Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_toString(self):
     """CharAlphabet toString should convert an input array to string"""
     r = CharAlphabet('UCAG')
     self.assertEqual(r.toString(array([[0,0,1],[0,3,2]], 'B')), 'UUC\nUGA')
     #should work with single seq
     self.assertEqual(r.toString(array([[0,0,1,0,3,2]], 'B')), 'UUCUGA')
     #should work with single seq
     self.assertEqual(r.toString(array([0,0,1,0,3,2], 'B')), 'UUCUGA')
     #should work with empty seq
     self.assertEqual(r.toString(array([], 'B')), '')
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_isValid(self):
     """CharAlphabet isValid should return True for valid sequence"""
     a = CharAlphabet('bca')
     self.assertEqual(a.isValid(''), True)
     self.assertEqual(a.isValid('bbb'), True)
     self.assertEqual(a.isValid('bbbaac'), True)
     self.assertEqual(a.isValid('bbd'), False)
     self.assertEqual(a.isValid('d'), False)
     self.assertEqual(a.isValid(['a', 'b']), True)
     self.assertEqual(a.isValid(['a', None]), False)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_triples(self):
     """triples should cache the same object."""
     r = CharAlphabet('UCAG')
     rt = r.Triples
     self.assertEqual(len(rt), 64)
     rt2 = r.Triples
     self.assertSameObj(rt, rt2)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_pairs(self):
     """pairs should cache the same object."""
     r = CharAlphabet('UCAG')
     rp = r.Pairs
     self.assertEqual(len(rp), 16)
     rp2 = r.Pairs
     self.assertSameObj(rp, rp2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_init(self):
     """CharAlphabet init should make correct translation tables"""
     r = CharAlphabet('UCAG')
     i2c, c2i = r._indices_to_chars, r._chars_to_indices
     s = array([0,0,1,0,3,2], 'b').tostring()
     self.assertEqual(s.translate(i2c), 'UUCUGA')
     self.assertEqual('UUCUGA'.translate(c2i), '\000\000\001\000\003\002')
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_isValid(self):
     """CharAlphabet isValid should return True for valid sequence"""
     a = CharAlphabet('bca')
     self.assertEqual(a.isValid(''), True)
     self.assertEqual(a.isValid('bbb'), True)
     self.assertEqual(a.isValid('bbbaac'), True)
     self.assertEqual(a.isValid('bbd'), False)
     self.assertEqual(a.isValid('d'), False)
     self.assertEqual(a.isValid(['a', 'b']), True)
     self.assertEqual(a.isValid(['a', None]), False)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_toString(self):
     """CharAlphabet toString should convert an input array to string"""
     r = CharAlphabet('UCAG')
     self.assertEqual(r.toString(array([[0,0,1],[0,3,2]], 'B')), 'UUC\nUGA')
     #should work with single seq
     self.assertEqual(r.toString(array([[0,0,1,0,3,2]], 'B')), 'UUCUGA')
     #should work with single seq
     self.assertEqual(r.toString(array([0,0,1,0,3,2], 'B')), 'UUCUGA')
     #should work with empty seq
     self.assertEqual(r.toString(array([], 'B')), '')
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_toChars(self):
     """CharAlphabet toChars should convert an input array to chars"""
     r = CharAlphabet('UCAG')
     c = r.toChars(array([[0,0,1],[0,3,2]], 'B'))
     self.assertEqual(c, \
         array(['UUC','UGA'], 'c'))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_fromArray(self):
     """CharAlphabet fromArray should return correct array"""
     r = CharAlphabet('UCAG')
     self.assertEqual(r.fromArray(array(['UUC','UGA'], 'c')), \
         array([[0,0,1],[0,3,2]], 'B'))
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_fromString(self):
     """CharAlphabet fromString should return correct array"""
     r = CharAlphabet('UCAG')
     self.assertEqual(r.fromString('UUCUGA'), array([0,0,1,0,3,2],'B'))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, motifset, Gap=IUPAC_gap, Missing=IUPAC_missing,\
         Sequence=None, Ambiguities=None,
         label=None, Complements=None, Pairs=None, MWCalculator=None, \
         add_lower=False, preserve_existing_moltypes=False, \
         make_alphabet_group=False, ModelSeq=None):
     """Returns a new MolType object. Note that the parameters are in flux.
         motifset: Alphabet or sequence of items in the default
             alphabet. Does not include degenerates.
         Gap: default gap symbol
         Missing: symbol for missing data
         Gaps: any other symbols that should be treated as gaps (doesn't have
               to include Gap or Missing; they will be silently added)
         Sequence: Class for constructing sequences.
         Ambiguities: dict of char:tuple, doesn't include gaps (these are
             hard-coded as - and ?, and added later.
         label: text label, don't know what this is used for. Unnecessary?
         Complements: dict of symbol:symbol showing how the non-degenerate
             single characters complement each other. Used for constructing
             on the fly the complement table, incl. support for mustPair and
         Pairs: dict in which keys are pairs of symbols that can pair
