Ejemplo n.º 1
 def validate(self, metadata_specs):
     Check that this metadata has the correct metadata keys and that it has
     metadata values of the correct types.
     expected_keys = set(spec.key for spec in metadata_specs)
     for key in self._metadata_keys:
         if key not in expected_keys:
             raise UsageError('Unexpected metadata key: %s' % (key, ))
     for spec in metadata_specs:
         if spec.key in self._metadata_keys:
             value = getattr(self, spec.key)
             if spec.type is float and isinstance(value, int):
                 # cast int to float
                 value = float(value)
             # Validate formatted string fields
             if issubclass(spec.type,
                           str) and spec.formatting is not None and value:
                     if spec.formatting == 'duration':
                     elif spec.formatting == 'size':
                     elif spec.formatting == 'date':
                 except ValueError as e:
                     raise UsageError(str(e))
             if value is not None and not isinstance(value, spec.type):
                 raise UsageError(
                     'Metadata value for %s should be of type %s, was %s (type %s)'
                     % (spec.key, spec.type.__name__, value,
         elif not spec.generated and not spec.optional:
             raise UsageError('Missing metadata key: %s' % (spec.key, ))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def validate(self, metadata_specs):
     Check that this metadata has the correct metadata keys and that it has
     metadata values of the correct types.
     expected_keys = set(spec.key for spec in metadata_specs)
     for key in self._metadata_keys:
         if key not in expected_keys:
             raise UsageError('Unexpected metadata key: %s' % (key,))
     for spec in metadata_specs:
         if spec.key in self._metadata_keys:
             value = getattr(self, spec.key)
             if spec.type is float and isinstance(value, int):
                 # cast int to float
                 value = float(value)
             # Validate formatted string fields
             if issubclass(spec.type, basestring) and spec.formatting is not None and value:
                     if spec.formatting == 'duration':
                     elif spec.formatting == 'size':
                     elif spec.formatting == 'date':
                 except ValueError as e:
                     raise UsageError(e.message)
             if value is not None and not isinstance(value, spec.type):
                 raise UsageError(
                     'Metadata value for %s should be of type %s, was %s (type %s)'
                     % (spec.key, spec.type.__name__, value, type(value).__name__)
         elif not spec.generated:
             raise UsageError('Missing metadata key: %s' % (spec.key,))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _compute_request_time(self, bundle):
     Compute the time limit used for scheduling the run.
     #TODO: Remove this once we want to deprecate old versions
     if not bundle.metadata.request_time:
         return formatting.parse_duration('1d')
     return formatting.parse_duration(bundle.metadata.request_time)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def default_user_info(self):
     info = self.config['server'].get('default_user_info', {
         'time_quota': '1y',
         'disk_quota': '1t'
     info['time_quota'] = formatting.parse_duration(info['time_quota'])
     info['disk_quota'] = formatting.parse_size(info['disk_quota'])
     return info
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _compute_request_time(self, bundle):
     Compute the time limit used for scheduling the run.
     The default is min(time quota the user has left, global max)
     if not bundle.metadata.request_time:
         return self._max_request_time
     return formatting.parse_duration(bundle.metadata.request_time)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def default_user_info(self):
     info = self.config['server'].get(
         'default_user_info', {'time_quota': '1y', 'disk_quota': '1t'}
     return {
         'time_quota': formatting.parse_duration(info['time_quota']),
         'disk_quota': formatting.parse_size(info['disk_quota']),
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def default_user_info(self):
     info = self.config['server'].get(
         'default_user_info', {'time_quota': '1y', 'disk_quota': '1t', 'parallel_run_quota': 3}
     return {
         'time_quota': formatting.parse_duration(info['time_quota']),
         'disk_quota': formatting.parse_size(info['disk_quota']),
         'parallel_run_quota': info['parallel_run_quota'],
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def _compute_request_time(self, bundle):
     Compute the time limit used for scheduling the run.
     The default is min(time quota the user has left, global max)
     if not bundle.metadata.request_time:
         return min(
             self._model.get_user_time_quota_left(bundle.owner_id) - 1, self._max_request_time
     return formatting.parse_duration(bundle.metadata.request_time)
 def _compute_request_time(self, bundle, user_info=None):
     Compute the time limit used for scheduling the run.
     The default is min(time quota the user has left, global max)
     if not bundle.metadata.request_time:
         return min(
             self._model.get_user_time_quota_left(bundle.owner_id, user_info) - 1,
     return formatting.parse_duration(bundle.metadata.request_time)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def _compute_request_time(self, bundle):
     Compute the time limit used for scheduling the run.
     return formatting.parse_duration(bundle.metadata.request_time)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def start_bundle(self, bundle, bundle_store, parent_dict, username):
        Sets up all the temporary files and then dispatches the job.
        username: the username of the owner of the bundle
        Returns the bundle information.
        # Create a temporary directory
        temp_dir = canonicalize.get_current_location(bundle_store, bundle.uuid)
        temp_dir = os.path.realpath(temp_dir)  # Follow symlinks

