Ejemplo n.º 1
    async def begin(self, ctx, *args):
        """Begins combat in the channel the command is invoked.
        Usage: !init begin <ARGS (opt)>
        __Valid Arguments__
        dyn (dynamic init; rerolls all initiatives at the start of a round)
        turnnotif (notifies the next player)
        -name <NAME> (names the combat)"""
        await Combat.ensure_unique_chan(ctx)

        options = {}

        args = argparse(args)
        if args.last('dyn', False, bool):  # rerolls all inits at the start of each round
            options['dynamic'] = True
        if 'name' in args:
            options['name'] = args.last('name')
        if args.last('turnnotif', False, bool):
            options['turnnotif'] = True

        temp_summary_msg = await ctx.send("```Awaiting combatants...```")
        Combat.message_cache[temp_summary_msg.id] = temp_summary_msg  # add to cache

        combat = Combat.new(str(ctx.channel.id), temp_summary_msg.id, str(ctx.author.id), options, ctx)
        await combat.final()

            await temp_summary_msg.pin()
        await ctx.send(
            f"Everyone roll for initiative!\n"
            f"If you have a character set up with SheetManager: `{ctx.prefix}init join`\n"
            f"If it's a 5e monster: `{ctx.prefix}init madd [monster name]`\n"
            f"Otherwise: `{ctx.prefix}init add [modifier] [name]`")
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def from_character(cls, character, ctx):
         combat = Combat.from_ctx(ctx)
     except CombatNotFound:
         return None
     me = next((c for c in combat.get_combatants() if getattr(c, 'character_id', None) == character.id), None)
     if not me:
         return None
     return cls(combat, me)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def from_ctx(cls, ctx):
         combat = Combat.from_ctx_sync(ctx)
     except CombatNotFound:
         return None
     return cls(combat, None)