Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_run_names(client, check_names):
    Check if the given names are valid runs on the server. If any of the names
    is not found then the script finishes. Otherwise a dictionary returns which
    maps run names to runs. The dictionary contains only the runs in
    check_names or all runs if check_names is empty or None.
    run_filter = ttypes.RunFilter()
    run_filter.names = check_names
    run_filter.exactMatch = check_names is not None

    run_info = {run.name: run for run in client.getRunData(run_filter)}

    if not check_names:
        return run_info

    missing_name = False
    for name in check_names:
        if not run_info.get(name):
            LOG.warning("The run named '" + name + "' was not found.")
            missing_name = True

    if missing_name:
        print("Possible run names are:")
        for name, _ in run_info.items():

    return run_info
Ejemplo n.º 2
def handle_list_runs(args):
    # If the given output format is not 'table', redirect logger's output to
    # the stderr.
    stream = None
    if 'output_format' in args and args.output_format != 'table':
        stream = 'stderr'

    init_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None, stream)

    client = setup_client(args.product_url)

    run_filter = None
    if 'names' in args:
        run_filter = ttypes.RunFilter()
        run_filter.names = args.names

    runs = client.getRunData(run_filter)

    if args.output_format == 'json':
        results = []
        for run in runs:
            results.append({run.name: run})

    else:  # plaintext, csv
        header = ['Name', 'Number of unresolved reports',
                  'Analyzer statistics', 'Storage date', 'Version tag',
                  'Duration', 'CodeChecker version']
        rows = []
        for run in runs:
            duration = str(timedelta(seconds=run.duration)) \
                if run.duration > -1 else 'Not finished'

            analyzer_statistics = []
            for analyzer in run.analyzerStatistics:
                stat = run.analyzerStatistics[analyzer]
                num_of_all_files = stat.successful + stat.failed
                analyzer_statistics.append(analyzer + ' (' +
                                           str(num_of_all_files) + '/' +
                                           str(stat.successful) + ')')

            codechecker_version = run.codeCheckerVersion \
                if run.codeCheckerVersion else ''

                         ', '.join(analyzer_statistics),
                         run.versionTag if run.versionTag else '',

        print(twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_runs(client, run_names):
    run_filter = ttypes.RunFilter()
    run_filter.names = run_names

    return client.getRunData(run_filter)