Ejemplo n.º 1
	def rulebreakdowns(self, limit=10):
		"""Print breakdowns for the most frequent rule mismatches."""
		acc = self.acc
		# NB: unary nodes not handled properly
		gmismatch = {(n, indices): rule
					for n, indices, rule in acc.goldrule - acc.candrule}
		wrong = multiset((rule, gmismatch[n, indices]) for n, indices, rule
				in acc.candrule - acc.goldrule
				if len(indices) > 1 and (n, indices) in gmismatch)
		print('\n Rewrite rule mismatches (for given span)')
		print('   count   cand / gold rules')
		for (crule, grule), cnt in wrong.most_common(limit):
			print(' %7d  %s' % (cnt, grammar.printrule(*crule)))
			print(' %7s  %s' % (' ', grammar.printrule(*grule)))
		gspans = {(n, indices) for n, indices, _ in acc.goldrule}
		wrong = multiset(rule for n, indices, rule
				in acc.candrule - acc.goldrule
				if len(indices) > 1 and (n, indices) not in gspans)
		print('\n Rewrite rules (span not in gold trees)')
		print('   count   rule in candidate parses')
		for crule, cnt in wrong.most_common(limit):
			print(' %7d  %s' % (cnt, grammar.printrule(*crule)))
		cspans = {(n, indices) for n, indices, _ in acc.candrule}
		wrong = multiset(rule for n, indices, rule
				in acc.goldrule - acc.candrule
				if len(indices) > 1 and (n, indices) not in cspans)
		print('\n Rewrite rules (span missing from candidate parses)')
		print('   count   rule in gold standard set')
		for grule, cnt in wrong.most_common(limit):
			print(' %7d  %s' % (cnt, grammar.printrule(*grule)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def tagbreakdown(self, limit=10):
		"""Print breakdowns for the most frequent tags."""
		acc = self.acc
		print('\n Tag Statistics (%s tags / errors)' % (
			('%d most frequent ' % limit) if limit else 'all'), end='')
		print('\n    tag  % gold  recall   prec.      F1',
				'          cand gold   count')
		print(' ' + 38 * '_' + 7 * ' ' + 20 * '_')
		tags = multiset(tag for _, tag in acc.goldpos)
		wrong = multiset((c, g) for (_, g), (_, c)
				in zip(acc.goldpos, acc.candpos) if g != c)
		for tag, mismatch in zip_longest(tags.most_common(limit),
			if tag is None:
				print(''.rjust(40), end='')
				goldtag = multiset(n for n, (w, t)
						in enumerate(acc.goldpos) if t == tag[0])
				candtag = multiset(n for n, (w, t)
						in enumerate(acc.candpos) if t == tag[0])
				print('%s  %6.2f  %6.2f  %6.2f  %6.2f' % (
						100 * len(goldtag) / len(acc.goldpos),
						100 * recall(goldtag, candtag),
						100 * precision(goldtag, candtag),
						100 * f_measure(goldtag, candtag)), end='')
			if mismatch is not None:
				print('       %s %7d' % (' '.join((mismatch[0][0].rjust(8),
						mismatch[0][1].ljust(8))).rjust(12), mismatch[1]),
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def __init__(self, n, gtree, gsent, ctree, csent, param):
		"""Construct a pair of gold and candidate trees for evaluation."""
		self.n = n
		self.param = param
		self.gtree, self.ctree = gtree, ctree
		self.csentorig, self.gsentorig = csent, gsent
		self.csent, self.gsent = csent[:], gsent[:]
		self.cpos, self.gpos = sorted(ctree.pos()), sorted(gtree.pos())
		self.lencpos = sum(1 for _, b in self.cpos
				if b not in self.param['DELETE_LABEL_FOR_LENGTH'])
		self.lengpos = sum(1 for _, b in self.gpos
				if b not in self.param['DELETE_LABEL_FOR_LENGTH'])
		if self.lencpos != self.lengpos:
			raise ValueError('sentence length mismatch. sents:\n%s\n%s' % (
					' '.join(self.csent), ' '.join(self.gsent)))
		grootpos = {child[0] for child in gtree if isinstance(child[0], int)}
		# massage the data (in-place modifications)
		transform(self.ctree, self.csent, self.cpos, dict(self.gpos),
				self.param, grootpos)
		transform(self.gtree, self.gsent, self.gpos, dict(self.gpos),
				self.param, grootpos)
		# if not gtree or not ctree:
		# 	return dict(LP=0, LR=0, LF=0)
		if self.csent != self.gsent:
			raise ValueError('candidate & gold sentences do not match:\n'
					'%r // %r' % (' '.join(csent), ' '.join(gsent)))
		self.cbrack = bracketings(ctree, self.param['LABELED'],
				self.param['DELETE_LABEL'], self.param['DISC_ONLY'])
		self.gbrack = bracketings(gtree, self.param['LABELED'],
				self.param['DELETE_LABEL'], self.param['DISC_ONLY'])
		self.lascore = self.ted = self.denom = Decimal('nan')
		self.cdep = self.gdep = ()
		self.pgbrack = self.pcbrack = self.grule = self.crule = ()
		if not self.gpos:
			return  # avoid 'sentences' with only punctuation.
		self.lascore = leafancestor(self.gtree, self.ctree,
		if self.param['TED']:
			self.ted, self.denom = treedisteval(self.gtree, self.ctree,
				includeroot=self.gtree.label not in self.param['DELETE_LABEL'])
		if self.param['DEP']:
			self.cdep = dependencies(self.ctree, self.param['HEADRULES'])
			self.gdep = dependencies(self.gtree, self.param['HEADRULES'])
		assert self.lascore != 1 or self.gbrack == self.cbrack, (
				'leaf ancestor score 1.0 but no exact match: (bug?)')
		self.pgbrack = parentedbracketings(self.gtree, labeled=True,
		self.pcbrack = parentedbracketings(self.ctree, labeled=True,
		self.grule = multiset((node.indices, rule)
				for node, rule in zip(self.gtree.subtrees(),
				grammar.lcfrsproductions(self.gtree, self.gsent)))
		self.crule = multiset((node.indices, rule)
				for node, rule in zip(self.ctree.subtrees(),
				grammar.lcfrsproductions(self.ctree, self.csent)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getunknownwordmodel(tagged_sents, unknownword,
		unknownthreshold, openclassthreshold):
	""" Compute an unknown word model that smooths lexical probabilities
	for unknown & rare words.

