Ejemplo n.º 1
    def execute(command,
        Execute a command and returns its output

        :param command: argument list to execute.
        :param _cwd: working directory, defaults to the current directory.
        :param _decode: whether to decode output, defaults to True.
        :param _encoding: default encoding, defaults to None (utf-8).
        :param _raw: do not strip trailing whitespace.
        :param _stdin: optional stdin filehandle.
        :returns (status, out, err): exit status, stdout, stderr

        # Allow the user to have the command executed in their working dir.
        if not _cwd:
            _cwd = core.getcwd()

        extra = {}
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            command = map(replace_carot, command)
            extra['shell'] = True

        # Start the process
        # Guard against thread-unsafe .git/index.lock files
        status, out, err = core.run_command(command,
        # Let the next thread in
        if not _raw and out is not None:
            out = out.rstrip('\n')

        cola_trace = GIT_COLA_TRACE
        if cola_trace == 'trace':
            msg = 'trace: ' + subprocess.list2cmdline(command)
            Interaction.log_status(status, msg, '')
        elif cola_trace == 'full':
            if out:
                core.stderr("%s -> %d: '%s' '%s'" %
                            (' '.join(command), status, out, err))
                core.stderr("%s -> %d" % (' '.join(command), status))
        elif cola_trace:
            core.stderr(' '.join(command))

        # Allow access to the command's status code
        return (status, out, err)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def execute(command,
        Execute a command and returns its output

        :param command: argument list to execute.
        :param _cwd: working directory, defaults to the current directory.
        :param _decode: whether to decode output, defaults to True.
        :param _encoding: default encoding, defaults to None (utf-8).
        :param _raw: do not strip trailing whitespace.
        :param _stdin: optional stdin filehandle.
        :returns (status, out, err): exit status, stdout, stderr

        # Allow the user to have the command executed in their working dir.
        if not _cwd:
            _cwd = core.getcwd()

        extra = {}
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            command = map(replace_carot, command)
            extra['shell'] = True

        # Start the process
        # Guard against thread-unsafe .git/index.lock files
        status, out, err = core.run_command(command,
                                            stdin=_stdin, stdout=_stdout, stderr=_stderr,
        # Let the next thread in
        if not _raw and out is not None:
            out = out.rstrip('\n')

        cola_trace = GIT_COLA_TRACE
        if cola_trace == 'trace':
            msg = 'trace: ' + subprocess.list2cmdline(command)
            Interaction.log_status(status, msg, '')
        elif cola_trace == 'full':
            if out:
                core.stderr("%s -> %d: '%s' '%s'" %
                            (' '.join(command), status, out, err))
                core.stderr("%s -> %d" % (' '.join(command), status))
        elif cola_trace:
            core.stderr(' '.join(command))

        # Allow access to the command's status code
        return (status, out, err)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def new_repo():
    """Prompt for a new directory and create a new Git repository

    :returns str: repository path or None if no repository was created.

    dlg = QtGui.QFileDialog()
    if dlg.exec_() != QtGui.QFileDialog.Accepted:
        return None
    paths = dlg.selectedFiles()
    if not paths:
        return None
    path = ustr(paths[0])
    if not path:
        return None
    # Avoid needlessly calling `git init`.
    if git.is_git_dir(path):
        # We could prompt here and confirm that they really didn't
        # mean to open an existing repository, but I think
        # treating it like an "Open" is a sensible DWIM answer.
        return path

    status, out, err = core.run_command(['git', 'init', path])
    if status == 0:
        return path
        title = N_('Error Creating Repository')
        msg = (N_('"%(command)s" returned exit status %(status)d') %
               dict(command='git init %s' % path, status=status))
        details = N_('Output:\n%s') % out
        if err:
            details += '\n\n'
            details += N_('Errors: %s') % err
        qtutils.critical(title, msg, details)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def execute(command,
        Execute a command and returns its output

        :param command: argument list to execute.
        :param _cwd: working directory, defaults to the current directory.
        :param _decode: whether to decode output, defaults to True.
        :param _encoding: default encoding, defaults to None (utf-8).
        :param _raw: do not strip trailing whitespace.
        :param _stdin: optional stdin filehandle.
        :returns (status, out, err): exit status, stdout, stderr

