Ejemplo n.º 1
def rbf_interp(fem_coords,exp_coords,data,interp_direc):
    import scipy.interpolate as sp
    from code_settings import pipeline_files
    pf = pipeline_files()
    interp_method = pf.interp_method 
    if (interp_direc == 0):
        ref_coords = fem_coords 
        int_coords = exp_coords
        interpolated_data = np.zeros(int_coords.shape)

        ref_coords = exp_coords 
        int_coords = fem_coords
        interpolated_data = np.zeros(int_coords.shape)

    for i in range(ref_coords.shape[0]):

        rbfi_x = sp.Rbf(ref_coords[i,:,0],ref_coords[i,:,1],ref_coords[i,:,2],data[i,:,0],method = interp_method)
        rbfi_y = sp.Rbf(ref_coords[i,:,0],ref_coords[i,:,1],ref_coords[i,:,2],data[i,:,1],method = interp_method)
        rbfi_z = sp.Rbf(ref_coords[i,:,0],ref_coords[i,:,1],ref_coords[i,:,2],data[i,:,2],method = interp_method)

        interpolated_data[i,:,0] = rbfi_x(int_coords[i,:,0],int_coords[i,:,1],int_coords[i,:,2])
        interpolated_data[i,:,1] = rbfi_y(int_coords[i,:,0],int_coords[i,:,1],int_coords[i,:,2])
        interpolated_data[i,:,2] = rbfi_z(int_coords[i,:,0],int_coords[i,:,1],int_coords[i,:,2])
    return interpolated_data 
Ejemplo n.º 2
def filepaths(*args):
    from code_settings import pipeline_files
    pf = pipeline_files()
    output = []
    for i in range(len(args)):
        # Marc's .t16 output file for the "Numerical" FE model
        if (
        ) == "fem_out":  # Command to call with function to obtain the filepath specified below
                pf.crnt_fldr("fwd") + '/' + pf.sub_folder + '/' + pf.nm_t16)
        # The file created from the "Numerical" simulation, which contains the indentation level for each increment
        elif (args[i]) == "pointfem":
            output.append(pf.crnt_fldr("fwd") + '/' + "pointfem")
        # Marc's .t16 output file for the "Experimental" FE model
        elif (args[i]) == "exp_out":
                pf.crnt_fldr("fwd") + '/' + pf.sub_folder + '/' + pf.exp_t16)
        # The file created from the "Experimental" simulation, which contains the indentation level for each increment
        elif (args[i]) == "pointexp":
                pf.crnt_fldr("fwd") + '/' + pf.sub_folder + '/' +
        # The input file for the "Numerical" model
        elif (args[i]) == "fem_dat":
                pf.crnt_fldr("fwd") + '/' + pf.sub_folder + '/' + pf.nm_dat)
        # The input file for the "Experimental" model
        elif (args[i]) == "exp_dat":
                pf.crnt_fldr("fwd") + '/' + pf.sub_folder + '/' + pf.exp_dat)
        # The status file for the "Numerical" model, to obtain the EXIT CODE
        elif (args[i]) == "fem_sts":
                pf.crnt_fldr("fwd") + '/' + pf.sub_folder + '/' + pf.nm_sts)
        # Filepath to store and obtain the procedure file to control the "Numerical" model simulations
        elif (args[i]) == "mat_proc_path":
            output.append(pf.crnt_fldr("fwd") + '/' + "mat.proc")
        # The name of the procedure file, incase it needs changing and don't want to go through the whole pipeline (OPTIONAL)
        elif (args[i]) == "mat_proc_file":
        # Filtepath and folder where to OBTAIN / STORE the data after DOT completed the optimisation
        elif (args[i]) == "path1":
                pf.crnt_fldr("fwd") + '/' + pf.sub_folder + '/' + "ResultsSQP")
        # Marc Mentat version 2019
        elif (args[i]) == "2019":
                "C:/Program Files/MSC.Software/Marc/2019.0.0/mentat2019/binmentat.bat"
        # Marc Mentat version 2020
        elif (args[i]) == "2020":
                "C:/Program Files/MSC.Software/Marc/2020.0.0/mentat2020/bin/mentat.bat"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# In case two optimisation algorithms are tested:
# - During the first algorithm optimisation name the folder as desired; here is was named "ResultsSQP"
#   with the SQP part refering to the optimisation algorithm.
# - Before going to the next algorithm, set path1 to second algorithm's results and set path2 to the
#   first algorithm's results.
# - ex. 1st algorithm run:
#        > path1 = ..../ResultsSQP
#       2nd algorithm run:
#        > path1 = ..../ResultsSLP
#        > path2 = ..../ResultsSQP