	:param tagged_sents: the sentences from the training set with the gold POS
			tags from the treebank.
	:param unknownword: a function that returns a signature for a given word;
			e.g., "eschewed" => "_UNK-L-d".
	:param unknownthreshold: words with frequency lower than or equal to this
			are replaced by their signature.
	:param openclassthreshold: tags that rewrite to at least this much word
			types are considered to be open class categories. """
	wordsfortag = defaultdict(set)
	tags = multiset()
	wordtags = multiset()
	sigs = multiset()
	sigtag = multiset()
	words = multiset(word for sent in tagged_sents for word, tag in sent)
	lexicon = {word for word, freq in words.items() if freq > unknownthreshold}
	wordsig = {}
	for sent in tagged_sents:
		for n, (word, tag) in enumerate(sent):
			tags[tag] += 1
			wordtags[word, tag] += 1
			sig = unknownword(word, n, lexicon)
			wordsig[word] = sig  # NB: sig may also depend on n and lexicon
			sigtag[sig, tag] += 1
	if openclassthreshold:
		openclasstags = {tag: len({w.lower() for w in ws})
				for tag, ws in wordsfortag.items()
				if len({w.lower() for w in ws}) >= openclassthreshold}
		closedclasstags = set(tags) - set(openclasstags)
		closedclasswords = {word for tag in closedclasstags
				for word in wordsfortag[tag]}
		openclasswords = lexicon - closedclasswords
		# add rare closed-class words back to lexicon
		openclasstags = {}
		openclasswords = {}
	for sent in tagged_sents:
		for n, (word, _) in enumerate(sent):
			if word not in lexicon:
				sig = unknownword(word, n, lexicon)
				sigs[sig] += 1
	msg = "known words: %d, signature types seen: %d\n" % (
			len(lexicon), len(sigs))
	msg += "open class tags: {%s}\n" % ", ".join(
			"%s:%d" % a for a in openclasstags.items())
	msg += "closed class tags: {%s}" % ", ".join(a for a in closedclasstags)
	return (sigs, words, lexicon, wordsfortag, openclasstags,
			openclasswords, tags, wordtags,
			wordsig, sigtag), msg
Ejemplo n.º 5
def treebankgrammar(trees, sents):
	""" Induce a probabilistic LCFRS with relative frequencies of productions.
	When trees contain no discontinuities, the result is equivalent to a
	treebank PCFG. """
	grammar = multiset(rule for tree, sent in zip(trees, sents)
			for rule in lcfrs_productions(tree, sent))
	lhsfd = multiset()
	for rule, freq in grammar.items():
		lhsfd[rule[0][0]] += freq
	for rule, freq in grammar.items():
		grammar[rule] = Fraction(freq, lhsfd[rule[0][0]])
	return sortgrammar(grammar.items())
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def __init__(self, disconly=False):
		""":param disconly: if True, only collect discontinuous bracketings."""
		self.disconly = disconly
		self.maxlenseen, self.sentcount = Decimal(0), Decimal(0)
		self.exact = Decimal(0)
		self.dicenoms, self.dicedenoms = Decimal(0), Decimal(0)
		self.goldb, self.candb = multiset(), multiset()  # all brackets
		self.lascores = []
		self.golddep, self.canddep = [], []
		self.goldpos, self.candpos = [], []
		# extra accounting for breakdowns:
		self.goldbcat = defaultdict(multiset)  # brackets per category
		self.candbcat = defaultdict(multiset)
		self.goldbatt, self.candbatt = set(), set()  # attachments per category
		self.goldrule, self.candrule = multiset(), multiset()
Ejemplo n.º 7
def bracketings(tree, labeled=True, dellabel=(), disconly=False):
	"""Return the labeled set of bracketings for a tree.

	For each nonterminal node, the set will contain a tuple with the label and
	the set of terminals which it dominates.
	``tree`` must have been processed by ``transform()``.
	The argument ``dellabel`` is only used to exclude the ROOT node from the
	results (because it cannot be deleted by ``transform()`` when non-unary).

	>>> tree = Tree.parse('(S (NP 1) (VP (VB 0) (JJ 2)))', parse_leaf=int)
	>>> params = {'DELETE_LABEL': set(), 'DELETE_WORD': set(),
	... 'EQ_LABEL': {}, 'EQ_WORD': {},
	>>> transform(tree, tree.leaves(), tree.pos(), dict(tree.pos()),
	... params, set())
	>>> sorted(bracketings(tree).items())
	[(('S', (0, 1, 2)), 1), (('VP', (0, 2)), 1)]
	>>> tree = Tree.parse('(S (NP 1) (VP (VB 0) (JJ 2)))', parse_leaf=int)
	>>> params['DELETE_LABEL'] = {'VP'}
	>>> transform(tree, tree.leaves(), tree.pos(), dict(tree.pos()),
	... params, set())
	>>> bracketings(tree)
	Counter({('S', (0, 1, 2)): 1})"""
	return multiset(bracketing(a, labeled) for a in tree.subtrees()
			if a and isinstance(a[0], Tree)  # nonempty, not a preterminal
				and a.label not in dellabel and (not disconly or disc(a)))
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def catbreakdown(self, limit=10):
		"""Print breakdowns for the most frequent labels."""
		acc = self.acc
		print('\n Attachment errors (correct labeled bracketing, wrong parent)')
		print('  label     cand     gold    count')
		print(' ' + 33 * '_')
		gmismatch = dict(acc.goldbatt - acc.candbatt)
		wrong = multiset((label, cparent, gmismatch[n, label, indices])
					for (n, label, indices), cparent
					in acc.candbatt - acc.goldbatt
					if (n, label, indices) in gmismatch)
		for (cat, gparent, cparent), cnt in wrong.most_common(limit):
			print('%s  %s  %s  %7d' % (cat.rjust(7), gparent.rjust(7),
					cparent.rjust(7), cnt))
		print('\n Category Statistics (%s categories / errors)' % (
				('%d most frequent ' % limit) if limit else 'all'))
		print('  label  % gold  recall    prec.     F1',
				'          cand gold       count')
		print(' ' + 38 * '_' + 7 * ' ' + 24 * '_')
		gmismatch = {(n, indices): label
					for n, (label, indices) in acc.goldb - acc.candb}
		wrong = multiset((label, gmismatch[n, indices])
					for n, (label, indices) in acc.candb - acc.goldb
					if (n, indices) in gmismatch)
		freqcats = sorted(set(acc.goldbcat) | set(acc.candbcat),
				key=lambda x: len(acc.goldbcat[x]), reverse=True)
		for cat, mismatch in zip_longest(freqcats[:limit],
			if cat is None:
				print(39 * ' ', end='')
				print('%s  %6.2f  %s  %s  %s' % (
					100 * sum(acc.goldbcat[cat].values()) / len(acc.goldb),
					nozerodiv(lambda: recall(
							acc.goldbcat[cat], acc.candbcat[cat])),
					nozerodiv(lambda: precision(
							acc.goldbcat[cat], acc.candbcat[cat])),
					nozerodiv(lambda: f_measure(
							acc.goldbcat[cat], acc.candbcat[cat])),
					), end='')
			if mismatch is not None:
				print('       %s %7d' % (' '.join((mismatch[0][0].rjust(8),
						mismatch[0][1].ljust(8))), mismatch[1]), end='')
Ejemplo n.º 9
def treebankgrammar(trees, sents, extrarules=None):
	"""Induce a probabilistic LCFRS with relative frequencies of productions.

	When trees contain no discontinuities, the result is equivalent to a
	treebank PCFG.

