(gz - 0.5), 0, sigma_r - 1)
    cx = C.element_min(fx + 1, small_sz - 1)
    cy = C.element_min(fy + 1, small_sz - 1)
    cz = C.clip(fz + 1, 0, sigma_r - 1)
    return gx, gy, gz, fx, fy, fz, cx, cy, cz
Ejemplo n.º 6
def floor(arg, name=''):
    The output of this operation is the element wise value rounded to the largest 
    integer less than or equal to the input.

        >>> C.eval(C.floor([0.2, 1.3, 4., 5.5, 0.0]))
        [array([[ 0.,  1.,  4.,  5.,  0.]])]

        >>> C.eval(C.floor([[0.6, 3.3], [1.9, 5.6]]))
        [array([[[ 0.,  3.],
                 [ 1.,  5.]]])]

        >>> C.eval(C.floor([-5.5, -4.2, -3., -0.7, 0]))
        [array([[-6., -5., -3., -1.,  0.]])]

        >>> C.eval(C.floor([[-0.6, -4.3], [1.9, -3.2]]))
        [array([[[-1., -5.],
                 [ 1., -4.]]])]

        arg: input tensor
        name (str): the name of the node in the network (optional)
    from cntk import floor
    left = sanitize_input(left, get_data_type(right))
    right = sanitize_input(right, get_data_type(left))
    return floor(arg, name).output()    
Ejemplo n.º 7
def floor(arg, name=''):
    The output of this operation is the element wise value rounded to the largest 
    integer less than or equal to the input.

        >>> C.eval(C.floor([0.2, 1.3, 4., 5.5, 0.0]))
        [array([[ 0.,  1.,  4.,  5.,  0.]])]

        >>> C.eval(C.floor([[0.6, 3.3], [1.9, 5.6]]))
        [array([[[ 0.,  3.],
                 [ 1.,  5.]]])]

        >>> C.eval(C.floor([-5.5, -4.2, -3., -0.7, 0]))
        [array([[-6., -5., -3., -1.,  0.]])]

        >>> C.eval(C.floor([[-0.6, -4.3], [1.9, -3.2]]))
        [array([[[-1., -5.],
                 [ 1., -4.]]])]

        arg: input tensor
        name (str): the name of the node in the network (optional)
    from cntk import floor
    left = sanitize_input(left, get_data_type(right))
    right = sanitize_input(right, get_data_type(left))
    return floor(arg, name).output()    
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def inner(a):
     p = position(a)
     quotient = p / s  # every s sequence item will be an integer
     decimals = quotient - C.floor(
         quotient)  # every s sequence item will be a zero
     valid = C.equal(decimals, 0)
     result = C.sequence.gather(a, valid)
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 9
def hierarchical_softmax_layer(input_var, label_index, label_dim, label_classes=None):
    A two layers hierarchical softmax function:

        input_var: Variable with shape: [#,*](dim_x)
        label_index: index of label's category:  [#,*](1)
        label_dim: number of the label categories
        label_classes: number of classes of the label categories
        output_prob: the probability of the given label [#,*](1)
        class_probs: the probability of all the label classes [#,*](label_classes)
        all_probs: the probability of all label classes 
    input_dim = input_var.shape[0]

    if not label_classes:
        label_classes = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(float(label_dim))))

    n_outputs_per_class = int(np.ceil(label_dim / label_classes))

    target_class = C.floor((label_index + 0.5) / n_outputs_per_class)
    target_output_in_class = C.round(label_index - target_class * n_outputs_per_class)

    w1 = parameter(shape=(input_dim, label_classes), init=C.glorot_normal(), name='hsoftmax_w1')
    b1 = parameter(shape=(label_classes), init=C.glorot_normal(), name='hsoftmax_b1')
    w2s = parameter(shape=(label_classes, input_dim, n_outputs_per_class,), init=C.glorot_normal(), name='hsoftmax_w2s')
    b2s = parameter(shape=(label_classes, n_outputs_per_class,), init=C.glorot_normal(), name='hsoftmax_b2s')

    class_probs = softmax(b1 + times(input_var, w1))