        # Copy all the dependencies to that temporary directory.
        pairs = bundle.get_dependency_paths(bundle_store, parent_dict, temp_dir)
        print >>sys.stderr, 'RemoteMachine.start_bundle: copying dependencies of %s to %s' % (bundle.uuid, temp_dir)
        for (source, target) in pairs:
            path_util.copy(source, target, follow_symlinks=False)

        # Set defaults for the dispatcher.
        docker_image = self.default_docker_image
        if bundle.metadata.request_docker_image:
            docker_image = bundle.metadata.request_docker_image
        request_time = self.default_request_time
        if bundle.metadata.request_time:
            request_time = bundle.metadata.request_time
        request_memory = self.default_request_memory
        if bundle.metadata.request_memory:
            request_memory = bundle.metadata.request_memory
        request_cpus = self.default_request_cpus
        if bundle.metadata.request_cpus:
            request_cpus = bundle.metadata.request_cpus
        request_gpus = self.default_request_gpus
        if bundle.metadata.request_gpus:
            request_gpus = bundle.metadata.request_gpus
        request_queue = self.default_request_queue
        if bundle.metadata.request_queue:
            request_queue = bundle.metadata.request_queue
        request_priority = self.default_request_priority
        if bundle.metadata.request_priority:
            request_priority = bundle.metadata.request_priority

        script_file = temp_dir + '.sh'  # main entry point
        ptr_temp_dir = '$temp_dir'
        # 1) If no argument to script_file, use the temp_dir (e.g., Torque, master/worker share file system).
        # 2) If argument is 'use_script_for_temp_dir', use the script to determine temp_dir (e.g., qsub, no master/worker do not share file system).
        set_temp_dir_header = 'if [ -z "$1" ]; then temp_dir=' + temp_dir + '; else temp_dir=`readlink -f $0 | sed -e \'s/\\.sh$//\'`; fi\n'

        # Write the command to be executed to a script.
        if docker_image:
            internal_script_file = temp_dir + '-internal.sh'  # run inside the docker container
            # These paths depend on $temp_dir, an environment variable which will be set (referenced inside script_file)
            ptr_container_file = ptr_temp_dir + '.cid'  # contains the docker container id
            ptr_action_file = ptr_temp_dir + '.action'  # send actions to the container (e.g., kill)
            ptr_status_dir = ptr_temp_dir + '.status'  # receive information from the container (e.g., memory)
            ptr_script_file = ptr_temp_dir + '.sh'  # main entry point
            ptr_internal_script_file = ptr_temp_dir + '-internal.sh'  # run inside the docker container
            # Names of file inside the docker container
            docker_temp_dir = bundle.uuid
            docker_internal_script_file = bundle.uuid + '-internal.sh'

            # 1) script_file starts the docker container and runs internal_script_file in docker.
            # --rm removes the docker container once the job terminates (note that this makes things slow)
            # -v mounts the internal and user scripts and the temp directory
            # Trap SIGTERM and forward it to docker.
            with open(script_file, 'w') as f:

                # Monitor CPU/memory/disk
                def copy_if_exists(source_template, arg, target):
                    source = source_template % arg
                    # -f because target might be read-only
                    return 'if [ -e %s ] && [ -e %s ]; then cp -f %s %s; fi' % (arg, source, source, target)
                monitor_commands = [
                    # Report on status (memory, cpu, etc.)
                    'mkdir -p %s' % ptr_status_dir,
                    'if [ -e /cgroup ]; then cgroup=/cgroup; else cgroup=/sys/fs/cgroup; fi',  # find where cgroup is
                    copy_if_exists('$cgroup/cpuacct/docker/$(cat %s)/cpuacct.stat', ptr_container_file, ptr_status_dir),
                    copy_if_exists('$cgroup/memory/docker/$(cat %s)/memory.usage_in_bytes', ptr_container_file, ptr_status_dir),
                    copy_if_exists('$cgroup/blkio/docker/$(cat %s)/blkio.throttle.io_service_bytes', ptr_container_file, ptr_status_dir),
                    # Respond to kill action
                    '[ -e %s ] && [ "$(cat %s)" == "kill" ] && docker kill $(cat %s) && rm %s' % (ptr_action_file, ptr_action_file, ptr_container_file, ptr_action_file),
                    # Sleep
                    'sleep 1',
                f.write('while [ -e %s ]; do\n  %s\ndone &\n' % (ptr_temp_dir, '\n  '. join(monitor_commands)))

                # Tell docker to constrain resources (memory).
                # Note: limiting memory is not always supported. See:
                # http://programster.blogspot.com/2014/09/docker-implementing-container-memory.html
                resource_args = ''
                if bundle.metadata.request_memory:
                    resource_args += ' -m %s' % int(formatting.parse_size(bundle.metadata.request_memory))
                # TODO: would constrain --cpuset=0, but difficult because don't know the CPU ids

                f.write("docker run%s --rm --cidfile %s -u %s -v %s:/%s -v %s:/%s %s bash %s & wait $!\n" % (
                    ptr_temp_dir, docker_temp_dir,
                    ptr_internal_script_file, docker_internal_script_file,

            # 2) internal_script_file runs the actual command inside the docker container
            with open(internal_script_file, 'w') as f:
                # Make sure I have a username
                username = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]  # do this because os.getlogin() doesn't always work
                f.write("echo %s::%s:%s::/:/bin/bash >> /etc/passwd\n" % (username, os.geteuid(), os.getgid()))
                # Do this because .bashrc isn't sourced automatically (even with --login, though it works with docker -t -i, strange...)
                f.write(". .bashrc || exit 1\n")
                # Go into the temp directory
                f.write("cd %s &&\n" % docker_temp_dir)
                # Run the actual command
                f.write('(%s) > stdout 2>stderr\n' % bundle.command)
            # Just run the command regularly without docker
            with open(script_file, 'w') as f:
                f.write("cd %s &&\n" % ptr_temp_dir)
                f.write('(%s) > stdout 2>stderr\n' % bundle.command)

        # Determine resources to request
        resource_args = []
        if request_time:
            resource_args.extend(['--request_time', formatting.parse_duration(request_time)])
        if request_memory:
            resource_args.extend(['--request_memory', formatting.parse_size(request_memory)])
        if request_cpus:
            resource_args.extend(['--request_cpus', request_cpus])
        if request_gpus:
            resource_args.extend(['--request_gpus', request_gpus])
        if request_queue:
            resource_args.extend(['--request_queue', request_queue])
        if request_priority:
            resource_args.extend(['--request_priority', request_priority])
        if username:
            resource_args.extend(['--username', username])

        # Start the command
        args = self.dispatch_command.split() + ['start'] + map(str, resource_args) + [script_file]
        if self.verbose >= 1: print '=== start_bundle(): running %s' % args
        result = json.loads(self.run_command_get_stdout(args))
        if self.verbose >= 1: print '=== start_bundle(): got %s' % result

        # Return the information about the job.
        return {
            'bundle': bundle,
            'temp_dir': temp_dir,
            'job_handle': result['handle'],
            'docker_image': docker_image,
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def start_bundle(self, bundle, bundle_store, parent_dict, username):
        Sets up all the temporary files and then dispatches the job.
        username: the username of the owner of the bundle
        Returns the bundle information.
        # Create a temporary directory
        temp_dir = canonicalize.get_current_location(bundle_store, bundle.uuid)
        temp_dir = os.path.realpath(temp_dir)  # Follow symlinks

        # Copy all the dependencies to that temporary directory.
        pairs = bundle.get_dependency_paths(bundle_store, parent_dict, temp_dir)
        print >>sys.stderr, 'RemoteMachine.start_bundle: copying dependencies of %s to %s' % (bundle.uuid, temp_dir)
        for (source, target) in pairs:
            path_util.copy(source, target, follow_symlinks=False)

