Ejemplo n.º 1
def _update_bundles():
    Bulk update bundles.
    bundle_updates = (BundleSchema(
        strict=True, many=True,

    # Check permissions
    bundle_uuids = [b.pop('uuid') for b in bundle_updates]
    check_bundles_have_all_permission(local.model, request.user, bundle_uuids)
    bundles = local.model.batch_get_bundles(uuid=bundle_uuids)

    # Update bundles
    for bundle, update in izip(bundles, bundle_updates):
        local.model.update_bundle(bundle, update)

    # Get updated bundles
    bundles_dict = get_bundle_infos(bundle_uuids)

    # Create list of bundles in original order
    updated_bundles = [bundles_dict[uuid] for uuid in bundle_uuids]

    return BundleSchema(many=True).dump(updated_bundles).data
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_bundle_actions():
    Sends the message to the worker to do the bundle action, and adds the
    action string to the bundle metadata.
    actions = BundleActionSchema(strict=True, many=True).load(request.json).data

    check_bundles_have_all_permission(local.model, request.user, [a['uuid'] for a in actions])

    for action in actions:
        bundle = local.model.get_bundle(action['uuid'])
        if bundle.state not in [State.RUNNING, State.PREPARING]:
            raise UsageError('Cannot execute this action on a bundle that is not running.')

        worker = local.worker_model.get_bundle_worker(action['uuid'])
            local.worker_model.send_json_message(worker['socket_id'], action, 60),
            'Unable to reach worker.',

        new_actions = getattr(bundle.metadata, 'actions', []) + [BundleAction.as_string(action)]
        db_update = {'metadata': {'actions': new_actions}}
        local.model.update_bundle(bundle, db_update)

    return BundleActionSchema(many=True).dump(actions).data
 def kill_bundles(self, bundle_uuids):
     Send a kill command to all the given bundles.
     check_bundles_have_all_permission(self.model, self._current_user(), bundle_uuids)
     for bundle_uuid in bundle_uuids:
         self.model.add_bundle_action(bundle_uuid, Command.KILL)
def create_bundle_actions():
    Sends the message to the worker to do the bundle action, and adds the
    action string to the bundle metadata.
    actions = BundleActionSchema(strict=True,

    check_bundles_have_all_permission(local.model, request.user,
                                      [a['uuid'] for a in actions])

    for action in actions:
        bundle = local.model.get_bundle(action['uuid'])
        if bundle.state not in [State.RUNNING, State.PREPARING]:
            raise UsageError(
                'Cannot execute this action on a bundle that is not running.')

        worker = local.worker_model.get_bundle_worker(action['uuid'])
            local.worker_model.send_json_message(worker['socket_id'], action,
            'Unable to reach worker.',

        new_actions = getattr(bundle.metadata, 'actions',
                              []) + [BundleAction.as_string(action)]
        db_update = {'metadata': {'actions': new_actions}}
        local.model.update_bundle(bundle, db_update)

    return BundleActionSchema(many=True).dump(actions).data
Ejemplo n.º 5
def set_bundle_permissions(new_permissions):
    # Check if current user has permission to set bundle permissions
        local.model, request.user, [p['object_uuid'] for p in new_permissions]
    # Sequentially set bundle permissions
    for p in new_permissions:
        local.model.set_group_bundle_permission(p['group_uuid'], p['object_uuid'], p['permission'])
 def chown_bundles(self, bundle_uuids, user_spec):
     Set the owner of the bundles to the user.
     check_bundles_have_all_permission(self.model, self._current_user(), bundle_uuids)
     user_info = self.user_info(user_spec)
     # Update bundles
     for bundle_uuid in bundle_uuids:
         bundle = self.model.get_bundle(bundle_uuid)
         self.model.update_bundle(bundle, {'owner_id': user_info['id']})
Ejemplo n.º 7
def create_bundle_actions():
    Sends the message to the worker to do the bundle action, and adds the
    action string to the bundle metadata.
    actions = BundleActionSchema(strict=True,

    check_bundles_have_all_permission(local.model, request.user,
                                      [a['uuid'] for a in actions])
    for action in actions:
        bundle = local.model.get_bundle(action['uuid'])
        if bundle.state in [State.READY, State.FAILED, State.KILLED]:
            print("usage arror in ready, failed or killed.")
            raise UsageError(
                'Cannot execute this action on a bundle that is in the following states: ready, failed, killed. '
                'Kill action can be executed on bundles in created, uploading, staged, making, starting, '
                'running, preparing, or finalizing state.')