             with each other, values are True (must pair) or False (might
             pair). Currently, the meaning of GU pairs as 'weak' is conflated
             with the meaning of degenerate symbol pairs (which might pair
             with each other but don't necessarily, depending on how the
             symbol is resolved). This should be refactored.
         MWCalculator: f(seq) -> molecular weight.
         add_lower: if True (default: False) adds the lowercase versions of
             everything into the alphabet. Slated for deletion.
         preserve_existing_moltypes: if True (default: False), does not
         set the MolType of the things added in **kwargs to self.
         make_alphabet_group: if True, makes an AlphabetGroup relating
         the various alphabets to one another.
         ModelSeq: sequence type for modeling
     Note on "Degenerates" versus "Ambiguities": self.Degenerates contains
     _only_ mappings for degenerate symbols, whereas self.Ambiguities
     contains mappings for both degenerate and non-degenerate symbols.
     Sometimes you want one, sometimes the other, so both are provided.
     self.Gap = Gap
     self.Missing = Missing
     self.Gaps = frozenset([Gap, Missing])
     if Gaps:
         self.Gaps = self.Gaps.union(frozenset(Gaps))
     self.label = label
     #set the sequence constructor
     if Sequence is None:
         Sequence = ''.join     #safe default string constructor
     elif not preserve_existing_moltypes:
         Sequence.MolType = self
     self.Sequence = Sequence
     #set the ambiguities
     ambigs = {self.Missing:tuple(motifset)+(self.Gap,),self.Gap:(self.Gap,)}
     if Ambiguities:
     for c in motifset:
         ambigs[c] = (c,)
     self.Ambiguities = ambigs
     #set Complements -- must set before we make the alphabet group
     self.Complements = Complements or {}
     if make_alphabet_group: #note: must use _original_ ambiguities here
         self.Alphabets = AlphabetGroup(motifset, Ambiguities, \
         self.Alphabet = self.Alphabets.Base
         if isinstance(motifset, Enumeration):
             self.Alphabet = motifset
         elif max(len(motif) for motif in motifset) == 1:
             self.Alphabet = CharAlphabet(motifset, MolType=self)
             self.Alphabet = Alphabet(motifset, MolType=self)
     #set the other properties
     self.Degenerates = Ambiguities and Ambiguities.copy() or {}
     self.Degenerates[self.Missing] = ''.join(motifset)+self.Gap
     self.Matches = make_matches(motifset, self.Gaps, self.Degenerates)
     self.Pairs = Pairs and Pairs.copy() or {}
     self.Pairs.update(make_pairs(Pairs, motifset, self.Gaps, \
     self.MWCalculator = MWCalculator
     #add lowercase characters, if we're doing that
     if add_lower:
     #cache various other data that make the calculations faster
     # a gap can be a true gap char or a degenerate character, typically '?'
     # we therefore want to ensure consistent treatment across the definition
     # of characters as either gap or degenerate
     self.GapString = ''.join(self.Gaps)
     strict_gap = "".join(set(self.GapString) - set(self.Degenerates))
     self.stripDegenerate = FunctionWrapper(
     self.stripBad = FunctionWrapper(keep_chars(''.join(self.All)))
     to_keep = set(self.Alphabet) ^ set(self.Degenerates) - set(self.Gaps)
     self.stripBadAndGaps = FunctionWrapper(keep_chars(''.join(to_keep)))
     #make inverse degenerates from degenerates
     #ensure that lowercase versions also exist if appropriate
     inv_degens = {}
     for key, val in self.Degenerates.items():
         inv_degens[frozenset(val)] = key.upper()
         if add_lower:
             inv_degens[frozenset(''.join(val).lower())] = key.lower()
     for m in self.Alphabet:
         inv_degens[frozenset(m)] = m
         if add_lower:
             inv_degens[frozenset(''.join(m).lower())] = m.lower()
     for m in self.Gaps:
         inv_degens[frozenset(m)] = m
     self.InverseDegenerates = inv_degens
     #set array type for modeling alphabets
         self.ArrayType = self.Alphabet.ArrayType
     except AttributeError:
         self.ArrayType = None
     #set modeling sequence
     self.ModelSeq = ModelSeq
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_toChars(self):
     """CharAlphabet toChars should convert an input array to chars"""
     r = CharAlphabet('UCAG')
     c = r.toChars(array([[0,0,1],[0,3,2]], 'B'))
     self.assertEqual(c, \
         array(['UUC','UGA'], 'c'))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_fromArray(self):
     """CharAlphabet fromArray should return correct array"""
     r = CharAlphabet('UCAG')
     self.assertEqual(r.fromArray(array(['UUC','UGA'], 'c')), \
         array([[0,0,1],[0,3,2]], 'B'))
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_fromString(self):
     """CharAlphabet fromString should return correct array"""
     r = CharAlphabet('UCAG')
     self.assertEqual(r.fromString('UUCUGA'), array([0,0,1,0,3,2],'B'))
Ejemplo n.º 15
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Tests of the Enumeration and Alphabet objects.