        # Set docker image
        docker_image = self.default_docker_image
        if bundle.metadata.request_docker_image:
            docker_image = bundle.metadata.request_docker_image

        # Write the command to be executed to a script.
        if docker_image:
            container_file = temp_dir + '.cid'  # contains the docker container id
            action_file = temp_dir + '.action'  # send actions to the container (e.g., kill)
            status_dir = temp_dir + '.status'  # receive information from the container (e.g., memory)
            script_file = temp_dir + '.sh'  # main entry point
            internal_script_file = temp_dir + '-internal.sh'  # run inside the docker container
            # Names of file inside the docker container
            docker_temp_dir = bundle.uuid
            docker_internal_script_file = bundle.uuid + '-internal.sh'

            # 1) script_file starts the docker container and runs internal_script_file in docker.
            # --rm removes the docker container once the job terminates (note that this makes things slow)
            # -v mounts the internal and user scripts and the temp directory
            # Trap SIGTERM and forward it to docker.
            with open(script_file, 'w') as f:
                # trap doesn't quite work reliably with Torque, so don't use it
                #f.write('trap \'echo Killing docker container $(cat %s); docker kill $(cat %s); echo Killed: $?; exit 143\' TERM\n' % (container_file, container_file))
                # Inspect doesn't tell us a lot, so don't use it
                #f.write('while [ -e %s ]; do docker inspect $(cat %s) > %s; sleep 1; done &\n' % (temp_dir, container_file, status_dir))
                # Monitor CPU/memory/disk
                monitor_commands = [
                    # Report on status
                    'mkdir -p %s' % status_dir,
                    'if [ -e /cgroup ]; then cgroup=/cgroup; else cgroup=/sys/fs/cgroup; fi',  # find where cgroup is
                    'cp -f $cgroup/cpuacct/docker/$(cat %s)/cpuacct.stat %s' % (container_file, status_dir),
                    'cp -f $cgroup/memory/docker/$(cat %s)/memory.usage_in_bytes %s' % (container_file, status_dir),
                    'cp -f $cgroup/blkio/docker/$(cat %s)/blkio.throttle.io_service_bytes %s' % (container_file, status_dir),
                    # Respond to actions
                    '[ -e %s ] && [ "$(cat %s)" == "kill" ] && docker kill $(cat %s) && rm %s' % (action_file, action_file, container_file, action_file),
                f.write('while [ -e %s ]; do %s; sleep 1; done &\n' % (temp_dir, '; '. join(monitor_commands)))

                # Constrain resources
                resource_args = ''
                if bundle.metadata.request_memory:
                    resource_args += ' -m %s' % int(formatting.parse_size(bundle.metadata.request_memory))
                # TODO: would constrain --cpuset=0, but difficult because don't know the CPU ids

                f.write("docker run%s --rm --cidfile %s -u %s -v %s:/%s -v %s:/%s %s bash %s & wait $!\n" % (
                    container_file, os.geteuid(),
                    temp_dir, docker_temp_dir,
                    internal_script_file, docker_internal_script_file,
                    docker_image, docker_internal_script_file))

            # 2) internal_script_file runs the actual command inside the docker container
            with open(internal_script_file, 'w') as f:
                # Make sure I have a username
                f.write("echo %s::%s:%s::/:/bin/bash >> /etc/passwd\n" % (os.getlogin(), os.geteuid(), os.getgid()))
                # Do this because .bashrc isn't sourced automatically (even with --login, though it works with docker -t -i, strange...)
                f.write(". .bashrc || exit 1\n")
                # Go into the temp directory
                f.write("cd %s &&\n" % docker_temp_dir)
                # Run the actual command
                f.write('(%s) > stdout 2>stderr\n' % bundle.command)
            # Just run the command regularly without docker
            script_file = temp_dir + '.sh'
            with open(script_file, 'w') as f:
                f.write("cd %s &&\n" % temp_dir)
                f.write('(%s) > stdout 2>stderr\n' % bundle.command)