        worker = local.model.get_bundle_worker(action['uuid'])
        new_actions = getattr(bundle.metadata, 'actions',
                              []) + [BundleAction.as_string(action)]

        # The state updates of bundles in PREPARING, RUNNING, or FINALIZING state will be handled on the worker side.
        if worker:
            print(">>> worker exist....")
                                                     action, 60),
                'Unable to reach worker.',
                                      {'metadata': {
                                          'actions': new_actions
            print(">>> worker does not exist....")

            # The state updates of bundles in CREATED, UPLOADING, MAKING, STARTING or STAGED state
            # will be handled on the rest-server side.
            local.model.update_bundle(bundle, {
                'state': State.KILLED,
                'metadata': {
                    'actions': new_actions

    return BundleActionSchema(many=True).dump(actions).data
    def delete_bundles(self, uuids, force, recursive, data_only, dry_run):
        Delete the bundles specified by |uuids|.
        If |recursive|, add all bundles downstream too.
        If |data_only|, only remove from the bundle store, not the bundle metadata.
        relevant_uuids = self.model.get_self_and_descendants(uuids, depth=sys.maxint)
        uuids_set = set(uuids)
        relevant_uuids_set = set(relevant_uuids)
        if not recursive:
            # If any descendants exist, then we only delete uuids if force = True.
            if (not force) and uuids_set != relevant_uuids_set:
                relevant = self.model.batch_get_bundles(uuid=(set(relevant_uuids) - set(uuids)))
                raise UsageError('Can\'t delete bundles %s because the following bundles depend on them:\n  %s' % (
                  ' '.join(uuids),
                  '\n  '.join(bundle.simple_str() for bundle in relevant),
            relevant_uuids = uuids
        check_bundles_have_all_permission(self.model, self._current_user(), relevant_uuids)

        # Make sure that bundles are not referenced in multiple places (otherwise, it's very dangerous)
        if not force:
            result = self.model.get_host_worksheet_uuids(relevant_uuids)
            for uuid, host_worksheet_uuids in result.items():
                if len(set(host_worksheet_uuids)) > 1:
                    worksheets = self.model.batch_get_worksheets(fetch_items=False, uuid=host_worksheet_uuids)
                    raise UsageError('Can\'t delete bundle %s because it appears in multiple worksheets:\n  %s' % (
                        '\n  '.join(worksheet.simple_str() for worksheet in worksheets)))

        # Get data hashes
        relevant_data_hashes = set(bundle.data_hash for bundle in self.model.batch_get_bundles(uuid=relevant_uuids) if bundle.data_hash)

        # Delete the actual bundle
        if not dry_run:
            if data_only:
                # Just remove references to the data hashes
                # Actually delete the bundle

        # Delete the data_hash
        for data_hash in relevant_data_hashes:
            self.bundle_store.cleanup(self.model, data_hash, relevant_uuids, dry_run)

        return relevant_uuids
    def set_bundles_perm(self, bundle_uuids, group_spec, permission_spec):
        Give the given |group_spec| the desired |permission_spec| on |bundle_uuids|.
        check_bundles_have_all_permission(self.model, self._current_user(), bundle_uuids)
        group_info = self._get_group_info(group_spec, need_admin=False)

        for bundle_uuid in bundle_uuids:
            old_permission = self.model.get_group_bundle_permission(group_info['uuid'], bundle_uuid)
            new_permission = parse_permission(permission_spec)
            if new_permission > 0:
                if old_permission > 0:
                    self.model.update_bundle_permission(group_info['uuid'], bundle_uuid, new_permission)
                    self.model.add_bundle_permission(group_info['uuid'], bundle_uuid, new_permission)
                if old_permission > 0:
                    self.model.delete_bundle_permission(group_info['uuid'], bundle_uuid)
        return {'group_info': group_info, 'permission': new_permission}
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _update_bundles():
    Bulk update bundles.
    bundle_updates = (BundleSchema(
        strict=True, many=True,

