Ejemplo n.º 1
    def send_gazette(self):
        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        parent = aq_parent(context)
        now = datetime.now()
        ptool = getToolByName(self.context, 'plone_utils')
        soup = getSoup(self.context, config.SUBSCRIBERS_SOUP_ID)
        providers = self._providers()
        subject = context.Title()

        url = parent.absolute_url() + '/subscription?uuid=%(uuid)s'
        footer_text = parent.footer.output.replace('${url}', '$url')
        footer_text = footer_text.replace('$url', url)
        count = 0
        text = context.text.output + '\n'
        for p in providers:
            text += p.get_gazette_text(parent, context)

        for s in soup.query(active=True):
            # returns email and fullname taken from memberdata if s.username is set and member exists
            subscriber_info = s.get_info(context)
            footer = footer_text % subscriber_info
            mail_text = ""
            if subscriber_info['salutation']:
                mail_text += "%s<br /><br />" % subscriber_info['salutation']
            mail_text += "%s------------<br />%s" % (text, footer)
                if utils.send_mail(context, None, subscriber_info['email'], subscriber_info['fullname'], subject, mail_text):
                    count += 1
            except (SMTPException, SMTPRecipientsRefused):
        context.sent_at = now
        parent.most_recent_issue = context
        ptool.addPortalMessage(_(u'Gazette has been sent to $count recipients', mapping={'count': count}))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_send(self):
     context = aq_inner(self.context)
     parent = aq_parent(context)
     email = parent.test_mail
     ptool = getToolByName(self.context, 'plone_utils')
     if not email:
         ptool.addPortalMessage(_(u'No test email set. Please check Gazette folder settings.'), 'error')
         text = context.text.output + '\n'
         providers = self._providers()
         for p in providers:
             text += p.get_gazette_text(parent, context)
         subject = context.Title()
         url = parent.absolute_url() + '/subscription?uuid='  # NOT SET - just testing
         footer_text = parent.footer.output.replace('${url}', '$url')
         footer_text = footer_text.replace('$url', url)
         footer = footer_text
         mail_text = "%s------------<br />%s" % (text, footer)
             utils.send_mail(context, None, email, 'Tester', subject, mail_text)
         except (SMTPException, SMTPRecipientsRefused):
         ptool.addPortalMessage(_(u'Gazette test has been sent to $email', mapping={'email': email}))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def deactivation_mail(self, subscriber):
     mail_text = IStringInterpolator(self.context)(self.deactivation_template(key=subscriber.key))
     subject = _(u"Please confirm deactivation of your subscription")
     utils.send_mail(self.context, None, subscriber.email, subscriber.fullname, subject, mail_text)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def render(self, test_mode=False, html_only=False):
        """ This method does all the hard work """
        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        if not context.auto_enabled:
            return 'N/A'

        now = datetime.now()
        wtool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow')
        soup = getSoup(self.context, config.SUBSCRIBERS_SOUP_ID)
        # strftime accepts any text, not only strftime characters
        subject = now.strftime(context.auto_subject.encode('utf-8'))
        url = context.absolute_url() + '/subscription?uuid=%(uuid)s'
        footer_text = context.footer.output.replace('${url}', '$url')
        footer_text = footer_text.replace('$url', url)
        count = 0
        base_text = ''
        if context.auto_text:
            base_text += now.strftime(context.auto_text.output.encode('utf-8')) + '\n'
        providers = self._providers()
        gid = 'issue-%s' % now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.%f")
        idx = 0
        while context.check_id(gid):  # python script in skins
            idx += 1
            gid = 'issue-%s-%d' % (now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.%f"), idx)
        # create anonymous issue text to be stored to portal
        text = safe_unicode(base_text)
        auto_text = u''
        provider_names = []

        for p in providers:
            auto_text += safe_unicode(p.get_gazette_text(context, None))

        if not auto_text:
            # There is no automatically geenrated text. Discard sending of newsletter.
            return 'Nothing to send'

        text = text + auto_text
        # Create PDF version of the newsletter using wkhtml2pdf as archive of the issue
        pdf_raw = self.make_pdf(text, html_only)
        if not pdf_raw:
            logger.warning('Unable to create PDF of automatically issued gazette.')
        if not test_mode:
            # create Gazette object representing this issue
            gid = context.invokeFactory('gazette.GazetteIssue', gid)
            gazette = context[gid]
            # Fill the newly create Gazette object with generated data
            gazette.title = subject
            gazette.text = RichTextValue(text, mimeType='text/html', outputMimeType='text/html')
            gazette.providers = provider_names
            gazette.sent_at = now
                # ignore if there is no publish option for now
                wtool.doActionFor(gazette, 'publish')
            # Attach PDF to gazette but only if it is not HTML only mode
            if pdf_raw and not html_only:
                fid = gazette.invokeFactory('File', gid + '.pdf')
                file_pdf = gazette[fid]
                file_pdf.setFile(pdf_raw, mimetype='application/pdf')

            for s in soup.query(active=True):
                # returns email and fullname taken from memberdata if s.username is set and member exists
                subscriber_info = s.get_info(context)
                footer = footer_text % subscriber_info
                mail_text = ""
                if subscriber_info['salutation']:
                    mail_text += "%s<br /><br />" % subscriber_info['salutation']
                mail_text += "%s------------<br />%s" % (text, footer)
                    if utils.send_mail(context, None, subscriber_info['email'], subscriber_info['fullname'], subject, mail_text):
                        count += 1
                except (SMTPException, SMTPRecipientsRefused):
            context.most_recent_issue = gazette
            if html_only:
                self.request.response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html;charset=utf-8')
                self.request.response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
            return pdf_raw

        return str(count)