def get_connection_length_priority(gate_connections):
    """Get the priority based on manhatten distance between the two gates"""

    # loops over all connections in the netlist
    for connection_nr in gate_connections:
        connection = gate_connections[connection_nr]
        gate_a = connection.gate_a
        gate_b = connection.gate_b

        # creates a priority based on the distance of the manhattan heuristic
        priority = manhattan_heuristic(gate_a.coordinates, gate_b.coordinates)
        connection.priority += priority

    return gate_connections
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_priority_center_grid(grid, gate_connections):
    """Gets priority depending on how close the gates in a connection are to the centre """

    # calculates grid center
    centre_x = abs(grid.grid_max_x / 2)
    centre_y = abs(grid.grid_max_y / 2)
    centre = (centre_x, centre_y, 0)

    for connection_nr in gate_connections:

        # gets the gates for the connection
        connection = gate_connections[connection_nr]
        gate_a = connection.gate_a
        gate_b = connection.gate_b

        # calculates the distance for each gate from the center
        gate_a_priority = manhattan_heuristic(gate_a.coordinates, centre)
        gate_b_priority = manhattan_heuristic(gate_b.coordinates, centre)

        # gives priority based on the total distance from the center
        priority = (gate_a_priority + gate_b_priority) / 2
        connection.priority = priority

    return gate_connections
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def use_clean(self, grid, connection):
        """ A* algorithm to search for the shortest possible distance for a wire, using manhattan distance.
        It uses heuristics to determine the order of the wires and to decide how to use neighbors.

        start_gate = connection.gate_a
        goal_gate = connection.gate_b

        start_coordinates = start_gate.coordinates
        goal_coordinates = goal_gate.coordinates
        # Make sure start and end are walkable
        grid.add_start_end_gates(start_coordinates, goal_coordinates)

        # Initialise the priority queue
        frontier = PriorityQueue()

        # Put start in the queue
        frontier.put(start_coordinates, 0)

        # Initialise an archive
        came_from = {}

        # The total cost so far
        cost_so_far = {}

        # Initialse start with a came from of None
        came_from[start_coordinates] = None
        cost_so_far[start_coordinates] = 0

        # Explore map untill queue is empty
        while not frontier.empty():

            # Get first item in priority queue
            current = frontier.get()

            # Stop if you reach goal
            if current == goal_coordinates:

                path = []
                position = current
                while position != came_from[start_coordinates]:
                    position = came_from[position]
                grid.put_connection(path, connection)
                return path

            # Get neighbors from grid
            neighbors = grid.get_neighbors(current)

            # Loop over neighbors of current node
            for next_node in neighbors:

                # Calculate new cost for each neighbor
                new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + 1

                # See if next node is already visited or if the cost
                if next_node not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[

                    # Store the cost so far
                    cost_so_far[next_node] = new_cost

                    # Add priority
                    priority = new_cost + manhattan_heuristic(
                        next_node, goal_coordinates)

                    # Put child in prioriy queue
                    frontier.put(next_node, priority)

                    # Store where the child came from
                    came_from[next_node] = current
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def use_runtime_neighbor_lock(self, grid, connection):
        """ A* algorithm to search for the shortest possible distance for a wire, using manhattan distance.
        It uses heuristics to determine the order of the wires and to decide how to use neighbors.

        start_gate = connection.gate_a
        goal_gate = connection.gate_b

        start_coordinates = start_gate.coordinates
        goal_coordinates = goal_gate.coordinates
        # Make sure start and end are walkable
        grid.add_start_end_gates(start_coordinates, goal_coordinates)

        # Initialise the priority queue
        frontier = PriorityQueue()

        # Put start in the queue
        frontier.put(start_coordinates, 0)

        # Initialise an archive
        came_from = {}

        # The total cost so far
        cost_so_far = {}

        if Astar.counter == 0:
            nl = NeighborLocker(grid)

            self.all_gate_neighbors = nl.get_all_gate_neighbors()

            available_neighbors = nl.get_available_neighbors_dict()

            locked_neighbors = nl.lock_neighbors(available_neighbors, {},

            # Check if locking encites another lock
            new_available_neighbors = nl.lock_double_neighbors(
                locked_neighbors, self.all_gate_neighbors, available_neighbors)

            # Lock again if it does
            new_locked_neighbors = nl.lock_neighbors(new_available_neighbors,

            state = State(start_coordinates, new_locked_neighbors,

            state = self.state

        state_dict = {}

        # Initialse start with a came from of None
        came_from[start_coordinates] = None
        cost_so_far[start_coordinates] = 0

        counter = 0
        # Explore map untill queue is empty
        while not frontier.empty():

            if counter == 1:

            # Get first item in priority queue
            current = frontier.get()

            # Stop if you reach goal
            if current == goal_coordinates:

                path = []
                position = current
                while position != came_from[start_coordinates]:
                    position = came_from[position]
                grid.put_connection(path, connection)
                self.state = state_dict[came_from[current]]
                return path

            # If the current state exists in the dict already, fetch it
            if current in state_dict:
                state = state_dict[start_coordinates]

            # If it is not, get the previous state as the current state
                if came_from[current] in state_dict:

                    state = state_dict[came_from[current]]
                elif came_from[state.coordinates] == None:

                    state_dict[current] = state

            # Get available neighbors
            available_neighbors = state.available_neighbors_amount

            # Lock neighbors that need to be locked
            locked_neighbors = nl.lock_neighbors(available_neighbors,

            new_available_neighbors = nl.lock_double_neighbors(
                locked_neighbors, self.all_gate_neighbors, available_neighbors)

            locked_neighbors = nl.lock_neighbors(new_available_neighbors,

            available_neighbors = nl.get_new_available_neighbors(
                current, self.all_gate_neighbors, locked_neighbors,
            # Save any and all changes in a new state
            new_state = State(current, locked_neighbors, available_neighbors)

            state = new_state

            # Store this new state in a dict, with the current coordinate as a key
            state_dict[current] = state

            # Get neighbors from grid
            neighbors = grid.get_neighbors(current)

            # Loop over neighbors of current node
            for next_node in neighbors:

                # Only move to a next node if it isn't locked
                if next_node not in locked_neighbors:

                    # Calculate new cost for each neighbor
                    new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + 1

                    # See if next node is already visited or if the cost
                    if next_node not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[

                        # Store the cost so far
                        cost_so_far[next_node] = new_cost

                        # Add priority
                        priority = new_cost + manhattan_heuristic(
                            next_node, goal_coordinates)

                        # Put child in prioriy queue
                        frontier.put(next_node, priority)

                        # Store where the child came from
                        came_from[next_node] = current