# NB !!!!!! - Remember to change the main_code file and the graphs file
        elif (args[i]) == "path2":
                pf.crnt_fldr("fwd") + '/' + pf.sub_folder + '/' + "ResultsSLP")
        # Filtepath and folder where to OBTAIN / STORE the data after DOT completed the optimisation (OPTIONAL)
        elif (args[i]) == "path3":
            output.append(pf.crnt_fldr("fwd") + '/' + pf.sub_folder)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Filepath to access the "Numerical" model, to be used to create the procedure file where MARC will then open this
# FE model for analysis.
        elif (args[i]) == "mat_app_path":
            output.append(r'*open_model ' + pf.crnt_fldr("bwd") + '\\' +
                          pf.sub_folder + '\\' + pf.nm_mud)
    if len(output) > 1:
        output = tuple(output)
        return (output)
        return (output[0])
Ejemplo n.º 3
# Francè Bresler
# 12 February 2020
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd 
import os
from py_post import *
from py_mentat import *
import scipy.interpolate as sp
import os
import csv
import time
from functions import read_dat_node_number, read_dat_element_number, get_node_position, rbf_interp
from code_settings import pipeline_files
pf = pipeline_files() 

# // In this file the RBF_int function interpolates the nodal data from the "NUM" model to the same nodal locations of the
# "EXP"  model to obtain the same number nodes for both data sets. This is done by first obtaining the locations of each
# node at each increment for the y-displacement of the indentor in both the "NUM" and "EXP" data. Since
# the "NUM" data needs to fit the "EXP" data, the "EXP" data's node coordinates are used. Also both "NUM" and "EXP" data are
# obtained through Marc which is an iterative solver, therefore at each solving increment of the indentor's y-displacement, there
# are more than one sub-increment with the last sub-increment at that solver increment is the sub-increment which contains the
# converged data for the level,thus only the last sub-incremental data are used. 
# After the data has been organised into the indentor increments, for the specific number of nodes presents in the "NUM"
# and "Exp" data respectively, the interpolation can start. First the "NUM" data is linearly interpolated to the missing increments 
# for the "EXP" data's indentor displacements. There after Radial basis functions (RBF) are used to interpolate the current
# level's "NUM" data to the nodal locations of the "EXP" data.
#   -   fname1 = NUM output file (.t16 file)
#   -   fname2 = NUM indentor level/increment output file
#   -   fname3 = EXP output file (.t16 file)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def dotcall(self, x, xl, xu, nCons):

        # Reset nInit
        nInit = 0

        #Initailize all array types
        nDvar = x.shape[0]
        ctDVAR = ct.c_double * nDvar
        ctCONS = ct.c_double * nCons
        ctRPRM = ct.c_double * 20
        ctIPRM = ct.c_int * 20

        #Initialize all arrays
        RPRM = ctRPRM(*(self.nmRPRM))  #Tells dot to use defaults
        IPRM = ctIPRM(*(self.nmIPRM))  #Tells dot to use defaults
        X = ctDVAR(*(x))  #Initial values
        XL = ctDVAR(*(xl))  #Lower bounds
        XU = ctDVAR(*(xu))  #Upper bounds
        G = ctCONS(*([0.0] * nCons))  #Constraints

        #Initialize constants
        METHOD = ct.c_int64(self.nMethod)
        NDV = ct.c_int64(nDvar)
        NCON = ct.c_int64(nCons)
        IPRINT = ct.c_int64(self.nPrint)
        MINMAX = ct.c_int64(self.nMinMax)
        INFO = ct.c_int64(self.nInfo)
        OBJ = ct.c_double(0.0)
        MAXINT = ct.c_int64(self.nMaxInt)

        # Call DOT510
        NRWK = ct.c_int64()
        NRWKMN = ct.c_int64()
        NRIWD = ct.c_int64()
        NRWKMX = ct.c_int64()
        NRIWK = ct.c_int64()
        NSTORE = ct.c_int64()
        NGMAX = ct.c_int64()
        IERR = ct.c_int64()

        self.dotlib.DOT510(B(NDV), B(NCON), B(METHOD), B(NRWK), B(NRWKMN),
                           B(NRIWD), B(NRWKMX), B(NRIWK), B(NSTORE), B(NGMAX),
                           B(XL), B(XU), B(MAXINT), B(IERR))

        ctRWK = ct.c_double * NRWKMX.value
        ctIWK = ct.c_int64 * NRIWK.value
        IWK = ctIWK(*([0] * NRIWK.value))
        WK = ctRWK(*([0.0] * NRWKMX.value))