	:param extarules: A dictionary of productions that will be merged with the
		grammar, with (pseudo)frequencies as values."""
	grammar = multiset(rule for tree, sent in zip(trees, sents)
			for rule in lcfrsproductions(tree, sent))
	if extrarules is not None:
		for rule in extrarules:
			grammar[rule] += extrarules[rule]
	lhsfd = multiset()
	for rule, freq in grammar.items():
		lhsfd[rule[0][0]] += freq
	return sortgrammar((rule, (freq, lhsfd[rule[0][0]]))
			for rule, freq in grammar.items())
Ejemplo n.º 10
def read_from_export(filename, param, delete_pos, encoding):
    """Read a signature from an export-format file.
    Returns a dict which maps sentence numbers to lists of bracketings."""
    # will be returned
    signatures = {}
    pos_tags = {}
    # for reading export data
    within_sentence = False
    sentence = []
    # stores tuples of terminals dominated by node
    tuples_by_nodenum = {}
    for line in io.open(filename, 'r', encoding=encoding):
        line = line.strip()
        if not within_sentence:
            if line.startswith("#BOS"):
                within_sentence = True
            if line.startswith("#EOS"):
                # complete sentence collected, process it
                within_sentence = False
                # get the sentence number from the EOS line
                sent_num = int(line.split(None, 1)[1])
                # remove BOS and EOS lines, split lines into fields
                sentence = [export_split(a) for a in sentence[1:-1]]
                # extract all non-terminal labels
                labels_by_nodenum = {int(fields[NODE][1:]): fields[TAG]
                        for fields in sentence if fields[NODE].startswith('#')}
                labels_by_nodenum[0] = u"VROOT"
                # intialize bracketing store for this sentence
                signatures[sent_num] = multiset()
                pos_tags[sent_num] = set()
                # get the non-terminal labels and the terminals which the
                # corresponding nodes dominate
                export_process_sentence(sentence, labels_by_nodenum,
                        tuples_by_nodenum, pos_tags[sent_num], 0, param,
                for nodenum in tuples_by_nodenum:
                    # the label of a nonterminal
                    label = tuples_by_nodenum[nodenum][0]
                    # the terminals dominated by this nonterminal
                    terminals = tuples_by_nodenum[nodenum][1]
                    # only add non-deleted, non-empty bracketings
                    if (label not in param.get('DELETE_LABEL', ())
                            and terminals):
                        bracketing = Bracketing(
                                label if param['LABELED'] else 'X',
                        signatures[sent_num][bracketing] += 1
                # reset
                sentence = []
                tuples_by_nodenum = {}
    return signatures, pos_tags
Ejemplo n.º 11
def parentedbracketings(tree, labeled=True, dellabel=(), disconly=False):
	"""Return the labeled bracketings with parents for a tree.

		multiset with items of the form ``((label, indices), parentlabel)``
	return multiset((bracketing(a, labeled), getattr(a.parent, 'label', ''))
			for a in tree.subtrees()
			if a and isinstance(a[0], Tree)  # nonempty, not a preterminal
				and a.label not in dellabel
				and (not disconly or disc(a)))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def grammarinfo(grammar, dump=None):
	""" print(some statistics on a grammar, before it goes through Grammar().)

	:param dump: if given a filename, will dump distribution of parsing
		complexity to a file (i.e., p.c. 3 occurs 234 times, 4 occurs 120
		times, etc.) """
	from discodop.eval import mean
	lhs = {rule[0] for (rule, yf), w in grammar}
	l = len(grammar)
	result = "labels: %d" % len({rule[a] for (rule, yf), w in grammar
							for a in range(3) if len(rule) > a})
	result += " of which preterminals: %d\n" % (
		len({rule[0] for (rule, yf), w in grammar if rule[1] == 'Epsilon'})
		or len({rule[a] for (rule, yf), w in grammar
				for a in range(1, 3) if len(rule) > a and rule[a] not in lhs}))
	ll = sum(1 for (rule, yf), w in grammar if rule[1] == 'Epsilon')
	result += "clauses: %d  lexical clauses: %d" % (l, ll)
	result += " non-lexical clauses: %d\n" % (l - ll)
	n, r, yf, w = max((len(yf), rule, yf, w) for (rule, yf), w in grammar)
	result += "max fan-out: %d in " % n
	result += printrule(r, yf, w)
	result += " average: %g\n" % mean([len(yf) for (_, yf), _, in grammar])
	n, r, yf, w = max((sum(map(len, yf)), rule, yf, w)
				for (rule, yf), w in grammar if rule[1] != 'Epsilon')
	result += "max variables: %d in %s\n" % (n, printrule(r, yf, w))

	def parsingcomplexity(yf):
		""" this sums the fanouts of LHS & RHS """
		if isinstance(yf[0], tuple):
			return len(yf) + sum(map(len, yf))
		return 1  # NB: a lexical production has complexity 1

	pc = {(rule, yf, w): parsingcomplexity(yf)
							for (rule, yf), w in grammar}
	r, yf, w = max(pc, key=pc.get)
	result += "max parsing complexity: %d in %s" % (
			pc[r, yf, w], printrule(r, yf, w))
	result += " average %g" % mean(pc.values())
	if dump:
		pcdist = multiset(pc.values())
		open(dump, "w").writelines("%d\t%d\n" % x for x in pcdist.items())
	return result
Ejemplo n.º 13
def entrypoint(this_path, json_path):
    t1 = time.time()
    ds = routines.dicts_from_json_path(json_path)
    authors = multiset()
    for d in ds:
        if "author" in d:
    maxlen = 0
    for a in authors.keys():
        l = len(a)
        if l > maxlen:
            maxlen = l
    lst = list(authors.items())
    lst.sort(key=lambda p: p[1], reverse=True)
    assert lst != None
    for a, n in lst:
        a = f'"{a}"'
        print(f"  {a.ljust(maxlen + 2)} : {n}")
    print("Total execution time: {:.3f} seconds.".format(time.time() - t1))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def evaluate(key, answer, param, encoding):
    """Initiate evaluation of answer file against key file (gold)."""
    # read signature from key file
    key_sig, key_tags = read_from_export(key, param,
            "DELETE_LABEL_FOR_LENGTH", encoding)
    # read signature from answer file
    answer_sig, answer_tags = read_from_export(answer, param,
            "DELETE_LABEL", encoding)

    if not key_sig:
        raise ValueError("no sentences in key")
    if len(answer_sig) > len(key_sig):
        raise ValueError("more sentences in answer than key")
 sent.  prec.   rec.       F1  match   gold test words matched tags