        # Determine resources to request
        resource_args = []
        if bundle.metadata.request_time:
            resource_args.extend(['--request_time', formatting.parse_duration(bundle.metadata.request_time)])
        if bundle.metadata.request_memory:
            resource_args.extend(['--request_memory', formatting.parse_size(bundle.metadata.request_memory)])
        if bundle.metadata.request_cpus:
            resource_args.extend(['--request_cpus', bundle.metadata.request_cpus])
        if bundle.metadata.request_gpus:
            resource_args.extend(['--request_gpus', bundle.metadata.request_gpus])
        if bundle.metadata.request_queue:
            resource_args.extend(['--request_queue', bundle.metadata.request_queue])
        if username:
            resource_args.extend(['--username', username])

        # Start the command
        args = self.dispatch_command.split() + ['start'] + map(str, resource_args) + [script_file]
        if self.verbose >= 1: print '=== start_bundle(): running %s' % args
        result = json.loads(self.run_command_get_stdout(args))
        if self.verbose >= 1: print '=== start_bundle(): got %s' % result

        # Return the information about the job.
        return {
            'bundle': bundle,
            'temp_dir': temp_dir,
            'job_handle': result['handle'],
            'docker_image': docker_image,
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data):
     return formatting.parse_duration(value)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def start_bundle(self, bundle, bundle_store, parent_dict, username):
        Sets up all the temporary files and then dispatches the job.
        username: the username of the owner of the bundle
        Returns the bundle information.
        # Create a temporary directory
        temp_dir = canonicalize.get_current_location(bundle_store, bundle.uuid)
        temp_dir = os.path.realpath(temp_dir)  # Follow symlinks

        # Copy all the dependencies to that temporary directory.
        pairs = bundle.get_dependency_paths(bundle_store, parent_dict,
        print >> sys.stderr, 'RemoteMachine.start_bundle: copying dependencies of %s to %s' % (
            bundle.uuid, temp_dir)
        for (source, target) in pairs:
            path_util.copy(source, target, follow_symlinks=False)

        # Set defaults for the dispatcher.
        docker_image = self.default_docker_image
        if bundle.metadata.request_docker_image:
            docker_image = bundle.metadata.request_docker_image
        request_time = self.default_request_time
        if bundle.metadata.request_time:
            request_time = bundle.metadata.request_time
        request_memory = self.default_request_memory
        if bundle.metadata.request_memory:
            request_memory = bundle.metadata.request_memory
        request_cpus = self.default_request_cpus
        if bundle.metadata.request_cpus:
            request_cpus = bundle.metadata.request_cpus
        request_gpus = self.default_request_gpus
        if bundle.metadata.request_gpus:
            request_gpus = bundle.metadata.request_gpus
        request_queue = self.default_request_queue
        if bundle.metadata.request_queue:
            request_queue = bundle.metadata.request_queue
        request_priority = self.default_request_priority
        if bundle.metadata.request_priority:
            request_priority = bundle.metadata.request_priority

        script_file = temp_dir + '.sh'  # main entry point
        ptr_temp_dir = '$temp_dir'
        # 1) If no argument to script_file, use the temp_dir (e.g., Torque, master/worker share file system).
        # 2) If argument is 'use_script_for_temp_dir', use the script to determine temp_dir (e.g., qsub, no master/worker do not share file system).
        set_temp_dir_header = 'if [ -z "$1" ]; then temp_dir=' + temp_dir + '; else temp_dir=`readlink -f $0 | sed -e \'s/\\.sh$//\'`; fi\n'

        # Write the command to be executed to a script.
        if docker_image:
            internal_script_file = temp_dir + '-internal.sh'  # run inside the docker container
            # These paths depend on $temp_dir, an environment variable which will be set (referenced inside script_file)
            ptr_container_file = ptr_temp_dir + '.cid'  # contains the docker container id
            ptr_action_file = ptr_temp_dir + '.action'  # send actions to the container (e.g., kill)
            ptr_status_dir = ptr_temp_dir + '.status'  # receive information from the container (e.g., memory)
            ptr_script_file = ptr_temp_dir + '.sh'  # main entry point
            ptr_internal_script_file = ptr_temp_dir + '-internal.sh'  # run inside the docker container
            # Names of file inside the docker container
            docker_temp_dir = bundle.uuid
            docker_internal_script_file = bundle.uuid + '-internal.sh'