        # Call DOT
        # // Here the original dot.py code was edited for personal use. The code can be adjusted as suited to the user.
        # // The iterations and objective lists were created as my own counter and is not necessary. These lists were
        #	however used in this pipeline.
        itera = 0
        iterations = []
        objective = []
        while (True):
            self.dotlib.DOT(B(INFO), B(METHOD),
                            B(IPRINT), B(NDV), B(NCON), B(X), B(XL), B(XU),
                            B(OBJ), B(MINMAX), B(G), B(RPRM), B(IPRM), B(WK),
                            B(NRWKMX), B(IWK), B(NRIWK))
            itera = itera + 1
            if (INFO.value == 0):  # if the optimisation converged, enter loop
                import ast

                # // Open the "iterations" text file to obtain the current design point/ starting point form the list
                #	obtained by the LHC function
                filec = open("iterations.txt", "r")
                it = int(filec.readline())
                # //
                path1 = filepaths("path1")

                # // Read what the original starting point was of this optimisation run.
                filen = "starting_points.txt"
                filp = os.path.join(path1, filen)
                start = open(filp, 'r')
                xxx = ast.literal_eval(start.readlines()[it])

                xxx = nm.array(xxx)
                xc = nm.array(X)
                xa = xc * xxx  # the final design point from dot is multiplied with the starting point to obtain the
                )  # material coefficient values, since the current values are the unbiased values.

                from functions import append_val, expdata, fem_orig_data, final_points  # call the output functions needed
                if len(X) == 3:
                    xf = [
                        xa[0], xa[1], xa[2]
                    ]  # store the optimised point in a form easily written to a text file
                elif len(X) == 2:
                    xf = [xa[0], xa[1]]
                    xf, iterations, objective
                )  # Writes out the iteration file to show how it converged

                    xf)  # store the optimised point in a separate file

                from functions import material2d, material3d  #, material3d_ogden
                if len(X) == 3:
                    )  # Create new procedure file for the optimised point
                elif len(X) == 2:

                filem = "mat.proc"
                from code_settings import pipeline_files
                pf = pipeline_files()
                p = subprocess.Popen(
                    [filepaths(pf.mentat_version), filem],
                    bufsize=2048)  # Start MSC Marc and load the procedure
                # file which will open the correct NUMERICAL model and change the material properties, start Marc
                # solver and to save the post file for the current DOT increment, close Marc and continue with the
                # code below

                # Ensure that Marc file converged
                sts = filepaths("fem_sts")
                conver = pd.read_csv(sts,
                                     sep=' ',
                # open sts file of the optimisation NUMERICAL model, it contains the exit code from Marc.

                c = int(conver.iloc[-3, -1])
                if c == 3004:
                    g = -1  # 3004 says the FEM converged and the constraint is satisfied
                    g = 1  # Any other exit number says the FEM did not converge and therefore the constraint
                    # was not satisfied. This is a fail save to ensure the optimised point does adhere to the constraints.
                    xv = xa

                    from functions import violated_constr
                        xv, c
                    )  # This function saves the parameters which caused non-convergence and
                    # also what the exit number was

                from RBF import RBF_int  # call the RBF function
                fname1, fname2, fname3, fname4, fnamef, fnamee = filepaths(
                    "fem_out", "pointfem", "exp_out", "pointexp", "fem_dat",

                # // All the data after interpolation
                ce, de, fci, fdi, fvr, nne, nnf, dm = RBF_int(
                    fname1, fname2, fname3, fname4, fnamef, fnamee, g)
                # //

                    ce, de, fvr,
                    nne)  # Store the experimental data for the starting point
                    fci, fdi, nnf, nne
                )  # Store the ouput data for the optimised point's simulation
                from functions import objectfunc
                objectfunc(objective, iterations)

                rem = filepaths("mat_proc_path")
                # os.remove('../Cylinder/mat.proc')
            else:  # if the optimisation procedure haven't converged yet
                fname1 = filepaths("fem_out")
                )  #delete the current DOT optimisation increment's NUMERICAL data
                self.evaluate(X, OBJ, G, self.nmParam)
        # //

        rslt = nm.empty(2 + nDvar, float)
        rslt[0] = OBJ.value
        rslt[1] = 0.0
        if len(G) > 0:
            rslt[1] = max(G)
        for i in range(nDvar):
            rslt[2 + i] = X[i]
        return rslt