    # Check permissions
    bundle_uuids = [b.pop('uuid') for b in bundle_updates]
    check_bundles_have_all_permission(local.model, request.user, bundle_uuids)
    bundles = local.model.batch_get_bundles(uuid=bundle_uuids)
    for bundle, update in zip(bundles, bundle_updates):
        if "frozen" not in update:
            # If we're freezing or unfreezing the bundle, check that
            # the bundle is in a final state.
            # If we're freezing, additionally check that the bundle is not already frozen.
            if update["frozen"]:

    # Update bundles
    for bundle, update in zip(bundles, bundle_updates):
        local.model.update_bundle(bundle, update)

    # Get updated bundles
    bundles_dict = get_bundle_infos(bundle_uuids)
    # Create list of bundles in original order
    # Need to check if the UUID is in the dict, since there is a chance that a bundle is deleted
    # right after being updated.
    updated_bundles = [
        bundles_dict[uuid] for uuid in bundle_uuids if uuid in bundles_dict

    return BundleSchema(many=True).dump(updated_bundles).data
Ejemplo n.º 11
def delete_bundles(uuids, force, recursive, data_only, dry_run):
    Delete the bundles specified by |uuids|.
    If |force|, allow deletion of bundles that have descendants or that appear across multiple worksheets.
    If |recursive|, add all bundles downstream too.
    If |data_only|, only remove from the bundle store, not the bundle metadata.
    relevant_uuids = local.model.get_self_and_descendants(uuids,
    if not recursive:
        # If any descendants exist, then we only delete uuids if force = True.
        if (not force) and set(uuids) != set(relevant_uuids):
            relevant = local.model.batch_get_bundles(
                uuid=(set(relevant_uuids) - set(uuids)))
            raise UsageError(
                'Can\'t delete bundles %s because the following bundles depend on them:\n  %s'
                % (' '.join(uuids), '\n  '.join(bundle.simple_str()
                                                for bundle in relevant)))
        relevant_uuids = uuids
    check_bundles_have_all_permission(local.model, request.user,

    # Make sure we don't delete bundles which are active.
    states = local.model.get_bundle_states(uuids)
    logger.debug('delete states: %s', states)
    active_uuids = [
        uuid for (uuid, state) in states.items()
        if state in State.ACTIVE_STATES
    logger.debug('delete actives: %s', active_uuids)
    if len(active_uuids) > 0:
        raise UsageError('Can\'t delete bundles: %s. ' %
                         (' '.join(active_uuids)) +
                         'For run bundles, kill them first. ' +
                         'Bundles stuck not running will eventually ' +
                         'automatically be moved to a state where they ' +
                         'can be deleted.')

    # Make sure that bundles are not referenced in multiple places (otherwise, it's very dangerous)
    result = local.model.get_all_host_worksheet_uuids(relevant_uuids)
    for uuid, host_worksheet_uuids in result.items():
        worksheets = local.model.batch_get_worksheets(
            fetch_items=False, uuid=host_worksheet_uuids)
        frozen_worksheets = [
            worksheet for worksheet in worksheets if worksheet.frozen
        if len(frozen_worksheets) > 0:
            raise UsageError(
                "Can't delete bundle %s because it appears in frozen worksheets "
                "(need to delete worksheet first):\n  %s" %
                (uuid, '\n  '.join(worksheet.simple_str()
                                   for worksheet in frozen_worksheets)))
        if not force and len(host_worksheet_uuids) > 1:
            raise UsageError(
                "Can't delete bundle %s because it appears in multiple worksheets "
                "(--force to override):\n  %s" %
                (uuid, '\n  '.join(worksheet.simple_str()
                                   for worksheet in worksheets)))

    # Delete the actual bundle
    if not dry_run:
        if data_only:
            # Just remove references to the data hashes
            # Actually delete the bundle