    # missing sentences
    missing = 0
    # number of matching bracketings (labeled)
    total_match = 0
    # total number of brackets in key
    total_key = 0
    # total number of brackets in answer
    total_answer = 0
    total_exact = 0
    total_words = total_matched_pos = total_sents = 0
    # get all sentence numbers from gold
    for sent_num in sorted(key_sig):
        if len(key_tags[sent_num]) > param['CUTOFF_LEN']:
        total_sents += 1
        sent_match = 0
        # get bracketings for key
        # there must be something for every sentence in key
        if sent_num not in key_sig:
            raise ValueError("no data for sent. %d in key" % sent_num)
        key_sent_sig = key_sig[sent_num]
        # get bracketings for answer
        answer_sent_sig = None
        if sent_num in answer_sig:
            answer_sent_sig = answer_sig[sent_num]
            answer_sent_sig = multiset()
            missing += 1
        # compute matching brackets
        sent_match = sum((key_sent_sig & answer_sent_sig).values())
        if key_sent_sig == answer_sent_sig:
            total_exact += 1
        sent_prec = 0.0
        if len(answer_sent_sig) > 0:
            sent_prec = 100 * sent_match / len(answer_sent_sig)
        sent_rec = 0.0
        if len(key_sent_sig) > 0:
            sent_rec = 100 * sent_match / len(key_sent_sig)
        sent_fb1 = 0.0
        if sent_prec + sent_rec > 0:
            sent_fb1 = 2 * sent_prec * sent_rec / (sent_prec + sent_rec)
        tag_match = len(key_tags[sent_num] & answer_tags[sent_num])
        print("%4d  %6.2f  %6.2f  %6.2f    %3d    %3d  %3d  %3d  %3d" % (
                sent_num, sent_prec, sent_rec, sent_fb1,
                sent_match, len(key_sent_sig), len(answer_sent_sig),
                len(answer_tags[sent_num]), tag_match))
        total_match += sent_match
        total_key += len(key_sent_sig)
        total_answer += len(answer_sent_sig)
        total_matched_pos += tag_match
        total_words += len(key_tags[sent_num])

    prec = 0.0
    if total_answer > 0:
        prec = 100 * total_match / total_answer
    rec = 0.0
    if total_key > 0:
        rec = 100 * total_match / total_key
    fb1 = 0.0
    if prec + rec > 0:
        fb1 = 2 * prec * rec / (prec + rec)

    labeled = ('unlabeled', 'labeled')[param['LABELED']]
    print("Summary (%s, <= %d):" % (labeled, param['CUTOFF_LEN']))
    print("Sentences in key".ljust(30), ":", total_sents)
    print("Sentences missing in answer".ljust(30), ":", missing)
    print("Total edges in key".ljust(30), ":", total_key)
    print("Total edges in answer".ljust(30), ":", total_answer)
    print("Total matching edges".ljust(30), ":", total_match)
    print("POS : %6.2f %%" % (100 * total_matched_pos / total_words))
    print("%sP  : %6.2f %%" % (labeled[0].upper(), prec))
    print("%sR  : %6.2f %%" % (labeled[0].upper(), rec))
    print("%sF1 : %6.2f %%" % (labeled[0].upper(), fb1))
    print("EX  : %6.2f %%" % (100 * total_exact / total_sents))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def doparsing(**kwds):
	""" Parse a set of sentences using worker processes. """
	params = DictObj(usetags=True, numproc=None, tailmarker='',
		category=None, deletelabel=(), deleteword=(), corpusfmt='export')
	goldbrackets = multiset()
	totaltokens = 0
	results = [DictObj(name=stage.name) for stage in params.parser.stages]
	for result in results:
				parsetrees=dict.fromkeys(params.testset), brackets=multiset(),
				tagscorrect=0, exact=0, noparse=0)
	if params.numproc == 1:
		dowork = (worker(a) for a in params.testset.items())
		pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=params.numproc,
				initializer=initworker, initargs=(params,))
		dowork = pool.imap_unordered(worker, params.testset.items())
	logging.info('going to parse %d sentences.', len(params.testset))
	# main parse loop over each sentence in test corpus
	for nsent, data in enumerate(dowork, 1):
		sentid, msg, sentresults = data
		sent, goldtree, goldsent, _ = params.testset[sentid]
		logging.debug('%d/%d (%s). [len=%d] %s\n%s', nsent, len(params.testset),
					sentid, len(sent),
					' '.join(a[0] for a in goldsent), msg)
		evaltree = goldtree.copy(True)
		evalmod.transform(evaltree, [w for w, _ in sent], evaltree.pos(),
				dict(evaltree.pos()), params.deletelabel, params.deleteword,
				{}, {})
		goldb = evalmod.bracketings(evaltree, dellabel=params.deletelabel)
		goldbrackets.update((sentid, (label, span)) for label, span
				in goldb.elements())
		totaltokens += sum(1 for _, t in goldsent if t not in params.deletelabel)
		for n, result in enumerate(sentresults):
			results[n].brackets.update((sentid, (label, span)) for label, span
					in result.candb.elements())
			assert (results[n].parsetrees[sentid] is None
					and results[n].elapsedtime[sentid] is None)
			results[n].parsetrees[sentid] = result.parsetree
			results[n].elapsedtime[sentid] = result.elapsedtime
			if result.noparse:
				results[n].noparse += 1
			if result.exact:
				results[n].exact += 1
			results[n].tagscorrect += sum(1 for (_, a), (_, b)
					in zip(goldsent, sorted(result.parsetree.pos()))
					if b not in params.deletelabel and a == b)
				'%s cov %5.2f tag %5.2f ex %5.2f lp %5.2f lr %5.2f lf %5.2f%s',
					100 * (1 - results[n].noparse / nsent),
					100 * (results[n].tagscorrect / totaltokens),
					100 * (results[n].exact / nsent),
					100 * evalmod.precision(goldbrackets, results[n].brackets),
					100 * evalmod.recall(goldbrackets, results[n].brackets),
					100 * evalmod.f_measure(goldbrackets, results[n].brackets),
					('' if n + 1 < len(sentresults) else '\n'))
	if params.numproc != 1:
		del dowork, pool

	writeresults(results, params)
	return results, goldbrackets
Ejemplo n.º 16
def breakdowns(param, goldb, candb, goldpos, candpos, goldbcat, candbcat,
	""" Print breakdowns for the most frequent labels / tags. """
	if param['LABELED'] and param['DEBUG'] != -1:
		print(' Category Statistics (10 most frequent categories / errors)',
		if maxlenseen > param['CUTOFF_LEN']:
			print(' for length <= %d' % param['CUTOFF_LEN'], end='')
		print('  label  % gold  recall    prec.     F1',
				'          test/gold   count')
				'       ____________________')
		gmismatch = {(n, indices): label
					for n, (label, indices) in (goldb - candb)}
		wrong = multiset((label, gmismatch[n, indices])
					for n, (label, indices) in (candb - goldb)
					if (n, indices) in gmismatch)
		freqcats = sorted(set(goldbcat) | set(candbcat),
				key=lambda x: len(goldbcat[x]), reverse=True)
		for cat, mismatch in zip_longest(freqcats[:10], wrong.most_common(10)):
			if cat is None:
				print('                                       ', end='')
				print('%s  %6.2f  %s  %s  %s' % (
					100 * sum(goldbcat[cat].values()) / len(goldb),
					nozerodiv(lambda: recall(goldbcat[cat], candbcat[cat])),
					nozerodiv(lambda: precision(goldbcat[cat], candbcat[cat])),
					nozerodiv(lambda: f_measure(goldbcat[cat], candbcat[cat])),
					), end='')
			if mismatch is not None:
				print('       %s %7d' % (
						'/'.join(mismatch[0]).rjust(12), mismatch[1]), end='')