        # Allow the user to have the command executed in their working dir.
        if not _cwd:
            _cwd = core.getcwd()

        extra = {}
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            # If git-cola is invoked on Windows using "start pythonw git-cola",
            # a console window will briefly flash on the screen each time
            # git-cola invokes git, which is very annoying.  The code below
            # prevents this by ensuring that any window will be hidden.
            startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
            startupinfo.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
            startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE
            extra['startupinfo'] = startupinfo

        # Start the process
        # Guard against thread-unsafe .git/index.lock files
        status, out, err = core.run_command(command,
                                            stdin=_stdin, stdout=_stdout, stderr=_stderr,
        # Let the next thread in
        if not _raw and out is not None:
            out = out.rstrip('\n')

        cola_trace = GIT_COLA_TRACE
        if cola_trace == 'trace':
            msg = 'trace: ' + subprocess.list2cmdline(command)
            Interaction.log_status(status, msg, '')
        elif cola_trace == 'full':
            if out or err:
                core.stderr("%s -> %d: '%s' '%s'" %
                            (' '.join(command), status, out, err))
                core.stderr("%s -> %d" % (' '.join(command), status))
        elif cola_trace:
            core.stderr(' '.join(command))

        # Allow access to the command's status code
        return (status, out, err)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def git(self, *args):
     status, out, err = core.run_command(['git'] + list(args))
     self.assertEqual(status, 0)
     return out
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def run_git(self, *args):
     status, out, _ = core.run_command(['git'] + list(args))
     self.assertEqual(status, 0)
     return out
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def do(self):
        for env in ('FILENAME', 'REVISION', 'ARGS'):
            except KeyError:
        rev = None
        args = None
        opts = _config.get_guitool_opts(self.action_name)
        cmd = opts.get('cmd')
        if 'title' not in opts:
            opts['title'] = cmd

        if 'prompt' not in opts or opts.get('prompt') is True:
            prompt = N_('Run "%s"?') % cmd
            opts['prompt'] = prompt

        if opts.get('needsfile'):
            filename = selection.filename()
            if not filename:
                        N_('Please select a file'),
                        N_('"%s" requires a selected file.') % cmd)
                return False
            compat.setenv('FILENAME', filename)

        if opts.get('revprompt') or opts.get('argprompt'):
            while True:
                ok = Interaction.confirm_config_action(cmd, opts)
                if not ok:
                    return False
                rev = opts.get('revision')
                args = opts.get('args')
                if opts.get('revprompt') and not rev:
                    title = N_('Invalid Revision')
                    msg = N_('The revision expression cannot be empty.')
                    Interaction.critical(title, msg)

        elif opts.get('confirm'):
            title = os.path.expandvars(opts.get('title'))
            prompt = os.path.expandvars(opts.get('prompt'))
            if Interaction.question(title, prompt):
        if rev:
            compat.setenv('REVISION', rev)
        if args:
            compat.setenv('ARGS', args)
        title = os.path.expandvars(cmd)
        Interaction.log(N_('Running command: %s') % title)
        cmd = ['sh', '-c', cmd]

        if opts.get('noconsole'):
            status, out, err = core.run_command(cmd)
            status, out, err = Interaction.run_command(title, cmd)

                               out and (N_('Output: %s') % out) or '',
                               err and (N_('Errors: %s') % err) or '')

        if not opts.get('norescan'):
        return status
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def do(self):
        for env in ('FILENAME', 'REVISION', 'ARGS'):
            except KeyError:
        rev = None
        args = None
        cfg = gitcfg.current()
        opts = cfg.get_guitool_opts(self.action_name)
        cmd = opts.get('cmd')
        if 'title' not in opts:
            opts['title'] = cmd

        if 'prompt' not in opts or opts.get('prompt') is True:
            prompt = N_('Run "%s"?') % cmd
            opts['prompt'] = prompt