            # 1) script_file starts the docker container and runs internal_script_file in docker.
            # --rm removes the docker container once the job terminates (note that this makes things slow)
            # -v mounts the internal and user scripts and the temp directory
            # Trap SIGTERM and forward it to docker.
            with open(script_file, 'w') as f:

                # Monitor CPU/memory/disk
                def copy_if_exists(source_template, arg, target):
                    source = source_template % arg
                    # -f because target might be read-only
                    return 'if [ -e %s ] && [ -e %s ]; then cp -f %s %s; fi' % (
                        arg, source, source, target)

                monitor_commands = [
                    # Report on status (memory, cpu, etc.)
                    'mkdir -p %s' % ptr_status_dir,
                    'if [ -e /cgroup ]; then cgroup=/cgroup; else cgroup=/sys/fs/cgroup; fi',  # find where cgroup is
                        '$cgroup/cpuacct/docker/$(cat %s)/cpuacct.stat',
                        ptr_container_file, ptr_status_dir),
                        '$cgroup/memory/docker/$(cat %s)/memory.usage_in_bytes',
                        ptr_container_file, ptr_status_dir),
                        '$cgroup/blkio/docker/$(cat %s)/blkio.throttle.io_service_bytes',
                        ptr_container_file, ptr_status_dir),
                    # Respond to kill action
                    '[ -e %s ] && [ "$(cat %s)" == "kill" ] && docker kill $(cat %s) && rm %s'
                    % (ptr_action_file, ptr_action_file, ptr_container_file,
                    # Sleep
                    'sleep 1',
                f.write('while [ -e %s ]; do\n  %s\ndone &\n' %
                        (ptr_temp_dir, '\n  '.join(monitor_commands)))

                # Tell docker to constrain resources (memory).
                # Note: limiting memory is not always supported. See:
                # http://programster.blogspot.com/2014/09/docker-implementing-container-memory.html
                resource_args = ''
                if bundle.metadata.request_memory:
                    resource_args += ' -m %s' % int(
                # TODO: would constrain --cpuset=0, but difficult because don't know the CPU ids

                    "docker run%s --rm --cidfile %s -u %s -v %s:/%s -v %s:/%s %s bash %s >%s/stdout 2>%s/stderr & wait $!\n"
                    (resource_args, ptr_container_file, os.geteuid(),
                     ptr_temp_dir, docker_temp_dir, ptr_internal_script_file,
                     docker_internal_script_file, docker_image,
                     docker_internal_script_file, ptr_temp_dir, ptr_temp_dir))

            # 2) internal_script_file runs the actual command inside the docker container
            with open(internal_script_file, 'w') as f:
                # Make sure I have a username
                username = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[
                    0]  # do this because os.getlogin() doesn't always work
                f.write("echo %s::%s:%s::/:/bin/bash >> /etc/passwd\n" %
                        (username, os.geteuid(), os.getgid()))
                # Do this because .bashrc isn't sourced automatically (even with --login, though it works with docker -t -i, strange...)
                f.write(". .bashrc || exit 1\n")
                # Go into the temp directory
                f.write("cd %s &&\n" % docker_temp_dir)
                # Run the actual command
                f.write('(%s) >>stdout 2>>stderr\n' % bundle.command)
            # Just run the command regularly without docker
            with open(script_file, 'w') as f:
                f.write("cd %s &&\n" % ptr_temp_dir)
                f.write('(%s) >stdout 2>stderr\n' % bundle.command)

        # Determine resources to request
        resource_args = []
        if request_time:
        if request_memory:
        if request_cpus:
            resource_args.extend(['--request_cpus', request_cpus])
        if request_gpus:
            resource_args.extend(['--request_gpus', request_gpus])
        if request_queue:
            resource_args.extend(['--request_queue', request_queue])
        if request_priority:
            resource_args.extend(['--request_priority', request_priority])
        if username:
            resource_args.extend(['--username', username])

        # Start the command
        args = self.dispatch_command.split() + ['start'] + map(
            str, resource_args) + [script_file]
        if self.verbose >= 1: print '=== start_bundle(): running %s' % args
        result = json.loads(self.run_command_get_stdout(args))
        if self.verbose >= 1: print '=== start_bundle(): got %s' % result

        # Return the information about the job.
        return {
            'bundle': bundle,
            'temp_dir': temp_dir,
            'job_handle': result['handle'],
            'docker_image': docker_image,