    # TODO: fix the bug in backprop for sparse, and use sparse embedding to accelerate
    target_class_one_hot = C.one_hot(target_class, num_classes=label_classes, sparse_output=False)
    w2 = C.reshape(C.times(target_class_one_hot, w2s, output_rank=2), [input_dim, -1])
    b2 = C.reshape(times(target_class_one_hot, b2s, output_rank=1), [-1])
    probs_in_class = softmax(b2 + times(input_var, w2))

    prob_in_class = C.times_transpose(C.one_hot(target_output_in_class, num_classes=n_outputs_per_class, sparse_output=False), probs_in_class)
    class_prob = C.times_transpose(C.one_hot(target_class, num_classes=label_classes, sparse_output=False), class_probs)
    output_prob = prob_in_class * class_prob

    # this is for calculating all the outputs' probabilities
    all_probs = []
    for i in range(label_classes):
        ci = C.constant(i)
        ci_one_hot = C.one_hot(ci, num_classes=label_classes, sparse_output=False)
        w2a = C.times(ci_one_hot, w2s, output_rank=2)
        b2a = C.times(ci_one_hot, b2s, output_rank=1)
        probs_in_classa = C.softmax(b2a + times(input_var, w2a))
        class_proba = C.times_transpose(ci_one_hot, class_probs)
        output_proba = probs_in_classa * class_proba

    return output_prob, class_probs, all_probs
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def inner(x, y):
     quotient = C.element_divide(x, y)
     integers = C.floor(quotient)
     decimals = quotient - integers
     remaining_value = decimals * y
     return remaining_value
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def inner(x, y):
     quotient = C.element_divide(x, y)
     integers = C.floor(quotient)
     return integers
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_floor():
    assert_cntk_ngraph_array_equal(C.floor([0.2, 1.3, 4., 5.5, 0.0]))
    assert_cntk_ngraph_array_equal(C.floor([[0.6, 3.3], [1.9, 5.6]]))
    assert_cntk_ngraph_array_equal(C.floor([-5.5, -4.2, -3., -0.7, 0]))
    assert_cntk_ngraph_array_equal(C.floor([[-0.6, -4.3], [1.9, -3.2]]))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def main():
    show_image = False
    if show_image:
        bs = 1
        ci = 3
        co = 3
        cg = co * (ci + 1)
        gd = 8
        gh = 64
        gw = 64
        h = 256
        w = 256
        bs = 1
        ci = 3
        co = 3
        cg = co * (ci + 1)
        gd = 8
        gh = 64
        gw = 64
        h = 1024
        w = 1024

    im = C.input_variable([bs, ci, h, w], needs_gradient=True, dynamic_axes=[])
    guide = C.input_variable([bs, h, w], needs_gradient=True, dynamic_axes=[])
    guide_no_grad = C.input_variable([bs, h, w],
    grid = C.input_variable([bs, cg, gd, gh, gw],
    # Create indices
    xx = np.arange(0, w).reshape(1, -1).repeat(h, 0).astype(np.float32)
    yy = np.arange(0, h).reshape(-1, 1).repeat(w, 1).astype(np.float32)
    xx = C.Constant(xx, xx.shape)
    yy = C.Constant(yy, yy.shape)
    gx = ((xx + 0.5) / w) * gw
    gy = ((yy + 0.5) / h) * gh
    gz = C.clip(guide, 0.0, 1.0) * gd
    gz_no_grad = C.clip(guide_no_grad, 0.0, 1.0) * gd
    fx = C.element_max(C.floor(gx - 0.5), 0.0)
    fy = C.element_max(C.floor(gy - 0.5), 0.0)
    fz = C.element_max(C.floor(gz - 0.5), 0.0)
    fz_no_grad = C.element_max(C.floor(gz_no_grad - 0.5), 0.0)
    wx = gx - 0.5 - fx
    wy = gy - 0.5 - fy
    wx = C.expand_dims(C.expand_dims(wx, -1 - len(wx.shape)),
                       -1 - len(wx.shape))
    wy = C.expand_dims(C.expand_dims(wy, -1 - len(wy.shape)),
                       -1 - len(wy.shape))
    wz = C.abs(gz - 0.5 - fz)
    wz = C.expand_dims(wz, 0)
    fx = C.expand_dims(C.expand_dims(fx, -1 - len(fx.shape)),
                       -1 - len(fx.shape))
    fy = C.expand_dims(C.expand_dims(fy, -1 - len(fy.shape)),
                       -1 - len(fy.shape))
    cx = C.element_min(fx + 1, gw - 1)
    cy = C.element_min(fy + 1, gh - 1)
    cz = C.element_min(fz_no_grad + 1, gd - 1)
    batch_idx = np.arange(bs).reshape(bs, 1, 1, 1).astype(np.float32)
    batch_idx = C.Constant(batch_idx, batch_idx.shape)
    out = []
    flat_grid = C.reshape(grid, [-1])
    for c_ in range(co):
        c_idx = np.arange((ci + 1) * c_,
                          (ci + 1) * (c_ + 1)).reshape(1, ci + 1, 1,
        c_idx = C.Constant(c_idx, c_idx.shape)