        if opts.get('needsfile'):
            filename = selection.filename()
            if not filename:
                        N_('Please select a file'),
                        N_('"%s" requires a selected file.') % cmd)
                return False
            compat.setenv('FILENAME', filename)

        if opts.get('revprompt') or opts.get('argprompt'):
            while True:
                ok = Interaction.confirm_config_action(cmd, opts)
                if not ok:
                    return False
                rev = opts.get('revision')
                args = opts.get('args')
                if opts.get('revprompt') and not rev:
                    title = N_('Invalid Revision')
                    msg = N_('The revision expression cannot be empty.')
                    Interaction.critical(title, msg)

        elif opts.get('confirm'):
            title = os.path.expandvars(opts.get('title'))
            prompt = os.path.expandvars(opts.get('prompt'))
            if Interaction.question(title, prompt):
        if rev:
            compat.setenv('REVISION', rev)
        if args:
            compat.setenv('ARGS', args)
        title = os.path.expandvars(cmd)
        Interaction.log(N_('Running command: %s') % title)
        cmd = ['sh', '-c', cmd]

        if opts.get('background'):
            status, out, err = (0, '', '')
        elif opts.get('noconsole'):
            status, out, err = core.run_command(cmd)
            status, out, err = Interaction.run_command(title, cmd)

                               out and (N_('Output: %s') % out) or '',
                               err and (N_('Errors: %s') % err) or '')

        if not opts.get('background') and not opts.get('norescan'):
        return status
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def run_command(cls, title, cmd):
     cls.log('$ ' + subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd))
     status, out, err = core.run_command(cmd)
     cls.log_status(status, out, err)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def run_git(*args):
    """Run git with the specified arguments"""
    status, out, _ = core.run_command(['git'] + list(args))
    assert status == 0
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def execute(
        Execute a command and returns its output

        :param command: argument list to execute.
        :param _cwd: working directory, defaults to the current directory.
        :param _decode: whether to decode output, defaults to True.
        :param _encoding: default encoding, defaults to None (utf-8).
        :param _raw: do not strip trailing whitespace.
        :param _stdin: optional stdin filehandle.
        :returns (status, out, err): exit status, stdout, stderr

        # Allow the user to have the command executed in their working dir.
        if not _cwd:
            _cwd = core.getcwd()

        extra = {}
        if sys.platform == "win32":
            # If git-cola is invoked on Windows using "start pythonw git-cola",
            # a console window will briefly flash on the screen each time
            # git-cola invokes git, which is very annoying.  The code below
            # prevents this by ensuring that any window will be hidden.
            startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
            startupinfo.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
            startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE
            extra["startupinfo"] = startupinfo

        if hasattr(os, "setsid"):
            # SSH uses the SSH_ASKPASS variable only if the process is really
            # detached from the TTY (stdin redirection and setting the
            # SSH_ASKPASS environment variable is not enough).  To detach a
            # process from the console it should fork and call os.setsid().
            extra["preexec_fn"] = os.setsid

        # Start the process
        # Guard against thread-unsafe .git/index.lock files
        if not _readonly:
        status, out, err = core.run_command(
            command, cwd=_cwd, encoding=_encoding, stdin=_stdin, stdout=_stdout, stderr=_stderr, **extra
        # Let the next thread in
        if not _readonly:

        if not _raw and out is not None:
            out = out.rstrip("\n")

        cola_trace = GIT_COLA_TRACE
        if cola_trace == "trace":
            msg = "trace: " + subprocess.list2cmdline(command)
            Interaction.log_status(status, msg, "")
        elif cola_trace == "full":
            if out or err:
                core.stderr("%s -> %d: '%s' '%s'" % (" ".join(command), status, out, err))
                core.stderr("%s -> %d" % (" ".join(command), status))
        elif cola_trace:
            core.stderr(" ".join(command))

        # Allow access to the command's status code
        return (status, out, err)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def run_command(cls, title, cmd):
     cls.log('$ ' + core.list2cmdline(cmd))
     status, out, err = core.run_command(cmd)
     cls.log_status(status, out, err)
     return status, out, err
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def run_command(cls, title, cmd):
     cls.log('$ ' + subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd))
     status, out, err = core.run_command(cmd)
     cls.log_status(status, out, err)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def execute(command,
        Execute a command and returns its output