		if accuracy(goldpos, candpos) != 1:
			print(' Tag Statistics (10 most frequent tags / errors)', end='')
			if maxlenseen > param['CUTOFF_LEN']:
				print(' for length <= %d' % param['CUTOFF_LEN'], end='')
			print('\n    tag  % gold  recall   prec.      F1',
					'          test/gold   count')
					'       ____________________')
			tags = multiset(tag for _, tag in goldpos)
			wrong = multiset((c, g)
					for (_, g), (_, c) in zip(goldpos, candpos) if g != c)
			for tag, mismatch in zip_longest(tags.most_common(10),
				if tag is None:
					print(''.rjust(40), end='')
					goldtag = multiset(n for n, (w, t) in enumerate(goldpos)
							if t == tag[0])
					candtag = multiset(n for n, (w, t) in enumerate(candpos)
							if t == tag[0])
					print('%s  %6.2f  %6.2f  %6.2f  %6.2f' % (
							100 * len(goldtag) / len(goldpos),
							100 * recall(goldtag, candtag),
							100 * precision(goldtag, candtag),
							100 * f_measure(goldtag, candtag)), end='')
				if mismatch is not None:
					print('       %s %7d' % (
						'/'.join(mismatch[0]).rjust(12), mismatch[1]), end='')
Ejemplo n.º 17
def parsetepacoc(
		stages=(dict(mode='pcfg', split=True, markorigin=True),
				dict(mode='plcfrs', prune=True, k=10000, splitprune=True),
				dict(mode='plcfrs', prune=True, k=5000, dop=True,
					usedoubledop=True, estimator='dop1', objective='mpp',
					sample=False, kbest=True)),
		trainmaxwords=999, trainnumsents=25005, testmaxwords=999,
		bintype='binarize', h=1, v=1, factor='right', tailmarker='',
		markhead=False, revmarkov=False, pospa=False,
		leftmostunary=True, rightmostunary=True,
		fanout_marks_before_bin=False, transformations=None,
		usetagger='stanford', resultdir='tepacoc', numproc=1):
	""" Parse the tepacoc test set. """
	for stage in stages:
		for key in stage:
			assert key in DEFAULTSTAGE, 'unrecognized option: %r' % key
	stages = [DictObj({k: stage.get(k, v) for k, v in DEFAULTSTAGE.items()})
			for stage in stages]
	# Log everything, and send it to stderr, in a format with just the message.
	formatstr = '%(message)s'
	logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=formatstr)
	# log up to INFO to a results log file
	fileobj = logging.FileHandler(filename='%s/output.log' % resultdir)
	tepacocids, tepacocsents = readtepacoc()
		(corpus_sents, corpus_taggedsents,
				corpus_trees, corpus_blocks) = pickle.load(
					gzip.open('tiger.pickle.gz', 'rb'))
	except IOError:  # file not found
		corpus = getreader('export')('../tiger/corpus',
				headrules='negra.headrules' if bintype == 'binarize' else None,
				headfinal=True, headreverse=False, punct='move',
		corpus_sents = list(corpus.sents().values())
		corpus_taggedsents = list(corpus.tagged_sents().values())
		corpus_trees = list(corpus.parsed_sents().values())
		if transformations:
			corpus_trees = [transform(tree, sent, transformations)
					for tree, sent in zip(corpus_trees, corpus_sents)]
		corpus_blocks = list(corpus.blocks().values())
		pickle.dump((corpus_sents, corpus_taggedsents, corpus_trees,
			corpus_blocks), gzip.open('tiger.pickle.gz', 'wb'), protocol=-1)

	# test sets (one for each category)
	testsets = {}
	allsents = []
	for cat, catsents in tepacocsents.items():
		testset = sents, trees, goldsents, blocks = [], [], [], []
		for n, sent in catsents:
			if sent != corpus_sents[n]:
						'mismatch. sent %d:\n%r\n%r\n'
						'not in corpus %r\nnot in tepacoc %r',
						n + 1, sent, corpus_sents[n],
						[a for a, b in zip_longest(sent, corpus_sents[n])
							if a and a != b],
						[b for a, b in zip_longest(sent, corpus_sents[n])
							if b and a != b])
			elif len(corpus_sents[n]) <= testmaxwords:
		logging.info('category: %s, %d of %d sentences',
				cat, len(testset[0]), len(catsents))
		testsets[cat] = testset
	testsets['baseline'] = zip(*[sent for n, sent in
				enumerate(zip(corpus_taggedsents, corpus_trees,
						corpus_taggedsents, corpus_blocks))
				if len(sent[1]) <= trainmaxwords
				and n not in tepacocids][trainnumsents:trainnumsents + 2000])

	if usetagger:
		overridetags = ('PTKANT', 'VAIMP')
		taglex = defaultdict(set)
		for sent in corpus_taggedsents[:trainnumsents]:
			for word, tag in sent:
		overridetagdict = {tag:
			{word for word, tags in taglex.items()
			if tags == {tag}} for tag in overridetags}
		tagmap = {'$(': '$[', 'PAV': 'PROAV', 'PIDAT': 'PIAT'}
		# the sentences in the list allsents are modified in-place so that
		# the relevant copy in testsets[cat][0] is updated as well.
		externaltagging(usetagger, '', allsents, overridetagdict, tagmap)

	# training set
	trees, sents, blocks = zip(*[sent for n, sent in
				enumerate(zip(corpus_trees, corpus_sents,
							corpus_blocks)) if len(sent[1]) <= trainmaxwords
							and n not in tepacocids][:trainnumsents])
	getgrammars(trees, sents, stages, bintype, h, v, factor, tailmarker,
			revmarkov, leftmostunary, rightmostunary, pospa, markhead,
			fanout_marks_before_bin, testmaxwords, resultdir,
			numproc, None, False, trees[0].label, None)
	del corpus_sents, corpus_taggedsents, corpus_trees, corpus_blocks
	results = {}
	cnt = 0
	parser = Parser(stages, tailmarker=tailmarker,
	for cat, testset in sorted(testsets.items()):
		if cat == 'baseline':
		logging.info('category: %s', cat)
		begin = time.clock()
		results[cat] = doparsing(parser=parser, testset=testset,
				resultdir=resultdir, usetags=True, numproc=numproc,
		cnt += len(testset[0])
		if numproc == 1:
			logging.info('time elapsed during parsing: %g',
					time.clock() - begin)
		#else:  # wall clock time here
	goldbrackets = multiset()
	totresults = [DictObj(name=stage.name) for stage in stages]
	for result in totresults:
		result.elapsedtime = [None] * cnt
		result.parsetrees = [None] * cnt
		result.brackets = multiset()
		result.exact = result.noparse = 0
	goldblocks = []
	goldsents = []
	for cat, res in results.items():
		logging.info('category: %s', cat)
		goldbrackets |= res[2]
		for result, totresult in zip(res[0], totresults):
			totresult.exact += result.exact
			totresult.noparse += result.noparse
			totresult.brackets |= result.brackets
	oldeval(totresults, goldbrackets)
	# write TOTAL results file with all tepacoc sentences (not the baseline)
	for stage in stages:
		open('TOTAL.%s.export' % stage.name, 'w').writelines(
				open('%s.%s.export' % (cat, stage.name)).read()
				for cat in list(results) + ['gold'])
	# do baseline separately because it shouldn't count towards the total score
	cat = 'baseline'
	logging.info('category: %s', cat)
	oldeval(*doparsing(parser=parser, testset=testsets[cat],
			resultdir=resultdir, usetags=True, numproc=numproc, category=cat))
Ejemplo n.º 18
def doubledop(trees, fragments, debug=False):
	""" Extract a Double-DOP grammar from a treebank. That is, a fragment
	grammar containing all fragments that occur at least twice, plus all
	individual productions needed to obtain full coverage.
	Input trees need to be binarized. A second level of binarization (a normal
	form) is needed when fragments are converted to individual grammar rules,
	which occurs through the removal of internal nodes. The binarization adds
	unique identifiers so that each grammar rule can be mapped back to its
	fragment. In fragments with terminals, we replace their POS tags with a tag
	uniquely identifying that terminal and tag: tag@word.