        def flatten_and_gather(x, y, z):
            linear_idx = x + gw * y + gw * gh * z + c_idx * gw * gh * gd + batch_idx * gw * gh * gd * cg
            flat_linear_idx = C.reshape(linear_idx, [-1])
            return C.reshape(C.gather(flat_grid, flat_linear_idx),

        gather_fff = flatten_and_gather(fx, fy, fz_no_grad)
        gather_ffc = flatten_and_gather(fx, fy, cz)
        gather_fcf = flatten_and_gather(fx, cy, fz_no_grad)
        gather_fcc = flatten_and_gather(fx, cy, cz)
        gather_cff = flatten_and_gather(cx, fy, fz_no_grad)
        gather_cfc = flatten_and_gather(cx, fy, cz)
        gather_ccf = flatten_and_gather(cx, cy, fz_no_grad)
        gather_ccc = flatten_and_gather(cx, cy, cz)
        a = gather_fff*(1-wx)*(1-wy)*(1-wz) + \
            gather_ffc*(1-wx)*(1-wy)*(  wz) + \
            gather_fcf*(1-wx)*(  wy)*(1-wz) + \
            gather_fcc*(1-wx)*(  wy)*(  wz) + \
            gather_cff*(  wx)*(1-wy)*(1-wz) + \
            gather_cfc*(  wx)*(1-wy)*(  wz) + \
            gather_ccf*(  wx)*(  wy)*(1-wz) + \
            gather_ccc*(  wx)*(  wy)*(  wz)
        o = C.reduce_sum(a[:, :-1, ...] * im, 1) + a[:, -1, ...]
        out.append(C.expand_dims(o, 0))
    out = C.splice(*out, axis=1)
    loss = C.reduce_l2(out)

    grid_val = np.random.rand(bs, cg, gd, gh, gw).astype(np.float32)
    if show_image:
        guide_val = skio.imread("/data/rgb.png").mean(2)[:h, :w].astype(
        guide_val = np.expand_dims(guide_val / 255.0, 0)
        im_val = np.tile(np.expand_dims(guide_val, 1), [1, 3, 1, 1])
        out_val = out.eval({
            im: im_val,
            guide: guide_val,
            guide_no_grad: guide_val,
            grid: grid_val
        out_val = np.clip(np.transpose(np.squeeze(out_val), [1, 2, 0]), 0, 1)
        skio.imsave("/output/imout.png", out_val)
        im_val = np.random.randn(bs, ci, h, w)
        guide_val = np.random.rand(bs, h, w).astype(np.float32)
        # burning iteration
        for it in range(5):
            print('burning (', it, ')')
            g = loss.grad({
                im: im_val,
                guide: guide_val,
                guide_no_grad: guide_val,
                grid: grid_val
        # actual iterations
        start = time.time()
        for it in range(50):
            print('profiling (', it, ')')
            g = loss.grad({
                im: im_val,
                guide: guide_val,
                guide_no_grad: guide_val,
                grid: grid_val
        end = time.time()
    runtime = (end - start) * 1000.0 / 50.0
    print('Runtime:', runtime)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def main():
    bs = 4
    c = 64
    h = 512
    w = 512

    im = C.input_variable([bs, c, h, w], needs_gradient=True, dynamic_axes=[])
    warp = C.input_variable([bs, 2, h, w],
    warp_ng = C.input_variable([bs, 2, h, w],
    # Create indices
    dx = 0.5 * (warp[:, 0, :, :] + 1.0)
    dy = 0.5 * (warp[:, 1, :, :] + 1.0)
    new_x = C.clip(dx * w, 0, w)
    new_y = C.clip(dy * h, 0, h)
    fx = C.clip(C.floor(new_x), 0, w - 2)
    fy = C.clip(C.floor(new_y), 0, h - 2)
    wx = new_x - fx
    wy = new_y - fy
    dx_ng = 0.5 * (warp_ng[:, 0, :, :] + 1.0)
    dy_ng = 0.5 * (warp_ng[:, 1, :, :] + 1.0)
    new_x_ng = C.clip(dx_ng * w, 0, w)
    new_y_ng = C.clip(dy_ng * h, 0, h)
    fx_ng = C.clip(C.floor(new_x_ng), 0, w - 2)
    fy_ng = C.clip(C.floor(new_y_ng), 0, h - 2)