        :param command: argument list to execute.
        :param _cwd: working directory, defaults to the current directory.
        :param _decode: whether to decode output, defaults to True.
        :param _encoding: default encoding, defaults to None (utf-8).
        :param _raw: do not strip trailing whitespace.
        :param _stdin: optional stdin filehandle.
        :returns (status, out, err): exit status, stdout, stderr

        # Allow the user to have the command executed in their working dir.
        if not _cwd:
            _cwd = core.getcwd()

        extra = {}
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            # If git-cola is invoked on Windows using "start pythonw git-cola",
            # a console window will briefly flash on the screen each time
            # git-cola invokes git, which is very annoying.  The code below
            # prevents this by ensuring that any window will be hidden.
            startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
            startupinfo.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
            startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE
            extra['startupinfo'] = startupinfo

        if hasattr(os, 'setsid'):
            # SSH uses the SSH_ASKPASS variable only if the process is really
            # detached from the TTY (stdin redirection and setting the
            # SSH_ASKPASS environment variable is not enough).  To detach a
            # process from the console it should fork and call os.setsid().
            extra['preexec_fn'] = os.setsid

        # Start the process
        # Guard against thread-unsafe .git/index.lock files
        status, out, err = core.run_command(command,
        # Let the next thread in
        if not _raw and out is not None:
            out = out.rstrip('\n')

        cola_trace = GIT_COLA_TRACE
        if cola_trace == 'trace':
            msg = 'trace: ' + subprocess.list2cmdline(command)
            Interaction.log_status(status, msg, '')
        elif cola_trace == 'full':
            if out or err:
                core.stderr("%s -> %d: '%s' '%s'" %
                            (' '.join(command), status, out, err))
                core.stderr("%s -> %d" % (' '.join(command), status))
        elif cola_trace:
            core.stderr(' '.join(command))

        # Allow access to the command's status code
        return (status, out, err)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def do(self):
        for env in ("FILENAME", "REVISION", "ARGS"):
            except KeyError:
        rev = None
        args = None
        cfg = gitcfg.current()
        opts = cfg.get_guitool_opts(self.action_name)
        cmd = opts.get("cmd")
        if "title" not in opts:
            opts["title"] = cmd

        if "prompt" not in opts or opts.get("prompt") is True:
            prompt = N_('Run "%s"?') % cmd
            opts["prompt"] = prompt

        if opts.get("needsfile"):
            filename = selection.filename()
            if not filename:
                Interaction.information(N_("Please select a file"), N_('"%s" requires a selected file.') % cmd)
                return False
            compat.setenv("FILENAME", filename)

        if opts.get("revprompt") or opts.get("argprompt"):
            while True:
                ok = Interaction.confirm_config_action(cmd, opts)
                if not ok:
                    return False
                rev = opts.get("revision")
                args = opts.get("args")
                if opts.get("revprompt") and not rev:
                    title = N_("Invalid Revision")
                    msg = N_("The revision expression cannot be empty.")
                    Interaction.critical(title, msg)

        elif opts.get("confirm"):
            title = os.path.expandvars(opts.get("title"))
            prompt = os.path.expandvars(opts.get("prompt"))
            if Interaction.question(title, prompt):
        if rev:
            compat.setenv("REVISION", rev)
        if args:
            compat.setenv("ARGS", args)
        title = os.path.expandvars(cmd)
        Interaction.log(N_("Running command: %s") % title)
        cmd = ["sh", "-c", cmd]

        if opts.get("background"):
            status, out, err = (0, "", "")
        elif opts.get("noconsole"):
            status, out, err = core.run_command(cmd)
            status, out, err = Interaction.run_command(title, cmd)

        Interaction.log_status(status, out and (N_("Output: %s") % out) or "", err and (N_("Errors: %s") % err) or "")

        if not opts.get("background") and not opts.get("norescan"):
        return status