	:returns: a tuple (grammar, altweights, backtransform)
		altweights is a dictionary containing alternate weights.
	def getweight(frag, terminals):
		""" :returns: frequency, EWE, and other weights for fragment. """
		freq = sum(fragments[frag, terminals].values())
		root = frag[1:frag.index(' ')]
		nonterms = frag.count('(') - 1
		# Sangati & Zuidema (2011, eq. 5)
		# FIXME: verify that this formula is equivalent to Bod (2003).
		ewe = sum(Fraction(v, fragmentcount[k])
				for k, v in fragments[frag, terminals].items())
		# Bonnema (2003, p. 34)
		bon = 2 ** -nonterms * (freq / ntfd[root])
		short = 0.5
		return freq, ewe, bon, short
	uniformweight = (1, 1, 1, 1)
	grammar = {}
	backtransform = {}
	ids = UniqueIDs()
	# build index of the number of fragments extracted from a tree for ewe
	fragmentcount = defaultdict(int)
	for indices in fragments.values():
		for index, cnt in indices.items():
			fragmentcount[index] += cnt
	# ntfd: frequency of a non-terminal node in treebank
	ntfd = multiset(node.label for tree in trees for node in tree.subtrees())

	# binarize, turn to lcfrs productions
	# use artificial markers of binarization as disambiguation,
	# construct a mapping of productions to fragments
	for frag, terminals in fragments:
		prods, newfrag = flatten(frag, terminals, ids)
		prod = prods[0]
		if prod[0][1] == 'Epsilon':  # lexical production
			grammar[prod] = getweight(frag, terminals)
		elif prod in backtransform:
			# normally, rules of fragments are disambiguated by binarization IDs
			# in case there's a fragment with only one or two frontier nodes,
			# we add an artficial node.
			newlabel = "%s}<%d>%s" % (prod[0][0], next(ids),
					'' if len(prod[1]) == 1 else '_%d' % len(prod[1]))
			prod1 = ((prod[0][0], newlabel) + prod[0][2:], prod[1])
			# we have to determine fanout of the first nonterminal
			# on the right hand side
			prod2 = ((newlabel, prod[0][1]),
				tuple((0,) for component in prod[1]
				for a in component if a == 0))
			prods[:1] = [prod1, prod2]

		# first binarized production gets prob. mass
		grammar[prod] = getweight(frag, terminals)
		grammar.update(zip(prods[1:], repeat(uniformweight)))
		# & becomes key in backtransform
		backtransform[prod] = newfrag
	if debug:
		ids = count()
		flatfrags = [flatten(frag, terminals, ids)
				for frag, terminals in fragments]
		print("recurring fragments:")
		for a, b in zip(flatfrags, fragments):
			print("fragment: %s\nprod:     %s" % (b[0], "\n\t".join(
				printrule(r, yf, 0) for r, yf in a[0])))
			print("template: %s\nfreq: %2d  sent: %s\n" % (
					a[1], len(fragments[b]), ' '.join('_' if x is None
					else quotelabel(x) for x in b[1])))
		for a, b in backtransform.items():
			print(a, b)