        # Update user statistics

    # Delete the data.
    bundle_link_urls = local.model.get_bundle_metadata(relevant_uuids,
    for uuid in relevant_uuids:
        # check first is needs to be deleted
        bundle_link_url = bundle_link_urls.get(uuid)
        if bundle_link_url:
            # Don't physically delete linked bundles.
            bundle_location = local.bundle_store.get_bundle_location(uuid)
            if os.path.lexists(bundle_location):
                local.bundle_store.cleanup(uuid, dry_run)

    return relevant_uuids
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _update_bundle_contents_blob(uuid):
    Update the contents of the given running or uploading bundle.

    Query parameters:
    - `urls`: (optional) comma-separated list of URLs from which to fetch data
      to fill the bundle, using this option will ignore any uploaded file data
    - `git`: (optional) 1 if URL should be interpreted as git repos to clone
      or 0 otherwise, default is 0.
    - `filename`: (optional) filename of the uploaded file, used to indicate
      whether or not it is an archive, default is 'contents'
    - `unpack`: (optional) 1 if the uploaded file should be unpacked if it is
      an archive, or 0 otherwise, default is 1
    - `simplify`: (optional) 1 if the uploaded file should be 'simplified' if
      it is an archive, or 0 otherwise, default is 1.
    - `finalize_on_failure`: (optional) 1 if bundle state should be set
      to 'failed' in the case of a failure during upload, or 0 if the bundle
      state should not change on failure. Default is 0.
    - `finalize_on_success`: (optional) 1 if bundle state should be set
      to 'state_on_success' when the upload finishes successfully. Default is
    - `state_on_success`: (optional) Update the bundle state to this state if
      the upload completes successfully. Must be either 'ready' or 'failed'.
      Default is 'ready'.
    check_bundles_have_all_permission(local.model, request.user, [uuid])
    bundle = local.model.get_bundle(uuid)
    if bundle.state in State.FINAL_STATES:
              'Contents cannot be modified, bundle already finalized.')

    # Get and validate query parameters
    finalize_on_failure = query_get_bool('finalize_on_failure', default=False)
    finalize_on_success = query_get_bool('finalize_on_success', default=True)
    final_state = request.query.get('state_on_success', default=State.READY)
    if finalize_on_success and final_state not in State.FINAL_STATES:
            'state_on_success must be one of %s' %

    # If this bundle already has data, remove it.
    if local.upload_manager.has_contents(bundle):

    # Store the data.
        sources = None
        if request.query.urls:
            sources = query_get_list('urls')
        # request without "filename" doesn't need to upload to bundle store
        if request.query.filename:
            filename = request.query.get('filename', default='contents')
            sources = [(filename, request['wsgi.input'])]
        if sources:
                git=query_get_bool('git', default=False),
                unpack=query_get_bool('unpack', default=True),
                simplify_archives=query_get_bool('simplify', default=True),
            )  # See UploadManager for full explanation of 'simplify'
            bundle_link_url = getattr(bundle.metadata, "link_url", None)
            bundle_location = bundle_link_url or local.bundle_store.get_bundle_location(

    except UsageError as err:
        # This is a user error (most likely disk quota overuser) so raise a client HTTP error
        if local.upload_manager.has_contents(bundle):
        msg = "Upload failed: %s" % err
        local.model.update_bundle(bundle, {
            'state': State.FAILED,
            'metadata': {
                'failure_message': msg
        abort(http.client.BAD_REQUEST, msg)

    except Exception as e:
        # Upload failed: cleanup, update state if desired, and return HTTP error
        if local.upload_manager.has_contents(bundle):

        msg = "Upload failed: %s" % e

        # The client may not want to finalize the bundle on failure, to keep
        # open the possibility of retrying the upload in the case of transient
        # failure.
        # Workers also use this API endpoint to upload partial contents of
        # running bundles, and they should use finalize_on_failure=0 to avoid
        # letting transient errors during upload fail the bundles prematurely.
        if finalize_on_failure:
            local.model.update_bundle(bundle, {
                'state': State.FAILED,
                'metadata': {
                    'failure_message': msg

        abort(http.client.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg)

        if finalize_on_success:
            # Upload succeeded: update state
            local.model.update_bundle(bundle, {'state': final_state})
 def update_bundle_metadata(self, uuid, metadata):
     check_bundles_have_all_permission(self.model, self._current_user(), [uuid])
     bundle = self.model.get_bundle(uuid)
     self.validate_user_metadata(bundle, metadata)
     self.model.update_bundle(bundle, {'metadata': metadata})
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _update_bundle_contents_blob(uuid):
    Update the contents of the given running or uploading bundle.