    chan_idx = np.arange(c).reshape(1, c, 1, 1)
    chan_idx = C.Constant(chan_idx, chan_idx.shape)
    batch_idx = np.arange(bs).reshape(bs, 1, 1, 1)
    batch_idx = C.Constant(batch_idx, batch_idx.shape)
    flat_im = C.reshape(im, [-1])

    def flatten_and_gather(x, y):
        linear_idx = x + w * y + w * h * chan_idx + w * h * c * batch_idx
        flat_linear_idx = C.reshape(linear_idx, [-1])
        return C.reshape(C.gather(flat_im, flat_linear_idx), linear_idx.shape)

    gather_ff = flatten_and_gather(fx_ng, fy_ng)
    gather_fc = flatten_and_gather(fx_ng, fy_ng + 1)
    gather_cf = flatten_and_gather(fx_ng + 1, fy_ng)
    gather_cc = flatten_and_gather(fx_ng + 1, fy_ng + 1)
    out = gather_ff*(1-wx)*(1-wy) + \
          gather_fc*(1-wx)*(  wy) + \
          gather_cf*(  wx)*(1-wy) + \
          gather_cc*(  wx)*(  wy)
    loss = C.reduce_l2(out)

    im_val = np.random.randn(bs, c, h, w).astype(np.float32)
    warp_val = np.random.rand(bs, 2, h, w).astype(np.float32)
    # burning iteration
    for it in range(5):
        print('burning (', it, ')')
        g = loss.grad({im: im_val, warp: warp_val, warp_ng: warp_val})
    # actual iterations
    start = time.time()
    for it in range(50):
        print('profiling (', it, ')')
        g = loss.grad({im: im_val, warp: warp_val, warp_ng: warp_val})
    end = time.time()
    runtime = (end - start) * 1000.0 / 50.0
    print('Runtime:', runtime)
def hierarchical_softmax_layer(input_var,
    A two layers hierarchical softmax function:

        input_var: Variable with shape: [#,*](dim_x)
        label_index: index of label's category:  [#,*](1)
        label_dim: number of the label categories
        label_classes: number of classes of the label categories
        output_prob: the probability of the given label [#,*](1)
        class_probs: the probability of all the label classes [#,*](label_classes)
        all_probs: the probability of all label classes 
    input_dim = input_var.shape[0]

    if not label_classes:
        label_classes = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(float(label_dim))))

    n_outputs_per_class = int(np.ceil(label_dim / label_classes))

    target_class = C.floor((label_index + 0.5) / n_outputs_per_class)
    target_output_in_class = C.round(label_index -
                                     target_class * n_outputs_per_class)

    w1 = parameter(shape=(input_dim, label_classes),
    b1 = parameter(shape=(label_classes),
    w2s = parameter(shape=(
    b2s = parameter(shape=(

    class_probs = softmax(b1 + times(input_var, w1))

    # TODO: fix the bug in backprop for sparse, and use sparse embedding to accelerate
    target_class_one_hot = C.one_hot(target_class,
    w2 = C.reshape(C.times(target_class_one_hot, w2s, output_rank=2),
                   [input_dim, -1])
    b2 = C.reshape(times(target_class_one_hot, b2s, output_rank=1), [-1])
    probs_in_class = softmax(b2 + times(input_var, w2))

    prob_in_class = C.times_transpose(
                  sparse_output=False), probs_in_class)
    class_prob = C.times_transpose(
        C.one_hot(target_class, num_classes=label_classes,
                  sparse_output=False), class_probs)
    output_prob = prob_in_class * class_prob

    # this is for calculating all the outputs' probabilities
    all_probs = []
    for i in range(label_classes):
        ci = C.constant(i)
        ci_one_hot = C.one_hot(ci,
        w2a = C.times(ci_one_hot, w2s, output_rank=2)
        b2a = C.times(ci_one_hot, b2s, output_rank=1)
        probs_in_classa = C.softmax(b2a + times(input_var, w2a))
        class_proba = C.times_transpose(ci_one_hot, class_probs)
        output_proba = probs_in_classa * class_proba

    return output_prob, class_probs, all_probs