Note: individual Alphabets are typically in MolType and are tested there.
from cogent.core.alphabet import Enumeration, get_array_type, \
    uint8, uint16, uint32, array, JointEnumeration, CharAlphabet, \
    _make_translation_tables, _make_complement_array
from cogent.core.moltype import RNA

from cogent.util.unit_test import TestCase, main

DnaBases = CharAlphabet('TCAG')
RnaBases = CharAlphabet('UCAG')
AminoAcids = CharAlphabet('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY')

__author__ = "Rob Knight, Peter Maxwell and Gavin Huttley"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2007-2009, The Cogent Project"
__credits__ = ["Peter Maxwell", "Rob Knight", "Gavin Huttley"]
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "1.4.1"
__maintainer__ = "Rob Knight"
__email__ = "*****@*****.**"
__status__ = "Production"

class translation_table_tests(TestCase):
    """Tests of top-level translation table functions"""
    def test_make_translation_tables(self):
        """_make_translation_tables should translate from chars to indices"""
        a = 'ucag'
        itoa, atoi = _make_translation_tables(a)
Ejemplo n.º 16
from cogent.core.info import Info as InfoClass
from cogent.core.alphabet import CharAlphabet
from string import upper

from numpy import array, concatenate, sum, mean, isfinite, sqrt

__author__ = "Rob Knight"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2007-2016, The Cogent Project"
__credits__ = ["Rob Knight", "Sandra Smit", "Daniel McDonald"]
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "1.9"
__maintainer__ = "Rob Knight"
__email__ = "*****@*****.**"
__status__ = "Production"

RnaBases = CharAlphabet('UCAG')
DnaBases = CharAlphabet('TCAG')
AminoAcids = CharAlphabet('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*')  # * denotes termination
AB = CharAlphabet('ab')  #used for testing
Chars = CharAlphabet(''.join(map(chr, range(256))), '-')  #used for raw chars
RnaBasesGap = CharAlphabet('UCAG-', '-')
DnaBasesGap = CharAlphabet('TCAG-', '-')
AminoAcidsGap = CharAlphabet('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*-', '-')
DnaIupac = CharAlphabet('TCAGNVBHDKSWMYR')
RnaIupac = CharAlphabet('UCAGNVBHDKSWMYR')
AminoAcidsIupac = CharAlphabet('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*XBZ')
DnaIupacGap = CharAlphabet('TCAG-NVBHDKSWMYR', '-')
RnaIupacGap = CharAlphabet('UCAG-NVBHDKSWMYR', '-')
AminoAcidsIupacGap = CharAlphabet('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*-XBZ', '-')

RnaPairs = RnaBases**2