    Query parameters:
    - `urls`: (optional) URL from which to fetch data to fill the bundle;
      using this option will ignore any uploaded file data. Only supports one URL.
    - `git`: (optional) 1 if URL should be interpreted as git repos to clone
      or 0 otherwise, default is 0.
    - `filename`: (optional) filename of the uploaded file, used to indicate
      whether or not it is an archive, default is 'contents'
    - `unpack`: (optional) 1 if the uploaded file should be unpacked if it is
      an archive, or 0 otherwise, default is 1
    - `finalize_on_failure`: (optional) 1 if bundle state should be set
      to 'failed' in the case of a failure during upload, or 0 if the bundle
      state should not change on failure. Default is 0.
    - `finalize_on_success`: (optional) 1 if bundle state should be set
      to 'state_on_success' when the upload finishes successfully. Default is
    - `state_on_success`: (optional) Update the bundle state to this state if
      the upload completes successfully. Must be either 'ready' or 'failed'.
      Default is 'ready'.
    - `use_azure_blob_beta`: (optional) Use Azure Blob Storage to store the bundle.
      Default is False. If CODALAB_ALWAYS_USE_AZURE_BLOB_BETA is set, this parameter
      is disregarded, as Azure Blob Storage will always be used.
    check_bundles_have_all_permission(local.model, request.user, [uuid])
    bundle = local.model.get_bundle(uuid)
    if bundle.state in State.FINAL_STATES:
        abort(http.client.FORBIDDEN, 'Contents cannot be modified, bundle already finalized.')

    # Get and validate query parameters
    finalize_on_failure = query_get_bool('finalize_on_failure', default=False)
    finalize_on_success = query_get_bool('finalize_on_success', default=True)
    use_azure_blob_beta = os.getenv("CODALAB_ALWAYS_USE_AZURE_BLOB_BETA") or query_get_bool(
        'use_azure_blob_beta', default=False
    final_state = request.query.get('state_on_success', default=State.READY)
    if finalize_on_success and final_state not in State.FINAL_STATES:
            'state_on_success must be one of %s' % '|'.join(State.FINAL_STATES),

    # If this bundle already has data, remove it.
    if local.upload_manager.has_contents(bundle):

    # Store the data.
        source = None
        if request.query.urls:
            sources = query_get_list('urls')
            if len(sources) != 1:
                abort(http.client.BAD_REQUEST, "Exactly one url must be provided.")
            source = sources[0]
        # request without "filename" doesn't need to upload to bundle store
        if request.query.filename:
            filename = request.query.get('filename', default='contents')
            source = (filename, request['wsgi.input'])
        bundle_link_url = getattr(bundle.metadata, "link_url", None)
        if bundle_link_url:
            # Don't upload to bundle store if using --link, as the path
            # already exists.
        elif source:
                git=query_get_bool('git', default=False),
                unpack=query_get_bool('unpack', default=True),
            bundle_link_url = getattr(bundle.metadata, "link_url", None)
            bundle_location = bundle_link_url or local.bundle_store.get_bundle_location(bundle.uuid)
            local.model.update_disk_metadata(bundle, bundle_location, enforce_disk_quota=True)

    except UsageError as err:
        # This is a user error (most likely disk quota overuser) so raise a client HTTP error
        if local.upload_manager.has_contents(bundle):
        msg = "Upload failed: %s" % err
                'state': State.FAILED,
                'metadata': {'failure_message': msg, 'error_traceback': traceback.format_exc()},
        abort(http.client.BAD_REQUEST, msg)