	# fix order of grammar rules; backtransform will mirror this order
	grammar = sortgrammar(grammar.items())

	# replace keys with numeric ids of rules, drop terminals.
	backtransform = [backtransform[r] for r, _ in grammar
			if r in backtransform]
	# relative frequences as probabilities (don't normalize shortest & bon)
	ntsums = defaultdict(int)
	ntsumsewe = defaultdict(int)
	for rule, (freq, ewe, _, _) in grammar:
		ntsums[rule[0][0]] += freq
		ntsumsewe[rule[0][0]] += ewe
	eweweights = [float(ewe) / ntsumsewe[rule[0][0]]
			for rule, (_, ewe, _, _) in grammar]
	bonweights = [bon for rule, (_, _, bon, _) in grammar]
	shortest = [s for rule, (_, _, _, s) in grammar]
	grammar = [(rule, Fraction(freq, ntsums[rule[0][0]]))
			for rule, (freq, _, _, _) in grammar]
	return grammar, backtransform, dict(
			ewe=eweweights, bon=bonweights, shortest=shortest)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def doeval(gold_trees, gold_sents, cand_trees, cand_sents, param):
	""" Do the actual evaluation on given parse trees and parameters.
	Results are printed to standard output. """
	assert gold_trees, 'no trees in gold file'
	assert cand_trees, 'no trees in parses file'
	keylen = max(len(str(x)) for x in cand_trees)
	if param['DEBUG'] == 1:
		for a in param:
			print('%s\t%s' % (a, param[a]))
		for a in HEADER:
			print(' ' * (keylen - 4) + a)
		print('', '_' * ((keylen - 5) + len(HEADER[-1])))
	# the suffix '40' is for the length restricted results
	maxlenseen = sentcount = maxlenseen40 = sentcount40 = 0
	goldb = multiset()
	candb = multiset()
	goldb40 = multiset()
	candb40 = multiset()
	goldbcat = defaultdict(multiset)
	candbcat = defaultdict(multiset)
	goldbcat40 = defaultdict(multiset)
	candbcat40 = defaultdict(multiset)
	lascores = []
	lascores40 = []
	golddep = []
	canddep = []
	golddep40 = []
	canddep40 = []
	goldpos = []
	candpos = []
	goldpos40 = []
	candpos40 = []
	exact = exact40 = 0.0
	dicenoms = dicedenoms = dicenoms40 = dicedenoms40 = 0
	for n, ctree in cand_trees.items():
		gtree = gold_trees[n]
		cpos = sorted(ctree.pos())
		gpos = sorted(gtree.pos())
		csent = [w for w, _ in cand_sents[n]]
		gsent = [w for w, _ in gold_sents[n]]
		lencpos = sum(1 for _, b in cpos
			if b not in param['DELETE_LABEL_FOR_LENGTH'])
		lengpos = sum(1 for _, b in gpos
			if b not in param['DELETE_LABEL_FOR_LENGTH'])
		assert lencpos == lengpos, ('sentence length mismatch. '
				'sents:\n%s\n%s' % (' '.join(csent), ' '.join(gsent)))
		# massage the data (in-place modifications)
		transform(ctree, csent, cpos, dict(gpos), param['DELETE_LABEL'],
				param['DELETE_WORD'], param['EQ_LABEL'], param['EQ_WORD'])
		transform(gtree, gsent, gpos, dict(gpos), param['DELETE_LABEL'],
				param['DELETE_WORD'], param['EQ_LABEL'], param['EQ_WORD'])
		#if not gtree or not ctree:
		#	continue
		assert csent == gsent, ('candidate & gold sentences do not match:\n'
			'%r // %r' % (' '.join(csent), ' '.join(gsent)))
		cbrack = bracketings(ctree, param['LABELED'], param['DELETE_LABEL'],
		gbrack = bracketings(gtree, param['LABELED'], param['DELETE_LABEL'],
		if not param['DISC_ONLY'] or cbrack or gbrack:
			sentcount += 1
		# this is to deal with 'sentences' with only a single punctuation mark.
		if not gpos:
		if maxlenseen < lencpos:
			maxlenseen = lencpos
		if cbrack == gbrack:
			if not param['DISC_ONLY'] or cbrack or gbrack:
				exact += 1
		candb.update((n, a) for a in cbrack.elements())
		goldb.update((n, a) for a in gbrack.elements())
		for a in gbrack:
			goldbcat[a[0]][(n, a)] += 1
		for a in cbrack:
			candbcat[a[0]][(n, a)] += 1
		lascores.append(leafancestor(gtree, ctree, param['DELETE_LABEL']))
		if param['TED']:
			ted, denom = treedisteval(gtree, ctree,
				includeroot=gtree.label not in param['DELETE_LABEL'])
			dicenoms += ted
			dicedenoms += denom
		if param['DEP']:
			cdep = dependencies(ctree, param['HEADRULES'])
			gdep = dependencies(gtree, param['HEADRULES'])
		if lencpos <= param['CUTOFF_LEN']:
			if not param['DISC_ONLY'] or cbrack or gbrack:
				sentcount40 += 1
			if maxlenseen40 < lencpos:
				maxlenseen40 = lencpos
			candb40.update((n, a) for a in cbrack.elements())
			goldb40.update((n, a) for a in gbrack.elements())
			for a in gbrack:
				goldbcat40[a[0]][(n, a)] += 1
			for a in cbrack:
				candbcat40[a[0]][(n, a)] += 1
			if cbrack == gbrack:
				if not param['DISC_ONLY'] or cbrack or gbrack:
					exact40 += 1
			if lascores[-1] is not None:
			if param['TED']:
				dicenoms40 += ted
				dicedenoms40 += denom
			if param['DEP']:
		assert lascores[-1] != 1 or gbrack == cbrack, (
				'leaf ancestor score 1.0 but no exact match: (bug?)')
		if lascores[-1] is None:
			del lascores[-1]
		if param['DEBUG'] <= 0:
		if param['DEBUG'] > 1:
			for a in HEADER:
				print(' ' * (keylen - 4) + a)
			print('', '_' * ((keylen - 5) + len(HEADER[-1])))
		print(('%' + str(keylen) +
			's  %5d  %s  %s   %5d  %5d  %5d  %5d  %4d  %s %6.2f%s%s') % (
				nozerodiv(lambda: recall(gbrack, cbrack)),
				nozerodiv(lambda: precision(gbrack, cbrack)),
				sum((gbrack & cbrack).values()),
				sum(1 for a, b in zip(gpos, cpos) if a == b),
				nozerodiv(lambda: accuracy(gpos, cpos)),
				100 * lascores[-1],
				str(ted).rjust(3) if param['TED'] else '',
				nozerodiv(lambda: accuracy(gdep, cdep))
						if param['DEP'] else ''))
		if param['DEBUG'] > 1:
			print('Sentence:', ' '.join(gsent))
			print('Gold tree:\n%s\nCandidate tree:\n%s' % (
					DrawTree(gtree, gsent, abbr=True).text(
						unicodelines=True, ansi=True),
					DrawTree(ctree, csent, abbr=True).text(
						unicodelines=True, ansi=True)))
			print('Gold brackets:      %s\nCandidate brackets: %s' % (
					strbracketings(gbrack), strbracketings(cbrack)))
			print('Matched brackets:      %s\nUnmatched brackets: %s' % (
					strbracketings(gbrack & cbrack),
					strbracketings((cbrack - gbrack) | (gbrack - cbrack))))
			goldpaths = leafancestorpaths(gtree, param['DELETE_LABEL'])
			candpaths = leafancestorpaths(ctree, param['DELETE_LABEL'])
			for leaf in goldpaths:
				print('%6.3g  %s     %s : %s' % (
						pathscore(goldpaths[leaf], candpaths[leaf]),
						' '.join(goldpaths[leaf][::-1]).rjust(20),
						' '.join(candpaths[leaf][::-1])))
			print('%6.3g  average = leaf-ancestor score' % lascores[-1])
			print('POS: ', ' '.join('%s/%s' % (a[1], b[1])
					for a, b in zip(cpos, gpos)))
			if param['TED']:
				print('Tree-dist: %g / %g = %g' % (
					ted, denom, 1 - ted / denom))
				newtreedist(gtree, ctree, True)
			if param['DEP']:
				print('Sentence:', ' '.join(gsent))
				print('dependencies gold', ' ' * 35, 'cand')
				for (_, a, b), (_, c, d) in zip(gdep, cdep):
					# use original sentences because we don't delete
					# punctuation for dependency evaluation
					print('%15s -> %15s           %15s -> %15s' % (
						gold_sents[n][a - 1][0], gold_sents[n][b - 1][0],
						cand_sents[n][c - 1][0], cand_sents[n][d - 1][0]))
	breakdowns(param, goldb40, candb40, goldpos40, candpos40, goldbcat40,
			candbcat40, maxlenseen)
	msg = summary(param, goldb, candb, goldpos, candpos, sentcount,
			maxlenseen, exact, lascores, dicenoms, dicedenoms, golddep,
			canddep, goldb40, candb40, goldpos40, candpos40, sentcount40,
			maxlenseen40, exact40, lascores40, dicenoms40, dicedenoms40,
			golddep40, canddep40)
	return msg
Ejemplo n.º 20
def doubledop(trees, sents, debug=False, binarized=True,
		complement=False, iterate=False, numproc=None, extrarules=None):
	"""Extract a Double-DOP grammar from a treebank.