    except Exception as e:
        # Upload failed: cleanup, update state if desired, and return HTTP error
        if local.upload_manager.has_contents(bundle):

        msg = "Upload failed: %s" % e

        # The client may not want to finalize the bundle on failure, to keep
        # open the possibility of retrying the upload in the case of transient
        # failure.
        # Workers also use this API endpoint to upload partial contents of
        # running bundles, and they should use finalize_on_failure=0 to avoid
        # letting transient errors during upload fail the bundles prematurely.
        if finalize_on_failure:
                    'state': State.FAILED,
                    'metadata': {'failure_message': msg, 'error_traceback': traceback.format_exc()},

        abort(http.client.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg)

        if finalize_on_success:
            # Upload succeeded: update state
            local.model.update_bundle(bundle, {'state': final_state})
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def update_bundle_metadata(self, uuid, metadata):
     check_bundles_have_all_permission(local.model, request.user, [uuid])
     bundle = local.model.get_bundle(uuid)
     self.validate_user_metadata(bundle, metadata)
     local.model.update_bundle(bundle, {'metadata': metadata})
Ejemplo n.º 16
def _update_bundle_contents_blob(uuid):
    Update the contents of the given running or uploading bundle.

    Query parameters:
        urls - comma-separated list of URLs from which to fetch data to fill the
               bundle, using this option will ignore any uploaded file data
        git - (optional) 1 if URL should be interpreted as git repos to clone
              or 0 otherwise, default is 0
        filename - (optional) filename of the uploaded file, used to indicate
                   whether or not it is an archive, default is 'contents'

    Query parameters that are always available:
        unpack - (optional) 1 if the uploaded file should be unpacked if it is
                 an archive, or 0 otherwise, default is 1
        simplify - (optional) 1 if the uploaded file should be 'simplified' if
                   it is an archive, or 0 otherwise, default is 1
                   (See UploadManager for full explanation of 'simplification')
        finalize_on_failure - (optional) True ('1') if bundle state should be set
                              to 'failed' in the case of a failure during upload,
                              or False ('0') if the bundle state should not
                              change on failure. Default is False.
        state_on_success - (optional) Update the bundle state to this state if
                           the upload completes successfully. Must be either
                           'ready' or 'failed'. Default is 'ready'.
    check_bundles_have_all_permission(local.model, request.user, [uuid])
    bundle = local.model.get_bundle(uuid)
    if bundle.state in State.FINAL_STATES:
              'Contents cannot be modified, bundle already finalized.')

    # Get and validate query parameters
    finalize_on_failure = query_get_bool('finalize_on_failure', default=False)
    final_state = request.query.get('state_on_success', default=State.READY)
    if final_state not in State.FINAL_STATES:
            httplib.BAD_REQUEST, 'state_on_success must be one of %s' %

    # If this bundle already has data, remove it.
    if local.upload_manager.has_contents(bundle):

    # Store the data.
        if request.query.urls:
            sources = query_get_list('urls')
            filename = request.query.get('filename', default='contents')
            sources = [(filename, request['wsgi.input'])]

            git=query_get_bool('git', default=False),
            unpack=query_get_bool('unpack', default=True),
            simplify_archives=query_get_bool('simplify', default=True))

        local.upload_manager.update_metadata_and_save(bundle, new_bundle=False)

    except Exception as e:
        # Upload failed: cleanup, update state if desired, and return HTTP error
        if local.upload_manager.has_contents(bundle):

        msg = "Upload failed: %s" % e

        # The client may not want to finalize the bundle on failure, to keep
        # open the possibility of retrying the upload in the case of transient
        # failure.
        # Workers also use this API endpoint to upload partial contents of
        # running bundles, and they should use finalize_on_failure=0 to avoid
        # letting transient errors during upload fail the bundles prematurely.
        if finalize_on_failure:
            local.model.update_bundle(bundle, {
                'state': State.FAILED,
                'metadata': {
                    'failure_message': msg

        abort(httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg)

        # Upload succeeded: update state
        local.model.update_bundle(bundle, {'state': final_state})