	That is, a fragment grammar containing fragments that occur at least twice,
	plus all individual productions needed to obtain full coverage.
	Input trees need to be binarized. A second level of binarization (a normal
	form) is needed when fragments are converted to individual grammar rules,
	which occurs through the removal of internal nodes. The binarization adds
	unique identifiers so that each grammar rule can be mapped back to its
	fragment. In fragments with terminals, we replace their POS tags with a tag
	uniquely identifying that terminal and tag: ``tag@word``.

	:param binarized: Whether the resulting grammar should be binarized.
	:param iterate, complement, numproc: cf. fragments.getfragments()
	:returns: a tuple (grammar, altweights, backtransform)
		altweights is a dictionary containing alternate weights."""
	def getweight(frag, terminals):
		""":returns: frequency, EWE, and other weights for fragment."""
		freq = sum(fragments[frag, terminals].values())
		root = frag[1:frag.index(' ')]
		nonterms = frag.count('(') - 1
		# Sangati & Zuidema (2011, eq. 5)
		# FIXME: verify that this formula is equivalent to Bod (2003).
		ewe = sum(v / fragmentcount[k]
				for k, v in fragments[frag, terminals].items())
		# Bonnema (2003, p. 34)
		bon = 2 ** -nonterms * (freq / ntfd[root])
		short = 0.5
		return freq, ewe, bon, short

	from discodop.fragments import getfragments
	uniformweight = (1, 1, 1, 1)
	grammar = {}
	backtransform = {}
	ids = UniqueIDs()
	fragments = getfragments(trees, sents, numproc,
			iterate=iterate, complement=complement)
	# build index of the number of fragments extracted from a tree for ewe
	fragmentcount = defaultdict(int)
	for indices in fragments.values():
		for index, cnt in indices.items():
			fragmentcount[index] += cnt
	# ntfd: frequency of a non-terminal node in treebank
	ntfd = multiset(node.label for tree in trees for node in tree.subtrees())

	# binarize, turn into LCFRS productions
	# use artificial markers of binarization as disambiguation,
	# construct a mapping of productions to fragments
	for origfrag in fragments:
		frag, terminals = origfrag
		prods, newfrag = flatten(frag, terminals, ids, backtransform, binarized)
		prod = prods[0]
		if prod[0][1] == 'Epsilon':  # lexical production
			grammar[prod] = getweight(frag, terminals)

		# first binarized production gets prob. mass
		grammar[prod] = getweight(frag, terminals)
		grammar.update(zip(prods[1:], repeat(uniformweight)))
		# & becomes key in backtransform
		backtransform[prod] = origfrag, newfrag
	if debug:
		ids = count()
		flatfrags = [flatten(frag, terminals, ids, {}, binarized)
				for frag, terminals in fragments]
		print("recurring fragments:")
		for a, b in zip(flatfrags, fragments):
			print("fragment: %s\nprod:     %s" % (b[0], "\n\t".join(
				printrule(r, yf, 0) for r, yf in a[0])))
			print("template: %s\nfreq: %2d  sent: %s\n" % (
					a[1], len(fragments[b]), ' '.join('_' if x is None
					else quotelabel(x) for x in b[1])))
		for a, b in backtransform.items():
			print(a, b)

	if extrarules is not None:
		for rule in extrarules:
			x = extrarules[rule]
			a = b = c = 0
			if rule in grammar:
				a, b, c, _ = grammar[rule]
			grammar[rule] = (a + x, b + x, c + x, 0.5)
	# fix order of grammar rules
	grammar = sortgrammar(grammar.items())
	# align fragments and backtransform with corresponding grammar rules
	fragments = OrderedDict((frag, fragments[frag]) for frag in
			(backtransform[rule][0] for rule, _ in grammar if rule in
	backtransform = [backtransform[rule][1] for rule, _ in grammar
			if rule in backtransform]
	# relative frequences as probabilities (don't normalize shortest & bon)
	ntsums = defaultdict(int)
	ntsumsewe = defaultdict(int)
	for rule, (freq, ewe, _, _) in grammar:
		ntsums[rule[0][0]] += freq
		ntsumsewe[rule[0][0]] += ewe
	eweweights = [float(ewe) / ntsumsewe[rule[0][0]]
			for rule, (_, ewe, _, _) in grammar]
	bonweights = [bon for rule, (_, _, bon, _) in grammar]
	shortest = [s for rule, (_, _, _, s) in grammar]
	grammar = [(rule, (freq, ntsums[rule[0][0]]))
			for rule, (freq, _, _, _) in grammar]
	return grammar, backtransform, dict(
			ewe=eweweights, bon=bonweights, shortest=shortest), fragments
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def apply_rule(self, obs1, obs2, obs3):
        label, count = multiset(obs1.elements + obs2.elements + obs3.elements).most_common()[0]

        return Observation(label,
                           self.confidence_boost(obs1, obs2, obs3),
Ejemplo n.º 22
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from itertools import product, combinations, starmap
from collections import Counter as multiset
from tabulate import tabulate

# Configure
MIN_N, MAX_N = 1, 50
table = [["N", "ob(N)", "sb(N)", "quotient", "branch lengths", "orbits", "fundamental", "err"]]
for N, odd_N in [(N, N%2) for N in range(MIN_N, MAX_N+1)]:
  ob_branches, sb_branches, lengths = multiset(), set(), multiset()
  # Identify the middle rows and columns of the board, based on natural 1..N coordinate-indices
  indices = tuple(range(1,N+1))
  middle = tuple(indices[(N-1)//2 : N//2+1]) # middle/median indices (single if odd_n else pair)
  intersection = frozenset(product(middle, middle))
  rows = (product(indices, middle),) if odd_N else (product(indices, middle[:1]), product(indices, middle[1:]))
  cols = (product(middle, indices),) if odd_N else (product(middle[:1], indices), product(middle[1:], indices))
  numrc = len(rows) + len(cols)

  # Key Functions
  def legal(branch): return ((len(branch) == numrc or
                            (len(branch) == numrc-1 and len(branch & intersection))) and
                            all((x,y)==(a,b) or (x!=a and y!=b and x+y!=a+b and x-y!=a-b) for (x,y),(a,b) in combinations(branch, 2)))
  def symmetries(squares):
    mirror, rotate = lambda x,y: (N-x+1, y), lambda x,y: (N-y+1, x)
    mirrors, rotates = lambda squares: starmap(mirror, squares), lambda squares: starmap(rotate, squares)
    return { frozenset(squares), frozenset(mirrors(squares)), frozenset(mirrors(rotates(squares))),
             frozenset(mirrors(rotates(rotates(squares)))), frozenset(mirrors(rotates(rotates(rotates(squares))))),
             frozenset(rotates(squares)), frozenset(rotates(rotates(squares))), frozenset(rotates(rotates(rotates(squares)))) }
  def lexo(branch):
    return tuple(sorted(map(sorted,symmetries(branch)))[0])
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_condition(self, obs1, obs2, obs3):
        mset1 = multiset(obs1.elements + obs2.elements)
        mset2 = multiset(obs2.elements + obs3.elements)

        return self._compute_jaccard_similarity(mset1, mset2) > self.similarity_distance_threshold